#camping around calgary
tencrushesperday · 5 months
Country Girl (Shake it for me)
matt rempe x reader
warnings : mentions of alcohol, sexual innuendoes, 454 word
no idea where i even got the idea, but let’s not forget our boy is a hockey player from calgary (he would probably laugh in my face for mentioning luke bryan out of all the country artists possible)
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It was finally summer and you had Matt all to yourself. Now that your classes were over and he was done for the season, he had asked you to tag along to Michigan to meet with some of his hockey buddies at a country festival.
You had turned over the whole city looking for a specific pair of red cowboy boots. Your suitcase was packed with jean shorts, cute tops and sundresses. You planned on stealing Matt’s flannels and hoodies in case it was cold in Michigan (and his cowboy hat too obviously).
The camping site was set near the festival fields. You were the furthest thing from a country girl, born and raised in New York, with a lawyer mother and a father working in finance. So you had thought about offering Matt to pay for a hotel a bit further from the festival but he was so happy to be camping with his friends you couldn’t get on your high horses and sound like a prick.
You were already on your what? sixth? seventh? beer of the day and it was barely 5pm. If you couldn’t sing along to the lyrics, you were giving it your all in your moves.
Matt took you on his shoulders at some point and you were sure people behind you hated you both but you’re too buzzed to care.
You couldn’t believe your ears when Luke Bryan came on the stage. You felt ridiculous for only knowing this guy. You were jumping around as soon as Country Girl started playing.
You took Matt’s hands and made him jump in a circle with you, then he spun you around on the lyrics “spin me around this big ole barn” and you threw your head back in a laugh. Your white sundress was fly around you at the movements.
Your hips were swaying around on the guitar riffs and then you beckoned him closer with your finger till you could grab his white t-shirt.
He was so hot with his cowboy hat.
You knew your boyfriend was hot but he was looking particularly delicious in his country boy attire.
His shirt still in your hand, you pulled him even closer with a drunk smile on your face. He was mirroring a just as enamoured expression. You couldn’t help but take the hat off of his head and put it on yours while looking up at him through your lashes.
One eyebrow raised, he was giving you that “Are you sure?” look. So you got on your tippy toes and whispered in his ear “Don’t worry cowboy you’ll get a ride later”, the smirk audible in your words.
Later that night, you both disappeared from the party and went to “take a walk” by the lake as Matt had so expertly put when his friends asked.
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fannyyann · 6 months
Hiiiii Stephanie I am curious about the lore around Matthew’s deal taking a long time because he did not want it to eliminate a teammate, I did not know this!!! His big heart 😭 Anyway if you would not mind sharing more I would love to learn more about this….
(- jules-in-deep)
First, I never mind sharing matthew lore! And second, I transcribed Matthew's quotes to the best of my abilities but he RAMBLES SO MUCH so they aren't entirely verbatim.
In the press conference they held after he signed, Treliving said this:
“As we were going through this process, we really only had two goals in mind this summer. When you complete the season and sort of do your debriefing and then you come back and try to put together a plan for the summer, our two goals for the summer were number one to sign Matthew and number two was to keep our team intact. What we wanted to eliminate was a distressed transaction, where we were in a situation where you had to throw a body under the tarmac to create space and it comes with challenges and it comes with, potentially, risks. We talked at length at the beginning of the process to Matthew and his representatives and I can tell you from the start, as you go through this process, Matthew’s goal was the same. He obviously wanted to get his situation resolved, but it could not, would not, and did not result with the elimination of a teammate. That’s what Matthew said to me at the beginning of the process and it goes again to the type of individual that we’re dealing with here.”
And Matthew said this:
"Yeah I think the plan from the start, we were looking at every option, but, you know, long term was kind of preferred at the start, and wanting to be here as long as possible, and being a Calgary Flame. So we thought that was going to be the way to get it done at the start. Then talking with Tre, and obviously getting feedback, we knew the whole cap room and everything, and we both kind of came to the conclusion at the beginning of camp that a three year deal was going to work best for the team. So, the best case scenario happened where there isn't one guy who had to be moved in this process. That was a fear of mine, you know, you never want to see that happen, and we had such a great team last year, and we brought in some pieces that made us that much better, and can be more successful in the postseason, so it was just a bonus that no one—that everyone is still here."
And then after his trade to Florida, Matthew said this:
"During this process this summer, I kinda thought back to three years prior when I was going through my contract situation then, and throughout the whole process after my entry-level, I was like 'six, seven, eight years, what are we doing?' and nothing really came from it. Finally last second, Brad—who's one of the best and one of my favorite guys in hockey. He's been awesome to me in everything, through both contracts he was great. So that summer, like at the middle of training camp, he's like 'well the only way we can keep this team together is three years,' so I was like 'okay, this isn't my ideal situation' but talking to craig, my uncle who represents me, he's like 'do you want to actually put yourself in a better position to evaluate it all in three years.'"
And then, as we know from an after hours appearance (1:00), he gifted his teammates and the training staff these wine bottles :')
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butterflyintochains · 3 months
The Power Couple Contest
For nearly twenty years, there has been one power couple on the Pittsburgh Penguins. It's been Sid and Geno with everyone else around them. Now, heading into their second season as a quartet, there's two power couples. Unknown to everyone until last season, Kris has been with Erik from afar since 2011. One weekend in North Carolina has changed everything thirteen years on.
And, our two power couples are not ceding their places willingly.
It all begins when the team get back home for training camp with Sully and Quinn. Normally early to the rink, Sid and Geno are surprised to see Kris and Erik taking shot drills already. The rest of the defence watching on intently. Like students watching their teachers. ''Oh, hi, guys!'' Jack says, waving them over.
Quinn instructs the six defencemen. ''Alright, backwards lengths of the rink, boys.''
They all line up at the back line, and take off skating backwards for six lengths of the rink. Kris coming first, Erik not too far behind him in second, Ivy surprising everyone in third. ''Not bad, kid.'' Kris commends the youngest of the six.
Jack's eyes widen with the praise. ''Thank you, Kris.''
The sextet stop for some water, Erik leans against the boards, and says. ''We've still got it, hjartat.''
Kris laughs, tucking a lock of Erik's newly long hair behind his ear. ''We never lost it, amour.''
Gravy asks them, ''What was that weekend in Raleigh like?'' Their eyes glisten, they share a soft look, Kris says. ''Amazing, from the minute we got there. Just, the best weekend ever.'' Erik nods, putting his water bottle down. ''Yeah, just, so special. It felt like everything fell into place.''
Marcus asks them both. ''Did you know then? That this was it for you two?''
Kris thinks for a moment, Sid could recognise Kris' thinking face from a mile off. ''I think on some level, we did.'' Erik nods in agreement, and says. ''Sometimes, you find your other half when you least expect it.''
The team get back on with training for the preseason, Sid and Geno exchange a glance, they are Kris and Erik's number one supporters, have been since this past winter. This team has plenty of room for two power couples, but, one is clearly more senior to the other. ''Sid, I can feel you thinking, what's up?'' Geno asks while they're having lunch.
Sid looks over to Kris and Erik. ''I'm just thinking people need to take more notice of the Two Headed Monster, that's all.'' Geno smirks, liking where this is going already. ''What? Like, compete against Tanger and Karl to see who's best?''
Sid shrugs, sitting back in his seat. ''Maybe, are you up for that?'' Geno leans over to kiss Sid's temple. ''Get ready to brush up on your Russian.''
Over at Kris and Erik's table, they're working on a notebook of game strategies. A hold over from their long distance days to maximise their teams' playoff potentials. Calgary don't have Markstrom anymore, so they note down a weakness in goaltending. Suddenly, Kris feels a disturbance in the force. ''Kris, you okay?'' Erik asks. Kris looks over to Sid and Geno. ''They're plotting something.'' Erik furrows his brows, clicking his pen. ''How do you know that?'' Kris swallows, and says. ''I just do.''
Kris and Erik get their confirmation during the team's first preseason game back against Columbus. Not on the same unit, but always keeping their eyes on each other. After Rusty's opening goal in the first period to put the team up 1-0, Kris spots Sid kiss Geno's cheek before the second unit goes up for their shift. His best friends don't normally do public displays like that, not anymore anyway. Erik looks to him, as if asking him; 'Is this part of their plot?' Kris just nods, it has to mean something, right? ''You okay, Tanger?'' Acciari asks.
Kris nods, coming out of his reverie. ''Yeah, Cookie, I'm fine.'' But, as they come back down the tunnel after a 3-0 win against the Jackets, Kris looks over to Sid from his stall. Sid is in deep conversation with Geno, shoulders turned inwards, knees almost touching. Totally lost in each other while Sully gives the debrief. ''Captain, are you with me?'' Sully asks.
Sid flashes an innocent smile, one which Kris isn't buying, neither is Erik now. ''Yeah, sorry, coach, got a bit lost.''
After debrief, Erik slides over to Kris, both are now in street clothes to go home for something to eat and sleep. ''What do you think, hjartat?''
Kris says, watching the loving looks Sid and Geno are exchanging as they get going. ''I'd say the gauntlet has been thrown down.'' Erik asks him once they're home and in bed. ''What do we do, then?'' Kris just says, a massive grin on his beautiful face. ''Well, we've taught each other well, right?'' Erik laughs, and kisses Kris, this is his life for the foreseeable future, let the fun begin.
Round two comes during training for their third of six preseason games, this time against Detroit. The two defencemen suiting up in silence, having come in this morning hand in hand in front of everyone. They hang back, always leaving last. They hit the ice with their defence partners for drills, Kris looks to Erik for his cue. He hates to use his Swedish for evil, but, this is just too good to pass up. ''Nu går vi, alskad!'' Kris encourages Erik from his place on the bench. Erik winds up for a slapshot past Ned's ear. ''Tack, hjartat mitt!'' Erik shouts over to him.
Kris effortlessly says. ''Varsågod, alskad!''
Erik decides to switch things up during Kris' shift on Sid's unit. ''Bon chance, mon coeur!'' He says in his near-perfect French. A labour of love for his other half. Kris shoots him a wink before Sully drops the puck. Sid is clearly flustered by something, Lars steals the puck from him. Kris manages to steal it back after a scrum in the corner. ''Allez, allez!''
Kris feeds Drew for a beauty of a goal on an odd man rush. ''Tres bien, mon tresor.'' Erik says to Kris as he skates back to the bench. Kris smiles lovingly. ''Merci beaucoup, mon amour.''
They sneak a glance over to Sid and Geno, who look like they felt a couple of days ago. During lunch, Lars says to them. ''Was it hard learning totally new languages for each other?''
Erik sips some of his protein shake. ''A bit, at least for me, French is easy to write, but speaking is difficult. But, it was so worth it.'' Kris nods, fiddling with his watch. ''Swedish is a tricky one, getting a good accent was the hardest part. But, that's what you do when you love someone that much.''
PO says to Erik. ''I honestly couldn't tell, you sound so fluent at French.''
Marcus looks to Kris. ''Same for you in Swedish, your accent is actually pretty good.''
Meanwhile, Sid is comparing Babel to Duolingo to see which languages app is best for learning Russian. He opts for Babel, registers, and gets set up for his Russian course. Geno slogged through learning English for the team, he will get better at his beloved's language.
Round three comes during the actual season itself, midway through October. The team have to fly out to Ontario for a couple of games against Toronto and Ottawa. Sid does something nobody ever thought he'd do on the team's plane, after years of sitting alone since Flower left, he gives the seat to Geno. Rusty almost chokes on his coffee. Bunts, confused to all hell, thumps his friend on the back. ''Why did everyone get all quiet? What's going on?'' Drew asks.
Rusty coughs, thanking Bunts quickly, before explaining. ''That was Flower's seat once upon a time.''
Sid flashes a serene smile, his eyes all shiny. ''Well, can't a guy sit with the love of his life? Flower's not gonna know, he's in Minny, right?'' Erik nudges Kris from the card table. ''Ja, jag vet.'' Kris says, pulling his phone out.
Kris: Bonjour, mon ami! Guess what Sid just did!
They take off, Kris has had Flower's ear since day one, this is going to be interesting. His phone pings just as Sid and Geno get comfortable together.
Flower: What did he do, mon frere?
Kris leans over to Erik so he can be in on this conversation too. He has no secrets from Erik, ever.
Kris: He gave your seat to Geno!
Flower gets back to him just as their lunch is being served.
Flower: Tabernak! Traitor!
Kris texts back, Erik looking at his phone with him.
Kris: That's what I thought! I take it he'll be hearing from you about this, yeah?
Flower gets back to him right away.
Flower: Oh, you bet.
Lars looks up from his food, and asks. ''Who are you texting with, Tanger?''
Kris smirks. ''Just checking in on someone in my family, Tiger.'' Marcus asks, reading the mood between his two friends. ''You told Flower, didn't you?''
Erik quietly confirms. ''Yes, he did.'' He turns to his partner. ''You are evil, and I love you so much for it.'' Kris chuckles, leaning over to kiss Erik on the cheek. ''I love you too.'' They finish eating, and get back on with their two vs two chess game.
Nothing happens until they get to Ottawa, Flower always likes to let things simmer, it's why he and Kris made such a good menace pair together for so long. He's waiting until they're in Erik's old kingdom. They get in for morning skate, right on cue, Sid and Geno's phones blow up. ''Again? The hell does Flower want now?'' Geno asks. PO laughs, taping his stick up. ''Maybe he wants to come home?''
Sid reads his message. ''Says the seat next to him is Middleton's now.''
Geno asks, incredulous. ''How did he even know about that?'' Erik tries to settle his voice down, he loves his partner so fucking much it hurts sometimes. ''He's a goalie, Sid, he knows everything.'' Kris comes in from talking to Sully about something. ''What are we talking about?''
Geno says. ''Flower can't stop texting us. Know anything about this, Legenda?''
Kris says, picking his helmet up. ''Not even a little bit, G.'' Sid turns his phone off, and says to Geno. ''Davai, lyubimiy?'' In broken Russian, but still Russian. Geno nods, beaming at Sid with love and pride. ''Da, davai.''
Well, that was not something Erik banked on hearing today. He looks at Kris, now, it's his turn. And, he knows exactly what to do.
After their shootout win against Ottawa, still down Brady Tkachuk during his paternity leave, an interviewer asks the ex-captain. ''Erik, I know it must be special coming back here every time, do you still get that feeling?''
Erik nods. ''Oh, yeah, of course I do. This team, this city meant a lot to me, and still do. I found the love of my life as a Senator, so it's nice getting to come here with Kris today.'' He lets the nostalgia of it sit in the air, he says. ''Obviously, it's taken a while for us to be where we are, but Ottawa is part of our story, in so many ways.''
