#let her be wrong and pathetic and throw tantrums
lawyest · 11 months
I support Franziska von Karma rights but more importantly I support Franziska von Karma wrongs
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yueebby · 1 year
sooo i read your "indulge me?" piece and that's why i wanted to ask for gojo simping for reader that doesn't really seem him as more as a friend and he's fine with it (lol he's not but he's need to keep the facade you know???) hope you write it at some point! btw loving you writing so far <333
11:34pm — gojo satoru
contents. highschool!gojo, fluff, he’s so in love bye, underage drinking, tokyo and kyoto students have a little get together!
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“what’s wrong with him?” utahime watches her white haired underclassman down another can of beer. it was rare to see gojo drinking with the rest of the group, always opting for a soda instead.
shoko takes another swig out of her drink, unsurprised. “[name] is on a date.” 
a pathetic groan leaves gojo’s lips and the upper half of his body is splayed over the kotatsu in shoko’s room, sunglasses long forgotten somewhere. he lets out an unapologetic burp. everyone at the table spares him a glance of pity. 
utahime grimaces and mutters a quiet, “gross”. 
“don’t provoke him,” geto scolds shoko, flicking some ash from his cigarette to the ashtray below. “she’s just dealing with clan matters. arranged marriages and whatnot.” he used his free hand to land a firm pat on gojo’s back. what kind of best friend would he be if he didn’t try to comfort satoru? 
“poor thing. i can keep you company in the meantime,” mei mei’s smile is far from something with good intentions. gojo shakes his head to refuse, but with the way his forehead was pressed to the table, it looked comical. like a child throwing a tantrum. 
the only thing that managed to get gojo satoru out of his drunken slump was a soft knock on the door. he could recognize that pattern anywhere. could it be–? the snow haired boy immediately perks up. his drunk dazed eyes brighten as he quickly makes his way to the door. 
geto snorts at the way his best friend reacts. he thinks he can see an imaginary tail wagging, as if he were a dog. 
“you’re late!” gojo accuses you when he opens the door. you blink.
“are you…okay?” your voice is laced with concern as gojo’s large frame towers over you. gojo preens.
“awww, is my [name] worried about me now? don’t worry, ‘m doing just fine!” there is a goofy grin painted on gojo’s face as he leans against the doorway. all conversation has stopped and every sorcerer was listening attentively to gojo's hopeless conversation with you. utahime can’t help but feel just a little compassion for the boy. he was pining so much it hurt.
“i wasn’t worried. it's just that your words are all slurred– don’t tell me you let shoko talk you into drinking with her again?” you sigh. it was hard to miss the smell of beer on him. gojo and alcohol never mixed well, and the last thing you needed tonight was another lecture from yaga. 
from inside her room, shoko shouts, “it wasn’t me this time! the idiot decided to drown himself in beer after we warned him not to!” it was common knowledge that gojo couldn’t handle his alcohol. 
the male in question pouts.
“can a man not grieve about the love of his life being married to another?” gojo deflates. on the other side of the threshold, you wrinkle your nose.
“who said anything about marriage? like hell i’m going to accept a proposal from naoya zen’in.” you grumble. it had been a long night. dealing with your family and naoya was enough to scare you into staying in jujutsu tech for good. you’d rather lose your sanity to gojo than your dignity to naoya. 
“never mind that though, are mei mei and utahime still here? i was hoping to catch up with them!” you smile, crouching under his arm to make your way into the room. gojo doesn’t hesitate to trail right behind you. 
“[name]!” utahime waves happily at you, her mood no longer sour after she sees you. your wave back is enthusiastic. mei mei acknowledges your presence.
“how was dinner with naoya?” suguru asks. your face pinches up. he laughs before handing you a cold can of soda which you accept graciously.
you hear gojo mutter to himself from behind you.
“what’s up with him?” you whisper to suguru.
“you know how he is when he drinks,” he sighs, ushering you to sit beside him. gojo seemed to have his own agenda though, forcefully squeezing himself between the two of you. you shoot him an annoyed look to which he responds with a grin on his face. 
“‘m tired,” he whines, stretching his arms dramatically while letting out a loud yawn. you grunt when there’s a heavy weight on you; gojo has thrown his entire body on your side.
you don’t bother pushing him off. you’ve learned in the two years you’ve known gojo that he is like a baby when he gets drunk. it’s best if you let him have his way.
“go to sleep then, idiot,” you flick his forehead. he juts his bottom lip childishly, looking up at you with wide eyes. his eyes are captivating and you think you see nervousness through those azure orbs.
“will you come to bed with me too?” he rests his chin on your shoulder. you raise an eyebrow in surprise.
“eh? why would i?”
“because i’m cute.” gojo bats those long eyelashes of his innocently. you roll your eyes playfully before taking another sip out of your soda. 
“you’re weird– that’s what you are.” your lips quirk upward, eyes twinkling with mirth. he sulks, chin still comfortably supported by your shoulder.
“‘m not that bad!” he protests, a frown forming on his lips. you look at him for a long moment. this was the first time you’ve ever gotten to look at gojo this closely. 
his hair was getting longer, you note silently. with your free hand, you slowly move a strand of hair out of his face. gojo watches you earnestly. if his cheeks were not already flushed, they are now. 
“can we stop it with the flirting? let us single folk live in peace.” shoko speaks up. you turn your attention hastily from gojo to the rest of your fellow peers. 
“i feel like i’m intruding on something,” mei mei says scandalously. your eyes widen.
“we are not– no way!” you shake your head repeatedly. no one believes you. especially not while gojo is still resting on your shoulder, eyes watching you, full of love.
“stop giving him all your attention and talk to us! we’re much better company,” utahime scowls, pointing her beer disapprovingly at the white haired boy on you. you think you hear gojo grunt.
“alright, alright,” you concede. 
“i hope you don’t mind me asking again, but do tell us how your night with the zen’in kid went,” suguru snickers. you groan exasperatedly.
“where do i even start?”
the rest of the night goes by pleasantly. you had been so engrossed with retelling your experience with dealing with your family that you had failed to notice what gojo was up to. by the time everyone left their respective dorms (or temporary dorms), you noticed the head of white hair sleeping soundly on your lap.
he mumbles something in his sleep, nuzzling himself closer into your stomach. cute. you giggle at how innocent he looks. 
you don’t know what took over you, but you remember bending down and placing a soft kiss on his forehead. to your surprise, gojo reciprocates your kiss. to the best of his capabilities anyway. you watch as he puckers his lips in his sleep. oh my– how precious.
you suppose he isn't so bad.
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notes. THANK U FOR BEING MY FIRST ANON ASK. ily!!! i saw somewhere that gege confirmed gojo would have drunken failures when he was a student haha this is my take on that. hes so bf
also thank you for all the support on my first post?!? you guys are too sweet im crying. i literally giggle and kick my feet reading your feedback ><
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mapis-putellas · 13 days
I’ll carry you all the way
Pairing: Alexia Putellas x reader
Words: 2142
Warnings: tiny amount of blood.
Summary: Alexia takes you on a hike. Things don’t go how either of you planned, but maybe that’s not such a bad thing.
Notes: Alexia’s English is slightly off in this on purpose.
[Prompt list]
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You were fully aware you were not as fit as your girlfriend was. Running for hours without getting out of breath just wasn't possible, and completing a single pull-up made you want to pass out. That wasn't even mentioning the hours upon hours of cardio she could do without even breaking a sweat whilst you broke one by barely running half a mile.
You were okay with your lack of ability to do those things. In fact, you were used to it. Just because you didn't have abs or a six pack doesn’t mean you weren't healthy. You ate good, walked everywhere and got in a good amount of exercise weekly. Because of that, you were pretty confident in assuming you'd be totally okay when you agreed to going on a hike with Alexia.
Turns out you were wrong. So, so very wrong. It had barely been an hour and you were already regretting your decision. You were sweating, your legs ached and your stupid shoes were rubbing making it impossible to walk without a limp.
The midfielder, however, was apparently having the time of her life. She was walking contently beside you, rambling in Spanish about her day out with Mapi yesterday. She wasn't sweating. She wasn't out of breath, and she was definitely not walking with a limp.
You were contemplating just dropping to the floor like a toddler having a tantrum, anything to have a break that you knew for a fact Alexia would ultimately fight you on.
"Taking breaks is fine, amor. But we have just only started."
"Qué? A break already?"
"Use those strong legs, bebé. Not far to go."
She meant no harm, you knew, but it made you feel a little pathetic and inadequate for not being able to complete something she deems so simple and easy. It was why you'd yet to say anything about your current discomfort, because whilst she'd agree on taking a break, she wouldn't be happy about it.
Eventually though, you are forced to stop, and you bend down to pretend tie your shoes to give yourself a much needed excuse.
"Amor? Estas bien?" You feel her hand settle on the small of your back. You wince a little. Not because you didn't want her to touch you, but because of how sweaty you currently were.
It didn't seem to occur to you that Alexia wouldn't care considering she'd throw herself onto you after a game despite being grossly sweaty herself. Lingering in your position for a few seconds longer, you take a deep breath and straighten up before sending her a forced smile.
"I'm okay, Ale. Let's keep going, yeah?" You fist the straps of your backpack so tightly your fingers turn white before reluctantly continuing with the hike.
Alexia hums suspiciously but doesn't stop you, her eyes following your body as you walk ahead of her. It doesn't take a genius to realise what may be the problem, especially if your visible discomfort was anything to go by. Still, she doesn't quite know how to go about calling you out on it. You could be stubborn sometimes, more so than her.
When the midfielder lingers behind you instead of either passing or catching up like she usually tends to do, you turn to face her with your hand shielding your eyes from the sun.
"Come on." You hold out your other hand for her to take. Despite her concern, Alexia couldn't help but smile as she reaches to grab it. You interlock your fingers with her own, giving them a squeeze before coaxing her forward. She complies, though makes sure to keep a careful eye on you to make sure you were okay.
And you were. For a while at least. It takes about twenty minutes before your signs of discomfort seem to grow again, but each time she looks at you, you force a smile so fake onto your face Alexia is concerned you may pull a muscle.
"Amor, stop for a second, okay?" She gently pulls you to a stop and reaches to take your other hand in hers too. You were stood facing her, cheeks flushed red and skin visibly damp with sweat. Baby hairs were stuck to your forehead, and Alexia gently uses the tips of her fingers to brush them away.
"What is wrong?" She murmurs, bringing her hand back down to your own and squeezing softly. You hesitate before shaking your head.
"I'm okay, baby." You attempt to reassure as you shift in place in a futile effort at taking the weight off of your feet, but your reassurance gives her no comfort. She could tell you were lying.
Alexia shakes her head, "No, amor. Something is not right. You can tell me. I will not be mad. Prometo."
Her tone makes you want to give in. You want to tell her you ache and you're sweaty and your feet hurt but just the thought of doing so makes you feel pathetic. If she could handle it, why can't you?
Hesitantly, you flicker your eyes up to her own. It was clear to see she was genuinely concerned, and at that you decide to allow yourself a compromise. Tell her one thing, but keep the rest to yourself. It seemed like the only reasonable option.
"The shoes I'm wearing are rubbing, and I'm pretty sure I have a blister." You admit, and Alexia's eyebrows furrow in concern as she glances around for something. Seemingly finding what she was searching for, she places a hand beneath each of your arms and guides you over to what you could now see was a rock.
You frown with a light flush as your ass meets stone, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed, "Ale, it's okay. It's probably nothing." You attempt to pull your foot away when she crouches down and places it on her lap.
"No, amor. You are in pain, sí? Let me help." She doesn't really give you much of an option to disagree as she gently tugs off your shoe and pulls down your sock over your heal. You wince at the sight that greets you. Just like you'd suspected, your sneakers had gotten you pretty good.
There was a sizeable blister at least the size of a penny that was bleeding, and Alexia looks up at you with pursed lips.
She was mad. You knew she'd be mad.
"Bebé, why?" She frowns, and you shrug as you attempt to reach for your shoe so you could pretend like none of this had ever happened. She bats your hand away before you could even come close, and you watch as she pulls off her backpack and rummages through it for a second before pulling out a first aid kit.
"Ale, no. That's not necessary. Lets just-" she gently grabs your ankle as you attempt to pull it away again.
"No, stay." She warns, and you huff quietly as she meticulously cleans the blister with some water before drying it off and placing a large bandaid over it. She does the same with your other foot which thankfully wasn’t quite as bad as the first. Once she was done, she packs away the first aid kit and shrugs her backpack back on before scooting closer to you, cupping your face in her large hands.
"Are you mad?" You whisper, leaning into her gentle touch.
The midfielder immediately shakes her head as she grazes the pads of her thumbs over your cheeks, "No, mi amor. Never. Not at you. I am just...sad you could not tell me you were hurting." She murmurs.
"It's just a blister." You shrug, not understanding the big deal, but Alexia shakes her head softly as she presses a kiss to your forehead.
"No, bebé. It is not. You were hurt, and you did not think to tell me. Why?" She drops her hands down and places them on each of your thighs instead, giving the warm flesh a soft squeeze.
You sigh as you tuck a sweaty strand of hair behind your ear, ignoring how gross it felt between your fingers. "Because I know you were looking forward to this hike, ale. You've been talking about it for days."
