dgkhl · 2 years
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যে সব চিকিৎসা সেবা দিচ্ছেনঃ
★ এপেনডিক্স, হার্নিয়া, একশিরা,পিত্তথলি ও পাইলসের চিকিৎসা। ★ ল্যাপারোস্কোপির মাধ্যমে পেট না কেটে এপেনডিক্স, হার্নিয়া ও পিত্তথলির পাথর অপসারন। ★ অত্যাধুনিক পদ্ধতিতে পাইলস চিকিৎসা।। ★ ডায়াবেটিক জনিত পায়ের ঘা/ক্ষতের চিকিৎসা। ★ এছাড়া সকল ধরনের জেনারেল ও কলোরেক্টাল সার্জারী। রোগীদের সাথে হাসিমুখে বন্ধুত্বপুর্ন ব্যবহার ও কাউন্সিলিং করে চিকিৎসা ব্যবস্থাপনা বুঝিয়ে দেন।
চেম্বারঃ ধানমন্ডি জেনারেল এন্ড কিডনী হাসপাতাল লিঃ ৩য় তলা, সিটি টাওয়ার, ৪৪/৭ পান্থপথ, ঢাকা-১২০৫। মোবাঃ ০১৮১৯১৪৮২০০, ০১৭৩২-৭২৯৩৯২
এ্যপয়েন্টমেন্ট নিতে কল করুন: 01732-729392
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ahmed25646 · 2 years
a vegetable diet protects men from disease
a vegetable diet protects men from disease
In a large, multi-ethnic study, researchers found an association between eating “healthy” plant foods and a lower risk of colorectal cancer in men, but not in women. Their results confirm that improving the quality of plant foods, combined with reducing the consumption of processed meats, can help prevent colorectal cancer. the colorectal cancercolorectal cancer (from large intestinelarge…
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realniklauss · 2 years
e-Tips de Salud nº 283: ¿Sobrepeso? ¡Debe leer esto! - #Sobrepeso #CancerColoRectal #CancerDeColon #VinagreDeSidraDeManzana #IndiceDeMasaCorporal #IMC - #eTips #eTipsDeSalud #Medicina #Ciencia #Actualidad #Consejos #Salud
e-Tips de Salud nº 283: ¿Sobrepeso? ¡Debe leer esto! – #Sobrepeso #CancerColoRectal #CancerDeColon #VinagreDeSidraDeManzana #IndiceDeMasaCorporal #IMC – #eTips #eTipsDeSalud #Medicina #Ciencia #Actualidad #Consejos #Salud
Cedido By Copyright © 2022. Ediciones de Salud, Nutrición y Bienestar, SL ¿Sobrepeso? ¡Debe leer esto!. Todo el mundo sabe que el sobrepeso no es bueno para la salud.Durante años, las principales preocupaciones por tener sobrepeso fueron el mayor riesgo de sufrir enfermedad cardíaca, accidente cerebrovascular y problemas renales.Pero investigaciones recientes han añadido otro factor de riesgo…
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laboratoriessalem · 5 years
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Le cancer colorectal est une tumeur maligne qui prend naissance dans les cellules du côlon ou du rectum. Le mot « maligne » signifie que la tumeur est cancéreuse et qu’elle peut se propager (métastases) à d’autres parties du corps. Le cancer colorectal est beaucoup plus fréquent dans les pays industrialisés. Les habitudes de vie, principalement l’alimentation, jouent d’ailleurs un rôle primordial dans son apparition. Cela explique, par exemple, que les Japonais sont peu touchés par le cancer colorectal au Japon, le deviennent tout autant que leurs concitoyens américains quelques années après avoir émigré aux États-Unis . Certaines personnes peuvent le contracter en raison d’une prédisposition héréditaire. Mais dans 75 % des cas, l’hérédité n’est pas en cause. #LaboSalem #Sante #Cancercolorectal #Colorectalcancer #Tumeurs #Pharma #Pharmacien #Algerie #Alger #Colon #Rectum #tumeurmaligne #metastase #Algerian #Oran #Annaba #Constantine #Setif #constipation #grandefatigue (à Algiers, Algeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9MOpDaoH_R/?igshid=1tap3b95mb1la
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victoriakerner · 8 years
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Mars Bleu
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jueekate-blog · 8 years
Get more details @ http://bit.ly/2dDSSX8
Global in-vitro colorectal cancer screening tests market is marked by strategic associations, mergers and acquisitions, and partnerships to expand product range. Major industry players are Alere, Abbott, Eiken Chemical, Siemens Healthcare and Beckman Coulter. Strict government policies challenge new players from entering the industry.
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Case Reports in Oncology and Cancer
Oncology Case Reports Journal
Oncology is a branch of medicine that deals primarily with cancer and tumor-related problems. Through Cancer Research's Journal of Clinical Oncology Case Report, you will have the opportunity to publish case reports in oncology that promote valuable research in the field of clinical and medical sciences, and we invite authors to share their research globally. 
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We urge the author to go beyond the objective and read the author's instructions to publish the Oncology Case Report Journal before starting any presentation. 
Case Reports in Oncology and Cancer
The case report in the Journal of Clinical Oncology focuses on, but is not limited to:
Treatment of Cancer
For the treatment of cancer, various treatments based on the results of cancer and based on the results of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, oncological surgery, and hormone therapy are ongoing.
Breast Cancer
The cancerous tissue that develops in the breast is called breast cancer, it can be a lump, and the most common type of breast cancer is ductal carcinoma, which starts in tubular cells.
Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal cancer is a cancer that starts in the colon or rectum and the colon and rectum are part of the large intestine. Its uses in the Journal of Oncology Case Report are mainly for colorectal cancer adenocarcinomas. 
Gastrointestinal Cancer
It is a collective term for cancer of the digestive system, which includes the esophagus, stomach, biliary tract, liver, pancreas, small intestine, and large intestine.
Carcinogens are carcinogenic components. Carcinogens can be natural or chemically induced or synthetic. Carcinogenesis or oncogenesis or tumor genesis is literally the 'formation' of cancer. This is the process by which normal cells are transformed into cancer cells.
Cancer Epidemic
The incidence of cancer is also known as cancer detection or cancer prevention. It is a comprehensive study of cancer that includes clinical oncology case reports, causative factors and ways to prevent and treat a variety of cancers. 
Oncogene is a gene that causes cancer and tumor cells to change frequently or interact at higher levels. These cells cause the rapid death of normal cells and also the disintegration of functional cells. 
Tumour Immunology
Tumor immunology is a branch of immunology that studies the interaction between the immune system and cancer cells (tumor or malignant). Is this a developing area ?? Tests designed to detect hypothetical enhanced immunity to treatment and prevention of infection movements. 
More about information for Case Reports in Oncology then visit our journal publisher website - https://www.salfordpublishers.org/publisher/Japanese-Journal-of-Oncology-Case-Reports
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