#can't believe I now have to wait for GRRM to finish writing to see what happens to these two
pandolfo-malatesta · 1 year
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sweetestpopcorn · 3 years
GRRM really should not have let hbo adapt the books before he finished them. I would have really loved to see what hbo would do if GRRM already gave us the ending in the books. I am convinced that asoiaf would end with Targ restoration and even if not that, it would at least not end with Dany being mad queen and her journey would end in a positive way for her. There's no way that with two books left Dany would end up as mad queen.
Now if hbo were to adapt the books then, I would love to see what they do. Sure they can make some minor changes. But if they really change the ending then everyone would know that it's not the canon ending, lmao.
We can still know that it wasn't the actual canon ending (but for that he needs to finish the damn books) However, finishing the books before adaptations wouldve been much better, especially since I can already anticipate if twow and ados are released targ antis accusing us of bashing the show ending so much that GRRM changed the "original ending" in the last sec 🙄
Maybe I shouldn't blame him. He really thought D&D read the books when they could correctly speculate Jon Snow's mother's name whereas little did he know dumb and dumber in actuality only read the fan theories (as far as I remember, Rhaegar and Lyanna being Jon's parents was a popular theory even back then). But damn, GRRM should just stop when he still can. Game of thrones ended. He doesn't need to involve himself with hotd or whatever bullshit. We have had enough shitty adaptations, no need for hotd, George. Just stop and write your books for once and finish them!
Hi there, Anon and sorry for this delay! 🤗
I mean... R+L=J is so obvious in the book that for a long time I was like "Ok no, no way. This is too obvious. My dumbass didn't see anything coming and even my dumbass can get this, so it must be something else". So George using that as proof that those two idiots understood the books is a joke at best and a "George... oh George... oh George, George..." at worse. I mean... come on! It's not exactly predicting the "Hodor" thing is it? On a scale of 1 to 10 figuring out Lyanna is Jon's mother would be a 1.
As for George and the books, I have serious doubts we will get something else. F&B clearly was published so H*O has some more material for sh:tty adaptations. With G*T now done, George has no real pressure (besides his fans that I don't think he cares much about tbh) to actually finish the books. Between continuing to get tons of money from H*O or write the ending of the asoiaf series that will no doubt contradict the show and get himself into trouble with H*O most likely , I think it's clear which one he's choosing. Do I like it? No. Is there something I can do? Not really besides using my money to vote in the things I like.
So I use my money to vote on quality: books; instead of trash: H*O adaptations. I suggest people to do the same. To vote with their money on the things they believe in 😉
It comes to a point we also have to accept what we can't change. Is it easy? Nope. But acceptance does gives us peace of mind.
Personally, I don't lose time speculating about how asoiaf will end. I read the books for the first time ten years ago. I spent enough time speculating and waiting. Right now if they come out I will be f_cking happy, if not, I will just be content with what I have and with the wonderful universe George gave us. And that right there almost makes me forgive him for what he allowed H*O to do with the characters and universe I care so much for... almost.
All the best to you, Anon 🤗
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