#can y'all guess what Time was assessing for when slurred speech made him worried and he asked Sky to smile and grip his hands?
skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
more LU in healthcare please! :D
@ajscico This one's for both of you :) Have a snippet of a Plot chapter, featuring Malon, Time, and Sky!
Malon giggled as Time kissed her. They both finally had gotten home at a reasonable hour for the first time in weeks, and the only other person in the house was Sky, who had quietly dragged his feet to his room and was no doubt asleep based on how exhausted he'd looked. When Time dipped in for another kiss, Malon took a step away with a mischievous smile.
"Darling, Sky's home," she said halfheartedly.
Time closed the distance between them, cupping her face with his hands. "We both know that boy will sleep through a hurricane. I locked the door anyway."
Malon laughed again and the two exchanged another kiss, the giddiness evolving into something far more passionate. Malon's arms traced down her husband's frame as Time hungrily pushed her towards the bed.
And then something loud clattered and crashed and broke somewhere in the house.
The couple broke apart in an instant, mood forgotten, and headed for the door. Malon went straight to Sky's bedroom while Time trotted down the stairs to ensure there wasn't an intruder.
The living room was clear of any sign of movement, but Time's eye caught sight of something glistening on the floor in the kitchen.
Striding towards the kitchen, Time froze when he traced the steadily spreading puddle of milk to its source.
Sky was on the ground, motionless. A glass was shattered on the floor beside him.
"Sky?" Temporary panic froze Time before his training started to kick in, and he crouched down beside the young man, giving him a firm shake. "Sky, wake up."
Sky didn't move.
Time clumsily slid his fingers over Sky's neck, feeling for a carotid pulse. It was there, strong but swift, and Sky's skin felt far too warm.
He was sick. And worse than that, he now probably had a head injury if he hadn't caught his fall.
"Malon," Time called, his voice pitched in an ever growing panic. He had handled so many medical emergencies over the years, but only once had it involved someone he was close to.
And it had been Sky then, too. This boy was going to give him a heart attack.
While he waited for his wife to arrive as backup, he shook Sky again, feeling helpless. His mind snapped back into focus as Sky groaned softly, and he started to press firmly down Sky's spine, starting at his neck and watching for any grimacing. When Sky didn't show any sign of being in pain from the palpation, Time rolled him onto his back.
Sky had a small laceration over his right eye, oozing a fair amount of blood. Faces always bled a lot, falsely advertising a far worse wound than there usually was. The laceration wasn't horrible, but it could probably use a stitch or two.
Malon ran into the room, having noticed Time's tone of voice, and she froze in the entranceway. "What happened?"
"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure he's sick," Time answered, beginning a full body assessment. "Get the first aid kit, please."
Malon was gone before he could even finish his request. As Time started to look and feel around to ensure that nothing else was damaged or broken, Sky's eyes fluttered open.
"Sky?" Time immediately scooted up a little so he was hovering over the young pilot's face. "What happened?"
Sky blinked blearily, his gaze unfocused. Time gave him a moment to reorient, and the boy did eventually notice Time's face. "T'me...?"
His words were slurred, and for a moment Time felt his blood freeze. It's just because he's waking up, calm down.
But he wasn't going to rule it out until he was sure.
"Sky, give me a smile," he said. When Sky blinked at him confusedly, he brushed some hair out of the boy's face and tried again, smiling as an example. "A smile, Sky, give me a smile."
Sky sleepily complied. Even on both sides. That was a start.
Grabbing the boy's hands next, Time ordered gently, "Squeeze my fingers."
Sky complied. His grip strength was weak, but it was equal.
That was enough of that concern, then. Time again asked, "What happened, Sky?"
Sky shivered, his entire body recoiling with the motion, and his teeth chattered. Malon reappeared, and Time immediately requested a thermometer.
The device beeped quickly, and read 39.
"When did he get that fever?" Malon muttered, looking over Time's shoulder. She then knelt on Sky's other side. "Hey, sweetie, how long have you been sick?"
"Sky, you're sick," Time said firmly. "You didn't notice?"
"Wasss getting m-milk..."
"I'll get the Tylenol," Malon said, already rising to her feet. Time grabbed the first aid kit in the meantime and started cleaning Sky's facial wound.
"Sky, where are we right now?" he asked as he moved.
Sky flinched a little as the antiseptic hit his cut. "H-home."
Time paused briefly, touched at the term Sky had used, and then continued his work. "Yes, that's right, Sky. That's right. What month is it?"
"And the year?"
Sky answered correctly as Malon reentered. She plopped a pillow on the ground beside the pair as she walked by them to grab some water.
"Sky, where are you hurting?" Time assessed after sliding the pillow under Sky's head. He hadn't found any injuries aside from Sky's face.
Time blinked, concerned and confused. Malon piped in, "He probably has body aches, hon."
Returning to the pair, Malon knelt down and set aside the water she'd grabbed. "Hi sweetheart. Does your head hurt?"
Sky nodded, biting his lip.
"Do you remember falling?"
Sky shook his head.
Sighing, Malon shrugged at Time. "Well we'll have to sit him up to take the medicine."
Time mulled it over. Sky wasn't too heavy, especially since he'd lost a fair amount of weight from nearly starving himself. "I'll carry him to our room. Why don't you take the medicine and supplies there. Better lighting and positioning, I can stitch his wound and he can rest."
Malon nodded and went ahead of him as he pulled Sky into his arms.
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