#canadian sugar refinery
fatehbaz · 1 year
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But what is more upsetting about sugar is its atrocious history. To this day, working conditions in sugar are among the world’s worst. [...] For nearly five centuries, European planters made dizzying fortunes in sugar, made possible by enslaving workers in colonized lands. [...] Canadian investors, too, have reaped massive sugar profits. During the 1700s and 1800s, most Europeans, in what is now Canada, were implicated in the transatlantic sugar and slave trades. Not only did many consume the fruits of the enslaved sugar industry — including molasses and rum, in addition to sugar, as historian Afua Cooper writes — but some also invested in Caribbean trade, itself powered by enslaved sugar work.
Several Canadian banks — including the Imperial Bank of Commerce and the Bank of Nova Scotia (now known as Scotiabank) — have their origins in the West Indies, where their forerunners established themselves early in the 19th century. According to Cooper, the Bank of Nova Scotia exists “in the shadow of West Indian slavery.”
Western Canadians have also profited from unfree sugar labour. The famed western Canadian brand, Rogers Sugar, was established by American Benjamin Tingley Rogers who moved to Canada in 1889. Having grown up in the sugar industry, Rogers had both sugar connections and expertise.
Building a refinery in Vancouver, a city newly constructed [...], Rogers created a western Canadian sugar empire — one that sourced raw sugar cane through the Pacific, refined it in British Columbia and sold it throughout the Canadian West. Railway magnate William Cornelius Van Horne, together with noted investors [...], were among the ventures’ early shareholders. By the time of his death in 1918, Rogers had become “quite wealthy.” Now owned by Lantic Inc., Rogers Sugar remains a recognized Canadian brand. Less well known, though, is Rogers Sugar’s violent past. [...]
Refined predominantly in Vancouver, Rogers Sugar was made mostly from raw cane sugar. Since sugar cane cannot grow in Canada, B.C. Sugar sourced internationally [...]. B.C. Sugar also ventured into sugar cane plantation ownership: in Fiji between 1905 and 1922, and in the Dominican Republic between 1944 and 1955. Notably, it purchased the latter from the Bank of Nova Scotia. In both cases, workers reported horrendous conditions. The pay was so low and the work was so menial in the Dominican Republic that, as historian Catherine C. Legrand points out, workers left the plantation whenever they could.
In Fiji between 1905 and 1920, B.C. Sugar employed indentured workers from India who migrated to the colony on five-year contracts. [...] Forced into hard physical labour with little time for sleep, indentured workers at B.C. Sugar’s Fiji plantation endured sickness, confinement, hunger, abuse, injuries, whippings, beatings and more [...]. When Fiji de-criminalized the desertion of indenture contracts in 1916, it is little wonder that hundreds of workers left the colony’s sugar plantations. [...]
Canadian sugar was built upon violence, including upon enslaved and indentured labour.
Images, captions, and text by: Donica Belisle. “Uncovering the violent history of the Canadian sugar industry.” The Conversation. 16 March 2023. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 years
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“Les Camionneurs Refusent Les Propositions De Cinq Compagnies,” La Presse. April 26, 1919. Page 01. ---  Ce qui s’est passé à l’assemblée d’hier après-midi au marché Bonsecours.—Déclarations du représentant Ashton, de l’Internationale et du président de la commission administrative, M. Décary. --- TOUT ESPOIR N’EST PAS PERDU --- La grèves des' camionneurs continue! Les grévistes, réunis en assemblée générale au nombre d’environ 5.000 hommes, hier aprés-midi, au marché Bonsecours. ont refusé, sans unse seule vols discordante, les propositions que cinq des plus grandes compagnies de transport leur out soumises, par l’entremise de M. E.-R. Décary, président de la commission administrative. ENCORE DE L’ESPOIR Cependant, tont espoir de voir se régler, à brève échéance, ce grave conflit dont souffre énormiment le public, n'est pas perdu. La comité des grévistes a reçu ordre de continuer ls négociations et d’arriver, si possible, à une solution satisfactiote au plus tôt. AU MARCHE BONSECOURS Dès 2 heures, hier après-midi, la vaste salle du vieux marché Bonsecours était remplie de grévistes; à la porte, un contrôle sevère empechait d’autres personnes que grévistes ou des journalistes d’entrer dans la salle.
Cependant il était 3 heures, quand M. K.-K. Décary. accompagné de MM. W.H. Ashton, Alaric, Biron et des autres membres du romité de grève, entra dans la salle. Sur unr estrade improvisée le groupe monta, et M. Alaric, l’organisateur local de l’union des camionneurs présénta M. Ashton, représentant de l’union internationable des camionneurs d’Amérique. M. ASHTON Celui-ci, dans un bref discours, exposa la situation. Il rednit hommage au dévouement de la commission administrative et à M. Décry, et déclara que le comité avat fait tout en son pouvoir pour obtenir des compagnies de transport les meilleures conditions possibles. ‘Si vous acceptez les propositions que M. Décary va vous lire, dit-il, vous reprendrez demain matin votre travail; si vous les refusez, votre comité se remettra à l’ouevre et continuera les négociations.’ Cette conclusion fut applaudie. M. E.-R. DECARY Le président de la commission administrative se leva alors, et un vif mouvement d'attention se pro-dut-it d'un bout de la salle à l’autre. Il tenait à la main une lettre  qa'il déploya lentement. M. Décary commença par dire que la tache qu’il s’était imposée, bien qu’elle fut ardue, loi avait été cependant agréable, parce qu’il avait la conscience d’avoir agi dans i'intention de ramener I’entente et l'har monie entre patrons et ouvriers, dans l'industrie du transport. Il déclara qu’un point avait été remporté imdiscutablement: c’est d’avoir voir réussi a amener les patrons à discuter avec las représentants de l'union, ce à quoi Ils s'étaient jusqu’ici formellement refusés.
LES CONDITIONS PROPOSSEES M. Décary dit ensuite qu’il avait reçu une lettre contenant des propositions formelles de la part de cinq grandes compagnies de transport: la ‘Dominion Transport’, la ‘Shedden Forwarding Co.’, le compagnie Baillargon, la ‘Meldrum Brothers’ et la compganie ‘Cunningham & Well’. Ces propositions ne visaient que la questions des salaires et étaient les suivantes: Conducteurs d’attelage simple, $18.00 par semaine; conducteur d’attelage double, $20.00; voitures de déménagement, $22.00. La journée de travail sera de dix heures et compris une heure pour les repavers midi. Pour les employés spécialistes, les conditions suivantes étaient proposés; transporteurs de pianos; homme d’arriere, $29.00 par semaine; homme de devant, $26.00; assistant, $23.00. Durant les trois semaines du déménagent général du 18 avril au 7 mai, les salaires seraient de $45.00 par l’homme de devant; $35.00 par ‘homme de derrière; $30.00 pour l’assistant. La lettre était signée par les gérants des compagnies précitées. UN REFUS CATEGORIQUE M. Décary n’avait pas encore fini la lecture de ce document qu'un grondement sinistre et de mauvais au augure pour l'acceptation de ces propoaitions, montait déjà de la foule. M. Decary prit alors son siége. De tout côtés,  on criait: “Et la reconnalssance de l’union!’ ‘Et les salaires des chauffeurs de camions automobiles!’ En effet, il n'etait fait aucune mention de ces questionss dans le lettre lue par M. Décary. Le brouhaha devint général
Tout le monde protestait. Un home, du haut d’une estrade improvisée, commença un discours. M. Alaric lui cupa la parole: ‘Nous sommes ici, cria-t-il, pour agir en hommes dd’affaires, et je pose cette question: ‘Etes-vous en faveur d’accepter les propositions qui vous sont soumises?’ - ‘Non!’ fut la réponse. Ce ‘non’ était si accentué que M. Alaric ne crut pas utile de demander si quelqu’un était en faveur d’accepter les propositions. ‘En ce cas, ajouta M. Alaric, vous voulez continuer la grève?’ - ‘Oui, oui!’ cria la foule. LES COMMENTAIRES DANS LA FOULE Cependant M Ashtonn prit la parole, et parlant à un auditoire inattentif. protesta que lul-méme et le comité allaient immédiatement se remettre au travail, et poursuivre les négociations.  M. Décary, de son coté, quitta la salle, et son départ passa inaperçu. Peu à peu la foule s’écoula de la salle. Dans la rue, des groupes se formèrent et les commentaires, sur ce qui vénait de se passer, allaient leur train. Le sentiment général était un vif et profound désappointement. Il fut annoncé que le comité se réunira ce matin à 10 hrs au Temple au Travail pour aviser à la situation.