It takes that trip to Ontario for the reality of what's going on with the core to sink in with the rest of the team. The guys get together at Cranberry for a family meeting without them once they're home for a few games. Acciari asks once they're all seated. ''Any idea what the hell is going on with the core lately?''
Jansen nods, and crosses his arms over his chest. ''Good question, Noel, what the fuck has gotten into them?''
Jack asks, still so new here despite being in his second season with the team. ''Are we sure this isn't just standard operating, though? They're all different types of weird, right?'' Rusty laughs, so does everyone else, he says. ''That's true, Ivy. But, no, this is different.'' Tristan pipes up, saying. ''Ned, PO, and I have a theory. It's crazy, but it's something.''
Lars says. ''Well, we're all ears, boys, let's hear it.''
Ned says, after thinking of how best to phrase this. ''We think this is a contest, to see who the best of our power couples is. Sid and Geno started it, and now Kris and Erik are in for keeps.'' Marcus chuckles, something dark in his laugh. ''If you're right, good luck to Sid and Geno. They're up against two people who love a long game, and have had to play it subtle for so long.''
Rusty counters. ''More like good luck Kris and Erik. You're not beating the Two Headed Monster, Dragon.''
Jesse asks, looking concerned. ''Should we put a stop to this? Tell Kyle? This could hurt the team, no?''
Bunts laughs, putting his feet up on the table. ''We're first in the Met, Jess, I think we're okay.''
Gravy muses, adding to Jesse's question to the group. ''Besides, how would we tell Kyle? 'Hey, boss, our leadership are having a romance-off, can you tell them to stop? Yeah, four first ballot hall of famers, they're having a weird romance-off, tell them to stop, please?' It's too weird to even be happening.'' Drew asks, rubbing his hands together. ''So... we just... let this continue?''
Nieto says. ''I don't think we have a choice, OC. Besides, don't we wanna see how far this goes? This is the wildest I've seen Karl since my first year in San Jose.'' Lars sighs, consigned to being the mature adult for the rest of the team this season. ''Well, may the most unhinged couple win.'' Ain't that the truth?
After their overtime win against the struggling Anaheim Ducks at PPG Paints, they've got a rare couple of days off. This is when things get interesting. Sully hosts an optional skate on their first of the two days off, and, as usual, all of the core turn up. Geno walks in carrying a plastic container of something, he puts it down on a table, revealing some fresh baked oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies. ''Take one if you want, they're amazing.'' Geno says.
Tristan gingerly takes one for himself, and bites into it. ''Are they ever? Did you bake these, G?''
Geno happily says. ''No, Sid did. My grandmother's recipe, asked for it from my mum a few days ago.''
Kris and Erik take one each, diet plan - and contest - be damned. They are really good cookies. ''They're really good, Sid.'' Erik says, putting the little contest on hold for a moment.
Sid proudly smiles, taking one for himself. ''Thanks, Karl.'' After they suit up, Kris and Erik sit in silence, that might just be the trump card to end this. What the hell do they do now? ''Do we bust out the suits yet, or...'' Kris asks.
Erik bites one of his finger nails. ''No, I wanna save those for a better effect.''
PO says to them, ever their enabler in stuff like this. ''Here's an idea: it's small, but effective. Sid and Geno basically never wear their wedding rings, right? So, wear yours constantly.'' Kris beams, and embraces his honourary son. ''Thank you so much, Pierre.''
PO smiles, and mock-salutes them. ''Happy to help. When's our first game back in Raleigh?''
Erik says, checking the schedule on the wall. ''Next week, why?'' PO answers. ''Well, do it then, coming full circle, y'know?'' Kris wells up, insanely proud of his boy. ''I am so proud of the menace you've become, Pierre.''
They linger a bit longer in the hotel in Raleigh that evening. Having specifically asked for the same room they used back in 2011, for sentimental reasons, of course. That drew no end of adoration from the team, Bunts even comparing it to two birds returning to their favourite nest. The special suits are at home in their garment bags, it's not time yet, but, they're matching in black suits and gold ties tonight. Sitting pride of place on their left ring fingers - their handfasting rings. Sid and Geno had the big wedding. They, however, handfasted in Vetlanda a couple of summers ago. ''Ready, mon amour?'' Kris asks.
Erik nods, looking sinfully good. ''I'm ready, hjartat, let's go and get them.''
They're not late down, but they are the last ones down to roll call. Ned's jaw drops, the entire team look at them. In their Pittsburgh coloured suits, the ties drawing attention to the wedding rings. ''Well, don't you two look expensive tonight?'' Acciari says.
Kris smiles, looking lovingly at Erik. ''Well, we're coming full circle tonight: this city, same hotel, same room. We wanted to make an effort.''
Geno asks, not exactly buying that fully. ''Are you sure that's all this is?''
Erik assures his center. ''Absolutely, Geno, Kris and I owe this city a debt, this is how we repay it.''
The game is scrappy, but the reborn Penguins get it done 4-3 in regulation, Kris using his gratitude to this city to score the winner, he fishes his wedding ring out of his jersey, and presses it to his lips. Erik dries his eyes as he stands from his place on the bench. Sid's jaw drops, how come he didn't predict they'd throw down the hammer in the city where they fell in love? Jake comes to visit after the game. ''Hi, guys! How's it going?'' He innocently asks.
Tristan bursts out laughing. ''Oh, it's going, Guentzy.'' Jake looks confused, noticing Rusty's tired face. ''What's up with you, Rusty?'' Rusty groans. ''Oh, just... stuff, Jakey.''
Jake asks, looking around the dressing room. ''Oh! Is it the thing you texted me about last week? How's that going?''
Bunts says, eating an energy bar. ''Well, Sid's pissed that Tanger and Karl brought their A-game tonight: wedding rings, matching suits in team colours, and Tanger kissed his ring after scoring the winner.'' Jake laughs, he loves his hockey dad to death, but this is too good. ''What was he expecting? They met and fell in love here! In the same weekend!''
Raks just applauds Jake's rationality. ''That's what I said, Jakey! He just got all grumbly.''
Jake muses. ''Might just ask to come home this winter if things are like this backstage.''
Rusty pleads with his younger brother. ''Please do, I can't do this alone, Jakey!''
Their next away game is to Detroit. So, momentum should swing in Sid and Geno's favour for that game. They have the connection to Detroit that Kris and Erik have to Raleigh.
And, swing in their favour it does, They opt for a similar tactic as the defencemen did in Raleigh. Linger slightly later in the hotel room, and come down together, also wearing their wedding rings, paired with a blue and orange tie for Sid, and a tartan tie for Geno. Lars asks them once they're on the bus. ''Nice ties, boys, any symbolism?''
Geno nods, and says. ''Nova Scotia tartan, same tie Sid gifted us last year.''
Sid adds. ''Mine is in the colours of Magnitogorsk, the coat of arms has these orange and blue ribbons on it.''
PO asks, after turning his phone on for the ride. ''Looking forward to this one, guys? Detroit means a lot to you two, doesn't it?'' Sid nods, looking at Geno with his usual doe eyed look, like Geno hung the moon. ''Yeah, our first cup as a couple, and here we are nineteen years later. The Two Headed Monster against all odds.''
Kris grips his water bottle a bit tighter at that, he and Erik have never won a cup together, and one of his almost destroyed everything for them. Erik places a calming hand on his knee. ''Kan inte andas, hjartat.'' Erik whispers
Kris nods, relaxing. ''Ja, tack, alskad.''
This game is all Sid and Geno, where the last was all Kris and Erik, Gonchar and Lemieux reborn showing why their hockey dads chose them above the rest. Both notching a pair of goals each, assisting each other on one each. Ville Husso is performing miracle work, but the Penguins beat the Red Wings 5-2. Sid, normally a consummate professional, says in the dressing room. ''2009, baby, 2009!''
Geno nods, beaming his most beautiful smile at Sid. ''Two Headed Monster, Sid.''
Sid nods, affirming. ''Two Headed Monster, Geno.''
Erik says, not to be rude, just to correct them on something. ''Three Headed Monster, Geno.''
Kris calmly says, despite how much he's hated that nickname over the years. ''Nah, we can be the Twin Terrors, can't we, Erik?'' Erik kisses Kris on the cheek. ''I think you're right.''
Sid and Geno skip out on team dinner to return to the hotel together that night, this round safely in their hands. They feel pretty sure there's nothing Kris and Erik could do that can top carrying this team to a win in Detroit.
Erik comes in alone to training once they're home a few days later. Kris still at home in a PA meeting about the Olympics next year in Italy. He'll be in in about twenty minutes. Erik turns the team's heads as he strides in with a gorgeous bouquet of lilies in his arm. Fresh from the local florist they take their evening runs past. He gently makes sure the card is in its proper place before laying it down at Kris' stall, and going to get changed for a gym session. Sid takes note of the flowers, lilies, white lilies. The flowers on the flag of Quebec, and Kris' favourites. Even the wrapping is all Kris, in his favourite colour - gold. ''God, they're beautiful.'' Drew says, breathless.
Tristan looks at the bouquet, they must have been expensive. ''I know, wonder what the card says.''
Ned warns him. ''Don't you dare.''
Tristan assures his fellow goalie. ''Oh, no, I won't. I'm just curious.'' Jansen adds. ''And jealous too, like, when's it my turn, y'know?'' Kris gets in, visibly melting at the sight of the flowers. ''Oh, mon amour, mon dieu.'' He utters, picking them up, and taking their scent in. Tears glittering in his eyes as he reads the card. ''Je t'aime pour toujours aussi, mon amour.''
Erik surfaces, ready to hit the gym, Kris just pulls him in for a kiss. ''Tack så mycket, alskad mitt.''
Erik dries Kris' eyes with his thumbs. ''Mycket tacksam, hjartat mitt, jag alskar dig evigt.''
Kris says, switching from French to Swedish with near scary perfection. ''Jag alskar dig evigt ocksa.''
PO sniffles, and says. ''Let's hit the gym before we're all sobbing, boys.''
While in the gym, Kris talks in Swedish with Erik, Marcus, and Raks while on the bikes. No one has heard him speak English yet today, probably overcome with Erik's gift. Kris must tell some kind of joke, because the three native Swedes burst out laughing. Even Lars, a Dane, understands the joke, and cracks a smile. ''Y'know, is there anything more romantic than learning an entire language for someone you love? Like, Kris is basically half-Swedish by now.'' Acciari says.
Jansen says, watching the little group chatting. ''I know! It's so cool, right? And, you know what they do every summer?''
Nieto leans over, eager for some gossip. ''No, what?''
Jansen says. ''They head to Montreal for a few weeks, then go to Sweden, then head back to Montreal before coming here.'' Acciari's face softens. ''God, I'm so jealous. What are the forwards gonna do next? That's what I'm curious about.''
Jesse says, joining the forwards gossip gang. ''I think it might be very similar to what Karl did for Tanger just now. Sid's Russian is also improving slowly, things are about to get juicy.''
Predictably, Geno retaliates a couple of days later. Coming in somewhat later than everyone else with an absolutely adorable penguin plushie and a card for Sid. It's November, but Valentine's has definitely come early to Pittsburgh. The ribbon around the penguin's neck is in Sid's favourite colour - red. Sid gets that trademark 'Geno smile' on his face when presented with his gift. His smile bright enough to light up the state, his eyes glistening with over a decade of love. He reads the card, and dries his eyes. ''Spasibo, Geno. I love you so much, you know that, right?'' He says in Russian, leaning up for a kiss.
Geno happily says. ''I do, and I love you too. You're welcome, Sid. What d'you want to name him?''
Sid thinks for a minute, Sam and Maverick are their pets, so those names are out. ''How about Puck? Puck the Penguin?'' Geno nods, approving of the name. ''Sounds good to me.''
They get on with training, the air on the rink is different, as if everyone can feel the plotting coming from the two defencemen to claw back their winning position in the contest. PO and Rusty share a competitive look along the bench, one set of parents has just pulled ahead again. Rusty raises an eyebrow. Sid even managing some Russian encouragement for Geno during training, Geno's face flushing pink at something Sid says. ''Wish we had another Russian on the team.'' Marcus says.
Jack laughs, and asks. ''Why, so you could ask him what that meant?'' Marcus nods, downing some gatorade. ''Yeah, and feed some info back to our leaders.''
Gravy asks. ''What do we think they're planning?''
PO leans into the d-corps gossip circle, a tradition Kris himself started with Engelland back in the day. ''I've heard about a pair of special gameday suits, but they've yet to see the light of day.''
Jack asks, sitting up straighter. ''What? Even more special than the matching team colour suits from Raleigh?''
PO nods, a shit-eating grin on his face, he is truly their boy. ''Yeah, allegedly. Erik has them locked and loaded in their closet.'' PO also asks. ''Did we ever figure out how Flower knew about this?''
Marcus nods. ''Tanger texted him about Sid giving his seat to Geno.'' Jack laughs. ''That is evil.''
December comes, and the team are still somehow first in the Metro division, six points clear of the Rangers in second. Even better, Sid, Kris, and Erik have been selected for Four Nations in January. The contest will surely take a pause then, Geno can't be there, so there's no point. So, that means seven weeks for both to bring out the big stuff. Right now, though, the boys have a game in Montreal to focus on. Kris' home, Sid's childhood team. Kris and Erik are the only ones not staying at the team hotel for this game, using their house in Montreal instead. Stating they wanted to sleep in their own bed tonight. Sid and Geno get down for roll call together, looking handsome as ever in sleek black suits, wearing their 1000th game watches and their wedding rings as well. Jack looks at PO, who knows his hockey dads like the back of his hand. ''What d'you think? Have they texted you yet?'' He whispers.
PO whispers back, looking at Sid as he does. ''Just you wait, something is coming.''
Sully finishes taking attendance, adding. ''Tanger and Karl will be showing up in one of their cars from their house, so, let's go!'' The bus ride is full of anticipation, if Sid and Geno poured it on for tonight, what the hell do Kris and Erik have planned? With the luxury of living here?
Just as the bus parks at the arena, so does Kris' Aston Martin. Everyone waits eagerly to see what's going to happen, even Sully and Quinn - who have largely stayed out of this contest. The doors open, and out step both Kris and Erik. Kris looks stunning, in a blue and gold three piece suit, his wedding ring, and his 1000th game watch. Erik is equally stunning in a matching suit in red and white, his ring, and his 1000th game watch. Kris offers his hand, and Erik proudly takes it. ''Holy fuck, wow.'' Lars says.
Kris greets the boys. ''Good evening, gents, how's it going?'' Marcus clears his throat. ''Oh, it's going, Tanger.''
