#can I just say promos have always been 🔥🔥🔥
leparasite · 3 months
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ROCK ROCK Promo Clip 06.03.2019
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twdmusicboxmystery · 10 months
i know obviously this community is not one to talk, but i genuinely can’t understand how troy survived? i mean if anything it’s good for us because it proves anything is possible. literally anything if troy can survive that. i haven’t really been keeping up with amy promo for fear, have they announced how he survived? because i’m so confused
i mean this is obviously very good for td, fear having multiple characters come back from the ‘dead’ now, and one of them from a major head injury. i also wanted to ask, as it’s been for madison and now troy, they’ve announced the return before the episode airs with the reveal. so do you think they’ll do that for beth? or do you think they won’t to make it more shocking and no one will suspect it if there’s no announcement. i also think beth’s return will be 100x bigger than troy and madisons return too.
sorry for this weird random ask i’m just genuinely confused, i mean he must have some brain damage or something cuz that swing for madison was HARD.
I love your ask! And it's a great question.
As far as I know, they haven't announced how he survived, yet. I'm sure we'll find out when the episode airs, and I'm excited to see what other parallels he has to Beth. Was he in a coma for 3 weeks? Did he have any memory loss?
I agree about this being good for TD and showing that anything is possible. I mean, you could technically have claimed that after Carl survived being shot in the head, but that happened in the comics as well, so people were more willing to believe.
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Honestly, for me it's the Sirius symbolism of his one missing eye that's exciting. I mean, there was LITERALLY a one-eyed dog around Beth in Alone.
As for how they'll reveal her, I honestly don't know. I guess I'm 50/50 on whether they'll announce it beforehand. In the past, I definitely would have said no, they won't do that. But it's also true that times have changed. The TWDU has vastly expanded, fewer people are watching, and a LOT fewer are watching live because most people stream. Maybe they've learned that they get more publicity and reach when they announce it beforehand and build hype and discussion online. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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On the other hand, if they DON'T announce it (and I honestly hope they don't; I just think it's better that way) the best strategy for her return would definitely be in the Daryl spinoff. We've talked about the possibility of her returning in other shows before, like Fear or TWB, and obviously it hasn't happened yet. But because Daryl always has been and still is the fan favorite, his show will have the most eyeballs on it. Far more in terms of audience numbers than Fear or any of the other spinoffs.
Not to mention, despite what they say, you know a certain dark ship will be watching, and when Beth is revealed, they're going to start screaming about it online. Sure, it will be negative stuff about how stupid Beth's return is and how the show has "betrayed" them and all that nonsense, but they'll still be giving the TWDU the best publicity that anyone ever could. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sorry. I'm rambling a bit. I guess the bottom line is, I don't know the answer, but I can't wait to find out! Xoxo! ☀️🔥💘
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imabillyami · 11 months
Thoughts on Raw?
Hi anon! Sorry, I know it’s been a while!
I know the ask referred to the Raw from the week before, but I turned that off at some point and only caught up by watching some clips over the course of the week. So I’ll talk about this week’s episode instead, if you don’t mind, cause I actually sat down and watched it.
Short answer: An overall solid episode imo and one of the better ones they’ve done recently, I think. I didn’t love it, but I also didn’t hate it. They started some good new feuds, teased some development in already existent ones, had some solid filler segments. It was pretty much what I wanted from a post PLE show. 
Match by match (segment by segment) under the cut:
I’m a bit salty that Wade is doing commentary on Raw instead of SD. I like watching SD a lot more, so I wish the better team of commentators didn’t get switched to RAW, obviously (sorry, but I can't stand Kevin Patrick on commentary, he needs more training and a lot of it). But then maybe it’ll make sitting through Raw a little easier. 
Opening with Cody - do I have to say anything at this point? Nope. I’ll admit I was excited when Seth walked out (can we take a moment to appreciate that killer outfit please? 🔥🔥🔥), cause these two put on some banger matches in the past. TJD interrupting, Sami making the save and this turning into another 6-Man-Tag? That pretty much killed my excitement though. I always love love love seeing Sami as we all know ❤️ but not as a third wheel for whoever needs it that week.
Fatal 4-Way #1 Contender: This was a BANGER match! Loved it! Highlight of the night for me. It made all the competitors look good and I love love love me a rare Gable win (especially in front of his home crowd and his son! and that celebration? THE CUTEST OMG). Realistically we all know that he’s not gonna beat Gunther, but this was a feel-good moment though.
Tbh I didn’t really care much for the Cody/Seth relationship drama and Sami deserves much better booking, but them agreeing to do it for Kevin was kinda cute.
Shinsuke vs. Bronson: These two will always put a decent match together, both are very impressive, but there were a few scary looking moments/botches in that one. (I personally feel like this „feud“ is getting a little old by now, but apparently Shinsuke is moving on to bigger and better things now and we love to see it!)