Alexia nods in understanding. "Sí. I have. But you are more important than a hike, amor. You know this, mhh?"
"I guess." You murmur, more than ready for this conversation to be over.
"Amor, look at me por favor." Alexia pleads as she inches herself as close as she possibly could to you. Despite your reluctance, you don't hesitate to comply, placing your hands on top of her own that were still resting on each of your thighs. The tips of your fingers absentmindedly trace over the soft skin.
"Bueno. I love you, bebé. It was not my intentions to make you feel like you cannot tell me what is wrong. It is more than your feet, yes?"
"Sí." You murmur, no longer able to lie to her. It was evident she could see right through you so why you even tried you didn't know.
"Can you tell me?" She coaxes, hands trailing gentle circles across the outside of your thighs.
You hesitate before deciding it was probably better to be truthful. "I can't do things as well as you can, Ale. I get sweaty, out of breath, and it makes me feel pathetic because you can do it so easily."
"Mi amor," Alexia murmurs as she situates herself between your parted legs, wrapping her arms firmly around your waist. You sigh slightly as your head comes to rest against her shoulder, feeling the way her hand rises to cup the back of your neck. "I train for hours, every day. I work hard. For years. My body is used to it. I am very strict and I do not allow me to have days off.”
"I know." You nod, letting out a quiet sigh as your hand rises to cling to the material of her tank top.
"I do not think many people could do this hike and not be sweating so much." She adds, and your lips quirk up into a teasing grin as you pull away and cup her face in hands. You try not to be annoyed by the fact that she wasn’t sweating. Not even one tiny bit.
"So you’re just better than everyone else, huh?" You press a kiss to her nose.
"Sí." She nods seriously, and you can't help but laugh as you pull her against you again. She allows this, nuzzling her nose against your neck. "Do not feel bad amor, I love you." Her words were a quiet whisper spoken against your skin.
"Te amo." You return the sentiment, your hand rising to cup the back of her head. She pulls away from you a moment later, looking at you ever so tenderly before cupping your cheek and pressing her lips against your own. You all melt against her as you reciprocate, letting out a quiet, content sigh. She pulls away sooner than you would like, soothing your upset pout by placing another peck to your lips. Then your nose. Then your forehead.
You can’t help but laugh as you tug her back into your arms, squeezing her to you as tight as you possibly could. Alexia returns the embrace, her strong arms holding you close as she press gentle, yet innocent kisses to the expanse of your neck.
The comfortable silence remains for just a few moments before she begins to move, and figuring she was trying to stand back up, you give her a small squeeze before releasing her from your embrace. Your arms had barely even left her body when you suddenly find yourself in the air, and the yelp that escapes your lips was immediate.
"Ale, wh-?" Your legs hook tightly around her waist, feeling the way her hands clasp together beneath your rear end as a make shift seat.
"I will carry you back, bebé." She bounces you up slightly to get a better grip before bending to grab your shoes too.
“To the car?!”
Your eyes widen. "Baby, we've been walking for over an hour. There's no way-"
"Sí. I can. I am strong, yes?" She grins up at you as she begins to walk, and you can't help but mimic it as you allow yourself to settle comfortably in her arms.
"Okay. But if I get too heavy, please-"
"You will not, amor." She interrupts you yet again, and you roll your eyes playfully as you poke her nose.
"Okay. I get it. But stop interrupting me, vale?"
Alexia at least has the decency to look somewhat sheepish at your playful scold, and you accept the kiss she places against your nose in place of an apology, “vale.” She nods.
“Thank you.”
"Okay, mi amor. Time to go home."
@simp4panos @goldenempyrean
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forthelostones · 3 months
♛ masc!reader x masc!abby - “our competitive streak” ♛ (nsfw, 18+)
round two.
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after you lay the ground rules for abby, she stalked you around the mat. she was inexperienced in hand to hand which gave you an advantage. however, her weight gave her hers. if she got you to the ground, you were done for. you needed to clear your mind of what you saw yesterday and get her to the ground first.
her first move came quickly as she aimed for your legs, head pressing against your waist. you plant your feet, left behind right, and push down to release her grip that came through your legs. she could've dropped you right there, those fingers squeezing your inner thighs, but she was too slow. her hands slip off your thighs like they were slick with butter. she grunts as she realizes she lost you. you bounce on your toes to twist your hips to throw a left at her which lands on her cheek. she stumbles back a little.
“come on anderson, im falling asleep.” you smile.
abby’s right hand comes up fast but you see it first and duck to land a blow on her right side. the short-tempered woman was twitching with anger and rubbing the spot you attacked. it didn’t phase you, you liked to see her angry, especially if you were responsible for her tantrum.
you throw your left foot at her calve and she bares it. she rushes forward, going for another way to get you to the floor. your head slams against the mat and for a moment your eyes close as your head bounces up. you couldn't believe she managed to get you down. she bends your leg up from the knee to press into your chest. it was evident that you didn’t stretch enough because it burned like hell and was tight. abby's hips were almost flush with yours and the thought led down a nasty road. one you shouldn't be thinking of right now.
that stupid grin she wore on her face disappeared as you shoved her off with your foot. digging it into her shoulder caused her to swear out loud and fall to her knees. just as she was going to rise, you got her on her back by tackling her down. you straddle her waist, pinning both hands above her head. she wriggles underneath you as she tries to breathe. you knew it, her endurance was shit.
she thrusted her pelvis into you, tossing you upwards to free her hands. you were inches away from her face, finally getting a closer look at her beauty and damn, she was beautiful. amid your admiration, she found her way back on top of you. her knee lying on top of your belly, closer to your lungs than you’d like.
“it was you.” she growled.
“wh—wha?” you say, breathlessly.
“you took my book.” she spat, pressing harder.
“ab, and—” you tap the mat.
she releases you and you roll over, palms down and crouching over. the tightening of your stomach was a dangerous feeling, the fear of vomiting right now was strong.
“what the fuck!” you cough.
“oh, shut up.”
“that wasn’t allowed, what’s wrong with you.”
she stood over you, looking down at you like you were so beneath her. her eyebrows raised as if she won this round fair and square. it made you burn angrily. you found the last bit of strength to come to her hips and tug her down. now your knee was in her ribs and you weren’t letting up.
“i don’t want to hurt you.” you spit.
“fuck you.” she cries with her eyes closed, mouth open.
“are you mad?” you poke.
“i have a system.” she groans.
“tap out abby, come on.” you say bored.
you press harder and she stifles her groan between her lips. a small tear falls past her cheek onto the mat. you bend down to her ear, “are you mad that i found the one place where you show your true self. you like this, that’s why you haven’t tapped out yet. you’re fucking pathetic.”
“call me what you want.” she smiled, eyes wide.
finally, her hand came in contact with the mat. without speaking you walked over to the showers with your gym bag on your shoulder.
once the warm water touched your skin you fully relaxed. you knew in the morning your body would be stiff as all what. but you felt gratitude for the current moment. that’s until the door swung open and abby came through.
the dividers of the showers were up to just below your breast were, leaving you exposed in the draft. you've gotten used to it now but with anderson here you felt particularly vulnerable. it wasn't the cool air flowing that made your nipples hard right now, it was what transpired before. she stripped down beside you and stepped into the stall on your left side.
“there’s so many other options.” you groan.
she didn’t reply. good, you thought.
you took your washcloth and began to scrub your back, working a good lather on. abby poured a handful of shampoo and began massaging her scalp acting as if she wasn't pining you into the mat just moments ago.
“i know you took my book.”
“enough with the book abby.” you snap.
“i know that you watched me. i saw you.”
before you could breathe and speak, the silence grew stronger, and it seemed like the water was now fire. your heartbeat was accelerated and you were losing all your composure.
“a-abby, what? when i was in the library there was no one there.” you lie.
“okay, you wanna play dumb. fine. but what you saw stays between you and i.”
“or what?”
you hear her finger stop scratching her scalp. she takes a moment to rinse out the suds and turn to you. you do the same and wait for her response. her sharp eyes on you made your pussy tremble.
“you need a good fucking, don’t you?” her brows furrowed.
“abby—” you scoff.
“i know you do. that’s why you watched. any normal person would’ve left but you watched me fuck her. what are you jealous?”
“i don’t have to be jealous of anyone.”
“seems like you are,” she says leaving her shower.
she followed the wall to walk into your space. her body was even more stunning with no clothes on. her small breasts were wet with the remnants of shampoo and the dark hair between her legs was trimmed. her rock-like muscles swallowed her cunt. her body was home to freckles and stretch marks and you almost ran your tongue across your lips, she looked delicious.
“see, you can’t take your eyes off me.”
she backs you into the wall just beside the shower head. you look down at her and the darkness she had while pining you to the mat was gone. she stared at you like she was ready to devour you and you were so weak, you might let her.
“anderson, you need to leave.”
“come on,” she wraps her hands round your waist. “let’s settle this.”
it had been a long time since you even felt the touch of a woman. being tied up in your responsibilities left little pleasure to be found and fulfilled. you wanted her hands to drift lower, between your legs where there was an ache so strong you could barely stand.
“let me make you feel good.” she whispered, then slowly brought her mouth to yours, kissing it softly.
you remove her hands and turn around to rinse off your body with her eyes stalking your every move. why did a small kiss set you ablaze like this?
if abby wanted to play this game, then fine. later that night you stopped by the library to return the book. she sat at the front desk with her notepad and lamp, organizing the titles on her desk. she opened and closed them, writing the details of each book she picked up. once she heard the door close she looked up to you quickly with the novel in her hand and then back down.
she wore a pair of boxers and a white tank top that left little to the imagination. much like your own outfit — sports bra and boxers.
“hey,” you say.
“‘sup?” she doesn’t look up.
you lay the book on the table and her frown turns into a quick smile.
“i liked that book.”
you read it overnight on the day you took it. unbeknownst to you, the romance was soon overcome with plenty of smutty scenes that had you flicking pages with one hand and the other in your shorts.
“me too.”
clearly, she was embarrassed at the advance that she made. but you couldn’t stop thinking about what it would be like to have the woman bent over begging for you.
“look, im sorry, i didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”
you slowly make your way around the desk. abby's chest falls heavily as you brush a hand up the side of her arm and sweep it upwards to her neck. where your finger lands, you kiss. you pull her backward into you, making her gasp a little.
“it’s okay.”
you mutter as you drag your hands over her breasts and start massaging them over her t-shirt. you grip them just before brushing your palm over her nipples and pressing them into her body.
“this okay?” you ask.
“fuck. yes.” she whispers.
you see her instinctively widen her legs in the chair and relax. you take your index and thumb to pinch them gently and roll them inward just before stretching them to plop back.
“don’t be embarrassed, big girl,” you say in her ear as you suck her lobe into your mouth. abby’s hands grip the arms of the chair to the point where you think she’ll snap them into two.
“you know what i liked about that book the most?”
“tell me, handsome,” she mutters heatedly.
“is the scene where the protagonist finger fucks her partner up against a window where everyone can see.”
abby barely managed a moan as she actively recalled that chapter.
your lips come into contact with a throbbing vein on her neck. you suck at it, wanting the reward of a full moan from abby before taking her deeper into the library. you push the chair out with your foot and bend down to her, you take her biceps to stand her up and lean her against the desk. you scoot her ass back so you're in between her thighs. abby grinds her hips in an attempt for some connection.
you plant your lips onto hers and slowly enter your tongue while bringing her waist closer to you. your thumbs guide you up her shirt to take it off in one swoop. your fingertips danced on her breasts again, tugging and pinching them as abby fought the desire growing in her shorts. the darkness in the center of her boxers was laughable.
"already soaked?" you ask staring into her eyes.
abby moans quietly but that won't suffice as an answer. so you grip her jaw with your dominant hand and slap her pussy twice for a proper reply.
"sorry, i didn't hear you anderson."
she mewls and covers her mouth before confessing. "yes, yes. since i last saw you, i touched myself, i couldn't help it."
you drop your hand and kiss her slowly, sucking her tongue into your mouth.
you bent your knees and lifted her off the desk, showing off all your gains. she wrapped her legs around your waist finally giving her cunt relief as it pressed against your hipbones. her arms draped over you while she peppered kisses on your neck, weakening your legs instantly.
the chaise was right where you last saw it, but you two need more space. so, once you sat her down you spread a blanket on the floor with a few pillows.
abby slipped off her boxers and that’s when you could see how desperate the woman was. her pink lips were more red now, slathered in arousal, and you hadn’t given her any satisfaction yet. almost as if she could read your mind, abby propped herself down onto the blanket. she was upright on her knees when she started to rub her body, performing for you. you hate to admit your cunt was throbbing as anderson sucked her fingers, massaged her nipples, and gripped her ass.
“you’re so pathetic.” you laughed in a friendly way.
“you’re taking too long, come here.” she says. abby lays on her stomach with her ass up in the air and back beautifully arched.
you lay your hips on top of her ass and push up. you bring her arms above her head and spread her legs a little more to position her ass cheek on your clit.
“gonna use you to feel good, ‘kay abby?” you moan.
abby just nods as you press into her. you’re so wet that your boxers are sticky and slipping easily up and down her body. your hips ride her so smoothly, humping her so hard that her body is jutting up a little. once you get a rhythm abby can’t take it anymore. “i need to taste you, please?”