Erik asks, looking at he team's stunned faces. ''We've got a game tonight, boys, shouldn't we head inside?''
The team snap out of their trances, and follow the duo inside. Kris and Erik hand in hand in their flag suits. Sid and Geno hate it, because they definitely thought they had the edge this time, but, they never banked on that happening this side of christmas.
After their 4-0 win, with goals from all of the core tonight. Sid asks Kris in the dressing room. ''How long have you two had those locked and loaded?''
Kris flashes the most innocent smile he can muster, buttoning his navy blue jacket up. ''You know how we kept our fittings with Glorius private? Back in september.''
Erik adds. ''This suit is a revision on one I wore in 2019 after we got back together. Just three piece instead of two.''
Sid's jaw drops. ''I saw the pictures of that suit! That's why you wore it?'' Erik nods, laughing like a hyena.
Kris adds, putting his watch back on. ''The same day, I wore a blue coat and gold scarf to training, that inspired this suit.''
Geno looks to Sid, who rolls his eyes in surrender. They must cede this round to Kris and Erik, they'd have never thought of doing flag themed suits.
Things cool down a bit for a couple of weeks. Kris and Erik riding their lead happily, those flag suits might just be the ace to end the contest. No one quite knows what exactly Sid and Geno can do ahead of the Battle of Pennsylvania tonight. The first of three divisional games in seven nights. Washington next, then the Islanders. Games against Philly always carry a different air to them, even without Giroux captaining the Flyers golden generation. The boys show up, and get suited at PPG Paints Arena. Sully does the read and preamble, and they get going.
The first period is all Pittsburgh, notching up two goals before intermission from Acciari and Rusty. Hathaway and Couturier team up for two goals to level it in the second 2-2. ''What are you thinking about, hjartat?'' Erik asks Kris.
Kris says. ''We're going to OT tonight.''
Erik chuckles, and says. ''Not about that, about the other thing.'' Kris says, keeping things vague enough to not call Sid and Geno's bluff. ''I have a hunch, just wait and see if I'm right.''
True enough, the game goes to Overtime at 4-4 in the third. And, Sully puts the big three in. Kris winks at Erik, as if to say; 'Just you wait.' Erik nods.
It doesn't take long, just half a minute, for Geno to feed Sid for the game winner. The arena goes into hysterics as their helmets come off, and they share a passionate kiss on the ice. Erik's eyes blow wide, have they just lost the contest tonight? ''Told you, didn't I?'' Kris asks him as they walk down the tunnel.
Erik nods. ''Yeah, you did. Do we concede tonight, or what?'' Kris says, taking Erik's hand. ''Erik, mon beau amour, have you met us? Besides, I think they just played out their hand.''
Erik grins, and presses his lips to his partner's neck. ''You're sexy when you scheme.''
Kris returns the favour, taking in his partner's scent. ''Likewise.''
Ahead of their first home game against Washington, the guys sit in the locker room before the core show up for morning skate. Mostly for a debrief, they feel all but certain Sid and Geno have won this contest, how do you beat creating a game winner and celebrating with a kiss against your state rival? ''Well, congrats to Team Crosby-Malkin, I guess.'' Lars says.
Bunts nods, picking at his nails. ''Yeah, I agree, Tiger. Kris and Erik should probably concede tonight, how do you beat that?''
Marcus sticks up for his partner and his leader. ''I don't know, Bunts, Kris and Erik don't give up, they regroup. They've come this far, they're not conceding now.''
PO backs Marcus up. ''Yeah, They've got to have something planned for tonight, right? We're playing Washington, that's the perfect time.'' Rusty scoffs. ''What could possibly top the kiss during our Philly game?''
Tristan says, popping his knuckles. ''I suppose we'll just need to wait and see.''
They're 4-2 up in the third period against the Capitals, who are without TJ Oshie through illness tonight. The ace in Kris and Erik's sleeves has yet to manifest, and Sid and Geno are looking incredibly satisfied with their victory. Until, however, a shift where both defencemen are partnered, and Tom Wilson charges Erik. Kris kneels at his love's side. ''I'm fine, just give me a minute.'' Erik says.
Kris sees red, and tosses his stick and helmet aside, dropping the gloves with Wilson. Clocking him in the nose without a hair being put out of place. ''Don't fuck with us, Wilson.'' He says, heart pounding. Wes announces the penalties. ''Number 43 for Washington five minutes for charging, and 58 for Pittsburgh five minutes for fighting.'' Kris makes his way to the box. No one will know that they were going to concede tonight, now, they're back in the contest.
After their 5-3 win, Kris kneels down at beside Erik, scanning his face to make sure he's okay. ''I'm okay, hjartat, I promise, a bit sore, but no damage.''
Kris nods, running his fingers through his partner's long hair. ''Je sais, je t'aime toujours, mon amour.''
Erik kisses him. ''Je t'aime toujours aussi, mon coeur.''
At his stall, Geno sits back heavily, that kiss should have been the winning blow to end this, now Kris just fought back... literally. Sid looks equally stunned, that was clearly not planned, but it didn't have to be in order to work. ''What do we do, G?'' Sid asks.
Geno shrugs, this contest has been fun, but how the hell do they end this? ''No idea.''
The team notice things start to slow down over the coming week after Four Nations. They're still a mile ahead of second in the Metro division, so the playoffs aren't a huge worry yet. Both couples seem to be regrouping, since neither have even broached the topic of conceding. It's almost like there's no more aces left to play, not that it's affecting their games any. ''Wonder what they're planning now. It's been weeks since anything happened.'' PO says to Jack during a gym session.
Jack shrugs, sitting himself down at a weight bench. ''I dunno, maybe it's over?''
Drew dumps his stuff at a bike. ''I'd say they're done by now, it's been weeks, and neither have done anything since that game against Washington.''
Bunts asks, seeming disappointed. ''Then, who won? Or, are they at an eternal stalemate?''
PO sighs, also disappointed that this is how the most fun period of his time with the team has seemingly ended. ''I don't know. Guess we'll have to see if anyone concedes in the next few days.''
A few slow days pass, the team coming back from a brief trip out to the Central division, having won their three games against Nashville, St Louis, and Chicago comfortably. The core call a family meeting at Cranberry ahead of training, having not really spoken about the contest too much since before Four Nations - where Canada won. The boys get into the dressing room, and sit at their stalls. The leadership core walk in last, all in team hoodies and jeans. They stand at the front of the room where Sully and Quinn normally stand. ''Well, what's going on now?'' Rusty asks, looking tired.
Sid says, stepping into the captain role Mario trusted him with all those years ago. ''The Contest, the four of us have been doing some talking, and we know you've been having fun watching it.''
Kris remarks. ''And, we've had fun doing it.''
Sid says, with a slight smile. ''That's true. But, we've agreed to end it today.''
Acciari says, looking disappointed. ''Why, though? It's been so much fun!''
Erik says, turning his wedding ring on his finger. ''We know, Cookie, believe us. But, it's run its course, it's February now, and we've been at it since September.''
Bunts exclaims. ''But, we're first in the division during it! What happens now?''
Kris checks his phone. ''Bunts, we're eight points clear of the Rangers, leading the East, and fourth in the League. We're okay for now.''
The room goes silent, as if everyone is sitting on the obvious question that nobody wants to ask. Sure, the contest is over now, that much is certain. But, a contest needs a winner, doesn't it? Eventually Lars asks. ''Well, who won?''
The core share a devious grin with each other, Geno says. ''That's where you all come in! Who do you guys think won?'' With that, the core take their leave, leaving a heated debate in the dressing room. While they go for an interview with PK Subban for Sportsnet. ''Before we head into the media room, let's make each other some promises. We promise to never do this to each other again, and we promise to lead this team to a cup in spring, okay?'' Kris, ever the conscience of this family, says.
Sid nods, thankful to be done with this period of his captaincy at any rate. ''Got ya, Tanger. Geno, do you promise?''
Geno nods. ''Always, Legenda.''
Erik presses a kiss to Kris' cheek. ''Let's go get that cup, together, as a quartet.''
With that, they head in for their interview, their hold on the team stronger than ever, and the most chaotic time probably in Pittsburgh Penguins history finally over for good. Besides, there's a cup to be won, right?
Well, the product of a brainstorming session with a friend is complete at last! This has been such a fun story to work on over this weekend! I don't mean to start discourse, so anyone else who finds this fic, please keep that to yourself. I just love the idea of a team wide Power Couple Contest so much, so had to write this story. Both couples win for different reasons, and the contest was all in good fun.
Also, fair warning, my Swedish and Russian are from google translate mostly, my French is from my education.
Anyway, that said. Enjoy!!
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tkachuktkaching · 1 year
A year ago today, the Florida Panthers shocked the hockey world by pulling off a late-night blockbuster deal — one which brought Matthew Tkachuk to town in a trade which sent two of their top players to the Calgary Flames.
And they have never looked back.
In his first year in South Florida, Tkachuk has been everything the Panthers hoped he would — and, perhaps, more.
Not only did Tkachuk exceeded his scoring total from the season before, but he became one of the biggest names in South Florida sports as he helped lead the Panthers to the Stanley Cup Final with playoff heroics.
In his first season here, not only was Tkachuk the MVP of the All-Star Game held in Sunrise, but he was a finalist for the Hart Memorial Trophy as league MVP.
Around 11 p.m. on a Friday night, phones started buzzing as news of the trade unfolded.
Everyone knew Tkachuk wanted out of Calgary, that had been public for about a week before the trade went down.
But Florida going all-in to get him was a calculated effort in which neither the Panthers, Flames nor Tkachuk’s camp leaked information until the deal was done.
“There was a very short window and the timeframe was very quick,” general manager Bill Zito said. “When you have an opportunity like this, you need to pursue it. The cost was very high and we decided it was something we needed to pursue. We are thrilled to be where we are right now.”
Tkachuk, in fact, was asked by his agent (and uncle) Craig Oster to say nothing about the eight-year contract extension he was getting with Calgary which would pave his way to the Panthers in the first sign-and-trade in NHL history.
Only he was on a family vacation to celebrate his brother Brady’s engagement.
Matthew Tkachuk ended up spilling the beans to his happy parents.
“I was the happiest person ever,’’ Tkachuk said. “(Oster) said ‘don’t tell anyone’ so I went to my parents’ room and told them. I was thinking about everything — but we couldn’t say anything.”
Still, the news did not leave the Jersey Shore until it hit the NHL offices which led to the leak to the national media.
The Panthers were not trying to bury the trade that night. They were just trying to keep things under wraps as much as possible as other teams — reportedly Tkachuk’s hometown St. Louis Blues and Carolina Hurricanes — were also in talks with Calgary about a trade.
Zito made sure by throwing in two great players, a top prospect and first-round pick that he would not get outbid by anyone for Tkachuk.
“Situations, like this, when you can add a player like Matthew to your organization, the price is steep,” Zito said. “That’s how things worked out.”
Now a year in, Tkachuk is embedded in South Florida with a house in Fort Lauderdale he compares to a hotel because so many family members stop in to visit during the season.
At 25, he remains one of the top young players in the NHL — and has seven years remaining on his contract.
The future is bright for both Tkachuk and the Panthers.
While they were all disappointed with the way the season ended in a 5-game loss to Vegas in the Cup Final, the road to the championship is something which will not be soon forgotten.
Tkachuk’s overtime winners against Carolina and trying to play through a fractured sternum will not be, either.
“It just shows how badly we wanted it, which makes it that much harder now,” Tkachuk said a few days after the season ended.
“There are so many things throughout the season that it’s just such a grind to get to where we are are. … It was such an unbelievable season to be a part of for my first one down here.’’
Yeah it was.
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luke-hughes43 · 2 months
ok so I have three au's that I wanna start but I wanna see what you guys want so I'm gonna post a little blurb about each au and let you guys vote!
macklin celebrity x allison carter (eden's world)
macklin and allison meet during training camp. they both go out one night and run into each other, and hang an instant connection. she plays field hockey at uc berkeley and her family is majorly connected at the calgary flames where her brother plays and her dad used to play and now is the gm.
will smith x kathryn donato (stella's world)
will and kathryn are childhood best friends and start dating at 14. kathryn grew up on the same street as will and his family but moves tot he south shore of mass around the time they start dating, fortunately for both of them, they go to school on the same street in need ham. will going to st. sebastians and kathryn going to st. victorias (a fake school). kathryn goes to harvard to play hockey, it runs in her family with her dad being the men's coach, and her brothers going there too; her brother ryan now playing in the nhl for chicago.
cutter gauthier x rebecca mcgroarty (stella's world)
cutter and rebecca (everyone just calls her becca) is the definition of brother's best friend. becca is rutger's twin and are virtually inseparable. so when both the gauthier's and mcgroarty's move to michigan, rutger and cutter instantly become best friends. which also meant that cutter became close to becca. when they are 17, cutter finally caves to his feelings that had been brewing since they were 14, and asked her out. she says yes and the rest is pretty much history. becca is a division 1 gymnast at the university of florida and qualifies for the olympics (maybe?) in 2024 at 20.
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drawn arrows unseen
part 8 / previous installments/tags
Anaheim keeps him Mason up after camp. It’s different than playing in Europe. Everything’s faster, and more guys are alphas. It’s a process, learning to take advantage of scent while keeping all his other skills sharp. He blows his assignment a couple of times, completely losing track of some beta who doesn’t smell like anything.
For Mason’s first few games, Trevor’s the only omega on the ice. He laughs it all off, all of the chirps and the cross-checks, everyone who shoves him around. Des does his job as enforcer, but their other alphas – Getzy, Hamp, Commer, Fowler, Manson, Grant – leave things to Jamie. His omega, his problem.
Jamie doesn’t get into it with opposing players too much. Once he takes a slashing penalty and explains to Mason later that the other guy was smelling some kind of way about Trevor.
Mason gets used to an NHL locker room, but the level of filth that comes out in the chirping when they play Buffalo and Montreal still manages to surprise him. He’s not sure why guys don’t chirp Trevor that way, telling him all the things they’d make him do, all the ways he’d take their knot. It’s not because anybody respects Trevor. Mason loves him, but Trevor’s objectively way more annoying than Caufield and Skinner.
He asks Getz about it, and his answer is typically curt. “Unbonded,” Getzy says. “It’s not personal.”
sorry you got sent down, Connor texts him after Mason reaches his ninth game and coach calls him in for the conversation. Wj?
lfg, Mason types. He wonders if they’ll let him room with Connor again at world juniors. It’s surprising to remember how salty he was about getting paired with Connor last time. Now they text like every day. Connor’s got questions, and Mason sends him pictures of all the stuff that makes him think holy shit, I’m really in the NHL. Like the steak salads, or all the different kinds of shampoo in the shower. It doesn’t feel like bragging the way it would if Mason was talking to one of his other friends, not when it’s so obvious that Connor’s going to make it.
