Twins of Eddie Munson
Chapter two
summary: Eddie expresses his feelings about what happened with the break up with the boys in 87” after two years of being on the road and they finally get to come back home to the town of Hawkins.
warnings : mentioning of drugs, alcohol and sex. I know it’s a fluff story but there’s gotta be a little spice thrown in every now and then. To make it a little more interesting.
Twins of Eddie Munson
taglist 🏷 🖤✨ ~ @sanzu-holic @fanficfanatic204 @run-up-that-hilll @yourdailymemedelivery @danielle-leah1997 @korelily @nourfine @chaoticbilly @dora-the-whora @1hopelessromantic @littlestarfighter03 @ebonybloom
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Corroded Coffin
{Gareth’s Pov}
A/N this will clear up on why reader can never get ahold of Eddie.
June 17th, 1987
It’s 11:30 pm all of us are sitting around at the front of the tour bus watching Friday the 13th eating spaghetti o’s since we really don’t have much to eat. Eddie’s in the back on his bed probably playing around on his guitar or smoking a joint.
All of a sudden the phone in the kitchen starts ringing. The boys all look at me and not moving once. I guess I’ll be the one to answer. Rolling my eyes. I get up to go answer it.
It’s probably one of our family members or Dustin. He’s always calling to talk to Eddie about girl problems or just to hear about how the tour is going. Dustin never once brought up y/n,which we’re all thankful for because to be honest with you Eddie goes nuts man . He’ll start drinking heavy, harsh drugs and bringing anything he could fuck onto the bus for a night.
“Hello, This is Gareth”waiting for the other person on the other line say something.
I hear slight sounds of what sounds like a baby crying in the background but I shake it off.
Probably nothing
“Gareth..uh it’s me..” y/n says in a soft voice.
She sounds like she’s been crying. Great man.. We all hated how things left with those two but Eddie acts like he doesn’t care.
Eddie hasn’t once opened up to any of us about the breakup and it’s been a year. I’m honestly worried because most days he isn’t himself… pushing himself to live on the Munson name. Something he thrived to never do especially when he was with y/n.
“Hey..everything okay?”
You can hear y/n get choked up “uh yeah is he there..Edd..” before she could finish I knew who she was looking for.
“No he’s not..I’m sorry he must’ve went out for a bit after the show.”
I hated lying to her. Looking back towards Eddie sitting on his bed on the back of the bus playing around with his guitar with a joint in between his lips.
“Oh okay..well can you let him know I need to talk to him Gareth.”before you can say anything she hangs up.
You put the phone back into its place so it hangs up the dial tone.
“Who was that”Eddie yells from the back
“It was y/n man. Seriously how long are you going to fucking do this to her?” Raising my voice at him walking towards him.
“What I do is none of y’alls business anymore, you hear me. Like I’ve said before I don’t care about y/n” Eddie clenching his jaw line.
“But you do still care . You got mad at fucking Jeff the other night mentioning a memory of when y/n joined the hellfire club helping us beat Vecna when we were playing D&D the other night” shaking my head “but whatever man go ahead and fuck that all up to”
“There’s a lot of people hurting from this whole situation do you not realize that? Wayne can’t talk to her because you get mad at him. Dustin her own cousin is too damn afraid to mention her name because you become a asshole the second y/n is mentioned” before Eddie could even get a word out I walked out of the bus to go smoke. Finding myself sitting on a picnic table outside of the venue we just played at.
Few minutes pass and Eddie is walking out of the bus with the rest of the guys.
“Look I’m sorry okay” Eddie says rubbing the back of his neck “it’s just hard okay?”
“Hard about what man ? You really haven’t told us anything that happened or how you feel about all of it” while Jeff and Jarrod agree with you shaking their heads in silence.
Eddie sighs and lights a cigarette.
