#carl x male reader
ghost-wysteria · 2 years
Since im sick have an incorrect quote.
*The group getting in a car*
Rick: im driving.
Y/n: shotgun!
Carl: awww but babe you had it last ti-
Everyone except y/n: *gasps*
Y/n: *holding a shotgun* no i found a shotgun! Also i want the frontseat!🤠
Daryl in the background: thats my boy!
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ficnation · 1 year
“Your dad’s an asshole” Part 2 - Carl x Reader
Request: “Carl x son of negan. Where they meet when Negan goes to get supplies for the first time from Alexandria and Negan’s son keeps flirting with Carl and Carl gets flustered and acts like he hates it, because y’know son of NEGAN, but eventually they go on a sort of date and kiss? Just fluff with a lil angst? Whatever works for you xoxo”
requested by @thatcucumberwhore
Word count: 2,2k+
Pairing: Carl Grimes x Male! Reader
Warnings: usual twd themes (e.g gore, cursing)
A/n: Your relationship with Carl develops but you still have a long way to go. Also I do plan on writing some kind of an epilogue to this lil series eventually but it’s gonna take a while. Hope you enjoy it!
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The only times you could see Carl was when you snuck out in the middle of the night or when your father wasn’t around. You always met halfway in the woods, not far from the main road that led from the Sanctuary to Alexandria. It wasn’t exactly safe for either of you, but if it was the only way you could see each other, it was a risk you were willing to take.
It was surprising how similar you were despite your different personalities. You’ve both lost your mothers at the start of the apocalypse, and your dads changed drastically because of that. You had to grow up far too quickly, drowning in loneliness with no one your age to talk to. Those things made you fit like two puzzle pieces—meant to be.
The forest hummed around you when you strode off the main road and into the surrounding trees, all but invisible from the outside world. You were careful not to step on any of the fallen twigs, afraid of making too much noise.
The sky above was dark and cloudless, yet you could only see a few streaks of light coming from the stars here and there. The crowns of the trees were far too thick to let anything more shine through them.
This part of the woods was usually peaceful—as peaceful as it could be in a world infested with the undead. But that didn’t mean you could feel safe or let your guard down. Even if there was no visible sign of threat, you had to keep your eyes and ears open.
You sat down under one of the many trees, mindlessly playing with a stray twig. You waited and waited, but time didn’t seem to pass fast enough while you waited for Carl to show up.
The darker the sky got, the more you started to worry.
But the moment you heard the familiar sound of careful footsteps, your eyes roamed around wildly. You couldn’t help the cheerful smile that spread across your face when you recognized the silhouette in front of you.
“Hey…” you greeted him, waving. Carl returned the gesture as he walked over to sit beside you, taking his spot under the tree.
His light brown hair seemed to glow under the dim moonlight, and his eye sparkled with happiness that only your presence could bring out of him. His cheeks were pink from the cold wind, and the thin material of his plaid shirt did nothing to warm him up.
Carl smiled at you and leaned back against the trunk of the tree, crossing his arms over his chest.
“It’s almost midnight,” he stated, gazing at the starry sky.
It was indeed getting darker and darker every second. Your breath hitched slightly as you watched the clouds move in front of the moon.
“You’re lucky I didn’t wake up Judith when I fell on my ass jumping out of the window.”
You grinned at his joke before looking down at your feet. “Yeah…” you trailed off.
It had been so long since you’d seen one another with the constant war between your communities, yet there you were, alone together at midnight, gazing up at the moon.
It felt so strange and different to be with him like this. It made you feel more alive and more relaxed than you ever had before. No stress or anger could ruin it because you both knew where you stood; no matter the hatred between your people, you agreed you wouldn’t let it influence your friendship.
Carl stared up at the sky, lost in thought, as he watched a shooting star pass by. You looked up, too, following the path of the bright star.
“That’s nothing in comparison to the way you shine,” you stated, a confident smirk already growing on your face.
You knew very well what would follow your words. The blush on Carl’s face was barely visible in the darkness, but the way he nudged your arm with his elbow assured you it was definitely there.
“Shut up,” he chuckled, and for some reason, it was the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard.
“Yeah? Or what? You’re gonna kiss me?” The world around you froze the moment those words left your mouth. Damn, you hated yourself for speaking before thinking.
