#can you tell I love west endsies
spinningerster · 2 years
🎭 92sies, Bwaysies, Toursies, Livesies or West Endsies?
👔 Favorite Newsies Outfit?
🎶 Favorite Song?
🎟 Favorite Cast Member(s)?
🎭 currently west endsies but livesies will always have a special place in my heart
👔 okay pulling specifically from livesies for this one, the outfit katherine wears in kony is definitely my favourite (her something to believe in one is a close second though), also really love the outfit medda wears for thats rich in west endsies
🎶 king of new york - i love all the group numbers in but that's my favourite (carrying the banner is a close second)
🎟 okay some of my faves are jeremy jordan (aka the reason I'm a fansie), kara lindsay, akb, josh burrage, aisha de haas, ryan kopel, honestly though its so hard to choose ahh I love all the casties. I'm more partial towards the livesies cast as that's the one I'm most familiar with but I love everyone who's been in the show
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the-cryptid-finch · 1 year
Okay newsies fans time to cry. Okay so I love Santa Fe as a song so much. But I have a suggestion that makes the song 10 times more emotional.
Changing "let me go far away somewhere they won't ever find me"
To "Let me go, far away, somewhere *he* wont ever find me"
Who's he? Is it Davey? Is it Snyder? WHO KNOWS. But it makes the song more emotional because it's more personal.
If you look at it as "he" being Davey, then you have the element of guilt in Jack. He didn't want to run away, he has to run away. Even if that means leaving the strike. He can't bear to stay and fight anymore, because he's tired of fighting, and he doesn't want Davey to convince him to stay.
If you look at it as "he" being Snyder, than you have the element of exhaustion in Jack. He's tired of running. He wants to get to Santa Fe to have a final destination where he doesn't have run anymore, where he's at home. And the part of him that wants to stay wants Snyder gone, so he can feel safe enough to stay with his family, the newsies, with Davey and katherine and Crutchie. He ultimately wants to be somewhere where he's safe and Snyder can never find him.
Anyway time to cry about Santa Fe
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newsies doodle dump!!! (Javid is real change my mind)
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we-are-inevitable · 2 years
Do you have any headcannons for Race and like what are some of the differences yo unnoticed between west endsie Race vs Newsies live Race? Also I love your page so much!!! Thank you!!!
ok so i have not seen west endsies yet so i can’t speak on that race (though i’m sure @roideny may have some thoughts if you search through his blog), but: here are some HCs i have for livesies race!!
one of the most widely accepted hcs for mr. racer: he’s a fucking genius.
i’m talking math and science whiz, incredible with numbers, he likes them because 1) they’re concrete and never change and 2) they’re exact, meaning he doesn’t have to deal with the gray areas of essays and personal interpretations.
in canon era i like to think this is why he hangs out at Sheepshead; he’s kind of the teenage expert on probability and that, combined with luck, means he’s pretty good at gambling.
where charlie is jacks brother, race is his best friend. second in command, future leader of the Newsies of Lower Manhattan, and though he’s kind of a goofy jackass he can get scary and has a lot of respect around the lodging house.
i like to imagine he’s about three years younger than jack? so 14 to jack’s 17, and though he’s on the younger side it’s obvious he has what it takes to run the show once jack ages out of selling.
he’s a flirt, through and through. a charmer like none other
i know there’s some differences in how his names play out, but my personal perception of race is: he’s Italian and Irish! italian mom, irish dad- that’s where “antonio higgins” comes from.
i imagine that he grew up with a lot of sisters, i’m talking four or five. big families mean less food and he was hardcore struggling with his family before becoming a newsie; he was forgotten and kind of cast to the side, so when he was old enough (8 or 9), he ran away and found the newsies. i have no basis for this i just like it
he can be quite serious when he’s not just joking around!