“Y’all really want to know” Eddie says looking at the boys with a -i fucked up face-
“I fucked up okay...the week before we we’re leaving I treated y/n like absolutely shit hoping she would break up with me so I had the thought of not being the one to break up with her..she never budged ever after all the fights I caused.” playing with his metal ringer on his middle finger.
“The last thing I could think of was to cheat so two nights before we left we went to the hideout to grab a few drinks. Well I had a little to much and ended up disappearing with some random girl. Y/N was too drunk to even realize I was gone. Till the next day the girl showed up to my trailer and it went all down from there.” looking at us with glazed eyes like he’s about to cry “ I watched the girl I love break into pieces right infront of me and I acted like an asshole” a tear rolling down Eddie’s cheek. “That’s why I hate people mentioning her,the day I broke her replays in my head. I just want to get back home to fix the pieces that I’ve broken. She was the one I wanted to die next to, marry and have at least two kids with.I took that from myself”
Now I understand. He’s hating himself for what he did.
a/n that’s the end of the flashback. I just wanted to see how everyone would feel about having flashbacks into the fic.
It was the last show on tour and the boys had mixed emotions about it being the last one for a year.
they were playing in a city not to far from Hawkins so they could have a easy ride tomorrow morning.
Gareth met a beautiful woman named Jennifer Vale and he can’t wait to take her home to visit his family. Their relationship reminded Eddie a lot of y’all. Polar opposite’s but fit perfectly together like a puzzle needs a piece to be complete. She supported Gareth like y/n did for Eddie.
Eddie met a few girls on tour but all one night stands to wash out the memory of you. Definitely worked for him for two years but he’s dreading going back home with the thought of you being there full of mixed feelings towards him. But he doesn’t blame you. He’s ignored the one girl he truly loves for two years. He will try anything to gain your trust and the chance to love you again.
{Eddie’s Pov}
“Come on man let’s go smoke a cigarette before we start” Gareth says while he finished putting up the last piece of his drum-set together.
“Yeah man” grabbing the cigarette tucked behind my ear putting it in between my lips lighting it.
The guy and I walk outside the back door to smoke and talk. A crowd of noise started coming from the distances “look people are starting to show up” Gareth says pointing towards the end of the ally where there’s a crowd of people walking towards the front door.
“Hell yeah man, gonna be a great show” put my hand on his shoulder slightly shaking him.
The boys all smile in excitement and throw the buds of their cigarettes onto the ground “Let’s fucking go man !!” Jeff says throwing the backdoor open.
We finished our show after almost 2 hours of playing originals and covers people wanted to hear.
“Man that was fucking great!!” Gareth says playing air drums
“Most Metal Ever man” I said smiling at the boys.
“Let’s go get fucked up on our last night of tour!” putting my baby in her case. Sitting it by the back door.
“Fuck yeah” they all said in excitement agreeing with you.
We walk out to the bar area and order some drinks and talk with random fans throughout the night. I thought I saw y/n at one point but I shook it off. Just my mind fucking with me because we’re going home.
After awhile of partying we decided it was time to go crash.
•Next morning•
“Man I’m ready to get home..” throwing my suitcase into the back of the van while the boys threw their stuff in the back.
“Yeah me to”Gareth and the rest of the guys say all loading up in the van.
I get into the driver seat and start up my old beat up van. Hoping it will make it to Hawkins without any problems.
Hint of lovely Marry Jane hits my nose and you look over at Gareth rolling up two joints.
“You need one man” Gareth says finishing up the first joint handing it to me
“Thanks man..” I take it and place it between my lips. Grabbing my lighter to light it. Taking in a long drag to wash out my anxiety about going back home..to her.. I left her heartbroken and mad at me for no reason. Just because I wanted to have fun on tour and man did we have fun. GIRLS,DRUGS AND MORE GIRLS. that was our life on the road. I did everything to keep her off my mind and it worked.
“So who’s the first person you’re going to see man ?” Gareth ask while taking a hit off of his joint.