“you wanna taste, beautiful? come ‘ere,”
you get up to spread your legs open on the opposite end of the blanket. abby tucks her fingers in the waistband of your boxers.
“no, i stay like this.” you correct.
she happily obeys as she flattens her tongue to make a wet stripe against the checkered fabric. a moan vibrates against your clit as abby basks in the taste of you. you shiver as she does it again, this time harder.
you take a fistful of hair and tug her back she nearly comes from that alone.
“i want you to eat my pussy, like it’s your last meal.”
she hesitates before pulling your shorts off but you allow her to. you tug on her hair more, harder, letting all your jealousy overcome you. the woman who gloated around the base was about to be tongue deep inside your cunt, you chuckle.
you lower her head and she brings her lips to yours and begins to lap up your pre-cum. finally, her lips make it to your clit where she massages it with such mechanical care. you moan, watching her lap you up.
“look at you — i wish i had a camera to show everyone on the base how good of a girl you are behind closed doors.”
you raise your hips to get her deeper between your lips. she teases your hole with the tip of her tongue before slipping it in as far as it could go. you cry out as the thick muscle penetrates you. the bump on abby’s freckled nose nudges your clit and you already feel overstimulated by the pleasure.
“fuck abby.” you whisper.
you look down to see her eyes on you, pupils dilated and hungry. she slips two fingers in so easily and without warning, curling up to your spot.
“let me swallow your cum beautiful," she said plainly before returning her tongue to your clit.
her moans get louder and the pressure inside of you gets harder and your legs tense around her body. you tuck them on her back to pull her closer. and just as you feel yourself come to your peak, abby pinches your clit between her teeth gently, making you crash so hard you twitch.
as you push her away she doesn’t stop. she keeps pumping into you and lapping at your lips until you actually cry out. she slows down and removes her fingers and brings the digits to your mouth.
she hooks her fingers gently in your mouth to pull you onto her as she lays on her back. she guides your sensitive pussy over hers without missing a beat.
you shake as you press downwards to meet her bulging clit. the pearl was so wet and erect that your mouth watered at the thought of sucking it. abby closes her eyes and finally finds some relief. her sighs are not shy and she freely groans with each stroke you make.
“you want mommy to cum on this cunt?” you ask.
“hmmhm. y-yes.”
so, you get to work. you lean down further to take a nipple into your mouth and slap your cunt onto hers and then move upwards to slip over her clit.
abby moans your name so recklessly and you suddenly wish the whole base could hear. hell, she's so loud you think they might.
“you’re so desperate. how long you been wanting me? a month? a year… two?”
“since… i … saw you.” she admits and you thump her harder.
“you like watching me, huh? imagining how i’d fuck. such an easy girl, aren’t you?”
“i am. i am.” she’s gone.
you feel another one coming so you increase your speed. thrusting into abby as she’s doing the same back — and just to think you two were both in a simular position hours ago.
abby could only grunt as her hips came into contact with yours. her body nearly vibrated as she was preparing for her release. you pull her thighs up and push them back to get the closest connection possible. you slipped your clit between her lips and nudged against hers as you both erupted.
someone could’ve thought a runner was mutilating you both in here by the way abby nearly screamed. you covered her mouth and fucked her until you both couldn't take it.
🏷 @bookpagecandlescent ; @lesbian-useless ; @ghgygd ; @maneskinwh0re
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onlinesuzie · 1 month
☆ “you’re delusional, you’re like actually crazy” pt. 2 ☆
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words: 1.5k
summary: Hamzah publicly mocks you on his most recent podcast episode, after confronting him, you are once again drawn back in by his manipulative affection but this time his words and actions are different.
notes: i’m literally addicted to this idea of hamzah i can’t stop writing!! thank you for all the submissions guys i love writing them!!
You’re mindlessly scrolling through social media, trying to distract yourself from the gnawing feeling that something is off. It's been a quiet day, too quiet, and the silence from Hamzah has left you with a growing sense of unease. Just as you're about to close the app, a clip from Hamzah’s latest podcast episode pops up on your feed, shared by someone you follow.
Out of habit, you click on it, expecting the usual mix of humor and laid-back conversation that he’s known for. But as the video plays, your heart sinks.
“…and there’s this one girl,” Hamzah’s voice is smooth, almost casual, but there’s a sharpness to it that makes your stomach twist. “She was so crazy, man. Always checking up on me, obsessing over everything I did. It was like she couldn’t breathe unless she knew what I was doing every second of the day, and I’m like ‘oh my god, you’re delusional, you’re like actually crazy’”
The audience laughs in the chat, Hamzah still chuckling along to his own words, the sound grating in your ears. He continues, the words pouring out like venom, each one cutting deeper. “It was pathetic, really. I mean, who needs that kind of shit? Always making everything about her, so desperate for attention. It was exhausting.”
You stare at the screen, frozen in place. He doesn’t say your name, but the description is unmistakable. It’s you he’s talking about. He’s mocking you in front of thousands of listeners, turning your pain into a joke for entertainment. The humiliation burns through you like acid, your chest tightening as you try to process the betrayal.
How could he do this? The thought echoes in your mind as you replay the clip, hoping—praying—that you misheard, that it isn’t as bad as it seems. But each time, the words hit just as hard, confirming what you already know deep down.
It’s about you.
That evening, you find yourself outside Hamzah’s apartment, the anger and hurt building with every step. You shouldn’t be here. You should be walking away, cutting ties with him for good. But the pull is too strong, the need for answers too overwhelming to ignore.
You take a deep breath and knock on the door, your heart pounding in your chest. A few moments later, the door swings open, and there he is, standing in the doorway with that familiar half-smile that always makes your resolve falter.
“Hey,” he says casually, as if nothing’s wrong. “What’s up?”
“What’s up?” you echo, incredulous. You can’t believe he’s acting like everything is normal. “What the hell, Hamzah? I saw your podcast.”
His expression doesn’t change, but there’s a flicker of something in his eyes—annoyance, maybe? He steps aside, letting you in without a word. You walk into the apartment, the tension between you crackling like static electricity.
Once the door is closed, you round on him, unable to hold back any longer. “How could you say those things? You were talking about me, weren’t you?”
Hamzah leans against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. He looks at you with a mixture of boredom and impatience, like you’re a child throwing a tantrum. “You’re seriously mad about that?” he asks, his tone dripping with condescension. “It wasn’t even about you. You’re overreacting.”
Your jaw drops. “Overreacting? Hamzah, you described me exactly! How can you stand there and pretend it wasn’t about me?”
He sighs, as if you’re exhausting him just by being here. “Not everything is about you, you know. It was just a story. You’re being paranoid.”
“Paranoid?” The word struck a nerve. “You made me sound like some kind of obsessive psycho! And you did it in front of all your listeners. How am I supposed to feel?”
“Maybe if you didn’t act so crazy, you wouldn’t think it was about you,” he snaps back, his voice growing colder. “But of course, you have to make this a big deal. It’s always the same with you—blowing everything out of proportion.”
The anger that had been simmering inside you starts to boil over. “I’m not blowing this out of proportion, Hamzah! You humiliated me in front of everyone, and now you’re trying to gaslight me into thinking I’m the problem?”
He raises an eyebrow, his expression darkening. “Gaslighting? Really? God, you sound so dramatic. I didn’t do anything to you. If you’re feeling hurt, that’s on you, not me.”
Your vision blurs with tears of frustration. “You always do this. You twist things around, make me doubt myself. You make me feel like I’m the one who’s crazy when it’s you who’s hurting me!”
He pushes off the wall and steps closer, his presence suddenly overwhelming. “You’re making yourself crazy, always overthinking everything. I can’t even make a joke without you blowing it out of proportion. Maybe if you weren’t so obsessed with me, you wouldn’t be so hurt all the time.”
The words sting like a whip, each one carefully aimed to cut you down. But underneath the cruelty, there’s a flicker of something else—something that makes you hesitate. Is he right? Are you overreacting? Is this all in your head?
You try to stand up for yourself, refusing to let him get away with it this time. “I could tell everyone what you really say to me. How you really treat me. Let them see who you are, you fucking asshole.”
For a moment, Hamzah’s expression shifts to something more serious, almost dangerous. Then he laughs, a cold, unamused sound. “Go ahead,” he says, but there’s a note of challenge in his voice. “They’ll just think you’re crazy. You think anyone would believe you over me?”
The words hit like a punch, but before you can respond, his tone shifts again, softer, more calculated. He reaches out, brushing your hair back from your face, his voice dropping to a whisper. “But why would you want to do that? I care about you. You know that, right? I love you sweetheart”
You freeze, your breath catching in your throat. He loves you? He’s never said that before. The word hangs between you, filling the space with something heavy and confusing. You want to believe him so badly, want to believe that this is real, that he really does love you and that it’s not just another manipulation.
“Do you really mean that?” you ask, your voice trembling with hope and doubt.
His gaze locks onto yours, intense and unreadable. “Of course I do, my love. I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.”
And just like that, the fight drains out of you. You feel yourself softening under his gaze, the anger and hurt melting away as you let yourself believe him, even if every rational part of you is screaming that this is just another way to control you.
Before you can think it through, he pulls you into a kiss, his lips pressing against yours with a possessiveness that leaves no room for argument. It’s a kiss that demands your compliance, that tells you without words that this is how things are going to be.
You kiss him back, the desperate hope that he means it overpowering everything else. The world narrows down to just the two of you, the familiar heat flaring between you, erasing the lines between right and wrong, pain and pleasure.
Hamzah’s hands are on you, pulling you closer, his touch rougher than before, as if to remind you of who’s in control. And you let him, because it’s easier to give in than to fight. Easier to lose yourself in the physical connection than to face the reality of what’s happening.
He guides you to the bed, the tension between you shifting from anger to something more primal. As your body responds to his, you feel a strange mix of relief and shame when he whispers in your ear, "Good." The words send a shiver down your spine, both comforting and unsettling, reinforcing the power he holds over you.
The arguments, the hurtful words, the public humiliation-they all fade into the background as your bodies come together, as you let him take what he wants from you, hoping that maybe this time, it'll be enough to keep him.
Afterward, Hamzah lies behind you, his arm draped possessively over your waist. You feel his breath warm against the back of your neck as he cuddles into you, pulling you closer. His lips find your hair, pressing soft kisses into it, as if to soothe the pain he's caused. "You're so beautiful," he murmurs against your hair, the words both soothing and confusing. Then, with a soft, almost vulnerable tone, he adds, "I love you." The tenderness in his actions and words contrasts sharply with the cruelty he's shown, leaving your emotions even more tangled.
But deep down, you know it won't be enough. The cycle will continue, the pain and the passion intertwined, feeding off each other in a toxic dance that neither of you can escape.
And as you lie there in the dark, Hamzah's arm tightening around you, you wonder how much longer you can keep doing this. How much more of yourself you can give away before there's nothing left.
But for now, you close your eyes and let yourself be consumed by him, by the illusion that this is love with hamzah, even if it's killing you.
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xinmin-exe · 10 months
(Hey there, I really liked the headcanons about the LoV that you posted. So... I want to ask if you also do requests? :)🤍)
And if so, can I request a fic/headcanons about Shigaraki and reader who apologize a lot? Even if it's not their fault? (Like when the League broke something in the bar and the reader is the first one to apologize for everything)
Hello Love! Yes, i do take requests! It's been a few years since I've written a fic so I may be just a little rusty, but I hope you enjoy! (also, if you see any mistakes let me know! This isn't proof read or anything)
Shigaraki with Reader who apologizes all the time
Warnings: Angst, fluff, Shigaraki is a simp and OOC, AFO because that bitch is a warning by himself, shouting (at reader and others), throwing things (no one is hurt), brief mentions of depression (not eating, not getting out of bed, etc)
Shigaraki Tomura wasn’t known to apologize for anything. Growing up with AFO, he couldn’t apologize. Shigaraki had to be perfect, or at least pretend he was. So when you stumbled into his life, he was thrown off. How could you, someone so perfect and kind and gentle as you love him? It was a mystery to Shigaraki and to everyone. To him, you had no flaws, well, you had one flaw. You apologized for everything. Oh, they ran out of vodka? You’d apologize. Toga almost ripping Spinner’s head off? There you were, apologizing for that. It confused Shigaraki. He saw you as perfect, actually perfect, so why did you apologize so often? You never needed to apologize for anything, yet at every minor inconvenience you did. At first, he thought that you were nervous being around everyone for the first time and brushed it off. But as time passed, and this habit only got worse, he got confused. Which slowly turned into anger. Until one day, he couldn’t take it anymore and exploded. 
