#car washer online
krishitoolindia · 2 years
Book Now: https://www.krishitool.in/product_list/APPLIANCES/Cleaning/Pressure_Washers
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usdealscoupons · 2 years
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tparker48 · 4 months
Request from Anonymous
Evening had arrived as the streets of the neighborhood began to quiet down. Cars pulled into their driveways, people from inside heading into their homes. In a car resting inside a garage, would be a man named Hogan. He yawned as he got out of the car, tossing his safety cap to his workshop tool table near the front of his car. He dragged his feet toward the main door, and the cold breath of the air washed over him. The corners of his construction gear bulged into his arm pits, the sound of tears seething from his shoulders. He lowered his bag toward the wall, and his body became lighter, like a boulder had just been lifted from his back.
“One down, now I just gotta get these..” He sucked in his gut, grabbing the zipper of his uniform as his stomach bounced across his waistline. Sawdust splashing into the air, casting its particles into the sunlight as they danced from the laundry room window. He took to his pants, and let out a satisfied grunt as he kicked his boots off. “That’s better.”
He kicked the leathery shoes next to the washer machine, tossing his clothes into the opening as he walked bare into the living room. He grabbed his headset from the living room table and put them on. He crashed to his stomach on the floor, his console turning on along the shelf. After hours of work, what better way to unwind than through quality gaming.
He crashed to his stomach on the floor, his console turning on along the shelf. "Let's see what the boys are up to on deathwatch."
He flipped through the screen to his game, turning on his microphone as he searched through the lobby.
An hour had gone by since Hogan started to relax, enjoying the peace of enjoying the peace of with his online friends. The screen flashed with chaos as effects danced around the frame, Hogan’s call outs booming through the acoustic’s of the living room. But  another chaos brewed in the shadows, as a small pair of eyes peeked from the folds of a crumpled towel. Inside, would be Peppe, staring at his hubby’s backside.
“He’s finally home.” he said, a low giggle escaping from him. “Took longer than expected, but at least it gave me time to prepare.”
He dug into his pocket and fetched a tiny piece of gum, unwrapping its plastic blanket as it overtook his chest. He folded into a cubed shaped ball, and chewed at its end until the entire thing fit into his mouth. He savored the fruity flavor filling his mouth as he slinked out from beneath the towel, the smell of gas fumes polluting the air as the giant soles raked through the fibers of the carpet. 
He crept faster, the path narrowing as it centered toward Hogan. A mountain of hairy muscle rose before him, the elastic fabric over the mounds spreading atop like a blanket of snow.  After many times of venturing to his ass, he got tired of the view. It reminded him of being on an island, guarded by a musky volcano as it swayed overhead. He’d think he’d feel bad pranking his hubby all the time, but damn did it feel good to watch him squirm. And with an opportunity like this, it was too good to pass up.
He approached the crease between Hogan’s legs, the lining of crack rocketing over the bubbled ridge. He stepped upon the bulk of his crotch, sweat oozing from its surface like a leaking sponge. Must’ve been working hard out there on the construction, he thought, even after an hour of cooling still his backside was wet.
“Typical, Hogan. Big guy’s certainly not making it easy.” he rolled his eyes, gripping into the white fabrice along the left leg.
He clung to the bushed of hair, pushing into the thick borders sealing the mounds inside. His foot creased into a loose fold, warmth from beneath the fabric against as the smell of fresh sweat poured into his nose. He puffed his nose to ease its stinging sensation, continuing his climb aboard the mounds.
Sausage fingers reached from the other mound, piercing the lining of his crack Peppe dragged to the center. “Damn sweat’s going in the wrong places.” Hogan said, sliding his now glistening palm from the crack.
"Easy horsie, can't have your rider bucking off with the reins." Peppe whispered.  
He climbed to the top of Hogan’s ass and caught a glimpse of the horizon. A slope met before him as it climbed to a meaty neck above, the Tv screen flashing behind Hogan’s frenzied hair. He cherished the view for a moment before digging through his pocket, pulling a bulky string from inside. He opened his mouth and stuck the end of the string against the sticky mass, molding it with his tongue to ensure it was secure.
 Phase one of his great prank was complete, now it was time for the main event.
He approached the top of the elastic fabric, peeling a corer for himself as he tucked his feet inside. He shimmied himself between the mounds, watching the warm flesh rise as they spilled over his chest. Hogan’s fingers returned, stamping just a foot from Peppe as it stirred in place. 
“That works.” He said, shimmying the rest of his body as he slipped beneath the surface.
 The damp fingers wagged above as he dove into the mounds, flesh molding his body as they swallowed the light. Strands of hair snagged at his limbs, the scent of dry cement reaping his nostrils as sweat dashed into his clothes. After all was said and done, he had to remind Hoga to take a shower. Any more scents added to his musk and he’d be a walking gas station. The hairs thickened as they spread into him like a brush, revealing a red puckered star as it winked with sweat. It blew kisses as Peppe wisped past its folds, cushioning at the bottom as his foot sank between two soft boulders. 
“Target acquired,” He spat the gum from his mouth. “and just enough hair to strap on.”
He placed the wad against the ridge of the hair taint, cherry picking bunched hair as he molded them into the gum like clay. Hogan’s  legs shuffled, scooping Peppe close as he planted against the warm testicles.  
"What’s this guy teabagging for? Our team won that fair and square! Let me get a crack at him, I'll give him some nuts he can teabag!"
“As competitive as ever” Peppe mumbled, peeling from the damp skin. He spun a portion of the string to anchor Hogan’s hairs. They sprawled out like a row of vines, their sweat soaked surface brushing against him as if it were a paint brush. Before long, the task was complete, hairs wrapping around the gum as if they were holding it up. “Like a bouquet of smelly vines.” he patted at the top of the gum.
He crawled toward the bottom of Hogan's balls, the dampened fabric appearing as it stretched behind him. Peppe followed its path until it curved upward, taking to the thick hairs covering the mounds as he crawled back the way he came.  They slid through his fingers, his body cast back down as he tumbled into the mustache covering his anus. Its bristles tickled his nose as he swatted them away, grabbing a handful in a bunch as he climbed up its length. 
“Yeah that’s right, take all these nuts!”Hogan roared, his own thighs moving as the sac below squished into the fabric. 
Peppe fought its sway, gripping harder at the strands of hair as he reached  toward the slanted lighting of the crack. He slithering his palm back into the cool world of the living room, shimmying the rest of him through the caked mounds before Pulling the rest of the rope out of his pocket.
“Alright..that’s my workout for today.” Peppe wheezed.
 He climbed back to the top of Hogan’s waist, and looked to his head. Still he faced the Tv screen, even after traveling through his underwear. Just what he was expecting, and now it was time to retrieve the fruits of his labor. Wrapped the end of the rope around his wrist, the line straightening as it darted beneath the fabric like an anchor.
“Oh ho, prepare for a sting of your life Hogan.”
"Well done guys, we managed to pass that squad without setting them off. Too bad we can’t say the same for you..”the mute icon appeared on the side of the screen,Hogan batting an eye backwards. “..Peppe.” 
He froze at his words. “Huh?!”
 the string tightened as he yanked him beneath the underwear, like a fish caught on a hook as he burrowed through the mound of flesh. The dimmed space greeted him once more, his face dragged along the hairs resting in the bubbled valley. From what took minutes turned to mere seconds as he was dragged beneath the bulk of the testicles, fingers fiddling at the string as if it were a spider retracting its web. His back clung to the wad of gum at the taint, the fingers taking to his side as they jammed him beneath the muscular boulders. He gritted beneath its weight, the clammy skin spooning his ears as they acted as restraints on his head.
The ground shifted as  fingers pulled the waistband apart, Hogan’s face peering inside. "What do we have here, a munchkin taking a dip in my underwear."
Peppe shuffled a fold from his mouth. "What gave me away?"
"Come now, as many times as you explored my body, don't you think I would know if something complex was in the way?" He dwindled a finger through his pubes decorating the round spheres between his legs, swirling a patch of Peppe’s into the mix. "Hair pulling. Tsk, you gotta do better than that, dumpling."
"What can I say? It's a classic."
"Uh huh, charming. You know you're getting  punished for this right? I missed a lot of shots because of your meddling. Naught, naughty." He squeezed his legs together, Peppe’s lips smacking as they puckered like a fish. "Unfortunately we’re still in a game, so consider this a taste of what’s to come."
His smile disappeared as the waistband clamped at his waist, a gust of musk washing into Peppe before the thighs shifted, and  Hogan’s weight pushed at his back. "Hubby! Come on, you can’t be made at this face. You can’t do this to your dump-" a solid surface cushioned his chin, the bulk of the giant testicles plonking atop his head. “pling..”
A soft chuckle vibrated the walls. "Oh no, you’re not getting off that easy, hun. No matter how adorable that face is."
Taking the slow route huh? Just like him to toy with him slowly. Peppe rolled his eyes forward,wiggling his head to relieve pressure from his chin. Sloshing muffled from the orbs cupping his face, like giant silos filled to the brim with water. Its body heat grew hotter as its muscle flexed, the shaft knocking out of place as it drooled into the white fabric. He was getting off at my capture, and he called him the naughty one.
But even caught, he wasn’t going to give up just yet. He shifted his gaze into one of the orbs, inhaling the dried sweat coating the skin as he leaned his fingers to his jacket. He pulled the bottom of the fabric from his pants, shedding from its layer as he pressed it into the clammed ceiling. He gazed into the maw of the musky cave, the loose skin sagging as if were going to collapse. 
