#can you guys tell i had fun doing gabriel's wings and halo because i did
gabe-lovebot · 11 months
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*doesn't post anything for the entirety of ultratober and shows up on the free theme day with this thing*
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lunmelia · 4 years
more of your tfw raising jack headcanons ... I beg you. The image of cas just fetching him out of thin air made me scream.
Ask and you shall receive. 
After Jack started flying, Dean thought he’d be smart and get him a onesie that has angel wings attached to the back. Castiel was not amused. Dean thought it was hilarious.  -- Sometimes the others caught Jack staring and cooing to the space above Cas’ head and behind his shoulders. Cas never commented on it so the others just shrugged and let it be. Until one night when Jack was 18 months, he had basically climbed Cas so he could reach and grab at above his head. Sam was the one who broke and asked what the hell Jack was doing. Cas replied, “nephilims can perceive an angel’s true form. he’s simply attempting to grab my halo and wings.” Sam and Mary go “ooohhh” while Dean pouted and complained that he’s never seen Cas’ true form, how come Jack gets to?  -- They get Gabriel back and one day just leave him alone in the room with Jack and he panics.  Gabriel: what- guys!? you’re just gonna leave me alone with the baby!? Dean, disappearing around the corner: no, it’s fine just watch him for a minute we’ll be back Gabriel: guys! guys I can’t- *glances at Jack* Jack: *is starting at him* Gabriel: ... Jack: ... Gabriel: ... what. Jack: ... *begins to crawl towards him* Gabriel: *screams* it’s moving! guys it’s moving what do I do when it’s moving!? help! -- Jack wanted to be a jedi after he watches the Star Wars movies when he was 5, so Dean dressed him up as one and was super excited about it. He dragged everyone into the living room where Jack stood in his little outfit, and held out a small lightsaber to Jack before saying “go ahead, buddy.” Jack took the lightsaber from him using his powers. Everyone cheered and Dean threw Jack up in the air before laughing and saying, “man, my kid is awesome!”  -- Jack, 5-years-old: grandma look I made a friend! Mary, in the middle of making lunch: oh that’s wonderful sweetie, who- *screams* Jack that’s a snake! Jack, beaming with a snake wrapped around his hands: his name’s Cedric! he told me! -- Cas, leading Dean down the hall: you need to tone down your swearing around Jack Dean: oh come on, it can’t be that bad Cas: *gives Dean a flat look before quietly opening the door to Jack’s room* Jack, age 6 and struggling with his lego: come on, you- motherFUCK! Dean: *immediately bursts out laughing. would not stop for at least 5 minutes* -- One time when he was 7, Jack had fallen asleep in the backseat on the way back from dinner. When they got back to the house, Dean carried him to his bed and tucked him in. Well, Cas didn’t have the heart to tell him that Jack was pretending to be asleep just so Dean would carry him because he saw it in a movie once.  -- Jack, age 7, running up to Cas: dad? Cas: yes, Jack? Jack: *grabs Cas’ hand and places a bunch of coins in his palm* can you hide these? and can you keep the other coins away from me? I don’t wanna poop them out Cas: you- what? Jack: I heard a story today about people who ate coins and pooped them out. I’m scared I won’t be able to stop myself from eating coins. I don’t wanna poop out coins- and keys! hide the keys too. I don’t wanna poop out keys neither Cas: I... of course, Jack. I will hide the coins, and the keys, and I will make sure you don’t eat and... poop, out either of them Jack: thank you! *runs away*  -- Jack, age 8, on the ride home from school: I made someone cry, today. Cas, looking over his shoulder: and how did you do that? Jack: well, one of my fellow classmates, Harper, asked me if I wanted to be her boyfriend. I said “no thanks, I’m 8.” and she cried.  Dean, tearing up from trying not to laugh: at least you let her down politely, bud Jack: I seem to be making the other kids cry a lot, though. is that normal? I don’t think that’s normal Cas, while looking concerned at Dean’s rapidly reddening face and coughing that sounds suspiciously like laughing: people around your age and this stage of life are quite sensitive, Jack. a lot of things can make you cry, I’m sure Harper and the others will be fine. I’m not sure about your father, though... Dean, wheezing: he said no thanks! -- Dean, holding a baseball: alright, so I’ll pitch this and you hit it as hard as you can, okay? Jack, age 10 and holding a bat: got it.  