#carer agere
twisted-dad · 11 months
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good afternoon baby! did you just wake up? thats okay. let dad pick you up, come here. what do you want for breakfast? ooo that sounds great! mind if we share? that just sounds to good! alright you lay on the couch and work on waking up, ill make us breakfast and start our day, alright? you’re lucky its a friday, you should be at daycare right now! did you have any good dreams?
alright sweetheart, breakfast is done! you ready to eat? alright, come here ill put you in your chair. here comes the airplane!!! wooooooo ✈️
good job! you ate it all! im so proud of you. lets go take a bath and sleep in today alright? you seem sleepy still!
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I am a very sad and lonely little one. I need someone to care for me, just for a little bit. Help me feel comfortable being little.
Read me a story, pick out a coloring page you'd like me to color, wrap me in a blankey, pop in my paci when I'm sleepy, grab me one of my stuffies when I'm sad, put my food on cute plates, put my drinks in cute sippy cups, take me (and one of my stuffies) into nature and play pretend with me, we could be adventurers or elves! Bring picnic stuff and have a tea party with me, care for me gently and talk to me like I'm small so I feel little and safe. Help me stay on top of the tasks that are good for my mind and body and reward me for doing them. Help me feel seen, heard, happy, healthy and safe when I'm small.
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littledragon1 · 3 months
Cute play pins or areas
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neptunedada · 3 months
Caregiver bag essentials
Toys (rattle, tiny blocks, mini magnetic tiles)
Pacifier’s + clips (and pacifier wipes!)
Teether toys
Sensory toys (tangle, nee-doh, fidget cube)
Sippy cup/Cute water bottle
Snacks (puffs, yogurt bites, graham cookies)
Diapers/pull ups and wipes (if your tiny needs them)
A change of clothes/Comfy clothes
A bib
Sensory aids (ear defenders/loops)
A little friend (plushie, small toy/doll)
Medicines baby might need (tylenol, any prescription)
Wipes (baby wipes, antibacterial wipes)
A small treat (incase baby gets fussy)
Feel free to comment anything you think I might have missed! :)
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tinylullabies · 12 days
kid who sticks to their carer, holding their hand when out in public, glued to their side n being guided along — shyly peeking from behind their caregiver when speaking to someone, remembering to be polite n use their manners the way their mama / dada taught them !!
toddler who loves skin to skin cuddles, clinging onto their carer at home, never far away from their mommy / daddy . . . carer who holds their tiny one close, soothing the baby with the gentle sound of their heartbeat <3
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puppys-tiny-space · 11 months
🩷How to tell someone about your regression🩷
🧃This is just some tips on how to do it, aka how I usually do it. If another way works for you that's great! This is just some idea on how to do it and be comfortable with it!🧃
🩷videos and online resources, if you are shy about explaining it yourself there are some great Textposts and videos online that explain regression and what it is, I have some myself on my tik tok and Instagram (I'll link the TikTok below) and there is a short film on YouTube called "too little" that's awesome🩷
🧃explain, I like to start by explaining what agereggression is, or even ask if they know something about it already, sometimes they do and that can be a great point to work from🧃
🩷be open, be open about why you regress at least as much as you are comfortable, people are kess likely to react poorly if they know why and can understand it🩷
🧃text message, preparing a text message or letter in advance, maybe even with a friend or cg, can be super helpful, especially if you experience going nonverbal🧃
🩷be sure, do not open up to someone because you feel forced or scared, be sure you feel safe with the person and exposing such a vulnerable side to them, nobody is entitled to your safe space🩷
🧃test the water, I like to hint at regression and test the waters first, wearing jewelry with kiddo nicknames or similar on it or having merch from more well known brands, if someone recognizes them and asks about it you know there is base knowledge🧃
🩷open up, I like to let people know about my trauma and other trauma-responses first, once they are aware of certain things it helps with the talk later on as it won't be as much if a shock that you might have to cope in unconventional ways🩷
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Fun fact of the day: it would take 19 minutes to fall to the center of the earth
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bear-momma · 8 months
You don't have to hide when you're angry, or when you're sad, or when you're afraid. You are safe here and will not be punished for your emotions. It's healthy to acknowledge how we feel, why don't you help me write down what you're thinking? Sometimes it's easier to write than to speak, and that's okay. I won't read it unless you want me to. If there's anything you need to feel better just say the word. I will be here through the good times and the bad, that's a promise.