He doesn’t tell Connor about presenting. It’s just a weird thing to say over text. And it’s not like he’s telling anyone else, anyway.
Back in the OHL, it feels like he’s missing a finger. He’s figured out how to use his nose, and now it might as well be cut off. There’s nothing to smell. His coaches are all betas.  On the ice, none of his teammates has presented. Off the ice, he’s still in a mask (thanks, Canada). In the handful of games he plays with Peterborough, he doesn’t encounter any overagers on the other team. Just a couple of alpha coaches as he flies past the opposing bench. By the time selection camp starts, he’s used to being under the radar.
It doesn’t work that way with Team Canada.
An assistant coach takes Mason aside in the lobby of their hotel in Calgary. Under a chandelier bristling with antlers, the coach’s nostrils flare as he inspects Mason. “We had you with Bedard again.” He runs his thumb down the stack of keycards in his hand, making the paper sleeves buzz. “We’ll have to switch you up.”
“Why?” Mason tries to make it sound like a question and not an objection.
“Now that you’ve presented.” The coach draws himself upward, trying to compensate for Mason’s height advantage. “Best to have you with another alpha.”
“You don’t have to do that.” It’s not like he’s going to fight Connor. Even if he did, Connor could give as good as he gets, just like he always has with Mason.
The coach sizes him up. His worn leather scent is faintly perceptible through Mason’s mask. “You’re not gonna cause any problems for us?”
“No, of course not.” Connor’s probably going to be an alpha anyway, if that’s what the coaches care about. What problems could he possibly cause by rooming with him now?
“Make sure of it.” The coach hands him a key.
Connor gets off the elevator as Mason is about to get on. “Hey.” He gives Mason the closest thing he has to a smile, which means that the curl of his lip gets a little more pronounced for a moment. Then he gives Mason a hug.
The familiar scent rushes straight to Mason’s head. He might as well not be wearing a mask. How fucking dumb is he? It wasn’t their hotel room. It’s Connor who smells like fresh ice, cedar planks, cold steel. Mason breathes in and the word appears in his head unbidden: omega.
Which doesn’t make any sense. This isn’t what omegas smell like. Omegas smell like watermelon or violets or grape jelly, sweet and boring.
And he hasn’t heard anything about Connor being an omega. It would be big news, if Canada’s next phenom was an omega. Something would have come across Mason’s twitter. Maybe Mason’s  wrong. Connor’s so young. He shouldn’t smell like anything yet. Maybe something’s messed up. Something’s wrong with Mason’s nose, like an allergic reaction to hotels or something. Or maybe something’s wrong with Connor. Mason resolves not to fuck anything up. He’s not even going to think about it.
“You okay?” Connor pats Mason’s chest, trying to step back from the hug.
“Yeah, just.” Mason drops his arms, dazed. “Long flight.”
“Want to ditch your stuff?” Connor hits the elevator button as he’s asking.
“Sure.” Mason inhales so hard the edges of his mask crumple against his face. The elevator is full of Connor’s icy scent. Their room’s going to smell like heaven. Their room’s going to put Mason through hell.
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hockeylvr59 · 1 year
Here With Me Part 28 || Taylor Makar
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Author’s Note: Kelsey considers what the future may hold for her and Taylor before jetting off to Calgary to spend two weeks with him and the Makar's. FC: Marina Laswick (@marooshk on instagram). P.S. Happy 1 week until Taylor's season starts.
Warnings: familial fighting, relationship tension, awkwardness // Word Count: 4,548
Twenty Seven
Days passed one by one as Kelsey watched the countdown tick away while she did her best to keep herself busy. She met up with friends, continued plugging away at her thesis paper, and worked on applications for med school. Yet she hadn’t been able to get one of the questions on Tufts application out of her head. 
Outside of beginning your residency or other academic avenues, where do you see yourself in five years (family, social, hobbies, ect.)? 
It was something that Kelsey hadn’t really thought about before, so focused on getting into med school so that she could become an obstetrician. Immediately her mind drifted to Taylor and how in love with him she was and what the future held for them. The first year of med school would be manageable, he’d still be at UMass and all of the schools she’d applied to so far weren’t that far of a drive. 
But what about after that? What about once Taylor was done with school? 
That was already in the back of her mind when Taylor brought up being asked back to the Avalanche’s prospect camp in July about a week before she was set to fly to see him. 
There was a strong chance that Taylor would remain a member of the Avalanche organization which would put him in Colorado once he was done with school. 2,000 miles. That was a hell of a lot more distance to cover. 
And it wasn’t like the University of Colorado didn’t have a good med school program, they were just as good if not better than other schools she was applying to. 
So much was still up in the air regarding her and Taylor’s future as a couple but if Tayor was going to be in Colorado, shouldn’t she at least apply and make it an option for herself? At least give themselves that chance? Possibly one year of long distance versus three or more. It seemed stupid not to and before she knew it Kelsey had submitted the University of Colorado’s medical school as one of her primary choices and completed the application and all other requirements. 
Unless Taylor brought it up however, she was going to keep it to herself just in case she wasn’t accepted. No point in getting his hopes up unnecessarily. 
Thankfully her passport had arrived a few days prior to her scheduled departure. Kelsey had tried to pack modestly, they were spending a few days in Calgary before heading to his family’s lake house in BC so light clothes were the name of the game. She threw a pair of pants into her suitcase in case of cool evenings but decided she could just steal one of Taylor’s hoodies when she got there in order to save space. 
“And where exactly are you packing to go?” As she packed two new swimsuits, Kelsey heard her mother’s voice appear in her doorway. She had purposely avoided telling her parents about her trip, though she had mentioned going to see Taylor to her dad, just without specifics. 
“Calgary to see Taylor.” As soon as the words left her mouth, Kelsey could practically see the smoke spilling from her mom’s ears. 
“I don’t think so.” The tone of her mom’s voice signaled that she expected those four words to be the end of it. Turning around, Kelsey put both hands on her hips signaling that she wasn’t backing down. 
“You can think whatever you want mom but I’m going to visit my boyfriend and his family.” 
“I’m telling you you’re not allowed to go.” 
“Yeah well last I checked I’m an adult so you no longer get to make decisions for me.” 
“I already told your cousin Mary we would be at her baby shower next weekend.” If her mother really thought she was going to guilt trip Kelsey into staying she had another thing coming. 
“You mean for her fifth child? The one she only got pregnant with hoping it would guilt her husband into staying…yeah I’ll pass.” 
“She’s going to ask where you are.” 
“Because she was so concerned when I wasn’t any of the first four. Yeah I don’t think so.” 
“Kelsey Anne. You’re not going.” 
The glare shared between them could melt a glacier. 
“If I had said I was going to the Outer Banks with some girlfriends would we be having this conversation right now?” 
Her mother didn’t even have to say it for Kelsey to know that they indeed would not be. 
“You’re only acting like this because you don’t like my boyfriend even though you haven’t even given him a chance. And that’s too bad….because I am head over heels in love with him and I’m going to do everything I can to make sure that I get to spend the rest of my life with him. So you’re just gonna have to get used to it.” 
“He’s only going to leave you once he graduates.” 
“Given that you know literally nothing about him and what kind of person he is I don’t think you get to draw that conclusion. I’m going to Calgary, that’s all there is to it. Now get out of my room so I can finish packing.” 
Slamming her door shut as soon as her mother walked away, Kelsey leaned against it and sighed. Her mom was certainly doing an A+ job of pushing her away and making her never want to come home again. 
Kelsey hadn’t spoken to her mom again prior to catching a ride with a friend to Boston and hopping onto her plane to Calgary early Monday June 12th. Thankfully she had found a direct flight so after a roughly six hour plane ride she arrived in Calgary mid afternoon. 
Texting Taylor that she had landed, she made her way through customs and to baggage claim to get her suitcase before heading out to the pickup area once Taylor had confirmed that he was there waiting for her. 
Though she knew that the pickup lane was the most practical spot to meet, Kelsey was a little bummed that it meant she wasn’t going to get a hug and kiss from Taylor as they needed to load her bag into the back and get going. All she wanted after three weeks apart was to feel his arms wrapped around her. Nonetheless, after loading her bag, she climbed into the passenger seat and smiled at Taylor softly, though the tension from the flight and everything still lingered in her body. 
“Hey.” Taylor murmured as he leaned over the center console to kiss her softly and quickly before pulling away from the curb. 
“Flight okay?” Taylor asked as he made his way back toward the highway. 
“Yeah, just long.” Kelsey murmured back. 
Once Taylor was safely on the highway with slightly less traffic surrounding them, his right hand fell to her thigh rubbing softly. It wasn’t a hug but it would do for now and Kelsey rested her hand on his, squeezing gently. 
Looking out the window, Kelsey took in the new sights surrounding her, a bit overwhelmed by it all. Eventually Taylor got off the highway and navigated through back streets before coming to a stop. It wasn’t a residential neighborhood, so Kelsey was a little confused. 
“I thought we’d stop for ice cream.” Taylor declared, looking over at her with the softest eyes. 
“Sure.” Kelsey agreed. Ice cream did sound good but first Kelsey really needed that hug. 
Climbing out of the car, Kelsey moved to meet Taylor, stopping in front of him expectantly. 
“Ice cream is that way.” He pointed, a smirk developing on his face. 
“Taylor…” Kelsey insisted, knowing he knew what she really wanted. Chuckling softly, he finally pulled her into his arms, lips pressing softly against her hair. Immediately the tension poured off Kelsey’s shoulders and she hugged him back tightly, face buried into his chest. 
“Guess it’s a good thing I showered after the gym this morning.” He joked after a few minutes, causing Kelsey to pull away, giggling softly at how he always knew how to settle her mood. 
“I missed you.” She shrugged softly, her tone raw. 
“Missed you too. Now let’s get some ice cream.” Taylor declared, tucking her into his side as he guided her to the store so she could pick out her post flight treat. 
With some of her tension finally lifted, Kelsey could finally feel the excitement radiating from Taylor as he kept peeking down at her and it made her feel warm to know that he was so excited that she had come to see him. 
Sitting close in a spot in the shade, they devoured their treats, Kelsey choosing to embrace being in Canada and having maple flavored ice cream made from Canadian syrup and Canadian dairy while Taylor had a vegan coconut lime. It was not her preference but it was still good and something different than she’d had before. 
After finishing, they disposed of their trash before heading back to the car hand in hand. 
“Alright, back to my parents.” He declared as Kelsey stopped him near the passenger door. 
“First I want a proper kiss.” Kelsey insisted, fisting his shirt gently, not satisfied with only the quick peck at the airport. At the moment, the parking lot wasn’t full of kids or anything so it wasn’t like it would be wholly inappropriate. 
Taylor just smiled, face completely relaxed and happy before humming and dipping his head to press his lips to hers as she lifted up against him, exploring him after the separation. 
After a moment, Kelsey felt his dick press a bit more insistently against her stomach and she smiled into the kiss. She was in lazy plane clothing but yet he was still reacting to her. 
Breaking the kiss, Kelsey gazed up at him with twinkling eyes, acknowledging how he’d grown a bit just from a simple kiss with just a look. 
“You’re trouble.” He mumbled into her ear before opening the passenger door for her. Quickly he rounded the car to climb into the driver’s seat but after putting the key in the ignition he leaned his head back against the headrest. 
Reaching over, Kelsey rested a hand on his thigh causing him to turn his head looking at her like ‘let me regroup would you.’ 
Giggling softly, Kelsey pulled her hand back and bit her lip as Taylor adjusted himself in his shorts. 
“Yeah better get that under control since we can’t have sex at your parents’.” 
“What?” Taylor questioned his voice filled with confusion which only made Kelsey confused. 
“We can’t have sex at your parents’.” She repeated.
“My parents don’t care.” Taylor stated matter of factly. “They basically know we’re having sex. As long as we’re safe they don’t care.” 
Kelsey could only stare at him, a mixture of shock and disbelief on her face.
“Kels….” Taylor murmured. “My mom saw the hickeys you left on me before I came home for Christmas and all I got was a ‘just be safe and use protection.’” 
Kelsey’s cheeks flared red and she turned her head to the window clearly looking uncomfortable. 
“Doesn’t mean they’re okay with it happening under their roof.” Kelsey mumbled. 
“Kels if you don’t wanna have sex, we won’t, but I’m telling you my parents couldn’t care less so long as there are no grand babies for a long time.” 
With Taylor’s erection dissipating because of the conversation, he buckled his seatbelt and shifted the car into reverse, backing out of the parking spot and proceeding back to the road. 
It didn’t take long to get home and after parking the car, Taylor moved to help Kelsey with her bags. 
“Welcome to Calgary, Kels.” Taylor grinned, putting that prior conversation behind them and focusing on enjoying the two weeks his girlfriend was here. Following him inside, Kelsey’s first thought was that it was quaint and comfortable, everything she had assumed Taylor’s parents’ home would be. “Mom and dad should be home soon but c’mon we’ll take your bags to my room and then I’ll give you the tour.” 
“Your room?” Kelsey breathed, the words sticking with her the moment he’d said them. 
“Yeah Kels…my room where you’ll be staying…with me.” Taylor declared, turning to face her after setting the bags down at the bottom of the stairs. “Where did you think you’d be staying?” 
“I don’t know…a guest room.” Kelsey shrugged. An exasperated look crossed Taylor’s face before he shook his head softly noting to himself that they would revisit later if she wanted to sleep in the guest room once she was actually sounding like herself. 
“I think we need to have a conversation with my parents later.” Taylor sighed, turning to pick Kelsey’s bags up and starting up the stairs to set them in his room for now at least. 
With Kelsey following, Taylor gave her a quick tour of the house before suggesting that she take a post-travel shower. Though Kelsey hesitated for a minute she finally agreed that was a good idea and so Taylor got her a clean towel and showed her how the shower works before heading back downstairs to the couch.
That was where Laura found him when she got home from work ten minutes later. 
“Hey sweetie, where’s Kelsey?” Laura asked, seeing that Taylor was all alone. 
“Showering.” Taylor replied, running his fingers through his hair. “Can you do me a favor and talk to her about room sharing and stuff?” 
“Sure. I’m just going to change first.” Laura confirmed, knowing something must be off if Taylor was already asking her to talk to Kelsey, before moving to go through her usual post work routine. 
When she came back down, Kelsey was in the kitchen getting a glass of water and Laura immediately greeted her, offering a hug. 
“We’re so glad you’re finally here.” Laura declared, her hug warm as she wrapped Kelsey in her arms. Though it didn’t last long, it was the kind of hug that you couldn’t help but relax into. 
