#cant wait for his new stuff if its pop ill listen if its rock ill listen if its indie ill listen
archivedatl · 18 years
AP web exclusive: All Time Low tour diary
Posted by Scott Heisel on 08-Dec-06 @ 04:43 PM
Last month, Baltimore pop-punkers All Time Low took to the road with Sugarcult for a series of shows on the West Coast. Here's some of what they saw, in words and pictures. Learn more at www.alltimelow.com.
#1------------------------------------------------------------ Ooohooo So last night we celebrated two awesome occasions...well 3 since matt's molars finally grew in...anyways yesterday was Haloween and our first night of our tour with Sugarcult. I must say, it is pretty strange touring with a band who I spent the better years of my middle school life watching on MTV. Regardless of where this band has been, it definetly didn't eff with their personalities. They were all super nice to us and each came up and introduced themselves. The show went pretty well but it wasn't a good judgement of our the whole tour is going to be because Sugarcult didn't even headline, the Eagles Of Death Metal did, and the tickets for $25 on Haloween night :) I'm sorry but I would never go to a show if those were the circumstances...I'd be out expanding my collection of holiday treats. Tonight the 'real' tour begins so we will see how it goes. We are playing Washington State University in Pullman Washington. We haven't done too many college shows, so this should be interesting...anyways before we got on the road a couple days ago we were couped up in Ben Harper's (formely of yellowcard, now in amber pacific) house/studio in long beach, CA working on our new CD :). We demoed some hot licks that were going to send over to our producer matt squire so that he can put in some input. I heard my blogs are going to be posted on the Alternative Press website for this tour, so if that's the case then...helll yeah! Well I just woke up from sleeping in the van so I am gonna walk out into the freezing streets of Pullman, WA crack my back and grab some Qudoba. Much Love, Jack --jbstar #2------------------------------------------------------------ Yoo dooodds, So I'm gonna update you guys on the passed couple shows...on Wednsday we played Washington State University. Those kids are freaking crazy! Everyone seemed to be having a good time and we made some awesome new friends. I cannot stress enough, how cool the Sugarcult guys are. Which is really cool because I have been listening to those guys since 6th grade! Anyways before we played, matt thought it would be a good idea to have a fork and knife fight backstage...yeah it turned pretty ugly and we should have some footage online soon enough. That night we partied at 'The Christmas House'. Lets just say that I'm pretty sure alex made out with a dog...I really miss Hit The Lights :( Anways...we played Seattle after the college show and it was offf the hoooook. Everyone in the room was dancing and it got pretty redic. As soon as we told them the alex/dog story they went nuts. We met up with the Pink Spiders that night. We were nervous about that because we've heard some stuff...but for real those guys are the shit. There all super nice and we have no complaints about them. We have yet to tour with a band who we don't get along with (fingers crossed). We also heard that we may be doing a few shows with Cobra Starship in Dec, if that happends that would be sick. I'll keep you guys updated. Someone made us a bucket of the craziest donuts ive ever seen at the portland show last night!! They were reallly good. Sorry for the lack of pics, I'll make sure my next post has more, its just hard to take good pics on a sidekick :). Talk to you guys soon!!Jacko #3------------------------------------------------------------ Yo Babaayyss, Last nights show was off the hook! I love playing at The Boardwalk in orangevale calii. The crowd was as wild as usual and a bunch of kids were singing along. A lot of the same kids who saw us there on the Amber Pacific tour came back. Its always cool to see so many familiar faces,,,cough cough hint hint nudge...you get the idea folks! The next couple shows should be interesting...reno and vegas. I wont be able to gamble but at least ill be able to look at a lot of lights. We all have family comming out, so that should be exciting. I havent seen my brother and sister in ages and i know their gonna be wasted so that means they will be even more friendly :) Also Meg n Dia join up in vegas which is sick, SO SIKED FOR THAT!!! We met them on warped and their super nice. anyways i think its time, i go to In and Out because after this tour im not going to be able to go back for a while :( im going to eat there everyday twice a day until we leave Arizona. Ive attached pics from our set on the Epitaph stage at this years Bamboozle Left and also some pics of our acoustic set the 2nd day! Thanks to everyone who watched us either/both days :) love you peace peace n a bottle o' hair grease, jack #4------------------------------------------------------------ Wow...vegas has to be one of the strangest places on this earth. First of all we showed up in Reno (shity city) only to find that only sugarcults crew was there and the show probably wasnt going on. We were welcomed by a hooker in a pink tanktop and no