greypetrel · 1 year
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"There's a bonbon in every one of us!"
cit. Lady Inquisitor Aisling First-Thaw Lavellan, she who has at least two secret candy stashes in her room (for emergencies), a sweet-tooth.
Ali (@ndostairlyrium): This dog is so relatable, and it looks like my BonBon. Me: There's a bonbon in every one of us. Ali: That's something Aisling would say.
And so, below are the bonbon in every one of the Characters in Inquisition and some extra. There are a lot of Italian delicacies, but they're all explained. (Aisling is a sugary peach-flavoured gelatine, answer if you're a mutual and she'll assign your character one candy.)
Leliana: Sour rainbow belt. It's colourful, but it's frizzy and it's sour, it will mislead you in thinking it's something sweet and girly... It's not.
Josephine: Alpenliebe. It's very very very sweet and based on honey, very wholesome, also surprisingly hard.
Cullen: Rossana. You don't know how that candy ended up in your purse/pocket. It's there, you can rely on it, they never falter or disappear, it's not everyone taste and the ultimate grandma candy. But it just there for a snack when you need it.
Inner Circle:
Cassandra: Bacio Perugina. It's chocolate and it comes wrapped in a tiny leaflet with the sappiest quote you can think of, translated in four languages so everyone can participate in the sap. But it has a hard nut at the centre that will crack.
Solas: Galatina. It's very, very old-fashioned, in that way you either hate or love, no middle ground. It's condensed milk so it's good for calcium. Another grandma candy.
Varric: Gummy bear. It's reliable, it's the thing that everyone likes, you find it everywhere, everyone agrees that it's a wholesome, good candy even if for some it's a little too basic. The surprise is that Varric is a bowl of liquor-soaked gummy bears. It lied to you.
Dorian: Mon Cheri/any Boer chocolate. A chocolate filled with liquor, very fancy, very refined, it's not everyone's taste, but if it's yours it's suddenly screaming refined person. Sweet, but pungent.
Vivienne: After Eight. Again, it's something very very refined, but that you either hate to guts or love to bits. There's a stark contrast between how it appears and how it tastes, and again, it's something very, VERY fancy.
The Iron Bull: A Strawberry and cream gelèe. It's soft, it's sweet, it's pink, will be liked by a lot of people… And liked so much you won't realize it's giving you cavities for days and your dentist will love you for the amount of money you'll leave them.
Sera: Fudge. It's sweet af, but it's annoying and relentless. It sticks to your back teeth and it will go away when your dentist will forcibly scrape it away with a scalpel, cursing loudly.
Cole: Fruttini. It's basically sugar. A tiny ball of sugar with the faintest fruit flavour. It's a sugar cube? It's a fruit candy? It's a bit of both, you decide. It will melt in your mouth and be very very sweet.
Blackwall: Selz Soda. It looks like an innocent, wholesome hard candy. Very wholesome, it's fruity and sweet. And then BAM the hard shell cracks and there's selz inside and it burns and you're left there hissing at the surprise. Not everyone's favourite, and not a candy you should trust.
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greypetrel · 1 year
ACBA, part 1.
Assigned Candy by Aisling (@dungeons-and-dragon-age I laughed so hard at this.)
There were some requests for OCs and I'll oblige…
Under the cut for lenght, but still. (Again if you're a mutual send words and you'll have your OCs some candies assigned to)
@dungeons-and-dragon-age: Lay, I will do the ones I'm most familiar with for now!
Adriel: A lemon hard candy. It's sour, you can't eat it quick because it's hard to crack, you have to keep it there… But oh damn, sweetened lemon? Yes, acquire the taste and go on.
Liam: Rum and Raisin ritter sport chocolate. It's wholesome and will get you going if your pressure gets low, it's warm and homey. Yes raisins aren't everyone's taste, but with rum they just taste so good!
June: Frizzy Pazzy. (Crazy Fizz?) This I have a hard time remembering the name in English. It's one of those envelopes that contains grains that just… Fizz when you eat them. They're sour and you can't eat too much at once because they will explode. But it's one of the funniest candies around and it's science.
Ari: 90% chocolate. It's dark and slightly bitter, most people won't approach because they'll think it's too bitter… It's actually the one chocolate that will be the most beneficial, won't hurt your teeth, once you get used to the bitterness you won't go back to milk chocolate.
@shivunin I hope I got them right!
Arianwen: after longs consideration and at least a whole day spent with Aisling following Wen around squinting, very very deep in thought Vampire teeth gummies. Aisling will tell you that she can't pinpoint it, but she thought of those and can't find anything that fits better. It seems fierce and not friendly but if you taste it it's really sweet. Add a Zevran in the background because I have the feeling that this scene would be funnier with him around to assist.
Maria: I think she would be a little indecisive. Chocolate, but flavoured either with chilli, or with salt. Some unusual combination that you won't often find or go for… But it's peculiar, it's surprisingly delicious, and you will remember forever of the time you ate it. (if we can space to cakes, the answer will be clearer: "A red velvet cupcake. Come on it looks just like her dress! With the lace!")
