#can you tell that i really like porygon and mr. mime.
periru3 · 2 years
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Part 3 of my commentary on my derpy pokémon drawn from memory.
Original Post - Part 1 - Part 2
1K-1L - Omanyte and Omastar: exemplary mollusks, no notes. 
1L - Kabuto: Would be an A+ except that the second I drew black circles for the eyes I remembered that his underbelly is all black so I should’ve left the eyes unshaded so I could fill in the belly.
1N - Kabutops: I think I achieved, if nothing else, the Vibe™ of a kabutops. and that’s what counts. 
1O - Vulpix: overall quite good, but I know I could have done better. 
2K - Ninetales: certainly not bad, but definitely not a fox. Most likely a german shepherd cosplaying as a ninetales. very cute, but could never achieve the sheer elegance of the real thing. 
2L - Paras: *whips out my pam beesly meme* they’re the same picture. 
2M - Parasect: quite good, actually. 
2N-2O - Diglit and Dugtrio: I’d be deeply embarassed if I’d somehow fucked these up. 
3K-3L - Eggsecute and Exeggutor: So damn close to on point. How the fuck have I never noticed exeggutor doesn’t have arms???
3M-3N - Drowzee and Hypno: Okay so I felt very sure these guys were gonna suck cause they’re honestly pretty boring and unmemorable in terms of design so even though there isn’t much to them, I felt sure I couldn’t remember anything specific but drowzee’s nose. But actually they turned out... perfect?
3O-4L - Bellsprout, Weepinbell and Victreebel: stunning, I love them all. 
4M - Porygon: I have... no idea what porygon looks like. He’s just, like... a shape. He’s a guy made of several shapes. I don’t fucking know. 
4N-4O - Seel and Dewgong: pretty good, very happy with them, wish I’d remembered how flowy all of dewgong’s limbs are though
5K - Mr. Mime: okay so this is definitely a guy impersonating Mr. Mime, but not the way the german shepherd is cosplaying ninetales or those two drag queens are serving clefairy and clefable realness. This is malicious. Mr. Mime has been abducted and now everyone is trying to gaslight you into thinking this is him and this is what he’s looked like all along. 
5L - Onix: technically this is pretty much perfect, but for whatever reason I can’t shake the feeling that this is not, in fact, and onix, but rather is a weavile that never leveled up enough to evolve, and is moments away from dying of old age. 
5M - Rattata: 2 things: 1) I’m embarrassed that it took me 123 pokémon to remember rattata exists and 2) this is not a rattata, it’s just a rat. 
5N - Raticate: this, on the other hand, is definitely a raticate. Good job, me. 
5O - Jynx: this is Jynx’s marginally sluttier and much stupider sister, Junx. 
6K-6L - Grimer and Muk: okay so it turns out when you’re drawing a pile of goo with a face, there is a certain ephemeral essence to the creature that is hard to define, but must be captured to accurately convey the goo or you’ve basically just drawn a very ugly ghost. I drew a very ugly ghost. And also I forgot grimer’s a smiley lil guy. Sorry, bud. I didn’t mean to kill your childlike wonder. 
6M-7N - guys who need no introduction, because all of them are perfect and you can tell exactly who they are: this was by far my longest streak of truly perfect pokémon, and thank god cause I really needed the self esteem boost after the last two. Every one of these guys is a perfect special little dude and I love them all, but special shout out to poliwag and magnemite. Stunning. Never change. 
7O - Aerodactyl: unfortunately, the higher you climb, the harder you fall. This creature is an unholy spawn of hell and I am embarrassed to be associated with her. 
8K - Lickitung: did not expect to hit this one out of the park but I think we can all agree that’s what happened. Also if he jerked his head back very quickly, his tongue would give shellder’s tongue a high five. 
The 10 I could not for the life of me remember, despite many hours of trying. I decided to phone a friend, and my brother was able to come up with all 10 in about 20 minutes. 
8L - Snorlax: genuinely devastated to have forgotten snorlax. I hope I’ve redeemed myself by drawing him perfectly, but given how simple and also iconic he is, I’m not sure it quite balances the scales. 
8M-8N - Pinsir and Scyther: not sorry for forgetting these two. they’re forgettable. I’m quite happy with how pinsir turned out and I think we should really just focus on that and move right along to ponyta and continue to forget about scyther.
8O-9K - Ponyta and Rapidash: almost as upset I forgot these two as I am about snorlax. I’d call my rendering of both of them unobjectionable but nothing to write home about. 