LES MANUTENTEURS DE FRET Cependant, hier voir, à l’Assistance Publique, environ 1,500 manutenteurs de fret était assemblés sous la présidence de M. Cauchon, président du conseil fédéré des ouvriers de ce métier. MM. P.-J. Flannery, Henri Champagne, Alaric et Biron, des camionneurs adresserent la parole. M. Flannery dit qu’il avait été en communication constant, toute la journée, avec le ministre du travail, l’hon. M. Robertson, et proposa de soumettre le litige des manutenteurs à l’arbitage. Il fut décidé que se matin même, un comité des grévistes rencontrera les représentatnts des compagnies de chemins de fear, pour discuter la situation. A la sortie de la salle, ou était sous l’impression que ce différend des manutenteurs de fret sera réglé, et que, lundi matin, les manutenteurs de fret reprenddront le travail. En haut: un coin de la salle du marché Bonseccours ou se tenait la grande assemblée des grévistes, hier après-midi. En bas: deux des principaux orateurs. A gauche: M. W.-H. ASHTON, le representant de l’Internationale des Camionneurs d’Indianapolis et, à droite, M. ERNEST-R. DECARY, président de la commission administrative du Montréal.
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thisdayinwwi · 2 years
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Jul 30 1917 Near Nieuport, France, war photographer takes this photo, IWM Q 2642, of a British soldier sitting in the shell-hole in a gasometer.
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Colourised by Rui Candeias -  Bavarian Chevauleger (Light Horse Regt.) Das Pferd ist ohne Gasschutz
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Aug 2 1917 - Original
A German cavalryman wearing a gas mask and carrying a long spear or pole - from two different ages of war. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
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Aug 9 1918 Near Albert, France war photographer David McLellan takes this photo, IWM Q 9248, of a Corporal of the Tank Corps standing beside the camouflaged Mark V tank ‘J18’ of the 10th Battalion in a cornfield.
During the Battle of Amiens, 10th Battalion was attached to the III Corps.
Colourized by colourbyrjm
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Aug 27 1918 #OTD At a shell dump, war photographer Thomas Keith Aitken takes these photos of a British soldier posing with heavy shells, one of which has a chalked message ‘A Present for Jerry.’
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Horace Nicholls takes this photo, IWM Q 30040, of factory workers guiding 6-inch howitzer shells to the floor in the National Shell Filling Factory, Chilwell, Nottinghamshire. Possibly taken on Aug 21 1917-08-21 Colourized by  Tom Marshall of PhotograFixUK
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Oct 26 1917 OTD Near Dickebusch, Belgium, an Australian Official Photographer, takes this photo, AWM E01104, of 26th Battalion, Australian Imperial Force (A.I.F.) marching along a muddy traffic-congested road. Colourized by @colourisedpieceofjake
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Jul 31 1917 During the Battle of Pilckem Ridge, war photographer Ernest Brooks takes this photo, IWM Q 2636, of three Irish Guards wearing German body-armour, examining a captured German machine-gun, at Pilckem. Colourized by Leo Courvoisier.
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Oct 23 1917 Jacques Ridel takes this photo of a French Saint-Chamond tank during the Battle of La Malmaison “Ferme Mennejean, départ des chars le 23 octobre.” Ministère de la Culture (France), Médiathèque de l'architecture et du patrimoine, diffusion RMN
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Sep 4 1917 OTD Paul Castelnau takes this 104-year-old colour autochrome photos in Veurne (Furnes), Belgium. Belgique, Furnes, Officier d'ordonnance du Général Michel, A 12 905
The French Boirault Machine or landship was an experimental landship or Tank designed by French Engineer Louis Boirault a railway expert. Trials #OTD Aug 17 1916 an observor noted that it moved about 1 km/h, managed to flatten a line of barbed wire, and crossed trenches 1.8 m wide. On Aug 20 1916 General Gouraud reported that he wanted to see further trials but as new tank designs (Like the Schneider CA1 and Saint-Chamond Tanks) became available the Boirault design was abandoned.
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Sep 20 1919 New Zealand’s Observer newspaper printed that this William Blomfield cartoon was one of the most popular cartoons of WWI. Published OTD on Sep 12 1914 it shows the British Bulldog (representing the British Royal Navy) can’t get the Rat of Kiel (Imperial German Navy) to fight because it is hiding in the German Empire’s safe harbour of Kiel.
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Nov 1917 In a village near Udine, Italy, soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire checking out a captured Italian Obice da 305/17 modello 16 self-propelled heavy howitzer . Library of Congress:  Lot-7676-1-9
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Aug 3 1922 OTD Frédéric Gadmer takes these 99-year-old colour autochrome photos of a Tank next to the St-Nicolas church in Bray-sur-Somme, France. Bray-sur-Somme, France, A 33 095
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Sep 15 1916 “Canadian soldiers take cover behind a boiler as they storm the German stronghold at the sugar factory at Courcelette on 15 September 1916. Notice the close-quarters fighting, including the use of rifles, bayonets, and hand grenades.”
The Capture of the Sugar Refinery at Courcelette by the Canadians on September 15, 1916 Painted by Fortunino Matania Beaverbrook Collection of War Art CWM 19870268-001 
(Colourised by Royston Leonard from the UK)
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Richmond Times-Dispatch - Jun 17 1917 
First, there is the tremendous weight of the battleship-from 10,000 to 30,000 tons. It is difficult to conceive how any wheels could be constructed which would prevent this mighty mass from crushing down into the earth and becoming as immovable as a fort. There is, second, the fact that a ship is built for stresses in the water, and not for the gravitational pull on land. And there is, third, the fact that the battleships are armored only down to a certain part of the hull, and that the unarmored part would be vulnerable as a land boat. These objections Doctor Gernsback answers in his article in the Electrical Experimenter.
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Come on you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?