Dean: *pitches the ball* Jack: *hits it so hard it creates a dent in the metal bat, the crack of the ball hitting the bat is almost deafening, a cloud of dust erupts from the ground and the ball disappears into the atmosphere* Dean and Jack, staring at the sky: ... Jack: I’m... I’m guessing that wasn’t supposed to happen Dean: yeah... maybe I shouldn’t’ve said “as hard as you can”  Jack: ... should we be concerned about where that’s going to land? Dean: ... nah -- Although Dean and Cas are much happier now, they cannot erase the many years of scowling and intimidating stances. The image of these two men, who look like they’ll kill you if you even look at them wrong, standing with their son who is an absolute ray of sunshine, is very amusing.  -- Jack accidentally trips and gets a cut at school so he heals it when he thinks no one’s looking, and, well One of Jack’s classmates: did- did your eyes just glow? Jack: no. I have no clue what you’re talking about Jack’s classmate: no, they did, I saw it. they glowed yellow! Jack: yes, yellow, I have a... urinary tract infection. my eyes are yellow because I have a urinary tract infection. it’s very severe. I should probably go to the hospital. Jack’s classmate: ... Jack: ... bye. *runs away* 
I hope that’s enough for now. Maybe I’ll do more! This is fun! 
Now to tag some people who asked to be tagged, and also people who wanted a second post. I hope it’s okay to tag you if you didn’t ask to be tagged? please tell me if it’s not! 
@marvelmisha @cursed-byesexual @havesaltwilltravel @jeeya03
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elai-okonma · 4 years
Chapter 15. I’m Going Home Part 1
TW: uhhhhh, violence?
thank you so much for everyone who is still here! I love you all <3 
Word count: 1,574
Celestial Realm:
“Hello, Father. Long time no see..”
There was a moment of silence, and then:
  After everything you’ve been through, the past few months you’ve been in the Celestial Realm, this was going to be the cherry on top. You couldn’t wait to see how this played out! I mean, Lucifer was like that sibling your parents were disappointed in, because he didn't live up to their expectations. 
  How long had it been since Lucifer and his Father had actually seen each other face to face? It was probably a length of time you couldn’t even begin to comprehend. This was going to be a conversation for the ages, and you had a front row seat.
  You decided to make yourself comfortable on one of the seats, still having an unbreakable grip on Gabriel. You’re surprised that God hasn’t gotten him some help yet, considering he was on the verge of death. (If supreme beings even could die.) You took this moment of inner thinking to come up with the pleasant idea that you were going to make Gabriel your bitch. You laugh out loud at the thought and Kyo and Elai come up by your side to find out what’s so funny. 
  As you’re starting to tell your friends your brilliant idea, you feel your mouth warm up and the air around you shift. You whip your head around and see that fucking prick of an Archangel...
Michael… You fly out of your seat so fast that you were in his face, with your hands around his neck, before anyone could react. Everyone except for Lucifer, that is.
“MC!!” His voice booms, stopping you from snapping the Archangels neck. 
  Your eyes stay fixed on Michael’s, even though you feel someone gently getting you off of him. It was Lucifer, you knew his touch apart from anyone else's. Well, him and his brothers. Demons had a totally different vibe from humans and Angels, after all. You look up at him and step away from Michael. 
God finally decides to open his mouth and say something:
“Lucifer why are you here? You know you were forbidden from ever returning to the Celestial Realm.”
“I came to ask you if there was another Celestial War happening, but I can see that I was mistaken.” the Demon looks over at you. You can’t hide your smile or the way your heart flutters when you see him look at you.   
  “Ah, yes, why don’t you tell Lucifer what that was about, MC?” God says with a tone you really didn’t care for. 
You suck your teeth at the request and reply with:
“Yeah MICHAEL, why don’t you tell Lucifer what that was about?” you say with a shit eating grin on your face. 
  Everyone looks to the Archangel expectantly, and Elai and Kyo have to cover their mouths to stifle their laughter. They were there when all the fighting broke out, so they knew it was going to be an interesting story.
  The Archangel looks to you then to Lucifer before starting:
“I made a pact with MC-”
You hear a growl come from the Demon beside you.
“-she accepted, and took in some of my power...”
