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#humantrash #coronagloves #coronatrash #ecocatastrophe #irresponsiblebehaviour #unconsciouspeople #fuckcorona #bauhaus #capitalisttrash #capitalistscum #westernculture #neoliberalcapitalism #anglosaxontradition #romantradition https://www.instagram.com/p/CANHhyZlSup/?igshid=tof0nrcrp9z8
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I miss anarchokitty :(((((((
Me too anon, me too. 
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priceofliberty · 10 years
What do you think about on the topic of voting on policy/referendums?
I think the more local a vote, the more of an impact your input will have on the outcome of the policy/referendum in question. This is obviously not an end-all, be-all philosophy, as Californians have clearly demonstrated their ineptitude by consistently voting for public works and services and projects (which require funding) without voting for any means to fund said projects.
There's a pretty good piece I read about this exact sort of system written in 2008 here titled Democracy v. Liberty: The Paradox of the California Referendum System:
At its inception the referendum system was not a bad idea. At the turn of the 20th century, reformers found themselves stymied in their efforts by a legislature that was essentially bought and paid for by various business interests, particularly the Railroads. Under such circumstances, the introduction, much less the passage of reform legislation was utterly futile. Therefore, in order to bypass the legislature and effectively nullify the corporate stranglehold on that body, Progressive Governor Hiram Johnson managed to pass through legislation that amended the state constitution allowing referendums brought before the electorate to have the force of law. This power gave grass-roots organizations within the state a way to make policy while sidestepping the entrenched powers in the Legislature. In theory, this was democracy at its best, the “people” would have a direct voice in the laws of the state, much like in ancient Athens, but with a far wider franchise.
But, as this person points out, referendums ultimately become a way for people ("grassroots movements" [in finger-quotes because we all know where these "grassroots" movements come from]) to sidestep the actual, constitutionally-ordained democratic process. In other words, it allows people to skirt by any process of checks & balances, giving the masses to pass referendums with the force of law based solely on their feelings at the time. On the other hand, is this not direct democracy?
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rickrobb58 · 8 years
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In "The Marching Song of the Covert Brigade" #BillyBragg (in the voice of a capitalist) sings "How dare they buy our products and still they don't respect us?" #totesmygoats #insanity #capitalistsociety #capitalistscum #americaunderattack
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what happened to capitalistkitty
……I came out to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now.
No, but actually I miss her awesome presence on Tumblr and this ask made me think about it. Anyway, she deleted her blog because she wanted to focus more on being productive, and spend less time on social media. That wasn’t her exact wording, but it’s pretty close from what I remember. It’s sad:( But good for her:)
By the way, I actually just checked and she hasn’t deleted her other blog, libertyinheels, that she made about a month ago. She probably forgot because she rarely posted on it. This is just an idea, but I think everyone needs to follow that blog so that if she ever remembers to check it again she’ll be really confused as to why it blew up in follower count for no reason. That’d be cool, I think. Because why not.
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priceofliberty · 10 years
capitalistscum replied to your post:2 things - 1 do you ever come down to morgantown? 2 you should go to the students for liberty regional conference at duquesne on the 15th of november
you should hitchhike down to dallas/austin for our sfl conferences lmao :o)
That seems sliiightly inconvenient.
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priceofliberty · 10 years
capitalistscum replied to your post:Is Iphone or Android better for privacy?
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priceofliberty · 10 years
The reaction to the whole dog killing thing is cracking me up tbh
You can say “fuck the police” or “kill all pigs” or “the only good cop is a dead cop!” all day, every day, but the moment I point out the economic benefit in one less officer on the payroll people lose their minds because it’s a fucking dog.
The didn’t do nuthin!
The was just following orders!
I even predicate that the shooting is one done in self-defense (that is, the K-9’s handler sicked it upon you) and people are still going bonkers.
I will admit I was deliberately obtuse and incidentally callous, but that’s part of the point. Cold, calculated, reticent. That's how the State behaves when it kills human beings and their household pets. But we're expected to over-empathize with a police officer--to the point of affording it additional privileges and protections via the legislature--because its a furry animal?
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priceofliberty · 10 years
capitalistscum replied to your post:capitalistscum replied to your post:Well I called...
It’s a waste of time and effort really. That being said, if you do want to get some perspective on it, I’ve heard showing up at your State Reps office equates to getting 10 phone calls.
1 like = 1 phone call
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priceofliberty · 10 years
capitalistscum replied to your post:Well I called my representative and was met with...
Why even try though :(
Because it's important to accrue first-hand experience in dealing with the system in order to effectively combat it. But of course, we all already know that this system is seriously flawed.
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priceofliberty · 10 years
capitalistscum replied to your post:Do you ever get notes on the messages in your inbox?
I know what they’re talking about! Sometimes it says there’s a note on a message but when you click it, it says there’s no notes, it’s only if someone replies to you I believe. So the note probabl
Oh like ghost notes? I think thats if you're shadowbanned isn't it? or maybe uhhh I have no idea
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priceofliberty · 10 years
capitalistscum replied to your post:capitalistscum replied to your post:...
Very cool, I’ll work on my design and keep you updated
Please do! I love liberty-minded tattoos
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priceofliberty · 10 years
capitalistscum replied to your post: capitalistscum here is my tattoo, plea...
Wow that’s fantastic, I love the idea behind it! It really motivates me to get my tattoo! its even cooler that you drew it yourself, did the artist make any adjustments or changes to the final product?
Actually he did! He added color to the tree (brown and green) to make it more tree-like
The whole thing cost me $220.00!
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priceofliberty · 10 years
capitalistscum replied to your post:I have to ask, at there any forms of anarchy besides total? It seems I've heard of other forms or something. Not sure.
Well - in anarcho-capitalism / voluntaryism I feel as if people could argue that it is partial anarchy. As it is without coercive rulers, but still values hierarchy and voluntary governance.
I see what you are saying, but I am wary of equating "rulers" to legitimate, respected leaders.
I am not one of those anarchists who believes all hierarchy is inherently bad, clearly some stratified organization can be beneficial; the larger a group becomes, the more effective it is if those members within the group employ the skills within their respective competitive advantage. In this way, specialization and hierarchy go hand-in-hand. The cobbler is really good at making shoes and his friend (and boss) is really good at accounting and grasping bigger picture operations. Together, their skills can bring their shoe business to the top!
To me, anarchy is not the same as a lack of self-governance, only a lack of arbitrary, oppressive, illegitimate rule.
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