Dan Daly Jun 6 1918
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May 23 1916 #OTD A US patent, US1184078A, was granted to Charles John Cooke for a trench-warfare repeating firearm. Note the trench periscope that allows it to be fired from the safety of the trench. It is under “F41G1/40 - Periscopic sights specially adapted for smallarms or ordnance; Supports or mountings therefor”
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digitalconvo · 3 years
Sucralose Market Projected to Witness a Double-Digit CAGR During 2028
Global Sucralose Market: Snapshot
World over, low-calorie artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes have attracted the attention of worldwide populations for cutting down on calorie consumption. The reasons may be varied, any are may be interlinked. Industry search for low-calorie sweeteners have been of particular interest in reducing obesity and in the management of type 2 diabetes; both these have risen in incidence in developed and some developing nations. Sucralose has risen in popularity as a potentially attractive sweeteners, either to be consumed as standalone or in a wide variety of food and beverages products. Over the past few years, food products using sucralose has risen steadily. Sucralose has fared well as a sugar substitute in relation to its taste, texture, shelf-life, and safety profiles. The high-intensity of sweetness that sucralose has—about 600 times the natural sugar—makes it increasingly attractive in the food and beverages industry, especially in the baked good and beverages.
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The strides being witnesses by the global artificial sweetener industry is one of the key underpinnings of the rapid evolution of the sucralose market. Sucralose under different brands, most notably splenda, has spiked in consumption among adults, especially in the U.S. However, not every dynamic is favorable to the sucralose market. For instance, unlike the natural sweetener sucralose is bereft of essential nutrition. The only claim to rising popularity is perhaps is the low calorific value. Children and young adults consuming sucralose may thus be at significant health risks, contend some experts in various parts of the world.
Global Sucralose Market: Overview
Increased disposable income among expanding base of urban population is stroking the food and beverage industry, but at the same time, obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases are becoming more ubiquitous than ever before. In these times, the demand for artificial sweeteners that can adequately match the taste buds of consumers with minimal quantity is being extended by the food manufacturers. Consequently, the demand for sucralose is on the rise, as this artificial sweetener is a strong sugar substitute that is about 320 to 1,000 times sweeter than sucrose. As the awareness regarding the benefits of this sugar alternative spreads, the demand in the global sucralose market is poised to increment at a notable compound annual growth rate (CAGR) during the forecast period of 2018 to 2028.
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This business intelligence report on the sucralose market is a comprehensive assessment of the market’s current scenario as well as its figurative future prospects. The included chapters are on market introduction and executive summary, analysis of trends, drivers, and restraints, segmentations and geographical demand analysis, and competitive landscape. Overall, the report intended to aid as a business tool for its targeted audiences such as refinery owners, manufacturers and millers of sugar, farmers and raw material suppliers, commodity traders and distributors, and research organizations.
Global Sucralose Market: Trends and Opportunities
Increasing demand for dairy and bakery products as well as beverages such as cold drinks and colas are the primary drivers of the sucralose market. The artificial sugar is not only exponentially sweeter than other alternatives, it also aids to high shelf-life of the manufactured food products. Sucralose is stable under heat and also has a broad range of pH conditions, which makes it ideal for baking. When compared with other low-calorie sweeteners, sucralose has better chemical stability, offers strong taste, and is safe.
Sucralose has gained approvals for usage from a number of International and National food safety regulatory bodies including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Union’s Scientific Committee on Food, and Canadian Diabetes Association. The FDA conducted more than 110 tests to adjudge the toxic effects of sucralose over human and animals and not adverse effects were detected.
Global Sucralose Market: Market Potential
Sucralose is a no-calorie sweetener, which means it causes or assists dental cavities. This is a strong new opportunity for food and beverage producers to lure their younger customers. Sucralose ideally meets the requirements of children products such as candies, breakfast bars, and canned fruit juices and soft drinks. In addition to that, diabetic patients are opting for sucralose because it does not affect insulin levels. Some of the research studies have also stressed on the benefits of sucralose in terms of weight loss, although various others have countered that. On the back of radical rise of social media, consumers are now more informed and trying out new alternatives to traditional sugar.
Global Sucralose Market: Regional Analysis
This report has explored the demand potential of sucralose across all regions and countries, with a solitary aspiration to highlight the territories that major players can expand into and make greater profits. Some of the countries studies under this report are India, China, the U.S., the U.K., France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, South Africa, Spain, and Poland. Currently, the U.S. is dominating the demand from North America, which continues to be the key region in terms of demand potential.
Global Sucralose Market: Competitive Landscape
Niutang, Eastern Food Chem Co. Ltd., Evolva Holding, JK Sucralose, Galam Ltd., Amalgamated Sugar. Co., Nutrasweet.Co, SaIngredion Inc., and Beckmann-Kenko GmbH are some of the notable companies currently ahead of the curve in this market.
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Meena Rezkallah, P.Eng.
Nov 6
3 min read
The best Company providing Civil, Structural, Piping and Mechanical design
Updated: 4 days ago
We are an Engineering Company providing Civil, Structural, Piping and Mechanical design and detailed engineering services as well as Solar power plant design and installation services ensuring safety, accuracy, sustainability and optimized solutions. Hands on experience of Civil & Structural, Piping and Mechanical engineering design using software's like STAAD Pro, CAESAR II, Solidegde and Detailing/ Fabrication drawings using Tekla, Revit Structures, CadWorx in the following industries:
The best Company providing Civil, Structural, Piping and Mechanical design across Canada, USA, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait
Oil & Gas
Power plants
Water and Wastewater Industry
Petroleum Refineries
Steel plants
Boilers & Heaters
Chemicals / Petrochemical Plants
Fertilizer plants
Natural gas / LNG
Sugar plants
Pulp & Paper Industry
Facility Services
Infrastructural projects (Roads, Bridges & Flyovers)
On-grid / off-grid & Hybrid Solar Power plants
Commercial & Industrial buildings/sheds.
Environmental engineering works (ESR, GSR, Treatment plants)
We have grown rapidly from a Civil & Structural consultancy firm, to a private limited company in 2011, enhancing an additional competency in the field of Piping & Mechanical design & detailing since then, with a continuous growth trajectory presently comprising well experienced and trained staff of Canadian professional engineers registered in Alberta, Ontario, British Columbia, Saskatchewan. We at Meena Development LTD. nurture highest sincerity, dedication and motivation to learn, grow and serve. Our expertise is highly motivated, innovative and technological. We serve to achieve Premier Engineering Quality ensuring Human Safety, optimum Cost, on-Schedule delivery and Environmental sustainability with a focus on CLIENTS Vision, Mission, Values and needs. CLIENT Satisfaction, Enrichment and Faith are our Success, Growth and Strength.
With variety of achieved structure and variety of plant piping designs & detailing done by us for some of the leading companies in Canada, USA, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait and our credentials for an optimized design adhering to the requisite National and International Codes and Standards are amongst the reasons for us being considered the preferred partner for industrial & infrastructural projects.
Aspiring to be known as 'the best Engineering Company', we distinguish ourselves with:
Our highly motivated engineering team with zero job attrition
Innovative engineering solutions
Client-conscious approach
Quality systems and standards
Safety and environmental considerations
Commitment to cost and time schedule
We are operating from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Our innovative engineering solutions cover the entire range of services for Civil & Structural, Piping and Mechanical design and detailing.
Meena Development LTD. has a tradition of professional engineers excellence and is fully committed to safety, economy, health and environment, human right and sustainable development.
