#can haz advice plz?
authoraemoseley · 11 months
Sooo, I have a problem!
I am incredibly shy. My MO is typically "lurk then excitedly interact and then befriend people through shared nerdery". For some reason, this shyness does not get better when I am on the internet.
This is problematic because I legit created this blog so I could get to know more fellow writers and actually be a part of the writing community. I tend to self isolate a lot, beyond my typical introversion, which isn't entirely healthy or helpful.
As much as I absolutely adore my WIP House of Moons: The Phoenix Mirror, I'm afraid to share too much about it because possible spoilers. I also grew up in that generation of "EVERYONE ON THE INTERNET WILL STEAL YOUR IDEAS THEN PUBLISH THEM BEFORE YOU" (which I mean AIs now but this was about 15-20 years too early).
But I could rant and go on tangents about my characters for eons. Shapeshifters, half faeries, fire mages, and all sorts of other shenanigans are really fun things to talk about!
Another thing I'm struggling with, is that I adore this story. I've been working on it in some form since middle school (6th grade to be precise). I'm in my early 30s now. My story has grown and changed a lot with me, and I'm so happy with where it's at now.
I know that this story isn't going to be for everyone. I wouldn't like this story if it was. I know a lot of people won't like the diversity (disabled main characters, open conversations about PTSD in teens, healthy queer relationships where no one dies), magic (remember how the world reacted to Harry Potter? XD), horror elements, and the fact that a "nice" disabled white girl (me, hi, I'm the problem writer, it's me), is writing this stuff. Screw that, but it's still frustrating. I feel like I've been fighting for my space in the world (remember, disabled (HoH/Deaf) girl here) for so long and can we please just all bugger off and let others take up space? It's exhausting, and yet as you can see from reading this far (and bless you for doing so!), I'm struggling to take up space in a very kind and open community.
Does anyone have some thoughts/tips/pointers?
Thank you so much, because I really do appreciate it <3
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fanficparker · 5 years
Please a part 2 of Artsy Cutesy with the date. 😭😭😭
Haz x Reader
Warning: This is the cutest shit I have ever written. Tooth rotting fluff.
lol... I like nervous shy boys & they deserve representation in the community...
Part 1 link | [ MASTERLIST ]
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"It looks good? Am I looking good? Am I overdressed?" Harrison buttoned up the sleeves of his crisp white shirt, slipping on the navy blue coat the other moment.
"You are just overreacting." Tom whom he especially called for just getting him dressed up answered, clicking his tongue.
"If she thinks I am putting too many efforts. I never wear suits. I don't remember the last time I wore anything that actually was not a loose sweater or t-shirt. If she thinks I am faking or something or she doesn't like this look---" Tom interrupted Harrison's rambling, throwing the red tie at him.
Who wears a red tie with a blue suit? But anyways he decided to go with it.
"Wear it because if you get late, then surely she'll not like it." Tom rolled his eyes.
"It's my first date, mate. All I want you is to be supportive." Harrison said, tieing the tie around his neck.
"Okay. You are looking great, she'll faint see you like this. Now can we leave?" Tom rolled his eyes, although he genuinely agreed with the first part.
He was happy that his friend was finally going on a date with the girl he could never shut his mouth taking about.
"I haven't done my hair," Harrison said and Tom rolled his eyes again, knowing he will take another hour.
Finally, they made it to the restaurant. Tom preached Harrison about how to behave at a date, already knowing he will forget his training. He left him at the table and drove back home.
Harrison fiddled with his fingers waiting eagerly for Y/n. They had been on a number of outings before, have eaten together a lot before, but never in a date...
What will he do? Dates are supposed to be special. He didn't want it to feel like a normal everyday lunch.
He was tensed until she tapped on his shoulder.
"Hi!" She greeted him with a smile when he looked at her, his forehead already sweating.
Damn, she looked gorgeous.
Y/n was wearing a red solid, deep neck silk top over tight black jeans. And she was definitely rocking the look.
Shit! Shit! He shouldn't have trailed his eyes on her from head to toe.
Would she consider it creepy? He asked himself, getting embarrassed. He haphazardly stood up from his chair, pulling the chair opposite the table as she got seated mumbling a little 'thank you'.
Wait... He didn't even reply back her 'hi'... If he replies now, it would be awkward. Sweat beads on his forehead were already concentrating.
"You look really nice."
