#cancer season amiright?
littlelioncub43 · 2 years
Whenever I feel sad I remember that I wrote my ex-bf love poems and then dumped him. I love knowing that he gets to relate to the song line “I guess you didn’t mean what you wrote in that song about me.” 
I love being a little evil. 
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horrendoushag · 5 years
Haha wow I don't have seasonal depression this winter but my health anxiety sure is going nuts! Just a couple weeks ago I had cancer! Today I have type 1 diabetes!! Haha pretty wild amiright ✌️
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savvylark · 7 years
Not Your Mama’s Hallmark Christmas Part 1
 Thank you to the amazing @javistg being my beta and encouraging. 
Katniss tends to be cynical about materialism, love, and marriage. Her friends have replaced the family she lost. So when Peeta needs help, her friends don’t need more than a strong arm to convince her. Katniss finds herself having a very different  Christmas this year with the Mellark family, posing as Peeta’s girlfriend. What will change when this starts to look like a strange Hallmark movie? 
Ready for part 2?
The air is thick with affection and laughter. Snow lightly falls, twinkling and tumbling outside the window, echoing the light-hearted mood inside.
The cynic in me can’t stand the jolly commercialism that the winter season brings. Despite all of this I can’t help but truly enjoy myself when we all get together, as if we are a real family celebrating Christmas.
Madge and Gale’s upscale apartment looks like West Elm meets Martha Stewart’s holiday catalog. Spread after spread of delicious and appropriately holiday themed hors d'oeuvre and snacks are on every surface. Wine and seasonal cocktails have been flowing.
“Hey! I don’t judge you with your choices in men!” Peeta’s tone is serious, but his expression says otherwise. He’s already 3 spiked eggnogs in, following tradition.
Finnick, Annie, and Thresh’s new girlfriend, Rue, are laughing around the table as I tease Peeta about his newest ex-girlfriend.
“I’m just saying, with a name like Glimmer? I mean, do shiny objects keep her occupied?” I ask Peeta.
He winces, but smiles.
“Is she confessing personal problems with that nickname?” I smirk, as the whole table erupts in laughter.
Gale and Madge are also pulled out of their own little world leaning near the wet bar.
Tresh joins us from the kitchen, shaking his head, amused at our usual banter. Thresh hands his girlfriend Rue another egg nog, placing a platter of food in front of us. Always playing host.
Peeta bites his lip to repress his laughter. Ugh, I love and hate when he does that.
He looks in my eyes and jabs back at me.
“Oh, you’re one to talk. A nickname like Marvel didn’t give you any clue that you had found your very own Sheldon Cooper?” Peeta’s blue eyes twinkle with amusement.
I scowl, but my eyes reveal the laughter I’m stifling. “Who doesn’t like the Marvel movies? I should have known that meant he would be SO into comic books!” I snap back with equal amusement. “And Cosplay.”
We all chuckle, there’s nothing wrong with cosplay, it’s just not my scene at all. A hilariously poor match.
Peeta looks over at Johanna.
“Jo, what was that hipster guy’s name you dated, the one who never showered? Bright?”
Jo scowls, but her eyes prove she’s just as amused as we are. “Hey, don’t bash a hipster! You’re looking at one.” She winks and continues. “BLIGHT was his name!”
“I hated that guy!” Thresh adds.
If our own 6’6” gigantic teddy bear didn’t even like the guy, that’s saying something.
Johanna sighs. “He was a disaster! I appreciate a man who has an aversion to anything mainstream, but he used it as a reason to have zero responsibility for anything. Blight, I’m positive he made that name up! Rhymes with flight. That should have been my first clue.”
She goes on to tells about the time he asked a librarian if they had showers in their bathroom. That’s how Jo promptly left Blight, stranded at the library.
Chatter continues throughout the room.
Johanna leans her body towards Peeta and pokes his side. “Weelllll, Peeta-bread, what are you going to do for your mom’s insane Christmas bash for all the rich snobs without Sparkle for the holidays?” Johanna pries, emphasis on the ridiculous name.
Peeta makes a low growl noise in his throat and shakes his head, raking his fingers through his hair.
“That’s why you started dating Glitter in the first place, right? To get your mean ol’ mommy Mellark off your back?” She’s teasing, but some concern is evident in her expression. She cares. Prickly, sarcastic Johanna Mason has always had a soft spot for the people she loves.
Every one of us knows just how awful Peeta’s mother can be. Last year easily takes the cake as being the height of humiliation. Peeta brought up the topic of marriage to his heiress and mother-approved girlfriend of 4 years. Her rejection lead to their break up, and left him a broken man.
Right before a prominent holiday season.
Peeta’s mother was awful to him the entire visit for Christmas.
Peeta is determined to avoid a repeat.
All of us stayed nearby our college town, hours from our hometowns, for similar broken or dysfunctional family reasons.
Staying together also means having the second family we’ve found in our friends.
We all went to Panem State together at various points of arrival. Gale, Peeta, and Finnick had been in their 3rd year when Madge and I started.
Thresh and I were fast friends our freshman year and started regular pizza and movie nights with Madge and Gale, our pseudo family slowly fell into place.
Johanna was, and still is, my roommate who I met through Peeta and Finnick.
Sweet Rue, Thresh’s girlfriend, became an easy addition in the last year.
Peeta doesn’t answer Johanna’s question. The conversation steers to memorable Christmas parties and ugly sweaters.
Jo smirks at me. “Remember that time–,”
“Oh I remember! Johanna tricked me into wearing the ugliest sweater at a party that WASN’T an ugly sweater party. I thought I was going to win!” I grit my teeth and scowl at the memory.
“Three years in a row!” Johanna adds, to my humiliation.
I growl.
I’m met with amused smiles and laughter.
Finnick delves into a ridiculous story about a friend who was wearing Christmas lights in his ugly sweater and nearly landed him a Darwin Award by electrocution.
Finnick heroically kicked him in the chest to unplug the lights, but in doing so, he embedded broken bulbs in the guy’s chest.
That party ended with a trip to the ER treating the friend’s electrocution and stitches.
The details he adds, no one could make up.
Finnick’s knack for acquiring stories is phenomenal. We’re all in stitches, laughing until our sides hurt.
“Well, Peet, if you have to go to the party alone, at least Annie and I will be there to take some of the pressure off,” Finnick says to his best friend as Annie hands him his coat.
Annie’s parents are old friends of the Mellarks, so she’s been to their parties since childhood and is well acquainted with how important appearances are, and the pressure Mrs. Mellark puts on her youngest son.
Behind them is Rue, also carrying 2 coats.
Thresh lifts me into his arms in his signature crushing hug.
Rue giggles as I make a show of gasping for air.
The couples continue to exchange their goodbyes, and ‘Merry Christmases’ handing each of us a present and head out of Madge and Gale’s apartment.
I watch the couples head to the stairs, hand in hand.
Rue’s warm brown eyes rarely leave Thresh’s face. She smiles softly as he talks to her with such affection. The look in his eyes says Rue is everything.
I know my friend. He’s in love.
Annie and Finnick are more playful.
Annie blushes as Finnick whispers in her ear then kisses her cheek. She’s pushes him away. Bumps his shoulder a little while their fingers remain entwined. Annie’s giggle is infectious and echoes through the stairwell. Again, it’s the look Finnick has in his eyes that melts my Grinchly heart. Annie holds his heart for eternity.
Then, it hits me.
Maybe I do want that some day?
I’ve never admitted it to myself.
Everyone knows I have scoffed at love and marriage, probably since the very first boy that caught my eye when I was 16.
But people change.
I shrug my shoulders and shut the apartment door, and those thoughts.
Jo has clearly had too many drinks at this point, speaking loud enough for everyone to hear. “I would definitely help you out if I wasn’t set on getting my ass to the beach. I just can’t stand family gatherings. And, as fun as it would be to piss your mom off, I think you’re hoping for someone to take away the attention rather than direct more to you, amiright??” she pauses and shoves Peeta. “I TOLD YOU, ask her!” Johanna whisper-yells in her drunken state.
Peeta’s face is red.
I’m pretty sure at one point Jo skipped the eggnog and has been downing the hard stuff straight.
Wouldn’t be the first time.
