#cant wait for Misty to show up and see them interact
milf-lover42 · 1 year
I will never get over Lisa saying “think of me like a mirror” to Natalie. Babygirl that’s all she can ever do. All she ever sees when she looks at you is her younger self. All she wants to do is help you and it’s because she’s trying to be nice to her inner teenager!!!
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is it too late to have a naruto phase?
three years pt. 1 
message me and talk to me i have a lot of feelings 
also read this and other works i have on my ao3 
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29640645/chapters/72872319
Kiba kicked the grass in front of him. He looked like a kicked puppy. You felt it in your heart. You were leaving your home, the place you spent the last seventeen years of your life, and everyone around you looked so sad for you.
    “Guys. I’m not dying. I’m just-”
    “Leaving.” Kiba finished.
    “Kiba come here.”
You pull him down to you and you kiss his forehead. Kiba smiled at you but he still looked sad. Akamaru even nudges your hand, making you drop to your knees, to kiss him and tell him goodbye as well.
    “Where’s your boyfriend? Waiting for him is such a drag.”
You looked at your childhood best, Shikamaru.
    “Shikamaru.” There was a tone of warning in your voice.
    “What? All your friends are here telling you bye and your boyfriend isn’t here? Our teachers even came to see you off.”
You flushed and punched him in the shoulder. He had a point. He fake winced then went back to a regulated deadpan expression.
    “If you must know. He had work. So we said goodbye already.”
Shikamaru tisked. Tenten and Lee took this opportunity to hug you with Neji. He just offered you a small smile and a side hug. You took it, you knew how he could be. Your heart squeezed at that.
    “We got you some gifts,” Neji spoke quietly. “We all kind of worked on it with Sai’s help.”
Choji and Shino handed you a bag. It caused you to sit on the ground to open the bag. First, you pulled out a small box. You unwrapped the box and opened it out to pull out a pendant and chain. Everyone produced similar things. It was a friendship pendant. Neji had it on his keys like Sasuke and Shino. Everyone else with the exception of Shikamaru wore them as bracelets. Shikamaru wore a necklace like yours was set to be. You smiled putting it on.
    “I love it. We all match.”
    “There’s more.” Tenten sang.
You couldn’t believe it, there was more. You pulled out a frame. Sai looked so excited and proud. You flipped it to see a picture. An adorable picture.
    “It’s a screen print but before we all took turns coloring each other,” he explained grinning ear to ear.
You smiled.
    “If you want to know who colored who, Sai and I colored each other along with Neji, Neji ended up coloring you since you couldn’t know. Shino and Naruto, Tenten and Kiba, Lee and Sasuke, Hinata and Choji and we even got Ino and Sakura to get along to make this for you.” Shikamaru explained.
    “I love you  guys.”
Everyone smiled and chimed “I love you too” all around. Giving you hugs all around Even your old teachers gave you hugs. You felt the love when you were given a college survival kit from the teachers. You smiled and waved. Shikamaru grabbed your wrist before you walked away.
    “Troublesome woman. Making me already miss you.”
    “What a drag.”
He hugged you tight. You felt him smirk against your temple. You felt your eyes get misty-eyed. The Leaf was your home, leaving it to go to school was hard for you since you were going nearly two cities away and had no friends. But this program was the gateway into your future, especially in music. You looked out over the town before going to your car, you’ll be back. You promised.
That was three years ago. You had made good, you would go home once a month and then again during the holidays. A lot for you has changed. You meet the greatest roommate ever and her siblings. You four started a band with them. You got cheated on about halfway through your freshman year. Released an EP with them. Graduated early. You know the works. It was a change.
Before the concert, you were scheduled to perform for your EP when someone knocked on the door. You were confused. Normally one of the members just opened the door. Temari and Kankuro just let themself in, Gaara never. You sighed and called for them to come in. Temari opened the door looking a bit annoyed holding, Shikamaru.
    “(Y/N)? Do you know this guy?”
He pulled his arm away from her. She nodded and walked away. Once she was out of earshot Shikamaru looked at her go, almost like he was checking her out.
