schoje · 2 months
Foi sancionada na noite desta quarta-feira, 12 de maio, na Câmara de Vereadores da Capital um Projeto de Lei que institui o AME, Auxílio Emergencial Municipal. Com a ação, Florianópolis se torna a primeira cidade de Santa Catarina a possibilitar esta política pública para quem precisa de ajuda em meio à pandemia. O auxílio contribui para assegurar a sobrevivência e a reconstrução da autonomia de pessoas que foram afetadas pela pandemia e não recebem nenhum tipo de ajuda do Governo Federal, como Bolsa Família ou Auxílio Emergencial. Serão duas modalidades de apoio que vão contemplar famílias que estejam inscritas no CadÚnico. A primeira, geral, que prevê um valor de R$ 1,5 mil dividido em cinco parcelas de R$ 300. A segunda modalidade é para famílias monoparentais que possuem a mulher como provedora, as chamadas “mães solo”. Neste caso, será um valor de R$ 1.875 dividido em cinco parcelas de R$ 375. O valor diferenciado para as “mães solo” é por conta da dificuldade maior para este modelo de família, reconhecida no art.226 da Constituição Federal. Estão aptas para receber o auxílio famílias inscritas no CadÚnico até dezembro de 2020 com renda per capta de até R$ 178, e que não tenham recebido, neste mesmo mês, benefício do Bolsa Família e/ou Auxílio Emergencial do Governo Federal. Para saber se a população tem direito para o recebimento do auxílio é preciso verificar se o Cadastro Único está ativo no mês de dezembro e se a renda per capta é inferior ou igual a R$ 178, no site https://meucadunico.cidadania.gov.br/meu_cadunico/, é possível verificar esta informação. É preciso verificar também o Bolsa Família e/ou Auxílio Emergencial do Governo Federal de dezembro de 2020 no site http://www.portaltransparencia.gov.br/beneficios. Caso a primeira questão seja a resposta sim e a segunda não, a família estará apta para o recebimento.  A Secretaria de Assistência Social, está fazendo mapeamento das pessoas que serão beneficiadas com o auxílio, não havendo novas inscrições. Ao todo, serão cerca de 3 mil famílias contempladas, inscritas no Cadastro Único e que não recebem bolsa família ou auxílio emergencial. A administração municipal orienta que a população não precisa procurar os serviços ou a Secretaria de Assistência Social, pois a base utilizada será referente ao mês de dezembro de 2020 e a lista dos beneficiários será publicada no site da Prefeitura Municipal, nos próximos dias.  A Secretaria de Assistência Social está organizando todos os levantamentos para, até o próximo mês, poder depositar a primeira parcela do auxílio. Nas próximas semanas, a administração municipal fará o lançamento de um site para a população acompanhar informações sobre o auxílio emergencial e quem estará contemplado para o recebimento. O novo aporte para apoiar famílias que precisam do AME Floripa virá de recursos próprios da prefeitura. Nesta semana, pela primeira vez desde que existe o sistema CAPAG (Capacidade de Pagamento), criado pela Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional para avaliar as contas das cidades, Florianópolis recebeu nota máxima A. Isso quer dizer que o município está com as contas rigorosamente em dia e tem capacidade para honrar seus compromissos financeiros. “Desde 2017, quando fizemos uma grande reforma, estamos recuperando a saúde financeira de Florianópolis. Fizemos o maior aporte de investimento já realizado na cidade e, ainda assim, conseguimos ser reconhecidos com nota máxima de gestão fiscal”, afirma o prefeito Gean Loureiro. Fonte: Prefeitura de Florianópolis
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bu1410 · 5 months
Good afternoon TUMBLR - April 21th - 2024
''Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971."
Algeria Tiaret – 2003 – 2004
Part 1 In Italy was the hottest summer in centuries, and there were electricity cuts several times a day. Sometimes we just couldn't stand it anymore, and then we looked for refreshment in the Alps or at the Como lake. During one of these excursions we were at Piano del Tivano, when I received a call from the SAIPEM personnel office. An old acquaintance from my Nigerian days tells me:
Are you free?
Yes why'?
Bulato from Algeria mentioned your name for his project.
Umm…. are you sure? I'm asking this because I never got along with Bulato, so it seems strange to me that he mentioned my name.
I'm sure - come on, I'll wait for you here at the office tomorrow.
So it was that 15 days later I left for Algeria after the usual medical visits and eligibility. Milan-Rome-Algiers and then Hassi Messaoud, where I landed in the new airport that had just been inaugurated. The next day I was introduced to the presence of ''Come Xea Bulato''. I did not hide my surprise when I learned that he had specifically mentioned my name for this new assignment.
How is it?…. He tells me – have you got your head straight?
Gilbert….I've always had my head in order…. maybe you get confused with someone else.
Come on come on…. that ''so'' there is this new SP6 station that we haven't started yet so see if you go there tomorrow and start ahhh….
Okay , see you there Gilbert.