I purse my lips and try to think of who ‘her’ she’s referring to.
I’ve also never understood why his parents make this party such a big deal, but my own parents were very casual about gatherings.
When I had parents anyway.
Peeta has stressed about this Christmas party every year, but it was after he graduated that he made a point to always bring a girl.
For his mother’s sake.
Peeta looks sheepish, sighs and rubs the back of his neck. Then he turns to me.
Wait, me?
Oh. no.
I’ve seen this hallmark movie.  I’m more of a Grinch character myself.
Okay, calm down, it’s just Peeta. Still, I start shaking my head.
Madge gives me this mad-scientist look, raises her eyebrows and I can see her wheels turning now.
She’s gone into planner-mode.
I know Madge is feeling guilty she can’t be there for her cousin Peeta.
Madge typically attends her Aunt and Uncle’s annual holiday party in Merchant. Had she not organized a charity event for childhood cancer that same weekend she would be. It’s hard to keep up with her event planning, and it’s busiest around the holidays and wedding season.
Also, being a senator’s daughter has expectations of it’s own. There are other obligations that she needs to attend.
I would hate to have to deal with the expectations and pressure Madge has, which she handles with such grace.
I imagine when Gale does finally pop the question with that ring burning a hole in his pocket the event itself is going to be insane, and the planning will be flawless.
Madge is very good at what she does.
I dart back and grab another drink while Madge joins Jo and Peeta to conspire.
I groan.
“So Gale, do you have any interesting plans coming up?” I elbow my best friend playfully.
I have been teasing him for months about asking Madge that daunting, er, I mean magical question.
I helped Gale pick out the near-colorless solitaire in a rose-gold setting, and I learned more than I ever wanted to about engagement rings that day.
Diamonds haunted the back of my eyelids for days.
Our cool-calm-and-collected Gale has been a little smug about revealing any engagement plans. Yet he turns into a giddy kid on Christmas morning anytime I mention, or raise my eyebrows in a silent question.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Gale teases back, but can’t keep the gigantic grin off his face.
“Well I better be the first one to hear it!” I say with a wink.
Gale rolls his eyes, laughs, but nods.
We know I will.
It’s actually contagious, to see my best friend so in love, I’m almost giddy with him.
So maybe I’m not so allergic to happy endings either.
“Katniss!! We need your help!” Madge says in a sing-songy voice.
I grimace, let out a deep sigh and give Gale a pleading look.
He just shrugs.
Great. No allies here.
And so begins my acting career as Peeta Mellark’s girlfriend for the Holidays with his family.
Madge starts jotting down notes. She lists a hair salon, a wax center, a list of clothing, make up, shoes. Asking Peeta which family members will be in town for the week. Other tentative events –all of which made my childhood Christmases as a poor girl from the wrong side of town sound so meagre.
I’m already a fish out of water.
“I don’t, I don’t even know how–,” I stammer.
Madge interrupts,“Oh, nonsense! I’ll teach you everything, we have time to prepare. Just be yourself, Katniss. You’ve always had a calming effect on Peeta. He needs you and I can’t be there. Everything will be fine, Katniss!”
Jo is finding all of this amusing. “Hey, don’t be brainless! You get to pretend to be a different version of yourself. Haven’t you ever wondered what it would have been like to have more growing up? I have! This could be fun!” Johanna is surprisingly convincing for how drunk she is.
I have to admit, all the things Madge is talking about would be an experience, and I’m not alone. I’ll be with our friend Peeta the whole time.
Now I’m looking at Madge, then Peeta, and back.
“Can we establish a safe word? When it’s too much and I need an escape? I could say ‘do you want to build a snowman?’ Instead of making a run for it.” I try to make light of it but I’m a known flight risk. We all understand this.
“Absolutely, I can help you with an escape to a quiet place, just say so.” Peeta reassures me.
I hesitate and fiddle with my hands.
“All the Mellark baked goods will be on tap the whole week,” he adds.
I look sceptical. “If we’re doing this, we’re going to make it fun. Promise?” I add.
“I promise!” Peeta replies.
“Also, you’re so lucky Prim is off the grid, helping with medical needs from the hurricanes!” I tease. He knows I would never pick this over a Christmas with my sister.
I’m also keeping his little crisis in perspective, this isn’t a real crisis at all.
“Fine. I’ll do it,” I say with a huff.
Johanna and Madge cheer.
Gale is laughing at my predicament.
“You’re the best, Everdeen!” Peeta wraps me up in a tight full body hug.
I stiffen a little but don’t pull away.
I’m just not much for hugging, but I’ve tried to get used to Peeta’s, Thresh’s and, well, probably half our friends touchy, affectionate tendencies.Especially after the alcohol is flowing.
It surprises me that of all our friends, it’s actually Peeta and Annie whose touchy tendencies turn from affection to questionable around me after a few drinks.
Peeta keeps his body flush to mine and this hug is turning not so innocent.
I shove him back playfully. I have stories.
“Easy tiger! That reminds me. Let’s work through some rules? I think for all intents and purposes we should appear to be dating exclusively, just out of respect for each other. Try to keep excessive flirting with the ladies to a minimum?” I ask of Peeta.
“Noted. Only flirt with you.” Peeta grins widely and emphasizes you with his finger to my nose.
I roll my eyes.
“What about you, Peeta? Ground rules for your lovely girlfriend?” I ask with a sarcastic tone, batting my eyes in mock flirtation.
Jo smirks.
Madge is busy in thought.
Gale is cleaning up.
“Oh um, yeah, don’t jingle anyone else’s Christmas bells?” He grins.
I glare at him.
He laughs. “The only sleigh you should be riding is–,”
“PEETA!” I interrupt, trying to scowl, but my amusement shows.
Jo gives him a high five.
“Okay, OKAY! Umm, I’m going to be myself, so I’m going to be affectionate in front of people,” Peeta says while my eyes go wide, he’s not suggesting…  “No! Nothing crazy. I just mean hand holding, arm around your shoulder, light touching. The kind a grandma would approve of. Try not to resist me,” he says with a wink.
Then he demonstrates by putting an arm around me.
Did it just get a little warmer in here? I shrug my shoulders up a little. Then I remind myself not to resist.
Madge and Jo laugh at me while I struggle.
Peeta has his Casanova smile, then he leans in.
I start to breath heavier when his hot breath tickles my neck.
“Remember, we’re madly in love, so it’s alright to kiss me anytime you feel like it,” he whispers.
My cheeks go red and I shove him away as Madge and Jo hoot and holler.
I shake my head and laugh with them.
I grab some ice out of my water cup and smear it all over Peeta’s face.
“Cool it there, Don Lothario! Not everyone is comfortable with such blatant forwardness!” I say grinning. I know I’ve won this round.
“Back to their antics!” Johanna mumbles.
Jo and Madge start whispering.
Nope, I’m not going to stick around for the teasing that will follow.
“Hey I’m going to get going. Jo, do you need a ride to our apartment? Peeta you’re staying here?” I ask the two who don’t live in this upscale apartment.
“I’m good,” Peeta says with a nod, raising  another drink in his hand, meaning he’s staying here.  
Jo grabs her coat as I say my goodbyes and hand out my remaining few Christmas gifts to our friends.
It’s so nice to have Christmas here every year.
Jo and I are adult orphans, so this is our family Christmas. Or was.
Now I’m joining Peeta’s family. 
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winterinpanem · 7 years
Not Your Mama's Hallmark Christmas part 1/3
The air is thick with affection and laughter. Snow lightly falls, twinkling and tumbling outside the window, echoing the light-hearted mood inside.
  The cynic in me can’t stand the jolly commercialism that the winter season brings. Despite all of this I can’t help but truly enjoy myself when we all get together, as if we are a real family celebrating Christmas.
  Madge and Gale’s upscale apartment looks like West Elm meets Martha Stewart's holiday catalog. Spread after spread of delicious and appropriately holiday themed hors d'oeuvre and snacks are on every surface. Wine and seasonal cocktails have been flowing.
  “Hey! I don't judge you with your choices in men!” Peeta’s tone is serious, but his expression says otherwise. He’s already 3 spiked eggnogs in, following tradition.
  Finnick, Annie, and Thresh’s new girlfriend, Rue, are laughing around the table as I tease Peeta about his newest ex-girlfriend.