“I’m glad to be here too.” Kelsey murmured back, though her voice wasn’t filled with its usual confidence. 
“Was your flight okay?” Laura inquired. 
“Yeah.” Kelsey agreed. “Just a little long. I’ve only flown along the east coast before so it was definitely longer than I’m used to.” 
“I bet.” Laura replied, moving around the kitchen to get together the things she needed to make dinner. As she did, Taylor appeared from the living room, kissing Kelsey’s head as he moved to refill his own drink. 
“So what’s the plan for the week before we head to the cabin Thursday?” Laura questioned. 
“Just figured I’d show Kels Calgary tomorrow and then Wednesday we’d go hike Mount St. Piran.” Taylor declared, smiling as Kelsey grinned at the thought of a hike. “It’s got some great views and isn’t as crazy busy as some of the other trails out that way so it should be good.” 
“Make sure you take plenty of water and sunscreen.” Laura reminded, as all mothers do. 
“Of course. Kels and I have the whole hiking thing down by now with all our post season hikes.” Taylor bragged because even if it had only been two or three, that was more than he’d hiked at all the previous year in Amherst. 
“Good.” Laura nodded. “Now can you go clean off the grill and get it started for dinner for me?” 
“On it.” Taylor declared, moving to gather the things he needed. 
“And Kelsey can keep me company in here.” Laura added on, gesturing for Kelsey to take a seat at the kitchen island. 
Kelsey exchanged a look with Taylor before he dipped outside and then swallowed hard. 
“How are med school applications going? Taylor mentioned you’d been spending a lot of time of on those these last few weeks.” Laura questioned, trying to make Kelsey comfortable before beginning to ask what Taylor had wanted her to. 
“First round is in so now I just wait for interviews and stuff in the fall.” Kelsey explained with a shrug. 
“Well that’s good. Now you can just relax while you’re here.” Laura stated with a smile while peeling sweet potatoes. “I’m sure Tay took your things to his room since we figured you’d be most comfortable there.” 
Immediately Kelsey turned a little pink and dropped her eyes to look intently at her glass of water. 
“If you’d prefer a guest room, we can get one set up for you that’s no problem.” Laura added, watching as Kelsey opened and closed her mouth a few times without speaking. “Whatever makes you comfortable Kelsey…that’s all we want.”
“I want to sleep next to him…” Kelsey whispered, tone almost ashamed.
“Then what’s stopping you?” Laura questioned, clearly sensing there was more going on. 
Flushing further, Kelsey shrunk into the stool she was sitting on. Meanwhile, Laura continued peeling and cutting the sweet potatoes before putting them in foil and starting on starting on the green beans that would join them. 
“I don’t want to give you any reason not to like me.” Kelsey eventually mumbled under her breath, peeking out to where Taylor was still scrubbing away at the grill. 
“Kelsey…why would that make us not like you?” Laura started. “We got you two a hotel room in Amherst and Gary dropped Taylor off at your apartment to sleep over before that. It’s not a secret to anyone that you have sleepovers together.” 
“Would be to my parents….” Kelsey muttered softly. With the front door opening with Gary’s arrival, the conversation paused as Taylor’s dad made his way into the kitchen greeting Kelsey warmly. 
“Would you look at that, she made it.” He grinned, though he immediately picked up on the tension in the room. 
“Hi Mr. Makar.” Kelsey stated softly. 
“You know it’s Gary Kelsey.” He reminded her, moving to kiss his wife. “Everything good in here?” He asked in her ear. 
“Can you take the chicken and vegetables out to T, he should have the grill going by now.” Laura questioned, the look they exchanged signaling that they were working on some things but alright. 
As Gary headed outside, Laura turned to wash her hands. 
“Kelsey, I’m not going to force you to talk about your relationship with your parents if you don’t want to even though it doesn’t seem to be a healthy one based on what you’re projecting onto us.” Laura stated simply. “I’ll just say, in this house we just want Taylor…and by extension you…to be happy and comfortable. You’re both adults. You’re in a committed relationship. As long as you’re being safe it’s frankly none of our business what you do behind closed doors. We’re not going to suddenly stop liking you because you want to share a bed with my cuddly son or even engage in other adult activities. To be frank, the thing that would make us not like you is if you hurt him by pulling away out of fear of what we might think.” 
“I love him so much.” Kelsey whispered. “I just don’t want to do anything to mess up a possible forever.” 
Rounding the island, Laura pulled Kelsey into a hug.
“If forever is what you want then don’t let anyone outside of you and T define your relationship okay.” 
Nodding into Laura’s shoulder, Kelsey hugged her back focusing on taking some deep breaths. Even once they had pulled apart, Kelsey was still a bit shaky and murmured that she was going to T’s room for a minute. 
After climbing the stairs, Kelsey stepped into Taylor’s room and moved over to the bed, flopping back onto it and closing her eyes. Immediately Taylor’s scent enveloped her causing waves of comfort to wash over her. It had only been 18 days but god had she missed how he smelled. 
Breathing deeply, Kelsey tried to push everything weighing on her mind away and just focus on the fact that she was in Taylor’s childhood bedroom with the man she adored right downstairs instead of thousands of miles away. 
With her eyes closed, Kelsey was unsure of how much time had passed before she heard a throat clearing in the doorway and her eyes met Taylor’s when she opened them. 
“Mom sent me to check on you…” He declared, though he didn’t move from his spot. 
“You can come in, you know…” Kelsey murmured. “It is your room. Though I’m hoping you’re still willing to share it with me.” 
As Taylor moved closer, Kelsey sat up, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. 
“I’m sorry for earlier.” She mumbled. “I just…god I want your parents to like me and my mom can be really damn good at clouding what I think other people are going to perceive and yeah.” 
“Are we good now?” Taylor asked, still standing in front of her. 
“Still processing a little but I think so…” Kelsey murmured. “I just want you.” 
Taylor still appeared a little on edge so Kelsey stood, sliding her arms around him in a hug. 
“I love you T. So fucking much it’s scary sometimes.” 
“Love you too Kels.” Taylor murmured, slowly relaxing as Kelsey rubbed his back. 
“Think dinner is ready? Because I could really use fed…” Kelsey eventually questioned, her stomach rumbling slightly. 
With Taylor nodding, Kelsey stretched up for a quick kiss before moving with him back downstairs, trying to quell any anxiety about being around his parents. 
Thankfully, neither acted like anything had happened and just settled into eating dinner that the guys had grilled up. It wasn’t anything special but having not really eaten all day it definitely hit the spot and Kelsey devoured her entire plate in no time. 
Nudging her side, Taylor offered her a little more chicken from his huge portion and Kelsey nodded, sliding a hand along his thigh in thanks. 
“T, you got invited to Justin Ross’s wedding right? I ran into his dad today.” Gary questioned once he had finished his own food. 
“Yeah…” Taylor confirmed between bites. “Think that’s coming up soon.” 
“Next weekend.” Gary declared. “Assuming you’re taking Kels as your plus one.” 
Taylor was quiet for a moment as if running over the calendar of Kelsey’s stay in his head. 
“Yeah, yeah I guess I am.” He grinned. 
Almost immediately, Kelsey’s fork clattered to her plate and Taylor let out a bit of a yelp as Laura kicked him under the table. 
“Breathe Kels.” Laura murmured. “You and I will go shopping while T goes to the gym in the morning and we’ll find you a dress and shoes.” 
Nodding, Kelsey relaxed though she couldn’t help but shake her head at how much Taylor still had to learn about women. 
“In the future, you might want to give your girlfriend a heads up if she needs to bring formal clothes for something Taylor.” Laura chastised softy. 
“I forgot it was when she was gonna be here.” Taylor mumbled, looking over at his girl. “Sorry Kels…mom will help you find something though if you’re willing to be my date.” 
“You know I’m always willing to be your date Tay.” Kelsey breathed, cheeks a little pink from the added surprise that had been dropped on her when today had already been a little bit of a mess. 
“After we clean up, can we go for a walk T?” Kelsey questioned softly as he finally finished up the food on his plate. “I could use some air if that’s okay.” 
“Gary and I have the cleanup tonight.” Laura insisted. “Go for your walk.” 
“Thanks mom.” Taylor declared, moving with Kelsey to the foyer to get their shoes. 
After probably forty-five minutes of walking around Taylor’s neighborhood, they finally returned to the house slightly sweaty with some of the tension giving way to fatigue. 
As Taylor headed inside to retrieve bottles of water, Kelsey sank onto the front stoop, feeling achy and completely drained after the roller coaster the day had been. 
“Think your parents would care if I went to bed?” Kelsey questioned softly as Taylor sat down beside her. 
“Course not Kels. Finish the water and we can head up to get ready.” 
It was technically only like 8pm Calgary time but that meant it was 10pm eastern and Kelsey had been up since 6am. Add in all the stress and all she wanted to do was sink into bed. 
Drinking the entire bottle of water, Kelsey passed it to Taylor to recycle before pushing herself up to head inside. Passing by where his parents were, Kelsey murmured her goodnights and headed upstairs to Taylor’s room. Running through an abbreviated nightly routine she changed and cleaned up a little before pulling down the covers on Taylor’s bed and climbing in. 
Within just a few minutes, Taylor had joined her, going through his own routine before slipping into the other side of the bed and pulling her close. 
“Tomorrow is a new day.” Taylor murmured softly and Kelsey nodded, ready to put today in the past. 
As she tried to soothe herself to sleep, her fingers worked up under Taylor’s t-shirt in search of his happy trail only to be met with smooth skin. If the day hadn’t been as stress-inducing as it was, she might have been fine, but immediately her bottom lip wobbled and tears pooled in her eyes, dripping onto Taylor’s arm and the pillow beneath her head. 
Rolling, Taylor pulled her up onto his body and wrapped himself around her, playing gently with her hair until the tears had stopped actively falling and she was just left breathing unsteadily on his chest. 
“Kels…” He whispered softly. “What was that all about?” 
When his question drew a few more tears from her eyes, Taylor sighed and just rubbed her back letting her work through all of the emotions coursing through her. 
“Kels…” He prompted once she had calmed down again. 
“Nothing. It’s stupid.” 
“Nothing that makes you cry is stupid Kels.” 
“Just wasn’t expecting you to have shaved it…” Kelsey mumbled, pure exhaustion and fatigue showing in her voice. 
“Shaved…? Oh.” Taylor mumbled as it dawned on him where her fingers had been when the crying started. “You liked the hair there?” 
“Love your happy trail…” Kelsey whispered forlornly. “But not gonna tell you what to do with your body…it’s just been a long day…sorry.” 
Squeezing her tighter, Taylor kissed her forehead. 
“I’m sorry I shaved your comfort spot. Didn’t realize how much you loved it.” 
“It’s your body. I’m just being silly.” Kelsey sniffled. 
“It’s just hair to me, Kels. But to you it’s comfort and security and that means more. So once it grows back I’ll keep it I promise.” Taylor murmured, urging her to lift her head so he could kiss her. “You’re my world Kels. Just wanna make you feel happy and safe.” 
“I love you.” Kelsey murmured when Taylor broke their kiss. 
“Love you too. Now sleep because you’ve had a hell of a day.” 
“Are you taking me anywhere fun tomorrow?” Kelsey asked, rolling off of him and back onto the bed with a yawn. 
“You’ll just have to wait and see.” Taylor mused, kissing her one more time as they settled in to sleep cuddled together.
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tencrushesperday · 5 months
Will you go to prom with me?
matt rempe x college!student reader, friends to lovers
warnings : the fluffiest fluff to have ever fluffed for 7.5k words
an : in honor of the rangers playing their game 1 of the 2nd round, i’ve been writing this for the past week and omggggg there must be so many mistakes in it but im so happy with it it’s so cute. idk about the rangers wives and stuff so christine is obviously made up sorryyyy
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How did you get so lucky ?
Matthew gave you a ticket for tonight’s game and made you promise to stay after the game to wait for him.
You have gone to see his debut at the stadium series and this was his second game so you would have gone to see him play even if he hadn’t gotten you a ticket.
The two of you met when he was first invited to the Rangers summer camp. You were having a picnic with friends in Central Park on a hot summer evening. Matt was playing football with his friends not far from you and when the ball fell near you he ran up to get it.
The first time he just excused himself then went back to his game. But the second time his friend threw the ball your way intentionally you asked him if they wanted to eat something but you weren’t going to finish all the food you brought by yourselves.
It took all your courage to ask the tall cute guy that question. Especially because he was cute. Your friends had teased you for blushing the first time he came to get his ball and to defend your dignity you had to show them he didn’t affect you that much and you could be chill around tall attractive guys.
That improvised picnic turned into an ice cream date the next afternoon as you bonded over the fact that you were both foreigners in the US. Then that turned into another museum date, and a shopping date when he asked you for help to find his sister a present.
Superficial conversation turned into long conversations deep into the night so naturally.
Yet he had never tried to kiss you. You wanted to think those dates were really dates and that he felt the same way you did. But he never expressed any further interest into you so you settled for his friendship. You knew he would leave after the training camp to go back to Calgary and you would leave too to go back home.
When he came back for the second time for the training camp, you had already left New York. He had texted you that he was in town again and asked if you wanted to go get ice cream with him. You wanted to smash your head against a wall for leaving a week too early and missing him. But he promised that he would try to go to New York before the start of the season so you could catch up together.
After that first catch up in New York, you also went to Hartford for a weekend a few times when you didn’t have too many assignments.
You surprised him once by coming to a practice and staying for his game. Some of your friends teased you that you were head over heels for him and you “really wanted to get that d” in the words of your best friend but you never made any attempt at flirting and neither did he.
However now, he played in New York, for the Rangers and you couldn’t be any prouder of him. He had texted you that he was called up to play for them for the stadium series and you told him that you already got tickets with friends to go see the match. You missed your morning class to get breakfast with him before the game and congratulate him.
So you are now waiting awkwardly by the VIP entrance because he didn’t get you a special pass since he didn’t dare ask for it and you have no idea where the locker room is in this place. You check your phone from time to time to see if Matt has texted you but you just assume that he’s still busy.
At some point, a security guard approaches you and asks what you’re waiting for. You’re about to answer him and you hear a voice answering in your stead.
“For me. She’s waiting for me. But thanks for taking care of her.” He’s always been kinda hot, but that sentence? The messy post game hair? The sweaty look and slightly tired eyes?
You thank the security guard and walk towards Matt with a big smile on your face. “Congrats on your second game and second win champ. Looks like you’re this team’s lucky charm.” You give him a hug when you reach him and he keeps his arm around your shoulder not letting you go.
“Hmm no I think it’s you. You’ve been for every win too.” He winks at you.