9L-9M - Rhyhorn and Rhydon: another two I’m not that broken up about forgetting. Pretty happy with both drawings, especially since rhyhorn’s main characteristic is being extremely bumpy, which is hard to render into a 1″ sharpie drawing. 
9N-9O - Slowpoke and Slowbro: aaand once again I am salty about forgetting these two. I am, however, very happy with both drawings. These guys are top tier. Fucking love them. I would adopt either of them off the street on sight. I think slowpoke in particular is a prime example of me successfully remembering all of the details of a pokémon’s design, but being fundamentally bad at animal proportions, to what I’d consider delightful effect. Outstanding. 
10K - Wigglytuff: this. little. bastard! is the ONLY evolution of a pokémon I did remember that I fucking forgot! He’s separated from his sister! They aren’t even on the same page! I’m livid. The drawing is fine, but I am not. (I think in my head I sort of lumped wigglytuff with igglybuff into the “evolution added in another gen” category. like an idiot)
10L-10N - Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres: this is what the majestic legendary birds look like when you technically for the most part get them right I guess, but you drain them utterly of all their majesty, all their elegance, all their gravitas, and I for one am here for it. 
10O - Mew and Mewtwo: pretty happy with mewtwo, and though I’m not thrilled with mew, I’ll give me a pass on account of me trying to fit two pokemon into a 1″ square. It’s hard to convey an adequate amount of cuteness in that tiny a space. 
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entryno17 · 4 years
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this has been done to death but i absolutely LOVE making pokemon teams for characters lol. i might make a sequel with more? these were just the first to come to mind. check under the cut for little explanations for each team!
rotom: it’s a ghost that possesses electronic appliances... she probably had it become mow rotom to impress asgore at some point, presenting it as a smart lawnmower. asgore just seemed horrified by it.
klefki: based on how she gives your phone a keychain, idk. she keeps collectible anime charms on it (it hates this)
sylveon: she named it mewmew!
porygon2: in whatever this universe this is, alphys made porygon. it was an amazing scientific achievement, but mostly she just wanted to make some funny 3D ducks. she’s working on a software upgrade to enhance its abilities for potential research—strangely, alphys remembers already programming an upgrade for it, but she can’t find the code anywhere. she assumes it was lost to data corruption.
arctozolt: it’s so cold.
type: null: it’s an amalgamation of all known pokemon types. it went berserk, and alphys didn’t really know what to do... it’s stuck in cryogenic stasis somewhere in the true lab.
porygon-z: it was supposed to be able to travel between dimensions, which turned out to be a horrible idea. gaster ended up keeping it—even though its brain is corrupted, it’s still a good buddy.
unown: before shattering, gaster researched the electromagnetic waves that unown use to communicate. the unown responded uniquely whenever he spoke wingdings, and they tended to suddenly pop up wherever he went. one day, they started spelling out strange things around him...
mr. rime: gaster’s partner pokemon. he’s had it basically his whole life. it’s his goofy friend! right now though, it’s just kinda tap dancing in a state of perpetual nonexistence. it’s keeping him company, at least.
bad EGG: from bulbapedia, “Bad Eggs are not really Pokémon Eggs, and may possibly never have been, but instead the default message returned by the game if the checksum is wrong.” i just needed to share that sentence somewhere because it’s fucking horrifying. this bad EGG spawned when gaster attempted to create something incompatible with the workings of reality—who knows what it was supposed to be. he can’t get rid of it, and it seems to be in an infinite loop of hatching: every so often, it hatches into another egg. it’s kind of annoying, so he sorta just... gave it to someone.
missingno. : gaster’s missingno. most commonly appears in its aerodactyl form, but it will randomly oscillate between forms. unlike the other glitch pokemon, this one seems to have some sentience. it likes to play fetch with gaster’s detached limbs. 
??????????: gaster actually has all 65,097 of these things. it was the first glitch pokemon he found; they started appearing a bit before he fell into the CORE. he attempted to study them, but the seemingly endless variations made it impossible, and their intangibility didn’t help either. (fun fact: ten question marks is the only glitch pokemon with a pokedex entry!)
shedinja: it’s an empty shell with only 1 HP, so shedinja and sans have a lot in common. since it’s literally just a soulless husk, sans doesn’t need to worry about feeding it or doing anything with it, really. it seems content ominously hovering over his head.
mr. mime (galar): sans doesn’t really own this mr. mime; it just showed up one day and started following him around. it seems to enjoy the cold of snowdin and it likes performing comedy routines with him, so they’re buddies.