teeth asking if we had any shirts we could give her...Thankfully we have power windows and middle fingers. Thankfully zack was asleep or he might have took her up on some of her offers...he's getting desperate you know..just kidding! Anyways we decided to hang out with sugarcults crew for a little then start the drive to vegas early since it was 8 house. We got to go over the Hoover Damn which was sweet. It's seriously Vegas Vacation all over again! Anyways, we got to vegas around midnight and it was a fantastic site! My bro and sis were staying at the MGM so thats where i headed. Rian to the Excalibur, Alex and Matt to the Venecian and Zack to the Luxor. We all split up and hung out with our fam for the evening. My brother took me around vegas and boyyy was it interesting. I was approached by numerous drunk people. It was basically like an Ocean City, Maryland for older people. It's just a place for adults to drink, walk around drunk, act like teenagers and maybe gamble a bit here n' there. it was Akward to say the least. Anyways the next day was the show at the House Of Blues at Mandalay Bay...probably one of the nicest venues we have ever played. We introduced ourselves to the Meg n Dia folks and got to know our new tour mates as we shared a dressing room. We soon found they are awesome people and they share a love for getting wild! The show was pretty cool, and the crowd was big. It was weird though because the merch was not in the venue, it was in the cassino haha. Anyways Vegas was an experience we wont forget, and I cant wait till we go there again. I hope the next time we go, were 21...actually nevermind because that would be three years :)stay rad, Jack #5------------------------------------------------------------ Lame! Tonight was our last show on the Sugarcult Tour featuring The Pink Spiders and Meg n Dia :( Damone will be taking our place on this great lineup. I am jelous that they get to join up! Anyways we made some lifetime friends on this tour and it was a great experience for everyone. Every single show was amazing and the fans never let us down. Traveling to bumfuck arizona and hearing a couple hundred kids sing your song is the coolest feeling ever. Sugarcult was very warming towards us and their personalities suprised the shit out of me. they were such cool guys and even when zack was sick they made him soup and gave him Emergen-C. WHO DOES THAT !?!? Thats like something my mom does...so in a way Sugarcult are our parents. They actually reffered to us as their younger brothers on stage. At the last show of the tour in Little Rock, Arkansas us and Meg n Dia ran on stage during "Bouncing Off the Walls" and started bouncing around and took over Tim's Guitar n Mic, Marko's (my twin) guitar and Airens Bass. It was so fun to bro down with a band that ive been listening to since middle school haha. Alex also got to soundcheck with sugarcult at Texas AM College because tim was at the hospital taking care of his sickness (i think he had a nasty cold). It was so crazy to see alex soundcheck with a band who for the past few years have held a special spot on my ipod and in my cd player :) I attached a pic of him sound-checking for fun. At the end of the show we said our goodbyes and gave our hugs. This is'nt the end of these friendships though, only the beggining...now we head home to write a new cd. Catch us on the road in the northeast in december when we head out with Cobra Starship! Stay safe, Jack
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baby-n-boo · 4 years
Hehe The Order (Netflix) agere bullet fic, just cuz i cqn
Hamish, Lilith and Randall force Jack into getting claimed by Silverback like in canon, but turns out that being new to the claim... Is like being a new wolf pup in a pack. Jack smells just like a pup, instead of the powerful, age old wolf he's been claimed by Because Silverback has been in hibernation for years, he sort of takes a while to settle into his new champion too, so Jack does start acting a bit like the new cub too. So, accidentally, pack instinct kicks in slowly, and they all start protecting him a little more AU where Lilith always knew she knew magic but never talked about it, cause the wolves looked down on it, and she couldn't afford to get kicked out again (and where her, vera and Alyssa are all fine, Gabby doesn't become midnight and Kyle is still alive) It gets to the point where Randall is lending out his clothes to Jack, not just so he's not nude, but so he has some element of control Obviously stress means he slips at points that aren't helpful, so he's usually accompanied everywhere by at least one of the pack, who have things in their bag for just an event. Hamish is most common, cause he makes everyone around him look sloppy anyway so people are less likely to notice Jacks behaviour... Also cause he loves his little one. Remember that part where they're feeding jack the potion so he doesn't die cause silverback ks tryna yeet outta there, and they're all like "sippy time" and "yum yum" and that stuff? Yeah. He slipped further than ever before cause of all the drama and he can't get back up again, so they have to look after him. The potion was a bottle of formula, and he was putting up a token resistance though all he wanted was to be held and fussed over. Jack never got