 There wasn’t enough room to pull the string, but he wasn’t without options as he looked to the flexing muscle.  He laid upon his back, taking a handful of the soft skin as he pulled himself upward. The humidity between was rough feet, his skin skidding against Hogan’s as it peeled off like a sticker. The skin only grew firm as he reached the stem of Hogan’s cock, its barreled underbelly cushioning his chin. After moments of climbing, he sighed as the ever growing pressure slipped from his feet, the bag of sac collecting as the length of the shaft rested upon him.
He planted his feet upon the balls, and Hogan shifted. "What are you doing down there?"
"Putting my plan into motion. I'm gonna make you submit to your dumpling!" Peppe declared.
"Sure. And just how are you going to do that."
A smile crept along Peppe’s face, a foot peeling from one of the testicles. "Creativity." He spread his toes across the bulging testicle, and wiggled them into the tender muscle. He added his other foot, and pressed it to the other as he marched over them. 
A groan rumbled through the air, a thigh thrusting and a clunk came from outside. “Mmm..kneading my balls huh? Bold, I’ll give you that, but it's gonna take more than a few foot rubs to get me to cave.”
"That's for sure. This is just the appetizer." He cradled his limbs to the corner of the member, holding it against his body as if it were a body pillow. He worked himself beneath its underbelly to the top of the shroomed head. Its flesh radiated with warmth greater than the balls below, a salty stream spilling upon his shoulder as it guzzled from the slit. He ringed his fingers between its lips, the stream widening as it spilled at his neck. "You know the thing about being small? You can reach just about anywhere?"
He wiggled a palm over the slit, and jammed it inside. Its creamy fluid lubricated his arm, driving it to his shoulder as the lips clamped onto his shoulder like a sleeve. He plunged his other hand inside, and began to twist them through  the soggy folds as it trailed through the tight opening of the shaft.
Hogan’s body bucked, a sharp moan piercing the air as the sounds of buttons clacked from above "Oh..ff.."
Peppe's eyes became starry eyed. "Gotcha now."
He wormed more of his body toward the front of the underwear’s pouch, clinging his feet to the puffed edges as they peeled the hood away. The muffled grunts turned to purrs, Hogan’s entire waist beginning to thrash as if it were in a trap.
"Still thinking about surrendering?" Peppe giggled with excitement, grinding his elbows to circle the rest of his arms between the tight tube.
A digital voice announced that the game paused, the sound of a controller toppling to the side. "Give me 2 minutes,boys." Hogan's voice boomed, the space shifting as. Gravity tossed Peppe atop the bulging cock.
The inner tube tightened his arms like a vice, its girth nudging between his legs. The fabric yanked off and light blurred his vision, forcing Peppe to wince as his eyes raced to adjust. His gaze eventually relaxed, As Hogan’s met his, peering from the mountainous torso  high above.
"Now you done it, dumpling. You managed to make me cave?”
"I did? I mean yeah, I did! Take that, Hubby.” He declared, but looked up to a smile peering across his face. “You uh..you aren’t mad are you?”
“Me? Not all. In fact, I'm ecstatic.”
“Yeah..” He replied. A palm raised beneath him, clasping at the center of the shaft. It pumped at a steady pace, getting stronger as it gripped at Peppe’s arms. “I get to do punishment early.”
Oh shit. Peppe tugged at his arms to get them free, shimmying his shoulders to lighten the pressure, but a suction locked them down, the cock’s throat pulsing as they tucked his arms together. Fingers curled around his back, hoisting his lower half into the center as it tilted toward the cock slit. He wrestled between the thick fingers, a thumb pressing his head into the lips as they  gummed the sides of his cheek.
The thumb trailed over his neck to the rest of his body, plunging Peppe deeper into the urethra. He was caught in the pull of the suction inside, guiding him through the tight crawlway of the tube as seed lathered into his side like lotion. The tender walls manhandled his body, thrashing him about in its attempts to gobble him up. The lips slipped higher, funneling to the tips of his toes as he sunk deeper. The cool air left from his feet, and the shaft became alive as its walls tenderized his body.
Outside, a lump traversed through the cock's underbelly bulging, sliding down at snail's pace as it flattened against Hogan’s twisting palm. He gritted his teeth, pumping harder to knock the protruding bulge from its spot as he massaged its soft ridges as it parted the walls inside. It bobbed over the base of his shaft, a finger tilting it for Hogan to see for himself. With a simple clench, the bulge launched and it plunged past the surface of his crotch, its form wisping through his inside as it curled down to the meaty low hangers throbbing below.
The World was dimmer in this region of Hogan’s body, the waves of muscle squeezing him like toothpaste through the tubes. He couldn’t move his body, his blood rushing to his head as he tried to face upward. He doubted it’d help with the surrounding fluid, gunks of slated goo lathered his face, sending his senses ablaze as his head began to swirl. The wall hugged closer as an opening arrived, his head smothered as  more salty fumes spewed into him like a ventilated shaft. 
He found himself in a round chamber, white goo secreting from the walls as they collected into a large body at the bottom of the fleshy dome. 
"Your balls?” He shouted, the sphincter encircling his neck. “Who shoves their love life into their balls?"
“Consider it a special treatment just for you. I was going to just shove you into one of my boots, but then you went and got me hard.”
Lumps caved from the walls, and the chamber became slanted. The white goo rose like a roaring tide, submerging Peppe’s head beneath its surface. It shrouded like a fog, the pink walls near him blurring with white smudges.
“Quite the load isn’t it dumpling? All thanks to you.” 
the tight tube squeezed at his body, rocketing him into the milky mess as he flailed to the surface. He inhaled the tainted air, splashing to keep himself afloat. "Okay, foul play! You’re playing dirty, how am I supposed to have fun in here?"
“Sorry, hun, that’s not my problem. You’ll just have to sit in timeout like a good boy.”
 The chamber flipped once more, spiraling Peppe  from wall to wall as if it were a tube mixer. He felt nauseous as he dunked and emerged from its gooey surface, his efforts to cease derailed as his palmed slid from the soft wall. It was only when the pool flipped to the ceiling did the swirls cease, and it crashed atop of him.
Hogan’s laugh vibrated the walls, crusts forming into the seed as it rocked in place.. "Ready to call it quits?" 
"You..can't possibly think..I'd give up after that." Peppe panted, his head spinning amongst the seed.
"Yeah I thought not, you’re too stubborn for that. Ah well, perhaps a little marinating will teach you to behave yourself." The chamber swayed as steps rang through the walls, the fluid jumping as it crashed upon a solid surface. "I'm back boys, what I miss?"
Peppe groaned as Hogan faced his attention elsewhere, his head bobbing against the milky waves as he tilted to the ceiling. He looked to the shriveled star in the ceiling, seed squeezing from its folds like a wet rag. That was his way out of this filled chamber, but it was too out of reach to grasp. He pawed at the doughy walls for leverage, hoisting upon the soft lumps to escape the milky pond. But their surface melted upon contact, spilling him into the seed once more.
“This is getting me nowhere, how’s a guy supposed to move when everything around you is muscle?” He tried again to reach for a fold, its surface slipping into the fluid as it glossed the wall beneath.
A moan erupted from above, the walls caving as waves splashed him in its epicenter. He resurfaced, looking to the walls as they battered the fluid along his borders. “He felt that?” He puzzled, swimming to the wall behind him. 
He smeared a layer of gunk from the lumpy surface, cupping his palm to split its flow to the rest of the seed. When clear pink muscle appeared, he pressed his fingertips into the soft wall, twisting it as it sunk breath its surface.
The walls shook again, and Hogan’s moans returned. When it finally settled, a smile crept upon his face. To think Hubby’s sweet spot would be right at the source of it all.  He swam closer to the wall, tapping his foot at the submerged flesh. When soft ground touched his toes, he shifted his legs into a running motion, his feet pattering against the muscular wall.
A sharp moan echoed the walls, Waves splashing in the seed. "What are you doing now?" Hogan's voice muffled.
"Improvising." he turned himself toward the wall of flesh, grabbing a handful as seed lubricated his hands. The chamber unraveled, globs of gunk slamming against the opposite wall as it crashed at the ceiling before it pattered onto his shoulders.
Hogan’s grunts turned to whimpers as the folds compressed and expanded,it battered its contents. "Stop being.. a brat." he strained, the walls beginning to pulse..
The seed’s current grew stronger, sweeping Peppe from the walls as he swirled around the rim.The walls compressed, and the ceiling closed in as the sphincter spasmed in place.
"Almost there, just one more push.." he assured himself, clinging to the corner of the folds to continue his efforts.
 The once spacious chamber shrunk to the size of a quarter, a mere gap separating Peppe from the chamber’s quivering lips. He massaged its folds to the best of his ability, the substance overtaking his arms as they splashed about his wrist. The walls squeeze closer as the fluid reached his chin, forcing him to tuck his nose close to the salty folds. 
"Here goes nothing." he managed to muster, taking a breath as he kissed into the center of the sphincter.
He sunk beneath the seed’s surface, suspended in the middle of the sac as the walls surrounding him became restless. Hogan’s grunt's grew louder, distorted as they became strained. Hard thumps shook the chamber, and the star above winked before it opened its entrance like a floodgate. A suction dragged at his body, pulling him against the widening entrance. Its lips barely passed his shoulder, the current flowing through his armpit as he held his breath.
A watery slosh echoed the chamber, before Hogan’s roar overwhelmed it.