he can’t read or write very well (another reason he thrives with numbers, because those make sense to him (i like to think race has dyslexia as well)) but he’s one of the BEST storytellers in the lodging house. running the newsies group isn’t all about strategy or leadership, he’s learned from jack; he has to have humility and show that he cares about the boys, so i like to imagine race would tell a lot of bedtime stories to the littles. sometimes him and jack both do it, but usually it’s racer to go in and make sure everyone’s good for the night
he’s incredibly responsible. you wouldn’t think so, looking at him. he gets in his fair share of scraps but he always knows when to back down and where he’s needed.
i love him so fucking much your honor i LOVE him
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@loving-jack-kelly post have me on west endsies sprace brainrot right now so thanks for that and enjoy
Race first came to Sheepshead to see papers and bet on the horses because he ain't afraid of Spot Conlon, he's a tough guy and he goes wherever he wants thank you very much and of course he said something stupid once Spot showed up to kick his ass for taking her newsies prime selling spot. And of course Spot decked him for it, no question asked.
But then Race came back. And Spot soaked him because just fuck off back to Manhattan would ya?. And then Race came back again.
And listen you gotta admire that idiots dedication. He might be stupid and have no self preservation but he is dedicated.
Meanwhile Race was smitten after the first punch Spot threw. Not that he knew it right away but that was the moment.
Now we know that Josh is a pretty solid lad, now when I saw Uksies Lillie Pear Widman was Spot (so this is my default Spot) and she is not petite but she's much smaller in statute so I bet Race made some stupid ass remark how she wouldn't be able to reach him and then she absolutely annihilated him and damn, she can throw a mean right hook.
And listen, I don't think he necessary said something sexist to her cos i think as newsies go they were pretty forward thinking (yes I'm aware that is historically inaccurate shut up) and just overall for women rights so he wouldn't necessarily said something because Spot is a girl, he would just say something because he thinks he's smooth taller and whole is usually works Spot doesn't buy his bullshit.
And Spot doesn't do bullshit, like at all. Other girlsies might use that you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar until they get what they want (so when they are selling their would either try to flirt their way out - as much as the boys claim that they would "watch all the ladies watching me" or they would try the new century, times a changing we are working girls and women should support the suffragette movement so buy the pape lady approach) and if they can't they sure will beat you up but Spot doesn't do that, she doesn't need to do that because she's Spot fucking Conlon. She's telling it as it is and she would definitely call Race out on whatever he was saying. He would try to talk his way out, no chance. He would try to flirt with her, boy where did you learn that? You actually got anyone fall for that?
And listen Race consider himself to be a quick witted guy, he is downright sarcastic and Spot is right there with him, she's just as good, she keeps up, she finds a way to best him and this is the way he falls for her.
So the first time he tried to sell at the Racetrack he gets beaten up. The second and third probably as well. Later attempts end in minor threats. Until all they bicker and go on being as sarcastic as possible and seeing of the other can handle it. Unlit he's a regular, and other girlsies would trasę her that she only lets Race sell at Sheepshead cos she's sweet on him.
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OKAY SO THE PEOPLE FROM YOUR CORNER OF THE WORLD ONE DIRECTION I love Louis tomlinson so much. I loved him in 1d and loce him now. We had lots of pride stuff at our shows because well do you know the story of Larry stylinson? -Louis probably isn't straight (I mean being in love with your male best friend would suggest) but he has never specifically said what he is also he's so support of his LGBT fans and we love and support him so so much. He's so sweet and his music is great and real and he writes about sad things too!
soooooo I drove 3 hours to Ohio to see him on Thursday after work. I almost got heat exhaustion so hot. They did not have plain water for sale at like 80%of the vendors it was just beer and cocktails (yuck and also NOT HELPFUL IN 90 DEGREE HEAT), got upgraded for free Cuz they had empty seats closer (oh my fucking gosh I almost died of excitement l) IT WAS AMAZING HE WAS GREAT. I then proceeded to drive back and go to work on literally an hour or 2 of sleep and since the pandemic no where's open late anymore so I didn't eat for a day and a half opps.
I went to his Detroit show yesterday and it was lit. He literally said we were fucking unbelieveable a minimum of 4 times and thanked us and called Ohio then michigan(both of which I was at) the best shows his entire tour. I just wanted to hug him like a bazillion times.
