#can you tell im playing jfa
lawyest · 8 months
I support Franziska von Karma rights but more importantly I support Franziska von Karma wrongs
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trlvsn · 9 months
ok id didn't have any coherent thought either just. jfa is such a game yknow. so many complicated emotions just underneath the surface... and they're so strong too. they control the flow of the narrative even. i'm gonna try my best to put some of phoenix and franziska into words (and fail miserably)
after edgeworth chose death... they were both "betrayed" by him (recall the poisoning and betrayal line). they're just... they're both in court to prove a point to themself. they're both trying to get closure.
and they very clearly both look down on each other. phoenix is just very aggressive in jfa in general... but something that makes me feel some way is the way they both criticize each other for running from their past
phoenix thinks she's running from the fact that her father is dead and franziska thinks he's running from edgeworth's "death" (and they're not wrong... although one is more obvious than the other)
i think it boils down to what point they're trying to prove to themself... and idk how much this goes into speculation territory cuz i'm not exactly coherent rn sorry
with franziska i'm pretty sure she's trying to convince herself that she's worthy of being a von karma/a prosecutor by being perfect aka winning against phoenix wright. the ending of jfa is evidence
with phoenix though... a running theme of jfa is suspicion. in the first case phoenix is so skeptical about maggey (yeah he's lost his memories but still) and in the second one yeah he will always defend maya, but mia had to give him that final puch to believe in her fully. big top is just... idk how to interpret that cuz i didnt trust anyone in that case while playing it. farewell my turnabout? speaks for itself
and maya's case being the first one he took on after edgeworth choose death (im pretty sure) even the gap between aa1-4 and aa1-5 says a lot
what im saying is... i think he was trying to prove to himself that there was a point in being a defence attorney even though the guy he became a defense attorney for was dead. and that the point was to "defend those who had no one on their side/innocent people" like maya. having said that... the last case suddenly looks kinda different
a lot of people tend to ignore that a significant part of his crisis in the last case was him having to defend someone guilty. he WAS having a crisis on what the point of being a defense attorney was (edgeworth wasnt just ignoring the main issue he was addressing another one) cuz he'd spent the first half of the game telling himself it was something that was crumbling down around him
i think if he had been in franziska's place in jfa, by which i mean that if he had lost those two cases against her, he would have lost faith in himself as a defense attorney like she did. which is what i mean. theyre so similar, it's just that one of them won and the other one lost
also jfa is a good game
(i know this is long but i would love to hear your thoughts even if theyre really just in general. i need to organise my brain.)
anon i'm so sorry it took me this long to answer you asks. in my defense i was reading umineko and couldn't think about any characters from outside that universe
but yeah, i still very much agree with a lot of points?? phoenix and franziska aren't really obvious mirrors of each other like edgeworth and gant or franziska and adrian but they do still share some similarities and end up teaching each other huge lessons. I really need to talk about the significance of phoenix giving edgeworth the whip by the end of aa2-4 in a separate post, but other than that, some things i can point out are:
- anger as a coping mechanism and a method to keep going, in both cases directed outward when in fact they are more angry at themselves
- expanding on the point you made about phoenix trying to understand how to be a defense attorney and franziska finding her way as a prosecutor - edgeworth coming back does end up teaching a lesson to both of them
- they both have a very... wrong understanding of each other. phoenix immediately assumes franziska is there to get revenge for manfred and franziska villianizes phoenix for the completely wrong thing too
- also they kind of get angry at each other as a substitute for getting angry at edgeworth?? phoenix loooves to win against the prideful von karma child and franziska loves to whip the man who's the reason her father is in prison. you know
- ugh it's mainly about the whip and i don't want to talk about the whip without relaying aa2-4 first. no one say anything about the whip i will say it myself later pls
also the dynamic they have in aa3 is like balm for my soul. top ten things that heal you
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musashi · 1 year
Here's a few questions! 1) What are some of your favorite memories around Ace Attorney? 2) What are some other topics you've thought about doing video essays on? 3) If you haven't already done this before, what Pokemon teams would you give Franziska and Maya?
thank you!
What are some of your favorite memories around Ace Attorney?
chief of them all is how i got into it, the "who is this mans" saga. here is the abridged version:
uquiz on my dash, "what white haired anime boy are you"
take it, because i love uquizzes
manfred von karma
post about it on tumblr
"who is this mans"
a bunch of scattered responses: thats the antagonist from the first ace attorney game
me: i know, but like, whats his deal, whats his personality, can someone tell me who this guy actually is beyond his role in the story
everyone: no. he doesn't matter. look up his daughter right now, you are kin with her.
literally, i got anywhere from 10-20 asks where people were PASSIONATELY assigning me franziska. ive never been furiously kin assigned before. people will say, like, hey wendy, this character seems like someone you'd be kin with. i felt like people were ANGRY that i didn't know i was franziska.
look her up
mean anime lady with a whip dot png
i am so sad about how i am perceived. delete all the asks. ignore this. go back to watching pokemon.
2 years pass
join zelda server
admin: uhhh if i played ace attorney. would anyone want to watch
me: the uquiz said i am manfred von karma
admin: WHAT
everyone else in the server: WHAT
some brave soul: wait, do you know about fr--
me: franziska yeah whatever im her and everyone wants me to know about i--
server, in harmonious gregorian unison: FRANZISKA! FRANZISKA! FRANZISKA!
me: fuck's sake
me: fuck off for real. sure i'll come watch
[does that]
[wakes up after blacking out and there's an 8 foot bullwhip in my house now]
fuck you
it is to this day the funniest fucking sequence of events that have ever brought me to a fandom. i was planning on just enjoying ace attorney casually i had NO idea how amazing it was.
some other faves... i got to voice manfred when we played goodbyes and i didn't know anything about him, my friends just forced me to and i 100% winged it and ended up having the TIME OF MY LIFE. the only thing i remember was being off my shits and at multiple points bellowing 'PISS YOUR PANTS BOY' at half the cast. every day i regret not recording it.
the way we started voicing characters was, initially rin was voicing all of them but when we got to samurai they were like 'im not going to even try with oldbag because i've never seen anyone be able to keep up with her dialogue except like one streamer' and i don't know how to leave challenges alone so i said 'ill do it' and then i DID but no one told me what her first name was so as soon as she took the stand i LOST IT just howling and almost flubbed my lines. then we all started claiming characters to voice and it turned into a whole thing.
the day we started JFA i was really nervous and i just wandered around my apartment alone talking at objects in the worst german accent imaginable. i was so nervous. i was so scared. and then the second court started i felt this incredible rush go through me like i was meant to do that voice forever. and all my friends were cheering. and it was paradise.
i went into 2-4 completely unspoiled and played the airport scene without having any idea what it entailed. i was in tears by the end of it and all my friends were like mu your voice acting <3 and i was sobbing on mute like NOT ACTING BABES <3 the next day i again wandered around my apartment feeling like my chest was full of glowing light.
oh can't forget about this
What are some other topics you've thought about doing video essays on?
rrrright now i really want to make one thats just a passionate defense of JFA and why i think it deserves way more credit than it's given.
i tend to overthink pokemon teams and stress myself out about them so i am politely skipping this last question fgfdhgf~
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