#can we not do this stereotypical shit hyv?
rintoki · 1 year
fr i hate the pity system and i hate the fact that the pity doesn't get carried onto the next banner because grinding can be such a pain in the ass in this game....like i started collecting s chips (and used som schips sometimes but not much) for the 2nd anniversary the moment i saw the 2nd aniv cards and I still was able to pull only one card when I was expecting to get at least 2💀💀
but honestly the only reason I'm still playing this game is for the events ...and sometimes for the cards too.....
also who's your favourite love interest?
marius and vyn are my favourites !!!!
but honestly i’m more upset about not getting the 2nd anniversary namecard and badge like !!!!!! ngl a part of why i still play this game is to collect the lil badges and namecards for big events like anniversary im so :((
but yea i just like collecting the rewards for doing events, getting the badge makes me feel accomplished SJNDJD like the cards are nice but so hard to get so i’m just chilling tbh, trying to get the entwining hearts badge now hehe
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mewmewpercy · 1 month
This is a different anon to avoid confusion from your last ask.
I follow that user that the 1st anon was linked. And recently they have expressed disappointment that people who are address hyv racism and colorism of indigenous yet they are still promoting the games and making post about their characters.
While I understand the hypocrisy. Like you said in the previous post you can still like/enjoy the game and still be critical about it. Many other POC users that I follow on twt have done mutiple threads on the thought process and effort Hyv has done when creating the regions and character it still doesnt change the the white washed historical figures while having colorist and racism towards SWANA people.
While we can't ignore all their is alot of issues that hyv has done with HSR and Genshin that doesn't mean they have done some things they have done with regions cultures and portrayals. With Natlan coming up we can only see how this goes.
We have about two more weeks until Natlan is officially released. While there has been leaks that there will be more white npc and is unknown if hyv has actually only change skin tones of that one child npc. We shouldn't getvdiscourage and keep promoting for change.
I feel like the community is getting far too pessimistic because of their ideology of change and revolution. This shit doesn't just magically change overnight. It takes time and effort from us the community to advocate and push for these changes.
The biggest part of enjoying things is being critical of them where they fall short. Supporting mediocrity or bigotry just because you enjoy media helps absolutely nobody.
I won't deny the amount of research put into regions. Like they have the names, clothes, music, and scenery to prove their research. The issue lies in them only including those things. I can say I enjoy a character or lore from a Sumeru desert character and still wish they were darker. I'm a big Cyno fan for example and the story quest part 2 with whitewashed Anubis made me upset. Do I hate the character? No. I hate whoever was behind that creative choice.
On the topic of that Natlan npc though. As much as I despise saying anything positive right now it is in fact a start. Baby steps are important to change because its all a domino effect. But on that token why the fuck did it take 4 years for them to redo a skintone and why is it only for a fucking npc. What about those white girl npcs with protective styles? What about the black npc that's a stereotype? Will the directors mess up pronunciations for names? Will the plot have a racism aspect to it? How many stereotypes are we gonna get hit with? Are we gonna have another Dori situation on our hands?
These are all very valid fears and complaints. While yes the process is slow it is still a work in progress. That npc showed that at the very least it's not nearly as difficult as some make it out to be. It's fine to be wary. It's fine to not wanna congratulate the bare minimum. It's not fine to shame people who advocate or still express positivity towards other aspects of the game. If you can't give opinions without bashing people on your side you need to take a step back.
Anyways last thing even small things count. Doing things like recolouring arts. Learning proper pronunciation. Doing research on the origins of their inspiration. Making redesigns. Submitting feedback. Even making posts when you have no platform. Every bit counts. Just don't be a morally superior prick about it because you feel high and mighty about your efforts compared to others.
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hematomes · 2 years
I feel so conflicted about the Sumeru character leaks. On one hand, it would be super nice to have characters with darker skin tones/complexions, to add both representation and also some design diversity. On the other hand, it’s a little odd to see people losing their minds over the designs. I mean, you reblogged a post that showed a lot of proof that people with lighter skin tones can, did, and do exist in the countries Sumeru is based off of. And there are lots of POC who have lighter skin tones! We deserve representation as much as any other POC. Calling light-skinned POC “white” erases a lot of the struggles we go through. (And to be perfectly honest, I don’t want even white people to feel bad about themselves).