Elowen: Strawberries dunk in chocolate. Fruity and tangy, very sweet, but countered by the hard and the warmth of the chocolate. Something unassuming that you have to cook at home… But oh damn they're good. (it's meant as a compliment, Aisling would like Elowen a lot)
Emmaera: Parma Violet. I wanted something flowery for her, possibly with lavender. I admit my personal lack: I just hate lavender as a flavour in food and I don't know any lavender flavoured sweets... And none I found had a story as the Parma Violet has. It's a typical candy from where my family comes from: it's balmy and it's very flowery, violet are known for their calming properties as well, and as an essence it has a long story that goes back to the Duchess Maria Luigia d'Austria, very well-loved in the town and who loved the Violets so much she made it the trendiest perfume... That eventually slipped in the kitchen and in candies.
Salshira: Cinnamon candies. I have a precise brand in mind, the Leone pills. They're… VERY intense in flavour. But if they're your jam and the flavour isn't too much? They'll go down one after the other in quick sequence, they're warm and cozy.
@ndostairlyrium you're here too.
Elanor: Confetti. Those you find at weddings. It's something you don't find every day and it has a level of formality and noblety… They're the harder candies to eat, tackle them too quickly and they'll crack your tooth. But give them patience, wait a little and oh damn, they're SWEET and homey and really the bombonniere is already empty? :(
Kerry: See I was about to assign him the Frizzy Pazzy and not June. But then I thought better and thought that for Kerry, the Frizzy Pazzy lack a level of sweetness and homeyness that Kerry has. I'd say candied orange peels dunk in chocolate (again, coming from Aisling that's the ultimate compliment, anything citrus assigned must be worn with pride.). It's homey, they're not the prettiest candy on the market, not the one you'll link with something refined… And yet. And yet! Instant love they're tangy and sweet and fresh and sour and they'll just make you smile and taste like Christmas.
Ankh: Pocket Coffee. A sweet shell of chocolate that will melt in your mouth and explode in coffee. It's sweet, but it will most definitely give you a burst of energy to get through the day. It's the mix between sweetness and energy that's it, the one thing that will keep you going when you'd just want to lie down and sleep. You can rely on your pocket coffee in a rainy day.
Shaan: Ricola. Herbal candies that… That you have to like or to wait until the flavour grows on you. But! They'll save you from a throatache or if your voice is low. Can't lose a work day because you're sick with those!
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greypetrel · 1 year
Ok so we've had Aisling assign our silly little guys candy (ty again for that btw, i love how accurate you got them!!), what about yours though? 👀
ACBA, part 2.
Assigned Candy by Aisling
Ahahahahahah you're welcome, it's been a nice little exercise and a nice way to show love to the OCs I've been following! (and I think I unlocked a new useless talent, LOL)
And LOL, if you insist... Thank you very much, here's my babies!
Alyra: Fisherman's Friend Mint. She's not sweet. She's not soothing or particularly enjoyable. She is utilitarian and gets the job done and the first impression you have of her is that she's cold, terribly cold and unforgiving. And yet, if you survive the surge of ICE, she'll refreshen your breath and will make you presentable, ready for the next day and reunion… and give you a kick into it, the amount of COLD will wake you up instantly.
Raina: Gummy Eyeballs. The trashier gummy candy you can find. It's… It's a questionable option ok they look like they've been bought at a discount and that they aren't much good anyway. But they're very very sweet if you eat them, and honestly they will make a great figure in an halloween party. They may be trash, but a scenic kind of trash.
Garrett: Kinder egg. It's the chocolate that for italians tastes like childhood and nostalgia. It's the chocolate that is soothing and you turn to because you know it's terribly sugared… But in a comforting way. An egg because yeah, he looks wholesome and fun and nice on the exterior, the kind of guy you'll instantly rely on… Inside there's stil a surprise. And that surprise's blood magic. That's done in a wholesome, nice way (he mainly heals), but still blood magic.
Aisling: Sugary Peach Gelèes. They're soft and sweet, the combo between fruity and sugar is nice, the consistence is a little annoying but not terrible like a fudge. A wholesome, nice candy that tastes like summer. It will still stick to your teeth and give you a cavity if you're not careful enough, it may look innocent and nice… Tis not so. (She asked Radha, Cullen and Dorian to assign her a candy, btw, it was a unanimous decision.)
Radha: Chewing gum. It's the one thing that will reveal your personality. Want to know a person? Give them chewing gum and see how they act. If they chew it with their mouth open, if they kindly refuse because it's not for them and they get annoyed, if they make bubbles out of them and will only eat the gums that you can make bubbles of, if they chew it to wind down stress… It's a social study made candy, and that's Radha.
I am digging this pink and purple colour scheme if it wasn't clear.
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