#lovely servantprincess
skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
*(flops onto nearest surface)* h'lo
*hugs* Hi Princess! :D How are you?
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daily-magolor · 3 years
is it bad i didn't realize they were repeating until yesterday? like i was sitting here like "dang, a lot of people must really like this magalor picture bragging about how he can get out of time loops easy, there's a lot of reblogs!" i am. a fool
maybe i really should just post the same picture of magolor every day. that daily otis instagram account has like 40k followers
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nexttrickanvils · 4 years
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Had to give some love to  my Persona OCs sets. First group is what I affectionally call The New Kids but also The Dream Team.
Second group is the Drama Club from Shakespearsona collab with @sakuradreamerz and @servantprincess
Meme template by @minikyutie
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nobleturnip · 7 years
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She was a pretty little thing.
Seeing the new maid dust one of the tables to his right, he couldn’t help but to smile. While most of the maids were pretty and cute, she was by far, the cutest maids that had been hired. Unlike the others, she had her hair falling upon her shoulders as if they were reddish-gold waves, her skin was fair and blemish-free, and her eyes were like his--blue and beautiful.
Staring at her from over his cup of coffee, blue eyes followed her every move, and at the back of his mind, he wondered if he should even be playing this close attention to her. Now, Justin held no hatred for the servants, but he didn’t hold any particular affections for them either. They came to work, did their job, and at the end of the day, they returned to their families. He was their boss, and they were his employees.
They probably didn’t hold much love for the rather beautiful Prince, who was probably too happy for his own good, and loved to share his day with any poor sap that was willing to listen. But he couldn’t help himself; he watched her, sipping at his coffee, and smiling to himself.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 10 months
*(flops)* hi hello how are you
I'm... way more exhausted than I thought possible lol XD But I'm chugging along! I did pass the certification exam that's been driving me insane for the past month, though, so that's a relief. :) How are you?
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skyloftian-nutcase · 9 months
WIND! COME HERE YA GOOBER (opens arms big and wide for hug (if you want one of course (im excited because we're gonna go on a trip and i gotta get the feeling out somehow!)))
HUG HUG HUG!!!! *slams into you*
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skyloftian-nutcase · 8 months
(flops) hi hello how is you
Hi Princess! :) I’m pretty good right now, been running around most of the day so I’m settling down with my birb and we’re listening to forest ambience so I can block out road noise and relax ☺️
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
every time i see hurricane family shenanigans i always want to ask if i can join but i never do... except for now i guess ^^;; may i?
Sure, you can join! :) I’ll send you a link to the family tree so you can tell Ludo where you fit in with the everyone. ;)
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
(siddles up to Legend all definitely politely and definitely not in a im-gonna-get-in-your-business way totally i pinkie promise) sooooooooooooooooooooooooo whatcha studyin
Legend, raising an eyebrow in your direction, pulling his textbook closer: Advanced cardiac life support.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
is ask the blorbos time over?? because if not I uh- I may have a question for Healthcare Wind! ....okay half a question half a proposition but y'know, tomato, solanum lycopersicum
Sure, you can ask Healthcare Wind something while I reorient to the world. Someone give me Time’s ocarina so I can sleep another few hours please ugh
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
uhhh i come with offers of hugs? for any boy that wants one?
Wind, excitedly: I want one! And so does Four!
Four: Wait, wha—*gets glomped by Wild*
Wild, arching his back and holding Four so his feet dangle off the ground: Yeah he definitely needs a hug.
Me: Guys she might mean the healthcare boys.
The Chain: Oh.
Healthcare Wind, excitedly: I want one! And—
Nurse Four: I swear if you say me—
Healthcare Wind: No, I was gonna say and give one to the regular guys too!
Nurse Four:
Dr Time, looking at his counterpart: This is getting ridiculous.
Time: Agreed.
Breath of the Sky people in the background realizing there are now three of Wild and Sky in this weird place:
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
i am humbly requesting a hug from the boys because brain is being mean and hugs are good for the soul
Sky gets to you first, Twilight shortly after and they absolutely engulf you in a hug. Everyone else kind of huddled around while Wolfie dances around to get to you. ❤️
Have a soft snippet
Have snuggles
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
aCTUALLY I /do/ have a question for the Healthcare boys, ya'll got any stories about a patient who seemed rEAAAALLY bad up until you noticed this one detail and realized "oh wait, this is fine actually." Because I've seen a lot of stories where it seems fine until it's abruptly not, and I love me a good reversal
Hyrule: I have an abrupt reversal, we got dispatched for a call where the only info we had was someone cut themselves by accident and bleeding was being controlled. We get there and this guys is calmly talking to us, so we're like "ok guess it isn't that bad" and then we looked down and you could see all the way to his bone because he accidentally ran over his leg with a lawnmower.
Warriors: I got the opposite one. Dude came in practically carrying his unconscious wife and he couldn't tell us what was wrong, so we did the whole workup. We thought maybe she was having a stroke. Slurred speech and confusion and the like.
Turns out she just took some sleeping pills and had a low tolerance for it. She was totally fine.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
heyo lofty! how u?
I’m ok. :) I told myself today would be a self care day so I need to do some cleaning and should probably eat, haven’t quite done any of that yet. But I sat out in the deck for a while, which was nice. :) Hope you’re having a good Sunday!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
wait.... what does Ravio actually do in the Healthcare AU (besides steal Legend's things to sell)?
No one knows except Legend 👀 But the boys have Theories.
Wind swears Ravio just lives off the earnings he makes from selling Legend’s stuff though.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
okay does any blorbo want a hug? because then like. mutual exchange we both get hugs
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