OZ2 PROJECT As part of the increase in the production and export of Algerian crude oil, SAIPEM in joint venture with the French Spie-CAPAG had acquired the EPC (Engineering-Procurement-Construction) of 6 pumping stations plus a reception station of the new OZ3 oil pipeline . A Russian company had been awarded the construction of two 46-inch pipelines, which would bring crude oil from wells located in southern Algeria to the port of Arzew, near Oran. The pumping stations were planned on the route of more than 1,000 km long - spaced about 150 km apart. The stations were in practice very similar, a sort of copy-paste, with minimal differences due to the morphology of the site where they were built, or, as in the case of SP6, due to the provision of large power generators, given the distance of the station from the Algerian electricity grid. However, the French of Spie-Capag had forced SAIPEM to accept their rotation schedule, so we Italians also had 54 days of straight work and 16 days of vacation. It is true that of these 16 days we ended up spending 12 at home, given that the security procedures required us to return to Hassi Messaoud to fly to Paris and reach Milan the following day (same procedure for the return as well). For us stationed relatively close to Oran – about 250km away – this was doubly stressful. From Oran international airport we could have reached Paris and Milan in a day, but safety procedures forced us to make a (dangerous) journey of over 1,000 km by car.
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JOURNEY FROM HASSI MESSAOUD TO TIARET SP6 Meanwhile, at the Hassi Messaoud base I had found some old colleagues, such as the faithful Gilbert Mercado, the Philipino Quantity Surveyor who had been with me on the Taweelah Water project in Abu Dhabi. However, I had noticed that when someone asked me ''which station you were assigned to'' to my answer ''to SP6'' everyone without distinction would sneer. The next morning, in view of the 600 km to travel in the Land Cruiser, I was ready very early. I would have learned that there was no point in getting up at dawn: in any case - according to safety procedure - you had to wait for the so-called ''armed escort'' that the Algerian army kindly provided to us (for a generous fee). The situation in Algeria had improved greatly since the 1992-95 civil war, but pockets of guerrilla warfare persisted which aimed above all at kidnapping foreigners to profit from possible ransoms and for the resonance this type of action had in the media. Finally, around 9.30 the escort arrived: two Land Cruisers with eight heavily armed soldiers. I would have traveled in an armored Toyota with two soldiers on board, one car preceded us by about 300-400 meters, and the second followed us closely. Continuous radio contact between us and also with the operational base of Hassi Messaoud, where a former French officer of the Foreign Legion was stationed. A further complication that would have slowed down the journey enormously was represented by the fact that the armed escort could not cross the border of the so-called ''wilaya'' ("district or province). At every province border, the armed escort that was supposed to take over the current one was perpetually late. Furthermore, the meeting between the two escorts inevitably produced hugs, greetings, tea and coffee sessions that could last for hours. With these premises, starting at 10.00 in the morning, in the evening we had traveled just 385 km, and we stopped to spend the night at the SP3 camp, near the city of Ghardaia.
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GHARDAIA The city is the main settlement of the Mzab valley, a place of refuge for members of the Islamic sect of Ibadi after the collapse of the kingdom of Tahert; It still retains much of its medieval architecture today, some of which has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The municipality of Ghardaïa has a population of approximately 93,000 inhabitants. It is a fortified city divided into three sectors surrounded by walls. In the center is the historic Mozabite area, with a mosque with a pyramidal minaret and a square with porticoes. Noteworthy are the white, pink and red houses, built with sand, clay and chalk, characterized by terraced roofs and porticoes. In her 1963 book, The Force of Things, the French existentialist philosopher Simone de Beauvoir described Ghardaïa as "a beautifully constructed cubist painting".
GHARDAIA – SP6 Tiaret The following morning, after having eaten breakfast, we finally left for Tiaret, or rather for the SP6 station, which was located on a plateau at 1,200 meters above sea level and about 40 km south of Tiaret. We passed through the city of Laghouat, then a large military center. The landscape was exasperatingly monotonous: the usual desert of stones and low shrubs which always gives that ''dirty'' impression. The spare changes followed one another incessantly, and the march was perhaps even slower than the day before. The sun was setting when we turned right from the N14 state road towards the East onto the sandy track that led to the SP6 station. About twenty kilometers of very rough track (it would have created quite a few problems during the transport of the heaviest equipment) and we finally arrived at the station camp in the dark (Against safety procedures).
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SP6 The next morning I took a look around the field and the construction site and I immediately realized why my colleagues were grinning at the mere mention of ''SP6'': we were in the most classic ''in the middle of nowhere''. All around are low mountains devoid of vegetation, a truly uninspiring landscape. Next to the new station, about 200 meters away, the old SP6 built in the 1980s showed all the signs of its age. The SAIPEM camp - right next to the offices and construction site, another serious mistake - was made up of the same old ''caravans'' which certainly had a better past. The cramped rooms, with a built-in bathroom, a single bed, a small wardrobe, table and chair, satellite TV: all the ''amenities'' that ''SAIPEM mother'' (but in this case I would say more ''stepmother'' '') reserved for us. There was a very spartan canteen, where everyone ate together, expatriates and locals, which caused quite a few problems.
