#can’t you find a younger fc that fits whatever you make the best???
minqies · 2 years
this is why we can’t have shit in this community— just because an idol that’s been a minor most of their career just turned 18, doesn’t mean you can immediately hop onto tumblr and use them as a fc 😭 like,, what?? can’t wait for a couple of months??
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rivalsofnycupdates · 4 years
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“Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings”
■ ABOUT. ■
name:  Aurora Lawrence  age: twenty-three occupation: analyst / hacker for the NYPD  gender: cis-female pronouns: she/her sexuality: bisexual
Growing up, Aurora did not come from a life of total luxury. In fact, it was quite the opposite. She was the result of a one night stand, her mother barely eighteen years of age. The last thing that she wanted to do at that time in her life was become a mom, not nearly being financially or mentally ready for the challenges that would come from it. But, she made it possibly….barely at times. Aurora’s father chose to not want to have anything to do with having a daughter, so it was just her and her mom. Being a single mother was far from a simple task and they struggled, hard. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for the duo to be evicted from whatever apartment, duplex, or home they were renting out in the rough neighborhoods of Philadelphia they inhabited. In between finding a new place to live, they’d have to sleep in homeless shelters or their used, beat up car that barely ran. Her mother never went off to college so she was ultimately forced to work very low end jobs that lacked stable hours or a decent wage. Regardless, Aurora never complained much or relied on materialistic items for a sense of purpose or happiness. She became content with what she had and always knew that her mom was trying her hardest to provide the best life for her child, She was always thankful.
Since Aurora moved around schools constantly, she never had quite the opportunity to establish strong and lasting friendships with any children her own age. She suffered from being extremely shy and socially awkward, never feeling like she quite fit in with the rest of the people in her classes growing up. The blonde was quiet, weird, and never quite said the right things. As a result, she spent a lot of her time eating lunch in her favorite teacher’s rooms. They were her friends for the most part. Even at a young age, they were quick to notice how gifted she seemed. She was a special child, someone who was able to read far beyond their grade level and make school seem almost….easy? They urged Aurora’s mom to get her tested to see if her IQ was something to take a note on. So, she’d end up getting tested and her IQ? A score of 175. She was proclaimed a child genius. So while she didn’t have popularity, nice clothes, or nice anything, she had her brains.
Aurora graduated High School with high honors and received full ride scholarships to many colleges throughout the country. She would end up choosing to attend NYU, majoring in Computer Science and minoring in English. The girl thought that a degree within Computer Science would be extremely versatile and lead her to perusing jobs in differing parts of the city.  
She has found herself working for The NYPD as an analyst and hacker for them. She’s very good with her computer skills and due to her own intelligence, was seen as an asset for the police department. Even though she has earned her position within the department, she can’t help but feel as though she’s seen as ‘some kid’ and nothing more. Aurora is one of the youngest people within her department and it can come off as a bit surprising to others.
While Aurora isn’t personally involved with either of the gangs, she does have a connection with one of them. Her mother was a former member of the Royals and worked as an escort for them. She first became an official member of the group when Aurora was eight years old. The two of them had officially moved to New York for a bit of a new beginning and to be closer to her grandmother. Wanting a more stable income, her mother would end up finding the world of escorting. Sure, it wasn’t ‘legal work’ but it was something that she could do that would actually pay her bills and rent in time.
Unfortunately, Aurora’s mother would end up getting murdered when she was twelve years old. Her grandmother would become her official guardian as a result. Her case went cold and unsolved, but it has been suspected that her mother was killed during one of her escort meetings. Perhaps it was a wrong place wrong time situation, or something more. Aurora hasn’t gotten any answers….even years later.
In a way, Aurora feels thankful for The Royals because they provided a sense of financial security that she never had before in her life. She tries not to hold any resent towards the group because of her mom’s death, trying to realize that bad things can happen to anyone, it doesn’t matter who’s side you might be involved with. The young woman doesn’t quite know where she stands with her relationship with The Royals but she does know she doesn’t consider them all bad people or rotten criminals. She understands what they do, to an extent.
It has been several years since her mother’s murder and Aurora has been pondering many things. Part of her wants to possibly find out any key information about what might have actually happened that night she was killed. Do any members of The Royals know things that she doesn’t? Was any members of The Devils behind this? Should she hire a private investigator to dig up information? In the back of her mind, she really wants answers and some proper justice for her mother. An innocent life was lost.
She is aware of the fact that it wouldn’t look very ‘good for her’ to befriend and be close with any members of The Royals. But, this group of individuals were a part of her life for a few very important years when she was younger. Her mother happened to have been very close with many of them, after all. Aurora does love her job working for The New York Police Department. She adores her co-workers and is still in the process of properly gaining their respect. Aurora knows that this might be seen as going behind their ‘backs’ to become involved with any of these criminals. Yet these same criminals she had a rather complicated relationship with.
■ Adelaide Henderson: When Aurora was in college, Adelaide was one of her favorite barista’s. She would never get her order messed up and always knew how to brighten up her early mornings.
■ Walter Lorcan: Walter happens to be one of Aurora’s co-workers and ‘higher up’s’ within the police department. She respects Walter, but part of her is rather intimidated by him and doesn’t want to let him down.
■ Vincent Milano: When Aurora first moved to the city, Vincent happened to be her next door neighbor within her apartment complex. The two of them hit it off and got extremely close. They eventually drifted apart once Aurora had to move in with her grandma and when she went off to college. Aurora has been meaning to want to get back into touch with the boy though.
■ Jackson Kerns - co-worker
■ Crystal Reeves - co-worker
■ Connor - Wilcox - former classmare at NYU
Aurora Lawrence is an CLOSED character and is portrayed by Kristine Forseth who’s FC IS NON- NEGOTIABLE.