#one directioner forever sorry to ramble about my lifelong love for 5 boys from the UK. I just love things veryyyyyyy intensely. Maybe not the normal amount but hey
The staff wouldnt let us get streamers from off the ground :( I know that's probably an odd thing to want what can I say it's a memory. Although I didnt basically sleep for 3 days it was so amazing and completely worth it. I wish I could live it a million times over. Everyone was happy, and Louis was happy:) I am not social, but the atmosphere of concerts and to a different degree professional theater is just something else. We're all there for one thing, and it's so Beautiful. It's one of those times that for me personally my depression anxiety and borderline are far from my mind. I feel euphoric on top of the world and being happy is very nice. Being happy with others; seeing two friends dance or shout words to each other or smile it makes you happy too. Even when I don't know them. So I guess I am social in liking to be around people but just not good at speaking to them.
I also lost my car in a field because they have no signage and in a sea of cars where the fuck did I park. Who knows I wandered for 20 minutes until I finally stumbled upon it. I can't even imagine those people who drink then look for cars like my human you bad decisioned.
My most unfavorite part of concerts is just getting out of the traffic jam afterword. I've learned to get to your car and sit there until there is no line of cars waiting and you're golden. (That usually takes a while bit is worth the headache and wasted gas. )
THAT IS SUPER EXCITING!! I wish you were going next month, lol. I hope you have the most fun!!!! Ahhhh boo tests BUT YAY CONCLUSION!!! That means in a few weeks I can annoy you with all the newsies thoughts xD
I WILL SEND MY FIC IDEA IN A DIFFERENT ASK BECAUSE IM SORRY THIS IS LONG. I kind of apologize for that but you did say tell you all the shenanigans xD
oh my god that sounds incredible and also so chaotic 😭 six year old me had the BIGGEST crush on all of one direction smdmdj i'm so happy you had a great time anon :))
i am going to west endsies next month, but only closing night because i'm away in the usa for about the first half of it anyway ... but i can always buy more tickets ...... 👀
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Crutchie comparison: Livesies vs West Endsies
Haven't seen 92sies in forever and I don't want to be inaccurate (might add it later). Also I've only seen Livesies and as for the West Endsies I've seen it only twice so I'm relying on my memory.
AKB Crutchie gives major younger brother vibes which is funny cos I'm pretty sure AKB is older than JerJor but, not because of his disability or even his sunshine demeanor it's just vibes. He gives younger brother vibes. He is a realist, all of the newsies are, it would be stupid if they weren't but weighing on the optimist side. He smiles a lot, his shooting from the slingshot is almost like supervised by Jack, like they are messing around, older to younger brother. His comments are purely comedic, so are his expressions. He's the kind of person that you cannot be mad at. He is strong, he can take care of himself and he isn't babied by the others but at the same time if there is an opportunity to help Crutchie out they jump to it. Like at the beginning of Carrying the Banner, Albert carried Crutchie away to make a quick gateway. And during the Letter from the Refuge his "tell the fellas to protect one another" is kind of, like he doesn't want Jack to worry about him but worry about the rest of the newsies.
And honesty I don't mind, it seems to work for him well however I would have loved a glimpse of a really mad/angry, resigned Crutchie and I would have loved to see him swear. He's a teenage boy living on the streets of New York, he's sunshine but let's be reasonable, he's gotta be as much of a little shit as the rest of them and this is what I'm missing from the screen.
West Endsies!Crutchie
He sounds like a Muppet (affectionate), he's tall, lanky, feral, gremlin child. It's been confirmed that he's already said "fuck", "shit", and called Jack "dumbass" behind his back.
He's smiley alright but you cannot convince me that at the same time he's not a menace, as much if not more than any other newsie. It's abundantly clear that Crutchie and Jack are equals. Equals in a sense they both are watching over the newsies. When I went to see it, just before Watch What Happens when they were all leaving Davey called Les, who was following Crutchie.