  “I'm just saying, with a name like Glimmer? I mean, do shiny objects keep her occupied?” I ask Peeta.
  He winces, but smiles.
  “Is she confessing personal problems with that nickname?” I smirk, as the whole table erupts in laughter.
  Gale and Madge are also pulled out of their own little world leaning near the wet bar.
  Tresh joins us from the kitchen, shaking his head, amused at our usual banter. Thresh hands his girlfriend Rue another eggnog, placing a platter of food in front of us. Always playing host.
  Peeta bites his lip to repress his laughter. Ugh, I love and hate when he does that.
  He looks in my eyes and jabs back at me.
  “Oh, you're one to talk. A nickname like Marvel didn't give you any clue that you had found your very own Sheldon Cooper?” Peeta's blue eyes twinkle with amusement.
  I scowl, but my eyes reveal the laughter I'm stifling. “Who doesn't like the Marvel movies? I should have known that meant he would be SO into comic books!” I snap back with equal amusement. “And Cosplay.”
  We all chuckle, there's nothing wrong with cosplay, it's just not my scene at all. A hilariously poor match.
  Peeta looks over at Johanna.
  “Jo, what was that hipster guy's name you dated, the one who never showered? Bright?”
  Jo scowls, but her eyes prove she's just as amused as we are. “Hey, don't bash a hipster! You’re looking at one.” She winks and continues. “BLIGHT was his name!”
  “I hated that guy!” Thresh adds.
  If our own 6’6” gigantic teddy bear didn’t even like the guy, that's saying something.
  Johanna sighs. “He was a disaster! I appreciate a man who has an aversion to anything mainstream, but he used it as a reason to have zero responsibility for anything. Blight, I'm positive he made that name up! Rhymes with flight. That should have been my first clue.”
  She goes on to tells about the time he asked a librarian if they had showers in their bathroom. That’s how Jo promptly left Blight, stranded at the library.
  Chatter continues throughout the room.
  Johanna leans her body towards Peeta and pokes his side. “Weelllll, Peeta-bread, what are you going to do for your mom's insane Christmas bash for all the rich snobs without Sparkle for the holidays?” Johanna pries, emphasis on the ridiculous name.
  Peeta makes a low growl noise in his throat and shakes his head, raking his fingers through his hair.
  “That's why you started dating Glitter in the first place, right? To get your mean ol’ mommy Mellark off your back?” She's teasing, but some concern is evident in her expression. She cares. Prickly, sarcastic Johanna Mason has always had a soft spot for the people she loves.
  Every one of us knows just how awful Peeta’s mother can be.
Last year easily takes the cake as being the height of humiliation. Peeta brought up the topic of marriage to his heiress and mother-approved girlfriend of 4 years. Her rejection lead to their break up, and left him a broken man.
  Right before a prominent holiday season.
  Peeta's mother was awful to him the entire visit for Christmas.
  Peeta is determined to avoid a repeat.
  All of us stayed nearby our college town, hours from our hometowns, for similar broken or dysfunctional family reasons.
  Staying together also means having the second family we've found in our friends.
We all went to Panem State together at various points of arrival. Gale, Peeta, and Finnick had been in their 3rd year when Madge and I started.
  Thresh and I were fast friends our freshman year and started regular pizza and movie nights with Madge and Gale, our pseudo family slowly fell into place.
  Johanna was, and still is, my roommate who I met through Peeta and Finnick.
  Sweet Rue, Thresh’s girlfriend, became an easy addition in the last year.
  Peeta doesn't answer Johanna’s question. The conversation steers to memorable Christmas parties and ugly sweaters.
  Jo smirks at me. “Remember that time--,”
  “Oh I remember! Johanna tricked me into wearing the ugliest sweater at a party that WASN'T an ugly sweater party. I thought I was going to win!” I grit my teeth and scowl at the memory.
  “Three years in a row!” Johanna adds, to my humiliation.
  I growl.
  I'm met with amused smiles and laughter.
  Finnick delves into a ridiculous story about a friend who was wearing Christmas lights in his ugly sweater and nearly landed him a Darwin Award by electrocution.
  Finnick heroically kicked him in the chest to unplug the lights, but in doing so, he embedded broken bulbs in the guy's chest.
  That party ended with a trip to the ER treating the friend’s electrocution and stitches.
  The details he adds, no one could make up.
  Finnick's knack for acquiring stories is phenomenal. We're all in stitches, laughing until our sides hurt.
  “Well, Peet, if you have to go to the party alone, at least Annie and I will be there to take some of the pressure off,” Finnick says to his best friend as Annie hands him his coat.
  Annie’s parents are old friends of the Mellarks, so she's been to their parties since childhood and is well acquainted with how important appearances are, and the pressure Mrs. Mellark puts on her youngest son.
  Behind them is Rue, also carrying 2 coats.
  Thresh lifts me into his arms in his signature crushing hug.
  Rue giggles as I make a show of gasping for air.
  The couples continue to exchange their goodbyes, and ‘Merry Christmases’ handing each of us a present and head out of Madge and Gale’s apartment.
  I watch the couples head to the stairs, hand in hand.
  Rue’s warm brown eyes rarely leave Thresh’s face. She smiles softly as he talks to her with such affection. The look in his eyes says Rue is everything.
  I know my friend. He's in love.
  Annie and Finnick are more playful.
  Annie blushes as Finnick whispers in her ear then kisses her cheek. She's pushes him away. Bumps his shoulder a little while their fingers remain entwined. Annie's giggle is infectious and echoes through the stairwell. Again, it's the look Finnick has in his eyes that melts my Grinchly heart. Annie holds his heart for eternity.
  Then, it hits me.
  Maybe I do want that some day?
  I've never admitted it to myself.
  Everyone knows I have scoffed at love and marriage, probably since the very first boy that caught my eye when I was 16.
  But people change.
  I shrug my shoulders and shut the apartment door, and those thoughts.
  Jo has clearly had too many drinks at this point, speaking loud enough for everyone to hear.
“I would definitely help you out if I wasn't set on getting my ass to the beach. I just can't stand family gatherings. And, as fun as it would be to piss your mom off, I think you're hoping for someone to take away the attention rather than direct more to you, amiright??” she pauses and shoves Peeta. “I TOLD YOU, ask her!” Johanna whisper-yells in her drunken state.
  Peeta's face is red.
  I'm pretty sure at one point Jo skipped the eggnog and has been downing the hard stuff straight.
  Wouldn't be the first time.
  I purse my lips and try to think of who ‘her' she’s referring to.
  I've also never understood why his parents make this party such a big deal, but my own parents were very casual about gatherings.
  When I had parents anyway.
  Peeta has stressed about this Christmas party every year, but it was after he graduated that he made a point to always bring a girl.
  For his mother's sake.
  Peeta looks sheepish, sighs and rubs the back of his neck. Then he turns to me.
  Wait, me?
  Oh. no.
  I've seen this hallmark movie.  
  Okay, calm down, it's just Peeta. Still, I start shaking my head.
  Madge gives me this mad-scientist look, raises her eyebrows and I can see her wheels turning now.
  She's gone into planner-mode.
  I know Madge is feeling guilty she can't be there for her cousin Peeta.
  Madge typically attends her Aunt and Uncle’s annual holiday party in Merchant. Had she not organized a charity event for childhood cancer that same weekend she would be.
It's hard to keep up with her event planning, and it's busiest around the holidays and wedding season.
  Also, being a senator's daughter has expectations of it's own. There are other obligations that she needs to attend.
  I would hate to have to deal with the expectations and pressure Madge has, which she handles with such grace.
  I imagine when Gale does finally pop the question with that ring burning a hole in his pocket the event itself is going to be insane, and the planning will be flawless.
  Madge is very good at what she does.
  I dart back and grab another drink while Madge joins Jo and Peeta to conspire.
  I groan.
  “So Gale, do you have any interesting plans coming up?” I elbow my best friend playfully.
  I have been teasing him for months about asking Madge that daunting, er, I mean magical question.
  I helped Gale pick out the near-colorless solitaire in a rose-gold setting, and I learned more than I ever wanted to about engagement rings that day.