THE STAFF At the time of my arrival the staff was still in flux. The Site Manager, according to the agreements between SAIPEM and Spie CAPAG, was a Frenchman named Antoine Barrault. Already a person of a certain age, he continually remarked that he had a past as a builder of nuclear power plants with AREVA - so for him this assignment in Algeria where a simple oil pumping station was to be built, would have been ''a joke''. He will be replaced within two months, and we will have fallen from the ''frying pan into the fire'': Monsieur Borrut will arrive, who will distinguish himself above all by having personally written 783 letters to the Client SONATRAC. During his stay, Mr. Borrut came to the site just once, during a visit by Mr. Bulato. We were passing by in front of gas separator and Mr. Bulato asked him the function of this equipment - Borrut in desperation because he didn't know it, and with broad silent cinema gestures turned to me, asking me to answer instead of him: a truly ridiculous and pitiful moment.
MICHELI GIORGIO At the beginning of the station construction, Giorgio was a young new employee of SAIPEM. He was acting as handyman, but Bulato soon called Giorgio 'next to him' at Hassi Messaoud's base and made him his personal assistant. The young boy from Mandello was endowed with great potential, and in fact he was going to have a great career in SAIPEM, where he currently holds the position of Director of the Worldwide Onshore sector. Giorgio once had an argument with the Starstroy Company Russians (The pipeline's Contractors) . Micheli had made the mistake of going to face them alone, and only his rapid ''strategic retreat'' avoided worse trouble. He risked to be beaten by those rude people for silly reasons.
ADRIANO ANGELOTTI I had met Adriano on the construction site in Soku, Nigeria. At SP6 his function was Mechanical Superintendent, basically he supervised all the mechanical activities of the station. He was a native of Massa Carrara, and his biggest flaw was to be one of those die-hard fans of the wrong football team, namely Milan' AC. He had filled his room with posters, banners, scarves, fake Champions Cups and all the paraphernalia of hardcore fans. Each Milan defeat he used to fell into depression for days and becaming intractable. For the rest he followed the stereotype of ''Homo SAIPEMS'' in every way, fully faithful to the Company's.
BREVI PIETRO A kind young man, Poetro was looking like a guy from another era ''parachuted'' in our time. When Mr. Borrut was finally kicked out (besides being of no use, he had a monster salary of 17,000 euros/month) this young boy from Caravaggio (Yes the same village of the famous Italian painter) took his place as Chef de Base. A function that he carried out admirably, despite his lack of experience, thanks to his innate qualities. At the end of the project, having returned to the San Donato headquarters and realizing that SAIPEM only offered him assignement abroad, he resigned from the company and set up his own business related to oil & gas.
LOCAL SUB CONTRACTOR Sometimes I feel like drawing the famous veil of compassion over these events, because the reader might think that I something against Algerians, Bengalis, Mexicans, Khazakhs and all the other ethnic groups that I have had the fortune of to come into contact during my working life. Well no, it's not like that, I swear. These people were really poor, of that type of poor that in the end you don't even have the courage to rage, because it would be, as they say in these cases, ''shooting on the Red Cross'' (or Red Crescent, if you prefer). The problem was (I think it still is) that in Algeria we have to make do with what we have - and what we have is generally of very poor quality. The only thing that saves the Algerians is the enormous goodwill of workers, technicians and construction workers in general. For the rest, the local companies lacked resources (and those that existed were constantly breaking down); the supplies of materials were constantly late. Even - at the dawn of 2003 we were only presented with a hand-written paper progress report, lacking the '' computers for accountants''. Having taken note of the situation, I, Angelotti and all SAIPEM people tried in every way to help the Sub Contractors. Without, for the avoidance of doubt, however, making our management aware of the enormous problems we faced every day. Mr. Borrut, made aware of the shortcomings of the Sub Contractors, always reacted in the same way:
Please prepare a draft letter, I will edit send it straight away to Client!'' In the end there will be hundreds of letters that Mr. Borrut himself wrote, while his secretary played on the computer.
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PROJECT SECURITY . The security procedures provided for the presence at each station of a former Foreign Legion officer, who at his sole discretion issued service orders in which he regulated arrivals, departures, permissions to go to Tiaret etc. Monsieur Darcy, a young Legion retiree (he was 49 years old), worked at SP6. A very determined guy, who, taking full advantage of the laws of the French state, had moved to live in Madagascar. That's because the French law provided that pensioners who established their residence in the so-called ''Overseas Territories'' had an immediate tax benefit on the amount of the pension. In essence they collected the gross pension, without paying taxes. Darcy had established his place of residence at Ile Reunion – where his pension was credited – but he lived in Madagascar, where the cost of living was even lower. Once Mr. Darcy was on a collision course with the Algerians, who, taking advantage of the Friday prayer day, were willing to go to Tiaret using SAIPEM jeeps. Mr Darcy, citing sources of information, refused them the cars, sparking the reaction of the Algerians, who accused him of racism and to prevent them from participating in Friday prayers.
