#captain magnum im sorry you were so difficult
leighsartworks216 · 2 years
The Egos as Things I Did/That Happened to Me in College
Actor: roommate had people over to do stick n pokes on them but it was after 11 and they weren't leaving so i had to blast music and roll over to ignore them
Dark: strolled around campus late at night in Phantom of the Opera garb (fancy vest, cape, skull cane, mask) with friends, one of which wore a dinosaur costume
Wilford: went with friends to the campus pond to scream. some people even screamed back
Damien: crossed the campus during a torrential rain to have a (scheduled) meeting with a teacher who emailed me (as i was sitting in the hall waiting) not to come to the meeting bc of the weather
Yancy: went to an audition with a friend (my first ever) and sang a song way too low for me bc i enjoyed the song so much
Illinois: went with a friend behind a strange fenced in area and found a shit ton of glass bottles and stuff. walked until we found a no trespassing sign and went there again with a third friend later
Engineer: found an old tv by a dumpster. brought it back to my dorm where we gutted and cleaned it with disinfectant wipes. took turns sitting inside it and taking polaroids of each other
Murdock: roommate threw a stuffed animal at me bc i had allergies and was snoring during my nap (he's throwing the stuffed animal)
Bing: walked around with a Magikarp hat on that i made myself and finished the Morning I decided to wear it to my class
Captain Magnum: with the freedom of living alone + having a debit card, i bought spinning rings, an angry corgi plush, a 100 piece tiny baby set, and 175 piece dice collection
Bim Trimmer: gave a presentation about a renaissance art work that basically resulted in infodumping about the work and the artist
Eric Derekson: didn't go to a class for weeks (like two classes per week) because it was in a building i'd never been in before
The Jims: asked the ra's at a friends dorm for condoms so that we could make balloons
Author/Host: wrote a 12 page essay on a subject that was only supposed to be 5 pages
Annus: helped a fallen and weak cicada back onto a nearby tree. couldn't look at the tree for a week+ bc i knew it wouldn't be there
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