  Diamonds haunted the back of my eyelids for days.
  Our cool-calm-and-collected Gale has been a little smug about revealing any engagement plans. Yet he turns into a giddy kid on Christmas morning anytime I mention, or raise my eyebrows in a silent question.
  “Wouldn't you like to know?” Gale teases back, but can't keep the gigantic grin off his face.
  “Well I better be the first one to hear it!” I say with a wink.
  Gale rolls his eyes, laughs, but nods.
  We know I will.
  It's actually contagious, to see my best friend so in love, I'm almost giddy with him.
  So maybe I'm not so allergic to happy endings either.
“Katniss!! We need your help!” Madge says in a sing-songy voice.
  I grimace, let out a deep sigh and give Gale a pleading look.
  He just shrugs.
  Great. No allies here.
  And so begins my acting career as Peeta Mellark’s girlfriend for the Holidays with his family.
  Madge starts jotting down notes. She lists a hair salon, a wax center, a list of clothing, make up, shoes. Asking Peeta which family members will be in town for the week. Other tentative events --all of which made my childhood Christmases as a poor girl from the wrong side of town sound so meagre.
  I'm already a fish out of water.
  “I don't, I don't even know how--,” I stammer.
  Madge interrupts,“Oh, nonsense! I'll teach you everything, we have time to prepare. Just be yourself, Katniss. You've always had a calming effect on Peeta. He needs you and I can't be there. Everything will be fine, Katniss!”
  Jo is finding all of this amusing. “Hey, don't be brainless! You get to pretend to be a different version of yourself. Haven't you ever wondered what it would have been like to have more growing up? I have! This could be fun!” Johanna is surprisingly convincing for how drunk she is.
  I have to admit, all the things Madge is talking about would be an experience, and I'm not alone. I'll be with our friend Peeta the whole time.
  Now I'm looking at Madge, then Peeta, and back.
  “Can we establish a safe word? When it's too much and I need an escape? I could say ‘do you want to build a snowman?’ Instead of making a run for it.” I try to make light of it but I'm a known flight risk. We all understand this.
  “Absolutely, I can help you with an escape to a quiet place, just say so.” Peeta reassures me.
  I hesitate and fiddle with my hands.
  “All the Mellark baked goods will be on tap the whole week,” he adds.
  I look sceptical. “If we're doing this, we're going to make it fun. Promise?” I add.
  “I promise!” Peeta replies.
  “Also, you're so lucky Prim is off the grid, helping with medical needs from the hurricanes!” I tease. He knows I would never pick this over a Christmas with my sister.
  I'm also keeping his little crisis in perspective, this isn't a real crisis at all.
  “Fine. I'll do it,” I say with a huff.
  Johanna and Madge cheer.
  Gale is laughing at my predicament.
  “You're the best, Everdeen!” Peeta wraps me up in a tight full body hug.
  I stiffen a little but don't pull away.
  I'm just not much for hugging, but I've tried to get used to Peeta’s, Thresh's and, well, probably half our friends touchy, affectionate tendencies.Especially after the alcohol is flowing.
  It surprises me that of all our friends, it’s actually Peeta and Annie whose touchy tendencies turn from affection to questionable around me after a few drinks.
  Peeta keeps his body flush to mine and this hug is turning not so innocent.
  I shove him back playfully. I have stories.
  “Easy tiger! That reminds me. Let's work through some rules? I think for all intents and purposes we should appear to be dating exclusively, just out of respect for each other. Try to keep excessive flirting with the ladies to a minimum?” I ask of Peeta.
  “Noted. Only flirt with you.” Peeta grins widely and emphasizes you with his finger to my nose.
  I roll my eyes.
  “What about you, Peeta? Ground rules for your lovely girlfriend?” I ask with a sarcastic tone, batting my eyes in mock flirtation.
  Jo smirks.
  Madge is busy in thought.
  Gale is cleaning up.
  “Oh um, yeah, don't jingle anyone else's Christmas bells?” He grins.
  I glare at him.
  He laughs. “The only sleigh you should be riding is--,”
  “PEETA!” I interrupt, trying to scowl, but my amusement shows.
  Jo gives him a high five.
“Okay, OKAY! Umm, I'm going to be myself, so I'm going to be affectionate in front of people,” Peeta says while my eyes go wide, he's not suggesting...  “No! Nothing crazy. I just mean hand holding, arm around your shoulder, light touching. The kind a grandma would approve of. Try not to resist me,” he says with a wink.
  Then he demonstrates by putting an arm around me.
  Did it just get a little warmer in here? I shrug my shoulders up a little. Then I remind myself not to resist.
  Madge and Jo laugh at me while I struggle.
  Peeta has his Casanova smile, then he leans in.
  I start to breath heavier when his hot breath tickles my neck.
  “Remember, we're madly in love, so it's alright to kiss me anytime you feel like it,” he whispers.
  My cheeks go red and I shove him away as Madge and Jo hoot and holler.
  I shake my head and laugh with them.
  I grab some ice out of my water cup and smear it all over Peeta’s face.
  “Cool it there, Don Lothario! Not everyone is comfortable with such blatant forwardness!” I say grinning. I know I've won this round.
  “Back to their antics!” Johanna mumbles.
  Jo and Madge start whispering.
  Nope, I'm not going to stick around for the teasing that will follow.
  “Hey I'm going to get going. Jo, do you need a ride to our apartment? Peeta you're staying here?” I ask the two who don't live in this upscale apartment.
  “I'm good,” Peeta says with a nod, raising  another drink in his hand, meaning he's staying here.  
  Jo grabs her coat as I say my goodbyes and hand out my remaining few Christmas gifts to our friends.
  It's so nice to have Christmas here every year.
  Jo and I are adult orphans, so this is our family Christmas. Or was.
  Now I'm joining Peeta’s family.
  The lights and sounds of the impending Christmas week are evident as we make our way through downtown. The obnoxious bright lights that glimmer in the night linger and burn as I drive.
The snow falling lightly reminds me that I long for the woods, and the sight of a star or two would be a welcome sight. I keep my eyes on the road.
The slush sounds that accompany driving in these conditions are drowned by the warm buzz of contentment our friends bring when we are all together.
  Well, Johanna is still buzzed from spiked eggnog.
  As we drive back to our apartment, Johanna talks about her upcoming trip to the coast.
  “I'm hoping I can score a fling for the week like you did when you visited Abernathy’s that one summer. How did you snag him by the way?”
  Ugh. I don't want to say. It further confirms, to my friend's amusement, my poor judgement in choices of companionship.
  I met him through my uncle's step-son, who lead with his own line. “Hey did you know it's legal to marry your cousin here?”
  YUCK!  That should have been a clue that his friend would also turn out to be a weirdo.
  The beach was amazing with a strong handsome man who was so into me. It was a wild trist.
  By the end of the week, I learned enough about him to be happy to leave it there.
  Southern gentleman my ass. He started bragging about fights he'd been in.
  No thank you.
  The tipping point was when he started a story with: “Look, I'm not racist, but…” then continued with a racist comment.
  Nope. You. are. DISMISSED.
“Oh I met that guy through Effie’s nephew,” I reply, but I'm still disgusted thinking about him.
  My roommate gives me a thoughtful look. “You know, Brainless, you could have your own little something at casa de Mellark?” she says with mischief in her eyes.
  I scowl.
  “Oh come on, you seriously can't tell me you're not at all attracted to Peeta Mellark? That your ‘antics' couldn't lead to more? You never thought about hitting that? Probably any woman who has even met him has…” Jo insists incredulous of my scowl.
  “FINE! Of course, I have! When we were younger, he would meet us at Madge’s pool parties. He was older and dreamy. The hair, the body, the eyes? Yes all of it. For a shy, hormonal teenage girl to get his attention, even for a minute was...ahh!” I have to catch my breath at the memory.
  “But I knew he was out of my league. Then, you know, at college it was easy to live in the friend zone. Besides, he dates girls from old money, like Cashmere De Young, and I'm--,” I confess, gesturing to myself.
  Johanna interrupts. “Incredible? Genuine? Real? Radiant with no make up? Smart? Funny? Loyal? I could go on…”
  I'm surprised at my usually sarcastic friend's words of affirmation. It takes me a minute to take it in. “Hmm.”