EID EL ADHA. The Aid el Adha arrived, and SAIPEM Management recommended to the Base Chief to organize a lunch for everyone, but for the Algerians in particular, with the traditional slaughtered mutton. Mr. Borrut, not knowing which way to turn, entrusted himself to the Romanian mechanic, who said he was an expert in this type of activity. Constantin Dimitrescu was a person of about 2.00 meters high, taciturn, with hands as big as shovels. Two caroufs (rams) were purchased from a shepherd who lived nearby. Constantin thought about slaughtering, and hung the rams outside his workshop waiting for Friday. In the meantime, the local catering company had prepared an area with tables, chairs and various decorations, where we would have to eat the grilled meat. On the day of the celebration the Algerians showed up in the canteen, we exchanged good wishes, with big hugs and pats on the back and the usual expressions ''Eid Mabrouk - Eid Mubarak''. But then, incomprehensibly, they disappeared and none of them showed up at the lunch. Towards the evening some of them appeared, and when asked ''why you weren't there for lunch, it had been organized especially for you'' they stated that they had preferred to go to Tiaret to take part in the great thanksgiving prayer in the large mosque. But the way in which they said it didn't convince us, so we made sure to take aside a couple of individuals from the Kabilia ethnic group, who were more open-minded. They told us the real reason for their failure to attend the lunch. Someone had seen Constantinescu marinate mutton in wine, and even cook some pieces by pouring cognac over them!!!
''So…. quest-que tu veux…. …we decide to desert the party. It's too forbidden for us to become contaminated by alcohol!!
But, we replied, many of you always drink wine at dinner in the canteen on Fridays!
Ouiiii…but you see….the majority of us don't drink wine and so all of us, out of solidarity, decided not to participate.
We had to eat mutton for ten days.
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The Company had rented a 19-seater plane from a private company of Czech Republic. We had prepared a dirt runway to facilitate the landing of the Let L 410 Turbolet turboprop with which Mr. Bulato and the Management intended to more frequently monitor the progress of work in the various stations. For the inaugural flight to SP6 the local catering company thought it would be a welcome thing by preparing a special buffet which also included dishes with Algerian truffles. Mr. Bulato particularly appreciated the food, and consumed it abundantly. The truffles had a strange smell to me, so I barely tasted them. Unfortunately, and then you will understand why, it was expected that I would take advantage of the return flight to Hassi Messaoud, since the day of my return to Italy for holidays had come. The flight would have saved me the usual boring two or three days of travel by road from SP6 to SP1. I boarded the aircraft with a bit of reluctance, there were about ten passengers in total, including the Colombian engineer Maria (yes, the same one I had met in Nigeria). But the ''best'' was yet to come. From above, Algeria looks a lot like a Martian landscape, with very strange colors from purple to black, from ocher to brown.
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After an hour from take off Mr. Bulato started to feel ill. Strong pains in his lower abdomen that made him writhe, the origin of which was immediately attributed to the famous ''Algerian truffles''. Unfortunately, as I had recently learned, the plane was not equipped with a toilet! And there was absolutely no question of an emergency landing! Bulato couldn't take it anymore and in a fit of madness he apologized to everyone and……he spread a piece of plastic in the corridor and…unloaded himself there in front of all of us!! An unbearable stench had pervaded the plane, even though once the ''operation'' was finished Bulato had wrapped the nylon and placed the ''product'' inside a plastic bag. The pilot was asked if there was the possibility of evacuating the air - the ventilation was turned to maximum, but for a good hour most of us fought the urge to vomit. Among those who were most ill was obviously Maria. Once we landed we rushed outside to breathe, and the highly hydrocarbon-polluted air of Hassi Messaoud had never seemed so 'healthy' to us.
ABB TURBO COMPRESSORS SP6 was the last station under construction – the delivery sequence agreed with SONATRACH was SP1 – SP3 – SP5 - after which SP2 – SP4 – SP6. Our station suffered a further delay when at the port of Oran, during the unloading operations of the turbo compressors of German origin, one of the three fell into sea! In any case we prepared to receive two of the three planned turbo compressors. With a weight of 57 tons each, the exceptional load risked becoming silted up - or worse - during the 20-plus kilometers of the track that separated from the Route National N23 to reach the SP6. We identified the critical point in the bridge over the Ouadi Faidja, made of simple baked bricks. With the help of the dilapidated equipment of our civil Sub Contractor we reconditioned the entire track and with the permission of the local authorities we filled the sides of the bridge over the almost always dry ouadi with material. During the winter, sporadic events caused flash floods – if they had occurred before the turbo compressors arrived, they would have caused a further delay in completing the station. Luckily that year there was snow – yes snow in the Algerian desert!! - immediately after the turbo compressors were transported to the station.
