#can stds be spread thru kissing
boricuacherry-blog · 5 months
Is It Possible to Get an STD from Kissing?
How STDs are spread
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Small microorganisms (germs) can cause STDs. Some of these microorganisms can live in your saliva, or they can cause sores in your mouth. This makes it easier for them to spread between people when they kiss, especially during deep, open-mouthed kissing.
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Some STI's cause no symptoms or only mild symptoms. But even with no symptoms, STI's can spread to others. Testing is the only way to be sure you have an STI.
Consider this: about 50% of men and 70% of women infected with Chlamydia, one of the most common STDs, have no symptoms at all. Zero.
The belief that you can tell if someone has an STD by symptoms alone is one of many myths responsible for today's surging STD rates. Yes, there are potential signs of STDs in males and females you should watch for (such as unusual sores, bad-smelling discharge, pain or burning when urinating, or bleeding between periods). However, you should never assume that lacking these symptoms means you're all clear.
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These STD's include Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV, Herpes, Trichomoniasis, HPV, and Hepatitis B.
This is why it's good to get tested with your partner before sexual contact (due to many stds that are asymptomatic).
Also, while most STI's are transmitted through blood, vaginal secretions and semen, there are some that can also be contracted via contact with saliva.
For example, herpes simplex virus (the most common cause of cold sores) can be transmitted via kissing as well as oral. Gonorrhea, and less commonly, Chlamydia, can also be spread via kissing and oral. Importantly, all of these organisms can cause asymptomatic infection, so they can spread before the person is aware they are infected.
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the-black-mambaa · 7 years
Journal #1
The other day my dad sent me this video of two boxers, and how one was trash talking the other and the other was just taking it without saying anything. He told me in life there will always be bullies that will try to bring me down. There will always be problems and obstacles too big to overcome. They'll tell me that I can't do it. That I should quit while I can. That I'm a loser, and that I'll never amount to anything. That's it's too hard for someone like me to succeed.
He then told me, don't let them get to you. I see a leader in you. I know you are tough and can overcome whatever is in you're way. I've always seen you like this. You're quiet, and you let people push you around until you can't take enough. You need to stay strong, and show them who is boss. I love you.
I cried. And am still crying because my life is a mess. I tried fixing things with fredy, but I don't understand why. I'm still numb emotionally. Or I think the term is unavailable. I don't know, I just know what I feel and I just feel like nothing. Like I'm simply here, but even then sometimes I don't want to be. I told fredy this but he believed that he could make things work. He understood that he fucked up when he lied the first time. And although I told him I forgave him, I don't think I really did. I haven't been able to get over it. I still feel like I'm never going to be enough. I still feel like there is something wrong with me. That no one will ever.. But I guess that's not what matters.
I tried it with fredy because I could see he was hurting without me. He wouldn't sleep at night because his guilt was eating him alive. So we started couples therapy together. I think we had one session before everything went downhill. During that session I was asked on a scale of one to ten how badly did I want to fix this. And I didn't know. Because I was doing it for his sake, not mine. I felt nothing but guilt because I could see that I am the problem for him. I was doing fine without him, I am just hurt.
But he confronted me afterwards, and told me that If I didn't want this I needed to be honest. So I was honest, I told him that I wasn't sure because I felt like I was doing it for him. But I was willing to give it a second shot. So we did. We got back together.
I was afraid of what my family would say to me when they found out. The first person I told Was my best friend Julia, who literally lives with me. She told me that she supports me, and if this makes me happy then she would support me.
Literally like a couple days later Julia and I spent the night at Fredys house. (I didn't want to go alone). And I was messing around with him and jokingly said, give me you're phone.
-Now this is a joke between us from back when things were fine. And giving phones was never an issue because we never had anything to hide.-
But he got serious and said no. And I got serious and said why not?? What are you hiding?? He insisted it was nothing, and I said if it's nothing then give me you're phone. So we swapped phones.
And I was looking thru his fb messages and I opened the conversation between him and his ex Daisy. I was scrolling from the bottom up. When I came across him bragging about how fine white girls are (I am not white) and how he had a one night stand with one.
!!!!! And when I had the suspicion earlier (before these messages) about him sleeping with someone else I confronted him but he told me no. That I was the only one.
I told myself that I didn't care, that was I was angry about was that he lied to me. Because he could have contracted an STD and given it to me. And I wouldn't have known because he told me there was no one else. REMINDER THAT HE SLEPT WITH THIS FEMALE ONE WEEK After we broke up!
So I keep scrolling because obviously I'm dealing with a LIAR. And I start reading from the top down. He's telling her about his family and how his mom cheated on his dad and how it hurt him. And how to rebel against his mom he started going out without telling her and he literally bragged about being a (and I quote) "bad boy".
He then went on to talk about how Oregon is full of bisexuals who don't believe in God. And how everyone here is going to hell. How he never wants to have kids here in oregon bevause theyre gunna turn into athiest bisexuals just like everyone else. As if being gay was a contagious disease. And he tells her, "Daisy don't ever date someone who doesn't believe in God."
-backstory: during our relationship I told him that I wasn't sure what I believed in because I was raised as a Christian but I wasn't sure what was REAL or what has been forced in my head. So he knew I was struggling. Meaning that was a direct about ME.-
He goes on to tell her about how dating someone who doesn't believe in God (me) can ruin you. He literally tells her that I was like that and that it was my fault that he doubted his faith.
THEN he goes on to tell her how I left him for another girl. She goes, she's lesbian??? And he's like no, she's bisexual like everyone else here in oregon.
I haven't had sex with anyone but him since our breakup. I haven't kissed anyone or anything sexual. Much less with a female. I want to, but I haven't been able to bring myself to do it. So the fact that he was spreading rumors and lies about me pissed me off.
So I look at him, and he's looking at me like 😨😓. And I'm like so you did sleep with someone else.
Nd he THINKS and goes, yeah.
And I'm like so... you lied to me. After you got on my ass about being brutally honest with you, you were lying to me.
Nd he goes... yeeah....
And I'm like okay.
So I get out of the messages with Daisy, and I'm about to go into the messages with his best friend Siella, when he snatches the phone from me and says uh, I need to send my drug test to my recruiter. But instead he goes thru and deletes all the messages about me. And then he gives me back the phone and says I deleted some messages but here.
I told him then there was no point in seeing the phone. And he wanted to talk to me about what I was feeling atm, and what was gunna happen with us.
Thing is.
I didn't feel anything. I was angry at first but after a minute, I just let it go. Because why would I waste my time getting angry when I knew then that it was over. So I just told him I'd talk to him when I was ready to say what was on my mind. I didn't talk to him for two days.
The night of the second day I posted a picture of my ass in a skirt on my sinsta (@crabi_abbi) knowing fully well that he would see it. The next morning I let him know therapy was at 4pm. And he broke up with me over text saying that he couldn't with our relationship because of the picture I posted. That there were people from my school following me( I didn't even know what he was talking about until he explain that his friend was following me and I was like how was I supposed to know I thought it was a spam account I've never met the guy!) And that he couldn't date someone like me.
So I told him that he was a dick because I had so much to say but he took the easy way out and blamed it on me.
I still have so much to say to him but,
If I'm going to be honest with myself,
Does it even matter?
I feel like I am alone. And will be alone for a long time. I feel like no one will listen to me and my needs. I cut my hair thinking that maybe i would feel some way about it but I'm so numb that it was like nothing happened. I feel worse and worse everyday. This overwhelming feeling that I can't make it.
I'm drowning but do I really want to save myself? Does it even matter?
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