“Wayne man, I missed my old man.” sighing in relief of getting to see Wayne again. “That’s if he’s home, if not I gotta see my little man Dustin. I have some stuff for him from the tour”pointing my finger to the back of the van.
deep down y/n was the first person I wanted to see but I’m definitely the last she wants to see.
“What if y/n is at Dustin’s?” Gareth says in a sincere tone.
“Shit I didn’t think of that..”
Yeah I did but he doesn’t need to know that.
“Well if she’s there don’t try so hard okay. Girls are different then us” Gareth taking another hit off of his joint “
“Shit Harrington probably swooped her in already.he’s the picture perfect guy”Gareth laughing. I shot him a death glare
“Steve isn’t her ty..”
“That you know of man. Y/n could be the type of girl who only cares about the love and care from the person”
Deep down I know he’s right. Y/n doesn’t have a type as long as their a good person.
a sign comes into our line of vision
HAWKINS 50 miles
One hour later of us just driving down the road talking about all the things we wanted to do when we got back home. We see the Hawkins sign.
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“Fucking finally” all the boys say at the same time groaning.
“I’m just ready to get into my bed” Jeff says stretching his arms into the air.
“Same” I said laughing.
“I’ve been around you freaks for to long”
“Okay Eddie the Freak Munson” Gareth says laughing.
As you guys drive through town you notice how some things have changed around town since the last time y’all were here.
“Damn it looks different”
“Very different” Gareth says looking out the window as they pass everything.
You pull up to Gareth’s house to drop the guys off. Since they all left their cars at his place since the day we left.
“I’ll see y’all next week for our D&D campaign with Dustin and the rest of the club right?” looking at the guys before they get out of the van
“Yeah man”
“Uh duh what kinda question is that”
I laughed at their responses
“Alright later guys”
I pull off to head home to see if Wayne is there and as I pull up to the trailer surprisingly he isn’t home.
Dustin’s house it is I guess. I haven’t told little dude I was coming home yet so hopefully he is up for a surprise.
On the drive to Dustin’s I blasted my heavy metal music just so the people I passed knew the one and only Eddie Munson was back home finally.
I noticed I was getting close to Y/N’s house so I decided to drive pass a little faster hoping she wouldn’t see me..
As much as I just want to bust through that door to get my girl back.. that’s not happening after how I’ve been towards her.
As I was pulling up to Henderson’s house I noticed Steve’s BMW in the drive way.
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“I guess I can surprise Harrington today also”
Oh man only if he knew.- author
I park my van on side of the road by the mailbox and get out to grab the stuff I got Dustin from the tour.
As I’m walking up to the door I can hear sounds of little kids laughing.
Guess Dustin and Steve are still babysitting kids after two years.
I knock on the door and as soon as I did the first knock the door swung open
“EDDIE?!?!” Dustin says in shock
“Don’t sound to excited to see me man” I said grabbing the top of his head to mess up his hair. I’m still a bit taller than Dustin so I over looked him and noticed Robin rush upstairs with two kids not even saying a word to me.
Weird she probably hates me for what happened with y/n.
“Come in” Dustin says smiling hard from the fact that Eddie is back home. Moving over to let him in
“Thanks man” I walk in and see Steve.
“Munson” Steve says kinda cold
“Harrington?” I said confused looking at Dustin hoping he knows what Steve’s issue is
“Ignore him. It’s his time of the month” Dustin says trying to keep Steve from saying anything else to Eddie. Dustin knew how much hate Steve has towards Eddie right now.
Steve scoffs and says something under his breath “now he’s back”
“What was that?” Clearly he didn’t think I couldn’t hear that.
“ Oh only if you fucking knew man..” walking towards Eddie as Steves voice is raising up to where Robin can hear him.
“What is your problem man?” Stepping up closer to him.
Robin starts walking downstairs after putting the twins down for a nap in Dustin’s room,but freezes as she noticed something bad was about to go down.