Her voice got him out of his thoughts. He looked at her face, her cheeks tinted red from the little blush that crept her face and soon he could feel his own face getting warm.
"Thank you." He whispered shyly taking his previous seat.
"You look great... Bre-breathtaking." He stammered looking at her, the red on her cheeks already darkening. Her fingers traced the skin of her face as she tucked the loose strand of hair behind her ear, looking down.
She was adorable. Very adorable...
They ordered the food, eating slowly not talking much as they used too.
It was a new feeling.
She knew Harrison was shy enough that he won't do anything different on their first date and so she took in the initiative to make it feel like a date. Her hand slowly crept on the table.
He can hold her hand if he wants.
She wanted him to hold her hand, so bad...
"My tie matches with your dress... I mean your top," He said fiddling with his tie.
She smiled at him. He wasn't good at flirting, not even a bit but she liked that he tried. She liked that he was trying to flirt with her.
"We should hmm... Talk in the park. It's very formal here," She suggested because the date wasn't going in any direction. He nodded in agreement. Harrison wanted to pay for the full meal but she insisted to split it like they always did. She told him it's 'their' date not 'his'. A big smile appeared on her face when he agreed and he couldn't stop but smile back.
They walked around the vacant park and around the little pond trying to talk normally. They had so much to talk about before today but now they both seemed to run out of topics to talk. Fake, awkward laughs left their lips, their face flustered. She again tried to signal him to hold her hand by making her hand, brushing his hand ever so often.
Hold my hand, div!!! She screamed in her mind.
It was too much for her, she decided to do it herself. She slipped her palm in his, intervening their fingers. His breath hitched at her act but seeing her flushed face his heart filled with warmth and he ended up squeezing her hand ever so lightly. They continued walking in the park in silence, holding hands.
Harrison sensed her getting closer to him, she was mildly shivering and her lips produced little whimpers.
He wanted to do this so long.
Every time in movies or books when he saw the man offering his coat or jacket to the partner he always wondered when would he be able to do it... And that too with Y/n...
A smile crept his lips, imagining her in his clothes.
He was thinking too far. He mentally kicked himself.
Stopping his motions, he left her hand standing in front of her. She looked at her confused. He slowly slipped off his coat, putting it on her shoulders. She held the coat in her hands, securing it on her shoulders. Harrison watched her with a glimmer in his eyes as she clenched his coat around her body.
"We should go home."
Harrison bit his inner cheeks at her words.
Did he mess up the date that she wants to go back home so early? Was this gesture only romantic in movies?
He was sad now.
"I-I'll call the taxi." He said leaving her there, walking towards the road. His heart clenched painfully in his chest. He should have followed Tom's dating advice. He must have embarrassed himself in front of her.
Little tears formed in the corner of his eyes as they both took a seat in the taxi. Harrison sat on the extreme left, looking out of the window fighting the urge to cry.
He has ruined their date. He blamed himself.
He felt her arm taping his shoulder. He turned his head to look at her.
Oh. She had reached her home.
She got out of the car, him following behind. He closed his eyes waiting for her to say– I guess we should be just friends. And then as in every case, the friendship will never be the same.
But instead of her words, he was greeted by her soft lips on his cheeks.
His eyes shot open. His heart bounced when she looked at him grinning.
"It was an amazing night. Just be yourself, no need to be nervous around me. I am the same Y/n whether as your friend or as your girlfriend."
If his heart was bouncing previously then it took a long jump hearing the word 'girlfriend' escape her lips.
"So you wanna do this again?" She asked politely, biting her lower lip.
"Yeah yeah of course. I like you a lot." He said like a little child, getting flustered because of his own words again.
She giggled, rubbing her head. The coat on her shoulders was about to fall on the ground when Harrison caught it, his arms around her. He had never looked into her e/c eyes so close. Her eyes were so soft, her lips looked so soft that he bet— he could have kissed her right then if the taxi driver didn't blow the horn.
"Coming... " He yelled at the taxi, standing straight.
"Guess I'll take this." He said taking his coat back and running towards the taxi while Y/n looked at him grinning sheepishly.
Yeah, he will take his time for that perfect moment. If their first date wasn't perfect, so what, he'll assure their first kiss will be...