    “She is..”
    “My keyboard player…” You replied by getting up. “Why are you here? It’s like- we’re like two hours both from the show and home.”
    “We made the trip to come to see you?” he looked more confused than anything.
    “All of you?” You asked skeptically.
     “I got Neji to drive..” he responded
You snorted. It felt hard to believe. As you were getting ready to respond Kiba nearly smashed into Shikamaru and then Naruto over his shoulder.
You tripped over yourself backward. But someone grabbed them by the collar and pulled them backward.
    “You two need to be leashed. Hey (Y/N).” Sakura smiled.
You waved and moved aside to allow others into the room. Soon all your friends were standing in your dressing room with you sitting on the makeup counter. Everyone was really interested in your new look.
    “Your hair..” Neji pointed out.
    “Yeah, um breakups will do that. You decide the time to change.” you felt the sides. You decided to pixie your hair before the release of the EP. “Do you like it?”
He nodded. Reaching out himself to tuck a part of your bangs behind your ear. You blushed a little and looked at him. His eyes were soft and very blue in stark contrast to his long black hair tied up in a ponytail and black shirt. You took in what he was wearing, he was dressed in a black t-shirt and light wash jeans, pinched and rolled with a pair of black hightops. He had on a bomber jacket and his hair pulled back. You caught the look of shock on Shikamaru’s face. You flushed more and looked at the time.
    “How I’m sorry I have to finish getting ready- I uh. Look come back here after the show- and I’ll introduce you to my bandmates.”
Everyone took turns hugging you before leaving. Shikamaru hung back to look at you.
    “What was that?”
    “I don’t know Shikamaru. I don’t know.”
He smirked and walked away for you to get ready. You were not going to think much about that interaction. Neji and you were just friends. That’s it nothing more, nothing less.
The show went off without a hitch. It was great. You haven’t felt this alive in years. You saw your friends out in the crowd. It’s been a long since you’ve done something like this, you never felt more alive in your moment. You danced and sang your heart out with Temari and Gaara. You worked the crowd. You caught Neji’s eye and sent him a wink just to see what happened and he flushed and continued nursing his drink.
You got backstage and rushed to your room to change. Then another moment passed while you calmed down a knock came. You opened the door to see Gaara. You smiled at him and invited him in.
    “Gaara you were amazing.”
    “You are too sweet. I wanted to run a different setlist by you for tomorrow before I left.”
Temari and Kankuro showed up too and the four of you were discussing what the next plan was.     “Uh (Y/N)?” asked Shikamaru.
You lit up and invited them in.
    “Guys these are my best friends I’ve told you about. Shikamaru and Temari meet. But Temari, Gaara, and Kankuro meet the leaf. Leaf met my band.”
One by one they all introduced themselves to one another and fell into quiet conversation with each other. You leaned on your makeup mirror and Neji jumped up on the counter with you and smiled.
    “You were great.”
    “Thank you.”
He smiled a soft, reserved smile for you and leaned against you. He asked you some basic questions and then he hit you with an unexpected conversation.
    “So you and Gaara have some really good um are you two well?”
    “No. God no. He’s gay as hell.”
Neji blushed and looked at the redhead. Who was engulfed in a conversation with Rock Lee. You smiled at him. Neji didn’t know what to say he just looked nervously at you. You didn’t need him to speak more, you knew why he was asking. You leaned your head on his shoulder, he tenses up a bit before relaxing with you. Hinta saw this and slapped Ino.
You both jumped and looked at each other before both of you flushed. You shrugged. You weren’t sure what was going on but you weren’t mad. You had a soft spot for Neji, always. Even when you were dating Koma. He kissed your shoulder and you laughed. Shikamaru smirked to himself. Everyone pretends not to see anything. Hinata was nearly vibrating in excitement for her cousin. He’s never shown interest so this was new for everyone. Neji has always had feelings for you, he always has even back when you were with your ex. And you two were going to figure that out. Everyone funneled out after an hour or so. Neji and you parted ways with a promise to talk more about whatever this will be when you get home but for now, you’ll settle for texting non-stop like you're in high school. And that made you happy.
