camp-dessen-rpg-blog · 13 years
Camper Rules and Regulations | All Campers Must Follow These Rules
Those who break the rules will be punished. They will be prohibited from attending all events and will be secluded to their cabins for how ever long the Head- Counselor decides. 
Write home - You will be expected to write a letter home or to a friend at least once a week. It is important to not only keep in contact with your loved ones but to share your experiences at Camp Dessen.
Bullying and exclusion - We at Camp Dessen want to create a fun caring environment for the campers this summer. Bullying or exclusion will not be tolerated, and we encourage the campers to report anything they see.
Leaving Camp Grounds - Campers are allowed to leave the came from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Before heading out to the town a camper must inform Campers under 18 must be accompanied by a counselor, but those who are 18 or older are permitted to go alone. Campers must return by 5:00 pm in time for dinner. Please do not sneak out after hours; this has happened before and campers will be punished. 
Lights out- Lights out at 10:00 pm, no exceptions. The only case where campers may be out of their cabin after ten is during pre-planed camp events.
Camper-Counselor relationships- I love to see campers and counselors becoming great friends. However romantic relations will not be tolerated between a camper and a counselor. While this has yet to happen at Camp Dessen, if it becomes known that such a relationship exists, the campers parents will be notified and the counselor will be fired. I never want to lost any of my staff or ruin a camper's summer experience, so please do not break this rules. 
Head Counselor - Head Counselor Zane Snicket is the final word here at Camp Dessen. His word is law. All questions and issues should be directed towards him. In addition, Zane over see's all that happens at the camp, and will be in charge of doling out any punishments. 
Remember that these rules are to ensure you have a safe and fun time at Camp Dessen.
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