“My problem is you fucking break Y/N’s heart like it was nothing to you. Then you don’t even have to balls to call her to tell her you’re sorry” Steve says clinching his jaw causing a vein to show up on the side of his neck. “I still don’t understand how she can even bring your name up anymore after everything you did”
Robin looks at Dustin and mouths “stop it before it gets worse”
Dustin tries to step in “so how was..” but was cut off by Eddie
“Oh so you’re mad that she hasn’t gotten with you is what I’m hearing?” I laugh in his face knowing that will set him off.
“No I’m mad at the fact that while you’re living your life she’s at home taking ca…” the sound of the oven alarm going off caught everyone’s attention
“Saved by the bell!!” Dustin and Robin yell in relief.
Robin grabs Steve’s arm and drags him to the kitchen.
“Are you fucking crazy ?!” Robin ask Steve.
“Look he didn’t even hear the last part oaky calm down..” Steve says in a upset tone.
“He can’t know okay. Not without her here”
“Robin I know.” Steve looks at her shaking his head.
Robin grabs the pizzas and puts them onto the kitchen counter.
Cutting the pizza for everyone.
“Here man I got you some stuff from the tour.” I said handing Dustin a bag
“Awesome!!” Dustin snatches the bag from my hand looking at everything I got him
“A new hat!!” Throwing his old one off and putting on the hat with our band logo on it.
“How’s it look” Dustin losing his head with his hands like he’s in a vogue magazine
“Looks great man” I said laughing at how silly this kid is
“I’ve missed you man” pulling him into a hug while laughing at how funny he can be.
“I’ve missed you to” dustin hugging Eddie back.
Robin and Steve come out to the living room where the guys were.
“Pizza is in the kitchen” Robin says holding up a plate of pizza
“Hell yeah” dustin says
“Awesome Thanks Buckley” shooting her a smile walking into the kitchen with Dustin.
You look around the kitchen remembering many nights you’ve had in here with y/n making food for us and Dustin all the time. As I was looking around I noticed a picture of y/n and two babies on the fridge. My heart dropped into my stomach..she had kids already? With who? When? Fuck I should’ve never left..those could’ve been my kids.
“Dustin did y/n have kids ?” pointing at the picture on the fridge noticing Dustin freezes at the sound of my words.
“Uh..uh no man those are just our baby cousins that were born last year” Dustin says lying straight through his teeth.
“Oh okay man they’re cute” staring at the picture of y/n a little longer. Knowing how she would always be a great mother when it came time.
Dustin shoulders drop in relief that Eddie believed him without questioning “they’re kinda of annoying” handing you a plate of pizza.
“Oh most babies can be Dust..” before I could finish what I was going to say,the front door swings wide open and stood in the doorframe was HER.
My heart dropped again down into the pit of my stomach with the sight of her.
A/n IM SO SORRY TO LEAVE IT OFF LIKE THIS BUT I WANTED TO POST THIS CHAPTER TONIGHT BECAUSE I’Ll BE EXTREMELY BUSY THE NEXT FEW DAYS. Next chapter is a big one and I wanted to take my time on it the next few days ! 🖤
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Questions without Answers!
Saturday evening posed a interesting experience that left me thinking of myself in a (or should i say questioning myself) in a new way.. on who i am as a musician.. so i was able to attend a “Jam” session in town sort of group of peeps get together and just jam together.. unlike my ” Usual Band Sessions” of playing and learning new stuff and old stuff from the regular set.. and this posed a few…
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chennmei · 5 years
+TSUTSU Fanfiction+
[2019 Setting]
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Credit: Picrew.me
三日月 敬
Name: Mikadzuki Kei Nickname: Kei-chan, Kei-kun, Kadzuki, Mika-chan. DOB: September 7 Blood type: A Height: 168 cm Hobbies: Work, Cooking. Personality: In summary, lady killer, 'gentleman' than most man. Work-a-holic. Gender: Female Appearance: Short navy blue straight hair, light blue eyes. She usually wear glasses and updo braid her hair but in private time she only tie it ponytail. Job: Tsukino's Boss Assistant
She got her personality from her older brother. Her brother had the same prince-like attitude before, but because his girlfriend cheated on him, he became flirtatious person. (But now he has girlfriend with nice personality even though he still flirtatious). Kei doesn't mind this as long as her brother happy.