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chaoticsnowykiddo · 11 months
Platonic caregivers are so underrated and under appreciated
I love you platonic caregivers
I love you platonic baby sitters
I love you all those who care for regressors without romance involed in the relationship!
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mother-athena · 7 months
Little one, what are you still doing up at this hour? It's past your bedtime now...
Oh, you were trying to finish your show? Okay. No, it's alright baby, but mommy thinks you should save the rest of the episodes for tomorrow. I don't want you to be so tired in the morning that you feel cranky. I promise, you can wake up early to watch the rest, but right now, it's time to lay down.
How about this, can you tell me what your favorite part was while I warm up some milk for you? I would love to hear about what happened in your show. Yeah? Okay, come on precious, let's go grab your sippy.
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nicksbestie · 7 months
can you pleaseeee write a agere reader x Johnnie Guilbert? Where they go to a party with Jake and the reader regresses and Jake and Johnnie help. LMAO this is my first time requesting something so this might not make sense 💀💀 also I liveee your fics 🖤🖤🖤
Overwhelmed - Jake and Johnnie
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Summary : A night out partying causes you to freak out, but luckily your best friends are there to help.
Pairing : Johnnie Guilbert/Reader (platonic), Jake Webber/Reader (platonic)
Warnings : Mentions of partying, alcohol consumption
Word Count : 1477
A/N : This is an age regression fic, which is purely safe for work and innocent. Any hate/disrespect towards me, my work, or readers, will not be tolerated.
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You loved your friends, and you loved going out with them. You couldn’t deny the fact that you and your friends were definitely in the partying scene, which just came with your jobs, and that was often what you were up to on the weekends. However, that didn’t mean that it wasn’t exhausting at times. There were many separate instances where you left parties early, having just shown up to not completely flake on people, but being too tired to stay too long. There were other nights where you were there to help drive your friends home, still enjoying your time, but not going all out. Tonight was one of those nights, where you were hanging out with your friends, but you weren’t partying hard. 
Honestly, you’d rather not be there at all tonight, being absolutely exhausted, and wanting nothing more than to just curl up in bed with a movie and comfortable pajamas, but you loved your friends and you always wanted to be there for them, and you also knew that they would need someone to potentially drive them home after the party. So, you stuck it out today just for them. You’d later joke about winning a friend of the year award for the amount of times you went somewhere you didn’t want to go just because it made them happy to have you there. You were flattered by that, honestly, but right now, you desperately wanted to go home. 
The flashing lights were beginning to grate on your nerves, and that, combined with the loud noises and the consistent strong smell of alcohol was causing you to feel the beginning of a migraine coming on. You tried to push the thoughts away, knowing that it was still quite early in the night, and that nobody wasn’t going to want to leave so early, so despite wanting to leave, you were determined to stick it out. You really didn’t want to be that friend who had to make everyone leave early, and you did not want to be known as a killjoy to anyone who didn’t understand you or weren’t as close to you as your friends. 
It wasn’t until someone dropped something on you that you began to feel like you could not handle being there anymore. Someone was carrying a bottle with something in it, probably alcohol considering the surrounding environment, and they had bumped into the counter you were leaning against, and subsequently dropped it on your foot. Trying to contain the pain in your gaze, you simply muttered an “it’s fine” to the person’s half hearted apology, ignoring the tears building in your eyes. It really hadn’t hurt you that badly, but the pain in your foot combined with the pain in your head and the general overwhelming scenario you were in made you want to just cry. 
You managed to hold it together until you got alcohol spilled down the front of your shirt, and that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. You quickly found your way to an unoccupied bathroom, sobbing over the sink at just how overwhelmed you were. You really didn’t think you could handle much more of the situation you were currently in, but checking the time and seeing that it was just barely past midnight, you knew you would have to, because your friends never went home this early, and you were not about to just leave them without a designated driver. 
