#can't wait to Tony at y'all again lol ]
what-the-stark · 1 year
//Hey friends!
Sorry for the quiet and unintended hiatus over here, I greatly underestimated the free time I would have while my little niece was visiting and I've barely slept in almost 3 weeks, lol. The fam is heading home on Monday the 14th, so I'll be around again after that (ngl I might hibernate once they take off, though, I've sorta forgotten what it feels like to sleep an entire night lol).
I'm still on disco at least for part of the day while at work, so poke me there if you wanna chat. I hope everyone's been having an awesome summer ❤️
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comfy-sofa · 2 years
Should I do an episode rant today? I think I'm just gonna reblog others instead.
Edit: I have too many thoughts going through my soupy brain right now so fuck it RANT TIME
Ok, I had a theory for episodes 6-7 that Livio would appear but not Razlo as a sort of test subject. He fails his mission, gets called back by the EOM, and the next time we see Livio he'll be bigger/buffer and THEN we'll see Razlo. Well, I was right that the EOM would get him I guess...
Seeing the return of the animation for Wolfwood/Livio's memories is always good, give me more. Plus the fact that we're slowly getting some memories from Livio is good
RAZLO I SEE YOU BITCH I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOUUUUUU AGAIN he even looked like he had his older design too! PLEASE I BEG
Also when it comes to the L/R's mask, I'm starting to think the purpose is to suppress BOTH L/R making them easier to control and manipulate. Like the moment that thing breaks completely is when we get to see Razlo in action
I honestly like that Vash is a lot more physical/combat based in this. I feel like it adds to his "life is sacred" mindset and allows him to have more control when it comes to being in fights (I hope that makes sense)
WHERE IS BRILLIANT DYNAMITES NEON???? ORANGE IM IN YOUR WALLS also Kite isn't here either kinda missed the banter between him and Vash
That little photoshoot with the bad lads and Meryl was funny/cute more moments like this please
Also for this scene I was kinda confused on why Vash was inside the sandsteamer. I kinda have theory that he was going to the old control panel so he can stop the steamer that way but got sidetracked with Meryl and Roberto being there. So he decided to protect them first and get them out of harms way (I knew you cared about them Vash<3)
Legato just being a drama queen and just activating a WHOLE ASS CANON??? Speaking of the Canon WHY THE FUCK DOES THE STEAMER HAVE A CANON??? I'm at a loss with this one y'all
ZAZIE DOING BUG SHIT YESSSSS. If they fuck up L/R Zazie is going to be my new favorite (lol they always were)
I'm sorry but it's probably due to how serious everything was for the past 6 episodes why do they think they can carry this (once again) LARGE-ASS CANON??? Honestly, it made me laugh (no wonder Vash's prosthetic cracked like sIR)
THE PLANT...I kinda have mixed feelings on. While I like the design and how it unfurled itself (I guess...you can say...that plant bloomed...) but I was kinda hoping for a bit more y'know? Who knows maybe there's more to this version that we haven't seen yet
THE PLANT MARKINGS ON VASH 100/10 GOOD SHIT. And Meryl's reaction to it? Perfect now you know why ya boy looks the way he does (like y'all the markings are beautiful please I NEED MORE)
Speaking of Meryl YES BBYGIRL STAND YOUR GROUND, plus thank fuck they talked about Jenora Rock and Tonis losing his arm. Like please let Meryl have her character development so people can see that this girl is ALSO IMPORTANT TO THE STORY
Ok, I think I got everything. I'll edit if I forgot something but I'm looking forward to the next episode! I am scared of which backstory they're gonna use for Vash and Knives and please let it be me TriMax because the 98' anime one was one of the few things I despised.
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directxrtony · 5 years
Long Update
Hey everyone, so. My issue has been handled (yes, it took months.)
However, my PC was sent in a week ago to get fixed and apparently it's got a whole shitload of problems. Job issues. Car issues. My life is a mess. And... A hurricane is on the way. Nothing new there though.
This update is regarding something else entirely though. I wasn't on this blog, roleplaying for long. But I think I'm closing it. And I think it's for good this time. A lot of y'all don't know, and I guess I'm really typing this out for myself.
But I used to have an old blog called (kneeltotheplayboy) and I've been rping Tony since Iron Man 3 came out. Fellow rpers like @starkbirthed & @violetxsilverxstark have had to deal with my bullshit of opening a new blog. Dancing around on it for a couple of months. And then one issue or another, and I'm gone. It's happen what, three? Four times now? I think three.
And while my issues are very true and present. Once again, my life is a mess.
I also feel like that first blog broke me a bit. And Tony. It used to be a very popular blog and I got so overwhelmed with everything that I stopped. I opened it, seen 58 waiting threads on my drafts and would break down and close my laptop. At that time, I was so anxiety ridden and afraid of disappointment that I didn't know how to tell anyone "I can't roleplay with you right now, I've already reached my max sanity level but we can save this idea for the future." At the time, I thought that'd offend someone and I'd hurt their feelings etc.
Tony is someone that I won't ever lose muse for. Because unlike every other muse, where I hear them in my mind. I hear their responses. I can talk to them even. None of them quite feel like Tony. I gravitated to this character at a dark point in my life. A point where I needed him. I related to him. And it became quite clear, quite quickly that we were one in the same. (Minus the whole, genius intellect.) I don't think I hold the ability to even lose Tony as a muse. Because he's more than that. He feels like a second soul. Call me crazy. But it won't change what I know and have felt.
I don't want to stop roleplaying Tony. But I don't think I can do it in this fashion anymore. I know I'm hurting myself. I'm hurting Tony. And for all I know, I could be hurting these two partners I care so much about that I mentioned above. I think for Tony, I need something private and personal. I need something stress-free that is comfortable. I need selectives in something like Discord. Who are willing to do crazy and outthere crack/what if?... Plots. Or fluffy ones. Or one's that would crush your heart and soul. But mostly someone who can get crazy and weird... Idk.
I'd love to still continue things with @sliipstreamed & @evolvingheartisms
But idk if anyone would actually be willing to do things on there.
For Tumblr, however. I have more muses too. And I think I just need new adventures with new characters. Maybe I played Tony so long and so freaking much on multiple different types of media that... He needs to settle down a bit lol.
I think I need new adventures when it comes to tumblr. I wanted to try that with a Spidey blog. Because I love him so much and constantly have muse for him. But I feel the timing is... Awkward. To say the least.
But I have others too. I have a mutant OC named Asura. I loved Master Chief (Halo). Batman. Harley Quinn and Deadpool. I'd probably also be into McCree (Overwatch; lowkey crackship Mercy and Master Chief too oops), I can do Hela, Loki, Frank Castle and boi would I love to try more Killgrave. Also Muffet (Undertale) and I have an AU Ariel and Ursula. I just need something new I suppose. And I need to stop putting a shitload of stress and weight on my shoulders. So. Yeah. I suppose that's it. Sorry for it being so long.
If anyone (and yes, I mean ANYONE.) Is interested in my Discord. It looks like this;
Tumblr media
Thanks to everyone who decided to read this. I apologize for the length. I apologize for ranting about all my shit. And I apologize for making another blog that didn't really amount to much. I hope you all have a lovely and blessed day. And I hope some of y'all take up my Discord offer! ❤
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