As soon as she graduate from secretary school, she apply to TsukiPro and got accepted.
Relationship: -Cooking friend with Aoi, Yoru and Kou. -Admire Tsukino Mikoto
Trivia: -Her private and work attire is very different, always being mistaken as guy in her casual attire. -Have her own fan club in TsukiPro work environment, consist mainly of girls.
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Credit: Picrew.me
南 直美
Name : Minami Naomi  DoB : 9 July 1995 Height : 165 cm Weight : 50 kg Blood type : O
Hair  : black, medium curly Eyes : platinum
Mascot  : ruby red lizz
SQ's assistant. Hired few months after Winter Carnival, around february.
Used to take modeling part-time during collage, quits after she graduates. Public Relation graduate.
Lively, (way too) confident, upbeat. Mischievious and take on flirting as a hobby (mainly to tease them).
From Hokkaido. used to be pretty wild and involed in illegal racing even. Her family runs a garage. Can disassemble and reassemble engine in a flash.
Great with photo shoots, but clueless about music. Can't tell the difference between a guitar and a bass, and can't even sing to save her life.
Partner in crime with Tsubasa. Main target: Dai. Second target : Eichi.
Rikka actually recognized her, but can't remember where he's seen her before. Only remember when she was asked to join the photo shoot because the model that supposed to work with them canceled out of blue.
An extremely strong drinker. Zombie and Long Island Tea didn't affecting her at all.
Blurt out everything when she get drunk, but never remember what happen when she got wasted. Called tsubasa 'tsu-chan' when she's drunk.
She confessed to Rikka when he was helping her return to her room after she get wasted. Rikka didn't said anything, knowing she wouldn't remember. He bring that up when she's sober.
She loves heels. All her shoes are heels. The lowest is 5 cm.
She's surprisingly in a scholarship program back in university.
Wondering why and how she ended up as assisatant manager. she's applying for PR position.
Surprisingly a reliable big sister type
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Credit: Picrew.me
水姫 小花
Name : Mizuhime Kohana DoB : 18 February 1997 Height : 157 cm Weight : 47 kg Blood type : A
Hair  : Long silverish lavender Eyes : Blueish sea-green
Mascot : rose gold pink arainu
ALIVE's assistant. She was hired to help lessen Mai's amount of work during TsukiPro Winter Carnival. Until the Carnival, she's working with SQ. Start to work with SOARA and Growth around january.
Extremely shy, passive, with self-esteem below underground. A literal cloud of negative thoughts. Questioning herself why she applied for the job in the first place, and how did she get the job.
Rikka had claimed her as his little sister, and he's also the one who suggested for her to wear her hair in different styles.
Actually a fan of the groups, no one ever figure it out.
Can sing, but no one knows (not even herself), until Growth and SOARA accidentally heard her sing at the after party of winter carnival.
Used to went to the same school as SOARA. No one seem to remember her...?
Sweet tooth and tea lover. Afternoon tea's her new hobby.
Lately take on gardening and hand crafting as a hobby.
A good cook, but doesn't realize it.
ALIVE's precious. Whoever upset her will answer to them. Mainly to Ryo.
Avoiding Ryo at all cost for 2 weeks (because she's too emberrassed) after he confessed to her. Ryo's the first to see her actually smiling.
Choose your words wisely. one wrong word, and she'll disappear right away or overheat.
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Credit: Picrew.me
島月 マイ
Name  : Shimazuki Mai DoB  : 7 August 1997 Height  : 169 cm Weight : 52 kg Blood type : A
Hair  : Long pale blonde Eyes : Pale pink
Mascot : tiffany blue tsukiusa
In charge on helping Procella at first, but then helping Gravi, Fluna and Seleas as well.