a room in the house, cause he had a dorm room. But in this version, he has a nursery, decked out to his every need and/or whim (thanks to that sigil thing that Lilith uses to get the stuff for him though Hamish disapproves) None of the others know what's going on or why, but they presume its something to do with the fact Jacks mind wasn't open to the idea cause he didn't get the choice to be claimed. They make sure to give him a decision in everything now, even when he's little, because it's so important Hamish does have to move his bar to the baby gated kitchen though, and eventually to an empty office/study, cause uncle Randall kept conveniently forgetting that babies can't have alcohol in their sippies Shocker, Randall can cook. Hamish cant, though they assume that's cause he drinks the cooking wine and gets distracted. Even more of a shocker, Lilith can cook. She doesn't let her little bro eat mac n cheese or dino nuggets all the time, though she did once make them from scratch, which prompted a two day tantrum when Jack was told no more. (Alyssa's timeout sure put an end to that) They may be sfw caregivers, but Hamish and Alyssa aren't ashamed or afraid to give their little pup a swift spanking if he's earned it, especially toward the end of the season. They know his limits, he has a safe word, and they've never hurt him yet, but they cant afford to be bleeding hearts. Randall falls for the puppy dog eyes everytime without fail. Jack wears pullups to start with, because nobody can argue, he's getting a bit incontinent with all his passing out. Eventually he graduates fulltime to diapers, and its always a short straw as to who has to clean up. Lilith always vouches that Alyssa, as the only one of them without a heightened sense of smell, should do it, but it's amazing how many times Lilith seems to miraculously draw the short straw after that. One would almost say its magic . Baby jack does not like real magic. A bit cause the sound hurts his head, but mostly cause its icky, and too much thinking. Give him a good old fashioned card trick anyday, he'll be giggling and playing with rogue cards in no time. Wolves are strong, and Alyssa has a sneaky enhanced strength charm, so anyone and everyone in that house can lift Jack, for diaper checks, or surprise hugs, or to stop him trying to crawl down the stairs after climbing out of his crib again. Everytime it makes him blush, even when big There's one surefire way to keep Jack smol (or get him there), and that is to be picked up and cradled. Doesn't matter where it is, or what else is going on. You pick him up, and cradle him to your chest, especially absentmindedly, or whilst rocking from foot to foot, you'll have a tiny baby Jack on your hands in no time Hamish is the best at that kind of regression for Jack. He likes to get involved in Serious Conversations With Important People About Important Things (mostly with Alyssa about real magic, cause he knows Jack won't listen), and then just suddenly smile, picking Jack up from where he's come near, cradling him, and pushing a pacifier into his mouth whilst nodding seriously. Bonus points if he whispers "Hi there little one/baby/my little wolf pup" in that accent of his. Nap time is a strange calm affair. One can just turn to him, usually the more parental types, and say "Awe, does my puppy need some sleepies/nappy time?" And he'll melt into that crib, happy to do as you ask. The sibling types have a harder time but not by much, they'll usually slip and be like "come on, wolf-dad said nap time. Ill tuck you in." And that's that Hamish loves and hates being called wolf-dad. It was Randall's fault first When the temple magus came around, they all tried to hide it, but she quickly found one of jack's deco-pacis and threatened to give everyone one until they owned up as to whos it was. Lilith and Randall challenged her on that and tried to call her bluff. They were quickly silenced and sentenced to sit on their miraculously padded, exposed butts in timeout for that. Hamish, however, saw sense, and asked Jack if it was okay to share the secret, to which, the already stressed boy simply broke down into tears, falling into headspace immediately. For the rest of that afternoon, they had two fussy babies, and a very quiet, reserved toddler to deal with. Hamish asked Vera about the spell, and she waved him off like "It's only a temporary regressive effect. They're still fully awake jn there, just...without their usual bodily control." And laughs, watching happily as Lilith tries to stand to fight the spell and ends up falling onto her padded butt again, in a cloud of pink lace from her socks and dress, paired with squeaks from her maryjanes Randall was luckier cause he didn't cuss her out when calling her bluff, so he got snappy overalls and a puppy print shirt, though still about as much control as Lilith. Jack refuses to come back out of his regressive state for about a week after that, not even crying for attention through the baby monitors, just waiting for someone to come get him, until one day they find him whispering a story line to himself whilst wheeling some cars back and forth on the floor of the front room. The older siblings rue the afternoon they spent in baby jack's shoes, and try their hardest to be there for him, anticipating