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INTERCONNECTION WITH OLD SP6 STATION. Our scope of work included the connection between the new SP6 and the old SP6 station. In practice, the new pipeline had to be interconnected with the old one, because in case of problems the flow of crude oil could be sent to the lines already in operation. I then went to talk to the head of the old SP6, to ask where the pipes of the old oil pipeline that we had to intercept were buried. Omar was an elderly person, he had worked at the station for more than 30 years and he answered me in the most typical way in which Algerians respond when faced with responsibilities:
Where do you find the old ones? Ahh …moi….je ne sais pas……. (where are the old pipes? I don't know)
How come you don't know Omar?
- Moi… à l'époque… quand ils ont enterré 'les tuyaux…. je n'étais pas la'… j'étais en conge' maladie… donc je ne peux pas te say que je suis la'…. ou la…. (I… at the time… when they buried 'the pipes… I wasn't there'… I was sick… …so I can't tell you that pipes are here '…. or there…)
- Et alors qu'est-qu'on fait Si Omar? (so what do we do?)
Maybe ....maybeeeeee ....when my camarade will be here......but he is in vacation ' I think you..... you need to wait for him to return....''
So it may seem incredible to you, but none of the station workers knew the underground location of two 48-inch pipes where hundreds of thousands of oil barrels passed every day. No as-built drawings had been compiled, and waiting was the most practiced activity in Algeria. Eventually Omar's colleague, once he returned to work, was able to indicate to us approximately where the pipes were located.
FRIDAY WITH THE NOMADS. It was Friday, a day of rest, and an Algerian from our SONATRACH client proposed that I go for a tour in the surrounding area. He had noticed the presence of a series of nomadic tents, and he wanted to visit them. About 30 minutes away by off-road vehicle, we found the camp: in all about ten of those brown and black tents that characterize Algerian nomads. A couple of men came out of the tents with rifles slung over their shoulders, but my companion spoke to them, saying that we came in peace. We were introduced into the tent of the Chief, a very elderly man with a hieratic presence. We were offered tea and simple but good-tasting sweets. Naturally, the women could not be seen, while a crowd of children played in the open space in front of the tents. The dialogues took place in the local dialect (darija) and were translated for me by my companion. The Chief did not appear to be unaware of Algeria's current situation, and he asked about Huari Boumedienne, the country's first president after independence from France.
Boumedienne died in 1978 Hassidi…….
Really? Well I'm so sorry, he was a man I respected very much…. We parted with warm handshakes and pats on the back, and the Chief told us to come back and visit him soon.
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STARSTROY The Russians didn't give a damn about all the security procedures and the possible presence of terrorists in the area. They lived in Sougueur, a town about 40 km from SP7. They arrived every morning driving the battered Lada NIVAs at full speed in scattered order as if they were racing the Paris-Dakar. They were allowed to do things that we didn't even dream of doing, such as casting the anchor block of the pipes in 5 days, while the specifications said that it had to be a continuous concrete pour without interruptions. We were forced by the Works Management to make an important change to the interconnection with the old SP6 because the Russians completely got the pipeline axis coordinates and its elevation completely wrong.
BILLIARDS There wasn't much to do in my free time, so I got a bit passionate about playing billiards. As a result of playing, I had become good at it, and so I realized that I won the tournament that we had organized between all the members of the Staff, including the Algerians. In the final I beat Mr. Cherif our planner, who was undoubtedly the best of the locals in every sense.
CHERIF Within a couple of years, despite loving his country, he managed to emigrate to Canada where he found work at a large oil & gas company. Having acquired a Canadian passport, he moved to Abu Dhabi in the Emirates, where I met him again in 2013. He had married an Algerian and had a little girl. He worked for ADNOC, the state oil company, and lived in a luxury apartment made available by his employer, right next to the Royal Meridian Hotel. Congratulations Cherif!
WINE AT THE TABLE There was this ''concession'' from Company, namely wine at the table in the evening for dinner. All Italians drank it, and some locals too, especially those originally from Kabylia, a region in the North of Algeria, who consider themselves authentic Algerians and not Arabs. One Friday evening an Algerian from SONATRACH who had sometimes tasted the wine with us, suddenly got up from the table and shouted, saying ''it was time to put an end to this consumption of alcohol, which was a provocation, which was against the principles of Islam, and that we Westerners did it to corrupt the young generations of Algerians faithful to the dictates of religion''. Fortunately we had Monsieur Darcy on our side who didn't waste time, and told him clearly that if he didn't want to drink the wine, he couldn't impose his will on everyone else. The matter was about to degenerate, and the prompt response of the Algerian Head of Mission - a gentleman already advanced in years and endowed with a certain charisma among his fellow countrymen - put an end to the diatribe. The brute was ''kindly'' escorted out and told that if he wanted he could have dinner in his room from the next day. This was an episode that greatly shocked the locals who worked with us. On the one hand they wanted to show that they were modern and open-minded, but then, fearful that radical elements could take over, they were always ready to lower the bar.