You had been with Mr. Compress, learning about making cocktails and drinks so that the burden wouldn’t fall all on Compress. You two had an audience but neither of you cared that much. Atsuhiro had been showing you the basics when Toga came in and asked what was going on. “I’m sorry Toga, Compress is showing me how to make drinks for everyone,” you said to the young villain. Toga pouted and glared at you. “You’re no fun,” she said bitterly. You lowered your head to her slightly and replied, “I know, I’m sorry.” Until you heard someone slam their hand on the bar. Looking over, it was none other than Shigaraki, who was glaring daggers into your eyes. You had seen many times Shigaraki glare at others, but never at you. You froze where you stood and could old stare back like a deer in headlights. atsuhiro was a smart man who could read the room and quietly excused himself and ushered everyone else out of the room. The villain took one last look at you, feeling sorry for you as he knew shigaraki was able to throw a tantrum at you. "What was that?!" shigaraki asked you, but you couldn't answer. Wrong move. Shigaraki took the glass that was in your hand and threw it against the brick wall behind you. "answer me!" He screamed at you. "i.. i.. i don't know what you mean.." You rasped out, your throat drying out at the sheer anger coming off of Shigaraki in waves like heat during the summer. "Why were you apologizing to that homicidal lunatic?!"
"I'm sorry Shigaraki but i just.." Yet another glass was smashed against the brick behind you, apparently Shigaraki didn't like that answer either. "Stop fucking saying that! It's pathetic! God you are pathetic!"
The Words left Shigaraki's mouth before he had time to process what he just said to you. His words stung like a knife to the heart. Did he really think you were pathetic? Is that what he really thought? Did he not love you anymore? Thoughts spiraled around in your head as Shigaraki just huffed out and stormed past you. Most likely to go to his room and play games until he calmed down. You, on the other hand, were stuck in the bar. Feeling like your world was crashing down around you. it felt like he took your heart and stomped on it, not caring about what happened to you afterwards. You couldn't bring yourself to talk to him, so you avoided him like the plague.
The next few days were agony. You couldn't bring yourself to leave you room. You weren't eating, you overslept, and you never seemed to leave you room. Even Kurogiri couldn't persuade you to get up and eat something. Even Dabi tried to get you to eat, which proved just as successful as Kurogiri's attempts. Shigaraki wasn't any better. He had been on a short temper with everyone and his neck was red and raw. multiple things had been dusted within the compound and everyone quickly learned how much you really meant to the blue-haired leader.
Eventually, the big man himself noticed his heir was going off the rails and called. "Shigaraki, don't tell me one little human has you so out of sorts. This is unbecoming of my heir. So get your shit together or I will find a replacement." AFO left no room for discussion, he never did; Shigaraki never questioned him. Back-to-back missions and a new found anger from Shigaraki had the league even more out of whack. That was, until dabi had fed up with all of the bullshit and locked you and Shigaraki in a room together, screaming at you two to "figure it out or starve" It had been over two weeks since you had even seen Shigaraki, let alone talk to him. He, likewise, couldn't bring himself to speak, let alone even look in your general direction. In truth, he's been a hot mess since the last time you two spoke. All he can do is replay the moment over and over again in his head, like a time loop. He has all these apologizes and words he wants to say, but they dry up and die in his throat.
When he had opened his mouth, you looked at him with such sadness. It took him what felt like eternity to say the small phrase that has tumbled around in his head for days. "I.. I'm sorry i yelled.." His voice was so soft and quiet, you almost missed it. Almost. His voice hit your ears just barely and his words entered and consumed your mind.
"i apologize because... because if I don't.." The words you wanted to say piled in your throat, all of them wanting to escape at the same time. "I don't want people to hate me... I'd rather them walk all over me if it meant that they saw some type of value in me.." You finally said softly, looking down at the floor. Your eyes pooling with tears that you couldn't let spill out, not until you felt yourself being pulled into an embrace. Tomura couldn't say anything; he knew all too well how you felt.
Tomura held you, consoling you as best he could. He never had to comfort anyone before you, but he tried for you. He let you cry it out until, what felt like hours passed, he shouted at Dabi to let you two out. The scarred man carely opened the door, the rest of the league watching as you and Tomura emerged from the room. Dabi looked at Tomura's arm around your shoulder's and your tear-stained face and walked away, seemingly satisfied with the outcome. Neither of you said anything, retreating to your shared room and locking the door.
Over the next few days, Tomura made the effort to thank you for doing little things around the base, and even convinced (read: threatened) the others to do the same. He made efforts to show you your worth each and everyday, because he'd be damned if his angel felt worthless. And he would happily spend his days proving you wrong.
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arcanemadman · 1 year
How exactly is Subhuman lyrical character assassination for Dante?
Ok. I'm not looking forward to writing this but…
So you've probably seen that there are some mixed opinions on this particular song, so allow me to clarify. I would like to preface this by stating that Subhuman is one of the few things in the world that I feel genuine hatred toward, which is either amusing to think about or outright pathetic. I actually can't listen to any part of the song without feeling anxiety or anger. As such, I have avoided listening to the song again.
First of, lets talk about the original version of the song. The original was sung by suicide silence, who at one point a popular deathcore band until the death of their main vocalist, after which they spiraled into disaster and alienating their fan base. Their version on the song, without exaggeration, sounded like pigs squealing. High pitched, badly mixed music by a washed out band who's new main vocalist also happened to be a pedo. These factors culminated into the song, upon being released, getting over 13,000 dislikes before the video was deleted from YouTube. Seriously, when people first did listens like you do they were, at best, laughing.
So they replace the vocalist, problem solved right? No. This is actually the second attempt by composer cody matthew johnson at a theme for Dante, the first being a remix of Devils Never Cry for Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, and is largely considered the worst and only bad version of the song. And when advertising this song on his website, he advertised it as the theme of "the foul mouthed anti-hero" Dante, AKA reboot Dante.
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In other words, he made it for the wrong character. Johnsons reaction to the backlash was to throw a tantrum and saying he's "happy to stir the pot", ignoring the fact that the original version was actually painful to listen to (this isn't hyperbole, seriously don't take my word for it and listen to the original version and you'll get what I mean) and the fact that it was sung by a pedophile. Recently he also related the backlash he got to the abuse targeted at actress Lily Gao for her performance in the Resident Evil 4 remake, which is deeply insulting considering she was subjected to racist abuse and harassed off social media.
And even then, the song itself good for what it's supposed to be. As a character theme, it's character regression for Dante. It's an angry, spiteful song that goes on about how Dante struggles with this evil inside him, how he hates all demonkind and how he's a rage filled monster that tears through everything in his way. But that's not Dante. At one point, Dante did have anger towards demons and hate that part of himself, but his character ark in Devil May Cry 3 was accepting that part of himself and growing as a person. DMC3 is a prequel, mind you. In universe, he got over those feelings over 25 years ago.
When faced with demons, he often offers to show them mercy even if they don't accept, because he knows that just as any human can do evil, any devil can do good. He spares Trish in DMC1, a demon created for the sole purpose of killing him, and in turn she becomes his trusted friend. In DMC2, he refuses to let Lucia kill herself because her fear of hurting humans proves she's not a monster to him. In the anime, he's hired to kill a demon called Brad and instead finds him in a bar, talks with him to figure out what his deal was, and then helped Brad protect his human girlfriend and kill his demonic master. In fact, he's far more merciful to demonic enemies than his human ones, who he kills without ever offering mercy, because at its core those that give up their humanity are worse than those that never had it to begin with.
That's mainly it. The thesis statement of the entire series is this - The human ability to care for others, to love someone, be it family, friend, or romance. If you care enough to cry, THAT is what makes you human. Dante is powerful not just because of the demonic power of his father, but because of the human heart of his mother. He is the son of both Sparda and Eva, and he's proud of that. But the very title of subhuman contradicts the entire point of the series. It implies he is less than human, but he's not more human or more demon, he's both, and that's the point of him as a character. Vergil rejected his humanity, while Dante embraced it. He's reached an equilibrium in his soul and grown as a person, embodying both worlds as a devil with ability to cry. Subhuman doesn't focus on Dante's humanity at all, it's all about how he's inhuman.
You remember how in Devils Never Cry the harder and softer lyrics are separate and initially clash, representing his demon and human halves, but in the end they come together into a singular song, representing Dante's acceptance of both sides of himself. There's none of that nuance in this song.
And removing the character assassination, it's just not a good representation of Dante. As I said it feels angry and violent, but Dante is charming and stylish. Of course he does have some resentment to aspects of his life, at times wishing he could have a normal life, but he enjoys what he's got. With the other character themes, the lyrics feel like something the characters would say in battle; With Devil Trigger, I can see Nero smirking and shouting "Bang, bang, bang! Pull my devil trigger!" as he throttles his sword as his enemies charge at him. With Crimson Cloud, V talking in poetry all the time so "Saviour! Bloodstain! Hellfire! Shadow! Heaven on a landslide!" sounds like something he'd read out to himself as his demons tore up the battle. And with Bury the Light, Vergil would totally proclaim "I am the storm that is approaching!" before unleashing a devastating attack.
But with Dante, who taunts by throwing a rose at his enemies, laughing and pointing, and playfully beckoning at his enemies to keep trying their best, I can't see that person screaming at the top of their lungs in fury "YOU CANNOT KILL ME!" Dante isn't someone who feels the need to prove anything to himself or his enemies. It's part of his charm that powerful demons will fight him, expecting a respectful battle with the son of the legendary Sparda, but instead they get their ass beat by an idiot more interested in seeing what he can do with a hodgepodge of weapons than taking things seriously. And when he does get serious, it's more quite, closer to "you've got my attention and I'll make you regret it." It's too insecure. A better line would be something like "Just try to kill me!" but even then, it's still screaming. There's no subtlety here.
None of this is helped by the fact that the song is so plodding. The low BPM makes it feel plodding, and while I'm certainly no expert on music that sort of feeling hurts in a game as fast as DMC, especially for Dante, who while not as fast as Vergil is by far the most chaotic character to play as. Teleporting, swapping guns, swapping weapons, swapping styles, Dante has over 100 potential actions that can loop into each other freely. Subhuman doesn't capture how chaotic it feels to play as Dante. It's going for the power fantasy of Kratos, an unstoppable juggernaut as opposed to the power fantasy of a stylish showdown. You don't play as Dante to strike fear into demonkind, you play him to see just what bullshit you can get away with even in the most dire situations.
That is ultimately why Subhuman fails and betrays Dante as a character.
I'll admit, from my personal experience I tried everything to get myself to like the song. I listened to every edit trying to salvage it, every version that changed it up, all hoping that Dante would get the theme he deserved. But I think that's why I hate it so much now. I desperately wanted it to be good. But at it's core, the song is fundamentally flawed it what it sets out to do, represent Dante as a character, and it needed a full overhaul that was never realistic within the time frame of it being revealed to the public and the games release. Honestly, after what he did to Devils Never Cry they should never have given Dantes theme to someone as inexperienced as cody and his works before and since have been middling at best. But he was the real thing that killed subhuman for me. Anyone that listened to the original version knows it was BAD, but he acted like he was a visionary who was too smart for the rest of us and ignoring all criticism including, need I remind you, HIRING A PEDOPHILE. The recent thing with Lily Gao I find particularly infuriating because what she has been going through is unquestionably awful, yet he made it about himself. As if a white composer who complained about the whole thing on twitter suffered the same abuse as an asian woman who was chased off social media. That inability to self reflect on anything and blaming everyone that disagrees with you is just arrogance in the end.
I always get really angry whenever I think about this song. If I had the same passion for writing things I actually cared about I'd be an acclaimed author by now. I don't like how much I think about this song so much. As I said at the state hating a song this much is either amusing or pathetic. But Dante is a character that holds a certain importance for who I am so I care more than I should. I know not everyone had the same experience I have, or don't really care about the music so long as the game is fine, but the music in Devil May Cry has always been spectacular, and the character themes have been brilliant ways to prove who the characters are deep down. So for Dante, the face of the series, to be stuck with the worst one in the entire series in the grand return of the series until the next game comes around… it's fucking infuriating.
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hidden-poet · 7 months
Okay I had such a crazy busy week and I finally got to read chapter 5 of Commander Snow and WOW what a ROLLERCOASTER!!! Again, I really appreciate you making these super long 🙏 it’s seriously the best feeling reading your work!!! I honestly can’t get enough of it! Alrighty, let’s get into this masterpiece….
Is this girl really trying to get herself killed by selling the spare morphling bottles that Coryo gave her…? Even though we know he won’t. But girl… you are really asking for it 😂
“You freeze seeing Commander Snow, marching through the streets with the cavalry behind him.” - I just froze 🥵 just give him to meeee NOW!!! I NEED HIM 😫 - “That’s Snow’s girl.” - HELL YEAH I AM!
The way he just comes out of the crowd just to swallow her whole face, neck and collarbone 😂 and hooking her hands over his neck 🥹 ughhh needy little mamas boy bitch who just wants love and nurture from her 🩷 and him biting down on her neck 😫🥵 like I don’t care how bad it hurts just bite me and drain me like a vampire please and thank you! 
He really out here just sending for her now to be taken to the Compound 😂
I love it when Lucy Gray is brought up! The way Smiley made her sound like some sort of killer 😂 I'm like… no. Does Smiley have a death wish sharing all this with us? Boy do you not know what your Commander is capable of by now?
HE’S SUCH A NEEDY LITTLE WHORE MY GOD 😫 Laying his head on her lap and not that being enough for him to then force her hand over his chest 🥵😫
Her thinking Tigris is his girl back at the Capitol 😂 - “No, she’s my cousin. You’re my girl.” - THAT I AM DADDY 😈
Coryo not wanting to talk to her about Strabo Plinth because he KNOWS he’s responsible for Sejanus’s death and got that Plinth prize… 🤦‍♀️
HE'S TAKING US TO THE CAPITOL FOREVER!!! Poor girl is so scared that he’s taking her away from her home.
