#cant wait to see what bigots find it offensive!
sarcasmic-skies · 1 year
Tumblr media
finally added this patch to my bag!!!
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butch-bakugo · 5 years
Im gonna sound super anti-pc/sjw and mayber even lose followers for saying this but some of yall on here cant take a single joke, believe every slice of media must be approved by you to be consumable, dont understand the comedy of satire, irony or parodies and rely on untrustworthy and embelishing news sources for information and wonder why no one likes you, your alienating all possible avenues and reality isnt as policially friendly to left-leaning individuals as tumblr is.
Tumblr really is a hellscape and places political guilt on many of its own individuals who would be affected by "bigoted" humor that they enjoy. Hi yes, im a rape vicitim and i laugh at rape jokes, yes even when they are told by non-rape vicitims, you gonna tell me why i cant, non-rape vicitim? Hello, me again, i laugh at homophobic jokes, yes even ones made by non-gay individuals, as a lesbian. What crimes i have commited? I find possibly offensive material funny, especially in the context of it being purely a joke with no ill-intention and the individual still standing on the non-bigoted side of the argument.
You can keep making every single existing thing about politics or social-political standings but when you tell me the words "normie", "pleb" and " yeet", which are popular memey phrases used by everyone, are neo-nazi words and the word insanity is a slur, you prove that you just really fucking disconnected from reality and true meaning due to political paranoia of the people around you. I get it, i was there, especially when i was knee deep in discourse and one wrong word or phrase that you didnt even know was bigoted, could get you canceled for enternity, when you read alot of the facts about lgbt, race and disability issues such as suicide counts, violence and other scary numbers, you get scared. Its a reasonable reaction but yall really gotta step away for a few minutes.
Look at the world around you and not veiw it to be burning and everyone around secretly wants you dead. It simpley isnt true. Some people like the idea of oppression, like the idea of being the victim, wether they are actually oppressed or not. It fits their "woe is me" mentality and its in full force on tumblr. Your 19, gay and have depression, youll be ok. You dont have to let your guard entirely down and thats not the idea i intend on enforcing. But you seriously need to relax for a few seconds cause your causing your 15 year old gay follower to think they will be killed in their sleep by their supportive parents. Its paranoia and yall are causing it.
It makes these kids insecure and scared. I know it did it to me and so many other young lgbt people. Your hurting them yall need to loosen up and take the tin foil hat off.
I cant wait for someone to claim this has * spins wheel and throws a dart* lets see its abit under half way between ableist and racist so lets go with ableist subtext. Please call this mentally ill and disabled lgbt person all of the above for being comfortable and not mad at the passing joke.
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