#captain drift
wanderinginksplot · 2 years
Clone Trooper OC: Drift
My usual disclaimers first: this is not my artwork! It is a template produced by the incredibly talented @maiseey. The coloring and any mistakes are definitely mine.
My idea of Drift has a few more details than this picture, but this is the reference image I've been using:
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Drift is the recently-promoted captain of the Rancor Battalion (led by Commander Risk) and an even more recent graduate of the ARC trooper program. He's been a troublemaker since he was a cadet and is known for his energetic - if a little short-sighted - attitude. He puts a strong emphasis on having fun, and he always completes his missions with some... creative thinking.
What happened to his nose? No one's really sure. Every time he's asked about it, Drift explains the story of his scar in a different way. Askers have heard everything from 'HUD malfunction' to 'a piercing that went wrong'. It's an old scar, predating his time with the Rancor Battalion. Since Drift is so fastidious about his appearance and it's his only facial scar, it's a topic of much speculation among his men.
To learn more about Drift, check out his introduction in the Gar Cabur series, this one-shot about him as a cadet, or this one-shot (Drift x fem!reader, no use of 'Y/N').
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spirker · 4 months
The original babygirl 💖
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daftmooncretin · 4 months
if captain kirk irresponsible? why huge baby cow eyes???
if captain kirk bad captain? why-
you thought i was gonna talk about his voluptuous titties fat ass sparkling personality and unflinching moral character ? no.
if you say kirk is a bad captain i will kill you. I will shoot you into space like they did to bill shatty when he wouldn’t shut tf up about going to space
except unlike bill shatty ill send you up naked and defenceless into the vast chasm of space your lungs will explode and your eyes will fall out or some shit (i saw that in a doctor who episode)
kirk drift is getting out of hand and my response to this is ending all kirk drifters and repopulating the earth with kirklophiles such as myself and my dad paul.
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dinneratgrannys · 1 year
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ONCE UPON A TIME 3.21, Snow Drifts
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beaulesbian · 7 months
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Shanks always said that if the path to what you want seems too easy, then you're on the wrong path.
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hanakihan · 2 days
to continue rider!dantes brainrot
I Like the idea of him being his cheerful sweet self but he also has that same dantes unhinged-ness that makes him equally terrifying as his avenger counterparts
man be really nice and sweet and next moment he’s pulling some insane jack sparrow shit on ship that works in long run while having zero self preservation skills because he’s gonna end up in château d’If anyway so why hold back lmao
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jaylestial · 4 months
I love Rodimus and Drift being each other's wing-men...
Like in my head they've definitely dated for a sec previously, but realized they're both just. These twinks can't do it for each other okay lMAO they just work better as amica instead of conjunx, yknow? They're the ones who say "if we're not married by -blank- then we'll just bite the bullet". (Also absolutely support driftrod, I just have thoughts on them in this aspect).
Drift has had eyes for Ratchet for a long time, a looong ass time and Rodimus can't believe how long it's taking them to confess properly. Of course in the end Drift didn't need him.. But I wanna think he assigned him to do solo work with Ratchet on purpose so they could catch up and properly bond. Ratchet needs help organizing his office when moving onto the Lost Light? Drift gets assigned to it "You'll help with his, what's that earth term.. Feng Shui?". Drift doesn't buy it and he knows exactly what Rodimus is doing, but he's not going to refuse alone time with his beloved Ratchet.
When Drift and Ratchet come back from their solo adventures and Drift sees who Roddy is crushing on- Oh boy. First it's teasing, then it's being unafraid to talk Rodimus up to Megatron. What is he going to do, kick him off the LL again? Tells him how loyal he is, how he wanted to take the fall despite everything. "Yeah he talks about grandiose things, but it's because he wants that for everyone here."
Drift and Mags/Minimus would absolutely get in on this kinda thing together... It's easy for them to talk about Rodimus in a positive light.
Anyways I love these two bots getting equally strong willed, powerful conjunx-endurae and being a part of each other's relationship journeys in small ways. That's what besties are for.
If you read my ramblings, thankyou~
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kaltacore · 29 days
i know that aveline's condolences scene is supposed to be about understanding of other's grief but oh boy does it feel completely utterly wrong when you remember how she has treated the white lillies killer situation at the beginning of act 2 and how she just. never mentiones it if hawke doesn't call her out. and if they do her only response is "well people always blame the guard".
i believe she's genuine when she tries to comfort hawke by relating to their pain and telling about her father and how he died and how she'll miss leandra too but. the thing is. she knew about these murders as the captain of the guard and even asked hawke to help her with this. by shutting the guy who tried to investigate it up. because he talked nonsense. or did he.
hawke feels like shit and is consumed by guilt because they couldn't save their mother but aveline kinda should share the sentiment. there was a serial killer in the city and she did absolutely nothing to stop him and gave up on investigation because all of it seemed random and therefore couldn't be solved. it was literally her job but she decided not to act on it. consciously. so people died and if that wasn't enough, her friend's mother died, horribly too. is there really nothing to be said besides "well my father died too you know. it's okay to grieve. take your time" or "well the guard can't save everyone. blame the killer not me"
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papanowo · 1 year
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yall ever seen polar express
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howdy-do-da-day · 1 year
Captain Kirk wont even look at a beautiful woman because he doesn't want to make her uncomfortable in a professional setting and yet people still act like he's nothing but a horndog
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yellowbugifs · 2 years
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sketch-twentytwo · 8 months
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"EXTRA EXTRA! Get the latest issue of the Treehouse Tribune™!"
