#can we start getting dadro and dadkoth as popular tags-
thehappiestgolucky · 4 years
Can we get some "Markoth and Xero as dads to Marmu" headcanons in those tiring times, please?
Yes, yes you can.
Little long because god do I love "Xero and Markoth adopt Marmu" so I ramble a bit again-
Markoth and Xero never met Marmu when all three were alive. Actually Xero was executed before Marmu was taken in by the White Lady.
Markoth during that time period was just... straight up not having a good time lmao-
"My husband is dead. My entire tribe is falling apart. Fuck the King, fuck the Queen, fuck all gods fuck this-"
He was aware of the moth child that was taken in by WL. Notamused.png
SO Marmu first meeting them is when they're all in the dream nail realm.
Markoth arrived as one of the first and let me tell you he was just spending the entire time grieving until Xero joined.
Marmu: Hey Mister can I sit with you?
Markoth: No
Narrator: Marmu did it anyway-
Now that little bit is out of the way, actual dads and one(1) baby headcanons~
Marmu is their little angel. Like seriously. She brings so much joy to them you can't even imagine.
Markoth will murder you if you even think about making her upset. Nevermind hurt her. Don't even test this.
Markoth usually takes a more calm approach, he usually displays affection alone. And he spoils her. That's his baby girl.
Xero is much louder about it. Whilst Markoth doesn't hesitate to gush about how much he loves his daughter Xero will just go off. He does this with every family member.
Each time Marmu goes to sleep Xero and Markoth give her a little forehead kiss. Unless the two are tired and happen to fall asleep first. Then she just snuggles in between them for maximum comfy stonks.
Whenever Marmu is near her dads she is either 1) Held 2) Pet pet or 3) holding onto one of their legs. She must be given the affection she deserves.
Xero: Is she? She's going to ram into it-
Markoth, already running: MARMU NO-
Xero is usually better with comforting children, this includes Marmu. It's not that Markoth doesn't want to - it's just he's been through a lot and he's fallen back into where his socialisation needs a lot of work again.
Marmu loves peppers. Like she'll take them over sweets any day. Xero and Markoth are a little concerned because she eats peppers with things she probably shouldn't-
So like, Marmu is a big caterpillar. That means if she was given the chance to grow she'd be a big moth. Conclusion: Modern grown Marmu is tol fluffy moths and her dads love her so much-
At some point bugs just started to believe Marmu was related to Markoth. Much to his embarrassment and Xero's amusement.
Xero doesn’t hesitate with affection, neither does Marmu. Even in public. It results in a very fluffed up Markoth - he loves them dearly but public affection will always make him flustered.
They're not strict parents. They have their concerns within reason and focus a lot on Marmu's happiness and safety. Markoth and Xero can be overprotective at times, but to cut them some slack, they've been through a lot. They're good parents.
If she's happy, they're joyous. Her smile means everything to them. Luckily she smiles a lot!
POV: You're Xero/Markoth
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