You were packing up when your phone vibrated, you pulled it out to see two text messages. One from Neji and one from Shikamaru.
n. hyuuga
    I had a great night. I’ll have to come to more shows of yours. Thank you. <3
    be safe driving back please. i cant wait <3
s. nara
    im gonna date ur keyboard player
    pls no
s. nara
    ima date her harder now.
You groaned getting into your car beside Temari.
    “What?” she asked.
    “Just Shikamaru.”
She hummed, nodding crossing her legs. Kankuro was removing his makeup and looking at you too. Gaara fell asleep against the window.
    “I’m gonna date your best friend.”
You headbutted the steering wheel and she laughed at your reaction. You left grumbling you couldn’t believe this.
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Defenders Watch Through Review
I spent the day watching Defenders, and I have mixed feelings. On one hand I LOVE the characters and their interactions, the way it was filmed, those colour palettes, the way the shots were framed… But the whole plot was just weak. It was short, there was no mid-way investigating ti find the puzzles, everything was practically handed to them, the villains were underdeveloped and as fantastic as Sigourney Weaver’s voice over speeches were, she was never really that threatening to me.
Anyway I made notes as I watched through and they are gold.
Ep 1: I don’t know how to feel about this dark rainy fight. I can’t tell what is going on. The fighting is so pretty though. I love the opening! That music, the beat in the middle, the COLOURS. Jessica naming the episode ‘the H Word’ is perfect. Also her whiskey coffee. Jessica is perfect. The way they filmed the Harlem scenes through other stuff, in fact they are filming a lot of shots through other frames and I love it. MATT, this is the first time I've seen him since DDs2 and I've missed him. I'm so happy we get to ser him in his element in court, we've been denied that until now and that is a crime. This is also the first time we’ve seen Karen and Matt since he told her and they're still cute, but not romantically. I also wish Karen wouldn't treat Matt like an addict, I've seen a meta about this and why it makes sense but it comes across as her and Foggy being constricting to Matt and I don't like it. Watching this, I’d be happy with a massive conglomeration where they don’t even meet, just put the next seasons of these guys together because it’s so satisfying watching them go from one scene to another with the main four Danny has his own plane, I don't know why I'm surprised. And wait is that PTSD, could that be GOOD CHARACTER development and writing what is this? The scene changes though like an old film reel or slide show. I love them. I wish they used a few less because they're a bit disruptive but I love them. Malcom: "Hey" Jessica: "No" Danny gets back and New York literally has an earthquake, I feel like that's saying something. I like Danny though, I wish they did his character more justice than IFs1 did
Ep 2: Jessica is going to punch someone with that kind of title. Plot twist that it was Danny punching Luke, I'm disappointed I want Jess punching someone. Oh wow, I wany Matt to parkour HE DID PARKOUR HE DID SOME FIGHTING I’VE MISSED MY DD FIX I can't believe Matt managed to punch someone before Jessica If Danny ends up accidentally punching this wall gonna be so annoyed. Okay, this also makes me annoyed because telling me the plot five episodes before it happens meant the whole rest of the plot felt...dull, predictable. Danny was going to break that wall down, great, thanks for telling us what's going to happen in five episodes. Matt’s being treated like an addict wow, I don't like it. I get it, and he's trying to stop so they're being supportive but Foggy, that is savage Elektra nooooo Danny V Luke like Luke looking mildly irritated and Danny just hitting him like a fly, the best Iron Fist fight so far. Thus far very happy with the IF fights.
Ep 3: Poor Elektra, I like her in this. By the end I'm confused what she's doing but I think she made a better villain than Sigourney Weaver did I can’t believe Stick cut off his own hand Matt. And Jessica! My faves! Meeting. I'm here for this. I see how this is going, Luke is going to comment how he got punched by a guy with a glowing fist and Claire is going to go “ah, I know that is” It happened "You punched me." "You punched me first." They’re like kids, I love it. Heroes for Hire here we come. Matt’s stalking Jess who wants to bet--no, wait, Jessica is stalking Matt now this is hilarious. "I have pictures, asshole," and then Matt is an asshole and smashes her camera. To be fair I can't believe how savage Jessica was "I'll punch you so hard you'll see."