Hogan’s body tensed, the controller in his hand slipping to the pocket of the couch. He stared weakly at his seed soaked palm, its grip still stroking his shaft as his hips bucked. "Can’t.. Hold it in..I.." he choked on his words, his head launching back into the cushion of his sofa. 
His hips locked, and seed erupted from his cock. Its warm fluid flowed like lava from an active volcano, a creamy stream filling his shorts as another drenched the corners of the chamber. He huffed as he regained control of his body, looking down to his member. its meaty length throbbed against his inner thigh, satisfied as it returned to its flaccid state.
In his weak stare, he looked to his bulging sac, the swollen orbs drooping over the side of the couch. "You kinky bastard.." he huffed softly, staring at the right nut that rocked slowly.
Inside, the pond had all but drained from inside the chamber, reduced to a hollow husk as fluid dressed the walls in webs. Stuck against the ceiling, Peppe remained, smothered by a wad of gunk as it dripped to the bottom of the chamber.
"I told ya..I wasn't finished." He smiled weakly, peeled from the ceiling as if he were a sticker. The chamber softened his fall, as it rocked slowly.. "How'd your game go?"
Hogan looked toward the screen, bits of his fluid dripping from the corners of the frame. Banter boomed from the microphone, gamertags from both his team and the opposite team flashing,
"Eh, they’ll.” he said. "Really wanted to get that streak. Was gonna get it too, until a twerp decided to get frisky.
"oo bummer." Peppe said. “Guess it goes to show you can’t shove something in your balls and not expect consequences.”
A flick shook the testicle. "Don't be so high and mighty, Dumpling. You're still in punishment time. But since you saved me the trouble of unloading in there, it’s only fair you do your part in making it.”
“You want me to make the pool all over again, didn’t you just climax?” Peppe asked, picking up a soft huff from the walls. “Wait a second, you’re not trying to get me to build up all that just for you to enjoy it personally?”
“I..I have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s simply a fitting punishment for a brat like you.” he said. “Just be sure to rub them deep. So..so I’ll know if you’re doing your task.”
Peppe places his hands at his hips. “Uh huh, sure.” he traveled through the mush  of seed toward the wall, reaching at a palm as he scratched at its surface. The chamber jostled in place, heavy thumps returning as they shook the walls.
“Oo..just a little to the right..”
“Do you want me to pleasure you with both my hands, Hogan?”
“Yeah..Er! I mean no-”
“Hah, gotcha. You’re totally into this!”
“Why you little-..this is supposed to be punishment. You’re not supposed to be enjoying this!”
“It’s not like I’m going anywhere. If I’m gonna be put to work, I might as well have fun with it, right? Oo! Now that I think about it, this space is just enough to bounce around it.”
“Dumpling, I forbid you to even try- Mm! No stop-mm..eassy in there!”
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cobaltsage · 7 days
I know my friends often think I’m paranoid for omitting pretty much every smart device outside of your standard phone and laptop from my life but honestly after playing Megaman Battle Network as a child, I know it’s only going to take a few very inspired people tired of corporate BS and experiencing a mental break to create a real world variation of World III.
Like. We’ve already heard of stories of people whose chastity cages got electronically hacked and force locked, and while that’s certainly creative, MMBN absolutely had way more simpler, and entirely possible crimes to commit.
Our fridges are online? Who controls that temperature. Maybe entire grocery stores will find their food either freezer burnt or spoiling.
Our thermostats? Well, it’d be a shame if somebody globally altered the temperature floor of the device to be boiling point.
Our cars are smart now? The literal first game had a chapter that merely took over traffic lights, it would only be easier to make the cars simply lock their users in and drive into each other.
Most data centers I’ve been to, even in multimillion dollar orgs, have dozens and dozens of servers protecting websites and the backup management processes are all handled by a single laptop that has a sticky note that says “do not close laptop” in a room that is virtually untouched for weeks at a time, except to check the temperatures of the cooling systems in the same room. As security, I can say I would have no idea if someone who came in for server maintenance was doing something suspicious or not, and even third party maintenance staff are often left to their own devices to work on perceived problems. Sure, they’re on camera, but so what if the next three people who work in the room are all going to be more third party maintenance staff?
Knowing that full well, I’m never going to buy a smart bidet for fear that it will end up with its water pressure settings altered, turning it into a power washer that ass blasts me to death.
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spadecentral · 2 years
TWST Character's Side Hustles [+Staff bc We All Know Crowley Doesn't Give Good Pay]
Idk man I was kinda bored and if nothing makes sense lemme know so I can explain it to you <3
Idea given to me by @ruggiethethuggie
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Soundcloud Rapper — Vargas; Ruggie
Multilevel Marketing — Tr*y; Deuce
Drug Dealer — Ruggie; Floyd
Consistent Lemonade Stand — Kalim; Malleus
Etsy Store — Epel - Wood carvings; Silver - Crocheted Animal Stuffies
Twitch Streamer — Idia; Lilia
Fast Food — Jade
Teacher's Aid — Riddle; Malleus
YouTuber — Ace (TWST Jake Paul); Vil; Cater | Vil and Cater are sub count enemies
UberEats Driver — Jack; Ace
School Tutor — Trein; Sebek
Local Gardener — Rook; Tr*y
Freelance Writer/Artist — Ortho; Vargas
Car Washer — Sam; Deuce
Babysitting — Jamil
Pet Sitting — Crewel; Jack
Takes Online Surveys for Money — Leona; Azul
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Taglist: @trappolaces | @ch3lun | @oseathepebble | @ventisaircurrent | @epelys | @pastelmages | @tulipluvlettr | @xphantasmagoriax | @atlasnessie | @divinesapph | @mystaposts
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edupunkn00b · 1 year
The Uses of Adversity, Ch. 9: Shoulder to Shoulder Around the Fire
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Prev - Shoulder to Shoulder Around the Fire - Next - All - [ AO3 ]
WC: 3913 - Rated: T, mild cursing, past injuries briefly referenced
Logan closed the washer door and stabbed at the buttons on the front of the machine before the cycle clicked on and the basin slowly filled with soapy water. With a heavy groan, he leaned against the basement wall and closed his eyes. He’d woken up a half dozen times in the night, plagued by dreams and nightmares and dreams until the thin pink dawn stabbed through his blinds and he gave up on sleep and dragged himself out of bed. 
He’d stripped his bed and showered, then brought it all down to the laundry room. Eyes still closed, he worked through a breathing exercise he’d found online and scrabbled past the rocky ice filling his mind to find something, anything to be grateful for.
He was grateful it was Saturday. Grateful he didn’t have to plaster on a smile and rush into the day and off to work. Grateful he had time to get this done, grateful for the chance to wash another night down the drain. Grateful for the high capacity washer.
A screeching whine snapped open his eyes and he watched as the machine agitated one more time then stuttered to a stop, the lights on the front flashing an error code of F1E2.
“Fuck,” he muttered and pulled out his phone to look up the code. The manual had long ago been recycled, but the manufacturer was decent about keeping their documentation updated. Should that count as something to be grateful for? Sighing, he swore again as he scrolled down to the error. Not quite.
With some difficulty, he worked his way around to the back of the machine to reach the manual override and drained the machine while he waited for the service center to pick up. He was still the next caller after he’d dumped the sopping bedding into big blue Ikea bags and checked the hours of the laundromat he drove past each day on his way to the highway.
It turns out, it was the only laundromat within a ten mile radius.
He kept the call live as he loaded up the car with the wet laundry from the machine along with the load of lights that had already been waiting for him. It was a short drive and he was still on hold when he parked and the phone suddenly disconnected.
“Fuck,” he swore again and took a deep breath before he redialed. Unloading his frustration on some poorly paid customer service rep who was working on a Saturday was hardly the right choice. He took another slow breath and forced a smile onto his face before he dialed.
A different voice message picked up right away.
“Thank you for calling Maytag. We look forward to serving you. Our call center is open Monday through Friday, 9 am to 3 pm, and on Saturdays from 9 am to 12 pm,” Logan checked his watch. It was only 10 o’clock. The recording continued. “Eastern Standard Time.”
“Of course.” Logan sat frozen in the driver’s seat, staring down at the phone as the message repeated twice before disconnecting. He silently recited a new litany of things to be grateful for. There had been gas in the car. He had cash in his wallet for the machines. The laundromat was close. 
Sighing, he pocketed his phone and hauled the laundry and a tote bag full of soap, softener, and hangers for his shirts. In his first real brush of luck for the day, Logan was pleasantly surprised to see the laundromat wasn’t crowded, with the only other occupants an attendant at the back folding laundry that had been dropped off and a young couple over by the dryers.
Logan fought to keep his attention on the machines in front of him as he loaded them up and added soap to the dispensers. He hadn’t been to a laundromat in decades, not since college, but it appeared the machines were at least that old, so it didn’t take much to figure them out. A bright bubble of laughter drew his attention and he watched as the couple worked together to pull a giant comforter out of the dryer. The woman giggled when her partner piled the comforter on top of her head and shoulders, then pretended she’d disappeared. Logan’s heart ached at the softness in his eyes as he laughingly bumped into her, and the way his hands went up protectively, sweetly , ready to catch her in case he knocked her off balance.
He would never begrudge such a sweet couple their happiness, but… that couldn’t make it hurt any less to have it dangled in front of him. After a few more moments of miming looking for her in the dryer and under a counter, the man lifted up the comforter and exclaimed joyfully at the sight of his partner underneath. Tossing aside the blanket, neither seemed to notice or care when it slipped off the folding counter and onto the floor as he pulled her into a kiss, right there in the middle of the laundromat.
Logan looked away and fumbled for his wallet to go and make change for the machine.
