#carl higbie
reality-detective · 1 month
Carl Higbie torched the 'woke crap' culture of the left. Does anyone else feel the same? 🤔
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ccgpc-blog · 6 months
One should be asking themselves these questions Carl, you are so very right . Thanks Carl for your straight forward candor. Keep it up...
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MUST WATCH: "Most of Us Are Carl Higbie Right Now. Carl’s Explosive Rant Hits the Nail on the Head!
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mojave-pete · 7 months
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Carl Higbie is a great American!
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elrod-vbss-91 · 4 months
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thessalian · 10 months
Thess vs Asexual Advocacy
So while I’m waiting for some files to transfer (because I found out that I can actually just move game files on Steam now instead of having to uninstall and reinstall, and with having removed a lot of video file from my drives, I have a lot more space and might not even need to use the external drive ... for awhile, anyway), I decided to go through YouTube, and found an interview that Yasmin Benoit, asexual advocate, did with Carl Higbie of Newsmax. I mean, she handled it wonderfully but I wanted to throw things.
He starts with, “I dunno what that is”, like it’s some weird-ass thing, and then quotes Merriam-Webster dictionary definition, and then still asks Yasmin what asexuality means. Asks twice what rights she’s actually advocating for that they don’t already have...
Okay, here’s where I should talk a little bit about UK law and some shit I didn’t know until she mentioned, though in my case it was because I assumed very wrong about a lot of things and fucking hate it. So here’s the deal:
Asexuality is still pathologised in the DSM and Europe’s equivalent. So while homosexuality for both sexes was eventually seen as an orientation and not a mental illness by medical professionals ... asexuality was not.
Asexuality is not included in the protections offered by the UK Equality Act. Which means that the umbrella ban on conversion therapy? Doesn’t apply to asexuals. So we can still have family and doctors push us into “treatment” for “medical frigidity” or “hormonal imbalance” or whatever the fuck.
She tells him this twice and he still doesn’t get it. And in fact almost makes it a joke, going, “So, if I said something like, ‘Hey, you should try to get yourself a partner; it works for me’ and all that kind of thing, would that count as hate?” At which point she looked at him with the politest “what the fuck are you on about, mate?” look I’ve ever seen and said, “No; it would just be a weird and intrusive thing to say. Also, asexuals do still like companionship and might have life partners - it just doesn’t have to be about sex”.
I think what got me was that at the end of her every answer, this Higbie guy almost visibly shunted aside her cogent and intelligent answers with, “Okay, so--” and then moving on without any indication any of it had sunk in. And in fact basically turned around at the very end of it and more or less said, “I don’t get why this has to be its own category; why can’t it just be like ... like me, I’m a normal guy, married to a woman; why isn’t it just ‘any other category’? Why can’t you just say, ‘I’m a citizen, I do my thing, and that’s that’?”
Translation: “You’re not actually queer; why are you pretending to be?”
Look, you little white-bread deep-fried fuckwit, YOU ARE NOT THE ONE WHO DECIDES WHAT QUEER IS.
She said what I would have said, but a lot more calmly: “We’re not straight, so we fall under the umbrella”.
It feels like there’s this interview style that’s asking questions in a couple of different ways and not listening for answers or to understand, but to look for the right sound byte to throw out there in a clip to make the other person fit their narrative. This feels like that. Except that Yasmin Benoit didn’t give him any, so he was like, “Okay, I still don’t get this, but whatever” at the end of it.
Some people in the comments thought that this was a good interview, that it was good to have those kinds of questions out there, that it was a good first step. Having dealt with an awful lot of people who have that exact same, “Why do you have to call yourself queer?” conversation, I personally think it was only good because any attempt to invalidate asexuality failed due to Yasmin Benoit’s being calm, patient, and very articulate.
Here. It’s only six minutes. Judge for yourself. I still want to punch his Botox-looking face in, personally, but that’s just me. I don’t like people’s reasonable fears about the lack of advocacy for asexuals, and their desire to be accepted rather than fucking pathologised, turned into something to attempt to mine for delegitimising sound bytes. Thankfully, from this one, they won’t get any.
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kinialohaguy · 2 days
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ccgpc-blog · 10 months
'Cover-up': Fishy timing of Titanic, Hunter news exposed by Carl Higbie
What you did not know but should! Thank you Mr. Higbie!
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freshvinculum2 · 2 months
'Middle finger to the swamp': Carl Higbie FRONTLINE
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horsesolder12th · 3 months
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