  “He's not out of your league. He never was. You have to believe that! You are unique, not some cookie-cutter bimbo dripping with daddy's money. Don't for one second think a girl like that has anything on you!” Jo insists.
  I'm not really sure what Johanna was trying to achieve by this pep talk, but I'm a little choked-up!
  I just nod.
  Barely a whisper, but I manage to say, “Thank you, Jo.”
  She just smiles in reply. Then waves off my comment implying ‘it was nothing.’
That night I revisit memories I have long buried. It's all Jo’s fault.
  “Madge! You did not tell me there were going to be so many hot guys here!” I scowl at my closest girl friend as I fiddle nervously with the green bikini she convinced me to wear. I'm not really a bikini kind of girl.
  “Relax Katniss! Don't even start. You hang out with the hotness that is Gale Hawthorne all the time. Besides, you know all these guys from school.” She gestures toward the guys at the refreshment table. I do recognize each of them.
  “And those,” Madge gestures to the hottest guy I've ever seen standing with a few other swimsuit clad high schoolers near the diving board. “--are my cousin and his friends.”
  Madge says and gives me a knowing smile as she watches my jaw drop.
  “Th-th-THAT is the cousin that used to tease us and chase us? The one who used to bring treats from his parent's bakery?!”
  Madge nods, trying to hold in a laugh.
  This time my eyes rove over the muscular, tall blond, I take in his chiseled chest, muscular arms…
  As he dives into the pool I get a glimpse of his backside and it is ridiculous.
  Madge is laughing at me.
  “Katniss, I've never seen you like this! It took 16 years for a boy turn your head and it's my cousin of all people?!” Madge laughs incredulously.
  I bite my lip, but keep my eyes on the water.
  “Katniss has a crush!” Madge mocks. I was indeed the very definition of a late bloomer.
  “I do not!” I argued, but she was right.
  Peeta was a senior, and boy did he have the swagger of the wrestling champion that he was. Yet, his kindness, and steady protective nature remained the same as the boy I would see a few times a year.
  Peeta had a way of making sure I was always included as kids.
  He would patiently explain the rules to a new game and always seemed to be my ally in anything competitive.
  He wasn't around as much in the high school years, so that day at Madge's pool party, I was looking at a whole new Peeta.
  When he came up from under the water, Peeta whipped his head to the side, swiping his wet mop of hair out of his eyes.
  Jeez, right out GQ magazine.
  I know I'm staring.
  Then he caught my gaze and smiled at me. A blinding smile that made my teenage heart beat faster.
  I replied with a shy smile, and looked down.
  Madge shot me a knowing smirk and shook her head with a laugh.
  Wet arms wrapped around my waist from behind.
  I barely had time to squeak before a dripping wet Peeta pulled me away and jumped into the pool dragging me with him.
  I couldn't even be mad, the pool felt so good on such a hot day. I didn't mind his strong arms around me either.
  We were both laughing as we reached the surface.
  That set the tone for the day.
  As we would mingle with our other friends and swim, Peeta and I would lock eyes. Gravitating back to each other.
  Our interactions seemed to be flirty and playful. It became an unspoken agreement that when we were in the pool, where no one could see, hands could explore.
  The first few times Peeta's hand brushed my thighs or hips in the deep end I didn't think anything of it, but the third time it lingered, I caught on.
  He searched my face for a reaction, which I answered with a smile. I liked his attention.
  The heat between us grew.
  That summer Peeta seemed to show up at Madge's house almost every time we were in the pool.
  The attraction between us was undeniable, but our secret.
  As a shy girl who shut down every previous guy's advances I was in over my head.
  I refused to think about a future with Peeta. After all, he was leaving for college hours away at the end of the summer. However, I would be lying if I said I didn't let this crush invade my thoughts all summer.
  We had our own “antics,” (Jo would call them present day) and ongoing inside jokes, just like when we were kids.
  It had become our mission to get everyone wet who refused to go in the pool at least once.
  Between planned sneak-attacks and belly flops, Peeta and I were undefeated in our mission.
  By the end of the summer, Peeta bought super-soakers for each of us. We snuck around the side of Madge's house, ready to ambush a particularly manicured group of girls, when he pinned me to the house.
  “I've never met a girl like you, Everdeen,” he said, breathlessly. Then Peeta leaned in...
  I never told Madge, but it was Peeta who was my first kiss. Pinned up on the side of her house, 18 year old Peeta Mellark left me breathless and dizzy in a mind blowing kiss.
  I rationalized that it was probably that amazing because it was my first kiss, but I've always wondered why no kiss since then has ever come close.
  Must have been the heat.
  Also, the words super-soaker now have a double meaning I can never forget.
  I lie awake frustrated. “Maybe going with Peeta isn't such a good idea?” I wonder to myself.
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king-zigzag · 7 years
Tag Meme
Tagged by @mrmallard. Don’t worry dude, it’s not awkward. I’d be surprised if there’s one person on this site who doesn’t like being tagged.
Rules: You answer these questions and tag 10 of your followers/mutual that you’d like to get to know better!
Name: Michael Edward MacLeod Nicknames: Mikey, or just Mike sometimes. I once knew someone who would only call me “The little dude I think is so cool”  Zodiac: Aries Sun, Cancer Moon, Sagittarius Rising.                                           Sexual orientation:  Just call me peter PAN amiright Favorite Fruit(s): Probably just bananas. Low effort, high quality. Favorite season: Summer. I absolutely love sweltering heat. I wouldn’t hesitate to wear three layers outside right now, and it’s like maybe 30 degrees outside. Favorite book(s): Klutz Book of Paper Airplanes. I have used that sacred knowledge for my whole life. A close second place is a travel-sized handbook on interpreting tarot cards.  Favorite Flower: Chaenostoma cordatum. Or just The Pikmin Flower. Just because I love the idea of making an entirely new living species for no other reason than to market a game.  Favorite Animal(s): Probably just house cats.  Tea, Cocoa: Cocoa. I can’t really stand the smell of tea.  Cat or Dog person: Cat. They’re just so small and cuddly! Can’t argue with a good Corgi though.  Favorite Tumblr: Non-mutual? Uhhhhhhhhhh, @kurokku-tokei.  A good art style and NDRV3 spoiler-free? Just a personal favorite art blog, what can I say. Dream Trip: If I can cheat I’d say space. Realistically, I’d wanna see more of Quebec.                                                                                                   Number of Tumblr followers: 275. Thanks for all the follows!
Well, that was fun. Better than just reblog, reblogs all the time. Now, who to tag? @ooppositeofamnesiaa @yd12k  @glowyjellyfish @snapidot @kh-mophu @jaybit @zeemczed @bleachedshadow @criticalsunbeam @baking-bisexual-bitch You don’t have to do it if you don’t wanna, but like I said, being tagged is fun so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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saucemelinaise · 7 years
tagged by: @potters-wheezy  (go check out their blog!) Danke fürs Taggen, Isi! Ich hatte Ostern-Stress, daher habe ich länger nicht geantwortet. Entschuldige! 
rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better!
Name | Melina Nicknames | Mille Zodiac sign | cancer Height | 1,72m (5'8") Orientation | bisexual af Nationality | German Favourite fruit | watermelon Favourite season | fall Favourite book | HP POA tbh Favourite flower | I like plants, cacti and succulents a lot Favourite scent | lavender !! Favourite color | green and yellow  Favourite animal | dogs and cats and sharks and bees and.. all of them Coffee - tea - hot cocoa | tea always Average sleep hours | 3-12 depends Cat or dog person | both actually! Favourite fictional character | Remus and Harry Number of blankets you sleep with | 2 because I use one as a pillow  Dream trip | whats a dream trip I dream of mental stability amiright
Blog created |  don’t ask... I’ve been too long on this hell of a website.. 5 years? who knows
random fact: 1) I have two cats. One of them is deaf and the other one is blind. They get along really well. 
I tag anyone who wants to do it. Go do it and tag me please!