We are proficient in Piping Engineering domains like Piping Layout, Piping Stress analysis, Material and pipe Supports for critical piping systems like those connected to Steam Turbine, Gas compressor, Pump, Heat exchanger, Pressure Vessel, Storage Tank, Separator, Tower, AFC, Drum, etc. Our Licensed Professional Piping Stress Engineers have a quality and varied experience in the Oil and Gas Onshore Chemical /Natural gas / LNG / Petrochemical / Petroleum Refinery projects and Offshore Floating Production Storage, Tension Leg and fixed platforms in Indian and International markets alike. We have also dealt in for Solutions to Special scenarios in piping like Slug, Surge and Water hammer, AIV, FIV, Fatigue and Engineering for piping types like Jacketed, Underground, HDPE and GRE piping. Our Software proficiency consists of CADWORX, CAESAR II, AutoPipe, Navisworks Autocad, Inventor, Solidedge with provisions for SP3D, PDMS, PVelite.
We also provided services to some of the leading companies in Canada, USA, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait
Our core Piping & Mechanical Engineering and Detailing team has understanding of the necessary requirements of major International Design Codes like IBR, IS, ASME, CSA, API, WRC, NEMA, SNT, DNV, UBC, EN, used in Oil and Gas, Power, Chemical, Petroleum, Petrochemicals, Fertilizer and other Industries.
This division works on highly complex architectural and engineering projects, including the design and detailing of all kind of civil & structures for Process Plants, Power Plants, Oil & Gas platforms, Refineries, Chemical Plants, Steel Plants ,Waste Water Treatment Plants ,Sugar Factories, Commercial & Industrial Buildings, Infrastructural Projects etc. structures like Steel/RCC Chimneys, boiler supporting structures; Turbo Generator Foundation Design, Offshore Platforms, Material handling structures like conveyor galleries, trestles, transfer points, crusher house, roads, bridges & flyovers Shuttering design; buildings used for industrial and commercial operations, public buildings such as schools, offices, university campuses and hospitals etc.
Our Services cover complete civil & structural engineering with detailed construction/ Fabrication drawings. Our highly professional technical team has understanding of all international codes like BS, IS, ACI, AISC, ASCE, EC, API, AS, IBC, SABS etc. Our experienced team has expertise in all international design & detailing software like STAAD.Pro, Tekla, Revit structures, etc.
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
Engineering Company
Piping Engineering Company
Structural Engineering Company
Engineering Firm
Piping Engineering Firm
Structural Engineering Firm
British Columbia
Piping Engineer
Piping Stress Engineer
Structural Engineer
Meena Rezkallah
Pipe Stress Analysis Company
Pipe Stress Analysis Firm
Engineering Consultant
Pipeline Engineering Company
Pipeline Engineering Firm
Engineering Services
Engineering Consulting Services Alberta
Engineering Consulting Services British Columbia
Engineering Consulting Services Saskatchewan
Engineering Consulting Services Ontario
Engineering Consulting Services Middle East (Arabian Gulf)
Engineering Services
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network-blr · 4 years
Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market- Industry Analysis and Forecast (2019-2027) – by Type, Application, End-use Industry, and Region.
Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market was valued US$ XX Mn in 2019 and is expected to grow US$ XX Mn by 2027, at a CAGR of XX% during the forecast period.
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The report study has analyzed the revenue impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the sales revenue of market leaders, market followers, and market disrupters in the report, and the same is reflected in our analysis.
Market Definition:
Benzalkonium Chloride, also identified as alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride (ADBAC), is a type of cationic surfactant. It is used as a corrosion inhibitor in the oil & gas industry. The security factor of benzalkonium chloride leads to use in several topical and ocular products as a preservative and to optimize emollient substantively.
Market Dynamics:
The demand of Benzalkonium Chloride from developing economies, growth in industrialization, and increase in applications drives the global benzalkonium chloride market. Advanced formulations using this chemical with quaternary ammonium derivatives is expected to grow benzalkonium market and improve the efficacy of benzalkonium based disinfection products. Also, the primary companies in benzalkonium chloride production are continuously involved in developing and studying surfactant technologies to provide dynamic inclinations of a growing consumer base.
On the other hand, the health hazards related to the exposure of benzalkonium chloride, like skin irritation, eye corrosion, etc. thereby leading to dermatitis and further limiting benzalkonium chloride market growth. Long-term use of products containing such ingredients can lead to the proliferation of resistant bacteria in food processing facilities, hospitals, farms, and households, further hampering the market growth.
Market Segmentation:
By type, the benzalkonium chloride 50% segment is expected to hold the largest market share by 2027. This product finds extensive usage as a disinfectant, antiseptic, and preservative in ocular drugs because of its germicidal nature and surface cationic properties in polymerization reactions. This product shows superb anti-infective properties and makes it ideal for hygiene products. This would supplement in encouraging market growth.
The benzalkonium chloride 80% segment held the largest market share in 2018, because of its wide adoption in leather, sugar, pulp & paper, industrial water treatment, and aquaculture industries. The product's excellent antibacterial properties increase its suitability for chemical, dairy, food & beverage, household, and agriculture disinfectant products. It shows noteworthy toxicity against fungi, algae, and enveloped viruses which should increase product demand for oilfield applications.
Region-wise, the North American market is expected to hold the largest market share of the global market by 2027. The countries in this region are the U.S. and Canada. Enhanced sales opportunities for the U.S. and Canadian oil-field equipment producers together with an impending overhaul of Mexican refineries should boost North America's oil & gas market and regional industry growth as well. This product is vital in the oil and gas industry to prevent the generation of toxic hydrogen sulfide gas by microbial growth, thereby, reducing the possibility of corrosion & stress cracks and encouraging product demand.
The objective of the report is to present a comprehensive analysis of the Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market including all the stakeholders of the industry. The past and current status of the industry with forecasted market size and trends are presented in the report with the analysis of complicated data in simple language. The report covers all the aspects of the industry with a dedicated study of key players that includes market leaders, followers, and new entrants. PORTER, SVOR, PESTEL analysis with the potential impact of micro-economic factors of the market have been presented in the report. External as well as internal factors that are supposed to affect the business positively or negatively have been analyzed, which will give a clear futuristic view of the industry to the decision-makers. The report also helps in understanding Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market dynamics, structure by analyzing the market segments and project the Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market size. Clear representation of competitive analysis of key players by type, price, financial position, Product portfolio, growth strategies, and regional presence in the Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market make the report investor’s guide.
Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market Request For View Sample Report Page :@https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/65386
Scope of the Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market
Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market, By Type
• Benzalkonium Chloride 50% • Benzalkonium Chloride 80% Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market, By Application
• Biocide o Eye & Ear Nasal Drops o Hand Sanitizers o Shampoos • Disinfectants o Spermicidal Creams o Cationic surfactant o Water Treatment • Oil and Gas o Horticulture and Household o Phase Transfer Agent o Organic Compounds o Drugs Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market, By End-use Industry
• Oil and Gas • Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics • Chemical • Aquaculture • Timber Protection • Paper and Pulp • Textile • Leather Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market, By Region
• North America • Europe • Asia Pacific • Middle East & Africa • South America Key players operating in the Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market
• Kao • Quat-chem • Novo Nordisk pharmatech • Stepan • Aarti Industries Ltd • Boke Water treatment • Delta Chemsol • Noida Chemical • Ava Chemicals Private Limited • Premier Group of Industries • Innova Corporate
Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market Do Inquiry Before Purchasing Report Here @ :https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/inquiry-before-buying/65386
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Maximize Market Research provides B2B and B2C market research on 20,000 high growth emerging technologies & opportunities in Chemical, Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Electronics & Communications, Internet of Things, Food and Beverages, Aerospace and Defense and other manufacturing sectors.