The silence that suddenly fell between the two of you was more than awkward. And you had no idea how to take those words back because you did want him to kiss you. You’ve been thinking for a while now how it would feel to brush your lips against his. Would they feel rough or soft against yours? Would Carl let you tangle your fingers in his soft hair?
You tried not to think about it, to repress those thoughts and keep them far away from your mind. But they always came back when you expected it the least. Even when you were just eating breakfast, the thought of kissing Carl and really being with him randomly popped up in your head.
“I’m sorry, it was just a joke. I shouldn’t have said that.” You chickened out.
Carl didn’t say anything, sitting beside you, deep in thought. You couldn’t read his face or his body language. He didn’t seem tense to you, but as far as you knew, it could just be your brain trying to let you keep some shred of hope.
“Are you okay?”
“Hm? Yeah, why?” Carl finally looked at you, waking up from his frozen state with a shake of his head.
You gave him a look, clearly not believing his words.
He sighed and shrugged. “I’ve missed you. More than I thought I would.” His voice dropped into a soft whisper. “When you leave I feel like there’s something missing.”
Carl’s eye met yours in the darkness. His words and the way he looked at you made your breath hitch. He must’ve noticed that because seconds after you exhaled, his lips were on yours, leaving a soft peck. When your eyes fluttered in confusion, it was his time to chicken out and pull away.
“Well, shit. Now, I should probably be sorry.”
You grinned at him, your hand landing in his hair, pulling him back into the kiss. Carl chuckled into your lips, responding with just as much confidence. As your lips touched, time stopped, and everything around you faded away; nothing else mattered at that moment except for each other. As your bodies pressed together, the tension you’ve been building up suddenly released in an electrifying rush.
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The forest was still and quiet early in the morning before the light even touched the horizon. The riverbank nearby made soft noises, its rushing waters calming in their constant flow. The sun had not yet greeted the world, and the dew that had settled the night before was just beginning to vanish in the early morning’s heat. 
You chased Carl through the clearing, laughing quietly, playing a game of tag while you escorted him halfway home.
The dew from the grass had saturated your jeans, the moisture seeping into the fabric effortlessly. Your pants were almost soaked through from the ankles all the way up to your knees. A small puddle of water even seeped into one of your sneakers, your foot squelching with every step you took.
Despite that, you were fast on your feet, and just when you were about to catch the back of Carl’s shirt in your grasp, the groans of undead filled the air. Their sounds alone turned the peaceful early morning eerie. Their groans seemed to come from all directions, the sound somehow omnipresent, as if it came from within and without, surrounding you. You could feel your hair stand on end as the happiness evaporated from your veins.
Your companion stopped so abruptly in his tracks that you couldn’t stop in time and ran headfirst into him, the impact causing you to release an involuntary grunt. 
“Fuck,” you grumbled, your hand instantly grabbing Carl’s arm in a tight, protective grip.
You looked into the distance to the dirt road leading to Alexandria. A herd of walkers moved forward in the direction of Carl’s community, one of the biggest ones you’ve encountered in your life. Your breath hitched in your throat, your hand shaking. They marched in a line so long you didn’t see the end of it. 
“We gotta get out of here,” you whispered right into his ear, pulling his arm in the opposite direction. You had to get as far as possible from the herd. 
“No, I need to get home,” Carl sneered, stubbornly planting his feet on the ground beneath. He didn’t even give you so much as a glance. 
“Not fucking happening. Let’s go. You’re not coming anywhere near them.” Your voice was firm; it wasn’t a request. 
The young Grimes stood silently for a minute, observing the herd in the distance. He didn’t know what to do; if his dad noticed his disappearance, he’d panic and send people to look for him. He didn’t want them to walk into this death trap, but at the same time, there was no way he’d get through the walkers unnoticed. 
“Carl,” he could hear the slight shift in the tone of your voice. It became stern. You’ve never spoken to him this way before. He knew that he had no choice but to go with you.
Finally, he nodded his head and let you guide him the opposite way. You traveled in silence, on high alert at all times. Your eyes scanned the horizon, and your ears strained to listen for the slightest hint of danger. You couldn’t risk gaining the attention of any of the walkers. If just one noticed you, it’d all be over.
After hours of walking, you reached the gates of a community unknown to Carl. He looked quizzically between you and the tall gates, but you could see the annoyance and suspicion spreading through his face.
“You brought me to the Sanctuary? Right under your father’s nose?” he questioned, fuming. He quickly pulled his hand out of yours and stepped away from your reach. How could you do this to him?