Hope you enjoyed this :)
PERMANENT TAGLIST (Everything I write):
@acceptance07 ​  // @hollisellers2003* // @parker-holland-osterfield ​ // @osterfieldholland01 ​ // @jjasalem ​ // @zselenophile ​ // @miraclesoflove ​ //@yourmum792* // @maryosprinkle ​ // @crazyfreaker ​ // @practicallylivesonline ​ // @trustfundparker ​ // @emcsii04 ​ // @asmilinghopelessromantic ​
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lamptracker · 7 years
Updated Updated Masterlist
I should just link this in my bio or something and then update as needed. But that would be smart or something. Anyway.
Tom Holland
Sick Day- The reader is sick; Tom takes care of her. Fluff.
Officially Untitled, Unofficially titled I Almost Posted This On My Main Blog - Reader has a terrible day at work; Tom cheers her up. Fluff.
Tom Holland Hair Watch 2017 - When Tom makes a concerning tweet about his hair, the reader visits him on set to see what's up. FLUFF.
Waiting - The reader is waiting on her doctor's office to call with some test results. Fluff again.
Chilly Nights - Reader and Tom are hanging out on the couch; the reader is cold.
Tonight, I'll Need You to Stay (Part 1) - Tom helps the reader escape an abusive relationship. Domestic abuse, swearing, angst.
Tonight, I'll Need You to Stay (part 2) - Tom helps the reader move on from her abusive relationship. Smut
Love Will Come to You - The reader is Tom's new co-star; she keeps falling in love with the wrong guys and Tom can't stand to watch it.
If I Take My Heart's Advice - The reader is torn between her current boyfriend Aiden and her ex, Tom.
I give you peace when peace is fragile - Tom catches the reader self-harming herself. Warnings: self-harm, blood, angst.
Drunken Confession Night - Movie Night with Harrison and the three eldest Hollands always devolves into Drunken Confession Night. This time, though, Tom drops a bomb.
Things That Go Bump - Tom and the reader are in bed talking about ghosts; they hear strange noises and go investigate.
Tom After Dentist - Tom gets his wisdom tooth pulled and has some interesting things to say, especially to his girlfriend of a couple of months.
Third Time's a Charm - After Tom (allegedly) breaks his nose a third time, the reader makes another trailer visit.
You Should Be Here - The reader passes away; Tom tries to figure out how to go on. Angst.
Tom Dating an Older Woman - A headcanon about Tom dating an older woman.
Love in the Apocalypse - The reader is on meds for a cough that make her have crazy dreams...about Tom and the zombie apocalypse.
Can't Not Be With You - The reader tries to seduce Tom while drunk; he refuses to take advantage of her.
Holland Family Ski Trip - Tom teaches the reader how to ski while the family visits Sam in France.
Small bump - Tom wants kids. You don't. Now what?
Sod Off, Valentine's Day - You have a cold. And your period. On Valentine's Day.
Golden Dreams - AU in which you and your ice dancing partner Tom go to the Olympics. You'd never considered falling in love with him...or have you?
battered fighters - You and Tom have a nasty argument. He tries to make it up to you
‘close your eyes before the sleep’ - Tom’s girlfriend is working on her thesis for her masters’ degree; Tom wants nothing more than to give her a break.
This blurb I wrote that doesn’t have an official title - Tom wants to celebrate your anniversary by playing a song for you - but the only instrument he has handy? A kazoo.
Share a Coke - Soulmate!Au. When you turn 18, you get the chance to meet your soulmate. You’ll know when the day a Coke can with their name on it shows up in your fridge. Tom wonders if he’ll ever find his... until a can with your name on it appears.
Harrison Osterfield
Harrison Potter - Harrison comes home from Milan with a baseball cap and a secret.
"I could stay here all day" - Blurb based on a tweet from Harrison about wanting to stay in bed all day.
"Can it stop snowing plz" - Blurb about staying at Harrison's during a snowstorm
take a chance - Movie night with roommate Haz turns into something both of you have dreamed about. Smut.
Don't Move - Harrison wants the reader to be more assertive during sex. SMUT.
“y tho” - Harrison is sick with a terrible cold; fortunately, you’re a really good nurse.
‘loving can hurt sometimes’ - The reader and Harrison fight over comments made about her on his Instagram.
Golfing with Harrison - a blurb about Harrison teaching you how to golf, and Third Wheel Tom insisting on keeping score.
The First Time - the reader loses her virginity to Harrison. Smut.