his every need They also admonish Hamish for being so patronising to them whilst they were like that, since he took particular joy in offering them bottles of formula, and giving them "age appropriate" toys to play with, but he shrugs it off, going to get another drink Randall finds a onesie that'll fit their little pup, that says "Daddy's drinking buddy" and gets it edited to say "Everyone's drinking buddy", and Hamish instantly loves it Sometimes they sit Jack on the bar when they're drinking, and he'll raise his sippy in toast like everyone else, not quite getting it Turns out, after about a year or so, he actually lost the new cub thing a while back, having learned to control silverback and everything, but he just enjoyed being looked after so much that he let it carry on Lilith and Alyssa are betrayed for a while, but eventually come to their senses, realizing all Jack wanted was a family, as ragtag and weird as it is, and they come back with even more resolve to care for their little wolf pup than before Hamish is quite grandfatherly, he even says he's geriatric, but we cant have Pops as his nickname cause of pete, so...lets say hes..... PawPaw (which matches the wolf thing) or "Mishy" (tundra) Lilith, being the only were-woman, should fall into the motherly role but she's...really not the type. Instead, she's a big sister type. So she's "Sissy" or "Lee" (timber) Randall, however. Maddox exists, so jacks gunna have issues with the brother thing, naturally. So, it's sorta good he's good with being the cool, almost too young uncle. We cant gloss over the gay with Hamish, though ik it's season two..... Its great. We're having it. Nicknames like "Unca 'ndie" or just "Randy" (which is dirty in a way lil jack doesn't get)- (greybeard) Alyssa, on the other hand, is absolutely Mommy. She finds she much prefers Jack when he's playing with his toys on the floor, and babbling behind a pacifier, to when he's trying to be smooth, and its a natural progression from there to her being Mommy (mostly due to some nightmares at nap time and some stern timeouts). Other nicknames include "Liss" or "Ally" if he's trying to hide it in public. It helps him process the loss of Chloe a lot more, and, when they beat Edward, it's a lot easier to turn to Alyssa and regress that way, made even better when his PawPaw can hold him close and make him feel small again. Clay...exists. And knows. He is actually quite cool with it, though he does seem to think Jack's more than a little high. He actually volunteers to babysit when Alyssa's on order business and the rest of them are on Patrol, but Hamish politely turns him down. Clay calls Jack "lil dude" a lot, and also "squirt", which Randall loves cause woo finding Nemo. Vera is a grandmotherly type, the type to just drink all day but loves her baby grandson. She also thinks she has a thing going on with Hamish but Randall is much more important to him, so its never any further than a beard/heteronormativity...plus she has money so can get all of Jack's stuff legit. Lots of incredibles references with JackJack Baby Jack calls the wolves the Paw Patrol, and nobody wants to stop him cause he's so cute about it. Canon divergent at the end. Alyssa takes him to his grandfather's grave, after he dies peacefully in his sleep, and they have a good wholesome conversation, where he ends up slipping at the end, leaving her to hold his hand and help him out of the public area.
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DAY 0 - A Blog Is Born
Greetings Salutations , Come on in, pull up a pew, stay awhile and listen!!
So here i sit looking at my Analytics for both my FBpage and Youtube Channel..
Lets Face it its a bit depressing.. So what can be done about? well a search on the Inter-web of pornal delights .. Fb Organic "reach" is more or less dead and buried Meaning all you have left are Paid advertising.. and well i cant afford to do that right now.. so another thing that keeps getting mentioned is Blogging and Blogs
How successfully will this be? who know but lets find out.. so as i sit listening to Siouxsie and the Banshees.. a blog was born...
Will it be Witty? Intelligent? Insightful? well i guess only time will tell...
it will be at least musical.. it will not contain anything "personal" beyond my feelings and thoughts about my music and musical related content .. ie GEAR PORN!!!!!!! whooo i said it out loud,.. Im a GEAR PORN Addict.. i like gear I LOVE guitars, LOVE Modding and fixing and rebuilding
OK maybe for first Bloggness i should introduce my self :
I was Born in the Later half of the 70'S just in time to become a Starwars fanboy
[caption id="attachment_44" align="alignnone" width="406"]
Me at some age Prob around 18mths .. YES I was a big baby.. and it didn't stop there being I'm now 6'5[/caption]
The above pic is my on my Aunt's Motorbike.. if any of my family want to clarify it please feel free..
so skip ahead to a fairly average childhood.. Filled with all the joys the 80s could bring..
I grew up in a environment of music, my Uncle on my mothers-side was a bass player and had been since he was in high school.. i vividly remember begging him to play the batman TV series over and over again
Lets get to the good stuff.. the year is prob 1990 .. and its summer. and my second year of high school..