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cfempcths · 6 years
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Name: Coralie Beaubier-Jinadu Nicknames: Cora or Cor
FC: Alisha Wainwright Age: 26 DOB: April 9th 1992 Hair colour: Black Eye colour: Dark Brown Height: 5’10 Sexuality: pansexual Fathers: Unknown (biological), Jean Paul Beaubier & Kyle Jinadu (adopted) Mother: Unknown (biological) Siblings: Etienne Beaubier-Jinadu Powers: Winged Flight, Empathic Healing Other: Red markings on her face & body (similar to Loa’s) which become more vibrant in colour when they use their empathic healing Wing appearance: Brown with red tips, feathered, similar in size shape and colour to this
Bio ;;
You don’t know who your parents were. You’re too young to remember the mother who gave you up, the father who didn’t want you. You were barely even a month old when they handed you over to the men who would give you a life. They’re all you’ve ever known, they’ve always been your dads and you’ve never questioned it.
Your fathers love you, your home is with them and your family. You have younger siblings and the moment they are brought into your family you know there is nothing you wouldn’t do for them. Your childhood isn’t always easy, your father’s work is chaotic and filled with danger but you love hearing the stories, you love settling down in his lap and letting him run you through the dramatised, exciting, beautiful stories of his adventures.
When you are four you find an old camera in the house somewhere, and you take to it immediately. Something about the idea of preserving the moments you have together is soothing, and you begin using it as much as possible, Capturing Jean-Paul’s pride, Kyle’s adoring looks, Tye’s smiles that warm your heart, no matter how rare they might be. You know your family is your home and you would do anything to protect them.
As you grow, you become something of a leader, a protecter, always determined to keep those you care for safe, to help people. You offer kind words and gestures here and there, you’re extremely protective of your siblings - no matter what, no matter why, you will always jump to their aid and do anything you can for them.
When you are eight, things begin to change. Not at home, not with your family - but for you. Your mutation kicks in when you least expect and for a while it’s unbearable, the feel of your skin stretching and tearing as the huge, dark wings sprout from your back. They’re strong and wild and beautiful, and even while you know they will attract attention, that your life will change and the world will see you differently.. you love them. You love the idea of being able to fly, to soar through the skies and capture the world from above.
The marks come next, soft red, elegant markings flourishing across your skin, red tips on your feathers, and no one knows what they’re for. As far as your parents can tell they’re purely appearance-based. They don’t hurt, they don’t change your abilities, they’re just.. there. A new part of you and who you are.
You’ve barely been able to fly for three months when they find you. No more than boys, barely even fourteen, cornering you in an alleyway sprouting cruel words about mutants taking over the world. You see the glint of the knives in their hands, you hear their anger, their hatred directed at you for reasons you can’t even comprehend.
Somehow, in the heat of the moment something changes. Emotions that are not your own begin to flood your mind. Fear and confusion, hesitation, panic - all of it sharp and strange and foreign, not yours. You don’t know what it means but you can see the soft red marks on your body burn brighter, sharper, but you have no idea why. One of the boys holding you loosens their grasp and you can see their eyes widen - they don’t seem so sure anymore, though as they back away one of them snaps at him and takes his place anyway.
They’re holding you down, you can feel the cool blade against your skin, one of them pinning your wings down and no matter how much you fight, no matter how much you struggle you can’t shake them off, they’re too big, too strong. You feel the knife begin to dig and you scream - but before they can do any real damage you’re saved. Your best friend, the girl you’ve practically grown up with came looking for you and together you manage to fight them off.
You’ve never been able to express to her just how grateful you are, but to this day you’re sure you’ve not thanked her enough.
You’re lucky. You know you are. It could’ve been much worse. The minor injuries healed, the boys were scared away, and you know you’re safe. But for a while, you barely leave the house alone. Either with a friend or family - but never alone, not again. Not for a few months, at least. Over time, though.. the fear fades, wounds heal, and you know you are safe.
You learn you were right - what you felt wasn’t yours. Healing, they call it - empathic healing, removing someone’s negative emotions. You’re not sure how it works, how to control it, but for the first time you realise.. you can truly help people if you can harness this the right away.
You’re fourteen when you meet him.
Someone mentions that he’s sharp and short and cranky, that he’s probably not worth your time, but the moment you see him you know. You see past the furrowed brow and closed off, guarded expression. You can sense more in him, more than his anger and frustration. You can see a kindness in his eyes, and you just know you need to at least speak to him.
Of course, you were right. He’s funny and he’s sweet and even if he’s a little closed off to people, there’s a kindness to him, a willingness to help even if he’s built walls around himself. You’re patient, though, and in time you convince him to open up, little by little, piece by piece. You don’t expect to fall in love with him, or for him to do the same with you - but you do, and it’s almost like some kind of fairytale, the way your lives entwine.
School goes on, followed by college, and through it all you have Fletcher beside you. He doesn’t judge the marks on your skin on the wings on your back which grow bigger and stronger by the day. He doesn’t mind the way you seem to be able to make any kind of pain go away as you wish - though, the way it tires you out becomes something of a problem, and it’s a skill you have to learn to be much more selective about.
It helps you find a path, though - your drive to help, to support, to do what you can to care for people moves you into nursing, a direction you feel incredibly connected to. And it seems to be a perfect fit - you, the future nurse, he, the future doctor. Again you find you tie in so nicely, as though things are the way they’re supposed to be.
It all seems too good to be true, and one day... you wonder. It’s been years since you found each other, but a question starts to form in your mind. Is he truly as happy as you, or are you pulling him into a life you don’t know for sure he wants? Has your strong will and habit to lead dragged him into something that, maybe, he no longer feels is his own choice? Fear and dread and uncertainty take over, and you think.. maybe a step away from each other, a little time to breathe, might be the right idea. To make sure you both know who you are alone - to make sure you stand stronger together.
But it all falls apart. He panics, he flees, running too fast for you to catch him, and you have no idea if he’ll ever come back. You don’t even know if he understood, if he truly realised you did this to make sure he didn’t grow to hate you, but you don’t have a chance to explain anymore. You’re alone, left holding your heart in your hands and wondering just how to fill the hole left in your life.