His movement seemed to have reminded them they were in public and, still giggling and whispering, they picked up the comforter and worked together to fold it before tackling the rest of their laundry together. They made chores look like just one more chance to spend time together. He supposed that, for them, that’s all this was. Just another sunny Saturday morning, full of laughter and dryer sheets. And love.
After he’d fed the machines almost twenty dollars worth of quarters, he set a timer on his watch and went out to wait in the car for the cycle to finish. He hated himself for it, but he was relieved when, ten minutes later, the door to the laundromat burst open and they left, hand in hand. Logan put down the book he’d been trying to read and went inside to wait for the timer to go off.
It didn’t take long for Logan to distribute the clothes and bedding between three dryers. While he waited, he leaned against a folding counter and tried again to get through his book. The Four Agreements. If it had been anything other than a library book, he would’ve tossed the damn thing forty pages ago.
“Lo?” a sweet voice from his dreams pulled him away from the page and he looked up, near-certain he’d simply imagined it. 
“Roman?” Logan blinked. “H—how?” Roman smiled back at him, less than three feet away. Dressed in slim, bright white jeans and a crimson henley that hugged his chest like it’d been painted on, he could’ve just stepped off the cover of a magazine. Literally. One of his cover shoots in a Variety Logan had found in the periodicals section had featured a strikingly similar outfit. This… this couldn’t be real.
Logan brushed his fingers over the hot glass on the dryer door, hand jerking back at the searing heat. No, it wasn’t a dream. Roman was really here, smiling in front of him in the middle of the grimy laundromat. “Roman, what are you doing here?” he laughed as he stepped closer, a pleased smile pushing away his earlier dour thoughts.
“I recognized your car outside,” Roman shrugged, as though it was the most normal thing in the world for him to travel around this little suburban neighborhood. Pushing himself up, he sat on the counter next to him. “You weren’t in the salon next door, and,” he winked and bumped into his shoulder. “I figured if you were in the massage parlor at the corner I’d leave you in peace.”
“That’s some fine detective work there, Mr. Prince,” Logan laughed again, hoping the heat of the dryers disguised his blush at the kind of things that were rumored to transpire at a massage parlor that didn’t open until four in the afternoon. Logan nodded, “But how… How did you know it was my car? There are a lot of Pilots around here.”
“You live in Kirkland.” Roman rolled his eyes and jerked his head toward the parking lot. “You were parked between a monstrously large pickup with a ‘thin blue line’ flag and a minivan with a faded Trump sticker. There aren’t a lot of Human Rights Campaign decals around here.”
“It’s getting better, but… you’re right.” Logan frowned and opened the dryer when it buzzed. He felt the clothes, flipping them around and checking the heavy seams on his duvet. He closed the door and added three more quarters.
“What did make you move out here, anyway?” Roman waited until Logan returned to his side, grinning when he catapulted himself up into the counter next to him. “It’s so far from work.” 
Logan frowned, mouthing opening then closing as he worked out the best way to explain.
“Oh, fuck, I…” Roman shook his head, bumping his knee. “I didn’t mean to pry. That—”
“No, it’s quite alright,” he assured, bumping back. He tilted his head, watching the worry dissipate from Roman’s eyes. Logan smiled. It shouldn’t be alright, he didn’t like to talk about, well, any part of the divorce, but… it didn’t seem like Roman was asking because all he cared about was gathering sordid details or some juicy, gossip-worthy tidbit to squirrel away for a dull moment at a party. He… It just seemed like he cared.
“Patton wasn’t doing well in his neighborhood school,” he said at last. “They were unwilling to make even the most basic of accommodations. The Explorer school up on 6th was highly recommended.” He adjusted his glasses. “I… must admit, I used a bit of subterfuge to get the moving clause added to our parenting plan in the divorce decree. I added it at the same time I proposed a rather draconian vacation schedule.” He shrugged. “Her lawyer took the bait and called a special session to get me to update it.” He watched a yellow shirt tumble around in a sea of white oxfords. . “They never even noticed the other clause until after it had been signed. After it went into the plan, I found a place within the school’s boundaries and Remy and I moved here, with Virgil and Patton coming here every other week” 
Logan realized he’d been rambling and he looked up but Roman simply listened, that same soft smile pulling up one corner of his mouth higher than the other. “Was it hard…” Logan looked away, fingers twisting in his lap. “I mean, moving with three boys?”
“Oh…” The cold knot in his stomach eased and a slow smile spread across his face. “The stove malfunctioned on our first night all together and the furniture truck had gotten lost in Yakima. The boys and I ate pizza and Taco Bell for the first few nights… “ He glanced up at Roman, searching his eyes for boredom or, worse, judgement at his poor planning. Roman just nodded, smiling as he leaned in, listening. Logan smiled back. “We ate together on a plastic table cloth in the middle of the living room floor. Patton still talks about how great it had been.” 
He looked out at the bedding twisting in the dryer. “It’s not perfect. It’s a long commute and I’m responsible for coordinating extra-curricular transportation even when Patton is at Kelly’s place in Seattle, but… it’s a good place for Patton, despite the… au de MAGA. It’s worth it.”
“It sounds great,” Roman nodded, a wistfulness to his smile that Logan didn’t fully understand. “You know, the next time I’m negotiating a contract, I want you on my side,” he added. “That was brilliant.” Another dryer buzzed and, blushing, Logan leapt down from the counter. He fished around in the machine and nodded. Roman was at his side with a laundry cart.
“Thank you,” he said, smiling as he looked up at the hanging bar. “Perfect, in fact. How—”
Roman gestured to the shirt Logan had just pulled from the machine. “It’s best to hang them right away,” he explained. He grabbed one of the hangers sticking out from the canvas ACLU tote bag tucked under the counter where they’d been sitting. “May I help?” he asked, reaching tentatively for the shirt in Logan’s hands. “I spent three years as head of costume at the London Coliseum.”
“Thank you,” he said again, once more confounded by his answer. His hands moved automatically, shaking out a shirt as he watched Roman expertly flick then smooth the collar of the shirt he’d plucked from the dryer. Logan smiled as he reached for the next shirt, only looking away when Roman faced him again.
“Do you always come here?” He asked, hooking the first shirt on the rod, ready for the next. “You seem to have a solid routine.”
“Ah, no, actually,” he looked down, the morning’s frustrations churning in his stomach. Shaking it away, he pulled out another shirt. “I discovered this morning that our washer had broken overnight. The timing was… unfortunate. I’d fallen a bit behind and, well…” He looked out at the three dryers’ worth of laundry. The duvet bounced in its own dryer, the colorful paisley staring back at him.
“You’re a better man than I,” Roman chuckled, buttoning the top button of his favorite shirt before hanging it on the rod. “I would’ve moped for at least a day after that kind of morning.”
Logan glanced up as the happy couple hed watched, the reminder of his shameful jealously burning his cheeks. “Who says I didn’t mope?” he tried to laugh. Roman’s hand lingered when he reached for the next shirt, pinkie and ring fingers touching.
“You’re here,” he said simply, that soft, knowing smile curling up his lips.
“Yes, well,” Logan cleared his throat and looked away, hoping he hadn’t been staring as long as he feared he’d been. “So, you explained why you’re here in the laundromat,” he asked, eyes fixed on the last shirt from the dryer. “What are you doing slumming on the Eastside?”
Roman laughed, rich and resonant in the tiny laundromat. His whole body moved with it, curls bouncing around his face. “Your Costco is the least hectic I’ve seen around here,” he said around another laugh. “Once you get past the parking lot, that is.”
“You rented a car and drove all the way out here for the Costco?” Logan tilted his head, brow furrowed.
“That and the teriyaki place next door,” he chuckled, pulling the cart back so Logan could close the dryer door before moving to the next finished load. Logan laughed, shaking his head. “I’m serious! I’ll prove it to you!” He tapped the laundry cart and grinned. “When we’re done here, let me buy you lunch. You’ll see.”
Logan looked up at him over his shoulder and nodded before he pulled out the duvet, bundling it in his arms to keep it away from the dust bunnies on the dingy tiled floor. “Alright, Mr. Prince. Prove it to me.”
Bending over, Roman grabbed two corners of the duvet and stepped back, pulling gently to stretch the linen out flat before bringing his corners together. “You’re on, Mr. Sanders.”
“You have the neatest trunk I’ve ever seen,” Roman remarked as they loaded up the back of Logan’s Pilot with two baskets of clean clothes and bedding. He carefully laid the stack of cotton shirts over the top, crossing the arms loosely to prevent more creases. The carpeted trunk floor was pristine, a small travel vacuum neatly strapped in a side compartment the evidence of how a father of three managed to keep it looking so clean.
“Says the man who drives rentals all the time,” he chuckled, the sweet blush painting his cheeks. “Aren’t those detailed after each trip?”
“Exactly,” Roman laughed, stepped back while Logan lowered the hatch. With a chirp, he locked the doors and pocketed his keys. “Shall we?” Roman bowed, barely resisting an impulse to offer his arm. “I don’t know about you, but I find doing laundry always works up an appetite.”
“Lead the way, good sir,” Logan nodded, slipping inside when Roman held the door for him. Once inside, he reached for his wallet.
“Oh, you didn’t know?” Roman winked at him. “Kirkland money doesn’t work in here.”
Laughing, Logan raised an eyebrow. “I beg your pardon?”
“Mm-hm, absolutely against the rules,” Roman said with his most serious face. “It’s not allowed. Only Seattle money is allowed. You’ll have to put away your wallet, sir.” Logan continued to stare at him, an incredulous smile spread across his face. “It’s my treat,” Roman finally said, dropping his stern expression. “Please let me treat you?”
