#can't wait for s2 and some kaer morhen content!!
itsrainingfeathers · 3 years
As my dear mutuals and followers probably noticed, I finally watched s1 of Netflix!Witcher.
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What I liked about it:
- Jaskier. Just. Jaskier. I wasn't sure about him at first (bc as I've previously stated, book!Dandy is my one true love) but he's so great. And relatable.
- Roach and the other horses (and the donkeys, too. Can't forget the donkeys.)
- Geralt being a horse girl
- The songs!! Especially Toss A Coin and Her Sweet Kiss, but the others were fun too.
- Henry Cavill's acting in that scene where the striga tears Geralt's throat open. The wide wide eyes and stuff. (I wasn't too excited about this Geralt at first but now I quite like him.)
- Book!Geralt is said to have an unpleasant voice, and while the voice Mr. Cavill is doing in the show isn't entirely unpleasant, it sounds off enough in my ears to be considered a plus
- Yennefer's dress in ep8 was gorgeous!!!
- and so was Tissaia de Vries
- and Pavetta
- and Sabrina
- and Coral (glad they stayed loyal to the books and took all her limbs)
- and not only Yennefer's dress, but the rest of the costuming, too
- the shots of Geralt and Renfri + Geralt and Yennefer kissing/with their faces close to each other and the light behind them were so pretty
- that music change when Geralt and Yen decided to do the horizontal mambo in that collapsing house in episode...5 I think??
- All the fun banter, jokes and humor in general. If I'm going to watch a guy have his intestines torn out I'll want something to laugh at, too (or someone. For example, Jaskier).
- The balance between said fun banter, jokes and humor, and all the dark, sad and cruel scenes and themes. It reminded me so much of the books and I'm so glad they got it right with the show.
- the general atmosphere and visual look of the series
- Ciri's cloak!
- Ciri's screaming parting the earth and stuff. That was cool af
- the feathers in the Nilfgaardians' helmets
- that couple that bough magical Viagra from Yennefer (not the couple themselves, per se, but said magical Viagra. A fun scene. Yes I have the sense of humour of a 15-year-old boy what about it)
- Geralt dragging and carrying Jaskier around in ep5 (though that did take away some of the drama and seriousness of the situation)
- The soundtrack!!!! Especially the main theme (Geralt of Rivia). I Am In Love
- The intro of ep9 was so fucking cool
- all the extraordinarily badass swordfighting scenes (with dramatic swishing hair)
- at least one (1) witcher pirouette!!
- that "black eyes from potions"-thing!!!
- Geralt breaking the floor with Aard in the striga episode (can't remember the number rn)
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What I didn't like about it:
- They really did something to Ciri's character huh. Where's the wild and stubborn Lion Cub of Cintra? Who is this bland ass sack of flour?? A doppler??? Is she like that when she's older???? (I mean yeah she did steal a horse and do some banshee screaming and stuff and was obv very brave in a hellish situation but still. I really hope she'll have more spirit in s2)
- Renfri wasn't that great either. She didn't have that sharp edge she has in the book (idk if this makes any sense but whatever). Not enough hatred towards Stregobor I think.
- And she wasn't called Shrike a single time. Why.
- And what was that conversation between Stregobor and Geralt in ep1?? It was weak. Weak! (Yeah yeah if they had every single detail from the books in the series each episode would be a two-hour-long movie but I'm still salty about it)
- Jas could've been at the very least a bit more horrified about the elves breaking his lute
- Give Jaskier A Hat. He Needs A Hat. I Know He Gets One In S2 But Still.
- With all the time jumps, I'd have been so lost had I not read some of the books.
- I imagined Geralt to be just a bit more...grimy. And to have a much less fancy armor and stuff. But I guess a witcher must have top-notch gear if he plans to stay alive, and it's nice to be somewhat clean. I personally think the armor looked the best in that episode with The Edge of The World (ep2??)
- The bulky shoulder pad things (I'm sure they have a proper name but can't remember it rn) on said armor. Personally I think it looks much better without them, like in that gif in the beginning of this post. (Ofc he needs to have his shoulders and arms protected but anyway)
- the entire design of Geralt's armor wasn't my favorite either, but it seems a lot better than the ridiculous tiddy armor in the s2 trailer
- Also: don't get me wrong, the leather pants look nice, but they don't seem to offer too much protection from, say, monster claws or teeth like in ep9. Maybe some armor plates would help? There's big veins in the legs, after all. (Yes yes he needs to be able to move freely and has to be quick but I said what I said)
- Why were some of Henry Cavill's wigs curly/wavy and others straight? Does Geralt own a hair straightener? Does Jaskier own a hair straightener that Geralt borrows occasionally? I have questions. (Update: it is mentioned in Baptism of Fire that Dandelion occasionally, not straightens, but curls his hair. Do with that information what you wish)
- That Mr. Cavill had to dehydrate for the shirtless scenes. No actor should have to risk their health like that just for the sake of some unrealistic eye candy.
- The Brokilon storyline was so boring. So, so boring. And I didn't like how they had Ciri and Geralt first meet at the farm instead of Brokilon (and that hug sort of came out of the blue when they hadn't actually met before. It was a cute scene tho).
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Though that is quite a lot of criticism, I really enjoyed the show! I'm actually glad that I didn't get to watch it sooner bc waiting for s2 is already difficult enough. Can't imagine having to do this for 2 years lmao.
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