Contact info: Name: Vikas Godage Organization: Maximize Market Research Pvt.Ltd.Pune Email: [email protected] Contact: +919607065656 / +919607195908 Website:www.maximizemarketresearch.com
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maximizenetwork · 4 years
Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market: Industry Analysis and Forecast (2019–2027)
Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market was valued US$ XX Mn in 2019 and is expected to grow US$ XX Mn by 2027, at a CAGR of XX% during the forecast period.
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The report study has analyzed the revenue impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the sales revenue of market leaders, market followers, and market disrupters in the report, and the same is reflected in our analysis.
Market Definition:
Benzalkonium Chloride, also identified as alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride (ADBAC), is a type of cationic surfactant. It is used as a corrosion inhibitor in the oil & gas industry. The security factor of benzalkonium chloride leads to use in several topical and ocular products as a preservative and to optimize emollient substantively.
Market Dynamics:
The demand of Benzalkonium Chloride from developing economies, growth in industrialization, and increase in applications drives the global benzalkonium chloride market. Advanced formulations using this chemical with quaternary ammonium derivatives is expected to grow benzalkonium market and improve the efficacy of benzalkonium based disinfection products. Also, the primary companies in benzalkonium chloride production are continuously involved in developing and studying surfactant technologies to provide dynamic inclinations of a growing consumer base.
On the other hand, the health hazards related to the exposure of benzalkonium chloride, like skin irritation, eye corrosion, etc. thereby leading to dermatitis and further limiting benzalkonium chloride market growth. Long-term use of products containing such ingredients can lead to the proliferation of resistant bacteria in food processing facilities, hospitals, farms, and households, further hampering the market growth.
Market Segmentation:
By type, the benzalkonium chloride 50% segment is expected to hold the largest market share by 2027. This product finds extensive usage as a disinfectant, antiseptic, and preservative in ocular drugs because of its germicidal nature and surface cationic properties in polymerization reactions. This product shows superb anti-infective properties and makes it ideal for hygiene products. This would supplement in encouraging market growth.
The benzalkonium chloride 80% segment held the largest market share in 2018, because of its wide adoption in leather, sugar, pulp & paper, industrial water treatment, and aquaculture industries. The product’s excellent antibacterial properties increase its suitability for chemical, dairy, food & beverage, household, and agriculture disinfectant products. It shows noteworthy toxicity against fungi, algae, and enveloped viruses which should increase product demand for oilfield applications.
Region-wise, the North American market is expected to hold the largest market share of the global market by 2027. The countries in this region are the U.S. and Canada. Enhanced sales opportunities for the U.S. and Canadian oil-field equipment producers together with an impending overhaul of Mexican refineries should boost North America’s oil & gas market and regional industry growth as well. This product is vital in the oil and gas industry to prevent the generation of toxic hydrogen sulfide gas by microbial growth, thereby, reducing the possibility of corrosion & stress cracks and encouraging product demand.
The objective of the report is to present a comprehensive analysis of the Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market including all the stakeholders of the industry. The past and current status of the industry with forecasted market size and trends are presented in the report with the analysis of complicated data in simple language. The report covers all the aspects of the industry with a dedicated study of key players that includes market leaders, followers, and new entrants. PORTER, SVOR, PESTEL analysis with the potential impact of micro-economic factors of the market have been presented in the report. External as well as internal factors that are supposed to affect the business positively or negatively have been analyzed, which will give a clear futuristic view of the industry to the decision-makers. The report also helps in understanding Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market dynamics, structure by analyzing the market segments and project the Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market size. Clear representation of competitive analysis of key players by type, price, financial position, Product portfolio, growth strategies, and regional presence in the Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market make the report investor’s guide.
Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market Request For Sample Page @ : https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/65386
Scope of the Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market
Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market, By Type
• Benzalkonium Chloride 50% • Benzalkonium Chloride 80% Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market, By Application
• Biocide o Eye & Ear Nasal Drops o Hand Sanitizers o Shampoos • Disinfectants o Spermicidal Creams o Cationic surfactant o Water Treatment • Oil and Gas o Horticulture and Household o Phase Transfer Agent o Organic Compounds o Drugs Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market, By End-use Industry
• Oil and Gas • Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics • Chemical • Aquaculture • Timber Protection • Paper and Pulp • Textile • Leather Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market, By Region
• North America • Europe • Asia Pacific • Middle East & Africa • South America Key players operating in the Global Benzalkonium Chloride Market
• Kao • Quat-chem • Novo Nordisk pharmatech • Stepan • Aarti Industries Ltd • Boke Water treatment • Delta Chemsol • Noida Chemical • Ava Chemicals Private Limited • Premier Group of Industries • Innova Corporate
About Us: Maximize Market Research provides B2B and B2C market research on 20,000 high growth emerging technologies & opportunities in Chemical, Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Electronics & Communications, Internet of Things, Food and Beverages, Aerospace and Defense and other manufacturing sectors.
Contact info: Name: Vikas Godage Organization: MAXIMIZE MARKET RESEARCH PVT. LTD. Email: [email protected] Website:www.maximizemarketresearch.com
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Sucralose Market – Overview On Diversified Scope 2028
Global Sucralose Market: Overview
Increased disposable income among expanding base of urban population is stroking the food and beverage industry, but at the same time, obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases are becoming more ubiquitous than ever before. In these times, the demand for artificial sweeteners that can adequately match the taste buds of consumers with minimal quantity is being extended by the food manufacturers. Consequently, the demand for sucralose is on the rise, as this artificial sweetener is a strong sugar substitute that is about 320 to 1,000 times sweeter than sucrose. As the awareness regarding the benefits of this sugar alternative spreads, the demand in the global sucralose market is poised to increment at a notable compound annual growth rate (CAGR) during the forecast period of 2018 to 2028.
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This business intelligence report on the sucralose market is a comprehensive assessment of the market’s current scenario as well as its figurative future prospects. The included chapters are on market introduction and executive summary, analysis of trends, drivers, and restraints, segmentations and geographical demand analysis, and competitive landscape. Overall, the report intended to aid as a business tool for its targeted audiences such as refinery owners, manufacturers and millers of sugar, farmers and raw material suppliers, commodity traders and distributors, and research organizations.
Global Sucralose Market: Trends and Opportunities
Increasing demand for dairy and bakery products as well as beverages such as cold drinks and colas are the primary drivers of the sucralose market. The artificial sugar is not only exponentially sweeter than other alternatives, it also aids to high shelf-life of the manufactured food products. Sucralose is stable under heat and also has a broad range of pH conditions, which makes it ideal for baking. When compared with other low-calorie sweeteners, sucralose has better chemical stability, offers strong taste, and is safe.
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Sucralose has gained approvals for usage from a number of International and National food safety regulatory bodies including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Union’s Scientific Committee on Food, and Canadian Diabetes Association. The FDA conducted more than 110 tests to adjudge the toxic effects of sucralose over human and animals and not adverse effects were detected.
