nexussurgical · 7 months
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When Should You Consult a Doctor for Rectal Bleeding?
Rectal bleeding is a prevalent health concern often caused by constipation. If you experience prolonged rectal bleeding, it is advisable to consult a medical specialist for accurate diagnosis and treatment. This is crucial as rectal bleeding can indicate underlying serious conditions, such as rectal cancer.
Read more about rectal bleeding: https://healthygut.edublogs.org/2024/03/06/when-should-you-consult-a-doctor-for-rectal-bleeding/
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haythamelsalhat · 1 year
Oncologist in UAE: Expert Cancer Care for Your Well-Being
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Other screening tests for colorectal cancer, such as fecal occult blood tests (FOBTs) and flexible sigmoidoscopy, are not as accurate as colonoscopy. FOBTs can detect blood in the stool, which can be a sign of colorectal cancer. However, FOBTs are not very sensitive, meaning that they can miss some cases of colorectal cancer. Flexible sigmoidoscopy allows the doctor to view the only the rectum and the lower part of the colon.For these reasons, standard colonoscopy is the most accurate screening test for colorectal cancer. It is important to note that colonoscopy is not 100% accurate
Here are some additional reasons why standard colonoscopy is the most accurate for colorectal cancer:
1. It is a direct visualization of the colon. This means that the doctor can see any polyps or tumors that may be present, even if they are small or flat. 2. It allows the doctor to take biopsies. This means that the doctor can remove a small sample of tissue from any abnormalities that are seen. This tissue can then be sent to a lab for testing to determine whether or not it is cancerous. 3. It allows the doctor to remove polyps. This can help to prevent these polyps from becoming cancerous.
If you are at risk for colorectal cancer, talk to your doctor about getting screened. Colonoscopy is the most accurate screening test available, and it can help to save your life.
Book an appointment at www.haythamelsalhat.com OR Call at +971 50 449 2281
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dgkhl · 2 years
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যে সব চিকিৎসা সেবা দিচ্ছেনঃ
★ এপেনডিক্স, হার্নিয়া, একশিরা,পিত্তথলি ও পাইলসের চিকিৎসা। ★ ল্যাপারোস্কোপির মাধ্যমে পেট না কেটে এপেনডিক্স, হার্নিয়া ও পিত্তথলির পাথর অপসারন। ★ অত্যাধুনিক পদ্ধতিতে পাইলস চিকিৎসা।। ★ ডায়াবেটিক জনিত পায়ের ঘা/ক্ষতের চিকিৎসা। ★ এছাড়া সকল ধরনের জেনারেল ও কলোরেক্টাল সার্জারী। রোগীদের সাথে হাসিমুখে বন্ধুত্বপুর্ন ব্যবহার ও কাউন্সিলিং করে চিকিৎসা ব্যবস্থাপনা বুঝিয়ে দেন।
চেম্বারঃ ধানমন্ডি জেনারেল এন্ড কিডনী হাসপাতাল লিঃ ৩য় তলা, সিটি টাওয়ার, ৪৪/৭ পান্থপথ, ঢাকা-১২০৫। মোবাঃ ০১৮১৯১৪৮২০০, ০১৭৩২-৭২৯৩৯২
এ্যপয়েন্টমেন্ট নিতে কল করুন: 01732-729392
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carefullyreckless · 7 years
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birthday 🐻 waiting for her first colonoscopy 🎁🎉🎊 #dirtythirtyplusone #birthday #colonoscopy #screening #colon #health #screenearly #bediligent #colorectalawareness #cancerscreening #proactive #birthdayweek #thirtyone #bear #selfie #nomakeup #nomakeupselfie #waiting #playamedicalplaza @playamedicalplaza #homeawayfromhome (at Playa Medical Plaza)
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