#can you people stop pretending that reinforcing the gender binary is feminist
rjalker · 1 year
One time I saw someone complaining that everyone always draws Charley, and I quote: "butch or wearing pants", and I paraphrase from memory: "no one ever lets her be feminine" "because letting women be feminine is a crime these days" or something like that and I've never fucking recovered.
Ma'am what fucking universe are you living in that you think women aren't allowed to be feminine. What fucking universe are you living in that you think that it's a crime for women to wear dresses.
Charley Pollard is fucking gendernonconforming and has been this entire gods damned time, get the fuck over it.
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snekdood · 1 year
i hope all the terfs looking at my blog rn are able to grab me a beer and maybe make me a sandwich perhaps while they’re at it
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dakotadawn · 2 years
My views on feminist and LGBT issues, taken from my pinned Tweet on my Twitter (@ ko_ko_ko_33)
-Sexual Orientation
-Transgender Activism
Pro-choice. Radfem-aligned views. Porn is misogyny. Sex work is a harmful industry, it should not be promoted or considered "empowering". Kink culture is often misogynist.
"Sex positive" culture is a harmful ideology, and in my opinion a men's rights movement, meant to push the sexual interests of men over the social dignity of women. Calling feminists who disagree "prudish", accusing us of being puritans. Its a vicious misogyny of leftist men.
Men who claim to be "sex positive feminists" have their own sexual interests in mind. They're not looking to "empower" women. While conservative men see women as private property, these men see women as public property, misogynists all the same.
People with gender dysphoria/transsexualism, like myself, alleviate our distress by undergoing procedures to allow us to appear as the opposite sex. We cannot literally change sex, but can change sex phenotype and that has significant social implications.
I do believe a lot of newer transgender identities are not related to transsexualism (DSM-III)/gender identity disorder (DSM-IV)/gender dysphoria (DSM-V), are probably mere social trends, and will die out with time, I will call people whatever pronouns they like (within reason).
That being said, while I will refer to a non-transsexual male with they/them pronouns if asked, I will not pretend that they lose any male privilege by declaring a non-binary identity. In material social analysis, internal identity takes a backseat.
Sexual Orientation:
I am trans myself, I support other trans people and our right to bodily and social autonomy, but I do not believe sexuality is based on gender, I believe its based on biological sex (exceptions can be found in rare instances of perfectly passing post-op TS).
Label yourself whatever you want, I can't stop you, but in my opinion, as a transwoman who is attracted to men and pre-operative transwomen, I am gay, a transwoman who is attracted to women is straight, not a lesbian. This doesn't devalue trans people to say. We deserve respect.
The majority of cisgender or cissexual people should not be expected to or pressured to feel attraction to transgender or transsexual people, most people just aren't into that and that's okay. It is not an act of bigotry to refuse to date someone who you are not attracted to. Duh
Transgender Activism:
I have many gripes with transgender activism as it stands and I will go over some views here: I do not support gender self-ID. Change of legal gender should at least require a psychiatric diagnosis of gender dysphoria, and some time on HRT.
Bathroom bills are frankly pointless and impossible to enforce.
Pediatric gender transition in teen years should not utilize puberty blockers prior to Tanner Stage 3, minors transitioning should only be done with gender therapy and not informed consent.
I do not support transgender MtF athletes being included in female sport categories. Transition, especially transition in adulthood, does not erase all of the masculinizing effects of testosterone-based puberty, and an advantage is retained. It is not fair.
For prisons, there should be wards specific to transgender and transsexual inmates, prison wards should never be mixed-sex. In this hypothetical trans ward, transfer should be dictated by hormone status, NOT self-ID. Or else men could self-ID into the ward to harass transwomen.
And finally, some things I want trans activists, especially online, to STOP doing:
STOP calling women misogynistic slurs or threatening violence, I do not care if they're transphobic. Your male behavior only reinforces their beliefs.
STOP making conversations about trans issues when that was not the topic at hand. Its self-centered, entitled, and annoying.
STOP freaking out when someone doesn't use the preferred pronouns of a sexual predator. No one but you cares and it makes us look bad.
And probably the grossest thing I see online trans activists do, STOP demanding cisgender people be attracted to transgender people, most of all stop forcing it on gay men and lesbians. To demand they be attracted to transgender and transsexual people of the opposite sex is just new age homophobia. I mostly see MtF doing this to the lesbian community, but I've seen it with FtM and gay men before too. As a gay person as well, I'm not okay with this. Its not okay to refer to homosexuality as a "genital preference", or to call it bigotry.
As a transwoman myself, I beg trans activists to stop doing these things, and also assure anyone reading that said activists do not speak for all trans people.
I think that for society to accept transgender and transsexual people, we have to be understanding, not forceful.
Disclaimer: some of this is condensed and/or simplified to avoid this post being unnecessarily long. Do always feel free to inquire about my views, and I hope you enjoy my page! 🙂
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