“He adjusts to a more menacing position; his fingers tightened on your face, his body stiffened into a hard stance over you and his eyes squinted down on you.” - I just love how he gets mad when we don’t comply… It's like a child throwing a tantrum in a way; which makes sense considering his severe undiagnosed mommy issues 😂 - “Do you honestly think you have a say in the matter?.” - No I don’t. Only you can control my life now 😫
Okay I could not stop laughing at the way he just kicked Miss Escot out and told her to fuck off 😂
“Say you’re sorry,” - GOSH he’s so petty… 😂 If I say no, can I suck his dick again? Unwilling of course…. UGHHH 😫 I just love how possessive he is with her by throwing out the moonshine because he doesn’t want her drinking and just casually cutting out people from her life because their a “bad influence” when really... he just wants her all to himself. I mean I ain’t complaining…. 😂
Not him cuffing her up and making her watch the executions… Sir, I am not an animal here? But at the same time…. meow 😈 -  “Watch me up there,” - Okay WHORE 😂 I just love how he has this constant need for attention and validation from her. Even in Chapter 2; when he grabs her jaw and tells her to tell him how much he is taking good care of her and to tell him how handsome he is… it is both so sad and pathetic where you can’t help but feel bad for him and sympathize with him… my poor baby boy 🥹🩷 he is doing NOTHING WRONG.
Okay. FUCK HIM for killing that little boy. That was beyond CRUEL. That was sooooooo heartbreaking and traumatizing 😭 he’s terrible.
“I tried to send him to the Capitol as an Avox but Commander Bonza was determined to see him hang”. - YOU ARE IN CHARGE YOU PSYCHOPATH! His ego of not being shown as weak for his stupid presidential run. My god 🤦‍♀️
Now is this boy really looking for comfort from HER? After what you just made her watch? And by YOUR COMMAND! THE DELUSIONS…. - “He cried for his mother in the holding cell” - 😑😑😑 boy you really don’t need be saying all this to her right now…. - “They don’t hang children in the Capitol. You’ll never have to see it again.” - YET YOU STILL MADE HER WATCH THIS?
Coriolanus remembered crying for his mother on nights when the pain in his stomach from hunger was too much to bear. It felt almost therapeutic now to hear you cry for the boy. In a way, you were crying for Coriolanus too. - Okay I am again conflicted for this man 😂 MY POOR BABY JUST WANTS US TO FEEL THE PAIN HE WENT THROUGH AS A KID 🥹🩷 COME HERE I’LL GIVE HIM ALL THE COMFORT HE SO DESPERATELY NEEDS 😂
Again with the desperate need for her to stay with for the night 😫 - “No, no. I need you to stay.” - “You’re not leaving me.” - 🥵🥵🥵 is it getting hot in here? - “You’re telling me no? After everything I’ve done for you?” - Aside from terrorizing me and the people around me? 😈 Also not him threatening her to stay with him 😫😈
Holding her hand back to his apartment 😫 now this boy thinks we're a married couple now? Him wanting to share everything 🥹 he gets a kick out of her wearing his clothes….. OWNERSHIP 😈🥵 I couldn’t stop laughing at him just casually eating in the kitchen after what he had done 😂 and the grin he gives her as he chews like a little demon child 😂 
Masturbating to her in the shower? 🥵 I have to say I am shocked by his self control in the pussy department tbh 😂
HE LIKES TO BE THE LITTLE SPOON 😭🥹 the way he just tugged her wrist over himself and burying her hand under his cheek 🥹😂 She’s definitely getting used to him (unwillingly of course) 😂
I love how he just flattened the bed sheet for her when he got out of bed 😂 “Go back to sleep” - Yes, Daddy 🥵 And am I the maid now? Ironing his clothes and shining his shoes…? YES SIR 😈
Okay so now that he locked her in his apartment without her knowing he locked it in the first place…? Berlin Syndrome anybody? AND The damn Peacekeepers ignoring her 😂 they're like ‘yea no we can’t help you or your boyfriend will hang us’ - “What’s wrong?” “Hey, what happened?” - ???? 😑😑😑 ???? THE DELUSIONS OR HE’S JUST THAT SICK 😂
“She’s been with me. Who are you?” - Ooof 🥵 I’m sorry but Edmund and Coryos whole interaction at the house had me dead I can’t with them both 😂 - “Didn’t I see you next to my girl at the hanging?” - Yes. I am your girl 🥵 - “I don’t want him in the house if I am not here.” - Yes, daddy 😈 - “You seemed close with the maintenance man,” - Idk why this made me laugh so much 😂 - You think I am letting you stay here after finding a man lingering in your house?” - Don’t you just love a psychotic possessive man 😂
Man he really is impatient with her ‘moving in’ with him now 😂 how sweet of him to pack her undies tho 😂
Wow he really is isolating her now from everyone? Her boss, her mom and Edmund. My heart honestly broke for her mom when he was dragging her daughter away 😭🥹
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!! HOLY SHIT THAT WAS INTENSE! Coryo is definitely going to kill Edmund. Without a doubt (and he doesn’t know about the kiss 😳... yet at least) - “Kill them and you kill me,” you threaten, “I swear, there is not a single thing you can do that would stop me.” - I mean obviously he can still kill Edmund without killing your mom...
I couldn’t stop laughing at the fact that his gasp waked her up too 😂and look at him scooping her up in his arms, holding her too tight like she’s a stuffed animal and smelling her 😂 She is his source of comfort 🥹🩷
p.s. I just realized I kept misspelling Mabel's name in my last reaction ask 😂 I went from Ma'bel' to Ma'ble' 😂
I was twirling my hair and kicking my feet reading this❤️🫡 I must have read it four times before responding. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Commander snow part 5 and S.lands on top both will be out before the end of this week. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts! I love them, you are genuinely so funny.
Hope your week slows down a bit for you! Also don’t worry about Mabel vs Mable. I spell it both ways too 😭😂 potato- poTATo.
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"Okay.... is EVERYONE okay....?" Sammy says after a few moments. He does a headcount... yep, everyone's in there. Except, obviously, Ramona. The dragons back off, either terrified of all the people or understanding space is needed. In the distance, Mytha, Sylvia, Celio, and several other dragons flee the forest to avoid the uprooting and falling trees.
Nova continues to hug Switch and sob into Vaga's shoulder as he stares at the ground, vision blurry with tears. Achilles glances up as the lights flicker slightly... despite his silent cries, his expression remains stoic.
Odette collapses into one of the stables, willing themselves to not cry as they hold their wound... several dragons surround them, acting as something semi-soft to lay on. Samuel hands them some bandages, which they gladly accept yet only stare at.
No one else speaks for a while, as the ground continues to tremble and the sounds of destruction occur above the cave. People tend to each other's wounds, offer comfort where they can, yet it all happens terrified silence.
Finally, Samuel gets up.
"Now why the fuck are YOU here??" He jabs a finger in Slyn's direction, who's sitting against the wall and staring outside.
"What do you mean, why am I here?! It's a fucking earthquake Samuel, I'm allowed to take cover!!"
Samuel laughs angrily. "Hah- what happened to being 'above all the others, going wherever you please'? Huh? 'Cause I know DAMN well you of all people wouldn't willingly come to the 'shitty dirty stables' with all of us workers. Why don't you go back up to comfort and admire your wife, hm?"
A threatened hissing emits from Slyn's crossed arms. "You think I'm stupid?! She WILLINGLY TOOK OFF HER VEIL. I'm not getting in the way of that, you don't realize how bad it is when she lets you see under that thing, much less takes it off fully. She just.. needs to cool off."
Every word pisses Samuel off more, and he starts slowly walking towards Slyn. His palms are still caked in his own blood, covered in freshly-healed wounds where his claws sunk into his own flesh.
"You really are a FUCKING coward, you know that?"
Slyn's eyes darken.
"There's that look again. You're so fucking pathetic, I hope you know. You're only in power 'cause you broke your back riding Hexe's dick to the point she knew you'd do ANYTHING she said. You decide the best way to flaunt this power is abuse and beat the living shit out of everyone in this room for fun, MULTIPLE TIMES. But now, since you know you're probably gonna die at BEST if you spend any time around her while she throws tantrums, suddenly you're insistent you're in the same room as us. Why. 'Cause you're 'human'? You damn don't act like it."
They're inches away.
"That's fucking ENOUGH Samuel-"
"Ohhhhh no. Ohhhhhohohohohoho no, I'll decide when I'm done saying what I've been hanging onto for, what, 7-ish years? Almost 8? Something like that, whatever. ALL OF THIS IS YOUR FAULT, SLYN. ALL OF THIS-"
He motions at Mocha's broken arm, Vaga and Nova's panic, Odette's cracked torso, and more.
He counts off his fingers.
"Icia?? GONE. Dunite?? GONE. And now Ramona? FUCKING GONE!!! I wouldn't be surprised if you were the reason Ramiro was gone too- hell maybe if you didn't fall for Hexe and actually helped us overthrow her and take her power, he'd be back here today! Then none of us would have to suffer, especially them-"
He motions furiously at Mirobelle's mirror, Alex, Switch, and Yume.
Slyn stands up, shoving Samuel out of his space. "THIS ISNT ALL MY FAULT!!! If your smooth fucking brain can't remember right, YOU AND VAGA SIDED WITH ME AT FIRST! AND AKLATAN, AND MOCHA!! THIS IS AS MUCH YOUR FAULT AS IT IS MINE!!"
Oh, how that was the wrong thing to say. Samuel looks like he's going to blow a gasket. Vaga covers his ears tighter.
"You realize none of us ever agreed with you, right? NONE OF US looked at you and Hexe and were like 'Oh yeah, I want to fight for a life of walking on eggshells and being punished for even looking at someone the wrong way', THAT WAS DRIVEN BY FEAR! WE WERE ALL SCARED TO DEATH OF WHAT YOU'D DO TO US!! WAS IT RIGHT?! NO, BUT WITH WHAT HEXE AND YOU DID TO ICIA AND ACHILLES IT DAMN SEEMED LIKE THE BETTER CHOICE- NONE OF US WANTED TO FIGHT FOR YOU AND HER, ABSOLUTELY NOT A SINGLE ONE OF US!!"
Blood once again drips from Samuel's palms as he tries to not beat the shit out of Slyn right then and there.
"So I say it again. You are a pathetic, pathetic man Slyn. You're a goddamn COWARD and Ramiro would be SO DISAPPOINTED IF HE SAW YOU NOW!!!"
A harsh punch suddenly lands on Samuel's face, forcing him to stumble back as red drips down his face. He stares at Slyn for moment before swinging back, the blow slamming him into the wall.
The two don't get far, before several dragons attempt to pull them apart. Slyn already has a black eye and half his snakes are almost dead crushed, ripped away from Samuel's throat (which is now littered in bite marks).
"SAMUEL, MAKE YOUR BEASTS UNHAND ME BEFORE I KILL THEM ALL!!!" Slyn screams, thrashing violently.
"You keep bucking around like that and they'll confuse the rest of your fingers for food," Samuel shoots back, throwing the crushed snakes at Slyn's feet. Before either can spit yet another insult, however, a gentle tapping sound directs their attention to Mirobelle, who's finally emerged from her mirror. She's covered in soot, dust and grime with teary eyes.
"..... the quake is over...." she whispers. "Many things are destroyed but... it all happened mostly in the throne room."
Samuel's anger subsides as he glances down... the ground is no longer shaking. The lights aren't flickering.
Everyone is safe.
"... thanks Miro.... do you know if any of... 'her' stuff is salvageable?"
"I will do my best to find something while cleaning.... there is no guarantee though. I.... I would assume it is all gone."
A heavy silence fills the room.
"What about Ramona's room?"
His braid wraps around his throat, though not tightening. As if it's a warning.
".... I mean 'her' room."
The braid eases a bit.
"I would suspect it is now barred off, but I need to check."
Sammy nods. He was expecting that.
"Thanks Miro.... now as for you." He redirects his attention to Slyn, who's staring down at the ground with a subtle look of... shame? Samuel couldn't care less.
"Get the fuck out of my stables. Traitor."
Slyn swiftly leaves, not even bothering to slam the heavy wooden doors behind him before ascending into the damaged halls.
After Slyn is gone it seems as if Samuel's rage has finally faded, as well as his energy and mental state. He looks around at everyone, looking like he's trying to hide tears that threaten to breach his eyes.
"Sorry about that.... you all can stay as long as you want, there's more medical stuff in my room and some blankets, I'm just... gonna make sure my dragons are okay."
He glances in Alexander's direction, though avoiding his eye, before walking outside and wrapping his arms around Mytha.
Sylvia trots inside and lays her head on Aklatan's lap, softly growling.
Mirobelle hugs both twins, softly singing a French lullaby to soothe them.
Achilles goes into Samuel's room and leaves with a small dagger, leaving the stables as well.
As for Odette, they continue to lie against the dragons that nuzzle close and are still rattled by the earthquake. They look around at everyone before closing their eyes, a tear falling down their face.
Achilles was right, they think bitterly. Nothing good ever stays good in this place.