  You can see Lucifer physically struggling to restrain himself from attacking Michael, he must know what pacts with Archangels entails. He speaks in a slow pace with a dropped voice, “so you’re telling me...that you are betrothed to MC...” his eyes twitch, “...and I know MC well enough that she would never make a pact with you if she knew what it really meant. So what I’m hearing is that you took advantage of her.” He rolls his shoulders and his Demon form appears. His feathers are trembling, a tell-tale sign that he was beyond pissed off. You take a step to the side and start laughing,
  “Fuck Michael, you really did it now.” you smile evilly at the Archangel. You also let your Angel form appear as you crack your knuckles. 
In a fraction of a second you and Lucifer are on Michael. You and the Demon beating the absolute dog shit out of the Archangel.
  In between you fucking up Michael, you wonder why his Father is just letting this happen. If He really wanted to, He could stop everyone in this room with the snap of His fingers. But instead, He let you mutilate Gabriel, and then just did nothing when you made him your bitch. He also didn’t stop you when you Michael walked in. And now, you were naked, wings and halo out, still covered in blood, and whooping Michaels stupid ass with Lucifer. It was too great. You couldn’t hide your laughter, all of this is just so much fun! 
  First punch to Michael’s face “...ah-ha, ahahaHAHAHAHA!!” Second punch. Third punch. Fourth punch. You just couldn't stop, unleashing punches at a brutal pace, even Lucifer had a hard time keeping up with you. It was then that you realized that even Kyo and Elai decided to jump in. Now, that slowed you down enough to take a moment and look over at your besties. Talk about some ride or dies! Did they just not care anymore? Did they know what they were risking? 
  As this marvelous 4v1 was unfolding, Gabriel regained consciousness. You immediately sensed it and snapped your head up to look at him. When you both locked eyes with each other, he looked away and put his head back down so fast it was hilarious. That’s a good little bitch, you think to yourself. As you return your attention back to the iconic gang jumping you were serving the Archangel, you felt your body start to be pulled away by a strange force. 
  As you were being dragged away by the unknown force, you were desperately trying to claw your way back to Michael, you weren’t done with him yet. Not even close.
  With your wings flailing behind you sporadically, mixed with the ear piercing screeching of your nails on the marble floor, you finally reach the source of the power pulling you back. You feel a hand on your throat and a body against your back, as you’re lifted off the ground. You can’t see anyone, but you can feel them as if they were really there. You hear God's voice right in your ear now. In a low, hushed tone he says, “tell them to stop, or you’ll regret it.”
You go eerily still, as you call out to Lucifer and your friends, “Guys! Stop!’
They immediately halt their assaults on Michael, and look over to you. 
“What is it, MC?”
  You point to your neck and explain that their Father has a hold of you, but that you can’t see Him. Your halo is flashing fast now. You were wondering when He would intervene. He speaks up so everyone can hear;
“Ever since MC got here, it seems that not one of you knows how to act, anymore. Have you all forgotten your places? This is the Celestial Realm!” He’s starting to shout now as he continues, “This is not the Devildom, but if you want to act like Demons I can surely send you down there!”
This causes you to giggle as you speak up, “That’s all I’ve been trying to do since I got here!” 
“And so you shall get what you ask.” He has finally had enough. His tone shifted, and it made you start to tremble. “MC, when you came here, you were in my good graces. I understood your love for my sons, and was even so nice as to offer you a spot by my side.” 
“You knew who I was when I got here, it’s not my fault that your other sons are liars and trick people into making pacts with them.” You try to struggle out of his grip, but it only tightens. “Just let me go, so I can go home with Lucifer, and to my other Demons.” You’re getting fidgety, now. You don’t like God's hands on you. Something about it feels wrong. 
  In an instant, you feel a hand on your right wing as your eyes blow out wide. “N-no. NO!” you shriek, as He proceeds to rip your wing off. You throw your head back with a blood curdling scream. Lucifer is at your side in a flash of light, trying to get your out of his Father’s grip. Your blood drips onto the floor, and there’s drool coming out of your mouth as you start to black out.
You barely hear the words as you drift in and out, but you definitely don’t miss the sound of Michael’s snicker from across the way. The hand on your throat is heating up now, making it painfully uncomfortable to breathe. 