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samanthasroberts · 6 years
‘Vanderpump Rules’ Recap: I Have No Recollection
Last week on we found out that Jax probably cheated on Brittany more than once, and nobody was surprised. Also let me just say, fuck Bravo for doing this shit to me on New Year’s Day, aka national hangover day. And by “doing this shit to me,” I mean “airing their regularly scheduled programming.” My hangover is not prepared for this. Then again, my shame hangover is setting in, so maybe some good old-fashioned judging people who are stupider and richer than me might do me some good.
We open at Brittany’s apartment, where all the girls slept. Stassi ordering Taco Bell and drinking a beer first thing in the morning is very relatable and definitely not at all how I started the new year (*whispers to self* think they bought it?). Scheana is taking a private jet to Vegas with Lala and her sugar daddy boyfriend.
The Toms go to Villa Rosa to talk to Lisa about the restaurant. Lisa is lounging on her roof with her dogs and can’t be bothered—how I aspire to handle all my future business deals. Lisa says to Ken that she’s “ready to call it quits,” which is definitely not at all just a fabricated angle by the producers to make us give a shit about this restaurant. Honestly, this shit is annoying. This fake back-and-forth doesn’t make me care any more about Tom Tom. Just saying. 
Bravo is really doing the most with these flashbacks and the slow-mo sequence of Tom and Tom walking up to Lisa’s door. This isn’t ; we don’t need any flashy effects. Just give us the drama straight-up.
Lisa wants Tom and Tom to pay $120,000 for a 10% stake in the company, which IMO seems a little unfair. Like, Lisa employs these people. She knows how much they make. Specifically, she OF ALL PEOPLE should know that these barely employed bartenders don’t have 120 grand.
Lisa is like, “This is the deal, I’m not negotiating” but she also said to the camera that she just pulled that figure out of her ass. So… ?? Actual picture of Lisa Vanderpump:
They settle on 50 grand each for a 5% stake. I’m no Mark Cuban (I do watch a lot of though), but that doesn’t seem like the best deal. Like, can you really call yourself a business owner when you own 5% in said business?
Lisa: All I’m asking for is enthusiasm and positivity.
…Yeah, and 50 thousand dollars they probably don’t have. 
Jax comes home when all the girls are face-first in Taco Bell, yelling and screaming that Brittany is being dramatic. He’s like “People are dying of cancer everyday, this is not a big deal.” Or in other words:
Well given that Jax’s dad just died of cancer, that’s very dark. (May he rest in peace.) So then Brittany…goes over and starts hitting him and pushes him out the door, basically. Yep. Ten minutes into the episode and we’re already witnessing physical assault. Cool. But like, I’m so glad Jax and Brittany were able to work out their problems and stay together in this very healthy and functional relationship.
Jax says to Brittany, “Everything was fine until you started talking to your friends about it,” aka, “Everything was fine until you went to that damn party and your friends went and talked some sense into you.”
I know, right? Isn’t it such a drag when women form their own opinions and stand up for themselves? Can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em, amiright?
Sandoval calls Ariana to tell her the good news about them being partners with Lisa, and her response is basically “k”.
Stassi is talking to Katie about planning Guillermo’s party and she literally said “I didn’t know I was OCD.” So you like, make one to-do list and think you have OCD? Girl, bye.
Scheana’s packing for her trip to Vegas, and her closet looks like the fucking Piper Lime accessory wall on .
All the girls are like “violence is wrong but Brittany you’re doing amazing sweetie by hitting Jax.” I have no further comment at this time.
Lala comes over to Scheana’s, where Ariana is also hanging out (sitting on like, the floor of Scheana’s closet because reasons) and is talking about how well-off her married boyfriend is. Can you really make that much money from a mid-level film you produced like, three years ago? Seriously, look at this guy’s IMDB. He’s done, like, three movies. If you can get private jet money off of three movies nobody’s ever heard of, I’m packing my bags and going to film school.
Anyway, apparently Katie talked shit about Lala’s married boyfriend, and by that I mean Katie merely stated that Lala is dating someone who, at the time, was very much in the eyes of the law still married. Which, according to my research, is true. Or at least, it was at the time of filming. Separated =/= divorced—a lesson for all you kids at home.
Lala: Are you gonna mention my man again? Are you tryna get popped?
Ugh, Lala, take off your Compton beanie. You are a white girl from Utah. Stop. Lala is every white girl who sees once.
Lala calling her boyfriend “very much not married” is very much fake news. The divorce was only finalized like, last week. We all have the receipts.
Ok so Lala tells Ariana and Scheana that Schwartz supposedly made out with Lala’s friend Allie. Tbh I’m probably going to stalk Lala’s Instagram to figure out who she is. Stay tuned for that follow-up article. Also I’d just like to say, fuck Lala for being like “If you come for my man I’m gonna come for your marriage.” That gives us two scenarios: Either Lala is making this up as retaliation because she’s salty, or she was going to sit on this information until Katie pissed her off. Both are bad, especially if you claim to be friends with Katie.
I’m not really going to entertain the “Stassi planning Guillermo’s party” storyline because it’s obvious that she doesn’t really have anything to do with it. You can’t plan an event with two days’ notice; it’s literally impossible. This event has ben planned for months, I’m not stupid.
Jax and Schwartz are at some restaurant that serves fried guacamole, and I need to know the name of this restaurant immediately.
Jax tells Schwartz that he’s not going to show up to Guillermo’s party, which means he’s definitely going to show up to Guillermo’s party. Schwartz brings up the possibility of having an open relationship, and like, FINALLY somebody brought it up.
Jax is like “I don’t want that.” Jax. Jax. JAX. You want the emotional benefits of a relationship, but you are incapable of being monogamous. I feel like an open relationship is exactly what you want. Know yourself.
Stassi is freaking out about running a couple of errands, like picking up a cake and flowers before 5pm. Yeah I guess having a real job for 35 seconds might be kind of hard.
Stassi has a bar mitzvah sign-in book at this grown-ass man’s birthday party. Shit, maybe I should get into event planning.
Kristen is at this party for reasons unknown and wastes no time bringing up to Brittany how shitty Jax is. Don’t you have your own relationship to worry about? Why is she so invested in Jax’s relationship? Theory: Kristen is in love with Jax. More on this at 7.
James and Jax are drinking together, which is something I never thought I’d see. They’re doing shots of absinthe—how all responsible nights start out.
Ariana goes to Schwartz like “Can I steal you for a sec?” Sorry, can you tell I’d rather be watching rn?
Ariana is like “Soooo I heard you drunkenly made out with somebody in January/February.” But she’s ALSO like “But don’t tell Katie about this now, wait until you’re home.” So why even bring it up at this party? I know, too much logic.
Schwartz is like, “January or February? What is the meaning of those words?” So Schwartz’s immediate excuse is “IDK I don’t remember.” In other words, “Yeah I definitely did that.” Or in other words:
Meanwhile James and Jax are me and all my coworkers, getting wasted and taking selfies.
James: Absinthe tastes like a little green fairy that goes down your throat and rips your balls out your throat.
That’s not a taste, but ok. I really love this montage of their drunken babbling and I could watch an hour of James playing “got your nose” with Jax.
Jax is talking to James about his and Brittany’s sex life (again, things I never thought I’d see) and he’s like “she’s hate-fucking me.” Jax is explaining the Madonna/Whore complex. Wowowowow this is really advanced shit for Jax. I’m, dare I say, impressed. New year, new Jax?
Schwartz decides to tell Katie that he cheated on her in the middle of a crowded party. Fuck Schwartz. You don’t do this. I hated Katie last season, but damn. Nobody deserves to be publicly humiliated like that.
If I had a nickel for every time Schwartz said, “I have zero recollection of this” I could pay off my New Year’s Eve Uber. Also, what a weak excuse. You’re not even gonna deny you cheated? You’re just like, “Yea I probably did that, shrug life.”
Katie doesn’t even really seem that upset. She’s like “What did I do? Is this some kind of karmic punishment?” Not really, you just married the wrong person.
And what does Schwartz say? “Bubba, I have no recollection of this.” Contrary to what I tell myself when I’m hungover, even if you don’t remember something, that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. However, I may start using this anyway.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/vanderpump-rules-recap-i-have-no-recollection/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2019/01/11/vanderpump-rules-recap-i-have-no-recollection/
0 notes
adambstingus · 6 years
‘Vanderpump Rules’ Recap: I Have No Recollection
Last week on we found out that Jax probably cheated on Brittany more than once, and nobody was surprised. Also let me just say, fuck Bravo for doing this shit to me on New Year’s Day, aka national hangover day. And by “doing this shit to me,” I mean “airing their regularly scheduled programming.” My hangover is not prepared for this. Then again, my shame hangover is setting in, so maybe some good old-fashioned judging people who are stupider and richer than me might do me some good.