Lets go to a friends house.. and lets say he puts on "Appetite for Destruction"
at Which point me life changed for ever... the Sound .. The Guitar.. that would be come my new found desire.. my obsession...
so followed Several years of annoying the neighbors .. finding a very close friendship musicianship if you will with another school friend.. where we would sit and learn together, video our sessions long before YouTube..
ok i confess i have skipped a lot as i dont really think you want be bored with reading about how i listened to all the hair metal i could get my hands on from WASP to Poison motley crue, Alice Cooper, David lee Roth ,etc etc how i grew my hair in high school at a time where it wasn't "tolerated for boys" to have long hair.. really got heavily into Metallica.. when the black album was released..dropped out of school .. due to Personal Issues..
I guess the next chapter is where i began working PT as as a Saturday job and being a unpaid hang out during the week. at the local music shop.. it was here i discovered my interest in modding and fixing guitars.. i had the enthusiasm but not the money or the ability(yet) do even to much beyond a restring rewire and fret "Clean" i say Clean cause i didn't know about leveling and crowning and all the stuff that actually makes a difference,
the Guitar in the photo above was a "perk" from those days, and i rewired it with the pickups from my "satellite" Les Paul Clone that i acquired from my Uncle (after a bad trip to the dentist) and used capacitors ripped from a blown TV (which is still in there after 30yrs or there about) its DUE an upgrade.. stay tuned to my youtube channel ill prob do before and after stuff..
so where was i? oh yeah no longer working at the music store pretty much having to find a real job.. yey the dreams are dead!! we cant all do our dream jobs and just get payed to play guitar all day. now can well..
the other thing i had a Talent for was Computers, my father is an engineering genius.. he could strip engines and rebuild with his eyes closed so my mother told me.. and after 30 yrs i finally met him and could well believe it. having seen the workshop ,hot tub, and ride on lawnmower he built.. but i on the other hand am not an engineer cars baffle me and anything "mechanical" breaks but computers, there i shined.. i rebuild pcs and printers like i was born to it.. fixed them and service them into new leases of life..
I even did qualifications in it.. just really to get a proper job..
everything i have ever done since leaving the music shop was IT related..
it was in the training the next chapter starts, when i meet a guy called Dek..
who was in a band.. one day he comes to me knowing i was a guitarist..
"what gear do you have?" .. ermm at this point, i had a Boss GX700 and a Marshall valvestate 80 and a lot of guitars but (nothing really reliable)
"You like our stuff?, our guitarist just quit. wanna come and try out?" (im prob paraphrasing so but you get the idea..
so I went home and got the CD out.. borrowed a Jackson HSH performer from my Musicbro (mentioned above)
Learned a couple of tunes Roughly (unfort at this time i was not good enough to do Everything there previous guitarist did) but i did my best..
and low and behold i became the guitarist for D-Shock.. (based in wednesbury in the midlands UK)
I Guess my look was HEAVILY inspired by Rob Zombie, who i was listening to a lot at the time..
I was, am overtly shy, and HATED speaking on camera, after i heard my voice as a teen on "Videos" the Wolverhampton accent didn't sit well with me..  i have i think after living abroad since 2007 in various places, lost it. and listening to "new videos" I don't feel so self conscious.. but i am still ..
this led to a very interesting character trait for the band, during interviews (yes we did 2 on local collage radio.. where i would not speak just stare at the presenter,
being 6'5 and the tallest in the band, (and the baby i was the youngest too) made for a very nervous person behind the mic..
So we did a few gigs, and although we never made it into the studio.. (yes this was before home studios)
I did manage to write some new material with them
DNA, SCARS, i seem to remember a 3rd track but i might be mistaken..
we Covered Kylies confide in me..
but all things come to an end, it was obvious that we were not getting anywhere in this scene it was "serious" and in hindsight we were too early, a few years later would have been better, and add social media to this we could have been popular at it..
but we changed and started doing 80s rock covers, poison, bon jovi motley crue etc.. but this would be short lived.. though all this time, i had been dealing with depression and excessive fatigue, i could fall asleep at the drop of a hat.. and did, many times i would turn up for rehearsals at 5pm and wait around till the next person got there, and i would be asleep on the couch .. or if it was a my afternoon off at work, i would go home at 12 and sleep till it was time to rehearse..
so i made the decision (to leave the band and move to another "technically" country, and moved to the Isle of Mann for about 6months,
moved back till 2007 and moved to Australia till 2012 then returned to EU to move to Germany.. where i currently Reside.. ... this should be apt place to leave this blog for now.. when we return we will open up the blog to musical aspirations, and feelings and what is next in-store for Wolfie D..
till next time folks, remember like share and subscribe to EVERYTHING as i dont know where i will pop up next..
The Offical Wolfie D Facebook Page
O Look Pretty Pictures.. must be Instagram!
This is where the Magic Happens.. Its Youtube Everybody!!
OOO Opinions! it must be TWITTER!!
Later Peeps!!
Wolfie D
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