“When did you get this cheesy?”, you tease.
“Winning makes me emotional.”
You aww at his honest response and jokingly tickle him. But you love how he’s not afraid to show his emotions in front of you and you cherish that.
“So.. we won… Do you know what that means?”, he asks with an amused look in his eyes.
“Free and good food?”, you inquire hopefully, batting your lashes at him to go overboard with it.
“Better. Free drinks !! I wanted you to come celebrate with us. I got out the looker room as soon as I could to not make you wait and have some time to convince you. The guys are ready to go.”
“It’s a wednesday night.”
“Perfect night to go out the bars are less crowded.”
“Matt I have classes tomorrow.”
He has a resolute look on his face and you know you’ve lost the argument here. “I’ll bring you back to your dorm by midnight.”
You admit defeat by nodding your head yes and he pumps his fist in an overly exaggerated way. Then he puts his arm back around your shoulder and drags you towards the exit.
“Schneider knows a nice place not far from here apparently.”, he informs you.
“You’re new best bud?”
“I would never dream of replacing you”, he says with a funny smirk.
When you walk out of the building you’re met with huge, impressive hockey players and their beautiful significant others. You smile politely and wave your hand when Matt introduces you but nobody pays you too much attention as everybody is eager to get to drinking.
The bar you get to is nice, not too big but still pretty loud and the players overjoyed from their win only make it louder.
You sit squeezed in between Matt and one of the girlfriends. She doesn’t particularly pay you attention except when she asked you who you are and how you met Matt.
When Matt leaves to get you a drink at the bar, Chytil’s girlfriend approaches you and introduces herself.
“So have you and Matt been together for a long time ?” Luckily, the lighting is bad and she can’t see you blush at her question.
“We’re just really good friends”, you answer her after a beat.
“Oh sorry, my bad.. It’s just that usually guys don’t bring such beautiful friends to bars when they try to find other girls to hook up with”, she explains jokingly and you try not to get such thoughts into your head.
“First of all it’s so nice of you to call me pretty. And no honestly i’m really supportive of him trying to hook up with girls if he wants to. He just promised to get me back to my dorm before midnight so he’ll probably have to do that afterwards.” She laughs at your words a bit too much and you laugh awkwardly as well, confused look on your face. Until she looks behind you and you understand.
“Always knew I could count on you to be my wingwoman” You turn around at Matt’s voice, the awkward smile still on your face. “And here’s your cosmopolitan.”
“I'm not even sure you need a wingwoman now that you’re in the NHL.”
“That’s not something we are going to test tonight because i’m here to celebrate with you and not some random girl.” He grins at you.
You spend the rest of the evening dancing and drinking your cocktails with Matt acting as the best body guard to ever exist on the dance floor. It’s not often that you don’t have any weirdo trying to approach you but having a 6’7 guy built like a refrigerator definitely helps so you can enjoy the music and just dance. Maybe you should go to the club with him more often.
You don’t leave before midnight as promised. It’s closer to 1am when you bid goodbye to Chytil’s girlfriend. She asks you if she will see you around more and you promise her to attend the next game.
When you’re outside the uber is already waiting for you and you get in with Matt still talking and laughing.
He then walks you up to your door and you turn around before opening. “So now you know where I leave”
“Yes this was my plan all along now I know where to come to steal the most comfortable blankets”, he says with a smirk
“I knew you were evil. You can’t be tall, hot and ambitious without something hiding under the surface.” Did you just call him hot ? You can blame it on the alcohol even if it was only 3 cocktails.
“Obviously. Now go get some good sleep and drink a glass of water.” He turns around to leave “Good night”
You yell after him “Drink some water too big boy” you giggle to yourself and cover your mouth aware of how loud you just were.
The next morning you have a mild migraine but it hits you when you are brushing your teeth a song from last night playing on your phone.
The reason no guy approached you last night was because Matt always had his hand on you, your hand, your hip, your waist. It was just so natural to have him that close you didn’t even notice in the moment.
Almost a week later, as you sit on your bed, music playing on your speaker because your roommate is out, you hear a loud repeated bang on your door.
You jump out of bed, turn off the music and run to the door. “Who’s there?”, you ask warily.
“Open up the door you deaf dumbass”
“Great to see you too my sugar plum”, you stick your tongue out to Matt when opening the door.
He walks right past you into your dorm room and sets a bag on your desk. “I brought us snacks and video games.”
“You know I don’t have anything to play video games on right?”, you look at him eyebrows raised, hands on your hips.
“That's why I brought my Xbox in my backpack?” He starts unpacking his stuff and setting up his gaming corner. Luckily you had a small TV you and your roommate chipped in together to buy.
“Make yourself at home I guess… I also hope you’re aware I won’t be playing with you I have to finish this essay for tomorrow morning.”
“I know. You said that you had to finish it tonight. I just thought it would be more fun to have company. And I haven’t seen you because of the roadie.” You smile at his logic. It’s non arguable. You would rather do anything and everything with him around than without him. And you missed him too.
Once he’s done setting it up, he sits at the end of your bed and looks at you expectantly. “I won’t be noisy I promise. Now can you bring the snacks?”
You smile like an idiot again, hand him the snacks and get back to your previous position in your bed.
He takes your feet on his lap and starts his game. Without even looking your way, he pushes the bag of your favorite candies towards you.
You sight contemptuously, a small smile adorning your face. This was so comfortable. A little too cozy for you to just see him as a friend.
Around 1am, you finish your assignment and Matt is already asleep at the feet of your bed. You lightly tap his shoulder and tell him to get under the covers because it’s too late for him to go home.
Still sleepy, he takes off his hoodie and gets comfortable while you go to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Then you get back to bed and try falling asleep but you are far too aware of his tall presence right next to you.
He is fast asleep when he sneaks one of his arms around you. Your bed isn’t large enough for you not to touch anyway so you decide to enjoy his warm, comforting cuddles and fall asleep much faster now that you’re not stressing over it.
When you wake up for your class in the morning, Matthew has already left for practice.
The game against the Devils has been brutal. You couldn’t attend but you were watching on your phone while at the library. You try to get done as much as you can before leaving the library and going to your closest 24/7 store.
You are ready to go around the whole city. You have a mission in mind and you will accomplish it : finding a Lego set (and food of course).
Luckily you only have to try two convenience stores before finding a good enough set. You also grab some snacks and head to Matt’s apartment.
You are already waiting in the lobby of his apartment building when he comes in.
He looks nasty and you can’t help but cringe.
He drops his bag on the floor when he’s near and wraps his arms around you. For a while, you just remain like that, hugging, passing your fingers through his hair in an attempt to soothe him.
“You wanna go up? I got us lego sets to build”, you ask in a small voice. He nods and pulls away without meeting your gaze.
You haven’t seen him since his huge fight in Toronto so the black eye is shocking at first. And now he’s been suspended for four games. You know that even if he likes causing chaos, he likes the game more.
You silently follow him up to his apartment. It’s a small studio, nothing crazy but it’s cozy and it’s clean.
You set your bags near the couch and go to the kitchen to look for something to cook dinner with. In the meantime, Matt gets another cold shower and changes into a pair of sweats.
When he comes out of his room, wet hair falling across his eyes, his t-shirt half up, your breath catches in your throat. Your gaze moves downwards and then you catch a glimpse of the bruises on his side as he finishes putting his shirt on.
“I left clothes for you on my bed if you wanna change into something more comfortable. I looked for the smallest sweatpants but hoodie might be just enough.”
He walks up to you and smells around, “What you’re cooking there?”
“Mac and cheese. Didn’t have too much choice” A pleasant smile appears on his face. “I can finish it, go get comfortable.”
He nudges you lightly so you let him take over and go to take a shower and change.
You had stayed at his place in Hartford the last two times you went up there. But this was different. You had always brought your own clothes and you would eat out with his friends before coming and crashing on his couch before leaving the next morning.
Now you are changing into his clothes, and as he said the hoodie almost reaches your knee so you don’t bother with trying on the pants. It smells of him and you try not to be weird about it but it brings you such a sense of comfort you can’t help but wrap your arms around yourself.
When you walk back into the open kitchen Matt is done with the Mac n cheese and getting the table ready.
“You can sit down. I’ll be ready in a minute.”
You listen to him and sit down and a few moments later so does he. You eat in silence until he asks you about your day.
You don’t want to press him about anything or upset him so you just go with his flow, letting him welcome you in when he’s ready.
When you’re done eating, it’s your turn to tell him to go get comfortable on the couch while you clean up the kitchen. Once you’re done you join him on the couch where he already started taking the legos out of their boxes.
You talk about your childhoods and how you used to play with legos and other toys, about your favorites and the ones you lost but just remembered how much you liked them.
When you finished the set, he put it on the shelf next to his TV and you both went to bed.
You insisted on sleeping on the couch to not bother him but he argued that he would.
Of course you wouldn’t let him, knowing the physical state he was in. So you agreed to both sleep in the bed.
Once you’re under the covers and the lights are off you can’t stop the words from falling out of your mouth as you turn towards him, “Does it hurt a lot?”
He turns around to face you too, “Where?”
It breaks your heart to hear him say this. Are there really so many hurtful part?
You slowly bring your hand to his abdomen under the covers. “Here?”
“I didn’t think you would see it”, he shuddered at your touch so you pull your hand back.
“I’m sorry”
“It’s okay.” your voices are no louder than a whisper.
“Can I hug you?”, there’s timidity in your voice that he has never heard before.
You wrap your arms around him and press his head under your chin. You fall asleep in that position only a few minutes later.
Now, you are waiting for him by the north entrance after his game against Florida as he had asked you but you have no idea what to expect nor where he is taking you. It didn’t really matter anyway as you get to spend time with him.
He walks out the building wearing his suit, his bag slung over his shoulder.
“Congrats ! You played until the end” You laugh at him throwing your arms around his torso. God how you loved his hugs. It feels like being engulfed in the warmest cloud.
“And I got an assist”, he says pulling back from the hug and grinning at you.
Your smile widens as well as you crank your neck to look up at him “You did great champ!”
You pull away from his arms feeling yourself getting hungrier by the second. “Come one now take me to eat. You know cheering on you is such a physical activity.”
You catch sight of his crooked tie once you are completely out of his arms and reach to straighten it. “I changed as fast as I could so you wouldn’t have to wait long.” He explains looking down at you.
You can’t look up to meet his gaze, too busy trying to hide your blush.
When you’re done, you ask him to lead the way and he points to the left and tells you to follow him because “he knows a place”.
You walk for a few blocks until you’re in Times Square and then he stops.
“Matt don’t tell me you wanna play tourist right now. I swear I’m not kidding when I say I’m famished.” You look up at him with a pout.
He checks his watch, “Can you keep the whining down, I’m the one who’s paying for dinner, please?” He looks around at the billboard like he’s never seen them before.
“I’m hungry, come on let’s go I’ll pay for my meal if it’s what it takes.” You try to argue.
He stops turning around and you get in front of him to try and get his attention back on you. He checks his watch again. What is he waiting for?
“Matt the hell are you looking around for ? This is not your first time in Time Square. I hope the place you wanted to take me doesn’t close too soon…”
He looks behind you and his eyes light up. “This is where I wanted to take you.” He says grinning like a devil.
You want to ask what’s going on, mouth half open but he tells you to turn around so you do.
Mouth still hanging agape, the first thing your eyes lay on is a huge billboard with your name on it. And the question “Will you go to prom with me?”. You heart skips a beat there.
You’re speechless for a second and very confused when you turn back around to look at Matt. “What is this? What prom, Matt? Colleges don’t do proms and I’m in my senior year. What do you…”
He cuts you off seeing the frown on your face “You told me once that you never got to go to prom during high school. And I know how much you love those fancy dresses and dancing to 2000 music. I didn’t want you to feel sad again because you feel like you missed out on something.”
Oh you are so about to cry.
Tears are brimming your lashes already. Your stomach is doing somersaults.
“So will you go to prom with me? The one I organized just for us so you can’t really say no…” You hear the small quiver in his voice and how he slows down at the end. He is feeling unsure. It’s the sweetest thing ever.
The tears staining your face are happy ones so you nod your head vigorously, unable to speak because of the knot in your throat. A smile cracks its way onto your face and at the sight of it he leans down to hug you. You jump into his arms and wraps yours around his neck.
“I can’t believe you did this for me” You’re now sobbing into his shoulder, pushing your face into the crook of his neck to hide your tear stained, all red, face, from the crowd around you.
It feels like it’s just the two of you in the world. You don’t hear the crowd over your own beating heart anymore.
How did you get so lucky?
You want to tell him how much this means to you, how much he means to you. Yet it’s not the time to confess your feelings. You can’t ruin this moment with your selfish emotions when he’s done this for you as a friend. So you settle for thank yous.
“You’re the best, really.” You squeeze harder before trying to pull away but he still has you in his arms and your feet don’t even touch the ground.
Your faces are inches away, and you feel an itch you can’t quite scratch, because he’s not your boyfriend and kissing him could ruin all this.
“Thank you. Genuinely. I don’t know what I did to deserve you but you’re really the best Matt” You think he can probably feel your breath on his face. You hope he can’t hear your pulse this close. You hope you don’t smell of the beer you drank earlier at the game.
Oh no, you realise as he puts you down, your breath probably smells of the beer.
He shots the toothiest smile you’ve ever seen on him. “Good let’s go get you some food now.”
May the universe help your poor little heart, as you melt internally at his smile, words and actions.
You knew Matthew was a man of his word and if he said he would do it he will. But what you didn’t expect was for him to go so overboard with it.
A few days after his promposal, he texts you that after class you’re both going shopping the next day. He had called you after the game when they clinched the first spot and said that your fake prom would be before the playoffs.
He waits for you in front of your building, baseball cap sitting backwards on his head, two coffees in his hand.
Your heart skips a beat when you first catch sight of him, easy to notice him with such a height. You think you would recognise him even in the dark anyway, when everything in your body pulls you to him in the way it has done since you’ve met him.
He’s right here and so close and yet so out of reach because you can’t run up to him and kiss him like you would like to.
It has gotten harder to ignore your feelings since he started acting like the best boyfriend in the world while simultaneously not being your boyfriend.
You walk slowly to give yourself time to recompose yourself. He smiles broadly when he sees you too.
He doesn’t know how much he affects so you can’t blame him. He’s just being friendly, like he always was.
When you reach him, he hands you your cup of coffee then pulls you into his chest and your giggle gets muffled by his warm sweater.
He asks you about your day, your classes, why you’ve been up since he went away. He listens to your every word even though you’ve already told him all of this through texts.
You walk the streets of New York together until he stops in front of a dress shop.
