#captain grisley
a2zillustration · 8 months
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I kind of stumbled my way through this one and missed a LOT of the exposition, but it's fine because at the end of the day everyone was saved! I think!
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writersandreaders6 · 3 years
This is a little story piece that I wrote ages ago and due to boredom and lack of brain cells, I decided to pick it up again. It’s a bit rough, but hope you guys like it!
Warning: Violence, Gore, Death
He couldn’t take his eyes off it, this grisley sight before him. Finally, mercifully, the gutteral groans of the guard had subsided as his lifeforce slowly slipped away. The spike protruded from his mouth, streaks of blood dripping from the corners, eyes bulging from their sockets in horrific dimension.  
“You know what this is called?” a voice rang out. Appearing from the darkness, the silouette of a woman, dressed in a sleek leather jumpsuit and boots, mask covering her face. “It was called Impalement, many moons ago,” she said, running her fingers along the face of the now impaled and deceased guard. “It was used by an ancient king who wanted to be so feared in the eyes of his enemies that he would leave their bodies like this to rot.” She walked up to where Tobias was tied up, tears streaming down his face, and grabbed him by the chin, her nails digging into his flesh. “They say that the stench from thousands of these rotting corpses was enough to make his enemies turn tail and run. I rather like how he thinks.”
“I know who you are,” Tobias choked, tasting the iron in his mouth as he coughed on his words. The figure stared down at him, her hands still dripping with blood and viscera from the now still moving body in the corner. Then, surprisingly, she let go of him and turned away, running her fingers over the blade in her hand.
“Do you now?” her voice pierced the eerie silence like a shard of glass. 
“I saw the obituaries, the soldiers-” he stopped to cough, spitting up more blood into his mouth. “You’re the one who survived the acccident.”
A light chuckle. Then an audible laugh. Then a cackle. She laughed and laughed, louder and louder than before, the sound echoing off the cold stone that surrounded them. 
“Survived? Is that what they’re calling it?” she asked, kneeling down in front of him and gently running the blade across his cheek. “Said with such hypocrisy.”
“Hypocrisy? How is it hypocrisy?” Tobias whispered.
The ignored him and rose to her feet again, turning to a table nearby and messing with something atop it. “I must say, I’m quite honored that the General and his friends are thinking of me. I thought I’d have to be one of their playthings to get this much attentions.”
“The General is a great man; those are just slanderous rumors!” Tobias snapped.
“It’s only slanderous if it’s not true. And believe me,” she turned back to face him, the light now revealing a glint in her dark blue eyes. “I know from experience that it is.” 
Suddenly there was a pinch at the base of Tobias’s neck and he felt something being injected into his veins. His eyes began to lull, feeling the fatigue from his injuries and whatever was in the vial hit his mind.
“Wh-what did you do?” he asked, trying to keep his head up and vision on her.
“Just gave you a little something. It was lovely chatting with you, Captain; I can’t wait to do it again...”
And with that, he was plunged into darkness. 
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team-kobe · 5 years
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eyeliketwowatch · 7 years
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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest - Sequel-itis Attacks Again
Absolutely gorgeous to look at, lots of impressive special effects (almost too much at times, there’s so much detail on the ‘Flying Dutchman’ and her barnacle encrusted crew that it becomes a bit overwhelming), but something is definitely missing here. Another case of sequel-itis (ok, more of the same, but bigger, and more of it), and along the way, whatever spark of magic that the original had is lost in the shuffle. I remember being so pleasantly surprised by the first movie, went in expecting total crap (I mean, based on the lamest of the Disney park rides, next to 'its a small world’, and the second one to come out in the same summer - Haunted House flopping horribly), but it captured the imagination, Depp caught us all by surprise with his startling original take on the 'pirate captain’ - but this time around… Depp’s Jack Sparrow seems to mince and mugg for the camera even more, and instead of being endearing and groundbreaking, it feels phoned in.
Some were turned off by the grisley touches (the severed finger necklace), the violence, the thick characterizations (that voodoo princess they visit is barely understandable) - but for me, these were the best parts - I’m all for leaving the kiddie crowd behind – perhaps the childish glee that they tried to inject into this darker story is what feels wrong, and not the other way around.
Not a good sign that we watched 2 hours of it, and then turned it off to finish later with little enthusiasm to see what happens at the end.
2.5 stars out of 5
Released 2006, First Viewing March 2007
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