Your friends and family, they carry you through it - and you hope, perhaps against all hope, that he will come and and you’ll get a chance to explain. To tell him just how much you love him, how much you want him in your life - that you never wanted things to end. But he doesn’t come back and you’re too ashamed to go looking, to seek him out and face his hurt, face his family.
Besides, you have the joy of a child coming into your life. Not your own, of course, but you couldn’t bear to leave Thea alone during this. Your nursing skills come in handy in taking care of her and.. in the process, you find a passion you never expected. The idea of a future with children, bringing them into the world, being part of something so miraculous every day was more than you can resist and before long you chase it down, the passion you’ve been looking for.
Thea moves to Paragon and of course you come with her, unwilling to leave your best friend’s side. She needs you, Sonny needs you - and you need her, of course, even if you’d never put any kind of pressure on her shoulders. Being with her and Sonny is all you need, gives you strength and comfort, and with them Paragon becomes home.
Connections ;;
Fletcher West - The Ex: Fletcher is the first and only love Coralie has ever had and they’re not sure how to move on from him. The truth is they never intended to - he stole their heart and they’ve never really been able to get it back. They never intended to break up, not really - but they haven’t seen each other since, and Coralie is left wondering if perhaps he was better off without them.
Theodosia Foster-Thorsdottir - the best friend: They’ve known Thea since they were kids, grew up side by side - as much as one could, with a best friend whose father is an Asgardian god. Thea saved them from the boys who would’ve mutilated their wings and, whatever happens, Coralie will always be grateful. There’s nothing they wouldn’t do for her, and currently they’re living together so Coralie can continue to support their best friend and her child.
Etienne Beaubier-Jinadu - baby brother: Cora loves their brother more than almost anything. They’re extremely protective of him and will go to any and all lengths for him and will always be there to try and support him as much as they possibly can.
Wanted Connections ;;
One-sided love: someone who was head over heels for Cora when they were in school or college, and it was completely one sided because Cora and Fletcher were deep in love. Cora never realised it either - they probably just thought they were good, close friends who got along well. Maybe they told Cora and were turned down, maybe they didn’t say anything but pulled away from Cora, leaving them confused and sad to lose a friend. They could still have feelings for them and want to try for a relationship now that Cora’s single, or they could be over it and want to mend things with them!
Hospital friends: they work as a midwife at the hospital and they’re bound to know people there! Other nurses or midwives, doctors, med students, you name it - give them all the friends!
Former or current patients: People who have had kids who Cora might have helped through the pregnancy, or anyone who’s currently pregnant for whom they might be a midwife!
Give them friends, family, frenemies, enemies, anything you can think of!
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what-if-rpg · 3 years
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Welcome to the family, BEV! Your application to ROBERT CLARINGTON (FC: Chris Evans) was accepted. We’re really happy to give you your second character! Make sure to read the beginners checklist, and remember, have fun! We can’t wait to roleplay with you! Have fun!
CHARACTER NAME: Robert "Robbie" Alexander Clarington, II CHARACTER AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 33, September 6 OCCUPATION: Security Guard at the Museum of Natural History  FACE CLAIM: Chris Evans HOMETOWN & CITY WHERE LIVES NOW: Houston, TX; New York City, New York SEXUAL ORIENTATION & GENDER: Bisexual, Cismale RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single POSITIVE TRAITS: Loyal, Patient, Goofball NEGATIVE TRAITS: Reclusive, Serious, Regimented CHARACTER QUOTE/LYRIC: This simple things mean more than I can say; these moments make up for all past our days
Growing up, Robbie was a creative spirit, looking for adventure in every corner he could find. Sometimes that meant running around the woods in his backyard, sometimes it meant reading books; but more than anything, it meant immersing himself in entertainment. He loved watching movies (he watched A New Hope five times in one day when it was first introduced to him), tv, making music videos in his head to every song he heard. He couldn’t get enough of the stories that these great creators put in front of him in all these different mediums.
But more than anything, he craved the escape. His father was a military man, which meant every other year or so, they were moving. He never kept friends for long because of this. He had a great relationship with his family, leaning heavily on his younger siblings, but that didn’t mean that he didn’t feel alone most of the time. It was okay, though. He had his other worlds to find happiness.
Things came crashing down when he was 17, though. His father, Robert Senior, was involved in a horrible plane crash while on duty over seas. Robert Jr. was crushed. In a lot of ways, his father was like his rock. He had supported him in whatever he had done in his life, ranging from football all to his dismal attempts at film-making. He felt very close to his father and with him gone, there was a hole left gaping in his chest.
He tried to fill that hole the only way he knew how. When he graduated high school, he immediately enrolled into the army, following in his father’s footsteps. He made it through his training and got shipped over seas. He served his time for ten years, rising through the ranks, doing everything he could to live up to his father. But it wasn’t right. He didn’t feel like he was where he belonged, even more so after losing his best friend in a raid from an enemy camp. So, he honorably discharged at the ripe age of 28.
He floated in his hometown, looking from job to job, but none of them fit. So, he expanded his horizons to New York. Maybe it was just the remnants of his childhood dependence on film, but the Big Apple was a staple of hopes and dreams to him. He could only hope that he could find where he belonged there.
PARENTS: Robert Senior (deceased) and Diane Clarington: Robbie's parents were his entire world during the formative years of his life. His father, in particular, was his hero and his number one fan, coming to every event that the military didn't actively keep him from. His death rocked Robbie more he would ever realize. His mother is his rock, providing him a shoulder to lean on and a good smack on the head when he needs it. SIBLINGS: Sarah (Younger Sister): Robbie always considered himself lucky that he got along with his sister. Despite their 7 year age gap, Sarah is his best friend. They bicker, they joke, they love each other the most. Until someone eats the last piece of pie at Thanksgiving; then it's war. COUSIN: Hunter Clarington: TBA
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freedomscall-aa · 5 years
General Information
Hi, call me Autumn. I’m 25+, have been rping for 15+ years on and off with 10 years experience roleplaying on Tumblr, and prefer they/them or she/her pronouns. I have a discord that is available on request for general ooc conversation and plotting, all you have to do is ask for it.