We open at Brittany’s apartment, where all the girls slept. Stassi ordering Taco Bell and drinking a beer first thing in the morning is very relatable and definitely not at all how I started the new year (*whispers to self* think they bought it?). Scheana is taking a private jet to Vegas with Lala and her sugar daddy boyfriend.
The Toms go to Villa Rosa to talk to Lisa about the restaurant. Lisa is lounging on her roof with her dogs and can’t be bothered—how I aspire to handle all my future business deals. Lisa says to Ken that she’s “ready to call it quits,” which is definitely not at all just a fabricated angle by the producers to make us give a shit about this restaurant. Honestly, this shit is annoying. This fake back-and-forth doesn’t make me care any more about Tom Tom. Just saying. 
Bravo is really doing the most with these flashbacks and the slow-mo sequence of Tom and Tom walking up to Lisa’s door. This isn’t ; we don’t need any flashy effects. Just give us the drama straight-up.
Lisa wants Tom and Tom to pay $120,000 for a 10% stake in the company, which IMO seems a little unfair. Like, Lisa employs these people. She knows how much they make. Specifically, she OF ALL PEOPLE should know that these barely employed bartenders don’t have 120 grand.
Lisa is like, “This is the deal, I’m not negotiating” but she also said to the camera that she just pulled that figure out of her ass. So… ?? Actual picture of Lisa Vanderpump:
They settle on 50 grand each for a 5% stake. I’m no Mark Cuban (I do watch a lot of though), but that doesn’t seem like the best deal. Like, can you really call yourself a business owner when you own 5% in said business?
Lisa: All I’m asking for is enthusiasm and positivity.
…Yeah, and 50 thousand dollars they probably don’t have. 
Jax comes home when all the girls are face-first in Taco Bell, yelling and screaming that Brittany is being dramatic. He’s like “People are dying of cancer everyday, this is not a big deal.” Or in other words:
Well given that Jax’s dad just died of cancer, that’s very dark. (May he rest in peace.) So then Brittany…goes over and starts hitting him and pushes him out the door, basically. Yep. Ten minutes into the episode and we’re already witnessing physical assault. Cool. But like, I’m so glad Jax and Brittany were able to work out their problems and stay together in this very healthy and functional relationship.
Jax says to Brittany, “Everything was fine until you started talking to your friends about it,” aka, “Everything was fine until you went to that damn party and your friends went and talked some sense into you.”
I know, right? Isn’t it such a drag when women form their own opinions and stand up for themselves? Can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em, amiright?
Sandoval calls Ariana to tell her the good news about them being partners with Lisa, and her response is basically “k”.
Stassi is talking to Katie about planning Guillermo’s party and she literally said “I didn’t know I was OCD.” So you like, make one to-do list and think you have OCD? Girl, bye.
Scheana’s packing for her trip to Vegas, and her closet looks like the fucking Piper Lime accessory wall on .
All the girls are like “violence is wrong but Brittany you’re doing amazing sweetie by hitting Jax.” I have no further comment at this time.
Lala comes over to Scheana’s, where Ariana is also hanging out (sitting on like, the floor of Scheana’s closet because reasons) and is talking about how well-off her married boyfriend is. Can you really make that much money from a mid-level film you produced like, three years ago? Seriously, look at this guy’s IMDB. He’s done, like, three movies. If you can get private jet money off of three movies nobody’s ever heard of, I’m packing my bags and going to film school.
Anyway, apparently Katie talked shit about Lala’s married boyfriend, and by that I mean Katie merely stated that Lala is dating someone who, at the time, was very much in the eyes of the law still married. Which, according to my research, is true. Or at least, it was at the time of filming. Separated =/= divorced—a lesson for all you kids at home.
Lala: Are you gonna mention my man again? Are you tryna get popped?
Ugh, Lala, take off your Compton beanie. You are a white girl from Utah. Stop. Lala is every white girl who sees once.
Lala calling her boyfriend “very much not married” is very much fake news. The divorce was only finalized like, last week. We all have the receipts.
Ok so Lala tells Ariana and Scheana that Schwartz supposedly made out with Lala’s friend Allie. Tbh I’m probably going to stalk Lala’s Instagram to figure out who she is. Stay tuned for that follow-up article. Also I’d just like to say, fuck Lala for being like “If you come for my man I’m gonna come for your marriage.” That gives us two scenarios: Either Lala is making this up as retaliation because she’s salty, or she was going to sit on this information until Katie pissed her off. Both are bad, especially if you claim to be friends with Katie.
I’m not really going to entertain the “Stassi planning Guillermo’s party” storyline because it’s obvious that she doesn’t really have anything to do with it. You can’t plan an event with two days’ notice; it’s literally impossible. This event has ben planned for months, I’m not stupid.
Jax and Schwartz are at some restaurant that serves fried guacamole, and I need to know the name of this restaurant immediately.
Jax tells Schwartz that he’s not going to show up to Guillermo’s party, which means he’s definitely going to show up to Guillermo’s party. Schwartz brings up the possibility of having an open relationship, and like, FINALLY somebody brought it up.
Jax is like “I don’t want that.” Jax. Jax. JAX. You want the emotional benefits of a relationship, but you are incapable of being monogamous. I feel like an open relationship is exactly what you want. Know yourself.
Stassi is freaking out about running a couple of errands, like picking up a cake and flowers before 5pm. Yeah I guess having a real job for 35 seconds might be kind of hard.
Stassi has a bar mitzvah sign-in book at this grown-ass man’s birthday party. Shit, maybe I should get into event planning.
Kristen is at this party for reasons unknown and wastes no time bringing up to Brittany how shitty Jax is. Don’t you have your own relationship to worry about? Why is she so invested in Jax’s relationship? Theory: Kristen is in love with Jax. More on this at 7.
James and Jax are drinking together, which is something I never thought I’d see. They’re doing shots of absinthe—how all responsible nights start out.
Ariana goes to Schwartz like “Can I steal you for a sec?” Sorry, can you tell I’d rather be watching rn?
Ariana is like “Soooo I heard you drunkenly made out with somebody in January/February.” But she’s ALSO like “But don’t tell Katie about this now, wait until you’re home.” So why even bring it up at this party? I know, too much logic.
Schwartz is like, “January or February? What is the meaning of those words?” So Schwartz’s immediate excuse is “IDK I don’t remember.” In other words, “Yeah I definitely did that.” Or in other words:
Meanwhile James and Jax are me and all my coworkers, getting wasted and taking selfies.
James: Absinthe tastes like a little green fairy that goes down your throat and rips your balls out your throat.
That’s not a taste, but ok. I really love this montage of their drunken babbling and I could watch an hour of James playing “got your nose” with Jax.
Jax is talking to James about his and Brittany’s sex life (again, things I never thought I’d see) and he’s like “she’s hate-fucking me.” Jax is explaining the Madonna/Whore complex. Wowowowow this is really advanced shit for Jax. I’m, dare I say, impressed. New year, new Jax?
Schwartz decides to tell Katie that he cheated on her in the middle of a crowded party. Fuck Schwartz. You don’t do this. I hated Katie last season, but damn. Nobody deserves to be publicly humiliated like that.
If I had a nickel for every time Schwartz said, “I have zero recollection of this” I could pay off my New Year’s Eve Uber. Also, what a weak excuse. You’re not even gonna deny you cheated? You’re just like, “Yea I probably did that, shrug life.”
Katie doesn’t even really seem that upset. She’s like “What did I do? Is this some kind of karmic punishment?” Not really, you just married the wrong person.