Marry Me - Harrison is invited to his best friend’s wedding; she has no idea he’s in love with her. Based on the song “Marry Me” by Thomas Rhett; written for a writing challenge @upsidedownparker hosted.
Be Alright - Based on the song “Be Alright” by Dean Lewis. Tom and (eventually) the reader help Harrison put the pieces of his broken heart back together.
Your Guide to the Afterlife - The reader dies. Harrison is her guide to the next step in her eternal journey.
The Hand Fic - Harrison knows how to use his hands. SMUT
Roommate AU
Roomies - AU in which the reader goes on a bad date, watches Cheers, and realizes she may be falling for her roommate Tom.
'I need a favor' - Tom asks the reader, his roommate, for a (pretty big) favor.
The Cure for a Broken Heart - After getting dumped, your roommates Tom and Harrison help console you. But who knew that the cure for a broken heart was already under your own roof?
Headcanons/General AU
Road Trips with Tom - A headcanon about what a road trip with Tom would be like.
Tom Dating a Famous Writer - Headcanon about Tom dating a famous writer.
Tom Caring for Your Baby Daughter - Headcanon about Tom taking care of your baby daughter.
Headcanon about an ER trip - A headcanon inspired by my recent trip to the ER.
Headcanon about Nurse Tom - in which the patient, under sedation, tells him to "fight me"
Four Days - Four days in the life of a keyholder at a small-town store, who flirts with a cute fireman named Tom.
- 'I think i wanna marry you' - Five boys (Tom, Harrison, Harry, Sam, and Jacob) and the moment they knew they wanted to marry you.
'Baby, just say yes' - Five boys, five proposals. A companion piece to 'I think i wanna marry you'.
‘marry me, today and every day’ - Five boys, five weddings.
Royal Minder - a headcanon about the reader being the royal minder for bratty Prince Tom.
The Princess of Starbucks (Royal!Reader/Barista!Tom) - Bored with palace life, the reader - princess of a small country - sneaks into town for a day of anonymity. While at the coffee shop, she meets the most beautiful boy she's ever seen working the counter.
Peter Parker
Personal Space - You're trying to study, but keep getting distracted by one Peter Parker.
Stop Staring at Me! - The reader has a crush on Peter. Ned knows something she doesn't.
Prom Night - The reader is up for prom queen. She's dating Flash Thompson but has a crush on Peter Parker; both boys are running for Prom King.
Dive - The reader asks Peter to pose as her boyfriend to make Flash, her ex, jealous.
First Kiss with Peter - a headcanon about your first kiss with Peter.
You need a blue sky holiday - You had a bad day. Peter vows to turn it around.
First Time Peter Says He Loves You - a headcanon about the first time Peter says those three little words.
Jacket - “Take my jacket, it’s cold.” Written for a writing challenge.
Someone Else’s Star - All the reader wants is to be in love. But is she wishing on someone else’s star? Inspired by Bryan White’s song “Someone Else’s Star.”
This blurb I wrote about a rainy day - It’s a blurb about a rainy day. 
Candygram - The reader hates Valentine’s Day. But will Peter give her a reason not to?
Annabelle’s Homework -  Peter is so in love with Annabelle Stephens, he thinks nothing of doing her homework for her. The reader is upset by this. Mostly because Annabelle isn’t in love with Peter… she is. Inspired by Alec Benjamin’s song “Annabelle’s Homework.”
The Boys in the Band - The four Holland brothers and Harrison are in a boy band. All of them (minus Paddy) are fighting for the reader's affections.
Too Much to Ask - Sam Holland meets the girl of his dreams, has his heart broken, and deals with the aftermath. Inspired by Niall Horan's "Too Much to Ask."
Trois - Tom, Haz, threesome. That’s all you really need to know.
Hazza - The infamous Harry/Harrison threesome fic. Smut.
Harry Holland
Harry's New Glasses - Harry is self-conscious about his new glasses; his girlfriend, the reader, thinks they're hot.
3:30something - It's 3:30 am and the reader can't sleep; Harry does his best to help.
Here For You - Harry is there after the reader’s grandfather dies.
Finals Week - Harry helps the reader de-stress while preparing for finals.
The Bench - you seek solace in the bench at your favorite pond when you and Harry have your worst fight yet.
Sam Holland (note: I do not write for Sam anymore)
Steady Rain - Sam comforts the reader during a thunderstorm.