For a moment, you were oblivious to his suspicions and looked at him, confused. “What are you talking about?” 
“Don’t play dumb!” Carl’s voice was booming as he stared you down, fists clenched.
Your eyes jumped from Carl to the community’s gates, then back to your companion again. You quickly understood what he feared. “Well, I’m flattered you think the Sanctuary looks like this.”
Carl seemed disoriented; he blinked fast as the hatred fell from his face. He felt terrible that it took just this to make him doubt you and withdraw his trust. The boy looked down at the dirt beneath his boots.
“I wouldn’t take you there Carl.”
He nodded, reassured by your words, but still didn’t raise his head. “I’m sorry, I just freaked out.”
You walked toward him, your hand gently grasping his chin to make him look at you. You pecked his cheek softly before pulling him towards the gates. “This is the Kingdom. We’ll be safe here and we can rest a little before going home.”
“Are you sure? How do you even know about this place?” he questioned but followed you without any resistance.
“Uhh…” You scratched your neck bashfully. “It’s a long story. I will tell you someday, I promise.”
Upon reaching the gates, the man on watch duty stood up abruptly, revealing the biggest, friendliest smile as he recognized your face. Waving you in, he called to someone else to let you inside. You slipped through the crack in the gates without waiting a second longer.
Carl observed as the unfamiliar man greeted you by name with his arms outstretched and his face full of joy. You rushed up to him, throwing your own arms around his solid frame, a playful fight unfolding between the two of you before you remembered about your companion.
“Jerry, this is Carl.” The man raised his eyebrow, anticipating that you’d add something more to the introduction. So you humored him, “My boyfriend.”
“Didn’t think anyone would like your overconfident ass,” he joked, letting out a deep chuckle as you clutched your chest in the feigned offense. 
“Me? Overconfident?” You snorted, crossing your arms. “Never.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Jerry waved you off before changing the topic. “What brings you here so early?” 
“I hoped we could crash here for a few hours. We almost bumped into a herd,” you explained, your happiness faltering at the memory. 
“You’re always welcome here, you know that.” The man patted your shoulder reassuringly. He didn’t need more explanation. 
You smiled, nodding gratefully at him before your hand found Carl’s, and you pulled him down the path deeper into the community. 
“Come on, I know a place.”
You took him to a small clearing on the other side of the community, a makeshift garden nearby. You pulled him onto a comfortable hammock hanging between two apple trees. As the sun rose in the sky, you both basked in its warm glow and dozed off in peaceful slumber.
Even though you both would likely be in trouble once you reached your homes, the temporary escape was more than worth it. Carl’s company was worth all the trouble in the world. There was no place you wouldn’t have gone with him, no distance you wouldn’t have traveled, and no experience that wasn’t worth sharing with him.
Maybe someday, we can just live here.
@thatcucumberwhore @yttricuz @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @humanmistakes @twdeadlysins @donttelltheelff  @khaleesihavilliard @leafy-sprouts @spenceslovcr
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edmetalqueer · 2 years
*!*!* Drug Money *!*!*!*
Pair: Carl Gallagher x M!Reader.
Genre: Fluff.
Request: Yo, I love your fics and I was just wondering if I could request a carl x male reader fic where the reader is basically just grinding and trying to get these concert tickets he’s been wanting and then Carl pops up with his drug money and is like “I got them”
WARNINGS: Swearing, Drug money.
F/B - Fav Band.
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Y/N was only focusing on one thing, and one thing only. To get the tickets for F/B. But he didn't have the money.
His boyfriend Carl sat next to him, looking at his own phone. "You still haven't gotten ahold of the tickets?" Carl asked. Y/N sighed, "No, everything is so expensive or hard to get, I think I'm just gonna give up and not gonna go." he said, sighinf.
Carl stared at him. He quickly stood up, leaving the house for a quick moment.
Y/N was confused, waiting for Carl to get back.
** Few minutes later. **
Carl came back, holding money in his hand. "I got you covered." Carl said, grinning.
Y/N smiled, looking at him. "Jeez, you sure you'll be willing to do this?" Y/N asked, wrapping his arms around Carl.
"Hell yes I am." Carl said. Y/N kissed him on the cheek, giggling. He was so excited, smiling brightly.
"Where did you even get this money?
"Drug money."
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oddnry-silent · 1 year
•Should have stayed back.
>Y/N saw Carl standing while he watched Enid at the wall. Y/N heard the coversation as he followed both of them to the hilltop, regretting it after.