I understand the frustration though. It would be really nice if Hoyoverse made characters with darker skin colors, and I want everyone to be able to see themselves represented by their favorite characters. But light-skinned POC exist, and genshin players calling characters that represent us gross just because they don’t like light skin color is disgusting.
i 100% share the sentiment. im tired of people calling liyue, inazuma and now sumeru characters white just bc they're light-skinned/"white-passing", ans their overall obsession with dark-skinned poc as if they're the only valid ethnic minorities??
it's a big issue in the genshin fandom, but also in the anime community as a whole imo. i talked about it before but as a black person myself i absolutely hate when people draw over characters' design to add the most stereotypical black features (comically big mouth and nose, for example) and call it representation or even worse, fixing the design ESPECIALLY if they're already poc. i saw a white person do this on twitter, while completely ignoring the actual black ppl who told them that it was closer to blackface or minstrel shows that representation. and im worried this mentality will be even more present with sumeru, as everyone is somehow losing their shit over the characters' skin color as if it's the only factor that makes you a poc. the obsession over black and brown people makes me so uncomfortable tbh
im gonna be honest. im exhausted, completely tired by this community, and if i see another white person throw a tantrum over this issue for brownie points im gonna become violent
anyway, i hope this shit calms down quickly and people just... move on, bc it's honestly the least of our problems as poc, whether might or dark skinned. not to mention, once again, that this is hyv, a chinese company, literally what did people expect sighs
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noro-noro-noro · 2 years
sorry to post about genshin on tumblr but i don’t want any whores from twitter seeing me. obviously i am going to talk to myself about the sumeru characters being sooo white (omitting collei bc we already knew what she looked like from the manga)
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their designs are very cute!! i do like these a lot, especially in comparison to the recent inazuma characters that i just haven’t liked that much. (ayato, shinobu, heizou, etc). i really think their designs are fun & cute & cool. 
anyway here’s the thing. if sumeru is supposed to be based off egypt/the middle east....why are they all white. ok from this point on know when i say white i’m talking about like pale skin color. i know that pale people from these places actually exist & i am not implying that these people are “white” like from america or europe or whatever group "white” refers to these days. if i say some shit like “zhongli is white” you KNOW i mean that he’s pale. zhongli is still chinese. ii know this isn’t super clear but do not take me in bad faith here i’m literally just complaining to myself & my 3 followers who read my posts. anyway
i know genshin hates dark skin which is why we have exactly 2 darker characters, kaeya & xinyan. 
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and maybe cyno & lansan, but they’re unreleased as of rn so they don’t count yet. & that’s still 4 out of like...40. 
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we also have barnabas from the manga but i barely count this guy bc he’s a villain & looks like a racist stereotype & i think diluc beats the shit out of him anyway.
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anyway. these are the 5 dark skinned characters in genshin impact right now, & 1 won’t ever be playable & the other 2 aren’t even on the horizon for being released. so it’s just xinyan & kaeya in a sea of whiteness. like cool. whatever. i get it. and you can kind of get away with this by being like “Well we’re focusing on germany. we’re focusing on china. we’re focusing on japan.” & be like haha it’s majority light people here!! 
but cmon hyv. idk i mean they’re SOOO intense about getting chinese lore right - liyue has like miles more love and care poured into its history than any other country right now - why don’t they extend this same courtesy to sumeru? 
we also knew this was coming because every single npc from sumeru - alrani, khedive, hosseini, soraya, vahid, parvaneh, sayid, that one guy that stands on a cliff at watasumi island - all of these people have been white. & i guess people were holding out hope that sumeru would be better but i’m pretty sure we all knew this was coming anyway. idk.  was hoping.
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anyway idk if this is even kusanali or some fake leak made up to stir more shit but like....idk. i don’t think the god of this area should look like someone that doesn’t represent the actual area it’s based off. (i say this as if the raiden shogun isn’t walking around with purple hair, which is a known trait that lal japanese people have or some shit). 
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I feel like it’s weird for her to look like this & have a name with that kind of history. idk i don’t know very much about that so i’f i’m speaking over people who do know better. in case anyone who does know better reads this. 
anyway just thinking some thoughts or whatever  . i don’t really like it but i’m not going to stop playing just bc of this. i hope they’ll learn
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