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ocombatente · 9 months
Governo de Rondônia implementa medidas para manter equilíbrio fiscal no Estado
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A secretaria lançou em 2023 um pacote de benefícios fiscais, com o intuito de fomentar a economia do Estado   A gestão econômica em Rondônia é fundamental para o equilíbrio fiscal. A disciplina fiscal e responsabilidade financeira são importantes para expandir as políticas públicas em áreas como Educação, Saúde, Infraestrutura e Segurança, sem comprometer a estabilidade econômica, além de atrair novos investimentos. Para isso, foi necessário tomar medidas importantes, como no caso do aumento da alíquota modal dos produtos não essenciais para 19,5%, e também o anúncio do pacote de benefícios fiscais com objetivo de atrair investimentos, favorecer a competitividade das empresas rondonienses e fomentar a economia. Alguns benefícios  já começaram a vigorar este ano e outros terão início em 2024. CAPAG A No que tange à responsabilidade fiscal, Rondônia tem feito sua lição de casa. Pelo quarto ano consecutivo o Estado é Nota Máxima na avaliação da Capacidade de Pagamento (Capag) pela Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional (STN), e foi avaliado com nota A. Neste viés, são avaliados três quesitos: poupança corrente, liquidez do Estado e endividamento. ACORDO DIRETO Em 2023 foram pagos os créditos referentes a adesões de Acordo Direto de Precatórios no valor aproximado de R$ 9 milhões para 156 credores. Em outubro deste ano, fora lançado um novo edital, para o qual teve ainda mais adesões. A expectativa é que sejam pagos para o próximo ano; mais de R$ 100 milhões. Essa iniciativa alivia a carga do Judiciário, oferece uma solução mais rápida e eficiente para as partes e  gera uma economia ao Estado,  já que o pagamento é feito antecipadamente e com descontos de até 40%.  PROGRAMAS DA SEFIN Sefin atuou em diversas frentes, incluindo programas que beneficiaram diretamente a população A Sefin também atua diretamente com a população, mediante alguns  programas, entre eles: O Cidadania Empresarial, com edições realizadas em 2023, nas cidades de  Ariquemes e Cacoal, com o intuito de incentivar os empreendedores a formalizarem os seus negócios. Outra ação importante foi o programa Atende Mais Sefin, para o qual, servidores municipais e de instituições de algumas localidades do Estado receberam treinamentos, a fim de ajudar a população da zona Rural ou comunidades mais distantes das agências de renda da Sefin a ter acesso aos serviços como: impressão da nota fiscal ou guia de pagamento de algum tributo.  Destaque também para o Programa Nota Legal Rondoniense, que objetiva conscientizar a população quanto à importância da educação fiscal, estimulando a solicitação do CPF na nota, e exigir o cupom fiscal, que além de ser um direito do consumidor, é a certeza de que o imposto será recolhido e retornará aos cofres públicos em forma de benefícios. PREMIAÇÕES O consumidor que baixa o aplicativo e solicita o CPF no cupom fiscal, pode ajudar entidades sociais a ganharem de R$ 50,00 a R$ 500,00 nas raspadinhas, e ainda concorrerem a prêmios nos sorteios trimestrais. Este ano, no Sorteio de Natal, a premiação será de meio milhão, divididos para 50 ganhadores, em valores que variam de R$ 5 mil a R$ 20 mil. Fonte: Governo RO Read the full article
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ocombatenterondonia · 10 months
Rondônia alcança nota máxima na Capacidade de Pagamento em avaliação realizada pela Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional
Rondônia é CAPAG A pelo quarto ano seguido e recebe nota máxima desde 2019 O estado de Rondônia se destaca mais uma vez ao atingir nota máxima na análise da Capacidade de Pagamento (Capag), indicador fundamental para avaliar a situação fiscal dos estados que buscam contrair novos empréstimos com garantia da União. Rondônia foi avaliado com nota A, pelo quarto ano seguido, nos três quesitos…
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missliz00-blog · 1 year
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rodadecuia · 2 years
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mimi-0007 · 2 years
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rtrevisan · 5 years
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O que é CAPAG CAPAG é uma espécie de rating, indica a capacidade de pagamento do município, estado ou Distrito Federal.
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kagejima · 2 years
Okay, the same thought process with ICP but instead... Gakupo Kamui the vocaloid but Ushi. Like this tall femboy lookin ass purple guy has the DEEPEST VOICE.
One song to really put in perspective how deep his voice gets is Tradgedy of The Chateau Capage at the 40 second mark. Like, with that voice I would gladly go along with everything he was doing in the song...
I think my music taste is a big red flag...