Carl Grimes x Male Reader
S7 EP 5
Pronouns : He/Him
Full Angst!
TW! Language, Mention of knife!
Color text:
Carl Y/N Enid Daryl Aaron Eugene
Y/N came out of Olivia's garage as he got his knife returned after he practiced throwing it to the tree and it almost hit Rosita. He thanked Olivia and headed back to his house, not until he saw his best friend Carl following Enid.
Out of curiosity, Y/N decided to follow the two.
He was about to show up to the two but he hid to the bush nearby as Carl started talking.
"Enid?" Carl asked the girl who is filling the holes with metal sticks to climb on. "I need to see Maggie." Enid stopped climbing.
"You're walking to the hilltop?" Carl said as he stare at the girl. "It's far." He added as Enid started climbing up. "I'll be fine."
"Maybe." Carl looked up. "I'll be fine." Enid shouted, "I have better aim than you."
Carl looked down, and Enid exhaled deeply. "I didn't mean that way." She looked at Carl again. "I'm not saving you anymore." Carl looked up.
Enid sighed as she filled up the next hole with the metal stick, "That's what happened in the armory?" Enid climbed up, "You saved me?"
"Yeah." Carl said as he looked up to Enid. "You made it back in one piece, you're still here." Enid said, "I'm not talking about that." Carl looked down as Enid did the same.
"I'm sorry you had to see it." Carl shook his head, "I'm not." Enid looked to the wall and climbed up to the other side as Carl walked away.
Y/N hid further more to the bush as Carl walked past him, going to the cars. Y/N followed him silently as Carl walked to the driver's seat.
He opened the door as Y/N lowered his head as he waited for Carl to go inside. Carl closed the door as he started the engine and at the same time, Y/N opened the trunk and hid himself inside and closed it quietly.
The car started moving as Y/N sat there, following Carl out of curiosity.
The car halted, "You know how to drive?" It was Eugene. "Just testing, I'll drive out for a while." Carl said. The conversation ended as the gates opened and the car moved.
Minutes later, the car sped up and it bumped something, Y/N thought that it's an walker. He bounced a bit from the action and he heard a walker groaning.
The car moved back as it bumped to something hard. Y/N embraced the force as he hit his head to the trunk. He moved back and saw blood coming inside the gap.
"What are you doing here?" Y/N heard a familiar voice, it is Enid. "Felt like a drive." Carl said as the door opened and footsteps fade away.
Y/N opened the trunk and heard a thump, it was the walker earlier.
He got up and saw the two in a good distance, it was perfect for Y/N as he followed he two to the main road.
He kept himself low to he trees while following the two. His swift moves helped him follow them to where they're going.
The two walked at both sides of the road, keeping a good awkward distance from each other.
"Not sorry you saw it?"
"Yeah, I watched it. Both times. I didn't look away."
"Because, when it was happening, I knew that I needed to remember it. So when I had the chance to kill him, I wouldn't have a choice."
"I think I'd kill him too." "It's messed up but, that's how it is."
"You do things for the ones you love. Loved."
"It's not for them." "Sorry I locked you in the armory."
"I didn't need to see it." "We don't even know if she's okay."
"We'll get there."
They walked but Enid got a way ahead from Carl. Carl found something beside the road and went to it. Y/n stopped moving as he watched Carl.
Carl opened the bag and saw rollerskates. "Enid. Stop."
They both wore it as they rode to the road together.
Enid grabbed Carl's hand as he about to slip off.
"Are you okay?" Enid looked at Carl, "Yeah."
Carl held Enid's hand tightly as they rode to the hilltop.
Y/N was staring at there, in shock.
A tear went down to his face as he saw what happened.
They both arrived at the hilltop as they both saw the Saviors at the entrance. Y/N kept a good distance where he can see the two clearly.
He listened to the conversation as he saw Enid leaned to Carl, inches away from his face.
"It wouldn't matter." "It would for me,"
Carl leaned in to rest his forehead to Enid's. Carl kissed her forehead and locked his eyes to hers, and he leaned in for a kiss.
As Y/N's heart shattered into pieces just by looking at his crush kissing a girl. He covered his mouth as he let tears flow.
He don't know what to do at the situation that he stepped back and broke a twig.
Carl and Enid looked at the direction where the sound was as they saw Y/N crying with covering his mouth. Their eyes widened as Y/N laughed.
