ryogai · 5 years
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“Great job, Archer! You were amazing out there!” Nix did feel a little bad for the Wyverns but she did get a few dragon fangs so that was always a plus. “Let me see if you have any injuries so I can patch you up.”
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chaldealast · 5 years
cariosum replied to your post: “Who am I?”
“Aaaah, you know. Just some kid.”
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“Some kid with some really bad luck, seems like. Or maybe really good luck?” 
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cursedjustice · 5 years
  bunnysmultimuse  ...
They definitely want to fuck.
I hate to break it to you.
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“...how would you know? Unless you want to do the same!”
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subparsanta-a · 5 years
cariosum replied to your post: picks up santa's hand in his own, idly considering...
I wanted to see you embarrassed. :i
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“.................” Do not hit him over the head, do not hit him over the head, do not hit him over the head.............. 
Takes a deep breath. “I will cry on you.” ...What a great plan Santa.....truly genius.........unparalleled intellect throughout the ages....
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caemthe-a · 6 years
@cariosum  replied to your post: I’ve done nothing wrong ever in my life.
sounds fake feels fake
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mind giving an example then?
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eldritchloli · 5 years
cariosum replied to your post:
i love my impossibly strong daughter and am so proud
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“Abigail can easily beat Mister Alter!”
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truaillidh-blog · 5 years
cariosum replied to your post:
You can keep her.
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❛ Doesn’t look like she’s yours to give. ❜
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ulsterchampion · 5 years
cariosum replied to your post: “Someone has to knock that smug look off Archer’s...
He’s wearing a second, smaller smug look underneath.
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“This bastard wants to have a clean shave instead of his fucking sorry buzz cut.”
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mawsitsit · 6 years
cariosum started following you
The young Master carefully approached and looked at the other servant. A light smile posed on her lips as she walked some steps around the other.
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She wasn't sure what to say, he seemed to be immersed on his own thoughts. How much would it take to notice Hakuno there? Who knew. 
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curruiid-a-blog · 5 years
cariosum replied to your post :    「 Any heroes wanting to adopt a small gremlin...
Might adopt him if by adopt you mean ‘give the little goblin weaponry and cart him wherever bc it seems funny to do’
  「+1 gremlin gained.」
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counterforced · 5 years
  Heard that laughter, Alter.
POINTS A GUN AT. What’s that smile for. I don’t trust it.
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“You’re getting soft, Alter. Giving me a chance to react instead of just pulling the trigger?”
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ryogai · 5 years
cariosum replied to your post:  “Um.. Is it safe to ask why people are talking...
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“Why not?! If something is going wrong then maybe I can help!”
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gywir · 5 years
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                    “  there are times where i feel as if little has changed from my time alive,  then others where i find myself at a loss for words...  what  are  those things?   ”
//  @cariosum      ❤ ‘d     for a starter !!
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cursedjustice · 5 years
  “Between a future where everyone calls me mom or...
People prefer aesthetics over functionality or objective truth. More of a reason not to trust their opinion.
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“I think they want to save you, Alter. Unlike us, your spirit origin reflects your living weapon mentality to the point even your reality marble functions differently. They see you don’t fear your own destruction. As a weapon, all you need is a purpose and target, both provided by whoever uses you. None of us care about being used so long as we’re useful. Yet as soon as they get a glimpse of our internal workings, they want to change us. Save us from ourselves. Fix us. No matter if we hold out hope or have no hope in tomorrow, they can’t accept us as we are.”  He clenched his fists as he kept talking.
“We may think the other two are foolish for their beliefs, but at least we see them for what they are without lying to ourselves. We see the other as chipped and scared swords covered in blood, sweat, and tears of countless people. That we each choose a hellish path promising pain and demise over a fake life pretending to be anything else. They will never save us because none of us want to be saved. They don’t understand that we can’t live happily like they want us too.” He looked Alter directly in the eyes.
“Right? You know even if they tried using the grail to change you or command seals to force you to live a normal life with them, all it does is just let them live a fake domestic fairytale with you. They don’t care about us to understand us, they just want us to play along for their own  desires and fantasies...”  
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subparsanta-a · 5 years
cariosum replied to your post: Is an impure Santa worthy of Christmas?
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DRAMATICALLY SNIFFLES AS SHE CLINGS TO ALTER......how could this happen.......