I’ve been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and a chronic social phobia, so typically I’m pretty shy and awkward starting off when you first talk to me. Due to my mental illness I get stressed out pretty easily over things and at times will take a while to get around to replies and starters, so please don’t think that any slowness on my part means that I’m not interested in interacting with you!
Just because it needs to be said, Mun =/= Muse ; Muse =/= Mun. I play a character who is pretty moralistically grey and may do or hint at doing problematic things at times. This does NOT mean I support those same viewpoints. 
Anders is a super complex character who’s actions ultimately result in something so powerful they send a good chunk of the world into turmoil. I want to stress that Anders’ plot to blow up the Kirkwall Chantry was a terrible thing done by a person who felt as though they had no other option when every other peaceful measure he attempted failed. Could there have been other ways of solving the problem? Maybe. Did anyone actually listen? No. Regardless it was the only a matter of time before the powder keg that was Kirkwall’s tensions between Mages and Templars blew up given that you find out in the final act that Meredith had already written to the Divine to request permission to enact the Right of Annulment in advanced.
Either way, I’ve adore Anders as a character ever since DAO Awakening so whatever hate or arguments you might see fit to send me isn’t going to change my mind on how I feel about him. Naturally I’m fine with him suffering people’s vitriol in character, but I won’t tolerate receiving that kind of behavior out of character.
I generally use Pearl from Steven Universe as an out of character face claim. I’ll be using Toby Regbo from his appearance in Reign as Ander’s IRL FC.
On Following
I’m usually too nervous to follow people first, due to anxiety issues, but if I do follow you first it means I definitely want to try writing with you! Usually I’ll follow back Dragon Age canons unless something about your blog turns me off for some reason. Anyways, the same typically goes for OCs with reasonable Dragon Age verses that I feel could allow for interactions with Anders.
I’m going to be more picky about non-DA canons ( unless I already have an AU for their source material ), even if they have an DA themed verse or two– so please don’t feel bad if I don’t end up following you back. :c
Threads and Replies
On average I write anywhere between one and a half to two paragraphs per reply, though I have been known to write four+ depending on how inspired I am. If this for some reason bothers you or if you’re simply looking for super casual, one line replies with or without dialog every thread, I’d advise you not to follow me.
That IS NOT to say that I’m against short replies though! I can usually work well with two or three sentences so long as I feel like I can actually reply to it and in cases where I can’t, I usually ask my partners to add more if possible instead of outright dropping the thread. TBH, I just feel like it’s super discouraging to write a paragraph or two and only get a single sentence with or without dialog back in return. :c
I am notoriously slow when it comes to replies and am prone to dropping threads once I feel too overwhelmed. If you suspect that I’ve dropped your thread and would like to continue it, feel free to contact me over my inbox / tumblr im or via skype / discord if you have it.
If I follow you first or follow back, feel free to reply to any of my opens and memes I reblog or contact me via my inbox / tumblr im if you have any ideas, but please note that my ‘like for starter’ posts are for mutuals only.
Feel more than welcome to reply to asks and continue the conversation if you like what I answered with, I only ask that in doing so you start a new thread with a link back to the original ask and not reblog the ask itself.
I don’t care if you use icons or not. Sometimes I don’t. Icons aren’t an indicator of quality to me. Typically icons will accompany most short posts given I have one that fits the thread. It is possible that I will avoid attaching icons to longer, multi para threads depending on how I feel.
NSFW Threads
Both mun and muse are over the age of 18, which leaves everything open to possible NSFW sexually based threads. Personally, I like writing smut, but I prefer to ship chemistry more than anything and will not do pointless nsfw threads unless I’ve rp’d and spoken with you ooc for a while.
I WILL NOT write sexually themed or exceedingly violent / gore-y threads with individuals under the age of 18. I’m generally not going to follow anyone younger than 18 just because I don’t really feel comfortable with following those who are more than ten years younger than me even on my personal blog. I check for ages and if I find out you’ve lied just to write smut at any point I will not hesitate to block you.
Relationships / Shipping
I’m generally open to the idea of pre-established original character relationships (semi or whole friendships / crushes / enemies / etc) between characters as they can make interactions considerably easier for me, so feel free to present any ideas if you’d also like to go that route via my inbox / tumblr im or skype / discord if you have it!
If you want to go the route of an established OC relationship outside of an obvious casual connection, please be aware that I will ask you to dm me via tumblr im or discord, since I find it easier to develop relationships with other characters while having a chance to occasionally talk ooc with those involved. As a plus, it makes rp'ing with you much more comfortable for me.
I mostly ship Anders with M!Hawke and F!Hawke, but am open to other canon characters as well so long as it’s workable. Obviously, I’m also willing to develop romantic ships with OCs granted I find them interesting and if I feel like there’s good chemistry! You also get big bonus points if you’re a rivalmance Hawke because I’m super weak for that dysfunctional shit.
This blog is generally not safe for work, just to be clear. There are times where it may contain triggers that I will try my best to tag in a coherent manner, but please be aware that I will not always tag things unless a mutual requires it their ooc page. I by default tag anything related to NSFW situations, anything related to abusive scenario, and anything else involving blood.
I have no triggers, personally, but I do have things that make me uncomfortable. These include topics related to cheating / infidelity and hypersexualizations. I would appreciate if partners would consider tagging content related to these, but it’s not necessary.
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junker-town · 5 years
Meet the 7 USWNT roster newcomers, in order of how intriguing they are
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New coach Vlatko Andonovski is dealing with some injuries, which means we’re going to see a few new faces for the defending World Cup champions.