Unbeknownst to you, both of your closest friends had seen the spill, and had immediately realized, based on your reaction, that it was more than just the spill that had caused you to disappear into the bathroom. Not that the spill wasn’t an excusable reason, but they had seen the look on your face, and they both knew it was more than that. Due to this fact, they were currently standing outside of the bathroom door, hesitating on whether to knock or not. They never wanted to invade your privacy, but they were seriously concerned about whether you were okay or not, and after multiple more minutes went by, they decided it was worth the possibility of annoying you to make sure that you were doing alright. They immediately knew they had made the right choice when Jake knocked on the door, and you shouted back “occupied!” 
They could hear the wobble in your voice, and they knew it was because you were crying. The three of you were best friends, after all, and they had seen and heard you crying more times than you would like to admit. They recognized the tone, and made sure that they kept their tone gentle before speaking. Jake was the first one to talk, luckily, the outside environment was loud enough that nobody else had noticed what was going on.
“Hey, it’s us. Are you okay?” 
He didn’t receive a response to that one, and it did nothing but make the two of them even more anxious, terrified of the possibilities behind the locked door. You could be physically hurt, and Johnnie tried to ask a question again after the lack of the response. 
“Can we come in?” 
Neither of them thought that they were going to receive an answer, and were more worried when the deafening silence stretched on for multiple minutes, until the lock on the door clicked, and it opened just a crack. Both of them immediately slipped behind the door, hearts nearly shattering in their chest when they saw you staring blankly into the mirror, tear stained face obvious, eyes red. As soon as you noticed that they were staring back at you, you immediately moved to wipe the tears with tissues, putting on a fake smile and turning around to look at them.  Jake was once again the first to speak, always good at knowing exactly what to say, but this time, it was just a question. 
“What happened?”
You sighed, trying not to let more tears come out as you relayed the events of the night leading up to this point. 
“I’m exhausted, my head hurts from the noise and the smell and the lights, and then someone spilled a drink down my shirt and I really just could not take it anymore.”
Johnnie immediately wrapped you in a hug, sad at the way he could feel your shoulders shaking from sobs.
“We’re going home.” 
Both of them hadn’t drank much, only one or two, and it had been an hour or so since they had. They were perfectly alert to drive, and due to this, they were fine with leaving. It wasn’t until you didn’t really respond that they realized something had changed. Johnnie gave Jake a specific look, gesturing to the fact that you hadn’t pulled out of his hug, something you would’ve normally done by now. Jake turned around from opening the door, catching Johnnie’s eyes and gently shutting the door again. 
“Babe, can you look at me?” 
None of you were in any romantic relationship with any other one, but pet names were common in your friendship. Slowly looking up at Jake, you could tell that he immediately realized what was happening. The emotional turmoil that you’d gone through during the night, and then the crying and the hug, had pushed you right into your headspace, which explained why you stayed clinging to Johnnie instead of letting go in your average time. Jake’s gaze immediately softened, and Johnnie’s arms tightened a little bit around you, protective as always. 
“Hi, honey! It’s okay, darling, we’re gonna go home, okay?” 
He didn’t receive much in response except for a tentative nod, but that was normal for you. When upset, you were a very quiet little, unless you were crying, and both of them knew that. Johnnie made sure to keep an arm protectively wrapped around your shoulder as you made your way to the car, Jake saying goodbye to everyone for you. Jake had agreed to drive, knowing that you weren’t likely to let go of Johnnie anytime soon. He sat in the back with you while Jake drove you all home, making sure to be quick but extra careful. 
These were your most trusted people, the only people you would let see you in such a vulnerable state, and something in your subconscious mind knew you had picked the best people to trust with such information when they immediately jumped into action, helping you change into fresh clothes and getting you something to eat and drink, before curling up with you on the couch, a part of your usual routine when you were home and regressed. They turned on a simple movie for you, keeping you wrapped up in their arms for the rest of the evening, and gently helping you into bed when you had fallen asleep. Overall, your night had ended well.