Patiently waiting for that Raquel/ Rhea feud to really take off. They deserve a good feud! The attack at before the Main Event was 👀 I’m excited!
What even was that Kaiser/Maxxine/Otis backstage thing? I’m just- 
Becky Promo: I know you’re tired Becky, so am I. There’s just so much frustration around this feud. This could have been one of the all-time-great feuds of this era, but they completely fumbled it, took away all the spotlight it deserved and made it feel mediocre at best. Becky, Trish (and Zoey) have taken whatever crap they were handed and worked with it the best they could, but something just doesn’t work here. WWE missed out big time (no pun intended) with this. I hope they’ll give it proper time and a proper sendoff next week or at the next PLE. These women deserve so much better.
I’m not gonna say much on the whole JD McDonagh thing. I don’t want him in TJD, I don’t want him around at all, that’s it. That guy is right there on my shit list with Theory and Riddle. No further comment.
I LOVE that delicious tension building between Finn and Damian, they’re doing a very very good job with that (of course it’s the briefcase’s fault, of course lol). When shit hits the fan eventually, these two are gonna have a banger feud with banger matches, no doubt (and I wouldn’t even mind it being for the WHC once Seth had a good long run with it, both Finn and Damian would deserve it!)
Stark vs. Baszler: Y’all know by now that I have lots of love for Shayna 💕 and I thought the match was really good! These two are great workers imo. (I was a little distracted by Becky and her lemonade though, cause that? Girl, I got you! Go get their pathetic asses for doing you so dirty with that terrible booking! YES!!! Honestly, at this point it wouldn’t surprise me if Becky walks away once her contract is done.) They teased Shayna vs. Becky later on and I’m interested, even though I really need Becky vs. Rhea to happen more)
SAMI GETTING HURT/ BEING INJURED IS MY WORST FUCKING NIGHTMARE 😭😭😭 God I was devastated. I hope he’ll recover soon (same for Kevin) and that they’ll receive some better booking upon their return. 
Speaking of people who deserve better: OTIS. He shouldn’t get squashed like this, ever. Not even gonna comment any further on this. The crowd chanting for Chad was very heartwarming though.
LA KNIGHT YEAH! God I love The Miz. I love LA Knight. And that was an epic promo battle! Pls make this a good feud and don’t fuck it up! 
The New Day is back YESSIR 😭 When I tell you I missed them! I don’t care much for The Viking Raiders, but it was so good seeing Kofi and Xavier back in action! Let them run through all the tag teams and then once Kevin and Sami are back and recovered, please give us that banger feud! (idc that they’re all faces, they’ll still have awesome promos and epic matches, no doubt there). Thank you! 
The news of Sonya tearing her ACL broke my heart. I was so happy for her and Chelsea and now this! Istg those tag belts are CURSED. Does anyone even want them at this point? Throw them in the trash and get a new set pls, cause this one clearly has bad luck all over them.
Main Event: I’m really not the biggest fan of those 6-man-tags, not gonna lie. It was a solid match, I loved Sami getting involved in some capacity, but I’d like to see something new for once. No more 6-man-tags with TJD in the near future, I’m begging you. While I don’t like Cody, I love that the tension with Seth is still there and I’m hoping to see another round of that feud at some point. Very much here for Seth vs. Shinsuke, I liked that ending to the show a lot! 
Thanks for asking/ being interested as always, anon! And sorry again, for the late reply and hijacking this! Hugs to you 💕
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kunalkarankapoor · 3 years
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Hi Kunal, You have turned me back to any show after the years, as I had lost interest from TV shows. But thanks to Lockdown period(Nov-April) for providing me the opportunity to watch NaBoleTum and give me my favourite actor as you. This is the best thing happened in that duration. After that I was eagerly waiting for your new show and soon got the good news about ZiddiDilManneNa . After the years I am watching show on TV thanks to you. Just like your previous performances, once again you are creating magic with your sheer performance. Every single scene and dialogue is enough to make us crazy. In last two episodes, your performance is brilliant and beyond words, what an acting. No one likes you. Lots of love Your admire - Sunita @kunalfan22
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"Kunal's acting in Friday episode is coming out of my mind.👏👏 It is set in repeat mode. We can feel the every emotion through which Sid was going in such stage😢😘. The every emotion of pain, helpless, to prove himself worthwhile and zidd is portrayed by Kunal so effortlessly. His voice modulation and minute detail of facial expression is out of word. Kudos to such fine artist.💯❤️
In last 20 episodes, I think we have seen so many shades of Sid Ganju from carefree - lazy-cool Sid to determined - sacrificing Sid who is ready to do anything for his Sanjana.... ...Most interesting and well written character and Kunal is doing full just with Sid G🎉👏. Kunal and Sid G are inseparable and made for each other😃😍...I am eager to see his journey..he will definitely set the screen on fire🔥🔥  " - @kunalfan22
“Kunal return to tv screen after a gap with an amazing concept .. We all were waiting for this moment... Before the show starts... We were already fell in love with sid from the promos and photoshoots ... He always creates a magic on TV screen and after this show he made a permanent place in our hearts forever... He is a born performer . . I just like his comic sense of Humour... Sid character is the best ...full of entertainment... His character is with full of positive energy .. Before the show starting... I expect that sid's character would be this much interesting and exciting . .. Day by day... He is showing different and unique shades for which I'm surprised with the past one.. It's his magic wht we say "" Powerhouse of talent ""... Sid ganju is excellent and Mind-blowing. . It's been high time I laughed out openly. .. I felt completely free without any stress or tension. . @kunalkarankapoor is the man behind my all happiness and smile . . .. You are the best... Kunal... Love you so so much” - Khushik
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imabillyami · 11 months
Thoughts on Smackdown?