New United States women’s national team head coach Vlatko Andonovski has named his first squad, and it includes seven players who were not on the World Cup roster. Some of them are familiar faces, but four — Aubrey Bledsoe, Alana Cook, Imani Dorsey and Margaret Purce — have never been capped.
There’s space available for Andonovski to try out some new players due to injuries to Kelley O’Hara, Ali Krieger, Crystal Dunn, Tierna Davidson and Megan Rapinoe. Alex Morgan is also unavailable due to pregnancy.
The USWNT takes on Sweden in Columbus on November 7, then Costa Rica on November 10 in Jacksonville. Here’s what you need to know about the USWNT newcomers, in order of how intriguing their inclusion is.
CB Alana Cook
Cook might have slipped off the radar of NWSL fans because she skipped the draft to sign for Paris Saint-Germain. The 22-year-old Stanford grad is also eligible to play for England, and participated in a camp with the Three Lionesses last month, though she did not play in a match. Cook previously played for the USWNT at the youth level.
While Cook has impressed at PSG, she’s also had a couple of high-profile errors in Champions League play, which you’d expect from a rookie. She has all the tools to be an elite center back, though. She’s an extremely physical player with solid pace and technical ability, and she has a degree that proves she is much smarter than you.
Cook often looks like a player who is using each of her elite skills one at a time, rather than all together in a fluid performance. If Andonovski can help her connect the pieces, she’ll become a USWNT staple.
FB Casey Short
Jill Ellis was dogmatic about requiring a significant attacking contribution from her fullbacks. She was so committed to this that she ended up leaving Short, NWSL’s best wing defender, out of her World Cup squad. Andonovski has utilized both attack-minded and traditional fullbacks at club level, so it’s not surprising that he found a place for Short in his team.
The question will be if Short factors in Andonovski’s long-term plans. She’s at the top of her game right now, but she will be 33 years old when the next World Cup rolls around. Short might have a tiny window to prove that she’s an irreplaceable part of the back line, rather than a placeholder for an up-and-coming youngster.
FB (???) Imani Dorsey
Ellis’ fullback conversion projects were unpopular with fans, but it appears that Andonovski will be undertaking one of his own. Dorsey has spent the last two seasons playing on the wing with Sky Blue FC, and she was a forward in college, but she’s listed as a defender for her first USWNT call-up.
We know that Dorsey is athletic, hard-working and a good dribbler, but that’s all we have when we try to project whether a move to fullback will stick. Some players pick up new positions well and some flop. Sky Blue is currently searching for a new head coach, so we can’t even guess whether her club team will be on board with the switch.
But Dorsey, talented as she is at running with the ball, has never had great shooting numbers at Duke or Sky Blue. The USWNT would have a fullback shortage even if O’Hara and Dunn were available, but the former might never regain top form because of injuries, and the latter is best used in an attacking role. Andonovski needs to find fullbacks somewhere. Dorsey likely won’t be the last surprising player to get a shot in that role.
FW Margaret Purce
Purce was one of Ellis’ former fullback conversion projects, and she has had minutes in that role for the Portland Thorns, too. But she became a good enough finisher to justify a spot up top this year, scoring eight goals from 37 shots.
Striker is another area of concern for Andonovski. Morgan is out until at least May, if not considerably longer, and Carli Lloyd and Jessica McDonald are 36 and 31, respectively. He’ll need to test out a few new options up top, and Purce was the most obvious first choice for this camp.
Purce might only have one chance to impress Andonovski before he gets a look at younger, shinier prospects, however. College stars like Ashley Sanchez, Sophia Smith and Catarina Macario are already looking pro ready, and could get called into December’s I.D. camp.
MF Andi Sullivan
Sullivan was arguably the last woman out of the World Cup squad, and most assumed that the 23-year-old would be back with the national team immediately after the tournament ended. She played during Ellis’ sendoff matches, and should be a fixture in the team from now on.
After a shaky rookie season under Jim Gabarra in 2018, Sullivan’s career was turned around by the arrival of Richie Burke, who immediately made her the Washington Spirit’s captain and built the team around her. She had a superb season and was arguably the biggest factor in the Spirit’s evolution from basement dweller to playoff contender.
The biggest question about Sullivan is how Andonovski intends to use her. She has played as a defensive midfielder, a box-to-box midfielder and an advanced playmaker. She could fill in at multiple spots because of her versatility, but Andonovski might have a specific role in mind.
FW Lynn Williams
For whatever reason, Williams and Ellis didn’t really mesh. Her North Carolina Courage teammates were able to navigate the difference in coaching styles between Paul Riley (specific and intense) and Ellis (freedom granting and calm), but Williams could not. So despite dominant performances in NWSL, she found herself out of the USWNT.
Williams was a virtual lock to return to the team under Andonovski. However, the half-winger, half-forward role she plays for the Courage probably won’t exist in his system. We’ll likely find out during this camp if Andonovski thinks she’s a better fit at right wing or center forward.
GK Aubrey Bledsoe
Bledsoe has been excellent for the past three seasons, but it doesn’t make sense to rotate goalkeepers. She has earned a call-up with some sensational performances for the Washington Spirit, but it’s also difficult to see her winning a starting spot in the short term. Alyssa Naeher has done nothing to lose her place, while Adrianna Franch is better than Bledsoe at rushing out if Andonovski wants to play a system with a very high defensive line.
If Bledsoe starts, she probably had a truly exceptional camp.
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ffrandomrpg · 5 years
The Beginning
I’ve been toying with this idea for a long time. Soccer has been a part of my gaming library since my parents bought me International Superstar Soccer 64. I used to put Sol Campbell at forward and thunder goals in on the easiest difficulty because he was inexplicably my favorite player simply because his first name was Sol.
Fast forward a little later and I started back up with my soccer playing obsession when I finally scrounged up the money for Fifa 2002 (with my boy Henry on the cover) and a PS2, learning to love the game more and more with each annual release.