Blushing, Logan nodded and put away his wallet. A twinge shot through Roman’s heart when he wondered just how long it had been since someone had taken him to lunch. From the way he acted, Roman would guess… never. “What would you recommend?” Logan asked, looking up at the busy menu.
“Definitely the miso soup,” he said. “Oh, and the spicy teriyaki chicken. All sweet, all spice…” Roman bumped his shoulder. “You’ll like it.”
“I defer to your judgement,” he murmured with a little nod.
“Famous last words!” Roman laughed and stepped up to order. “Oh,” he turned back, serious again. “Allergies?”
“None,” he nodded.
Tapping his fingers together like an evil villain, he laughed, a little thrill running up from his toes when Logan laughed back. “Perfect.” Turning to the owner working the register, he smiled more genuinely. “こんにちは、お客様、” he bowed his head. “Two number threes with miso soup, please, and two pineapple bobas.” Roman laughed over his shoulder at Logan. “For the heat.”
“Just how afraid should I be?” Logan said unseriously, stepping closer. Even over the scents of spice and umami swirling in the air, Roman smelled the clean, warm scent of the lavender and vanilla softener he’d spotted in Logan’s bag. It was nice.
“Very, very afraid,” Roman grinned, bumping his shoulder. “Mr. Masao takes the ‘spicy’ part of spicy chicken very seriously,” he winked at the owner.
The man laughed, shaking his head. “あなたの彼氏はかわいいです,” he said, smiling toward Logan with one eyebrow raised. “But your pronunciation needs work, Mr. Prince.”
“Doesn’t it always?” he nodded, blushing when Logan laughed along good naturedly. “私の彼氏ではありません。” Logan stood so close and he hadn’t missed the way his eyes had lingered over his shirt and his jeans… Perhaps… “まだ。 多分?” Roman nodded at Logan, “Lo, this is Mr. Masao.” He bowed his head the way Roman had earlier, smiling. “Mr. Masao, this is my very good friend Logan Sanders.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Sanders,” he said.
“The pleasure is mine, Mr. Masao,” Logan replied, eyebrows knit together in a sweet, perplexed expression. “You really do frequent here. How… How often do you make it out to Kirkland?”
Roman shrugged. “Whenever I come to Costco, really. Best place to restock the green room,” he grinned. “It was a bit of luck to get to see you today.”
“It helps that there’s only one coin-op laundromat on the Eastside,” Logan said dryly. 
Was it Roman’s eyes that said he’d blushed again? Or his heart? “I suppose, it does.”
“So what did you do then?” Logan laughed, leaning forward, lips parted as he waited for Roman to explain how they continued the showing of A Midsummer Night’s Dream .
“The crew got up into the box seats around the back,” he gestured behind his head.
“But you said it was a full house.” Logan’s eyes sparked, following the movement of his hands. “It must’ve gotten crowded in those seats.” 
“The stage manager was quite persuasive.” Roman shook his head, another laugh bubbling up. “Promising they could sit on the apron of the stage to watch the rest of the show helped.” Another soft bubble of laughter burst from him and Roman stared. His expression was so different than it had been when he’d first spotted him in that stuff laundromat. Roman was certain he could live off that smile. 
After a moment, he shook his head and continued. “Everybody turned on their phone flashlights and it was just enough to keep the fire marshall happy.”
Logan sat back, grinning as he took another sip of his boba. “The fairies’ blessing illuminated by flashlight.” Logan’s eyes danced over his face and he felt himself blushing, just barely resisting the impulse to dab at his mouth, checking for sauce. “That must’ve been something to behold. A throwback to the Globe.”
“Exactly! It was so much fun,” Roman nodded. “You know, I’ve been thinking about ways to incorporate more natural lighting in my shows.” Logan’s eyebrows jumped up, his eyes brightening to the same shade of the clear sky out the windows behind him.  
“That sounds fascinating,” he murmured after a long moment. “Will you tell me more?” He gently prompted, and Roman blushed, realizing he he’d been staring again.
“Mmm, yes,” he nodded, wrangling his runaway thoughts. “I’ve been in talks with Seattle Storybook to adapt A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Much Ado About Nothing for their summer theatre series.” Roman leaned forward. “They have an outdoor Amphitheatre just a block from the big fountain and the playground.” He circled  his plate  and with his utensils. “Theatre in the round, outdoors…” Roman dotted his fingers around the edges. “The littlest kids could sit in the grass around the stage or run around the top if they need to get the wiggles out.”
“Wow,” Logan whispered, mirroring Roman’s position. “I’ve been to that amphitheater with the boys…” He grinned up at Roman. “They wouldn’t believe it was meant for plays. They would race each other up and down the steps,” he laughed, a soft, joyous melody.“ Remy would always let Patton win and Virgil used to get so mad.”
“I can almost see it!” Roman laughed, nodding. Logan’s face shone, lips full and relaxed as they spread into a wide smile. He looked down at the makeshift model Roman had built, eyes lingering where Roman was tracing the ‘steps.’ “We’re looking to create some roles for children from the youth theatre program.” Those brilliant blue eyes jumped back up at him and Roman nearly forgot what he was going to say. “I—I’ll be directing, too.”
“Oh!” Logan suddenly exclaimed, reaching across the table and touching his hand. “You’ll get to work with kids again,” he grinned. Roman just nodded, words gone. Logan’s hand was strong, and warm. Each nail had been cut—or bit—to the quick and sported the faint matte sheen of an anti-nail biting varnish. His fingertips were calloused but the inside of his hand was extraordinarily smooth. His ring and middle finger bent out at awkward angles, the bone thickened in places. Like old fractures that hadn’t healed quite right. Roman gently squeezed his fingers, stroking the back with this thumb.
Logan yanked his hand back and Roman tamped down on the instinct to follow, to hold on. “I—I’m so sorry, did I hurt you?”
“No, of course not, I…” He looked down and laid his hand in his lap, hidden under the table. He didn’t finish his sentence.
After a moment, he took an awkward bite of his food. With his right hand. Logan kept his eyes lowered, and Roman struggled to speak. Finally, he blurted out, “You should come with me.” A flash of joy brightened Logan’s face and he looked up, blinking in surprise. Roman nodded, words falling out in a jumble before Logan could demure.
“It’ll be fun, we’ll get to see some of what they’re working on, maybe go backstage afterwards?” He nodded again, caught in Logan’s gaze. “If… if you’d like…” Roman licked his lips, hesitating for a moment before he just dove in. Maybe his brother was right. Can’t get what you don’t ask for. “Please say yes.”
Logan’s tiny smile was the sweetest Roman had seen yet. He nodded, eyes widening as though he’d surprised himself. “Y—yes,” he whispered. “Yes, I’d like that very much.”
~~~Translation for the bit in Japanese above
... Turning to the owner working the register, he smiled more genuinely. “Good afternoon, sir,” ... Mr. Masao laughed, shaking his head. “Your boyfriend is cute,” he said, smiling toward Logan with one eyebrow raised. “But your pronunciation needs work, Mr. Prince.” “Doesn’t it always?” he nodded, blushing when Logan laughed along good naturedly. “Not my boyfriend.” Logan stood so close and he hadn’t missed the way his eyes had lingered over his shirt and his jeans… Perhaps… “Not yet. Maybe?" Roman nodded at Logan, “Lo, this is Mr. Masao.” He bowed his head the way Roman had earlier, smiling. “Mr. Masao, this is my very good friend Logan Sanders.”
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jameswrites · 7 months
We've lived in this trailer for a bit under a year and at the end of the month we will FINALLY have a fridge. We have a minifridge but no ability to freeze things, no real ability to enjoy that minifridge other than as a way to store a small amount of leftovers.
We have no car, so we have to order everything including food online. We're rural, so it's all Amazon or nothing until we finally had the money and the ability to order from the only grocery store that delivers and even then the fee is ridiculous. All of our food has to be shelf stable for the most part, because the minifridge cannot handle very much in it.
We have no stove or oven use as most people would understand it, because we have not been able to get it hooked up to power. It would take time and money we don't have, so we use a toaster oven and a hot plate with two burners.
We don't have a washer and drier, so clothes washing is right out.
We don't have a dishwasher, so I wash by hand every day (or try to) and dry it on a rack that hangs over the sink.
We have a shower, but the floor is not complete, it does not have tiles, and we were at risk of falling through the floor before.
We couldn't turn on heat until just a few days ago.
Life has been very rough this last year.
I now have a job, and I am hoping that this will lead to some better times ahead for us.
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pis-suuu · 11 months
Discover the Ultimate JIFFY LUBE SIGNATURE SERVICE Oil Change Package and Grab Exclusive Discounts!
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Welcome to JIFFY LUBE, where convenience meets exceptional automotive care. The JIFFY LUBE SIGNATURE SERVICE Oil Change package is renowned for its quality and efficiency, ensuring your vehicle runs smoothly and efficiently. In this article, we'll explore the comprehensive oil change package offered by JIFFY LUBE and reveal where you can find exclusive discounts to keep your engine purring without breaking the bank.
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Exploring the JIFFY LUBE SIGNATURE SERVICE Oil Change Package
The JIFFY LUBE SIGNATURE SERVICE® Oil Change package includes the following essential services:
Oil Change: Expert technicians will drain the old oil from your engine and replace it with high-quality motor oil that meets your car's requirements.
Oil Filter Replacement: The oil filter will be replaced with a new one to ensure maximum filtration and protection for your engine.
