#strike wave
jicklet · 11 months
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Ember and Wade in Elemental (2023)
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commsroom · 4 months
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... which oblivion has not yet swallowed up and buried. 🌊 (art by @hehearse, who is always wonderful.)
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boringsideeffect · 8 months
today i’m thinking about how every time Cabeswater protected Adam, it was, by extension, Ronan protecting him.
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oceans-swim · 1 month
my dbd hot take is like. edwin isn't repressed . like yeah he's not the greatest at romance but like?? he has Stated when he's "had enough emotions for one day" like he may not be all that expressive but he lets himself feel emotion, process it, and move on like he fully recognizes his own jealousy and does not lash out when people help him figure shit out and again, Communicates
charles on the other hand
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justablah56 · 3 months
they should . invent a back that doesn't hurt .
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monstrouscrew · 4 months
when being held is the highest form of blessing
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(ID in the alt text)
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flamingfalcon3 · 6 months
I wanna know how long she was talking for 😭
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multiscales · 2 years
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foxskip · 1 year
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Hello tonight was a fun time. :)
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etchedstars · 1 year
concept: fic based off the concept of "id find you in every life," written by seven different authors each depicting seven different time periods or situations
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snug-gyu · 4 months
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sobecomesomethingelse · 8 months
it’s the end of a very long week at my corporate job and i am holding paige gently in my arms because i know what it’s like to be a cog in a machine that doesn’t care that you exist, that ultimately doesn’t care at all that you’re a human being, because as an employee, no matter how well loved you are by the people around you, you’re either the answer to a problem that needs to be solved or you are a problem that needs to be solved
and the gears of the machine will break every shred of stability you’ve tried to gather carefully around yourself over the years into rubble the moment you become a problem
and once it’s done, and the core routine of your life has been destroyed and the bonsai shape you’ve forced your habits and so very many days of your one precious life into for them has been rendered obsolete, once you have been discarded, afterwards the leadership you worked so hard for will sit back and call it a good day’s work
and i know too how the screws holding you in your place feel so different, so much tighter when your life doesn’t have any other stable anchor, when the job you do is the one tenuous lifeline you’ve been able to grab ahold of in the vast dark sea of adulthood responsibilities that the neglected child inherits, and you have to pretend, day after day after day in the cool air conditioning of your office building or your work from home space, as the seasons go by on the other side of the windows, that the job is a choice
i do, for what it’s worth, hate myself a little bit for knowing that i also wouldn’t have stepped forward at the sacrifice. what good would it have done? a moment of struggle, of defiance, ending in one more body up in flames in the name of progress
but i’ll tell you something else
and that’s what happens when you trap people, reasonably intelligent and capable human beings who would if circumstances were otherwise be good people, in situations where they can’t go on ignoring the monumental, meaningless cruelty of this horrible thing we’re trapped inside of
if you push your people far enough
something new begins
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trainingdummyrabbit · 1 month
haiii hiii :]!!!!! i justwoke up and idk if you still take these but
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whatdo we think about. the laetitia angie :]
Design- easily one of the cutest designs in the whole roster adn like. well fuckin yeah of course, its laetitia's. iam always a sucker for stupidly oversized bells. also im not entirely sure where the lighting effects stem from or why, but they are Verrrry very charming. reminds me kind of a kids scribbly crayon drawing, affectionately :] she seems to mostly just be In Laetitia's Outfit, which i cant complain too much about. im afraid i dont quite understand what The Goop on her dress and hat is? but perhaps it is just Ambient Goop of the Violence Variety. good for her, honestly. th extra eyes on the dress is a verrrry good look to add to th mild unsettling thread of her whole thing.
Theme- ill be honest, laetitas actually one of the abnos i think ive got th weakest understanding of, comparatively speaking. i get a lot of surface level stuff, but actually digging in is a different story.. ''> > angelas throughline stems from the desire for connection and belonging-- and the odd doll-like look really pushes this home. though, with the way her dialogue is pitched, i cant help but wonder if she herself sees the Others as the dolls, rather than herself. "Just what compelled me to bring you lot along, I must wonder. I couldn’t simply leave you all to rot…" in the same way one would pick up an old lost toy on the road. (thinks about that...) something about trying to act the part and hold up that dance of amicability, to help soothe the people she cares about, only for it to tumble to pieces, inevitably, due to who and what it is she must be. but the line that sticks out most to me is the "Was it due to loneliness? I thought I never had attachment to such a feeling." i dont quite have the mind to draw a conclusion from it, but the entirety of her paints a very vivid picture im not quite sure i can piece together just yet. something very melancholic about the way she presents herself, which is interesting coming from laetitia. idk.
in conclusion, girl what did u Mean by this. what did she mean by this, specifically. i need t chew on it more. all in all a very very good amnge, i shrimply think that if you poked her i think shed make a squeaker toy sound. superb..
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viksalos · 1 year
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Diamanda Galás photographed by Austin Young, 2023
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dontvap0rdawave · 1 year
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Pink n Blue, Page 112
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formerchaoslord · 2 months
It's been a while since he was captured by this strange people, he even couldn't move him own limbs every time trying to move ends with horrible pains what that person done to him. Upon hearing the battle near he could only say with a low wick voice. "H...Help me ... it hurts." (For Gunvolt)
After Elise freed Roy from Asimov's grasp, she and the others tried their best to help him.
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"His body is still trying to adjust to his new Adept powers..."
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"How long must he be in pain like this?!"
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"The time varies depending on the individual. Some of the people who were experimented on didn't even service the procedure..."
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"Are you telling me Roy is going to die...?!"
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"No, he should be fine. The fact that he held up for this long is a good sign that he's going to make it. All that's left is for his body to adjust to being an Adept..."
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"Oh... Well, I'm glad he's going to make it, but I don't want to watch him suffer like this..."
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"I'll try healing him to reduce the pain. Roll, Meddy, Atoli, may I have your assistance, please?"
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"Yes, of course."
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"Please, feel better, Roy. LaPha Repth!"
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"I hope this helps, Roy. Recovery 300!"
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"Don't leave us out. I know we're new here, but we can lend a hand. ToadMan, give Roy a Healing Song."
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"You got it, Ribbita. Ribbit, ribbit."
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"Roy...Once you've adjusted to being an Adept, let me train you. I'll help you control your new powers..."
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"Normally, I'd object since training Roy is my job... But since you're an artificial Adept yourself, you're the best option to help him with this, Gunvolt."
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"Um... I'd like to help, too... I may not be an artificial Adept like you, Gunvolt, but I'm still an Adept."
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"I'd appreciate the help, Elise. Thank you."
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"You're welcome... Um... This is all alright with you, right Luna?"
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"Like I'd object to you helping someone! Go ahead, Elise. Do everything you can to help the Edgelord's apprentice."
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"What was that? Did you just 'thank' me, Edgelord? Can I hear that again?"
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"Don't push it, Drill Hair!"
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"I was joking... But in all seriousness, Solo... We'll do everything we can to help Roy. I promise."
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"...I'll hold you and everyone else to it, then. Take good care of him."
Solo walked off after that. The medics continued the healing afterwards.
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"How're you feeling, Roy? Any better?"
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