Lucifer couldn’t bear the sight of you. You were already badly beaten up when he was reunited with you, and hearing that scream come from you was enough. Lucifer had finally lost himself.
You felt a crackling, static energy and then intense heat, like you had just stuck your face in an oven. You manage to open an eye just in time to see something you thought you’d never see in your mortal nor your immortal life... 
Lucifer’s true form.   
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sillypandalover91 · 4 years
Self restraint was surprisingly one of Angel’s stronger suits despite what he lets people to believe. Growing up gay in an Roman Catholic mob family in a time where boys were sent for “medical treatment” for looking at other boys with a little too much interest would do that to a guy.
So when he felt Alastor’s fingers worm their way under his hand during family movie night, he didn’t react immediately.
It all started when Charlie discovered Disney via a patron who had recently died and was sent straight to the hotel by her mother of all people, with a note that said There was a mix up in processing, she doesn’t belong here. Take care of her until your Uncle Gabriel can come get her New Years.
Charlie had nearly detonated fireworks inside the hotel in her excitement because an honest to grandfather heaven bound had been blessedly dropped onto her lap. It would be an absolute shame if she didn’t take advantage and pick her brain to see how she earned her halo so that she could apply it to her other patrons, specifically Angel Dust who seemed to drift further and further away from Heaven’s light.
Vaggie had told her, not for the first time either, that Angel was a lost cause but never let it be said that the Princess of Hell was not tenacious. Nor was she one to give up on her friends.  He didn’t make it easy though...What with the turf wars and drugs and booze and constant sex and...yeah.
But here in her hands, she had a way to redemption and step one was obviously-
“I remember this studio,” said Angel when the opening jingle revealed the Disney Castle. He munched on some popcorn and nodded, “I remember watching Snow White, Pinocchio, and Bambi. Heh, Pinocchio scared the shit outa me. Growin up, pops told me that boys who were bad became jackasses .”
“Explains you,” muttered Vaggie into her mug of coco, nearly spilling it when Angel retaliated by throwing popcorn at her, “Hey!”
They had worked their way backwards, starting with the classics much to Alastor’s delight. Having grown up poor, all he had was a single fairytale book that was literally falling apart. Then he had discovered radio and then developed his fascination with murdering and...Well, he was glad to have this opportunity to experience fairytales again. Angel  in particular liked Al’s eagerness for family movie night. It was cute.
That is until tonight when they were watching Bambi and they were at the part where hunters had killed the fawn’s mom. Charlie gasped from across them, turning to Vaggie for some explanation as to why this was in a children’s film. Husk sighed heavily and took a long drink from his beer bottle, Niffty quickly getting up to bring more drinks but Angel didn’t miss how she was wiping at her eye.
He glanced over at Alastor, whose eyes had become dials, and twisted his hand so that their fingers laced together, gently squeezing them and slowly raising his upper arm out to coax his friend to curl up next to him. It was a long shot that Al would allow this despite their friendship but to his surprise, Alastor fell into place and reached out his other hand to hold Angel’s lower left one.
Bambi had hit too close to home for Alastor and they needed a brief intermission shortly after Bambi’s dad took him in. 
Water splashed on face and tears were wiped away. Snacks and drinks were replenished and they all made themselves comfortable again.
To Angel’s delight and horror, Alastor dragged a blanket over and made himself comfortable again tucked under Angel’s arm with a pleased smile, tail softly  thumping against the couch when Angel rested his head on his.
Spring time in the movie lifted everyone’s moods from Charlie squealing at the cute little skunks, to Alastor’s ears perking up when Bambi fought for his doe. He felt Angel’s breath come out in a snort but didn’t question it until the movie was over and it was just them two picking up the living room.
Angel shrugged, “I don’t know, guess the love dovey stuff was a bit much.”
“I thought you like lovey dovey stuff.” Alastor tossed the folded blankets back into their basket.
“I do. It’s just that I don’t believe that it happens the way it happens in movies. It’s unrealistic if you ask me.”
“Yes, exactly! I feel the same way. Though I suppose with moving pictures, time is of the essence what with their limited time frame to tell their story.” Alastor helped Angel take the dirty cups and bowls back to the kitchen, putting the dishes into the sink and rolling up his sleeves while Angel put away the left over snacks.