Ep 4: "We need to kill the lights." "How do you even know they’re on." Jessica has her priorities in the right place, I appreciate that. Her realism is nice. The four ribbing each other out, this is definitely my favourite scene so far. "I even put on a tie! Danny is adorable" DID JESS THROW THAT CAR IN
Ep5: Did Luke just get hit by a garbage truck this wasn’t what I meant by calling them my trash squad Matt and Elektra are tragic. I love their chemistry, they're so bad for each other and that's what I love. I’m glad we’re getting so much Colleen This feels a little like DDs2.5 and IFs1.5, I want the others to get a bit more input. It's not going to happen, not with their s2 around the corner but I think it would be nice. Scarf looked better, I agree, Jess. Much better than the horns. I love the lighting of this whole thing That Colleen and Claire scene Matt “I don't kill people” damn near kills a guy, double standards wow This is the point I wish Karen or Trish had been more influential, and the others had to actually find something more out because this is where the plot strings along before the inevitable big bad battle.
Ep 6: Can Matt not hang his pictures straight or something? He's playing up the blind thing there a little bit. I'm pretty sure he could try a little harder than that. Matt and Jess detectiving together is something I always wanted and I’m getting it. The directing is brilliant, have I said how much I like the lighting and the shots? Danny and Luke moments, yeeeeesssss, I really wanna see Heroes for Hire now, I need them being friends I’m glad this is only 8 eps, because they like to slow down around 2/3 the way through to string along the last pieces and it gets a bit slow, and knowing there are only two eps left means I know it will speed up instead of there being five eps left. Either that or I wish they'd added a few more plot stages, the ending is inevitable now. Danny don't do something stupid I cant believe this is literally about everyone wanting Danny. I also can’t believe Danny spent the whole episode tied to a chair. It's such a coincidence that everyone was fed up with the show and here everyone feels that way about the character. “How can you enjoy watching all this death?” my mum asks as Sigourney Weavey tells Elektra to kill the Defenders. “There’s not that much death.” I say, and then Elektra stabs her, “Okay, I was not expecting that.” Wasn’t expecting that at all, Elektra, I think I'm in love with that plot twist
Ep 7: Almost there, here we go So glad each Defender has their own colour "Here is my professional legal opinion... you need to break out of the precinct" Can’t believe Jessica is stealing alcohol from homeless people now Are Jess and Luke beating on an old lady now? I appreciate how much Colleen there is, have I said that? Danny behind that dragon spread out like his tattoo was eerie
Ep 8: was it worth it spending my day watching this? Yes, yes it was What’s that sound? (Sword fight continues in the background) Better Iron Fist story than Iron Fist was I thought Matt was gonna kiss Danny for a minute, but no, bro talk Oo Elevator fighting, I can't believe Jessica was so quick to get out of it, I literally thought she was ditching. Also really glad everyone is using martial arts and there was Jessica, throwing the enemy into the roof Okay so Matt hasn’t been daredevilling. But he must have kept in shape because his fighting skills are better than ever I spent the whole series half hoping for Punisher and knowing it wasn’t gonna happen. That's so sad. Hang in there, Jess That fight between Matt and Elektra was everything, and that ending was perfect Matt? No, he can’t be dead, Matt how please you’ve got a s3 YOU CAN’T BE DEAD I hope Misty gets a mechanical arm and is badass. I mean she’s badass anyway. But Matt though… This definitely felt like an Iron Fist and DD sequel rather than Luke Cage and JJ As cute as Luke and Claire are I hope there is room for a Danielle Cage in the future I want to see an Iron Fist mask from you Danny I wanted more Jessica from this Yay new Alias sign Matt wHY arE you on rOoF are oh wait its Danny I want a mask, Danny, although I like the track suit Oh there’s Matt. And your mom’s around somewhere. I wanted a Punisher trailer too but I guess that was to hope for Wow that was a ride. Not perfect, but definitely a team up that was worth it to watch.
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