Shun called her ‘hime’, and so she was known as tsuki-no-hime in the agency.
Lively and cheerful, but also an extreme workaholic and stubborn when it comes to work. Stirct when it comes to public images of the idols'
Actually scared with any horror related stuff, but pride get in the way.
Photographic memory. She doesn't even realized it. Also having a habit of observing and analyzing things throughly.
Jack-of-all-trade. Used to changing clubs almost all the time back in junior and high school. The latest (and longest) was gymastic team and student council's secretary, but quit once she work as assistant manager.
Animal magnet.
Owns every single Tsukipro's mascot.
Owns every CD of Tsukipro's.
Love to cook. Both procella and gravi always brags about it.
tired and stress. Please help her babysitting shun.
questioning her life choices so far.
Aoi's her saviour.
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Credit: Picrew.me
有沢 美彦
Name: Arisawa Mihiko Nickname: petite sun Gender: female DOB: October 10 1997 Height: 162cm Blood type: O She is currently a fashion stylist and MUA at Tsukino Talent Production. Especially in charge in stage costume
Appearance: light purple pastel hair color red-pinkish eye color wavy long hair drop around her waist pale skin petite figure with rather big boobs
Personality: bright and cheerful lady, like to give a positive vibe to the other. everybody likes to having her around and room will feel gloomy or different when she is absent.
Attend designer private school at early age thus she work with a lot of models. easily get sick cause of her low body immune, luckily got two personal assistant for her work.
Rarely exposed to sunlight due to her work at studio but likes outdoor activity so much, she will go if she have time.
Aware of what people think about her and her work, really sensitive about the other feeling.
Likes animal but rarely interact with them due to weak body, but she curious and often want to lift diablo box
Hajime is her life
History: former personal fashion stylist and MUA for Naomi
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Also, here’s a Shiro approved spoop songs list
1. Danger Mystery (From Undertale) “Starting off short but not quite sweet. A good start as it can build the tension.”
2. O Light (By Kikuo) “The ethereal, dreamlike state this song transports you to is hauntingly surreal. But just like some dreams...this one leads to something darker.”
3. Satori Maiden ~ 3rd eye Gothic Vocals (Arranged by 8Style, Circle: Sound Holic) “The guitar riff and vocals are amazing, but are outshone in my opinion by the superior haunting combinations of the vocals with the gongs of the bell, giving it a slight chill.”
4. High Tension (From Katawa Shoujo) “This just feels like something in the air just doesn’t feel right and it’s almost like something is creeping up behind you...”
5. Jaaku no Toshi (From Haiyore! Nyaruko-san!)
“Which leads to this song. Like something skulking just outside your vision, ready to take you off to unspeakable scenes filled with twisted sights, this song just...crawls up your spine.”
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tatzebea · 6 years
Get To Know Mun
RULES: tag ten followers you would like to know better (if you want to). @dororo-and-kululu, @gellaby, @elkleeeah, @kassimu, @kervl-klear, @redscarlets and I don't know enough people for me to tag Dx
TAGGED BY: @gathering-storm
NAME: Tabea
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
HEIGHT: 1,65 m
WHAT’S YOUR MIDDLE NAME? I don't have one
I don't have ITunes, so I guess I do YouTube (Funny that all of it is Touhou except for one x3)
1. 【東方ボーカル】 「(in)sane」 【GET IN THE RING】 2. Pokémon Film 2 Ending [Du bist nicht allein] Deutsch (CD Qualität) 3. 【東方ボーカル】 「蝕符 ~ スイート・ポイズン」 【凋叶棕】 4. 【東方ボーカル】 「神霊 ~ 死せる哲学の袂」 【凋叶棕】 【Subbed】 5. 【東方Vocal/Rock】 Desperation 「SOUND HOLIC」【English Subtitle】 6. 【東方English Vocal/Eurobeat】 Catch Us 「A-ONE」【English Subtitle】
GRAB THE BOOK NEAREST YOU AND TURN TO PAGE 23. WHAT’S LINE 17?  I don't have a book nearby O: Only Manga and my dictionary
EVER HAD A POEM OR SONG WRITTEN ABOUT YOU? Some of my drawings/characters got poems if that counts
Love: Can't think of any particular sound, soft noises maybe
Hate: Same as before, maybe sirens or to many humans talking at once
DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? I think I saw one before...