mime jr. : though he’s training a team to fight alongside him in the royal guard, papyrus’s pokemon aren’t exactly amazing in battle... his mime jr. loves to mimic him; it takes delight in papyrus’s highly animated, expressive nature. it usually sits on papyrus’s shoulder and mimes whatever he’s doing. he still hasn’t got it to battle even once. it also likes to mimic sans’s mr. mime—papyrus thinks it’s a horrible influence.
ralts: ralts are said to appear around positive, cheerful people, and papyrus fits that description pretty well. idea taken from this post, go read it it’s cute.
growlithe: most growlithe are fiercely loyal and obedient, but papyrus’s... isn’t. he adopted it after it was found to be unfit for the royal guard during training, and he’s determined to one day evolve it into a majestic, powerful arcanine. right now though, its main interests include rolling in the snow and stealing bones from papyrus’s attacks.
cubone: papyrus found this cubone sitting alone in the snow, shivering and crying. he couldn’t leave it alone, so it became part of his team. he spends less time training it and more time comforting it. his growlithe likes to chase it around, trying to take its bone club. it’s all pretty chaotic; papyrus tries his best to keep them in order but it’s definitely a challenge. still, he refuses to give up on either of them!
tyrogue: this pokemon thrives under strict training regimens; since papyrus is so committed to training, it fits right in. it’s definitely the most cooperative of his team but it’s still very weak. he encourages it every day, and it’s definitely—albeit slowly—getting stronger!
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it’s his special attack!
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dontspeakoftheattic · 6 years
So guess what I’ve been up to.
That’s right, more pokemon. Not reborn this time. (Though I am still playing that. I alternate between that and the ungodly number of other fangames I have.) This time it’s pokemon Rejuvenation! Another fantastic game, styled similarly to Reborn. It’s got those fantastic level caps we all love so much. Now, I have an old save file from Rejuvenation that’s just me. But because I hate myself, I wanted to make things harder. So I updated the game to V10, and decided to start over with a new player, and play as one of my characters. (Not like, from pokemon or anything, just a general oc). A while back I made teams for everyone as if they were gym leaders because why not. My challenge to myself is to stick to that team throughout the game.
So, introducing.... Cian!
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(I didn’t get a screenshot when I picked the avatar, my bad) Now this isn’t quite accurate to what he looks like of course (my Cian is a red head), but it’ll do. Cian’s team is varied, because I see him as being a wild card. Instead of one specific type, I’m trying to make sure just about none of his types overlap (though few dual typings do). Now enjoy a brief montage of screenshots.
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Maybe I would. You don’t know me.
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Oodles the Cyndaquil! Cian’s starter and the first of our challenge pokemon. (Be prepared for more ridiculous names whoops, blame Cian not me)
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What are you, lady? Don’t go askin questions like that. It’s rude.
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(I really started slacking on the screenshots, whoops. In my defense, I think I beat this guy at like 4 am. Again. Hm.) So this is that battle with Keta. You know, where you get the badge. The difficult battle, not the slightly easier one. Anyway I struggled against this one, but Pantomime pulled through for me. Look at him, it came so close but super potions and determination eventually did it.
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Sweet, sweet victory. And finally an up to that damn level cap.
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I then proceeded to get sidetracked and play this for too long. Whoops. It’s addicting, y’all. Seriously.
Okay. Since I was so slack on the screenshots here, have a breakdown of the current team:
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Jackie the Beautifly: Cian’s second pokemon, nicknamed after his boyfriend, Jackson.
Pantomime the Mr. Mime: Second newest addition, rescued from the zen lab. Not the most creative name but you know what. Its grown on me.
Princess the Lycanroc: She’s shiny, but you can’t actually tell from the sprite. Cian is very proud of her. Oodles the Quilava: He’s evolved! Tethra the Skrelp: Named for Tethra, Lord of the Sea Cattle. I have a book on Celtic gods that mentioned him, and thought it fitting. Leif Erikson the Eevee: Leif will be evolved to a Leafeon at the first opportunity. I believe that explains the name. He is also the most recent edition to the team. There are still a few pokemon that I aim to add to Cian’s roster, I simply haven’t gotten to them yet. These include: Sneasel, Murkrow, Porygon, Mareep, and Archen. (I’m not actually sure I can get Archen in this one. If not, oh well. I have others to choose from.)
Alright, I’m done rambling for now. I’m sure I’ll post again at some point, either with more Rejuvenation, or Reborn, or whatever else I decide to play.
If you like pokemon fangames, I suggest you play this one, and Reborn too if you aren’t already. They are awesome, seriously. They really add a challenge to pokemon, and I love it.
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