Hi lovely anon! Thanks for asking & being interested in my opinion ❤️
Short answer: Overall I think it was a solid episode. Personally I liked it a lot better than RAW. (I wish Sami was still on Smackdown, cause that’s his home and where he belongs. *sigh*)
Long answer: I'll start off with Jey obviously, who had the best segment of the night by a landslide, duh. I'll get to the rest of the show after that. But just... JEY FUCKING USO DAMN.
First of all: Joshua your acting & promo skills are 🔥🔥🔥 The Usos both have always been incredible at this, but Jey is a beast on the mic these days, holy crap. Playing with and utilizing those damn ‘what’ chants and make it feel organic?
That man has any crowd in any place in the palm of his hand at any given moment. That and his facial expressions throughout that segment? The doubt, the guilt, the fear, the frustration, the utter horror? Throw all the awards at that man please! 
And oh god Solo speaking to say that. He speaks so little that every time he does it hits even harder. The floodgates were wide open, I was crying for most of that segment, I’m not gonna lie.
I love Paul Heyman and I love his promos and that paired with Jey’s acting and Solo’s words. THAT HURT. (I loved every second of it.) I know it was probably supposed to be a "filler segment“ until Roman returns next week, but that whole segment was pure fire and it proved once again that Jey IS the show. He’s so over, he’s so damn good and he deserves that main-event spot and a singles title run the most out of anyone on that roster. He's worked (and keeps working) his ass off week in week out for this on the highest level for years now and he deserves it all. The Bloodline Storyline and everyone involved are a beautiful gift that keeps on giving and Jey being the star of it makes me the happiest.
I’m not having any illusions about Jey actually winning at Summerslam, BUT they are still SO good at making us believe that he actually can. I can’t wait for more and I can’t wait to see where they take things with Roman and Jey this time around. Next week can't come soon enough.
(P.S. Jey having Jimmy’s hat with him was a really nice little heartbreaking detail.)
As for the rest of the show:
If things are really leading up to Bianca vs. Charlotte vs. Asuka at Summerslam, that’s gonna be a banger for sure. Even though I think Asuka deserves better in that feud. She’s the champ, yet it feels like she’s taking a backseat a lot of the time, with way more spotlight on Bianca vs. Charlotte. Don’t get me wrong, I love to see Bianca vs. Charlotte, but like… Asuka deserves a banger title run and a banger feud with them. That chaotic ending to the show was a good start though. (+ I’m still kinda hoping for a Bianca heel turn at some point.)
The Tag-Match was awesome, I love the Brutes and Pretty Deadly is slowly growing on me too, I think they put on a great match! I wish they’d keep Pretty Deadly far away from Theory though. They don’t need him.
I was gonna joke about how Shotzi and I are twinning with our haircuts, cause we are, but I found out that she decided to do it in support of her sister who was diagnosed with liver cancer and that’s obviously so much bigger than anything and I have nothing but huge respect for her. I hope her sister will be okay and hope they’ll finally give Shotzi the proper spotlight she deserves, cause she has loads of potential.
I don’t like or care for Grayson Waller or Austin Theory, so I’m not gonna speak much about them, other than saying that Theory needs to drop that title and get off my dang TV (bonus if LA Knight is the one taking it off of him YEAH)
Bayley vs. Zelina was too short, I could’ve watched a longer match between these two for sure, but it’s nice to see that the women’s division gets some well-deserved spotlight. I still think they might make Bayley cost Iyo that Cash-in and while I really want Iyo to have a successful cash-in and championship run, I’d really love to see a Bayley/Iyo feud too. We’ll have to wait and see.
Street Profits aligning themselves with Bobby Lashley could be very interesting, especially if it gets them more screen time. I love them and want to see loads more of them! 
If I forgot anything, well... but I figured I talked more than enough at this point 😂
Thanks again, anon 🥰
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