"C'mon Les, our folks will be waiting"
"Right, they've got folks"
It was somewhere between, Crutchie ready to steal a child and already being very protective over Les, like he would be with other newsies (minus the loving bullying)
He's also shown, if I remember correctly more around other newsies not just mainly Jack. He's not just dependent on Jack he's very much independent and they do their own things during the strike.
This Crutchie is also a realist more more bitter one, he's rougher around the edges, he's not just voicing the concern - that they should just buy the papers by new price and get on with their life's so they won't starve - he's talking with conviction.
He's also the brain behind all of the shenanigans, you cannot convince me otherwise. In Carrying the Banner he's shooting his fellow newsies with various levels of accuracy but he's doing it from the rafters, in hiding just to mess with them. He's the kind of person to gaslit all residents of the Lodging House into thinking he hasn't done something even if there are witness claiming they've seen him do it. He'd rob you brind and then smile and you start wondering if you actually got robbed or not.
He's shown to be more than capable of taking care of himself, even though they haven't changed the scrip it's just a vibe that Crutchie will not hesitate to beat you up. His Letter from the Refuge, just as heartbreaking as AKB has a different meaning, it's as if he's reminding Jack that he's got responsibility to the rest of the newsies to take care of them and keep the spirits high when he's not there to do it and to help to do it.
Again if I remember correctly he calls to Jack when they got beaten up and some of the newsies (I assume Finch and/Romeo? I don't remember) consider coming back for him, halfway up the main isle when they decide otherwise, Crutchie calls to them to run and save themselves.
When he gets out of the Refuge he's wearing a police helmet as if he's already made friends with everyone there/or stole it, playing with the whistle, annoyingly so. He's also the first one to whistle, loudly when Jack and Katherine kiss at the Finale, absolutely not letting Jack have his secrets and just teasing him.
Also, he's a disabled character played by a disabled actor. Also he's wearing dungarees and has a whistle.
I'm not saying this Crutchie is superior because I love them both, but this, this is what I've been missing, the realism (as much as you can have it in a Disney musical) but still.
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we-are-inevitable · 8 months
9 10 and 15 for the ask game :) - @pigeonwit
9. Character you hate the fanon versions of, but love the canon version?
crutchie and racetrack. there are really really good interpretations of them don’t get me wrong- but people in fanon turn them into airheaded twinks and i HAAAATE it. first of all… let them be complex. understand that race’s humor and crutchie’s positivity aren’t their only personality traits- those are masks, and there’s more hidden behind them. second of all oh my god just bc theyre skinny white and blonde (in most fanon adaptations) does not mean they are stereotypical twinks. ugh
10. Character you hate the canon version of, but love the fanon versions?
OK HEAR ME OUT. it’s not hate it’s just indifference but. spot conlon? he’s fun in the actual musical but there’s so Little of him that i usually feel like “oh yeah he’s there now. cool.” but the fanon… not dven versions, more like expansions- of him?? oh my god give me more. i love people’s ideas for backstories i love people’s character studies of him i love HIM and i love writing him. and don’t even get me started on west endsies spot
15. What annoys you in this particular fandom’s community?
a few things.
the fandom tends to give characters a lack of agency. sometimes i see things that don’t allow the characters to grow and change, and that can be frustrating. on that note, though, they give agency to characters who don’t deserve it; i hate the babygirlification of the delancey brothers more than anything and genuinely like,, not to be rude, but if your main takeaway from the musical and main contribution to the fandom is “these characters who brutalized children deserve a redemption” then like. lol. did we watch the same musical
ALSO this is less of an annoyance and more of a general curiosity bc my mind doesn’t work like that, but i think it’s so interesting that we have such complex main characters and stories upon stories that could be written about every interaction— but people instead pick one background character with little to no lines to obsess over. im gonna be real i got into newsies nearly four years ago and i still couldn’t tell you 1) who mike and ike are 2) how to tell the bg characters apart and 3) what everyone’s names are. this isn’t necessarily negative it just doesn’t make sense to me lmfaooo. im a main character ride or die girly 100%
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