“No, no, no Matt, I cant afford this.” You stop him before he walks inside, hand on his arm. “And ai’m not letting you pay for my dress. Just putting this out there hopefully before the thought even crosses your mind”
He takes your hand off his arms and wraps it with his. “Let’s just see what they have.”
He tugs you inside and you don’t have any other choice but to follow.
The shopping assistant greets you and after giving you a few minutes to look around she starts asking question about what you want, the type of event, the color preferences, the length.
Sure you had imagined the type of dress you would have worn if you ever got invited to prom when you were a teenager. But you were never invited by anyone and as you were starting to think about going alone your mom got very sick and you had to stay home while your dad went to work.
But asked this way on the spot you have no idea. You say blue for the colour. It’s you favourite one and Matt has a nice blue suit that could match.
The sales assistant picked out some dresses for you while you and Matt looked around. He made you promise to not look at the price until you’ve tried on all the dresses that you liked but you knew you wouldn’t be getting anything from here.
After going around the whole store, the sales assistant directed you to the back to try on the dresses. Struggling to tie up the dress, you peak your head outside the door to ask her for help but only see Matthew.
“She went to get you heels. Do you need help?” You nod, open the door wider as he gets closer and slowly turn around making sure the dress stays in place.
He gets on it with expert hands pulling the laces tight. “Tighter?” His voice is low, near your ear. It sends shivers down your spine.
You nod not trusting your voice just yet. You feel hot all over but you also shiver.
“Sorry my fingers are cold…”
He is almost done now so you want to break the awkward silence.
“You’re good at it.” Great remark, way to go.
“Yeah I helped my sister a few times.”
Did he just compare you to his sister? Amazing.
With perfect timing your sales assistant comes back with a pair of beautiful black heels. “Sorry for making you wait. Your boyfriend told me you shoe size but I had to find something that would match.”
So much for helping with the awkwardness…
“He um… we’re not um…” You tried articulating your thoughts pointing between you and Matt.
Instead of helping you, he looks at you with an amused look on his face then thanks the woman while taking the shoes from her.
“You can hold onto my shoulder.” He says kneeling down and setting the shoes on the ground in front of you. You lift your dress with one hand, grab his shoulder with the other one as he so kindly suggested, and then extend your foot to put the shoe on. He even helps you get the shoe on.
You were trying not to overthink his every move but it was impossible. Why is he acting this way all of a sudden ? Why didn’t he tell the sales assistant that you were just friends ? Why ..?
Your thoughts are cut off when Matthew stands up and you lose your balance and almost fall.
He extends an arm to catch but you stop him with your hand and a chuckle.
He steps back and he and the sales assistant both look at you. You start feeling flustered so you turn around to look for a mirror.
As you walk over to it, you can feel Matt’s gaze on your black, and the ghosts of his fingertips on your skin.
The dress looks beautiful but something is not right. It’s a bit too over the top and you just don’t feel it. Matthew sees it in your eyes when you look at him through the mirror.
You change into the second dress but you don’t like how it looks around your chest so you don’t even get out of the dressing room.
The third one was beautiful. The flowy fabric, the sea green color of the dress, the thin straps and square neckline accentuating all the right places. You look down at yourself one last time and take a peak at the price tag before walking out of the dressing room to show it to Matt. It breaks your heart to act like it’s not the most beautiful dress you have ever worn. But you can’t afford it.
You don’t think you’ve ever seen Matthew looking at you this way. His mouth is slightly agape which gives you an insane boost of confidence.
“Yeah I’m not gonna take this one. You wouldn’t be able to handle it.” You tease him which makes him slightly blush. Oh this is getting funny.
“Should I do a spin ? Let me do a spin”
Maybe you could not eat for the next month or two ? Because if it triggers this type of reaction from Matt you would wear it everyday.
When you look at him again, he stares at you and gulps.
“You look.. you look like a washed up algue on the Jersey shore” He deadpans. A smirk threatens to crack his serious appearance.
You explode in laughter, “You sure know how to talk to a woman. But that settles it I’m not buying it.” You turn around to go back into the dressing room without seeing his disappointed look or leaving him the time to argue with you.
You try on the rest of the dresses but none of them are what you are looking for so you bid goodbye to the sales assistants and exit the store.
“This was very cute of you Matt but I promise I’ll find the perfect dress in a thrift shop without having to starve for the next month.” You assured him.
“Yeah sure sorry…” How dare he be this cute??
“I know that we went to this type of store with my sister for her proms and she loved it.” He argues
You smile at him, “So you wanted my experience to be as authentic as it gets.”
“Exactly” he gives you that cheeky childish grin. He’s proud of himself and he can be.
You shake your head at him and urge him in the direction of your favorite coffee shop.
“It’s too late for coffee I think”, he remarks which makes you look at the time on your phone.
“Wow I didn’t think we wasted that much time in the store” you were surprised, but then again time moves so fast when you were having fun with Matt.
“Hey come on it wasn’t a waste of time you got to try on beautiful dresses” he argued again, heading back in the direction of your dorm.
“You’re right but not walking faster to get to Phil’s surely is a waste of time” You saying grinning.
“When it comes to getting food it always sounds like you’re the 6’7 hockey players who needs to eat a lot of calories” He’s already caught up to you so you can punch his arm at the teasing.
“Yeah well where would I get the energy to annoy you if I didn’t eat this much?”, you give him the same sassy energy back.
The banter and the laughter doesn’t stop and suddenly he’s already walking you back to your dorm and hugging you goodbye.
Once you are in your pyjamas you get your laptop out and get to work on your assignment.
To your dismay, pretty boys don’t make uni work disappear…
You were looking at your eyeshadow palette, indecisive. Maybe you should just do a simple eyeliner ? You wanted to do your best, look your best, impress Matt after everything he’s done for you.
You were lucky to find a dress similar to the sea green one you had found in the store but just a tad lighter in colour. You put on your highest heels so the pictures with Matthew looked better. He promised to make it look as authentic as possible so he got one of the older guys on the team to let him borrow the apartment. Pictures by the fireplace are a must according to him.
So you gathered all the belongings you needed after your only class this morning and came to the address he had sent you. You called the number he had sent along when you were in front of the building and a nice woman who introduced herself as Christine told you what apartment to go to.
You were sort of starstruck when she first opened the door and wondered how these hockey players really bagged all these 10s. She wasn’t amongst the girls and women you had met both times you have gone with Matt to the bar to celebrate after a game and you understood why when you heard two kids arguing in the background.
She had quickly let you in and apologized for the noise they were making while taking you to the room where you could get ready. You had thanked her a million times over for welcoming you this way but she told you that they couldn’t say no when Matthew had explained his plan so sweetly. She had commented about how lucky you were to have him with a wink and you nodded, cheeks flustered.
Now you are almost done. You had begun with your hair, finally decided to just do a soft look on your eyes with some glitter and put on your dress.
You are putting on your pink gloss, looking at yourself in the mirror. You promise yourself that this is the night you will tell Matt how you feel, when you hear a knock on the door.
“Honey, are you ready? Matthew is here.” Christine calls out to you.
“I will be out in a minute.”, you answer as you put on your perfume finally.
You take a deep breath before opening the door and shake your arms in a manner to get the anxiety out of your body. You walk to the living room slowly to not scrap the parquet with your heels, looking down at your feet, dress in hand.
When you get there, you raise your head to find Matt already looking at you. He looks stunning in his suits, you already knew that. But there something that made him look particularly handsome. Probably knowing that he dressed up for you.
A smile creeps its way in your face as he stares at you in awe. You pat yourself on the back internally for doing a good job on the hair and makeup.
“You look um… you look beautiful.”, he finally manages to get out.
You giggle and thank him. He really makes you feel like a high schooler, you think.
“You don’t look bad yourself.” You smile.
“You see me in a suit every other day”, he’s being modest.
“But you have something particular about yourself today”
Oh god, you’re gonna be the death of him. Complementing him so effortlessly. He made more of an effort today it’s true. He wanted to look half as good as you at least. He also made a point of not fighting in his last games so he doesn’t have a bruised face on these pictures.
“Oh I got something for you.” He reaches out behind him on the fireplace and grabs a box. You walk closer, curious to see what it is and your eyes lay in a beautiful corsage for your wrist and a matching flower for his pocket.
You give him your hand and look at him while puts it on “It’s beautiful thank you.”
“Okay kids, let's take some cute pictures,” Christine says, clapping her hands, even though she already took ten pictures of you interacting.
“I see you’re fully playing your role” you laugh at her antics.
“Just rehearsing for the future”, she retorts with the same cocky smile you gave her. “Okay now get in front of the fireplace. Matt stands behind her.” She was giving instructions like a pro and you assumed she’s already done this for her own prom.
Just like she said, Matt walks up behind you and sneaks his arms around your waist. Instinctively, he spreads his fingers but his hands awkwardly cover your whole tummy so he holds your hips.
You try to relax for the picture but you’re overly aware of every inch of his body touching yours.
“Come on guys, give me your best smiles now!” Christine encourages you.
You try to focus on the pictures, the camera, your hair, your smile. You rearrange your dress to be sure it is okay.
Once she says she has a few good ones, you change your pose and you get used to it. You look at a few before takes and they do look beautiful.
Once you’re done, Matt thanks Christine and you both head out to the restaurant he had made a reservation for.
The taxi ride is not too long since you were already in a nice part of the city. The restaurant looks way too over priced and you feel bad for how much money he’s spending on you.
Once you’re sitting at your table, you can help but tease him, “I’m amazed you even managed to make such a reservation.”
“Schneider helped”, he admits.
“So this evening really is a team effort. If I wasn’t enjoy it so much, I would probably feel bad for bothering everybody”, you say half jokingly.
The whole dinner is amazing and delicious. You don’t think you’ve ever eaten in a place this fancy and frankly both of you probably look out of place.
More than once you laugh a little too loud and swear a little too often which earns you some pointed glances from the old rich people around you. That only makes you laugh even more.
By the time you’re out of them, you feel the slight buzz of the overpriced wine and can’t wait to see what Matt has planned next.
The next taxi ride takes you back to his apartment and you’re sad you didn’t get to dance. You think you might still convince Matt to put on some music to dance in the kitchen too.
You think of your arguments all the way up and when he makes you wait in the hallway. But you don’t need any once he opens the door and lets you see what he prepared inside.
There was glitter everywhere, colorful light effects and you couldn’t even catch a glimpse of a photo zone next to the bathroom door.
“I know we don’t have a prom party with all the people dancing around us and our friends but I hoped this would make do.”, he says looking at you from behind, studying your every emotion.
You turn to him, your brightest smile on your face “This is perfect Matt.” You grab his hand and drag him inside.
“Let’s take a picture first. We can set the timer and flash on my phone.” You set your phone in the place he prepared for it and push on the timer. You take your dutiful place in front of him in front of the photo zone and there’s no awkwardness as earlier.
Then you go back to the leaving room to put some music on, he goes to the kitchen and comes out with punch.
“Don’t we face the chaperones too? For the more authentic experience…”
“You plan on doing such naughty things you need a chaperone?” Oh, you weren’t expecting him to clap back this way.
“I don’t have enough alcohol in the system, bring that punch over here”, cowardly move but you didn’t lie. You need more liquid courage to tell him everything you think.
You take the drink from his hand when he extends it to you and down half of it.
You cradle the rest of your hand while Give me everything tonight plays in the background but it doesn’t take long for you to finish that too.
You dance to your favorite songs until a slow by Def Leppard comes on. “Wouldn’t be a full prom experience if we didn’t slow dance”, Matt defends his choice of putting it in the playlist.
“You’re right. Let’s dance”c you nod getting closer to him. Your fingers are intertwined behind his neck and his hands settle in your lower back.
With each sway to the rhythm, your bodies get closer.
You look amazing. He used beautiful earlier but that hadn’t been enough to describe how truly gorgeous you look. He wants to use every word he knows, compare you to stars and flowers and yet it still feels like it wouldn’t be enough. You are giving him your brightest smile and he feels proud at the thought that he is the one who put it on your face. He made you happy. He wants to make you happy everyday in the future.
You are so close to him. Right in front of him. He thinks he should gather his courage and tell you he likes you. He can feel the warmth radiating from your skin through your thin dress, your fingers running through his hair at the nape of his neck.
He thinks about all the times you’ve made him happy. The first time you ever talked to him and offered snacks to him and his friends who were just strangers in the park. The time when you first surprised him by coming to Hartford to see him play. He wasn’t seeing you in that light at the time. However recently, when you came to comfort him after he had been suspended for four games. He had wanted to kiss you then right in his lobby when he saw you. But he couldn’t use you like that to drown his sorrows. And what were the chances that you wouldn’t push him away and leave him all alone?
He always thought you were hot, even Schneider and Lafrenière commented on it when he had brought you to the bar with them to celebrate. He had told them to back off right then and there, to not even think about it. He thought it was due to friendly protectiveness. He later realised that he hated the thought of anyone else putting their hands on you and make you happy in that way.
“Why didn’t you ever kiss me?”, you interrupt his train of thought. He is completely caught out. Did he hear you right? He takes another few seconds to process but he can see the concern taking over your features.
“I could do that? I didn’t know I could?” he looks dumbfounded which makes you laugh. “Can I kiss you now?”
“Do you want to?”
“Stupid question. Can I kiss you?”, his breath is ragged.
“Stupid question.” you giggle, “Lose some more time asking others like this o-“.
He doesn’t let you finish before crashing his lips on yours and stealing your breath away. It’s passionate but sweet and oh so soft at the same time.
It’s so much better than you couldn’t have ever imagined. Sparks fly. Butterflies erupt in your stomach. Shivers run down your spine. You have wanted this for so long, was tempted to do it a million times and it is finally happening.
You need more. You wish he would never stop kissing you.
When he pulls away for air, slightly panting and lips and the skin around them sparkly from your gloss, you can’t help the chuckle.
“It tastes like cherry”, he says through a small laugh of his own.
“Oh yeah? wanna taste it some more?”
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atwhughesversion · 29 days
“Multiple league sources have since indicated to The Athletic that Demko won’t be ready for training camp and preseason games. The club is hopeful that its Vezina Trophy finalist will be available to play on opening night — Oct. 9 against the Calgary Flames — but even that seems to be in question at this late stage of the summer.
There’s a bit of a cone of silence around exactly what’s occurring here. To this point, no one close to the situation will confirm whether or not Demko underwent a surgical procedure this summer.”
cool cool cool cool cool
source: Thomas Drance and Rick Dhaliwal, The Athletic
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battle-of-alberta · 1 year
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Calgary area folks, your time has come!
the Quatschmachen and I are looking at heading down to Vulcan for either Spock Days in June or Vul-Con in July. It’s a very Long Drive from Edmonton and we are thinking about staying in or around Calgary and probably camping somewhere to save money. If anyone has (budget friendly) suggestions for seeing, doing, eating or staying on our trip, we would love to hear them since it’s been several years since we have been in the area :3 (We are also entertaining the idea of swinging through Drumheller on our way back home.)
