#camilas gonna hug him from the back and that’ll catch him off guard so he’s gonna accidentally body slam her from his soldier instincts
rolling-harbinger · 2 years
What do you think about a possible Hunter/Camilla dynamic? I'm interested in him getting to see what an actually healthy parent child relationship is like between her and Luz.
Oh I am as well. That will be a very interesting dynamic. I could definitely see something like this happening; Imagine Luz does something that could get her in trouble, so she says something a long the lines of “oh man, my moms gonna kill me”. And then Hunter hears that and he freaks out thinking she actually is going to kill Luz. Since 1. hunter doesn’t understand figures of speech, and 2. He thinks it’s normal for parents to kill their child when they do something wrong. He’s gonna be seeing Camilla be caring and loving to Luz, and he’s gonna be confused as to what she’s even doing. He’s gonna fail a task that Camilla assigned him, and start digging his grave again. Camilla will of course stop him from doing that, and he just isn’t gonna understand why. He’s very sheltered and doesn’t know basic ways for how family should treat you, or how you should treat your own friends. It’s gonna be a very confusing time for him lol. But hopefully it will open his eyes and make him understand that the way Belos treated him was not normal or okay.
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