Global Sucralose Market: Market Potential
Sucralose is a no-calorie sweetener, which means it causes or assists dental cavities. This is a strong new opportunity for food and beverage producers to lure their younger customers. Sucralose ideally meets the requirements of children products such as candies, breakfast bars, and canned fruit juices and soft drinks. In addition to that, diabetic patients are opting for sucralose because it does not affect insulin levels. Some of the research studies have also stressed on the benefits of sucralose in terms of weight loss, although various others have countered that. On the back of radical rise of social media, consumers are now more informed and trying out new alternatives to traditional sugar.
Global Sucralose Market: Regional Analysis
This report has explored the demand potential of sucralose across all regions and countries, with a solitary aspiration to highlight the territories that major players can expand into and make greater profits. Some of the countries studies under this report are India, China, the U.S., the U.K., France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, South Africa, Spain, and Poland. Currently, the U.S. is dominating the demand from North America, which continues to be the key region in terms of demand potential.
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Global Sucralose Market: Competitive Landscape
Niutang, Eastern Food Chem Co. Ltd., Evolva Holding, JK Sucralose, Galam Ltd., Amalgamated Sugar. Co., http://Nutrasweet.Co, SaIngredion Inc., and Beckmann-Kenko GmbH are some of the notable companies currently ahead of the curve in this market.
About TMR Research
TMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in today’s supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients’ conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.
TMR Research,
3739 Balboa St # 1097,
San Francisco, CA 94121
United States
Tel: +1-415-520-1050
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Sucralose Market - In-Depth Analysis & Forecast 2018-2028
Global Sucralose Market: Overview
Increased disposable income among expanding base of urban population is stroking the food and beverage industry, but at the same time, obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases are becoming more ubiquitous than ever before. In these times, the demand for artificial sweeteners that can adequately match the taste buds of consumers with minimal quantity is being extended by the food manufacturers. Consequently, the demand for sucralose is on the rise, as this artificial sweetener is a strong sugar substitute that is about 320 to 1,000 times sweeter than sucrose. As the awareness regarding the benefits of this sugar alternative spreads, the demand in the global sucralose market is poised to increment at a notable compound annual growth rate (CAGR) during the forecast period of 2018 to 2028.
This business intelligence report on the sucralose market is a comprehensive assessment of the market’s current scenario as well as its figurative future prospects. The included chapters are on market introduction and executive summary, analysis of trends, drivers, and restraints, segmentations and geographical demand analysis, and competitive landscape. Overall, the report intended to aid as a business tool for its targeted audiences such as refinery owners, manufacturers and millers of sugar, farmers and raw material suppliers, commodity traders and distributors, and research organizations.
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Global Sucralose Market: Trends and Opportunities
Increasing demand for dairy and bakery products as well as beverages such as cold drinks and colas are the primary drivers of the sucralose market. The artificial sugar is not only exponentially sweeter than other alternatives, it also aids to high shelf-life of the manufactured food products. Sucralose is stable under heat and also has a broad range of pH conditions, which makes it ideal for baking. When compared with other low-calorie sweeteners, sucralose has better chemical stability, offers strong taste, and is safe.
Sucralose has gained approvals for usage from a number of International and National food safety regulatory bodies including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Union’s Scientific Committee on Food, and Canadian Diabetes Association. The FDA conducted more than 110 tests to adjudge the toxic effects of sucralose over human and animals and not adverse effects were detected.
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Global Sucralose Market: Market Potential
Sucralose is a no-calorie sweetener, which means it causes or assists dental cavities. This is a strong new opportunity for food and beverage producers to lure their younger customers. Sucralose ideally meets the requirements of children products such as candies, breakfast bars, and canned fruit juices and soft drinks. In addition to that, diabetic patients are opting for sucralose because it does not affect insulin levels. Some of the research studies have also stressed on the benefits of sucralose in terms of weight loss, although various others have countered that. On the back of radical rise of social media, consumers are now more informed and trying out new alternatives to traditional sugar.
Global Sucralose Market: Regional Analysis
This report has explored the demand potential of sucralose across all regions and countries, with a solitary aspiration to highlight the territories that major players can expand into and make greater profits. Some of the countries studies under this report are India, China, the U.S., the U.K., France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, South Africa, Spain, and Poland. Currently, the U.S. is dominating the demand from North America, which continues to be the key region in terms of demand potential.
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Global Sucralose Market: Competitive Landscape
Niutang, Eastern Food Chem Co. Ltd., Evolva Holding, JK Sucralose, Galam Ltd., Amalgamated Sugar. Co., Nutrasweet.Co, SaIngredion Inc., and Beckmann-Kenko GmbH are some of the notable companies currently ahead of the curve in this market.
About TMR Research
TMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in today’s supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients’ conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.
TMR Research,
3739 Balboa St # 1097,
San Francisco, CA 94121
United States
Tel: +1-415-520-1050
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Keeping His Memories Alive: RANDOLPH HOPE
February is Black History Month, a time to celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Black Canadians, past and present. Randolph Hope was one of many who served his country in the Second World War, as part of the Canadian Merchant Navy. While many Black Canadians were subjected to discrimination at the time, Mr. Hope explains that he was spared this experience, which he attributed to the environment of camaraderie and threat of danger on the ships.
Mr. Hope has reached hundreds of Canadians through his story of military service on The Memory Project’s online archive. This transcript has been edited for clarity. His audio interview is available on The Memory Project website.
 I first joined the merchant marines, it was in 1944. And what happened, I was working in the sugar refinery down here and we used to go up at dinnertime and have a lunch break. So well, the sugar refinery sat right by the wharf there; it was a big company, big building by the wharf. And the boats used to come in there and tie up. I was up there one day, on the roof, looking out at the ships coming in; and I said to one of the fellows that was with me, I think his name was Fred McIntyre, I said, “Fred, you know, I think I’ll go and try to join one of them ships and see the world.”
When I joined the ship, we had what they called DEMS [Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships]. [On] these DEMS, we had Oerlikon guns [anti-aircraft and anti-submarine autocannon] and [M2] Twin Brownings [anti-aircraft heavy machine guns]. And they were there to protect our ship. Now, our ship also carried torpedo nets to protect us in case the Germans or Japanese fired torpedoes at us. Those were no help because the person would just blow the net wide open and come on in. It just gave us false security. You say, oh boy, you know.
It’s just like [Winston] Churchill said: if they had have stopped the merchant navy, most likely Germany would have won the war. And that is true, because we took light ammunition, the food and everything else. And you know, and not only that, but we supplied food and stuff to Russia on our Murmansk Run. If you could have stopped the merchant ships going to England, they’d have won the war.