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azumetapraline · 1 year
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Here are some photos I took when I went to my trip to Banff, Alberta, like one month ago (yeah, I know)! 🏞️
I originally wanted to carry my Meta & Magolor plushies to the West, but unfortunately, my plane ticket only allowed for one free bag, so I instead opted for the much smaller pipe-cleaner figurines I made about 3-4 years ago!
It was super fun to carry them around while I was hiking and admiring Alberta’s beauty! 🥰
For starters, Banff National Park is the fourth oldest national park in the world, and the oldest in Canada. It has a lot of unique protected fauna, flora and scenery. It’s in Alberta, not too far from Calgary, and it covers the Canadian portion of the Rocky Mountains.
More info-dumping about my trip and more photos (with or without blorbos) under the cut! 👇
This is the view from Sulphur Mountain’s summit. I went to the top thanks to a gondola (because the peak is really high).
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This is Moraine Lake! Probably one of the most beautiful places I’ve seen in my life. Trust me, the actual scenery is much more grandiose than in the photos!
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Lake Louise is not too far from there. Although its water’s color isn’t as unique as Moraine Lake’s, it looked absolutely gorgeous.
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I’ll never forget the view of Lake Minnewanka, or the forests and canyons surrounding it; neither will I forget almost having a heat exhaustion from walking for too long under the sun and running out of water in the middle of the forest. 😅
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Finally, I present you my absolute favorite place in the park. Moraine Lake is unique, yes, but Johnston Canyon is loterally a corner of paradise; beautifully-arranged trees, rocks and plants, and absolutely gorgeous waterfalls. The droplets felt so refreshing after a long hike! My brother told me that in winter, the waterfalls freeze! What a shame! I’ll be forced to come back there another time… 😩
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Of course those are just the main places I’ve gone in those five days. There were also a lot of shops, restaurants, a few museums around. My hostel was awesome too, and I’ve explored a trail and ended up in some camping site in which I saw a wapiti. Here are some photos of animals I’ve taken during my trip (starting with the creature):
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I loved this trip so much! Making this post reminded me of all the nice memories I lived in Banff. I feel lucky for having such an opportunity! It was also the first time of my life in a plane, and I did it alone (it being a domestic flight did help though)! 😄
Thank you so much for reading all this text and looking at my photos! I hope you enjoyed it, feel free to share if you want to. Have an amazing day/night… and a cookie! 🍪 Azu🦋
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rabbitcruiser · 11 months
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Vancouver Seawall (No. 6)
A protracted conflict between pedestrians and cyclists plagued the seawall for years. Strolling pedestrians took issue with cyclists speeding by, while cyclists felt they had a right to cycle the seawall. As traffic increased over time, collisions were becoming more frequent. Cycling on the seawall was consequently outlawed, and by 1976, the Vancouver Police Department had issued 3,000 tickets to offenders. A solution was proposed in 1977 by a Calgary-based group of charitable foundations. It offered to pay $900,000 to widen the path on the English Bay side to 6 metres (20 ft) in order to accommodate both cyclists and pedestrians on the condition that the city match that amount. The proposal triggered an outcry from environmentalist groups, such as the Save Our Parkland Association. City council nonetheless agreed to the plan, but conflict between user groups persisted. The issue was not resolved until 1984 when the bicycle lane of the seawall was designated one-way in a counterclockwise direction around the park, which it remains today. That resolution brought fewer accidents, but as late as 1993, proposals to ban cycling on the seawall continued to be put forth. The popularity of inline skating in the 1990s also contributed to the debate over seawall use, as well as skateboarders to a lesser extent, until users were divided into wheeled versus non-wheeled camps. It appears unlikely that a consensus will emerge over the most appropriate mode of travelling the seawall, but as long as accidents remain minimal, it is unlikely to re-emerge as a pressing park-use issue. A survey conducted for a 1992 task force on the park found that 65% of park users supported bicycle traffic on the seawall compared with 20% who favoured banning cyclists.
The seawall route has continued to expand, so that a continuous, mostly seaside, path for pedestrians, cyclists, and inline skaters now extends for a total of 22 kilometres (14 mi). Starting from Coal Harbour, it winds around Stanley Park, along Sunset Beach, around False Creek, past the Burrard Street Bridge, through Vanier Park, and finishes at Kitsilano Beach Park.
Source: Wikipedia
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xc23 · 1 year
Diane and I popped out of our sleeping bags around 6am so we could go back down the Cottonwood Trail to see a few birds that we couldn’t find on Monday. We spotted yellow warblers, a Baltimore Oriole, spotted towhee, eastern kingbird, and a ton of robins! We also saw a few mule deer and rabbits! Then the mosquitoes drove us back to camp.
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Bunny rabbit!
Once back, we quickly ate breakfast and packed our gear so that we would be on time for our Cretaceous Fossil Tour. The three hour walk took us into the restricted part of the park to see a fossil rich area. Along the way, the paleontologist who led the tour described the geology of the area and what made it so fossil rich. At our ultimate destination we were able to see fossils that were exposed to the elements thanks to erosion. 77 known Centrosaurus had been discovered in that area and it is believed that 10 times that number died in a single event and remain to be discovered.
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Hot sun across the badlands.
Not only did we see an old dig site but but we were able to walk around and see and touch fossils that were just sitting on the ground. It almost looked like every stone we saw was a fossil!
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Fossilized pine cone.
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Leg bone that Diane picked up.
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Centrosaurus horn.
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Dig site.
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More fossils.
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Everywhere fossils!!!
On the tour we also met a couple from the UK that was hitting all the dinosaur hotspots. He was a retired geologist and was checking off his bucket list of places to see. There was also a woman who was traveling with her wife, campervaning their way to the Yukon and the NW Territories from Phoenix. We had visited many of the same places as she had been over the years.
After we left the park we decided to hotel it rather than camp. I had a lot of prep work to do for the upcoming bike ride. It also gave us a chance to see Calgary. We ended up eating downtown in a touristy area near the business district. There were quite a few places to eat and drink although all the retail shops had closed by 6pm.
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Stevens Street Mall.
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Space Needle downtown.
We ate at a placed called Barbarella. The food and drinks were quite good. The people watching was fun as well. There was quite a bit of strutting and preening going on.
All-in-all, a good day in Canada!
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
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Holly Rae Ellsworth-Clark has been missing from her home in Hamilton, Ontario for eight months before she was found in suspicious circumstances.
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The 27-year-old musician had hazel eyes with dark blonde/light brown hair and distinctive bangs. She grew up in Calgary where she completed an honours degree in political science at the University of Calgary, where she also was in the wrestling team. After college she relocated to Toronto some time in 2019 to join a band and be with her boyfriend. Neither the project nor the relationship worked out, so she moved to central Hamilton in October 2019, where she had been offered a room in a house with other musicians who aspired to form a band called Deep Bight and record at their in-house studio. The project, once again, didn't work out, so Holly Clark decided to concentrate on writing and performing solo, which she had been doing for some years. She described the music as between Velvet Underground and 90s grunge.
She uploaded videos and performances to her YouTube channel, while also performing locally at shows. She had been writing an album right before she disappeared. Her sister Kate said spending time outdoors was one of the ways Holly would combat feelings of loneliness. They used to go hiking and camping as a family, but never had Holly gone off without informing anyone.
In December of 2019, her family noticed a change in her behavior on phone calls. The usually warm and outgoing girl had become emotional and fearful when making calls home.
A few days before she went missing, her roommates called 911 after she broke into her own bedroom through the window, presumably being chased by said males. Holly was an athlete. She was a 6ft, 200lbs, three-time wrestling champion, and an outdoorsy girl. She talked to her father on the phone and told him about this incident. Her father believes that if she was scared, she was scared for a reason.
Other than the reported incident of the two men chasing her, her roommates did not report anything else strange or odd about Holly's behavior leading up to her disappearance.
One day before she went missing on January 11, she left a voice-mail to her parents. Unfortunately, they only noticed it a week after she had already vanished. The concerning message said:
"I would really like a plane to get out of Hamilton. I would really, really like a plane ticket out of Hamilton to Calgary please and I would like to come home and visit you and Dave [her father]..."
She seemed to be pleading, and was heard crying. The message continued:
"I'm missing you so much [sob] so that's all I want in the world is to see you and Dave because I love you so much [sobs]..."
Holly then tries to regain her composure, stating:
"So, um, if you could please, um - uh - help me out with a plane ticket that would be really, really, greatly appreciated. Okay, I love you. I love you and I look forward to hearing from you. Okay, bye..."
CCTV of Holly showed her walking down a road near Wentworth Street and Shaw Street at around 4:50pm, the day she went missing [and the day before her dad was going to pick her up]. She was wearing a garbage bag over her upper body as a makeshift poncho as she walked down the rain slicked street. Her father confirmed he had taught her to do this when it rained.
She didn't bring her phone or any credit cards with her, and she made no money withdrawals before or after her disappearance. She only had $45 on her. She was seen walking from her home located on the corner of Sanford and Bristol, crossing Barton street, cutting through Woodlands Park, before popping up on Wentworth Street and Shaw, with CCTV footage suddenly showing her with a garbage bag half full and slung over her shoulder. Six minutes later, surveillance outside of Wentworth Metal Recycling picks her up again. She's then seen crossing the railroad tracks on Wentworth, no longer with the garbage bag. She then vanishes. The businesses further up the road don't catch her walking by. In that small blind spot that no surveillance could catch, she disappeared. Some speculated she could have gotten into a car. She was wearing a black shirt, black pants, and black ankle boots.
Some people have said they avoid going north on Wentworth Avenue due to alleged drug trafficking and drug issues in the area.
There were three alleged sightings reported to police of Holly at Budget Hotel in east Hamilton. The hotel was not searched, as police were unable to obtain warrants. Later that day, at around midnight, another tip came in regarding the same motel, claiming they saw Holly Clark "drugged out of her mind, dragged along by another man."
Her body would later be discovered floating in Hamilton Harbour at Pier 11. Her lower legs were missing. An autopsy indicated it would be impossible to tell how she had died, as her body had been in the water so long. No injuries could be determined and there were no drugs found in her system.
Her father mentioned that Holly had plans the day she disappeared, saying:
"Holly's apartment is full of plants waiting to be watered, seeds waiting to be planted, handmade lyric books and groceries she bought for an event on January 11, the night she disappeared. It's like packing up someone's dreams and aspirations."
Her obituary describes her as:
"6-7 time national heavy-weight title holder and Pan American champ in wrestling. Beginner in Jiu Jitsu, Coach in MMA. Comedienne. Gardener. Painter and inveterate drawer of pictures. Writer of an uncatalogued number of surprising and beautiful songs. 1.5x a person but champion of everything small. Proudly intolerant of bullies of any kind. Babysitter, Baker, Bike-Breaker, and a fierce competitor in hand soccer, pioneer of the knee-tilt in women's wrestling, and ready to talk back to her coach in the middle of a match. Fierce competitor, and fiercely encouraging of her competitors. And a proud Calgarian."
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out-and-aboot-eh · 25 days
Day 9 - The Ranch to Whistler
Despite all the rain we’ve had since starting this little adventure, we’ve been pretty fortunate when it comes to putting up and packing down the tents and thankfully today was no different. The Ranch was a very scenic spot to stay and it was interesting to interact with a few members of the other group and consider what could have been had we gone from Vancouver to Calgary. Today is our longest travel day, totalling around 7 hours of time on the road, with a few rest breaks in between.
As we don’t quite fill the bus there’s always room up front and Megan encourages people to join her, so I called shot gun even though I should have been at the back doing my homework aka the blog! Ironically the days we’ve spent most time on the bus have been the sunniest, which G has been fuming about! So off we went, with our first stop a mere 17 minutes away, Spahats Creek Falls. It was a pleasant spot to grab a few snaps, take in the waterfall and then be on our way, our final destination around 450km away! But before we hit the open road, we took a quick pit stop at Tim Hortons for hot drinks, donuts and second breakfast. Where we ran into a familiar face, Asaf, our kayak guide from the previous day, who confirmed our suspicions that we are the superior G adventures group, as they were slow on the water and all over the place!
So off we went, with a feeling of well earned superiority and ane of the reasons I was keen to sit in the front on this part of the trip (other than the excellent views and extra leg room) was tapping in to the music and being Co-DJ. I resisted playing the whole Hamilton soundtrack even though some of our troop would have been all for it! We had a few Disney tracks related to the scenery from Pocahontas and the Bare Necessities. Some movie music in keeping with the scenery from Lord of the Rings (Canada has given me real New Zealand vibes) and Harry Potter! And then just a load of classics that everyone knows, from Fleetwood Mac to the Lighthouse Family. I was expecting to turn around and see everyone bopping to my carefully crafted playlist, but most of them were struggling to stay awake, but that’s travel days for ya!
We made a few stops along the way for more snacks, rest room breaks and fuel. Our lunch spot was Kamloops Lake, situated on the Thompson river. We were situated at the top munching away, whilst gazing at the vast stretch of water below, spanning as far as the eye could see off to the horizon. Our final stop before Whistler was Cayoose Creek, which according to the signage is rife with wildlife, but as usual the wildest thing we saw were the staff! As travel days go, it didn’t feel like 7-8 hours spent in a vehicle as the views are incredible, plus I got to chinwag with Megan and try to update some of the blog. That said, I think we were all glad to reach Whistler, stretch out and get our tents up.
Our designated area for camp was quite small, so G made the executive decision (as Megan said we could) to pitch our tent up a little way along the path on a small grassy patch by the river. Did it make us look unsociable, a bit. Would we be the first tent a bear would check if he crossed the river, probably! Which could happen at any point (allegedly!) but more so here as bears had been spotted in the area recently. The mood around camp was a little subdued as we didn’t have the buzz of fun activities and we’d gone from big open ranch space on grass to a small gravelly pitch. The facilities however, were very good! Lots of showers, plenty of washers and dryers, power sockets, helpful staff, so every cloud and all that! I don’t know whether chief anticipated that there might be a bit of a drop in spirits after a travel day, but she knew exactly what do cook to perk us all back up… burgers!! Followed by some butter tarts, which were as naughty as they sound! We just about had enough energy for a few games of Heads Up, before calling it a night, ahead of a day in Whistler.
Georgie’s highlight of the day: The views from the van all day and warming up!
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