#cardinal spear brionac
cryptid-called-ash · 2 years
how will Ren's party react to the news of his accusation, along with Naofumi's, being completely false and what not?
and also will the dragon plague stuff happen? since Ren might not be the one to kill it someone else, probably Motoyasu, might :0
i also wanna know about the spirits! what are the like appearance and personality wise? how do they feel about whats going on?
your take on them is epic :D
Why thank you, dear heart 💚
To answer your questions in order;
They feel pretty terrible and try to make amends, but at this point Ren is just too attached to the shield family to go back, especially now that he’s unsure if he can ever trust his original party after what happened. He does forgive them though, so he handles it better than his dad.
The dragon plague. Yes it does still occur. It was the last time Ren fought beside his original party. He feels like the plague was a cruel form of foreshadowing when he talks about it in hindsight. He feels terrible about it and works hard beside Naofumi to make amends with the villagers, though they forgive him pretty quickly as he’s only just a kid.
Don’t worry, there are plenty of brand new fuck ups for motoyasu (derogatory) to infuriatingly do with pride.
I’m working on the final two spirits’ appearances right now, but if you have ideas, please please message me! I’d love to hear your thoughts! You can find more info on the finalized spirits under the cardinal weapons mastery tag or the individual spirit tags!
Well I think that just about covers it!
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cryptid-called-ash · 2 years
if you describe the spirits well i may or may not draw them 👀
Of course!!!! I’d love to see that!!
These are their names, colour coded for convenience sake.
Kieka of the cardinal shield
Orkian of the cardinal sword
Brionac of the cardinal spear
Therysnian of the cardinal bow
So far only Kieka and Therysnian have finished designs, shown below. Brionac is planned to have a Nordic/Scandinavian inspired look, while Orkian has a knightly yet childish look. I’m working on them now actually 😁
(Tho I think from this point on, all the spirits will have pointed ears, mainly bc I find it fun to draw😅)
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