I remember I was in Liverpool and the American army coloured guys were there and their army was all discriminatory. And that didn’t stop until I got into Labrador here in 1951, I think. That’s a question a guy asked me when I was up on the [Parliament] Hill there. You know, one of them politicians. They said, “Did you ever run into any discrimination in the merchant navy?” I said, “I’ll tell you this.” I said, “When you’re on a ship, everybody don’t look at your skin, they don’t look at it.” When a ship got torpedoed and you’re on a life raft or on a boat, and the guy happened to come up and if he was black or French or whatever, and you reach down to help him out of the water, you don’t say to him, oh, I’m not going to get him up, he’s not one of us. No. There was no discrimination. We were a real tight group of people. And that’s the way it always remained all through the war. And that’s what I liked about it.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 years
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“Le Nombre Approximatif Des Grevistes Est De 12,000 - La Situation S’Aggrave Encore,” La Presse. April 24, 1919. Page 01. --- Environ 4,000 manutenteurs de fret se joignent aux camionneurs et le conflit devient général chez les employés de la “Canada Sugar Co.’ —Les chefs en conciliabule --- ON PARLE DE GREVE GENERALE --- Les grévistes aux abords du Temple du Travail. — Plus de 400 patrons ont signé le contrat de l’union. — Des statistiques officielles touchant le conflit. --- La situation s’est encore aggravée, depuis hier, pour la grève des camionneurs. Deux nouvelles grèves, celle des manutenteurs de fret, commis des offices et autres employés des gares de chemins de fer, ont été déclarées ce matin. La première affecte directement environ 4,000 hommes, et la seconde, de 200 à 300 hommes. De plus, la grève des employés des usines à sucre de la “Canada Sugar Refinery Co.”, à la Pointe Saint-fharles s’est étendue et est générale, ce matin. Enfin, un orateur, en parlant, ce matin, à une assemblée des grévistes de l'usine à sucre, a déclaré publiquement que. cet après-midi, les employés de la “Saint-Lawrence Sugar” à Maisonneuve, devaient s’assembler, cette après-midi, pour considérer la situation. Le nombre approximatif des grévistes est de 12,000. LES CHEFS EN CONCILIABULE Il n’y a eu aucune assemblée publique, ce matin, pour les grévistes, au Temple du Travail. Les dirigeants de la grève, MM. Alarie. Ashton et Flannery ont tenu un conciliabule secret, duquel rien n’avait encore transpiré, à midi. De plus, MM. Alarie et Biron ont passé une partie de la matinée à la Pour du recorder, où les grévistes, qui furent arrêtés hier, ont comparu. LES MANUTENTEURS DE FRET De son côté, le conseil fédéré des manutenteurs de fret, qui a lancé l’ordre de grève générale, cette nuit, s’est réuni, aux quartiers généraux des employés de tramways, pour aviser à la situation. Le comité a reçu de nombreux télégrammes venant des unions affiliées des manutenteurs de fret et employés des gares, de Toronto, et des autres parties du Canada. On demande. généralement, dans ces télégrammes, des informations en même temps que les unions offrent de déclarer la grève de sympathie, si le besoin s’en fait sentir. Le comité a donné confirmation aux journalistes que tout le trafic, aux gares des chemins de fer et aux entrepotss, est pratiquement nul, depuis ce matin. LES STATISTIQUES OFFICIELLES Aux abords du Temple du Travail, la pluie qui est tombée, toute la matinée, a eu pour effet, de rendre la foule des grévistes. moins compacte. Cependant, un nombre considérable de patrons et d’ouvriers non-unionistes faisaient queue, à la porte de la salle où le comité de grève a installé son bureau. Nombre de patrons, mais en général, des marchands de charbon, venaient signer le contrat proposé par l’union, tandis que les ouvriers venaient demander le bouton-insigne de l'union des camionneurs. Le comité de grève a déclaré que le nombre des patrons ayant signé le contrat, dépasse maintenant 100, et que les camionneurs, hommes des écuries, et chauffeurs de camions automobiles. qui sont inscrits sur les registres de l’union est de 6,500. Avec les 4.000 manutenteurs de fret, employés des gares, qui se sont mis en grève se matin, ainsi que les employés des sucreries et les peintres, on peut dire que le nombre des grévistes, ce matin, était de 12,000. RUMEUR DE GREVE GENERALE A la dernière minute, la rumeur circule au Temple du Travail. qu’une proposition de grève générale, serait faite, ce soir, même au comité exécutif du conseil des métiers eu du travail, lequel se réunit, aux quartiers des unions ouvrières, 117 Ontario est. UNE VIVE AGITATION Lu plus vive agitation qui se soit encore manifestée parmi les grévistes, depuis le commencement du conflit, a régné toute la soirée, et une grande partie de la nuit hier, aux abords du Temple du Travail.  Des bruits contradictoires circulaient qui mettaient tous les esprits en émoi. La nouvelle que sir Lomer Gouin, premier ministre de la province de Québec, se disposait â intervenir, fut accueillie sans enthousiasme. D'ailleurs, en général, on n'y croyait pas. Mais l'agitation fut à son comble quand on apprit, soudain que la compagnie J.-B. Bailargeon demandait à parlementer, avec ses employés seulement et non avec les officiers de l’union. RECONNAITRE L'UNION Des orateurs montérent alors sur le balcon du Temple du Travail et de là, se fairent à haranguer la foule: "La compagnie Baiilargeon veut traiter avec se* propres employés, et passer avec eux un contrat individuel’’, dirent-ils. Ils  protestèrent contre ce qu'ils appelèrent un attentat contre l'existence de l'union. Séance tenante. Il fut décidé que les unionistes devaient prendre les moyens d'empéeher aucune entrevue d'avoir liée entre les officiers de la compagnie et leurs employée "Nous ne voulons pas signer de contrats Individuels, criaient les orateurs, mais des contrats collectifs. Il faut que les patrons reconnaissent l’union.” LEGERE ECHAUFFOUREE Il était à ce moment un peu plus de sept heures. Des centaines de  grévistes se portèrent immédiatement, sur la rue Ontario, et leur foule obstrua vite tous les abords du vaste établissement de la compagnle Baillargeon. A peine une  quinzaine d'employés, dit-on. parvinrent à pénétrer dans le* bureaux de la compagnie. A ce moment, une escouade de pollciers, d’environ cinquante hommes apparut. La police ordonna de circuler. Des bouscalades se produisirent entre agents et grévistes. Cependant, la foule, qui était considérablement grossie d'un grand nombre de curieux, finit par se disperser peu â peu; les grévistes, en rangs, firent le tour de l’établissement Baillargeon, par les rues Saint-Hubert, Sherbrooke et Saint-Denis, et peu à peu dlsparurent. Vers 9 heures 10, le quartier  avait repris son calme habituel. On n’a signalé aucun dommage à la propriété. UNE NOUVELLE GREVE Cependant, au Temple du Travail, la foule ne diminuait pas. Vera 9 heures, la rumeur se répandit, qui fut bientot confirmée, que le conseil fédéré des manutenteurs de fret, en séance à la salle des déberdeurs, coin des rues Champs de Mars et Berri venait de lancer un ordre de grève générale, par sympathie pour les camionneurs. Les manutenteurs de fret, commis d’offices et employés des gares, font, en effet partie de la même fédération que les camionneurs. Le bruit se répandit aussi que les employés de tramways étaient représentés à cette union par un de leurs officiers qui fut l’un des organisateurs les plus actifs des manutenteurs de fret en union.
Cette nouvelle qu’une grève allait être déclarée, le lendemain matin, fut accueillié par des ‘hourrahs’ et des applaudissements prolongés. Puis, peu à peu, la foule s’écoula et vers 11h00 p.m. les abords du Temple du Travail, se trouvaient déserts. Caption: Une Scene Au Temple Du Travail
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 years
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“La Situation,” Le Devoir. April 24, 1919. Page 03. --- UNE GRÈVE DE LA POLICE ---- On rapporte que les hommes de police menacent de faire la grève lundi si on ne leur accorde pas double paie pour le travail surnuméraire qu’ils ont à accomplir actuellement. --- Sont actuellement en grève: LES CAMIONNEURS; LES MANUTENTEURS DE FRET; LES CHAPELIERS; LES EMPLOYES DE LA CANADA SUGAR. Menacent de faire la grève Aujourd'hui: LES EMPLOYES DES ENTREPOTS DE PAPIER; LES PEINTRES; LES EMPLOYES DE LA RAFFINERIE DE SUCRE DE MAISONNEUVE; Demain: LES CASQUETTIERS; Lundi: LES POLICIERS.      
