#can't decide if it would take place in ye olden times or more modern
aersolis · 1 year
hear me out. okay. buck/eddie cowboy au
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pkmnomegaverse · 3 years
Will you consider doing anything with the Legends Arceus characters? Any relationships and possible tie ins to the modern characters?
Okay so I thought about this more and since there's not gonna be a big list of "here's all the things I'm gonna do", I figured I'd answer this now to get it out of my inbox. Also I'm through enough of the game I feel I can answer this proper now. Under a cut since this got long and also I went into Ingo/Emmet stuff so keep that in mind before you click.
Basically, Legends Arceus is very difficult to use due to the fact all the characters are long dead by the time the main games takes place. I will use it, but it's going to be a slow trickle of additions as ideas come to me. I can't see myself designing a lot of fankids for it, since again, they're all dead. I might have a couple if design ideas come to me since it's not like I haven't played around with universes where I'll be five generations out cause sometimes the ideas just keep coming.
That being said, Ingo is the big thing I can see doing stuff with, as I said in the other ask. There's so much good angst potential there, both on his end and Emmet and Norri's end. I have decided he's whisked away after Norri is born, mostly since that lets me keep him in the past for a long length of time (I like the idea of time moving the same on both sides, so if he's gone for say, five years, five years passed for him in ye olden day Sinnoh as well). This is mostly so the twins can stay the same age but also because it means more angst for everyone.
The story there is still in progress, but if you've seen my ramblings on the fankid twitter, you've seen me raving about how Melli/Ingo as a thing is creeping up on me something fierce. I'm on the edge of making a fankid for them since good fanart has been giving me ideas and I like the idea of Melli being extra pissed at Ingo cause he's mad he's so attracted to this weird guy with amnesia. Meanwhile, Ingo is a combo of oblivious/apathetic to the entire thing even when he does notice. But omegaverse strikes as a convenient reason to hook people up and not like they have as good of methods for dealing with it in the past. So they hook up at some point during Ingo's rut/Melli's heat. Becomes a reoccurring thing. At some point there's a kid or two.
The Diamond Clan (and maybe the Pearl clan) gave me vibes that maybe children are raised by the community which is why Adaman is everyone's big bro. But this means Melli would just throw any kid he has at the clan to raise so Ingo wouldn't get as much of a say in things. Cause that's just how things are done. But maybe he gets to see the kid sometimes as the two clans are slowly working to reconcile/integrate more. Would add to his deja vu, the situation of taking care of an infant/young child feeling familiar.
I'm just stuck on the idea of Ingo actually being able to have a normal kinda sorta healthy romantic relationship with someone (even tho it's with this sassy bitch but if Harley can make it work, Melli can too). But he STILL chooses to return to his brother and continue what they had because he decided a long time ago they're in it for the long hall. For better or worse. Because if I'm going to do anything with an incest ship I want it to be fucked up and tragic and everyone is making poor decisions and has to live with the guilt they try to ignore. And I think Ingo abandoning his new family for his old one adds to the guilt he already feels about how his relationship with Emmet has been twisted. It adds an additional layer of "what if"/"could this have been avoided" since he now knows on his end at least, he was able to find something like love with someone else. He also has the guilt of betraying Emmet even if he didn't know at the time since he had no memories. But even logically knowing that, he still would feel guilty over it.
This is all still in the early stages of development so I need to muse on it more, but it's the route that's really sticking out to me since I love needless drama so much. How the Melli/Ingo kid factors in is I remembered I made Norri an exorcist who can see ghosts so if he has a long dead half-sibling who died traumatically in the past, perhaps said sibling's ghost is still hanging around. Maybe they could meet. Surely there's something I could do with this.
Past Ingo, I still need to decide what to do with Lucas. On that end, I know he also is stuck in the past for the while but despite what the game may say, he does return to present day Sinnoh eventually. I'm unlikely to change things with his family since while a surprise bun-in-the-oven who returns from the past with him holds a great appeal to me, I don't know if I want to mess up the sibling dynamic with Juri and Colm just to add a new fankid. Juri is also too obviously Barry's daughter to make her someone else's kid. I guess I could use Volo since the hair is similar enough, but Adaman/Lucas is the one that appeals to me more cause Adaman is hot and there's a reason protag/hot older guy I'm into reappears as a ship dynamic in this verse.
I also buy into the idea Adaman/Irida are probably meant to be Barry's ancestors so maybe they have a kid. The ship itself doesn't appeal to me much but if Lucas did hook up Adaman and Adaman is Barry's great-great- grandfather or something, there's some sort of joke here about Lucas not being able to resist Barry's GGGILF. Again though, I'm just musing on all of that still. I'm more likely to add any fankids for Lucas on the Lonanverse side of things vs Mainverse.
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