The mad lad himself, George Beard! I've been thinking about this kid a lot in this AU and I'm switching things up a bit.
George is the notorious school prankster but he covers up his tracks well. Many teachers and students assume it's him, because duh, but without proof he can't be punished for the campus wide goofs and gaffs.
George credits the pranks to an entity known as 80-HD (going for a Banksy vibe) and 80-HD is beloved by students who view him as a school urban legend.
Mr. Krupp is 98% sure that George is 80-HD but can't do much about it other than try to keep a close eye on him. He CAN, however, give George detention for his makeshift newspaper, the Treehouse Tribune.
See, without Harold to draw comics with him, George needed an outlet to funnel his creative writing skills. So he made a fake newspaper with made up stories, spoof articles, and a hokey advice column à la Mad Magazine but PG and less political.
Since I'm keeping the characters strengths and weaknesses, George doesn't dare try to draw anything as he doesn't think he's very good. Instead, he has taken up a photography elective to help with his newspaper.
Krupp can punish George for the newspaper distribution and George often ends up having to spend lunch in the principle's office, something he has long gotten used to over the last 4-5 years. In this time, I think Krupp has grown a reluctant soft spot for the young lad, as despite all his pranks, goofs, and silly nature, George hasn't made any real friends at Jerome Horwitz.
George is beloved by students, but not liked by students. He's a 9-10 year old in the 7th grade. Kids in his grade either think he's too immature or are jealous that he skipped so many grades, while kids his age are either intimidated by his grade (because grade politics were a thing in American elementary school) or don't want to associate with him on a personal level.
His antics are admired, but rarely does anyone want to help/share credit/notoriety with him.
He's kinda lonely.
The most OOC thing about Krupp in this AU might be that he feels bad for George. I imagine that, underneath all his mean, principle demeanor, Krupp doesn't actually want to expel George, but rather wants to help him succeed academically. (In the movie, all he did was separate George and Harold, not expel them, cuz they were 9-10 years old!)
So yeah. George is cool, fun, and wacky, but he's lonely and eats lunch with the school principle.
That is...until he formally befriends Harold Hutchins and, reluctantly, Melvin Sneedly.
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aka-lorterian · 9 months
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Season 3 Rewatch Drabbles: 3x21 Snow Drifts (Part 1)
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Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 3 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 334
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)
Notes: I knew there was no way I could stick to just one drabble an episode for the CS movie, so I didn't even try. There will be 2 drabbles for 3x21 and 4 for 3x22. They are all written, so the plan is to post one per day until they're all posted.
Note #2: Thank you to @hollyethecurious for this prompt!
The first time he did it, it was instinctual.  Emma knew that. Regina’s (or the Evil Queen’s or…whatever) guards came galloping down the dirt road, and Killian simply acted, grabbing her, pulling her behind a tree, covering her body with his. It had shocked her for a moment until she realized what he was doing and why.
(Not to mention the shock to her system it was to feel his warmth, his scent, him enveloping her, but that was something she was determined not to dwell upon.)
The second time, she was starting to get suspicious.  No more than five minutes after the incident with the queen, he’d pinned her against another tree, and this time he’d lingered for a few seconds longer.
(Surely there must be some cardiac ramifications to her heart beating so quickly.)
“My apologies, Swan,” he’d said with a smirk that looked anything but repentant.  “I thought I heard the guards again.”
By the third time it happened, she knew it was deliberate.
He'd grabbed her, tucked her in front of him and placed his hands beside her head.
(Had it Suddenly gotten  a lot hotter here in the Enchanted Forest?)
“What…” her voice sounded far too breathless.  She cleared her throat and started again. “What are you doing?”
“I heard something,” Killian insisted.
A moment later a tiny brown rabbit hopped placidly past, and Emma let out a peal of laughter.
“Seriously Hook? A bunny?” She asked, mirth still coloring her tone as he stepped back and she turned around to look at him.
He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at her.  “One can't be too careful, Love. Rabbits can be bloody terrifying.”
Her peal of laughter brought a genuine smile to his face as they resumed their trek.
They were certainly in a bad situation, trapped in the past like this, but if she had to be here, she certainly could have had a worse companion.
Even if he did flirt shamelessly and manufacture reasons to embrace her.
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dinneratgrannys · 1 year
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ONCE UPON A TIME 3.21, Snow Drifts
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subtle little captainswan lockscreen/wallpaper combos. rb or like if used! 🦢🏴‍☠️🧭
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