Check/Fill Fluids: JIFFY LUBE technicians will inspect and top up essential fluids like transmission fluid, power steering fluid, brake fluid, and windshield washer fluid as needed.
Engine Air Filtration System Inspection: The air filter will be inspected, and if necessary, it will be replaced to maintain optimal engine performance.
Serpentine Belt Inspection: The serpentine belt, responsible for powering essential engine components, will be checked for wear and tear.
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JIFFY LUBE SIGNATURE SERVICE Oil Change package is the ultimate solution for maintaining your vehicle's engine health and performance. With a comprehensive range of services, expert technicians, and high-quality products, JIFFY LUBE stands out as a leader in the automotive care industry. To make your oil change experience even more delightful, explore their official website, social media channels, and email subscriptions to uncover exclusive discounts and promotions. Drive with confidence, knowing your engine is in expert hands with JIFFY LUBE!
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louievans · 2 years
How To Maintain Your Car By Yourself
Car maintenance needs effort and patience. One cannot just buy a car and use it day after day without cleaning it or properly servicing it. Your car also needs passion, care, and love. Hence, as a driver and car owner, you must know the basic rules of maintaining your car and its parts. If you are unable to follow the manual, you can search in the driving school online business directory in the UK and contact registered instructors from there. They will guide you on how to save money and perform some ‘do-it-yourself’ maintenance tips. 
DIY Tips for Your Car Maintenance
You have passed the test, and now the wide road lies in front of you. It's all yours. It's high time you make a note of different dates when your car needs servicing and maintenance. Before you go to the company showroom for full servicing, we suggest some essential maintenance tips. These can be done on your own, and you can avoid any faults from developing. Let's delve into the DIY processes to make it more interesting. 
Check the oil
Checking the oil frequently can help you avoid oil leakage or any kind of issue. You can check via minimum and maximum marking in the dipstick and decide when to fill the oil again. This is very effective and can be easily done at home. There are driving schools in Bradford and other regions in the UK that provide training on how to check your car at regular intervals if you take driving lessons from them. You can ask your instructor to show the prescribed level up to which you can fill the oil. 
Have a look at the tyre pressure, as under-inflated tyres can cause the tyres to wear down quickly. It will also result in maximum fuel consumption (up to 5%). Check the inflation every two weeks and get your tyres inflated. However, do not over-inflate it as it might result in negative handling of the car. 
Keep an eye on the windscreen wash and battery
You can consult with instructors from online driving school in the UK and take a note of what they say. Check the windscreen to see if it is topped up during winter. Moreover, keep adequate fluid in the screen washer bottle. You might be penalised if the bottle is found empty on the road. 
As we speak of DIY processes, examining the battery is highly essential. As a driver, you need to know when to change it. Try to change the battery every three years, as a flat battery might cause a breakdown. Since you are checking on your own, know the process properly where the Green Flag says battery failure will turn over the engine slowly, and the red battery light will flicker. 
A Few Tips to Conclude
Taking care of your car must not be daunting for you. Keep the timing flexible, and try checking the parts and tools when you are ready for it. When you are in a hurry, it can ultimately result in improper maintenance. We would suggest checking the horn, brake, wipers, and coolant. Rotate the tyres and adjust them on a regular basis. 
Other complicated checks include spark plugs, light bulbs, and rattling sounds. Your car maintenance lies on you. Use decent car shampoos and clean them with water to make them look brand new every time you take them out.
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silverjansims · 2 years
Sims 3: Egyptian Roots
Chapter One: Nanu's Story
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Welcome to the story of a young half-Eygptian woman named Nanu Williams who was raised by Youssef Nagi after finding her lost in the desert of Simhara with no parents. Since Youssef was busy with local Egyptian business, he asked his good friend Danika Williams, who lived in Riverview to become her legal guardian so that Nanu could get a good education and be surrounded by a loving family. Danika readily agreed and signed the necessary adoption papers and brought Nanu home to live with her on one of her visits to Egypt.
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Nanu grew up to be a lovely young lady but never lost her 'childish' ways which is often the case with an only child who learns at a young age to find ways to entertain themselves. The most exciting thing about coming home to Riverview with her new mother was riding in the family motive mobile and seeing all the cars zipping around town since there were none in the desert where Nanu spent her early life. She was so fascinated by cars that Nanu loved ready books and magazines about them and became quite the 'vehicle enthusiast'. When she lived in Egypt, Nanu would spend hours either fishing in the local river or building sand castles in the many sand dunes of the desert. Now that Nanu is grown up and ready to live on her own, she wants to use her 'angler' and 'savvy sculptor' abilities to catch many perfect quality fish and have her own 'Private Aquarium' and sell her sculptures for extra cash.
Shortly after getting settled into her new home, Nanu began working at the local science lab as a 'test subject'. After finding a cute little prefab house plan online, Nanu ordered one to be built for her with the main rooms to be decorated in various shades of her favorite color 'aqua'. The contractor and his team of efficient Sim house builders were able to deliver and assemble the house while Nanu was working her first shift at the science lab.
Hope you've enjoyed this little introduction into Nanu Williams' life and her story will now be told in a photo/commentary style as she begins her new life in the Italian Sim town of Monte Vista.
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Welcome to Nanu's new house that she had built during her first shift at local science lab as a 'test subject'. Over the years Nanu had looked through several house plans in magazines and online and found a cute little house plan that was perfect for her and a future family or house mates. It has a nice main floor plan that included an open kitchen/living room with a staircase to a basement that could be divided into family and extra bedrooms in the future. The master bedroom and main bath are located behind the kitchen and living room with a future spare room. Nanu's favorite color is aqua so she used various shades of this in throughout the main living areas of the house.
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Here are two pictures of the open-concept kitchen/living room
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Here are some photos of Nanu's bedroom, main bath and little hallway off the living room which houses the washer and drive. There have been some changes since then now that Nanu has a live in boyfriend and a second floor has been added. Will have photos of the changes next update.
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Dana's bedroom is decorated in a pale aqua white with 'phantom blue' as accent.
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Romance seems to have found Nanu quickly since she moved to Monte Vista. Meet Dean Magana, the mascot that dropped of the university welcome kit a few minutes after she moved into her house. Apparently Dean was quite attracted to her and asked Nanu out on a couple dates during her first week in town. Nanu found out that he is 'childish' like her and became quite attracted to him especially on their second date. The two of them became fast friends and he kissed her on their second date during and became her 'boyfriend'.
While she tolerated the ghosts that were on her property that came out of their graves from time to time, Nanu decided that she would rather having a living Sim live with her so she invited her new boyfriend to move in not knowing that he has the secret wish of becoming a 'Heartbreaker' as per his 'flirty' personality. Will Dean realize that Nanu is the only one for him and focus on another dream of becoming an 'International Super Spy' now that he has joined the law enforcement career? Only time will tell if he can keep his tendency to flirt in check or break Nanu's' heart.
Besides being flirty and childish, Dean is also an inappropriate daredevil. He also loves to party and leave his dirty clothes laying around for Nanu to pick up. Dean loves listening to songwriter music, eating lobster thermidor and the color green.
That wraps up Nanu's first week in Monte Vista and she hopes that everyone is have a great last day of spring.
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rurousha · 2 years
I am Deviant, Ch 2
Hank had never been so nervous driving home.  His phone was mounted up on his dashboard. A bunch of people were posting on an app that let locals warn others about police checkpoints. He would be lying if he said that he had never used the app before. He had spotted two checkpoints himself, but they were stopping cars headed downtown, not into residential neighborhoods. 
Hank’s phone rang. 
“Don’t make any noise back there, alright? It’s Fowler.”
“What?!” Connor shouted over the noise of the engine and the road. 
“I was!”
Hank pressed the answer button. “Miss me already?”
“Hank, I do not have the patience for any of your bullshit right now. The Connor android trashed 
the evidence room using your access card, assaulted Reed, and now is missing. Where is it?”
“Connor?”  Hank gave it a good think. “I haven’t seen ‘im.”
“I know from your tone that you’re making some smart ass joke, but I do not give a shit right now. Hank, whatever you are doing, stop. For your own good, just stay out of trouble.  This is about to get real messy.”
“Out of trouble. Got it.”
“And don’t come back to the station until I call you. If I call you.”
“You are calling me.”
Fowler hung up. 
Hank stopped at a stop sign and took the battery out of his phone. 
“Hey Connor? Did you kick Reed’s ass earlier?”
There was a guilty silence. Then, “Only a little.”
Hank smiled. “Good for you.”
Hank pulled into his driveway and left the car idling.  “Sit tight for a second, Connor.”
“I am as tight as can be right now, Hank,” Connor responded.
“Right.”  Hank was going to have to do something he really didn’t want to do.  Something he hadn’t done in years, and the more those years stretched out, the more daunting it became.
Hank pressed the button to open the garage door.
The door creaked up.  A tower of boxes wobbled and tipped over, spilling old Nerf guns onto the driveway.  Hank sighed in defeat.
Some time later, Hank had moved boxes, unused yard tools, and tubs full of beer bottles in need of recycling to the side enough to squeeze his car into the garage.  He closed the garage door and popped open the trunk.
“Jesus shit, Connor!”
Connor wasn’t alone in the trunk.  He had a beat up, bloodied, blond android body crammed in there with him. 
One limb at a time, Connor extricated himself from the other android and pulled himself up.  Hank gave him a hand out of the trunk.
“Connor, why the hell do you have a dead android in there with you?”
“It’s Simon.  I think I can save him.”
