thecptn-arch · 10 months
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❝ — oh— oh, good lord. you can see me, can't you ?? ❞ the captain fumbled, eyes wide and locked onto the stranger's. a newcomer? a new ghost ?? no, it couldn't be ... no one else had set foot on the estate in 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜, let alone died here. swagger stick in hand, pointing accusingly at the other — as if it could do any real damage — the captain stood straight, pushing all the authority he could muster into his voice.
❝ how ?? who are you ?? I demand to know what the bally hell is going on, young man !! ❞
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@cardiffsfinest — starter call [ owen ] / living dead meet ... dead dead ??
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ofcrossrcads · 10 months
@cardiffsfinest && owen sent: “  i push everyone away,  but in a way,  i am doing them a favor.  ”
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seriously ?? what was this, group therapy hour ? just because she was a captive audience didn't mean she was in the mood to play armchair therapist. “ jesus. were you this much of a drama queen BEFORE you died, or is this a recent development ? ”
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ob4yme · 11 months
" ah! torchwood! so good of you to come. good good good. you're all so brave, aren't you? so loyal. like dogs. "
he wonders what @cardiffsfinest might have looked like, this operative whose name he knows but doesn't care to put the resources toward remembering, fighting the bitter cold in tibet. chasing ghosts, errant signals, technological lies. it would have been more fun if torchwood were smarter than that, but that was rather like hoping for a miracle, and the master had never trafficked in anything so pedestrian as ambitions he could not realise.
" you'll be here for the captain, won't you? yes, right this way! "
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wasme · 9 months
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➜ " it's on my to - do list ! " asked @cardiffsfinest as tosh .
smile grows wider at the admission , pausing his tapping along the console . eyes lift to her and a soft delicacy takes over features , a gentle kindness settling over hearts . if she asked , he'd give her the world . and that was dangerous . " then that's what we'll do . " said with such certainty , hand lifting up to tap the very end of her nose . " whatever you want . "
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shiitb4lls · 10 months
@cardiffsfinest : “i’m fine!! i’m independent!! i don’t need you!!” from owen : ̗̀➛ always sunny starter sentences, accepting.
i can't help but let a frown tug at the corners of my lips. why was it that folks always had such a difficult time working with me ?? suppose there must be some level of insecurity at play, not wanting some hot shot detective to waltz in and mess everything up. but that wasn't the case, never was, honest. i was just here to do my job and assist the best that i could.
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hands raise in faux-surrender, palms facing the other. "someone with independence still requires assistance from time to time." i state plainly, tone cool as i hold my ground. it's not like either of us had much of a choice in the matter, we were assigned to work together. "believe you me, the last thing i wanna do is be a bother and get in your way doctor harper." i say honestly, hands lowering and sliding into the pockets of my suit jacket. "like it or not we are gonna be workin' together these next few days. i'd appreciate your cooperation."
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vcrtexed · 10 months
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@cardiffsfinest ( owen ) : " do not snap at me , okay ? "
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she could have been kinder . she could have been more understanding . but it feels like time is running out , like the universe is folding in on itself and she can't stop it if she slows down at all , if she looses sight of what's important . but she knows that it's not his fault . he had no reason to trust her , no reason to know her , no reason to ever believe that she knew just as much anyone else in the building about the doctor and aliens and technology .
honestly , he had no reason to even believe she is who she says she is . everything about her comes back as dead ... no body found , but dead in the war of the daleks and cybermen . the doctor himself had signed off on it , had given witness to her demise but even he couldn't have known she'd find her way back . he'd misjudged her resilience , her love determination .
she couldn't blame him ... she was only human . but it did make things a little more complicated .
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brows pinch and hands raise in apology as she heaves a breath . " sorry , sorry ! " she clears her throat , stepping closer to the other . " it's just weird that of all the things that could happen , a dead girl not being dead is the one that throws you off . " hands move to tuck into the pockets of her jeans . " does that thing of yours function as a lie detector too ? or do you have one of them things laying around , maybe ? the sooner you believe i'm not some figment of your imagination or a clone or something , the sooner we can get on with it . "
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timeloved · 11 months
@cardiffsfinest ♡ ' d for a starter !
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✧・゚ ——— ❛ ROSE KICKED HER FEET IN THE AIR WHERE THEY WERE PROPPED UP BY A MISCELLANEOUS CRATE . she idly listened to the familiar sounds of maintenance , having found herself in a similar position many times , tagging along to the garage mickey worked in ❪ when she herself wasn ' t on shift at harrod ' s ❫ and just spending time with him . now , though , instead of whatever junker had been hauled in for a quick fix , her former boyfriend was elbows deep into the mechanisms of a machine that flung her haphazardly through the walls of the universes , and time and space . she remembered the start of the project , when he refused to let her volunteer to test it unless he was the one to build it , even going so far as to drag jackie into the argument . rose would forever deny that he had won , but she also hadn ' t felt like dragging out an argument with two of the most stubborn people she knew . not when they had limited time as it was , what with the stars going out .
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      ❝ what ' s the verdict , mick ? safe for me to fling myself out among the stars again ? or does this next jump need to wait ? ❞ the unspoken things echoed louder in her ears , things they ' d discussed at length in privacy . ❛ this world is killing me . it isn ' t mine and i don ' t belong . it doesn ' t want me here . ❜ her eagerness to make the jump was equally about finding the doctor as it was getting out of pete ' s world , away from the pervasive sense of wrong that permeated every breath she took of the parallel universe ' s air .