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This Is A whole Judgmental Villain Post
I am going to be judging how good of villains each of these idiots are, if they have a low score I can hardly call them a villain. These are specifically MyStreet villains for now.
Ein. He definitely meets the criteria for a villain but he's just not... That good of one. First of all, how the fuck did he go from genuine emotions to "oh wow I was faking it to become the alpha and bla bla bla"? No one fakes emotions that good, this story plot was bullshit. His main goal is to... WaiT what's his main goal again? There's the turn everyone into a werewolf supremacist thing, the fuck lemme make out with this basic ass chick thing, the uwu get revenge on ultima thing[get in line with everyone else lol], and then there's the simping for Michael thing. The main one is probably the last one in season six cause that's all he talked about. He got a lot of people killed but he can't do it without help. He is nothing but a sidekick. 3\10.
Zack. he doesn't meet any criteria why the fuck is he in the villain place. The whole reason he even worked with Michael was money yet his dumbass wasn't willing to kill for it? He's pathetic as fuck. His main goal was to threaten and torment Derek in Starlight, that's not intimidating to the rest of the group at all. if he actually did something besides torment and be a condescending asshole to his ex boyfriend then maybe he's meet the criteria, but he doesn't. The cheating doesn't make him a villain, as that would put so many other characters as villains too. Yeah he's an asshole and all, just not really a villain. 0\10.
Elizabeth. The fuck she do besides kick Garte's kneecaps out and have a fairly seductive voice? She also saved Zack from drowning, how dare she he wanted to die anyways[which is sad but let's not talk about that]. She'll probably be better in the future so I give her 4\10.
Derek. No. No no no. He is not a villain in the slightest he is an antagonist, there is a BIG difference. His actions are more fucked up then the others though so he gets to be talked about. First of all the nicest thing he did to Aaron was get him a dog, then lose it. Now for the actual options, Derek has a weird way of showing he cares about Aaron. That includes making agents stalk him to make sure he doesn't hang out with humans he could put in danger, hiring some weird stoner dude to assault his son then hug him, intentionally calling his son a monster whenever he does anything wrong, throwing a temper tantrum and breaking his phone, and he's also really good at lying. probably learned it from Michael cause there's no way he picked it up himself. Oh also 7\10 for creativity.
Xavier. Best villain 100% \s. He really needs to take a break from the internet because it is damaging his emotional health and also his villain vibes, I can't really take a computer need who's really only obsessed with seeing the ultima seriously. He gets really fucking emotional when it comes to exposing the ultima so it messes up all his Damn plans. He only stayed in FCU because he's only a villain meant for college. 5\10 cause I feel bad for him.
Ivan. This bitch could've just stayed a player and saved his pathetic life from becoming an asshole, yet he chose the wrong path because he's really stupid. All he does is prank people and harass Lucinda, and also turn people into babies. He's literally nothing but a kindergartener to everyone. 1\10
Michael\The Demon Warlock. Wow someone who literally could give less of a fuck about Aphmau and Aaron's relationship's existence? Perfection. Amazing. Anyways, some of the bad things he did were controlling people to kill others for him, kill Terry's dad who apparently existed, beat up Travis because he's a nuisance and he's in the way, try to kill a useless God who does nothing for the community, didn't kill Derek cause Derek killed himself, killed one of his partners daughters cause he doesn't give a fuck, and he also killed Rachel. The fuck is up with that. How dare he. His main goal is to kill Irene cause fuck if I know I guess they broke up or something. He is also weird and predatory just like Terry, which is why I can't tell them apart. 9\10 cause the Katelyn thing ruined his intimidation.
That is all for now.
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authorautumnbanks · 10 months
How To Tame A Sorcerer: Side Stories (6)
Main story
Side stories
"You would really sink so low? Siding with a human? Worshipping her as though she is Inari-sama? You and the others are pathetic. And to think that one such as you shares my blood."
Yakeru lets out a shaky breath as he struggles to regain his footing. Why was he thinking about Yumi now? He wipes a hand down his face, his claws leaving thin welts down his cheeks. It was bad enough that Sesshomaru-sama was coming back to Japan, but to be tasked with arranging a meeting with him? "For fuck's sake," he says with a groan. His head feels as though someone dropped a boulder on top of his head and just left him there to struggle under the weight of it. You didn't set up a meeting with Sesshomaru-sama, lest you wanted to get your head cut off—Sesshomaru-sama called you. Yumi would be glaring down at him if she were still here. Her lips would be turned up into a snarl at how easily he bends to Kagome-san's whims and berating him for trusting his heart and not using his head.
Maybe his devotion does make him weak. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone, scrolling through the ignored messages in search of the last text he sent Jaken.
"What?" Jaken squeaks out over the speaker. For whatever reason, just hearing Jaken's voice irritates him.
"I need to meet with Sesshomaru-sama." He grips the phone tighter, his body shaking from anxiety. Yakeru prays that his devotion to Kagome-san is not misplaced and that she knows what she is doing to be requesting such a meeting. If Sesshomaru-sama didn't kill him for the audacity, then Satoru surely would.
Jaken squawks in response. "You have no right! You insolent fox, I'll have you know…"
Yakeru rolls his eyes as Jaken throws a tantrum over the phone. How Sesshomaru-sama keeps a cool head with one such as Jaken around was beyond him. If it were up to him, he would leave Jaken to hang somewhere far, far away from him. "Jaken-san," he soothes, "the Shikon priestess would like an audience with Sesshomaru-sama. She means no harm, merely to introduce herself…. the Six Eyes will be in attendance as well."
"The—the Shikon priestess you said?"
Odd. Was that affection in Jaken's voice? That couldn't be though, Kagome-san didn't know Jaken or Sesshomaru-sama. At least he didn't think she knew them. He shakes his head. "Yes. Is there any way that we could meet tonight? There's a restaurant run by half-demons not too far from me. I could rent out for the night."
"I will send you the time. Do not keep Sesshomaru-sama waiting," Jaken responds as though it was he that called to arrange the meeting.
Whatever. This conversation was enough to last him for the next decade. "I am very grateful." He ends the call and plops down onto the barstool. If things go left, he'll just grab Kagome-san and leave Satoru behind to deal with the mess. Yakeru glances at the spinner that hasn't stopped spinning. Yumi was wrong. His devotion to Kagome-san does not make him weak.
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voraciousvore · 11 months
Bucky's (26/44)
Chapter 26: Shopping
“Ronny, why are you so angry?” Ronny didn’t answer Tanya and pounded away at his keyboard, smashing the keys harder than necessary. “Ronny, talk to me. Please.” 
He kept his lips stubbornly sealed. The whole day so far had been stressful and infuriating beyond reasonable means. First, Tanya had been snatched out of his hands by his hated rival Martin, who slammed him against the wall hard enough to knock him out. Bucky had showed up with the CEO and questioned him. Tanya had learned of Candy’s existence and would soon interact with her, and Candy would blab all about what an ass he was. And now Tanya had acted like an infatuated schoolgirl around his pathetic weakling of a boss, of all people. 
Ronny was so jealous and angry, he wanted to throw a tantrum and pummel something with his fists. He figured if he spoke he’d lose his temper, and say nasty, hurtful things to Tanya that he would regret. She had done nothing wrong, after all. She didn’t deserve his wrath. Blowing up at her would only push her away from him more. So he stayed silent and occupied himself with his job, ignoring her. Deep down, he was afraid—afraid she would be poisoned against him and he’d lose her forever, just like his ex. He couldn’t take more heartache.  
Even as he thought these things, he knew he was being unreasonable and selfish. Tanya didn’t belong to him. She wasn’t his prisoner and could leave at any time. She wasn’t in love with him like he was in love with her, and it wasn’t fair for him to assume otherwise or resent her for it. Ronny finally had to admit to himself that he had very strong feelings for her. He felt like a fool, allowing himself to be so vulnerable. He should have kept himself on a tight leash, kept his heart in check. He had known, if he let himself fall in love again, he’d only get hurt in the end. And here he was, making the same stupid mistakes again. He only had himself to blame. He felt like crying, but he held it all in and remained outwardly stoic. 
Tanya lapsed into silence and watched Ronny’s facial expressions closely. She could tell he was suffering and struggling with himself, though she didn’t understand the full extent of what was going on inside his head. Obviously, he didn’t want to talk, but Tanya realized he still had a need to be comforted. She did the only thing she could think of and placed her hand on top of one of Ronny’s gigantic hands as he typed. She rubbed the skin gently, hoping to ameliorate his distress. Ronny stopped typing. Tanya sprawled against his hand and wrapped her arms around it as best she could in a hug. 
Ronny’s heart melted at the gesture of affection and the corners of his mouth twitched with powerful emotion. Tanya was so sweet and caring. A bitter, jaded man like him really didn’t deserve someone as wonderful as her. He rotated his hand and maneuvered Tanya into his palm. Leaning back in his chair, he held her against him. He felt all his woes and anger drain away. He was scared of what might happen, but in the present he still had Tanya on his side, even if the rest of the world hated him. He exhaled heavily.
“I’m sorry,” he finally choked out. “I’m not the best at talking.” Tanya knew words weren’t necessary in the moment, and snuggled up closer to him. The tension left his body. He realized she understood his raw emotions, in some capacity, even if she didn’t know why he was so strained. He allowed himself the luxury of feeling affection and love, and he felt much better. Those feelings, in this context, couldn’t possibly be wrong. 
With a contented sigh, he dropped Tanya into his warm lap and continued to type for a while. She buried herself in his shirt and listened to his deep breathing. With all the events of the day, Ronny had skipped his lunch break, so he began to feel peckish. He didn’t want to leave his cubicle, but he had prepared for such a contingency in the morning and packed a simple lunch that didn’t need to be heated up, just a sandwich and some snacks. He dug into his lunch and fed Tanya miniscule crumbs of his food, which she happily accepted. 
He dreaded the end of the day as it approached. He avoided interacting with Martin and Candy in the office as much as possible, but now he had no choice but to hang out with them after work. He felt trapped. He was tempted to make up some sort of excuse to get out of it, yet he recognized how important it was for Tanya to have the basic things she required to be happy and comfortable living with him. Plus, she desperately needed clothes that weren’t so revealing. He thought about Mr. Griffin and scowled. She would have to cover up. He couldn’t have another man stealing her away. 
Ronny’s shift ended, so he turned off his computer. He waited in his seat for Martin. The last thing he wanted to do was stand over Candy and watch her sweat and squirm under his brooding aura. He collected Tanya in his hand and fiddled with her absently. He was nervous. Martin rounded the corner and gave him an inscrutable look. Ronny stood up, head down, harnessing his willpower not to glare. Tanya, sensing the tension between the two Giants, gave Martin a shy wave to lighten the atmosphere, and Martin curled his lips up in a warm, but uncertain, smile. 
Martin, after a pause, continued over to Candy’s desk without speaking to Ronny. He greeted his girlfriend, lifted Candy up to his lips, and gave her a soft, but sensual kiss on her small frame that made her giggle. She kissed him back on his upper lip, rubbing the stubble under his nose with her teeny hand. Ronny rolled his eyes. Tanya was charmed. She thought the two were adorable together. She wondered if Ronny would ever kiss her like that, but pushed the fantasy out of her mind. She didn’t want to get her hopes up for nothing. When Candy spotted Ronny, she paled and retreated further into the safety of Martin’s spacious hand. Tanya observed her response with disquiet. 
“Well... shall we go?” Martin inquired. He made it abundantly clear he was speaking to the two humans, not to Ronny. The women both nodded. Ronny grunted, annoyed at being ignored yet at the same time relieved to not have to engage in stilted chit-chat. The two Giants went to the elevator and rode down in awkward silence. The tension between them was palpable. Candy was always scared around Ronny, but she forced herself to speak up and be brave. She was the social butterfly of the group, after all, so she felt responsible for breaking the ice. 
She cleared her throat and ran a hand through her long blonde hair. “What’s your name?” she asked the new human. 
“Tanya,” she replied timidly. “And yours?” 
“I’m Candy, and this is my boyfriend Martin.” Candy beamed as the sweet name of her lover passed through her lips. Martin gazed down at her tenderly and she reciprocated with starry eyes. Ronny huffed. They exited the elevator and passed through the lobby to the outside world. It was a warm, sunny day. Tanya felt blessed to see the sky, recalling her imprisonment at Bucky’s. 
“So, uh... where are we going?” Tanya queried. 
“There’s a place that sells dolls and model cars and stuff like that. They have human-sized clothing, furniture, everything. All functional too. It’s called Quentin’s Collectibles. We go there all the time,” Candy answered, projecting her voice. She was having a bit of trouble talking to Tanya, in their respective hand perches as the two Giants walked. Ronny and Martin didn’t want to be near each other, and Ronny was subtly retracting Tanya further and further away from the others. Candy tugged on Martin’s finger, gesturing for him to move closer. Martin reluctantly stepped closer and extended his hand with Candy, but Ronny moved away. He didn’t want Tanya talking to Candy or Martin too much. 