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~ taglist : @jake-and-johnnies-slut @gvf23 @elliem505 @ilydeaky @maryx2xx @oobleoob @aemrsy @blahbel668
~ if you'd like to be added to my johnnie and jake taglist, click here!
~ my inbox is open, come chat!! <3
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twisted-dad · 11 months
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hey kiddo.. i heard you were feeling icky. is it dysphoria again? alright, i understand. dad gets like that too, sometimes! it’s completely valid.. and it doesnt make you any less of dads kiddo, alright? i promise.
let’s grab your comforts and cook some of your favorite food! you wanna help? alright, sounds great. let dad grab one of his hoodies for you, you’ll look so cute and tiny in it!
you feeling any better kiddo? i’ll be here the rest of the night. you’re my perfect baby. i’m not going anywhere.
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if you’re experiencing dysphoria and need validation, shoot me a dm. i’ll help as best as i can. you arent alone.
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bunnelbaby · 4 months
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✨🧸 Nighttime Caregiver/Carer Noctem and Daytime Caregiver/Carer Diem flags for caregivers who look after kiddos and critters during the night or during the day (please reblog if you save)! 🧸✨
(Overlay Credit) (Flag Inspiration)
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honeybabbles · 9 months
i love you
i love you carers who aren’t physically strong enough to pick up your regressors
i love you disabled carers
i love you masc mamas and fem papas and androgynous both and all gnc carers you deserve more love
i love you carers who go by “mom” or “dad”
i love you carers who are way shorter than your regressors
i love you carers who use mobility aids
i love you carers who are also full-time parents of full-time children
i love you carers of color
i love you carers whose culture is so deeply embedded into your life that it influences your caretaking methods
i love you mentally ill carers
i love you carers who don’t always know what to do
i love you carers to regressors who regress to a tween/teen headspace
i love you carers who regress to take care of/entertain younger regressors
i love you touch averse carers
i love you carers who don’t always have the capacity to care for people
i love you carers with separation anxiety
i love you carers who burn out fast
i love you carers who are caretakers primarily for non-regression reasons
i love you carers who need to be cared for
i love you carers with chronic pain and/or fatigue
i love you carers who are new to this and don’t know how it works
i love you carers who have persistent problems for any reason
i love you all
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littledragon1 · 3 months
Games to play and credits to chompchompchu
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neptunedada · 3 months
Bad day
Baby comes into the room sniffling and squeezing his stuffie, grabbing my attention.
“Why are you mad at me?” Baby sobs softly, shying away from my touch when I reach out for him and and protectively holding his stuffie close
“Oh, sweet thing.. I’m not mad at you… what’s wrong, baby? Why do you think I’m mad, hm? It’s alright, everything’s okay.” I try and soothe him.
Baby crying so hard he can’t respond..
“Shhh, honey… breathe, bub, take a nice deep breath okay? Can you do that? There you go. Can your stuffie too? Oh, good job!”
I reach out to hold his hands, “there we go.. it’s okay. What’s wrong, my sweet boy? I’m not upset with you.”
Gently rubbing my thumb across the back of his hands, waiting patiently for him to tell me.
“Don’t feel good..” he whimpers softly, looking down at his stuffie friend slumped in his lap.
“Awh, bud.. I can tell… what’s bothering you, baby? Everything’s alright now, we’re okay.”
I slowly reach out for his stuffie and lift it up to make it press a “kiss” on his cheek, giving a gentle smile as he takes it from me and squeezes it.
“Mm.. head feels.. yucky…” he sniffles, wiping his eyes.
“That’s okay, sweet boy.. how about we just lay down and snuggle. Would that help?”
He nods and allows himself into my arms, nuzzling up against my chest as I pull a nice heavy blanket over us.
“You’ll feel better soon, darling, don’t worry.”
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tinylullabies · 10 months
my baby being so tiny and nonverbal, resting on me after a long day of being big or masking their regression, listening to their soft breathing as i gently rub / pat the tiny one's back— lulling them to sleep with sweet murmurs and coos, brushing their hair out of their face so i could kiss their forehead . . . “mama's here, she'll protect her little angel from any nightmares, sweet dreams, mama’s sweet dove.” — ♡
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