HOW ABOUT ALIENS? Not sure, maybe
IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED?  Depends :/ I hurt my papa's car a little once, but I wouldn't call it crash
WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ?  If it counts, Akatsuki no Yona Manga
WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU SAW? Cinema wise? Ghost in the Shell
WHAT’S THE WORST INJURY YOU’VE EVER HAD? Uhhhh maybe the ingrown toenail and the operation? Or the operation on one of my breasts? Uhhhhh maybe if it's about injury, guess the small cut that left a scar? I dunno, didn't get hurt a lot
DO YOU HAVE ANY OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW? I guess you can count my OCs
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DAY 0 - A Blog Is Born
Greetings Salutations , Come on in, pull up a pew, stay awhile and listen!!
So here i sit looking at my Analytics for both my FBpage and Youtube Channel..
Lets Face it its a bit depressing.. So what can be done about? well a search on the Inter-web of pornal delights .. Fb Organic "reach" is more or less dead and buried Meaning all you have left are Paid advertising.. and well i cant afford to do that right now.. so another thing that keeps getting mentioned is Blogging and Blogs
How successfully will this be? who know but lets find out.. so as i sit listening to Siouxsie and the Banshees.. a blog was born...
Will it be Witty? Intelligent? Insightful? well i guess only time will tell...
it will be at least musical.. it will not contain anything "personal" beyond my feelings and thoughts about my music and musical related content .. ie GEAR PORN!!!!!!! whooo i said it out loud,.. Im a GEAR PORN Addict.. i like gear I LOVE guitars, LOVE Modding and fixing and rebuilding
OK maybe for first Bloggness i should introduce my self :
I was Born in the Later half of the 70'S just in time to become a Starwars fanboy
[caption id="attachment_44" align="alignnone" width="406"]
Me at some age Prob around 18mths .. YES I was a big baby.. and it didn't stop there being I'm now 6'5[/caption]
The above pic is my on my Aunt's Motorbike.. if any of my family want to clarify it please feel free..
so skip ahead to a fairly average childhood.. Filled with all the joys the 80s could bring..
I grew up in a environment of music, my Uncle on my mothers-side was a bass player and had been since he was in high school.. i vividly remember begging him to play the batman TV series over and over again
Lets get to the good stuff.. the year is prob 1990 .. and its summer. and my second year of high school..
Lets go to a friends house.. and lets say he puts on "Appetite for Destruction"
at Which point me life changed for ever... the Sound .. The Guitar.. that would be come my new found desire.. my obsession...
so followed Several years of annoying the neighbors .. finding a very close friendship musicianship if you will with another school friend.. where we would sit and learn together, video our sessions long before YouTube..
ok i confess i have skipped a lot as i dont really think you want be bored with reading about how i listened to all the hair metal i could get my hands on from WASP to Poison motley crue, Alice Cooper, David lee Roth ,etc etc how i grew my hair in high school at a time where it wasn't "tolerated for boys" to have long hair.. really got heavily into Metallica.. when the black album was released..dropped out of school .. due to Personal Issues..