I’ve come to expect certain things from the series, and though I flirted with other competitors like PES briefly and even gave Football Manager a go, it always comes back to Fifa.
Still, I always wished there was more involvement and immersion in the Manager mode the game offers. There’s the expected features every year, but very little in the way of expanding the ideas present within.
Other offerings in EA Sports’ repertoire put tweaks on the Career mode here and there and some are pretty interesting. Briefly, Live the Life in whatever NHL that was even had some more fun text-based RPG elements but the shine really wore off quickly when it became apparent there was little to no depth and it was horrifyingly repetitive.
This is my attempt to inject the monotonous year-in year-out sameness that we’re sure to endure for the foreseeable future since FUT has proven to be a huge cash cow for them. Why would they bother expanding other modes?
So! Let’s get started.
Manager Mode with a Twist
One of the older Fifa’s used to limit your manager offerings at the start of your career mode and I always thought that was interesting. Sure, players may be disappointed they can’t immediately helm their beloved Chelsea or Barcelona, but there’s little challenge in that.
Instead, I wanted this to be the first randomized element to one’s career. Since we can’t simulate a smattering of job offerings from smaller clubs, I instead use Random’s List Feature to get myself a job from one of these areas:
Australian League MLS Liga MX Chile China PR Colombia Denmark League 2 Germany’s 3. liga Japan K league korea Norway Ireland Saudi arabia Turkey
I hit the randomizer and it spits out China PR for my destination. I go into a Kick Off to randomize my team assignment and get Heibei CFFC.
I name myself with a Star Wars name generator and become Jorgunn Pitfar. The name sounds vaguely Scandinavian so I select my country of origin as Denmark for no real reason and then pack my bags to head off to China.
I barely keep up with soccer news, but I have seem some news of older prominent players packing their bags for huge wages in China. It doesn’t necessarily directly fit with my ‘small club’ objective considering I have over 20mil to spend on transfers if I wanted, but it isn’t one of the biggest leagues and the Star Rating given to the teams by Fifa seems rather low so we’ll go with it.
Heibei China Fortune F.C. was founded in 2010, playing their games in Langfang somewhere about halfway between Beijing and Tianjin. Their stadium houses a modest 30,000 despite the city being home to over 4 million residents and those playing on the ground are lucky to experience the air pollution ranked among the 10 worst in all of China.
As Jorgunn Pitfar makes his way to Langfang (not by plane since the city doesn’t have an airport), perhaps he mulls over what his goals for his career as a manager will be. It’s the first of what may be many jobs at the helm of various clubs and it couldn’t have been farther removed from what he’s probably used to in Denmark.
I again turn to the Random List to decide what Pitfar’s objective is, pulling from this list. You could, of course, add more.
Finish career at home country Promotion master Finish w/ prem/seria a/liga/bundes job Finish with starting club Grow game journeyman
There’s little explanation needed for the options. Do I want to return home once my career is in its twilight years? Do I shoot for the moon and hope to get a shot at Champions League football, or specialize in helping lower level clubs climb to great heights?
I hit randomize and Pitfar’s fate is sealed; he will finish his career in his native Denmark. Depending on how long the career mode goes, this may be impossible but we can get creative with a solution.
Now, the last bit of setup we need to do involves our transfer policy. Club expectations be damned, what does Pitfar want to do with the assets at his disposal? What sort of club does he aspire to run?
I make another list and plug it into the randomizer:
High Profile Signings Sign from Club Nation Sign Young Players (<23 yr old) Develop from Youth Team Sign from competitors in same league Focus on Asia focus on North America focus on Central America focus on South America Focus on Euro continent Focus on British Isles
I hit randomize and get Develop from Youth Team. Not bad considering the average OVR rating of the team is low enough that some promotions from the Youth Team might be able to slot right into the matchday squad.
I use some of my transfer money to buy 3 scouts and they are sent out on their journeys immediately. Ito will spend 9 months in Japan finding me Wingers, Fang for a 9 month stint to find anything he can in Brazil, and Brown to England to find me a (hopefully) big Playmaker for 9 months. They better get comfy out there cuz they won’t be coming back for some time.
Pitfar looks ahead to the preseason Invitational Cup held domestically in China this year. The prize money is the best of the lot, at 2.9m, but that really matters very little considering Heibei won’t be seeing any real marquee signings as long as the Danish manager is at the helm.
Still, it offers a good opportunity to see what the squad depth is like. Two team sheets are assembled: the through-and-through first team selections and the rotational, fringe players starting. Since there’s little importance to this competition, the fringe will receive all the playing time.
We advance to the first game against Wellington Phoenix FC and sim it. I’m pleased to find Huaze and Tianyuan both make their way onto the score sheet and the fringe boys manage a 3-0 win.
As if this performance sparks interest in Heibei, teams start to come knocking. I loan out the wonderfully-named YangYang for the year and counter an initial offer for Hongbo and sell him away for over his value at 950k. I don’t need the money, but the thrill of getting more than I should from Necaxa for him is all the satisfaction I need.
I sim the next two games, losing to Dalian Yifang 2-0 which is to be expected considering the low OVR of my squad, and then draw with TEDA 0-0. Somehow, maybe, we’ve used up all our good luck on the first game.
Looking ahead, a loss spells elimination for Heibei in this tournament and we can kiss that 2.9m goodbye. Al Hazem Sports Club waits on matchday, and perhaps because I have little knowledge of this club, I don’t rotate any players despite all the down-arrows denoting poor form trends among almost all the players.
We lose 2-0. No goals save the first game, but also no injuries to any of the players so there is some silver lining. As if to drive home the idea that Chinese clubs have more money than they know what to do with, the club rewards Pitfar’s efforts with 1.45m just for performance which (obviously) was quite poor outside the first win.