“I take it that you aren’t a fan of the whole love at first sight trope either then, huh?”
Alastor grin widened, “Not at all, my dear. Though to be fair, I  can’t say that I’m a fan of love either. Besides my mother, I never put much thought into loving someone else, never mind romantically.”
Angel’s heart ached at the deer’s words but he nodded anyway, “Yeah. Love is too messy anyway.” It had a nasty habit of making you see things that weren’t there. Of course Al didn’t feel the same way. Him cuddling and holding Angel’s hand didn’t mean anything. He was just cold and Bambi’s mom dying would’ve made anyone seek comfort in a friend.
“And requires far too much work,” agreed Alastor, his heart breaking at Angel’s dismissive words. But the work wasn’t as off putting to him as he thought. Charlie and Vaggie had their moments but months of being a shadow on the wall during their quarrels served to teach him that one disagreement didn’t have to mean the end of a relationship. If anything, working through it could make it stronger.
He felt Angel move next to him to dry the clean dishes. Alastor glanced at him from the corner of his eye, “Have you ever experienced...that is to say, have you ever been in love?”
Angel didn’t slow his methodological movements as he nodded.
It had been almost silent but Angel heard it. He put the dishes away and waited for Al to finish washing the last few mugs, leaning an elbow on the counter and resting his cheek on his fist, “Have you?”
“Indeed.” Alastor wondered why he even bothered indulging in his confusing thoughts. The owl had described what Angel made him feel down to walking on damn air. Only thing it had gotten wrong was it hadn’t been as quickly as it had been with Bambi or Thumper, or Flower. It had been after Angel had decreased his advances and increased his willingness to simply chat with him well into the evening. How he didn’t blink twice when he’d made his famous gumbo with meat from his hunt or judged him he had walked on him snacking on fingers like they had been buffalo wings one night. As a matter of a fact, Angel had taken his cannibalism without fuss at all though Alastor chalked that up with Angel being a predator demon himself.
Then it had been the way Angel carried himself, even when he was ‘on the clock’. What Alastor had once seen as vulgar promiscuity, he now saw as hunting tactics. And if Angel had fun during his means to an end well more power to him. It was when he was off the clock, though, that Alastor found him the most endearing. When he was playing with Fat Nuggets. When he was having girl time with Niffy and Charlie, playing poker with Husk, and watching documentaries with Vaggie.
It was the way Angel smiled when he did all of this, content and relaxed, that made Alastor’s head spin and heart flutter. The way he cried if the documentary was about nature and a cute animal died. It was the way Angel was weak by demon standards but strong by human. By his standards.
Alastor jumped when Angel gently shook him by the shoulder with a worried frown. He felt himself smile, “Yes, darling?”
“I said that the mugs are clean enough. Give’em here so we can go to bed.” Angel took the squeaky clean mugs from Alastor and quickly dried them, putting them in their cupboard and tossing the dish towel into a basket next to the sink.
The two demons stared at each other, waiting for something neither knew the other wanted.
Sighing, Angel shook his head and offered a small smile, “Alright, I’m gonna go hit the hay. See ya tomorrow, Smiles.”
“Sweet dreams, dear.” As Al watched Angel retreat, a moment of foolish bravery overcame him and he called out to him, “Angel!”
Angel paused at the door and glanced over his shoulder, “Yeah?” He watched as Alastor summoned his microphone to fiddle with more than anything, something he’d noticed the deer did when he was nervous. Strangely enough, Alastor only did that when they were alone. It was cute.
Having found the words he wanted, or gathered his courage, Alastor asked in an unfiltered voice, “Do ya think...Do y’think you could fall’n love again?”
Self restraint was surprisingly on of Angel’s stronger suits, despite what he led people to believe. And now, he was happy it was because without it, he would’ve overstepped Alastor’s personal space and ruin whatever it was that was happening right now. Instead he lowered his lids and smiled warmly, “Yeah, I could. What about you? Think you could give being twitterpated a shot?”
“I won’t act a fool like those little animals from the picture, will I?”
“Would you care?” Angel asked as he reached out a hand.
Alastor thought about it for a second but answered Angel’s smile with a warmer one of his own and laced his fingers with Angel’s, allowing the spider to lead him upstairs to bed, “Not at all.”
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