content warning (just in case): yandere vibes song
NDJSNFNSNXNJDJX baby, please, i stopped listening after like the third line, i am not strong enough for this music 😂
also not me playing hatsune miku rhythm games all the fucking time and now thinking about Ushi as a virtual idol!!!!! oh!!!! he!!!! he'd be so popular though 😭 miku who? luka who? only wakatoshi ushijima. his merch would sell out so fast omg 😂
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mosaicbrokenhearts7 · 3 years
Hey guys ♥️ I haven’t been on in quite a while… life has gotten so crazy for my husband and I! We finally started our Surrogacy Journey in hopes of starting our family 💕 we found an amazing surrogate who is so excited to carry our baby for us (I can’t carry our baby myself because of a serious medical trauma I faced when I was younger) and we could not be more eager to get this process moving! We are in the medical clearance stages right now and the bills just keep rolling in. My parents decided to create a Go Fund Me for my husband and I, and I am so very thankful for their love and support. I wanted to share it here with all of you. We absolutely hate asking for help and it has really taken a lot out of me to agree to share this, but we really need all of the support we can get ♥️ we are so thankful for any love and well wishes sent our way! Thank you for taking the time to read ♥️
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lilydh123 · 2 years
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Chosen image 3: 
Photo by: Camille Capage, Title: Unknown, Date: Unknown, Website Name: Artpil.com https://artpil.com/profiles/photographers/page/7/
This image is both upsetting and confronting. This shot shows the tragic reality for some children. The child in this image has a gun lying next to them, they look defeated, exhausted and have obviously been at war which is clearly no place for any kid. The light lands on the child’s face perfectly, revealing his tired state which is only half revealed as his hand is covering most of his face, further showing the pain and destruction of war. 
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ocombatente · 9 months
Governo de Rondônia implementa medidas para manter equilíbrio fiscal no Estado
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A secretaria lançou em 2023 um pacote de benefícios fiscais, com o intuito de fomentar a economia do Estado   A gestão econômica em Rondônia é fundamental para o equilíbrio fiscal. A disciplina fiscal e responsabilidade financeira são importantes para expandir as políticas públicas em áreas como Educação, Saúde, Infraestrutura e Segurança, sem comprometer a estabilidade econômica, além de atrair novos investimentos. Para isso, foi necessário tomar medidas importantes, como no caso do aumento da alíquota modal dos produtos não essenciais para 19,5%, e também o anúncio do pacote de benefícios fiscais com objetivo de atrair investimentos, favorecer a competitividade das empresas rondonienses e fomentar a economia. Alguns benefícios  já começaram a vigorar este ano e outros terão início em 2024. CAPAG A No que tange à responsabilidade fiscal, Rondônia tem feito sua lição de casa. Pelo quarto ano consecutivo o Estado é Nota Máxima na avaliação da Capacidade de Pagamento (Capag) pela Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional (STN), e foi avaliado com nota A. Neste viés, são avaliados três quesitos: poupança corrente, liquidez do Estado e endividamento. ACORDO DIRETO Em 2023 foram pagos os créditos referentes a adesões de Acordo Direto de Precatórios no valor aproximado de R$ 9 milhões para 156 credores. Em outubro deste ano, fora lançado um novo edital, para o qual teve ainda mais adesões. A expectativa é que sejam pagos para o próximo ano; mais de R$ 100 milhões. Essa iniciativa alivia a carga do Judiciário, oferece uma solução mais rápida e eficiente para as partes e  gera uma economia ao Estado,  já que o pagamento é feito antecipadamente e com descontos de até 40%.  PROGRAMAS DA SEFIN Sefin atuou em diversas frentes, incluindo programas que beneficiaram diretamente a população A Sefin também atua diretamente com a população, mediante alguns  programas, entre eles: O Cidadania Empresarial, com edições realizadas em 2023, nas cidades de  Ariquemes e Cacoal, com o intuito de incentivar os empreendedores a formalizarem os seus negócios. Outra ação importante foi o programa Atende Mais Sefin, para o qual, servidores municipais e de instituições de algumas localidades do Estado receberam treinamentos, a fim de ajudar a população da zona Rural ou comunidades mais distantes das agências de renda da Sefin a ter acesso aos serviços como: impressão da nota fiscal ou guia de pagamento de algum tributo.  Destaque também para o Programa Nota Legal Rondoniense, que objetiva conscientizar a população quanto à importância da educação fiscal, estimulando a solicitação do CPF na nota, e exigir o cupom fiscal, que além de ser um direito do consumidor, é a certeza de que o imposto será recolhido e retornará aos cofres públicos em forma de benefícios. PREMIAÇÕES O consumidor que baixa o aplicativo e solicita o CPF no cupom fiscal, pode ajudar entidades sociais a ganharem de R$ 50,00 a R$ 500,00 nas raspadinhas, e ainda concorrerem a prêmios nos sorteios trimestrais. Este ano, no Sorteio de Natal, a premiação será de meio milhão, divididos para 50 ganhadores, em valores que variam de R$ 5 mil a R$ 20 mil. Fonte: Governo RO Read the full article
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midiag4posts · 2 years
Tesouro vê melhora em capacidade de pagamento da prefeitura do Rio
Tesouro vê melhora em capacidade de pagamento da prefeitura do Rio
A prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro melhorou sua nota em relação à sua Capacidade de Pagamento (Capag). A avaliação é feita pelo Tesouro Nacional com base na liquidez, poupança e endividamento de estados e municípios. Ela serve como indicador de risco da situação fiscal. Segundo comunicado divulgado hoje (9) pela Secretaria Municipal de Fazenda e Planejamento, o Rio de Janeiro alcançou a nota B,…
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capshops · 2 years
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cap shops, fashionwithkorea.com, https://www.fashionwithkorea.com #cap #caps #capfashion #fashioncap #womancap #womencap #mancap #mencap #capstore #capsstore #capstores #capshopping #findcap #storecap #storecap #capshop #shopcap #capsupplier #capcompany #capcompanies #capscompany #capagency #companycap #buycap #buycaps #capshops #findcaps #帽子 #帽 #帽子店
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minutosvaliosos · 2 years
Salvador se destaca em índice do Tesouro Nacional e está apta a aval da União
Salvador se destaca em índice do Tesouro Nacional e está apta a aval da União
A cidade de Salvador conseguiu, pelo quinto ano consecutivo, se classificar com conceito B no índice de Capacidade de Pagamento do Tesouro Nacional (Capag), que analisa a situação fiscal dos municípios que querem contrair novos empréstimos com garantia da União. A boa performance ocorreu graças ao desempenho nos três critérios avaliados: Endividamento (A), Poupança Corrente (B) e Liquidez (A). O…
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ricardofonseca · 4 years
Governo do Maranhão: Endividamento do Estado está em quase 9 bilhões
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Foto: Divulgação
Maranhão: Segundo o Boletim de Finanças dos Entes Subnacionais da Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional, a dívida pública do Estado do Maranhão em 2020 foi de 8,862 Bi ( em 2018 foi de 4,6Bi). Ou seja, duplicou em dois anos. 