Jacob Batalon
I Hate Christmas Parties - Jacob plans to tell Laura he's in love with her at Zendaya's Christmas party. When she arrives with another man, he's devastated - until he finds someone who's as miserable as he is.
Love is Christmas - Jacob and the reader, who met at Zendaya's Christmas party, have a cookie-baking and holiday movie date. (This one got approximately zero notes but I liked it so read it, ok?
A still-untitled prompt request - Jacob and the reader make love in front of the fireplace on Christmas Eve. NSFW.
No-Hitter - Pitcher Sam Holland goes for his first career no-hitter.
Heart and Hustle - Tom, standout high school third baseman, plays in the championship game.
After Practice - After a tough practice, minor league first baseman Harrison needs a release. Smut.
Ned Leeds
Actual Mom Friend Ned Leeds - A headcanon about everyone's favorite Guy in the Chair.
Salamander - Ned befriends the new girl in school. But she has a secret.
Single Dad!AU
The Recital - Single Dad and CEO Tom Holland tries desperately to make it to his five-year-old daughter Lily’s first dance recital on time.
Guilt Trips and Sundaes - Tom feels bad about yelling at Lily, so he takes her out for ice cream. They run into a friend of Lily’s from school... and her single mom.
Sweet Pea - Single dad Harry Holland gets upset at his daughter Eleanor.
Past Curfew - Architect Harrison Osterfield is worried when his teenage son Evan misses curfew.
Double Trouble - Music professor Sam Holland, under lots of stress, snaps at his twin daughters Rose and Iris.
Spiderling - Peter Parker gets upset at his daughter Julia. 
Stray Kids
Just a Tiny Fire - Pairing: Han Jisung/Reader
The reader has been stressed out at work, so their best friend Jisung tries to help...but causes a minor calamity instead.
Untitled Han Jisung Fic - Han Jisung/Female Reader
Jisung and the reader celebrate their one-year anniversary. Smut, fluff, the other 7 are total doofuses (and Changbin may or may not be channeling a frat boy, I haven’t decided yet).
This Seat Taken? - Seo Changbin/Female Reader
The reader finds herself falling in love with her best friend, Changbin.
The Tea Shop Girl - Pairing: Harrison Osterfield/Reader
Harrison Osterfield falls for the girl that runs the tea shop down the street.
In Charge - Pairing: Accountant!Tom Holland/CEO!Female Reader
The reader, CEO of her own company, has an “arrangement” with Tom, one of her new accountants.
Spy vs. Spy - Pairing: Spy!Harrison Osterfield/Spy!Female Reader
Harrison Osterfield, one of Britain’s top spies, keeps getting thrown into missions with rival spy (y/n). Can they work together without killing each other? Or will something more develop?
Win-Win - Pairing: Female Reader/Tom Holland
Temporarily homeless, the reader needs a place to stay. Her friend Tom, who has a reputation for being a womanizer, has an extra room… and an idea.
Blood in the Water - Pairing: Female Reader/Mob!Harrison Osterfield
Harrison Osterfield is the most feared man in Kingston and leader of one of Britain’s most notorious mobs. How far will he go to protect the ones he loves?
As always, I accept requests! I mostly write Tom Holland, as you can tell. But I will write Harrison or any of the Hollands (not Paddy - I’ll include him in a fic but I won’t write one about him). I’ll write Peter Parker too. 
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goodbadlibrarian · 6 years
The Year in Cryptocurrency: 2017
Most of us: wtf is cryptobits?
Coin Folks: is good
Most of us: yeah but wtf is it?
Coinfolks: dunno but still is good, you could try it
Science: is complicated but u could look it up (GBL’s note: DO THIS B4 U INVEST IN CRYPTO OR ANYTHING. DON’T BE STUPID.)
Jamie Dimon: it’s a scam it’s a bubble it’s tulips
Bitcoin (BTC): okay I just got bigger, thx Jamie D
Bitcoin: but now I’m worth a tiny bit less, sorry
Bitcoin: whoa I just grew three sizes, gotta buy new pants but I can afford ‘em now
Coinfolks: Thanks, Jimmie Diamond!
Ethereum (ETH): hey don’t forgot about me I’m like a whole shiny computer
Jamie Dimon: it will never be good it is always bad
Bitcoin: bump-a-rump-rump, I just grew another size!