Moving forward to deadline day and there’s very little that needs to be done by the club considering our randomly-assigned position on transfers. Still, not all of it is bad. First, I sell off my starting GK for 670k. He’s 32 and though GK’s have a pretty good career length generally, I don’t really care. I can sign someone near to his OVR or grow a prospect from the youth team into the mid-60s quite easily.
I take my prize money to drop on a release clause for an 18 year old GK named Rebollo. For some reason, these younger players are afraid of a Crucial team role so I offer Sporadic and they like that far more even though they’ll immediately go into the starting 11.
They do, however, seem to want a 1.9k wage and when I offer a young winger named Keelan O’Connell only a thousand, he and his agent immediately walk. So, then, Keanan Bennetts is offered 1.9k and Sporadic and he and his agent immediately agree. Little does he know he’ll go right into my starting 11 and play every game so long as his stamina allows.
A couple low rated players in my rotational squad are sent out on loan and there’s very little action for Heibei on the rest of deadline day. Once my scouts come back in for their monthly check-in, I weed out the sub-60 OVR projected prospects and they go back out. A fleeting taste of ‘home’ for them before they have to return to the far reaches of the globe. Though I’m not sure if Langfang is more desirable than ending up in Japan or England.
The first two games of the Asian Continental Cup arrive, and perhaps this is Heibei’s equivalent to the Champions League so I put my first team in play and am greeted with a 2-1 win from the main boys only to have them crumble against Australia’s Newcastle United Jets somehow. Lavezzi and Mascherano have never before seemed so fallible.
As if to cheer myself up, I sign a young scouted player named Onishi to the Youth Team since his projected rating is relatively high even given the early stages of the process. Is it a gamble? Yes. Does Jorgunn Pitfar’s interest in management end at Heibei? Definitely not.
Moving forward, we will play out the month of March as standard Fifa Career mode before implementing the final Random aspect of this journey. More on that later.
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shrpghq · 8 years
Congratulations, Amy!
You have been accepted as your first character and oc, Aspen Sinclair (Nicola Peltz FC)! And congrats on receiving 500 points for picking up a medical patient! Please send in their account within 24 hours. 
–> Name: Amy
–> Preferred pronouns: She, her
–> Age: 19
–> Time zone: MST
–> Activity:7/10
–> Today’s date: 12th of March, 2017
–> How did you find us? (If tags, please specify) asylum rp
–> Did you read the rules? Please give the TWO passwords: RFP
***please actually read through the material to find the passwords. It will be very obvious to us if you don’t, even if you put down the rights words and we accept it, we will know, and we’ll use it as a judgement of character (meaning you, OOC). Thank you!***
OC Patient
–> Character name: Aspen Sinclair
–> Character age: 17
–> What are they here for: depression, perfectionism, and prescription drug abuse
–> Medical or Rescue Ward?: Rescue Medical Ward due to suicide attempt.
–> Face claim (Please try to keep to the +/- 5 year rule… we don’t want a 29 year old face claim playing a 16 year old!): Nicola Peltz 
Please write 3 paragraphs describing and explaining your character’s past, and how they came to Serenity House (this applies for OC staff & patients):
Aspen Sinclair is an 17 year old patient in the rescue ward. She has been diagnosed with depression, perfectionism, and prescription drug addiction. She looks a lot like Nicola Peltz.
Aspen was normal, completely normal. Her parents were never short of money, and Aspen and her younger sister Maddie always had more than they needed. They got good grades, had lots of friends, were average kids at the least, and perfect ideal kids usually. In high school Aspen was pretty popular, in many clubs and on the honors list, liked by her peers and all her teachers. She got her way not because she was a bitch, but because she had earned it. Aspen expected nothing less than perfection from herself. She had the world in the palm of her hands, everything she ever wanted was hers. In the beginning of her senior year, trouble hit when her little sister was kidnapped. It was the worst 3 weeks of her family’s life, and it ended when the police came to their doorstep, told them that unfortunately Maddie didn’t make it.
This broke them. How couldn’t it? Poor little rich girl, they said at school about Aspen. But she accepted no sympathy. Life goes on, she told herself, and SAT scores didn’t care about who died, cheerleading competitions didn’t give you bonus points for dead family members. Aspen was the girl that kept it all together, and her peers only admired her more for that. Even when her long term boyfriend broke up with her when the subtle changes in her behavior started becoming more apparent, the blonde girl never flinched. In reality behind closed doors, Aspen needed to keep it together, she was the only one who could. After the loss of a child, her parents were fighting more than ever, and over the winter break it got worse when her mom found out about her dad cheating. This was an important time in her life though, and Aspen could not lose it now. Aspen always kept it together, always.
As fate would have it it only got worse, though. Her dad left them and her mom was put on medications to help keep her panic episodes at bay. She was hardly a mom anymore, and Aspen felt really alone. Her mom didn’t really notice, but every so often Aspen would take some of her mothers pills to keep her own anxiety in order. She didn’t have anyone to fall back on, but that’s okay, she could do it on her own. Or so she thought. Slowly but surely, Aspen started to slip after so long of keeping it together. She wasn’t a party goer at all, but she began sneaking off, hanging out with the wrong crowd every so often. It was her brief moment of escape from her life, real or fake. It allowed her to put her fake smile back on when she returned. Though still her charismatic and charming self, even her closest friends started seeing a small change in her. With no real parents to help her, and her old friends clueless on how to approach or deal with the situation, Aspen just slipped further and further into a vicious cycle of bad decisions.
All it took was one really, really bad week. She hit rock bottom, didn’t feel like she had anything left in her life that was worthwhile. On Monday Aspen was going about her regular day, eating lunch at school even if she was quieter now, and by Saturday, she was in the hospital from a drug overdose. Her mom figured out why her refills of her meds never lasted long enough, and told the doctors Aspen had an addiction– whether that was really true or not. With the amount of drugs in her system though, her overdose must’ve been intentional, and it was ruled a suicide attempt, though Aspen wasn’t talking. She just wanted to go back to pretending everything was normal. With little to no help from Aspen or her mom, the doctors had to do their best to figure it all out. It was in the hospital that Aspen was finally told to go to Serenity, so hopefully she can sort through whatever is going on in her head. Aspen is mostly happy so escape for a bit even if she must stay in the medical ward for a while because of her suicide attempt.