And what does Schwartz say? “Bubba, I have no recollection of this.” Contrary to what I tell myself when I’m hungover, even if you don’t remember something, that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. However, I may start using this anyway.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/vanderpump-rules-recap-i-have-no-recollection/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/181934270367
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allofbeercom · 6 years
‘Vanderpump Rules’ Recap: I Have No Recollection
Last week on we found out that Jax probably cheated on Brittany more than once, and nobody was surprised. Also let me just say, fuck Bravo for doing this shit to me on New Year’s Day, aka national hangover day. And by “doing this shit to me,” I mean “airing their regularly scheduled programming.” My hangover is not prepared for this. Then again, my shame hangover is setting in, so maybe some good old-fashioned judging people who are stupider and richer than me might do me some good.
We open at Brittany’s apartment, where all the girls slept. Stassi ordering Taco Bell and drinking a beer first thing in the morning is very relatable and definitely not at all how I started the new year (*whispers to self* think they bought it?). Scheana is taking a private jet to Vegas with Lala and her sugar daddy boyfriend.
The Toms go to Villa Rosa to talk to Lisa about the restaurant. Lisa is lounging on her roof with her dogs and can’t be bothered—how I aspire to handle all my future business deals. Lisa says to Ken that she’s “ready to call it quits,” which is definitely not at all just a fabricated angle by the producers to make us give a shit about this restaurant. Honestly, this shit is annoying. This fake back-and-forth doesn’t make me care any more about Tom Tom. Just saying. 
Bravo is really doing the most with these flashbacks and the slow-mo sequence of Tom and Tom walking up to Lisa’s door. This isn’t ; we don’t need any flashy effects. Just give us the drama straight-up.
Lisa wants Tom and Tom to pay $120,000 for a 10% stake in the company, which IMO seems a little unfair. Like, Lisa employs these people. She knows how much they make. Specifically, she OF ALL PEOPLE should know that these barely employed bartenders don’t have 120 grand.
Lisa is like, “This is the deal, I’m not negotiating” but she also said to the camera that she just pulled that figure out of her ass. So… ?? Actual picture of Lisa Vanderpump:
They settle on 50 grand each for a 5% stake. I’m no Mark Cuban (I do watch a lot of though), but that doesn’t seem like the best deal. Like, can you really call yourself a business owner when you own 5% in said business?
Lisa: All I’m asking for is enthusiasm and positivity.
…Yeah, and 50 thousand dollars they probably don’t have. 
Jax comes home when all the girls are face-first in Taco Bell, yelling and screaming that Brittany is being dramatic. He’s like “People are dying of cancer everyday, this is not a big deal.” Or in other words:
Well given that Jax’s dad just died of cancer, that’s very dark. (May he rest in peace.) So then Brittany…goes over and starts hitting him and pushes him out the door, basically. Yep. Ten minutes into the episode and we’re already witnessing physical assault. Cool. But like, I’m so glad Jax and Brittany were able to work out their problems and stay together in this very healthy and functional relationship.
Jax says to Brittany, “Everything was fine until you started talking to your friends about it,” aka, “Everything was fine until you went to that damn party and your friends went and talked some sense into you.”
I know, right? Isn’t it such a drag when women form their own opinions and stand up for themselves? Can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em, amiright?
Sandoval calls Ariana to tell her the good news about them being partners with Lisa, and her response is basically “k”.
Stassi is talking to Katie about planning Guillermo’s party and she literally said “I didn’t know I was OCD.” So you like, make one to-do list and think you have OCD? Girl, bye.
Scheana’s packing for her trip to Vegas, and her closet looks like the fucking Piper Lime accessory wall on .
All the girls are like “violence is wrong but Brittany you’re doing amazing sweetie by hitting Jax.” I have no further comment at this time.
Lala comes over to Scheana’s, where Ariana is also hanging out (sitting on like, the floor of Scheana’s closet because reasons) and is talking about how well-off her married boyfriend is. Can you really make that much money from a mid-level film you produced like, three years ago? Seriously, look at this guy’s IMDB. He’s done, like, three movies. If you can get private jet money off of three movies nobody’s ever heard of, I’m packing my bags and going to film school.
Anyway, apparently Katie talked shit about Lala’s married boyfriend, and by that I mean Katie merely stated that Lala is dating someone who, at the time, was very much in the eyes of the law still married. Which, according to my research, is true. Or at least, it was at the time of filming. Separated =/= divorced—a lesson for all you kids at home.
Lala: Are you gonna mention my man again? Are you tryna get popped?
Ugh, Lala, take off your Compton beanie. You are a white girl from Utah. Stop. Lala is every white girl who sees once.
Lala calling her boyfriend “very much not married” is very much fake news. The divorce was only finalized like, last week. We all have the receipts.
Ok so Lala tells Ariana and Scheana that Schwartz supposedly made out with Lala’s friend Allie. Tbh I’m probably going to stalk Lala’s Instagram to figure out who she is. Stay tuned for that follow-up article. Also I’d just like to say, fuck Lala for being like “If you come for my man I’m gonna come for your marriage.” That gives us two scenarios: Either Lala is making this up as retaliation because she’s salty, or she was going to sit on this information until Katie pissed her off. Both are bad, especially if you claim to be friends with Katie.
I’m not really going to entertain the “Stassi planning Guillermo’s party” storyline because it’s obvious that she doesn’t really have anything to do with it. You can’t plan an event with two days’ notice; it’s literally impossible. This event has ben planned for months, I’m not stupid.
Jax and Schwartz are at some restaurant that serves fried guacamole, and I need to know the name of this restaurant immediately.
Jax tells Schwartz that he’s not going to show up to Guillermo’s party, which means he’s definitely going to show up to Guillermo’s party. Schwartz brings up the possibility of having an open relationship, and like, FINALLY somebody brought it up.
Jax is like “I don’t want that.” Jax. Jax. JAX. You want the emotional benefits of a relationship, but you are incapable of being monogamous. I feel like an open relationship is exactly what you want. Know yourself.
Stassi is freaking out about running a couple of errands, like picking up a cake and flowers before 5pm. Yeah I guess having a real job for 35 seconds might be kind of hard.
Stassi has a bar mitzvah sign-in book at this grown-ass man’s birthday party. Shit, maybe I should get into event planning.
Kristen is at this party for reasons unknown and wastes no time bringing up to Brittany how shitty Jax is. Don’t you have your own relationship to worry about? Why is she so invested in Jax’s relationship? Theory: Kristen is in love with Jax. More on this at 7.
James and Jax are drinking together, which is something I never thought I’d see. They’re doing shots of absinthe—how all responsible nights start out.
Ariana goes to Schwartz like “Can I steal you for a sec?” Sorry, can you tell I’d rather be watching rn?
Ariana is like “Soooo I heard you drunkenly made out with somebody in January/February.” But she’s ALSO like “But don’t tell Katie about this now, wait until you’re home.” So why even bring it up at this party? I know, too much logic.
Schwartz is like, “January or February? What is the meaning of those words?” So Schwartz’s immediate excuse is “IDK I don’t remember.” In other words, “Yeah I definitely did that.” Or in other words:
Meanwhile James and Jax are me and all my coworkers, getting wasted and taking selfies.
James: Absinthe tastes like a little green fairy that goes down your throat and rips your balls out your throat.
That’s not a taste, but ok. I really love this montage of their drunken babbling and I could watch an hour of James playing “got your nose” with Jax.
Jax is talking to James about his and Brittany’s sex life (again, things I never thought I’d see) and he’s like “she’s hate-fucking me.” Jax is explaining the Madonna/Whore complex. Wowowowow this is really advanced shit for Jax. I’m, dare I say, impressed. New year, new Jax?
Schwartz decides to tell Katie that he cheated on her in the middle of a crowded party. Fuck Schwartz. You don’t do this. I hated Katie last season, but damn. Nobody deserves to be publicly humiliated like that.
If I had a nickel for every time Schwartz said, “I have zero recollection of this” I could pay off my New Year’s Eve Uber. Also, what a weak excuse. You’re not even gonna deny you cheated? You’re just like, “Yea I probably did that, shrug life.”
Katie doesn’t even really seem that upset. She’s like “What did I do? Is this some kind of karmic punishment?” Not really, you just married the wrong person.
And what does Schwartz say? “Bubba, I have no recollection of this.” Contrary to what I tell myself when I’m hungover, even if you don’t remember something, that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. However, I may start using this anyway.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/vanderpump-rules-recap-i-have-no-recollection/
0 notes