hom3land3r · 2 months
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“Four eyes.”
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jamesbloodybond · 2 months
To many people – being drunk is a horrible feeling; especially the hangover that follows one day after having one too many drinks.
To Bond, it was probably nothing. After all, he's been drinking nearly all his life at this point. At this point, he might have developed an unhealthy tolerance for the amount of spirits he consumed daily since he often resorted to drinking to help him sleep better. Today was no exception. He did not recall what happened last night before bed, except that he was sleeping beside his Quartermaster. "Mmh..." He rasped softly. "You're so... sickening... beautiful, Q."
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just go on without me!
The smoke was filling the room too quickly, it was getting hard to see and even harder to breathe. James found the Quartermaster stuck under a heavy table. At this point he was running on mostly adrenaline so it was easy to lift the table with one arm and yank Q out with his other.
"Not a chance."
James wasn't too worried about any injuries the younger man might have. He just tossed him onto his shoulder heading quickly for the exit.
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domuslux · 1 month
“ kiss me… and don’t let me go ” for Jim
Jim's hand hovered over a particular piece of a partition he was studying, the other hand gently pressed the piano keys. He almost didn't hear it but something in his mind registered it, someone was talking.
He turned his head, slowly, like he had all the time in the world while his hands slammed shut the fallboard that covered the keys and the protesting sound resonated through the whole building.
A corner of his mouth lifted "Come," he extended his hand, pushing himself a little further away from the piano. It wasn't usual that Q would ask for closeness, not so directly and Jim couldn't help but wonder why.
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aeterna---amantes · 1 month
“Did you seriously just bite me?!” 
"Well... apologies, but you were... delectable."
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govthookercoulson · 1 month
“Sometimes I just want to cuddle.”
"... Yeah. Me too." Touch starved doesn't begin to cover it, honestly.
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runyou-clever-boy · 2 months
Manhandling symbol starters
⁂ - grab my muse by the front of their shirt, possibly shoving them back
“HEY --” shouted Zacharias after he was shoved forcefully backwards, “what’s your problem!”
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chiefofstafftanner · 8 months
“If you’ve come to send me home, I can spare you the time and tell you that’s it’s not happening.”
Tanner's shoulders slumped with a soft sigh, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose tightly.
"Q, you've been at this for twelve hours. You'll be no good to anyone exhausted."
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dontcxckitup · 9 months
“Do you want to go to an art museum? As a date?”
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"It...depends on what kind of art it is. I'm not too fond of...this modern art. But if it was, let's say...naval...I would gladly come with you."
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hom3land3r · 3 months
“America’s favourite psychopath. How does that feel?”
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“Psychopath? Hmm, I prefer expressive artist. Always happy to be the favourite though.”
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jamesbloodybond · 1 month
*hugs bond from behind*
The anger that Bond had once felt diminished immediately when he felt Q embracing him from behind. A smile slowly appeared as he turned around to hug Q's waist and pressed a gentle kiss on his lover's forehead.
"Thank you, Q." Bond said quietly, burying his head in Q's shoulder gently, careful not to press too hard.
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deathtransformed · 8 months
@cardigansandearlgrey sent “Please… Kiss me, even if it’s just this once.”
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             Sherlock's looked up as he heard Q say those words. It sounded desperate and it's something he couldn't figure out where from. Not that he had a fight with him recently.              Did he do something wrong? Something...he forgot?              Putting his mobile on the table, he stood up and crossed the room. Before Q realized what he's about to do, he wrapped his arm around Q's waist to pull him closer.              He leaned closer until his lips met the quartermaster's. Pressing it softly, gently, before skillfully parting his lips open for a deeper kiss.              Sherlock began to lead Q towards the living room, slowly swaying as if they were both on the dance floor. Pressing his forehead against Q's, he whispers. "I'd be more than happy to give you more of it." He assured him. "How are you feeling? Better?"
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thecockysniper · 1 month
@cardigansandearlgrey sent in “Is that a gun in your trousers or are you just happy to see me?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Bastian said, lip pulled back into a grin and he winked at the Quartermaster. “Much as I’m interested in learning about why you were staring at my crotch, Q. I’m assuming M sent me for a reason?” Couldn’t be a device. He didn’t have much need to gadgetry working for Moriarty. Perhaps a virus that he would plant on Jim’s computer, then. Or given that M seemed suspicious of his loyalty to MI6 at the moment, perhaps it would be something to keep better track of him.
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runyou-clever-boy · 2 months
The touch to Zacharias’s cheek was a soft one. Careful almost as if the hufflepuff would break beneath Q’s delicate fingers. Still Q’s eyes were fixed on the other. He smiled softly before tiptoeing to press velvet soft lips against the other’s fair skin. (Touch meme)
Touch my muse. Be descriptive or simple, tender or violent, fond or hateful— Anything goes.
The hair on Zacharias’ body stood on thin air, his body tingles all over, not to mention the slight buzzing in his ear. As if his brain melted, the young wizard stood there, stupefied, and unable to replace a single sound.  “W-What . . . are you doing?” Zach asked dumbly, breaking the silence. Not that he wanted Q to stop, the Hufflepuff was just having a hard time wondering why they would have such a fascination with him! “Is this a joke?”
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chiefofstafftanner · 2 months
@cardigansandearlgrey (flirtatious starter)
The tea was imported, so it took a little longer to show up than Bill wanted. It came in a pretty gold and green tin, which he had placed in a simple gift bag.
For some reason when he walked into Q branch he felt terribly nervous. Bill had been through so many things, but this thing right here terrified him. What if it all went wrong.
Seeing Q working on something, he moved to stand at the younger man's elbow, keeping a safe distance. "What are you working on today?"
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dontcxckitup · 1 year
[text; m] it’s fine, sir. You’re a busy man.
[text; m] I’m outside the building.
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[text:] why don't you just come in?
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