Desde 2018 a capacidade de pagamento da dívida do estado comandado por Flávio Dino tem a nota C pela CAPAG. Isto significa que, a confiança de pagamento do Estado do Maranhão é menor, o que dificulta o recebimento da garantia da União para receber empréstimos, em caso de necessidade.
Fonte: https://www.tesourotransparente.gov.br/publicacoes/boletim-de-financas-dos-entes-subnacionais/2020/114
A Lei Complementar nº 173, de 27 de maio de 2020, estabeleceu o Programa Federativo de Enfrentamento ao Coronavírus, que prevê a concessão de auxílio financeiro a Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios por duas vias: 
1. Transferências de recursos: 
a. R$ 50 bilhões, em quatro parcelas mensais e iguais, com base em critérios estabelecidos pelo Congresso Nacional; 
b. R$ 10 bilhões para o combate direto à Covid-19, também em quatro parcelas a partir de maio, com base em critérios de taxa de incidência e população;
 2. Suspensão do pagamento de dívidas: 
a. débitos com a União, inclusive os débitos previdenciários parcelados pelos Municípios, que vencem este ano; 
b. renegociação de débitos com o sistema financeiro e organismos multilaterais de crédito, mantendo-se o aval da União.
O Maranhão recebeu R$ 116.657.058,40 o que significou 0,80% de Receita Complementar Líquida (RCL Anual). Dados até outubro de 2020. 
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Foto: Reprodução. 
Numa publicação no site oficial do governo do estado, Flávio Dino anuncia investimentos de 20 milhões nos Lençóis Maranhenses e Delta das Américas, mas não diz de onde irá tirar esses recursos para cobrir esses investimentos. 
Veja aqui:
O que mais chama atenção nos dados do tesoura Nacional é o que está no item *cumprimento do teto de despesas primárias em 2018 e 2019, o Maranhão está sem limite de Teto de gastos. Com isso o estado não restitui a união pelo não Cumprimento na Limitação de Despesas Primárias.  Ou seja, o Maranhão pode gastar quanto quiser à vontade, que tá tudo legal. 
O contingenciamento orçamentário no estado de 2015 à 2019 está um pouco acima dos 10%, o que significa que o estado não economizou pra poder gastar até 90%. 
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No quesito Liquidez, as OBRIGAÇÕES FINANCEIRAS são de 859 MILHÕES e a DISPONIBILIDADE DE CAIXA BRUTA é de apenas 261 Milhões. O que garante a nota C da CAPAG. 
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-  RECEITAS DE CAPITAL R$ 355 Milhões e DESPEZA DE CAPITAL R$  1.709 Milhões. 
Resumindo o estudo acima, o MARANHÃO gasta muito mais (quase 5x ) do que arrecada. 
A pergunta que não quer calar é : 
Por que o governador quer enganar o povo com promessas de investimentos, quando o estado não dispõe desses recursos e, nem tem condições de fazer empréstimos para custeá-los?
Há 6 anos no poder central do estado, Flávio Dino tenta ludibriar os maranhenses com promessas mirabolantes de investimentos que jamais irão acontecer; a não ser que ele tenha em mãos, uma fórmula mágica para fabricar dos porões obscuros do Palácio dos Leões, os recursos suficientes para os tais investimentos. 
Sem a industrialização necessária e a implantação da ZONA DE EXPORTAÇÃO do MARANHÃO - ZEMA, utilização da Base de Alcântara e, criação de um novo Porto também em Alcântara, etc... (projetos do senador Roberto Rocha), o estado jamais sairá do rombo fiscal que se meteu. 
Ricardo Fonseca é Jornalista e Editor do Blog Propagando 
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