Martin sighed with exasperation. “Ronny, can’t you just-” 
“No,” Ronny stated flatly. He glanced down at Tanya, expecting a negative reaction from her, perhaps a dirty look. Instead, she merely tilted her head at him curiously, her eyes soft. She patted his finger in a silent acquiescence to his best judgement. She didn’t understand why he was acting so standoffish, when the other couple seemed like good people, but she figured he must have a reason. He knew them better than she did. She trusted Ronny. 
With Ronny being so uncooperative, Tanya and Candy had to keep their conversation to a minimum. Eventually, they arrived at the hobby store and went inside. A short, old Giant with white hair wearing a grey vest, a plaid bowtie, and small spectacles greeted them as the bell rang on the door. 
“Ah, Martin, Candy! Welcome back!” His eyes shifted over to Ronny and Tanya. “Oh, and who’s this?” Tanya tensed up. Ronny, sensing her instinctive fear at running into yet another Giant, tightened his hand around her. 
“Back off,” he growled. 
The shopkeeper, surprised by Ronny’s aggression, raised his hands and complied. “Sorry,” he apologized, flustered. 
“She’s new here,” Candy explained. “We’ll show them around.” 
“Ah, okay,” the old man replied, his expression softening. “Uh, just let me know if you need anything.” He tactfully retreated to let the customers browse. 
Once Tanya was able to calm down and survey the store’s interior, she was amazed. The store was full of model cars, trains, boats, and planes that looked incredibly realistic, shining with snazzy paint jobs and chrome. Since they were made for Giants, most of them were full scale to human size, except for the largest models like the jumbo jets and cruise liners. As Ronny perused the shelves, Tanya marveled that he would be big and strong enough to casually lift up a human car in a single hand like a toy. 
Further inside the shop was the section for the dolls. Tanya was astonished to see dollhouses the size of real houses, and just as elaborate. There were plastic people as tall as her packaged up in display cases, realistic and uncanny enough to unsettle her with their glazed, lifeless eyes. All sorts of accoutrements for the dolls lined the shelves that she could identify as authentic human clothes and equipment. Ronny started picking out basic things that he knew Tanya would need, including a toothbrush, hairbrush, silverware, and dishes. He found an elaborate, fully functional bathroom set that came in a box about the size of a Giant’s shoe. Ronny cringed when he looked at the exorbitant price, but he figured Tanya was worth the investment. 
“Ostensibly, this stuff is supposed to be for dolls but some of it is clearly designed for human use,” Martin rumbled from above, startling Tanya. 
“R-right,” she agreed, recovering quickly. She was slowly becoming more accustomed to the presence of friendly Giants. “What about clothes?” 
“Over here,” Candy called from Martin’s hand, pointing. “And you can use the privacy of one of the dollhouses as a changing room to try them on. Quentin the shopkeeper doesn’t mind.” 
“Do a lot of humans come here?” Tanya questioned. 
“Apparently, it’s becoming more common since more humans have been working and living on this side of the city,” Martin chimed in. “According to Quentin, at least. He’s expanded his inventory quite a bit in recent months.” 
Ronny set Tanya down on the shelf so she could pick out some clothes. Once she selected a few sets, he transported her to one of the dollhouses so she could try them on. Since the weather was warm today, the first outfit Tanya changed into was a cremecicle orange tank top and denim shorts. She emerged from the changing room, feeling fabulous and beaming at the prospect of wearing real clothes. “How do I look?” 
“Very cute!” Candy praised. 
“Absolutely not,” Ronny snarled crankily. “Way too slutty.” Tanya’s face fell, and she looked so devastated by his criticism that he regretted the asperity of his words. However, he stood by his judgement. He couldn’t have her wearing such clothing with other men gazing upon her sleek form, devouring her with their lascivious eyes. He tried to soften the blow and backpedal a bit on his words, maybe even compromise. “Maybe just... something with sleeves at least, that’s not so low-cut on the chest? And shorts that reach your knees?” 
“O-okay," Tanya mumbled. She wilted like a dying flower and retreated into the dollhouse. Martin and Candy didn’t speak, but both shot withering glares at Ronny. He grimaced, avoiding their scalding eyes. Tanya reemerged in loose-fitting jeans and a shirt with a high collar and sleeves that reached her elbows. Her shining cheerfulness was gone. She huddled her arms around herself and looked down like she was battling tears. 
“Much better,” Ronny said, trying to inject levity into his tone to bring Tanya back to her happy state. “You look great, Tanya.” She didn’t even look at him. She chose a few more conservative outfits that Ronny found to be satisfactory and they wrapped up their shopping trip. Tanya barely spoke at all, and only when necessary. She refused to meet Ronny’s eyes. Ronny tried to butter her up, offering to buy her sweet little extras and engage her in conversation, but she only gave him monosyllabic responses. Ronny’s heart was breaking as he realized he had made a deplorable mistake. Humiliated by his actions, he paid for their selections and slunk out of the store, not bothering to say goodbye to the others. 
Candy and Martin watched them leave. “Do you think she’ll really be okay with him?” Candy whispered. She was perched on Martin’s shoulder, up against his neck. Martin stepped up to the counter to purchase a new model car to build and add to his collection, a silver Porsche. 
Martin shook his head despondently. “I’m not sure.” 
Chapter 27
Chapter 1
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years
Honestly I don’t get the hate that Christian actually gets like wtf at least he’s honest about shit, yes he can be problematic but my god so are Toto and Mattia and they don’t get the crap Christian does and Jesus last year Toto was horrendous like some of the stuff he said about max and what happened at sliverstone like wtfff toxic as shit.
Toto is still petty that Redbull snatched Max up before they did 🤷🏼‍♀️😂
As a neutral fan who only just started watching f1 last year but I have a family that are big f1 fans I will call out shit that Is actually stupid and especially being English getting comments for Lewis fans (I live about 1hr away from where he grew up) that live around my area is stupid I’m not a Lewis fan and I won’t be a Lewis fan I only heard of him because of Nicole Scherzinger 😂 and the moaning that my older brother would say about how shit F1 has gotten because of Mercedes dominance, like don’t get me wrong I’m not a fan of George but I honestly prefer him to Lewis. I had a conversation with a bloke on a train about why I’m not a Lewis fan and he called me a bitch that don’t know what she’s talking about 🙃
My mum who’s watched f1 since the early 70s I believe has said at how much Max reminds her of past drivers, my older brother who’s watched it since he was like 5 and now 30 says that max is a great driver, I think I will take advice from them who’s a good driver is then DTS fans or fans who only liked Mercedes because they kept winning thanks 😂😂😂
Mercedes’ and Lewis fans need to grow up and stop believing that people who don’t like Lewis are racist because most are not they don’t like him because of past comments the way he’s come across and the temper tantrums he used to throw when he didn’t win “2016”
“Valtteri it’s James” if Mercedes actually gave Valtteri a chance I very doubt Lewis would be a 7 time champ but instead they put him over for Lewis
Sorry for the rant but people👀 need to start sitting down and shutting up because they are making F1 very similar to international football fandom💀
Oh anon I fully 100% agree. Also fuck that guy for the way he spoke to you just cause you aren’t a Lewis fan. It’s ridiculous lack of respect women who enjoy sports have but then to just say you know nothing cause of who is support is pathetic.
Christian gets a bad rep purely because of how much he defends Max and now Checo. People who dislike Christian dislike him cause of the fact that Pierre and Alex were drop (deservedly) and also because of how he treats Max whihc is also deservedly because Max has worked to be the first team driver and Christian has never been one to hide that in the public.
Then we also have last season when let’s be honest he really had to defend his team and Max….Silverstone was a point where people really got a turn off him even tho toto was the one who said that Max basically deserved a crash like this yet Christian was the bad guy?? Toto last year done a lot worse when it came to the media end compared to Christian and yet Christian is so hated by for what? Defending and loving his driver? Wanting the best team of drivers? He is there to win and some fans cannot seem to understand their drivers simply were not good enough and they blame Christian for that
Also the abuse Max fans get, constantly being called racist is fucking stemming from media blaming everything on Max fans. Are Ferrari fans called sexist or scumbags for what they did last weekend? Absolutely not F1 didn’t even bother to make a statement. Merc and lh fans need to drop the ‘im so great’ attitude soon cause they really are a joke.
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emma-d-klutz · 2 years
Ok the explosion of affection I felt immediately at Batman Unburied's Riddler being a condescending little jackass made me, like, really click in my mind how I feel about the character in a way that I can word now. And keep in mind, this is just going to be MY personal feelings and preferences and not real character analysis with reasoning behind it, so like if you feel differently, I'm not saying your take is wrong.
We good? Ok.
I think Riddler's best as an ally rather than an antagonist.
Why? Because he feels most like himself to me when he's just a little guy. A silly little billy with a genius intellect that he wholeheartedly devotes to riddles and puzzles and escape rooms just because that's genuinely what he’s passionate about and how he wishes to spend his time, and he will steal, hack, blackmail, and even take hostages as a means alone to this life's calling. He is a person who needs everyone everywhere to know all the time that he is the smartest and cutest person in the room or so help him god. He deeply loves Batman/Bruce Wayne in the way one who unironically called themself a “sapiosexual yandere” an online rp forum back when they were 14 deeply loves, and he will throw a tantrum if he doesn’t get enough attention. He roasts and gets roasted. He annoys and gets annoyed. He is just a funny little guy to me!
Now here's the issue:
In Gotham, rogues can be funny. Goofy - wacky even! It is in many ways encouraged. Securing your own campy gimmick is integral to getting into the rogue business there, and they mean it, the campier the better. HOWEVER, a rogue must still be seen as a threat. A real threat. Otherwise, you are nothing but a third string gag character.
So what is one to do with Eddie, who is a main and major rogue of Gotham's gallery so high ranking and OG he can contract and subjugate lower level villains into his plans and who is also just a funny little guy with motives that do not necessitate mass killings or disabling psychological torture? Well, I have seen properties tackle this by making him into a real threat with new or expanded end goals, and I have also seen properties decide to make him pathetic and snubbed, sadly relegated to a dejected gag.* And I don't particularly dislike or disrespect these as a whole. I'm more lukewarm to them, I guess. They still have my affection, but it is proportionally incomplete.
But when you make him an ally?
Well now! That’s a horse of a different color!!!
When Riddler’s an ally he can be competent and taken seriously while also being entirely a silly little guy who is insulting you and bragging. Full bombastic personality and full respectable skillset. AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! When he works as an ally, I go from “Eh, it’s the Riddler,” to becoming putty in this character’s gloved little jazz hands! And it’s not even about if he’s actually a reformed “good guy” or not. It’s entirely about letting him be powerful without making him scary. Er, to the audience. (You know, like how we know the Batfam scares the shit out of everyone, but as the audience, we’re not scared; we just think it’s funnier and cooler, because we’re in on it? I realize I’m overexplaining, and I thank you if you have read this ramble this far.)
I think comparable examples are Catwoman and Harley Quinn. Big, big name villainesses, yes. But Selina has always been more of a career thief than a coldblooded killer, and since she has a romance with the Bat, we don’t think of her as anything but an ally even when she continues to act as a rogue. She is allowed to cool and respected as a character without having to be the kind of crime you expect Batman to spend his time prioritizing. Harley, on the other hand, seems much more prone to murder now and forever, but because we always knew it was something she had been pulled into by the Joker, the audience already kind of saw her as an ally, and she often is one. Now she’s just a freewheeling antihero with a girl gang of roller derby baddies and other villainess/ex-villainess friends, associates, and love interests. And she’s still herself! She is just a funny little chick with a M.D.! She is bombastic and adorable and still very much able to pull her shit off. She annoys and is annoyed. A gremlin girl if you will. She is the easiest parallel, and I do not think it is pure happenstance that one of the times Eddie turned coat, she was involved in (and all the sirens were clients to) his detective agency. Nor, would I say, is it a coincidence that Eddie and Selina have also had a longterm friendship that’s-sometimes-slightly-more. Similar things are going on here, yaknowhaddimean?
But for some reason, Eddie’s switch to ally is the one of those three that just never sticks. And I have no theories as to why at this time. I just think, personally, that being a weird little grey-area character that is usually on the same side of the heroes is the best place for him. It is where he can best express being both a worthy rival and a little guy with glasses. You wouldn’t hit a guy with glasses, would you? Oh, you would. Ok.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk, and goodnight. 
*Shout out to instances that split the difference and go, "The Riddler will mislead Batman into thinking he's a real and present danger, but the punchline is no humans were harmed and he has tricked the Batman into playing riddles with him and hanging out." Those feel like an achievable, believable compromise and also are always funny/cute.