Hank vaguely recognized the android as the deviant that shot himself in the head on top of the broadcast station.
“Save him?  Connor, he has a hole in his brain.”
“We don’t have brains, Hank.”  Connor bent down to hook his arms under Simon’s and haul him out of the trunk.  “While one of our primary processors is in the cranium, an android’s long-term memory is diffused on many drives throughout the head and torso.  Several of his key biocomponents are damaged, but if I can replace them and keep him from bleeding out, then I think I can get him back online with minimal memory loss.”
Hank led Connor and his deadweight past the washer and dryer to the garage door that led into the house.  He opened the door for Connor to come in after him.
Sumo woofed and came over to see what all the fuss was about.
“Sumo, back.”  Hank pushed uselessly against Sumo’s weight.  
“Good evening, Sumo,” Connor said to the giant dog.  “I will pet you in a minute.  My hands are full.”
“Put him on the couch,” Hank told Connor.
Connor laid Simon’s body on the couch.  Hank went around the house to make sure all the window blinds were closed.  The broken window in the kitchen still had a plywood board taped over it.
“And how are you going to get those missing biocomponents, huh?” Hank asked.
Connor dug into his pockets and pulled out two mechanisms with traces of blue blood on them.
“Where did you get those?” Hank asked.
“From the other deviants in the evidence room.  Simon is a common model.  Most of his parts are interchangeable with other models.”
“But Connor… why?”
Connor looked at Simon’s damaged body.  “Because he was alive.  I found him on that roof, and now he’s dead.  They’re all dead.  But I can at least save him.”
Hank rubbed at a spot on his forehead where a headache was rapidly forming.  “God, Connor, none of that is your fault.”
“I don’t know if that’s true or not.”  Connor sat on the edge of the couch beside Simon.  “But I still want to try.”
Hank sighed deeply.  He was suddenly very tired, and he suspected the night had just started.  He went into the dining room to feed and water Sumo.
“Well,” Hank called from across the house.  “Whatever you gotta do, we’ll do.”
“Thank you, Hank.”
“Also, I’m going to hold that ‘We don’t have brains’ comment over you forever.”
“I regretted it as soon as I said it.”  In truth, Connor liked the idea of Hank seeing Connor in his life ‘forever’.
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oliviajames1122 · 2 years
6 Signs of Worn-out Windscreen Wiper Blades
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Since when you last replaced your wiper blades, be honest. Do you replace your old blades every 12 months to get the ideal wipe every time, or do you move your head around the dirt on your windscreen that won't go away?
Windscreen wipers, in actuality, are only intended to last six months to a year, depending on usage, weather, and the quality of the product itself. Yours may not remove water and dust as well if you've had them for a longer period of time because they may have already begun to deteriorate. You risk breaking the law if your windscreen isn't totally clear, and it's also quite risky to drive without one.
Therefore, it's critical that your wiper blades are functioning properly. Worn-out windscreen wipers will result in a MOT test failure so, if you are curious if your cars MOT failed in the past due to them go online and check MOT history for your car.
When you notice that your wipers are obstructing or reducing your visibility, you should try to get them changed as soon as possible. Here are some frequent indicators to watch out for if you're unsure whether yours needs to be changed.
Search for car garages in Reading online and have a mechanic change your wiper blades if they are not successfully cleaning your windscreen. The wiper blades may begin to bounce, the glass may begin to dirty, or the wipers may begin to make a screaming noise.
Any vehicle must operate safely for the wiper blades on the windscreen to function properly. They are a frequent cause of a MOT test failing, according to an online MOT history check, for this reason. It's essential to know that your wiper blades will clean your windscreen when necessary whether you live in the desert or in a region that experiences a lot of rain, snow, or hail. But because they are constructed of flexible rubber, they ultimately deteriorate and need to be replaced. Regardless of use, they should be replaced every six months, according to many car manufacturers.
Wiper blades are frequently thought to deteriorate in regions with regular rainfall. That isn't always the case. In fact, the scorching heat in a dry desert environment can make wiper blades worse because they will bend, break, or melt. There are numerous types of wiper blades and numerous methods for replacing them. The blade itself, which is attached to the wiper control arm, is typically replaced by car owners. However, some only change the soft blade insert. No matter which choice you make, it's imperative to change them as soon as you see some of the usual warning indications of a defective or worn-out windscreen wiper blade(s). If you are not sure, look online for garages in Reading and consult with a professional car mechanic.
Some of the typical indicators that your wiper blades are worn out or defective and need to be replaced are listed below:
1. Rubber Issues - Examine your windscreen wipers in detail. Is the rubber in one smooth piece, or is there some cracking, splitting, or breaking off? It's time for replacement wiper blades if you see any defects in the rubber. The blade may also start to seem rounded, which indicates that it has become too old and has to be replaced.
2.   Windscreen Streaks - It's quite clear when your wipers are the source of windscreen streaks, especially if you're driving in snow or rain. However, another indication that your wipers need to be replaced is if you continue to see a thin layer of grit on your windscreen despite using washer fluid to clear it off. This issue can occasionally be resolved by wiping the blades with a paper towel, but if it persists, you know what to do.
3. Squeaking Noises - You're probably familiar with the horrible noise your wipers make when they drag across the glass. They must leave, therefore. Not only is that noise annoying, but it usually indicates that your wipers aren't properly wiping your windscreen because they are only sometimes in touch with the glass. While you're travelling, the unpredictable smear it left behind may cause eyesight issues.
4. Bent Frames - There are many different reasons why the metal frame of your wipers can become bent or damaged. It can be removed by some car washes and by scraping wintertime ice from your glass. The wiper blades can flex even with gentle treatment during cleaning. Even though the blades appear to be working properly right now, if the frame or the blade is bent, it won't make appropriate contact with your windscreen and won't be soon enough. Replace them now.
5.  Bad Windscreen Contact - It is really noticeable when it is heavily raining when your wipers are unable to reach particular areas of your windscreen. You need new ones if the blades are no longer making contact with the corners or a particular location in the middle. They are no longer performing their duties since they have pulled up from the windscreen due to worn out rubber or a bent frame.
6.  Seasonal Changes - Even if your wipers are currently working properly, replace them with new winter-specific wipers before winter arrives. Wintertime ice and snow will harm standard wiper blades far more quickly than they will ones made to endure chilly weather and frozen windscreens.
Driving safely depends on your windscreen wipers since they either increase or decrease visibility. One of the simplest components of your car to maintain. You may find out the length and type of wipers that are ideal for your car by consulting your owner's handbook.
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investoptionwin · 22 days
Types of Add-Ons for Any Car Insurance Policy
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When it comes to protecting your vehicle, a standard car insurance policy may not always provide comprehensive coverage. This is where add-ons, also known as riders, come into play. Add-ons can enhance your car insurance policy, offering additional protection and peace of mind. In this blog, we will explore various types of add-ons available for car insurance, highlighting their benefits and why they might be worth considering. We’ll also integrate key terms such as car insurance, car insurance online, third party insurance, motor insurance, car insurance policy, best car insurance, car insurance price, new car insurance, car policy, and car insurance companies.
What are Car Insurance Add-Ons?
Car insurance add-ons are optional coverages that you can purchase in addition to your base car insurance policy. These add-ons provide extra protection for specific scenarios not covered by standard policies, allowing you to tailor your car insurance to better meet your needs.
Types of Car Insurance Add-Ons
Zero Depreciation Cover- Also known as nil depreciation or bumper-to-bumper cover, this add-on ensures that you receive the full claim amount without any deduction for depreciation on parts. It is especially beneficial for new car insurance as it covers the entire cost of repairs or replacements.
Engine Protection Cover — This add-on covers damages to the engine due to water ingress, oil leakage, or other issues not typically covered under a standard car insurance policy. It is particularly useful for those living in areas prone to flooding.
Roadside Assistance- Roadside assistance provides help in case of a breakdown or emergency on the road. Services typically include towing, battery jump-start, fuel delivery, flat tire change, and locksmith services. This add-on is essential for frequent travelers.
No Claim Bonus (NCB) Protection- No Claim Bonus is a discount on the premium you earn for not making any claims during the policy period. The NCB protection add-on ensures that you do not lose this bonus even if you make a small claim during the policy year.
Consumables Cover- This add-on covers the cost of consumables such as engine oil, lubricants, nuts and bolts, screws, washers, and other small parts that are not usually covered under a standard car insurance policy. It is beneficial for comprehensive coverage during repairs.
Personal Accident Cover for Passengers- In addition to the mandatory personal accident cover for the driver, this add-on provides coverage for passengers traveling in the insured vehicle. It ensures financial protection in case of accidental injuries or death.
Return to Invoice Cover- This add-on ensures that in case of total loss or theft of the vehicle, you are reimbursed the invoice value of the car, including registration costs, road tax, and insurance. This is particularly useful for new car insurance policies.
Key Replacement Cover- This add-on covers the cost of replacing lost or stolen keys, including the locks if necessary. It provides peace of mind knowing you won’t incur hefty costs for key replacement.
Tyre Protection Cover- This add-on covers the cost of repair or replacement of damaged tires due to accidents, cuts, bursts, or impact damages. It is beneficial for those who frequently travel on rough terrains.
Daily Allowance Cover- This add-on provides a daily allowance for transportation if your car is in the garage for repairs following an accident. It helps cover the cost of alternative transportation.
Benefits of Car Insurance Add-Ons
Enhanced Protection: Add-ons provide additional layers of protection that go beyond the basic coverage of standard car insurance policies.
Customization: They allow you to tailor your car policy to meet specific needs and risks associated with your driving habits and environment.