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tr4umaborn · 11 months
❛ We're a… virus, I think. People, I mean. ❜ owen
ianto sits on the bottom few steps leading into the medic bay, doing more listening than speaking ( which is normal ) as owen goes about his tasks. " a virus seems. . .extreme. " the words fall from his mouth. not that ianto can be seen as such an optimistic force in the world, but the idea seems even more pessimistic than he'd like to subscribe to. after all, if the human race is all just a virus, why do they go through such an effort to constantly be saving them?
his elbows press into his knees, arms folded over each other so he can grasp his forearms. " i think that we just have experienced the worst of it. "
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protectxthem · 11 months
John turns in a circle, neck of his beer bottle hanging between two fingers. He takes a drink, finishing the liquid before throwing the bottle to the side. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" He grins moving toward the other, slinging an arm around their shoulders and poking a finger into their upper chest. "You. I remember you. You are a part of Jack's little team, aren't ya?"
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thetnth · 11 months
❛ their blood is on your hands. ❜ from twelve
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𝑭𝑰𝑿𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑶𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑹 𝑾𝑰𝑻𝑯 𝑨 𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑫 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑬, an unreadable expression crossed the doctor's features — 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑑 and unfriendly — as his gaze briefly wandered to take in the other man. 𝒉𝒊𝒎𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇. except it wasn't him, not really. it was a different him. 𝑶𝑳𝑫𝑬𝑹, and not just in appearance, but 𝒑𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 older. a future regeneration.
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❝ they're your hands as well . ❞ the younger timelord countered, voice level and unwavering, a hint of danger to his tone. he swallowed thickly, jaw clenching as he bit back the anger that bubbled inside. that wasn't 𝑭𝑨𝑰𝑹, to solely blame him — their actions were one in the same. deep down, they were the 𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏, regardless of what face they wore.
❝ sometimes it's necessary. 𝒀𝑶𝑼 𝑲𝑵𝑶𝑾 𝑻𝑯𝑨𝑻 ... ❞
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@cardiffsfinest / ooooop.
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ofthetardis-a · 11 months
​❝ please, enough with the pumpkin spice. ❞ from twelve
autumn/halloween sentence starters! 🍂🍁🎃
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Clara can't help but chuckle at his stubborness, placing a batch of pumpkin spice cookies in front of him among various pumpkin spice flavored things. "Oh come now, Doctor, it's almost Halloween! It's practically tradition to have pumpkin's this time of the year. In fact, I know you want to try one of these cookies I've made!" She said, handing him a cookie with one hand, while placing another cookie in her mouth with the other.
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rosewolfin · 11 months
Her fists met his upper arm; a bright smile is barely contained until it breaks loose and parts her lips – face shining like the sun. “Hey! – I thought you wanted to HELP me with this, not just – be cheeky an’ smile to yourself.” The sound of keys on a keyboard being pressed followed her words; ENTER hit with enthusiasm – and being met by another ERROR message flashing across the screen. She caught it out of the corners of her eyes; HAZEL ROLLED TO THE CEILING. All of time and space. All the future technology. – And she still fails to set up the home computer she got for her mum!
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“Come on then, tech boy. - What did I do wrong?” | @cardiffsfinest ♥'ed.
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ob4yme · 10 months
" well, i dunno where you get your backbone from, sweetheart, but it's certainly not your da. oh, the stories i could tell ... " / @cardiffsfinest liked!
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vcrtexed · 10 months
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@cardiffsfinest ( mickey ) asked : " not cool ! not cool ! "
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fingers tighten around his wrist as she jerks him into a broom closet , the movement countered by her closing the door behind them as gently as possible , the soft click seeming to echo in the air around them . a finger presses tightly to her lips as she drops his hand , brows furrowed as she listens for movement on the outside . cheeks flushing pink as she holds her breath , terrified that they'd be caught .
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footsteps fade into the distance and she releases a held breath , brown eyes quickly turning to face mickey . frown sets on her lips as she leans her back against the door . " can you shut it , then ? if you don't stop your shouting , we're going t'be caught . now the deal was you listen and follow and stay quiet . "
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spookydooos · 9 months
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ANDY DAVIDSON. companion to the eighth doctor. works with torchwood on occasion. welsh and proud. BIG FINISH AUDIO BASED PREDOMINATELY. written by infinity. sideblog to @cardiffsfinest and @drtwat
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tr4umaborn · 11 months
do i need to be worried about you? from tosh to ianto
the walls feel as though they're starting to shrink and shrink. the world is already so small, but lately it feels even worse. it's not a day dream -- no, if it was a dream this all would be so different. he's small, and the destruction of his whole world is inevitable -- no, no it's already happened. he's grasping at straws, trying to pull himself free from the pain that has attached itself to the inside of his heart walls.
still it drags him, pulling him down with mechanic claws dug into his side. he'd brought the destruction. this had been his fault completely. totally. did he deserve the forgiveness that had been offered so kindly to him by almost all? or should he let the metal fingers pull him down. . . down. . . down. . .
" what? " he'd been staring at his computer, thoughts completely consuming him for not the first time this week. the problem arose in his clicking down for too long on the left button, the screen bouncing and blinking. tosh pulls him from his mental hiding place, and ianto immediately clears his throat and lets go of the mouse.
" of course not. what would there be to worry about? " his face is straight as ever, head tilted and eyes soft. there's nothing there to betray him -- it's never been his facial expressions that gave him away.
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