#cant rmb what mt tag is
prettyboykatsuki · 9 months
Ari what's your opinion on proshippers? Heard some person talk about this how it wasn't the worst thing ever since they're fictional characters therefore they're like objects + it also doesn't necessary mean they (proshippers) practices this in real life and tbh I kind of agree with this but idk tho...
im sure you mean well but i cannot comprehend why you are asking my stance on this like i dont actively post incest 😭 one of my longest fics to date include a long and graphic noncon scene. like its in my about and everything. based on everything im not sure what else my stance would be
i think the word proship has become an internet naughty word so i dont like to use it. but i am profiction and very vehemently anti censorship which is functionally the same
i understand that it can be difficult to accept that as your stance because internet culture is very puritan right now but fictional content is not the same as material harm. assuming that peoples fictional taste would be a prerequisite to harm means we should ban all violent video games and movies to lower crime. which is nonsensical. its fake. its human curiosity. it is a morally and ethically neutral thing to write dark fiction even things you would find incomprehensible immoral irl
you are not a weird person to agree w that stance. don’t let people who base their moral conscience with the things they consume online try to convince you otherwise.
ive been on this blog a long time and dont really enjoy entertaining this line of discourse but imo i feel like my stance should be pretty clear regardless 😭😭 im not mad at you by the way i just think it should be pretty clear where my beliefs lie
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