I guess the next chapter is where i began working PT as as a Saturday job and being a unpaid hang out during the week. at the local music shop.. it was here i discovered my interest in modding and fixing guitars.. i had the enthusiasm but not the money or the ability(yet) do even to much beyond a restring rewire and fret "Clean" i say Clean cause i didn't know about leveling and crowning and all the stuff that actually makes a difference,
the Guitar in the photo above was a "perk" from those days, and i rewired it with the pickups from my "satellite" Les Paul Clone that i acquired from my Uncle (after a bad trip to the dentist) and used capacitors ripped from a blown TV (which is still in there after 30yrs or there about) its DUE an upgrade.. stay tuned to my youtube channel ill prob do before and after stuff..
so where was i? oh yeah no longer working at the music store pretty much having to find a real job.. yey the dreams are dead!! we cant all do our dream jobs and just get payed to play guitar all day. now can well..
the other thing i had a Talent for was Computers, my father is an engineering genius.. he could strip engines and rebuild with his eyes closed so my mother told me.. and after 30 yrs i finally met him and could well believe it. having seen the workshop ,hot tub, and ride on lawnmower he built.. but i on the other hand am not an engineer cars baffle me and anything "mechanical" breaks but computers, there i shined.. i rebuild pcs and printers like i was born to it.. fixed them and service them into new leases of life..
I even did qualifications in it.. just really to get a proper job..
everything i have ever done since leaving the music shop was IT related..
it was in the training the next chapter starts, when i meet a guy called Dek..
who was in a band.. one day he comes to me knowing i was a guitarist..
"what gear do you have?" .. ermm at this point, i had a Boss GX700 and a Marshall valvestate 80 and a lot of guitars but (nothing really reliable)
"You like our stuff?, our guitarist just quit. wanna come and try out?" (im prob paraphrasing so but you get the idea..
so I went home and got the CD out.. borrowed a Jackson HSH performer from my Musicbro (mentioned above)
Learned a couple of tunes Roughly (unfort at this time i was not good enough to do Everything there previous guitarist did) but i did my best..
and low and behold i became the guitarist for D-Shock.. (based in wednesbury in the midlands UK)
I Guess my look was HEAVILY inspired by Rob Zombie, who i was listening to a lot at the time..
I was, am overtly shy, and HATED speaking on camera, after i heard my voice as a teen on "Videos" the Wolverhampton accent didn't sit well with me..  i have i think after living abroad since 2007 in various places, lost it. and listening to "new videos" I don't feel so self conscious.. but i am still ..
this led to a very interesting character trait for the band, during interviews (yes we did 2 on local collage radio.. where i would not speak just stare at the presenter,
being 6'5 and the tallest in the band, (and the baby i was the youngest too) made for a very nervous person behind the mic..
So we did a few gigs, and although we never made it into the studio.. (yes this was before home studios)
I did manage to write some new material with them
DNA, SCARS, i seem to remember a 3rd track but i might be mistaken..
we Covered Kylies confide in me..
but all things come to an end, it was obvious that we were not getting anywhere in this scene it was "serious" and in hindsight we were too early, a few years later would have been better, and add social media to this we could have been popular at it..
but we changed and started doing 80s rock covers, poison, bon jovi motley crue etc.. but this would be short lived.. though all this time, i had been dealing with depression and excessive fatigue, i could fall asleep at the drop of a hat.. and did, many times i would turn up for rehearsals at 5pm and wait around till the next person got there, and i would be asleep on the couch .. or if it was a my afternoon off at work, i would go home at 12 and sleep till it was time to rehearse..
so i made the decision (to leave the band and move to another "technically" country, and moved to the Isle of Mann for about 6months,
moved back till 2007 and moved to Australia till 2012 then returned to EU to move to Germany.. where i currently Reside.. ... this should be apt place to leave this blog for now.. when we return we will open up the blog to musical aspirations, and feelings and what is next in-store for Wolfie D..
till next time folks, remember like share and subscribe to EVERYTHING as i dont know where i will pop up next..
The Offical Wolfie D Facebook Page
O Look Pretty Pictures.. must be Instagram!
This is where the Magic Happens.. Its Youtube Everybody!!
OOO Opinions! it must be TWITTER!!
Later Peeps!!
Wolfie D
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