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robincantfunction · 2 years
𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐄𝐱 ♪
series masterlist|main masterlist|taglist
james potter x reader (previously)
sirius black x reader
warnings: swearing, kissing, guiltyjames™, hints to family violence/abuse, mentions of hospitals. gif not mine
summary: james can’t help but feel bad, because she was finally happy - he could see how miserable she was when she was with him.
note: did i specifically look up a 1975 calander to know which was the first friday in june 😭 because it may or may not be important to future songs and therefore chapters- also i’m gonna be honest this correlates to the song minimally, but oh well it’s a pretty title. also sorry for the delay! things have been going on and i had to go to the hospital it was a whole thing, but i’m ok and i’m back and hopefully the next update won’t take this long :)
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it was nearing the summer break, and there was a buzz in the air. sirius was a little worried, he was going home. normally he’d stay at school or go with james, but he felt like it was the right thing to do. y/n was also worried, she hated to think about what they might do to him. but he assured her trust if anything went wrong he’d go straight to her, and if he could, he’d owl her everyday. y/n wasn’t sure what she was going to do, but moony had offered her to go with him so she figured that’s probably what’s she would do. she knew she couldn’t be alone, she’d be too anxiety riddled worrying about padfoot. but the more he reassured her, the more she started to believe him.
james was still living in his ‘lily bliss’ but it started to become a lot more normal. things were feeling normal. james was happy, and y/n was happy for him. after her breakdown in the corridors they both felt a film of closure capture them. neither of them forgot what happened, both felt bad about it, but there was finally no malice. the entire group was happy.
the start of june always involved a party in the gryffindor common room. no one knew why, but everyone wanted to go. well, all except sirius and y/n, but james was going to see to it that that would change.
“c’mon, guys! it’s the best party all school year, everyone who knows what’s good for them goes!” he added a pathetic little foot stamp to emphasise his point, it was honesty laughable how much james looked like a tantrum throwing seven year old. sirius shook his head with a small chuckle “exactly, everyone will be going so it will be complete peace outside, for at least an hour, until drunk idiots start piling out.” y/n nodded her head in agreement “so we can hang out by the whomping willow for a little while, and then go back to my dorm, and bonus point, the common room will be empty.”
“you guys are so boring” he let the last word sit on his tongue for longer than necessary, at this point his best bet was to annoy them into going. “if you really want we can go for half an hour before we go back to my dorm?” he contemplated it for a while and then nodded his head. “you guys owe me!” he said as he walked away, pointing at them to make a statement. sirius shook his head “i actually think you owe us!” but his words held no impact when they were met with james laughing hysterically and y/n giggling.
“and what do you think you’re laughing at?” he asked with a raise of his brow, to which she shook her head, physically not being able to let the words escape through her laughter. they were currently in the gryffindor common room, it was late and there weren’t many people about, so it was like music to his ears that all he could hear was her soft laughs slowly grow into obnoxious cackles. and yet still, it was perfect to him. to add fuel to the fire, he started to attack her with tickles, knowing exactly where she was most ticklish. she continued to laugh even more and managed to say something along the lines of “you are an evil man”. by the time they had both calmed down, she had somehow gotten on top of him, there legs absentmindedly curled around each others, trying to lock themselves in the moment. y/n blushed a little, but it was clear to her that sirius didn’t mind, as he guided her head to be laying on his chest before placing a kiss on her head. they’d stayed like that for a while, not even realising how tired they were, until somewhere between there small chats and quiet laughs they both fell asleep.
when it was time to go to the party, y/n was silently freaking out. she didn’t quite know why, but she was fussing about how she looked. like that would matter, it’s just sirius… right?
of course, she was wrong, but she wasn’t going to tell herself that. as she continued to get ready, finishing up her eyeliner, sirius knocked on the door, “come in” she yelled, before grabbing her necklace and struggling to put it on. “need any help, love?” she nodded exasperated, passing him the necklace. “the bloody clasp is stuck, i swear.”
moving her hair out the way, he effortlessly put the necklace on her. “how did you do that?” she asked, he chuckled slightly before kissing her shoulder, then her head, then grabbing her hand to go outside “because, y/n, i’m a genius.”
after their ‘friend date’ they went to the common room, absentmindedly linking arms whilst sirius played with y/n’s fingers. they barely even got into the room before they heard james drunkenly yell “just in time! guys we’re playing spin the bottle!” they both looked uneasy but joined the circle none the less, the only spaced being opposite each other. after a few rounds, it was y/n’s turn, so she took the bottle and gave it a halfhearted spin, hoping that it didn’t land on james. not because james was with lily, the were both playing and it’s not like they were being forced to snog anyone, but because, for some odd reason, she didn’t want sirius to see. and yet, as the bottle slowed down, she was terrified. just as she thought it was going to land on james, it landed on the person next to him. and looking up she realised it was sirius, suddenly she felt nervous. why was she feeling nervous? it’s just sirius, her best friend sirius, sirius who had helped her pick up the pieces, sirius who she sang late night karaoke with, sirius who attempted to make her favourite cake on her birthday (even if he failed massively) sirius who taught her how to do eyeliner, sirius who was just sirius.
after looking in his eyes as he nodded as a confirmation of him being ok with it, she barely even hesitated. she shuffled closer to him then kissed him. it lasted all of about five seconds, but it was much to long for a spin the bottle kiss. neither of them were complaining though, it was slow, it was peaceful, and it was nice. if she wasn’t so focused on sirius, the way his lips felt on hers, the way everything around her seemed to stop, maybe she would have reveled in kissing her ex’s best friend. maybe she’d finally get her revenge.
james couldn’t help but look away, there was something about his ex and his best friend kissing that just didn’t sit right with him. he was over her, heck he was barely even in love with her in the first place, he couldn’t understand why it bothered him so much. he pushed the feelings down, he wasn’t going to ruin their happiness. not again. their relationship had been flawed, granted, more on his side than hers, but both of them made mistakes. both of them were coasting on the other to put in the hard work, both of them were absentmindedly ghosting the other. so why did it hurt that she was kissing someone else?
all whilst this was going through his head, sirius and y/n were over the moon. friday 6th june 1975. a day that was the beginning of everything, even if they didn’t know it yet.
the weeks following the kiss weren’t awkward, they acknowledged the fact that it happened, but they didn’t talk about it. but even a blind man could see the changes there relationship went through, subtle and unspoken things. they would hold hands, when sitting next to eachother they’d be cuddled up, cheek, hair and forehead kisses became a regular thing, and they’re ere both happy. neither felt the need to talk about it, because whatever they were, whatever they felt, it was mutual. and the silent rule was that the first move would be made by y/n, she still needed time, not because she wasn’t over james, but because she was scared. she trusted sirius completely, but it was easy with him, she didn’t want to mess it up by putting a label on it.
the train ride home, a day sirius and y/n were dreading. what if he got hurt? as james watched them say goodbye, he couldn’t help but stare longer than he should have. part of what was running through his head was ‘why didn’t he just listen to moony?’ he had warned him sirius liked her, and if he had made his move that night y/n wouldn’t have went through so much pain. but then the other part of him was screaming ‘that could have still been yours if you didn’t fuck it up’. he was just about to turn away, to look back at lily, who was staying at his for the summer, so they could find his parents when he saw them kiss.
plucking up all the courage she had, y/n kissed him, and he instantly kissed back. it was the first kiss since the game of spin the bottle, and god, did he miss the way her lips felt on his. before things got too heated in front of a bunch of random families, they pulled away smiling. “i really like you, siri” he smiled at her, pecking her lips once more “i really like you too, y/n/n” before they could kiss again, she was being ushered by remus and his family, since she was staying with them for the summer. before they were out of each other’s like of sight, he yelled “girlfriend?” she nodded and replied “boyfriend.” just as she was about to turn fully away, she faced him and spoke loud enough for him to hear “stay safe, owl me as much as you can, but if it will get you in trouble don’t even think about it”
spending the summer with remus was so far so good, but she always has a worry in the back of her mind. was sirius ok? he hadn’t sent her a letter yet, so either he’s really not good, or he can’t do it without being caught. but every time she was alone her mind would wander to the ‘what ifs’. what if he was in danger? what if he gets seriously hurt? what if she could have stopped it? what if she could have just convinced him not to go?
on one of the many occasions she caught herself doing this, a knock on the door shook her out of it. currently the lupin’s were at the shops, so she forced herself to get up and open the door. “james?! what ar-“ he quickly cut her off “it’s sirius, he showed up at my house really hurt, he’s currently at st. mungos getting fixed up, he wants to see you” he rushed out as quickly as he could. y/n nodded quickly, and turned back to the kitchen “what are you doing?” she shook him off, trying to find a piece of paper, once she did she looked up at him quickly. “letting the lupin’s know where i’ve gone. don’t need them stressing aswell”
once they arrived she couldn’t stop the tears that were forcing their way out of her eyes, she hated seeing him laying there so helplessly. she didn’t realise he was awake until she grabbed his hand, he looked up at her with a slight smile. “how y’feelin’? she spoke but it came out more of a whisper. “better now that your here.” she giggled and let her thumb gently rub circles against the back of his hand “you’re so cheesy” he smiled at her. she leant down and kissed his forehead. “i’m glad your ok, all things considered.”
as they continued to converse james couldn’t look away, now matter how much he wanted to. he couldn’t stop the feeling of guilt creeping up his spine. he caused her months of pain and for what? so he could get the girl that never even willingly looked in his direction before.
j.p @kissmeunicornbaobei @s8liva @momoewn
s.b @messy-insomniac @imintofictionalmen @spookybooisa @siriuslyjanhvi @blackst0nes7077 @sassybadqueen @itzzzzcookie @x-heartrender-x @j-cat @nestiaisgod @kissmeunicornbaobei @dcvilslvr @momoewn
d.t.n.f.a.j @jessyballet @snigdha-14 @haroldpotterson @cherryslushyslut @nyks-bella-blog @aliendemigods @wherewitcheslive @adriennebarnes @espressopatronum454 @thepersonbeep1 @Melliegorl @idli-dosa @siriusdumblittlepuppy @allise4 @blackqueens01 @-kazbekkarluvbot- @directionerarianator @theonethatmustnotbenamed @mortui--flores @ilovedilfs32
THEY GOT TOGETHER BITCHES! i wasn’t gonna make it official until next chapter but then i changed my mind sorry not sorry
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bluehairperson · 2 years
I've read your tags about Nadia and I thought "welcome to the club!" (😆) I have very mixed feelings about her route too, for (almost) the same reasons! It's a shame, I wish I could appreciate more but it felt too much like the devs were alleviating the wrong of her actions and making her a perfect dom girlboss 😔
I absolutely hate how she gets glorified by the narrative and some fans as this perfect goddes while she's just as childish, arrogant and entitled like Valerius and Lucio are. Really obnoxious that those two get rightfully villanized by the game but that with Nadia we're getting tied to a chair and spoon fed the narrative that she has never done anything wrong in her life.
The canon tells us over and over again that's she's a disgustingly rich monarch that married a tyrant on purpose just to try and steal his land as some kind of pet project to prove herself in front of her family and to enflate her own ego, but the moment Lucio didn't let her monopolize everything she started to close herself in her rooms to take naps just like a child throwing tantrums?
AND when she wakes up she keeps blaming her husband and the courtiers for Vesuvia's downfall as if she didn't have any sort of responsability towards the people of the city she decided to rule. Like... yikes. Am I supposed to think she's a good leader or even just a nice person?
Again: all of this is fine, great even. I love flawed characters and shitty people, Lucio and Valerius are my absolute favorites. But I find really pathetic these double standards in the narrative. I'll say it: it feels performative, fake and tokenizing. Not that I would expect any less by Nix Hydra. Allow Nadia to be a fully fledged person with flaws and faults of her own, cowards.
I legit thought that her route would have been about her acknowledging her entitlement and neglet towards the city but appartenly the biggest conflict between her and MC was about her *checks notes* ... paranoia. ... ok. Paranoia that she was right to have anyway because Valerius was literally just around the corner ready to stab her in the back, so?? What was the point.
Awfully written route. She would have worked great as the morally grey character/kinda shitty person she is, but I guess the devs were too busy to pat themselves on the back to do that.
#I'M SORRY YOU REALLY HIT A SORE SPOT I'M SO MAD ABOUT THIS#as I said there are a lot of scenes in her route that made me super uncomfortable but the absolute worse was the one slightly before#the two endings when she has a fight with Lucio in front of us Val and the Hierophant in his realm#the way it was written and the way the devs MAKE the mc side blindly with Nadia it really reads as some kind of empowering scene#like an abuse survivor telling her abuser off or something like that#but that's not what's happening? at all??#the devs said multiple times that lucio was never abusive to her he's just a shitty guy#and she was never a prisoner she could have left lucio and went back to phakra any time#the reason she didn't is probably because admitting she overestimated her own abilities hurted her ego + having to admit it to her family#so we get this awfully uncomfortable scene where this 40+ years old woman whines to her husband that she deserves the city he earned#in battle more than him for pretty much no reason apart the fact that she sucks slightly less than him#all of this while mc goes YAAAAAS MY MONARCH 😍😍😍 ACQUIRE MORE LAND 😍😍😍 TAKE WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY YOURS BECAUSE OF YOUR ROYAL BLOOD 🥰#hashtag girlboss hashtag queen#like yikes I'm sorry but what the fuck is everyone smoking#are we reading the same fucking route#absolute womanchild why is no one calling her this#IF she had been treated like lucio and val have been in the narrative then I would have been womanchild (affectionate) but like this is#point blank annoying sorry but yikes#I love lucio and val so much because they suck and they are allowed to do so but nadia sucks just as bad as them and I'm supposed to just#praise her for it for some reason#can you like... learn how to write please#please allow minority characters to be 3dimensional people with flaws and faults instead of this crap#you're really not doing a favor to anyone hiding everything she is under a rug and hoping no one notices#also I truly couldn't care less about defending or debating any of this if you don't agree or got mad touch grass#long post#asks
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