Bitcoin: but then I lost a pound
Bitcoin: whoops, gonna need new pants again. Thanks, Jammie Dogmon!
Jamie Dimon: I will now shut up forever
Coinfolks: noooo Jomie Dugwit plz keep talking u makin us cryptorich!
Jamie Dimon: (crickets)
Ethereum: still here too
Ethereum Cybercash Cat Cafe: we can haz crypto kitty coins?
Pundits: ETH is so over is slowed down some
Ethereum: nah bruh I just got more embiggened. (Yo, BTC, where do u buy those bigger pants ‘coz I already need some?)
Coinbase: okay we gonna fork u some Bitcash when we go all SegWit real soon
Most of world: da fuq?
Coinfolk: yays!
Coinbase: okay maybe not sorry bout that
Bitcoin: no worries, I’ll just increase in value a lot
Coinfolks: boo hoo sorta, but not really ‘cuz we still gots a lotta BTC
Coinbase: never mind, here are a lot of free cryptomonies
Coinfolks: YAYS!
Mister Venezuela: can I make my own cryptocoinage and call it Pedro?
Coinfolks: that’s not how it works
Mr Venezueler: I’ma do it anyway, vote 4 Petro!
Petrocoin: I didn’t happen
Mr Venezoolander: oopsies
South Korea: hey we made a crypto market, errybody in the pool, u betcha!
S. Korea: never mind, we are sad now
Facebook: we are totally not entering the crypto market fer sure
Litecoin (LTC): we are FB moneys now probably
FB: okay but maybe
Litecoin: me so big now
Ethereum: I haz a birthday and for presents I will just be twice as large okay
Bitcoin: boo hoo I am only worth lots and lots more than I was a year ago
Bitcoin Cash (BCH): top o’ the world, ma!
All the cryptomonies: let’s take a ski vacation!
All the cryptos: nah bruh we cool, just sprained an ankle
Pundits: but but but
Coinfolks: thx punditz we’ll just keep doing the opposite so we can bathe in champagne
Bitcoin: look no cavities!
Litecoin: I’m such a playa
Bitcoin Cash: oh these growing pains
Ethereum: holy schnitzel I am feeling bloated
(GBL’s note: The Good Bad Librarian does not offer investment advice, financial planning, or really anything that you should take at face value other than the occasional soup recipe. However, the GBL would like to point out that at this writing BTC has increased more than 1500% in value over the last year; LTC just under 6000%; ETH over 10,000% and no that is not a typo; and BCH has appreciated over 500% in the 4 months of its existence. But it’s just a bubble. Sure it is - just ask Jamie Expert Dimon. Right Jamie? Jamie? Oh, right, he shut his piehole about crypto because HE WAS WRONG WRONG neener neener neener. Happy New Year, and may the coins be with you.)
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authoraemoseley · 6 months
Help a Writer Out?? (plz can haz writing advice?)
Yo! Fellow writers and readers! I need your help....
I, an adult woman, am writing an intense scene with two teenaged boys. They are having a Verbal Fight.
Essentially, in short, one of the boys (R.) accuse the other (M.) of stealing his girlfriend. M is totally confused as he doesn't even like R's former girlfriend like that.
I like what I have so far, but in so, so many movies and books I've seen this kind of conversation happens between women (and the women are being pitted against each other, bleh!). I'm 100% behind this scene, I'm just afraid that it's coming off too feminine because of the root of the argument?
For a little more background:
These guys are more masculine males (one straight, the other bi) and while the books do deal with mature themes, there's very limited cursing, and it's all magic when there is some (ie; instead of saying "what the f***" you might say "what the Flame" if that was the element you inherited.). Besides, I really don't think that cursing should be considered masculine or feminine. It just is.
But I also don't think that girls are the only ones that deal with feeling like their partner was stolen from them (which is a whole other conversation). Girls aren't the only ones that get into arguments or toxic relationships and are forced to deal with the aftermath when the relationship ends.
So I want to explore this topic, and it's a big turning point in the story for at least one of the characters.
Just....how do I make sure (as a non-male person), that my masculine leaning, teenage boys sound like teenage boys and not like they're channeling a tween rom-com???
-Side Note: Is this because as of late I've been reading a lot of books written by women? I've lost trust in books by men in certain genres simply because they write women so poorly and now I'm worried that I'm going to fall into the same trap XD
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