IC Questions (Please write SEVERAL sentences –4 TO 5, MINIMUM EACH. Mandatory for both canon and original characters. Not required for staff.):
Do you know why you’re here at the Serenity House?
I have some things going on that I need to sort out. My parents can’t help me and the doctors gave up, so here I am… I’m here because they don’t think I’m safe in the outside world. Maybe I’m not, but no one is. That’s just life… no one makes it out alive in the end anyway.
How do you feel about being here? Good, bad, indifferent?
Honestly? I’m okay with it. It’s nice to have a break from everything. I don’t know what it’ll be like going back home afterwards, though… seeing all my old friends again, teachers and classmates… I don’t know what they’ll think of me. Do they still call me their friend? I do get to go back right?
What is your biggest fear coming to the House?
I’m not going to be able to cope with things as well as I normally do. I always thought of hospitals as a place where they break you, and when they put you back together it’s in their vision. But what if they don’t? What if there’s no fixing some of us? Maybe we’re just meant to be in our own vision, even if it’s different. Does that make sense? I promise I’m not on anything right now.
How do you feel about the patients on other wards? (Medical or Rescued Wards)
Am I supposed to feel a certain way? From what I’ve heard, they’re sick, really sick. I don’t really feel like I belong. We all have different ways of coping with things. I’m not hurting anyone, I don’t have any diseases or illnesses. I’m not really sure I fit in with the other patients, but I suppose I don’t really know many of them yet.
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borndefiant · 7 years
1…ok but the fact that Bastian doesn’t really know how to so much as function as a PROPER human being tho. He knows ho to be a soldier, he knows how to fight, how to hunt, ho to survive and thats about it. The rest of it all he’s essentially ‘winging it’. But what he’s phenomenal at is putting on a grin, laying on that charm, cracking jokes, and filthy flirting and all to cover up the fact that for the last few years he’s slowly been sorta losing his mind. First with what happened to his parents. Then his academy days which ended in multiple tragedies and disaster. Now he’s got daemon dna slowly lacing its way through his veins and eating up whatever was left of his humanity…
2.  oh man….. low key considering making sebastian stan bash’s rl fc tho… because how he looks as an adult and espeically in some of his last roles with his hair grown out for bucky really fits Bash when he’s been on the road a while not to mention bash in his twenties. And YOUNGEr sebastian works really well for teen Bash when he was still essentially a kid
3.  ok but…. another hc. Bastian was a scrawny kid when he was younger. In that as well as being low born and poor meant he got bullied quite a bit as a youngster. He first handled it by being MEAN. His mouth was his greatest asset as a kid in he’d spit snarky insults that keft most of his bullies blinking. That is till the day they decided they really didn’t need to understand what he meant  to bloody his face and came at him anyways. he learned pretty damn quick how to win a fist fight to. Even if he was tiny for his age.
4.  me: Bastian… You’re not a drunk and not quite functioning alcoholic either. But you drink a LOT. You always seem to have some sort of liquor on you or in your system via flask or a bottle… Not judging but… God damn son why you drink so much? Bash: Well… It’s— Nah, simple version. See I drink till I can’t remember their faces. Not Da’s. Or my mum’s. Not her’s or theirs either. It’s the only way I can seem to forget. Even if only for a little while.
5.  random hc: Bash’s hair is NEVER styled. But rather he maintains a natural consistence of sex-hair/bedhead :|
6.  another sexy hc. Bash isn’t what I’d call loud in bed, but he isn’t a shy lad either. He’s a loudmouthed punk in the streets and that tends to find its way in during good sex in the form of groans, and choked off sears. He’s been known to laugh a little to when with someone he’s really enjoying the company of ;)
7.  Bastian = A wolf in the streets a cub in the sheets *depending on who he’s with*  the man knows what he’s doing. Been honing sai skills since he was 15 and wether its a quickie or a from dusk till dawn deal its always mind blowing. if he’s attached to someone tho. If he trusts them. It’s like the one time he ever lets down some of that built up persona, lets down that guard, and lets someone else take some of the reins for a while. And a girl or guy who doesnt mind roughing him up a bit in the bedroom and knows just what s/he wants *low whistle* he’s g r i n n i n g at the thought.
8.  Fidget: If any had ever met Bastian when he was younger one wouldnt be able to help but notice he tends to fidget;; shift his weight, or scratch at the back of his neck/head while conversing. Meanwhile OLDER!Bash tends to keep his hands consistently in his pockets if they’re not busy being elbows deep in the guts of some car or weapon.Connection, Older Bastian would be just as twitchy and was for a lot of his life but learned over time how to manage it with time. Ergo, hands-in-pockets. Teen!Bash being younger, didn’t know how to do that yet, so he appeared more nervous and unsettled in his youth. Never was actually shy or nervous then or now. It’s simply an outward sign of the mind that’s racing behind those blue eyes.
I don’t have specifics yet but I’ve narrowed down Bash’s most important possessions. 1. His Da’s jacket. He took it with him to the academy and it was at least 3 sizes too big on him at first. Fits him perfectly now. 2. His Da’s bike. Was the one thing he took from the family storage after he fled the army. He spent his childhood watching his old man build the thing from scraps into a thing of beauty and the few times his dad took him riding are some of the best memories he has. Fuckin’ course he took it with him .And NO no one works on it but him. 3. His blade. The only thing left of his first love. He reforged it to better fit himself and get the balance right but the core and hilt are all original… 4. His flask. Cheap simple metal with the words 'Cheers Motherfucker’ that were obviously carved into it after purchase. Another memento from a friend from another life.
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