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caemthe-a · 5 years
8. Do you have a fate/oc? Describe them! 1. Favourite servant? OTHER THAN CU
1. BUT I LOVE CÚ CHULAINN SO MUCH!! ( ALL OF THEM, ALL THE CÚ, INCLUDING MINI CU! ). I really love Fate’s Mordred! Mordred is my son and the main reason why I pushed myself to watch every episode of F/Apocrypha dfghjk. 
8. DOES FERDIAD AND EMER COUNT?!?!?!! ( because otherwise, I’ve none yoy ) They really caught my interest once I started getting into the Ulster’s cycle and I don’t know when will I stop thinking about them, how much Cú love these two and just how dramatic and stupid were these assholes, which show they were the perfect match for my disaster son.
Emer aka the perfect balance for Cú and loyal wife that was neither a perfect balance nor loyal. In general, Emer is painted as this perfect housewife that has a soft voice and that all but the other side of Emer is like: Talks in riddles to this wild ( and cute ) guy that can’t flirt for shit for 10 min and goes ‘that’s gonna be my husband :v3’, gives him these tasks that kind of sound like she had foreseen that her old man would oppose to their marriage so old man and his army needed to go down ( + kill a bunch of people that were between their fords. me: why? emer: because. ), scare the fuck out of some big shot older king with just a few words, kidnap her half-sister and steal her old man’s gold, call out the noblemen of Ulster on their bullshit, gather about 50 women with knives to kill her husband and lover. Like wow! This girl was just wild and a rebel no matter how much her dad tried to make her follow his will. Also, I’ll forever laugh at the tale where she just drops everything to elope with some prince without saying a word to anyone and Laeg and Cú think that she’s been kidnapped so Cú goes to recover his wife and kill the ‘kidnapper’. And then this girl has the audacity to make a scandal when Cú does the same with Fand. She’s just the best and terrible and I love how she didn’t stick to the more passive role of a wife of a hero. Emer does whatever the fuck she wants and I’m here to enable her terrible decisions. That’s why I chose to write her around the time she eloped with Cú on his chariot all Mad Max style because that’s her at her wildest and finally getting to live her life and make her own terrible choices. She’s a very active girl, very curious about her surroundings, unapologetic and willing to do everything to get what she wants.
And Ferdiad aka both my disaster’s son first boyfriend and that one ex. Censored by fate, christian translations and the ‘alright, they kissed and called each other heart-companions and slept in the same bed but it was probably all symbolical to show that they were good friends :////’, I needed to make him justice but also punch him because, when I’m not crying about his tragic death, I’m ready to throw hands because dude! this guy was an asshole! ( also, the person with whom Cú had the closest bond and they were really cute together, which makes me go uwu ), a bastard! I’m still shocked that he was the only person that made Cú Chulainn cry ( and multiple times ) and still had the audacity to taunt him and say that Cú had been his b in front of his best friend. This guy was the perfect example of an unmovable object because no matter how much Cú cried and begged him to not fight, Ferdiad was just determined. And then’s when he loses, he’s badass and petty enough to go ‘tis but a scratch’ and tell Cú it’s his fault and then he just freaking dies. Iconic. No fanfiction has as much drama as the one story between these two problematic boyfriends from over 2,000 years ago and I think it’s great. But, unlike Emer who is just living her life, when I write Ferdiad, he’s very aware and sorry for all his bullshit because he really fucked up and he won’t deny it. There are degrees of being an asshole but Ferdiad really went overboard with it for his stupid pride as a warrior and lost both his love and life for it and there’s just no way he can fix his broken relationship with Cú. I mean, he does try and he’s really sorry for it but I’m still! No Ferdiad! You fucked up bad! Accept the facts! Another thing that I like to point out when writing Ferdiad is that he’s really strong. Like very strong, it’s a shame it goes unnoticed since it’s Cú’s story and it’s not mentioned often but Ferdiad had gotten himself quite the amount of feats and titles during his life. Even before Cú arrived at the Land of Shadows, Ferdiad had already become the leader of Scathach’s students and then becomes the commander of the Gamanrad, who were like the super elite warriors of Connacht. And Cú’s and Ferdiad battle wasn’t even that balanced because Ferdiad was throwing Cú around like a leaf and Cú was panicking during their battle because there was just no way he would be able to win in a fair fight. Bring two invincible warriors that also were Scathach’s students to fight by his side? Well, too bad you’re fighting Ferdiad Mac Daman, who only needs to feel the extra pressure on his shield to identify said warriors and swing his sword to his sides to kill them. Ferdiad didn’t mess around when it came to fighting and I love battle-hungry characters ( even if I can’t write fight threads uou ).
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