Financial Security: Add-ons help mitigate unexpected expenses that can arise from car repairs, replacements, or emergencies.
Peace of Mind: Knowing that you have comprehensive coverage for various scenarios gives you peace of mind while driving.
How to Choose the Best Car Insurance Add-Ons
Assess Your Needs: Consider your driving habits, the age of your car, and the risks you are exposed to. For instance, a zero depreciation cover is more suitable for new cars, while an engine protection cover is beneficial for areas prone to flooding.
Compare Car Insurance Online: Use online comparison tools to compare different car insurance policies and add-ons offered by various car insurance companies. Look for the best car insurance options that provide the add-ons you need at a reasonable price.
Check the Car Insurance Price: Evaluate the cost of add-ons in relation to the benefits they offer. Ensure that the additional premium for the add-ons is justified by the coverage they provide.
Read the Fine Print: Carefully read the terms and conditions of each add-on, including exclusions and limitations, to make an informed decision.
Consult with Experts: If you are unsure about which add-ons to choose, consult with insurance experts or agents who can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific requirements.
Car insurance add-ons are valuable enhancements that can significantly improve the coverage of your standard car insurance policy. By understanding the various types of add-ons available and evaluating your individual needs, you can choose the best car insurance coverage that offers comprehensive protection for your vehicle. Remember to compare options, assess costs, and read the fine print before making a decision. Whether you buy car insurance online or through an agent, the right add-ons can provide you with peace of mind and financial security on the road.
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realestateupdates25 · 28 days
Apartment Amenities: 8 Must-Have Amenities in 2024
Finding the perfect apartment goes beyond just the number of bedrooms and the view from your balcony. In today's fast-paced world, the amenities offered by your apartment complex can significantly impact your quality of life. 
These features can enhance your convenience, security, and overall well-being. So, what amenities should be on your must-have list when searching for your new apartment in 2024?
1. Top-Notch Security:
Peace of mind is priceless. Look for an apartment building with features like 24/7 security personnel, secure fob entry systems, and CCTV cameras in common areas.
2. Fitness on Demand:
Staying healthy is a priority, and an on-site gym can be a game-changer. Look for a fitness center with modern equipment and ample space to accommodate various workout styles.
3. The Great Outdoors (Indoors):
Urban living doesn't have to mean sacrificing green space. Communal gardens, rooftop terraces, or even walking paths within the complex can provide a much-needed connection to nature.
4. Convenience is King (and Queen):
In-unit washer and dryer facilities save you time and trips to the laundromat. Secure package delivery lockers ensure your online shopping arrives safely even when you're not home.
5. Work From Home Oasis:
The rise of remote work has blurred the lines between home and office. Dedicated co-working spaces within the apartment complex can provide a professional environment to focus and collaborate.
6. Pet-Friendly Paradise:
Our furry companions are family too! Look for features like pet-walking areas, pet-washing stations, or even designated dog parks within the complex.
7. Tech-Savvy Living:
Smart home technology is no longer a luxury. Look for apartments with features like smart locks, thermostats, or even building-wide high-speed internet access.
8. Parking Solved:
Whether you own a car or prefer a more eco-friendly commute, secure parking is essential. Covered parking protects your vehicle from the elements, while dedicated bike storage encourages healthy transportation choices.
Finding Your Perfect Apartment in Pune with Kunal Group:
At Kunal Group, a leading builder in Pune, we understand the importance of creating living spaces that cater to your modern lifestyle. Our thoughtfully designed apartment complexes in 
Pune boast many of these must-have amenities and more. From state-of-the-art security systems to lush green spaces and dedicated co-working areas, Kunal Group offers a variety of options to suit your needs.
Looking for flats or apartments for sale in Pune? Kunal Group offers a variety of options, including spacious 3 BHK apartments in Pune, perfect for families, or modern 2 BHK flats in Kothrud, ideal for young professionals.
Contact us today to learn more!
Explore projects by Kunal Group and discover the perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and contemporary living.
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scottjackson9 · 29 days
The Ultimate Guide to Buying Pressure Washers Online: Everything You Need to Know Introduction to Pressure Washers
Are you tired of scrubbing away at stubborn dirt and grime, wishing there was an easier way to get things sparkling clean? Well, look no further than pressure washers! These powerful machines can make cleaning a breeze, whether it's your driveway, patio, or car. In this ultimate guide to buying pressure washers online, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to make the right choice for your cleaning needs. Let's dive in and discover the world of pressure washers together!
Benefits of Owning a Pressure Washer
Owning a pressure washer can revolutionize the way you clean your outdoor spaces. Say goodbye to tireless scrubbing with little results—a pressure washer will blast away dirt and grime in no time.
One key benefit is its versatility—from cleaning your car to removing mold from your deck, a pressure washer can handle various tasks efficiently. Plus, it saves time and energy, making tedious chores more manageable.
Not only does it save you effort, but it also saves water, as pressure washers use less water than traditional cleaning methods. Additionally, maintaining your property's cleanliness can prolong the lifespan of surfaces like driveways and fences.
Investing in a quality pressure washer is not just about convenience; it's also about enhancing curb appeal and preserving the value of your home. So why not make life easier with this powerful cleaning tool?
Factors to Consider When Buying a Pressure Washer Online
When buying a pressure washer online, several key factors must be considered before making your purchase. First and foremost, think about the power source of the pressure washer. Will you need an electric or gas-powered model? Electric washers are more suitable for smaller tasks, while gas-powered washers offer more mobility and power for larger jobs.
Consider the water pressure and flow rate of the pressure washer as well. Higher PSI (pounds per square inch) and GPM (gallons per minute) ratings indicate a more powerful machine that can efficiently tackle more challenging cleaning jobs. Additionally, consider portability - do you need a compact unit or one with wheels for easier maneuverability?
Another crucial factor is the nozzle options available with the pressure washer. Different nozzles provide varying spray patterns, like pinpoint or wide-angle sprays, allowing for versatility in cleaning different surfaces effectively. When shopping online for pressure washers, look into additional features such as adjustable settings, detergent tanks, and hose length to ensure you get a model that perfectly suits your specific needs.
Safety Precautions When Using a Pressure Washer
Safety should always be the top priority when using a pressure washer to avoid accidents and injuries. It's crucial to wear appropriate protective gear, such as goggles, closed-toe shoes, and gloves, to shield yourself from flying debris or chemicals.
Before starting the machine, carefully read the manufacturer's instructions and familiarize yourself with operating it safely. To prevent accidental damage, always point the nozzle away from people, animals, and delicate surfaces.
Never use a pressure washer while standing on a ladder or unstable surface, as the powerful spray can cause you to lose balance. Be cautious when handling electric power washers near water sources; ensure all connections are secure and dry before operation.
Never overlook proper maintenance of your pressure washer. Regularly inspect hoses, nozzles, and connections for any signs of wear or damage that could lead to malfunctions during use. Remember: safety first!
Top Features to Look for in a Pressure Washer
Investing in a pressure washer online can significantly benefit your cleaning tasks, from washing your car to blasting away dirt and grime from outdoor surfaces. When purchasing, consider critical factors like power, water pressure, portability, and additional features to get the best pressure washer.
Always prioritize safety when using a pressure washer by carefully wearing protective gear and following manufacturer instructions. You'll be equipped to tackle all your cleaning projects efficiently and effectively with suitable machines and precautions. So, make the most of owning a powerful pressure washer!
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drifttyre · 1 month
Keep Your Engine Purring with Drift Tyres' Top-notch Oil Change Services
Is your car due for an oil change? Look no further than Drift Tyres! We understand that regular oil changes are crucial for maintaining your vehicle's health. Our expert technicians are dedicated to providing the best oil change service in town, ensuring your engine runs smoothly and efficiently.
Why Choose Drift Tyres for Your Oil Change Service?
At Drift Tyres, we pride ourselves on offering comprehensive oil change services that go above and beyond. Here's why you should choose us:
Expert Technicians: Our team consists of highly trained professionals who know the ins and outs of car maintenance.
Quality Oil Products: We use only top-grade oils to ensure your engine gets the best possible care.
Quick and Efficient Service: We know your time is valuable, so we aim to get you back on the road as quickly as possible.
Comprehensive Oil Changers Service
When you bring your car to Drift Tyres for an oil change, you're not just getting an oil change. Our oil changers service includes:
Oil and Filter Change: We replace your old oil with high-quality oil and a new filter to keep your engine clean.
Fluid Check: We'll check and top off other essential fluids like coolant, brake fluid, and windshield washer fluid.
Inspection: Our technicians will perform a quick inspection to spot any potential issues early on.
Convenient Locations for Oil Change Near You
Searching for an "oil change near to me"? Drift Tyres has multiple locations to serve you better. No matter where you are, there's a Drift Tyres nearby ready to provide exceptional car service.
More Than Just Oil Changes
At Drift Tyres, we offer a full range of car services to keep your vehicle in top condition. From tire rotations and brake services to complete car maintenance packages, we’ve got you covered.
Schedule Your Oil Change Today
Don't wait until it's too late! Regular oil changes are vital for your car's performance and longevity. Visit Drift Tyres for a top-notch oil change service that will keep your engine purring. Schedule your appointment online or drop by one of our convenient locations.
Drift Tyres - Your Trusted Partner in Car Service
With Drift Tyres, you can trust that your vehicle is in good hands. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction sets us apart. Experience the Drift Tyres difference today!
Ready for an oil change? Visit Drift Tyres for the best oil changers service around. We look forward to serving you!
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