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 years
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“DIX MILLE HOMMES SONT EN GREVE,” Le Devoir. April 24, 1919. Page 02. --- La situation s’aggrave de plus en plus — Commerce paralysé — Quatre mille déchargeurs de fret ont abandonné aujourd’hui leur travail par sympathie pour les camionneurs — La destitution du président de l’union locale met le feu aux poudres — Huit cents sucriers en grève — Les camionneurs font des leurs. --- Les rangs des grévistes se grossissent tous les jours de nouvelles recrues. Aujourd’hui, quatre mille  déchargeurs de fret, employés aux termini des chemins de fer et dans le port, ne reprendront point leur travail, ayant décidé, hier soir, de se mettre en grève, par sympathie pour les camionneurs. Cette nouvelle grève, qui porte à 18,000 le nombre des chômeurs volontaires à Montréal, se faisait menaçante depuis deux jours; elle s'est déclenchée promptement, hier soir, à la suite du renvoi de M. I. McGlynn, président de l’union locale et vice-président de la fédération internationalle des déchargeurs. M. McGlynn aurait refusé de travailler sous une escorte de la police, à cause des camionneurs en grève, et ses patrons Font renvoyé immédiatement. Ce départ a mis le feu aux poudres; aussitôt tous les membres de l’union locale se sont réunis et ont résolu de déclarer la grève afin de réclamer la réinstallation de leur président et une augmentation de salaires. 
La situation s’aggrave de plus en plus; le commerce sera pratiquement paralysé aujourd’hui et la congestion des marchandises amè­nera des complications sérieuses d’ici à quelques jours, si le gou­vernement fédéral n’intervient pas directement. 
Les administrateurs de la ville renouvellent constamment leurs tentatives pour ramener les deux parties à s’entendre. Hier, ils ont entretenu tour à tour les représentants des compagnies de transport et desmaitres-charretiers et ceux des grévistes eux-mêmes, ainsi que MM. Foster et Francq, délégués officiels du Conseil des Métiers et du Travail. 
Tous ces efforts vont probablement aboutir à des pourparlers entre les grévistes et les patrons. Le sous-ministre du travail, à Ottawa, a communiqué, hier, avec les unionistes en grève, au Temple du travail, afin de se tenir directe ­ ment au courant de la situation. 
LE VENT EST A LA GREVE Le malaise qui agite aujourd'hui la classe ouvrière, à la suite de ces grèves répétées, menace d’amener des commotions plus sérieuses. Déjà, huit cents employés de la compagnie Canadian Sugar Refinery ont quitté l’ouvrage, réclamant 40 sous de l’heure; en plus, les peintres décorateurs vont déclaré la grève, dès aujourd’hui, si leurs patrons ne leur accordent point l’aug­mentation qu’ils réclament. Par ailleurs. quatre chapeliers chôment depuis deux jours. Les cuisiniers s’agitent de leur côté, puisque leurs griefs n’ont jamais été redressés de ­puis qu'ils ont repris leur besogne il y a quinze jours. 
LE FOND DE PROBLEME. Tout le problème, avec ses conséquentes malheureuses, repose, semble-t-il, sur le principe de la reconnaissance des unions; c’est le mobile qui a déterminé les déchargeurs de fret à se mettre en grève et c’est celui qui inspire les autres  unionistes à sympathiser avec eux.    Les camionneurs en grève ont commis des excès que les chefs unionistes réprouvent tout à fait; mais ces derniers ferment les yeux sur leurs torts, lorsqu’ils voient les patrons fortement opposés aux unions internationales comme telles.   
M. J.-B. Baillargeon, niaitre-charretier, a cherché à s’entendre avec ses hommes; il leur a proposé de former une union indépendante, dont il s’engageait à respecter les volontés dans les bornes du juste raisonnable; il leur a même offert de verser $5,000 dans la caisse île l’union de ses employés. Mais tout a été refusé. M. P. I. Flannery, organisateur de la grève et l’un des chefs de l'internationalisme et de la Fédération américaine du Travail, a déclaré, hier soir, que les patrons, en refusant de reconnaître les unions de leurs employés, repoussaient l’un des meilleurs remèdes au bol­chevisme.  “Des ouvriers bien fruités, contents de leur sort, groupés en syndicats bien organisés, vont disposer d’eux-mêmes de l’élément extrémiste du pays, si l’on veut bien leur en donner l’occasion; mais si on les ignore, eh bien! leur colère les acheminera vers le bol­chevisme.” “Le travail syndiqué, a-t-il ajou­té en faisant allusion aux l.W.W. (Industrial Workers of the World). ne cherche point à abattre le capital. Nous constatons que le capital est aussi nécessaire dans le monde que le travail; niais ce que les ou­vriers exigent, c’est une part légitime des profits de leur travail. Et à cela nous y tenons.” LES CAMIONNEURS FONT DES LEURS Les grévistes sc sont encore attaqués à de pauvres charretiers sans défense, étrangers tout à fait à leur mouvement et à leur cause, dependant, ils apportent maintenant moins de violence dans leurs manifestations. Les agents de police ont,opéré dans la soirée l’arrestation de quatre grévistes parmi les turbulents trois sous l’accusation de cherche à intimider leurs compagnons de travail, et le quatrième, parce qu'il causait du désordre dans la rue. Les chômeurs en veulent surtout aux charretiers des compagnies d’utilité publique, comme la “Montreal Dairy”, la “ City Ice” et autres, parce que ces derniers refusent le sympathiser avec eux. Ils ont arrêté hier plusieurs voitures de la “City Ice ” et de la Cie “Shinnick Express”, qui faisaient la livraison de la glace, et ils ont moleste aussi les livreurs de lait de la “Montreal Dairy”. Le Temple du travail regorge de grévistes et la rue Saint-Dominique est entièrement bouchée; des agents font le service d’ordre rue Dorchester, empêchant les voitures de monter rue Saint-Dominique. Les chefs grévistes sont constamment occupés à fournir des passe ­ ports et des boutons-insignes à leurs gens; le nombre des camionneurs en grève dépasse mainlenant le chiffre de 6,000.     
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thisdayinwwi · 5 years
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Sep 15 1916 “Canadian soldiers take cover behind a boiler as they storm the German stronghold at the sugar factory at Courcelette on 15 September 1916. Notice the close-quarters fighting, including the use of rifles, bayonets, and hand grenades.”
The Capture of the Sugar Refinery at Courcelette by the Canadians on September 15, 1916 Painted by Fortunino Matania Beaverbrook Collection of War Art CWM 19870268-001
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 6 years
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Pierre Gaudard, Redpath Strike (church basement), Pointe Saint-Charles, Montreal, Quebec. Gelatin silver print photograph, 1969.  Canadian Photography Institute, National Gallery of Canada. Purchased 1971. Accession number: 71-2151
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