"Should have stayed back." He said as he lowered his hand, revealing a smile while his tears flowed down. Y/N looked straight onto Carl's eyes as he closed his eyes and laughed not too loud.
"I'm an fucking asshole for loving you, Carl Grimes." Y/N said as he stepped back as he looked away and start walking back home.
Carl didn't know what to do as he saw his best friend left, and knowing just now that he had an crush on him.
Carl ran to Y/N and he caught his arm, Carl made Y/N look at him in the eyes.
"Y/N, it's just an mis-" "It's fucking clear, Carl. Not a some bullshit misunderstanding." Y/N's e/c tired eyes with tears still flowing from it down to his cheeks.
"I liked you since the day we met, Carl. But this? All of this is clear for me, you indirectly rejected me even though I found myself confessing to you later but then I discovered all of this."
Carl looked at Y/N in shock, his eye widened at the sudden words. Y/N shook off Carl's hand as he started running away.
Another day with Y/N surviving in this apocalyptic world. He walked down to an unknown road with the gloomy clouds above him, and saw 2 walkers coming to his way.
"Assholes, I'm fucking tired and both of you showed up in the wrong timing." Y/N got his combat knife and waited for the walkers to come at him.
The one stumbled to him and before it bite him, Y/N stabbed it at the head as the other one stumbled Y/N and the corpse to the ground.
He struggled killing the other one while the corpse is heavy. The walker was about to bite him but it stopped when an arrow got the walker in the head.
Y/N sighed as he dropped his hands to the ground and closed his eyes shut.
"Hey kid." Y/N heard a raspy voice coming from the left. He was tired and don't have enough strength to move away the walkers above him because of no food and water in days, maybe weeks.
An figure showed up in front of Y/N, pulling out the two corpses. He held out a hand for Y/N and he tiredly accepted it. He looked at the guy with greasy long hair, wearing a black long-sleeved with a vest on top.
"How many walkers have you killed?" The man asked, "Can't count." Y/N said tiredly looking the both men.
"How many people have you killed?" The man asked again as he rested his crossbow at his shoulder, "4." Y/N said coldly.
"Why?" The man with the crossbow looked at the other man who asked Y/N. "They turned in front of me." Y/N looked down to the ground.
"You can join us at the camp, kid. I'm Daryl, this is Aaron." The long haired man introduced himself as Daryl and the other man, Aaron.
Y/N hesitantly nodded as he follow both men to their camp called Alexandria. We arrived at the gate and someone with a sherrif hat opened it, it was a boy around my age.
"Uh, this is Carl Grimes. The son of our leader ere'." Daryl pointed out at Carl as Carl smiled at Y/N and waved.
"Y/N, Y/N L/N." Y/N said as all of them smiled. Daryl gently pushed Y/N to Carl causing Y/N bumped into the boy.
"Carl, yer' show em' around, I'll talk to Rick." Daryl said as he walked away to somewhere.
Y/N stood himself up from Carl as he looked at him. "So, where should we start?" Carl said as they both laughed.
"Fucking asshole, Y/N." Y/N told himself as he was sitting at the porch of Daryl and Carol's home. He throwed down the rock to the road as he sighed.
Daryl was caught by the saviors and Carol escaped away from Alexandria. Y/N has no one to talk to. He stood up and got inside the house and went straight into his room.
He jumped himself on his bed and got the comic book at the nightstand. Something peaked through the page Y/N is reading, he opened the book to that page and a paper dropped down with a picture behind it.
The paper is folded with a note "To Carl." At the front. Y/N laughed as he opened the paper.
"Hey Carl Grimes.
I know it's the apocalypse but I just wanted to say that I liked you- no, I love you since that day we've met. I never thought I'll met someone at my age and I'm really happy when we roam around Alexandria and talk random shit together. My heart beats fast when I saw you even from a distance. You're very nice and funny to everyone and you take the supply runs seriously and protecting me while we find some thing and I thank you for that. I really felt safe around you and when I hear your voice, it really calms me down and some shit flying around my stomach. I really love you Carl, I really do.
From, Y/N."
Y/N laughed while tears started rolling down through his face as it stained the note. He set the note aside and behind it was his picture with Carl.
"Y/N! I found a camera!" Carl came running to Y/N while Y/N searching things that's useful for the camp. "Let's take a picture!" Carl excitedly pulled Y/N close to him, boh of them smiling as the camera clicks.
The both of them smiled as the film came out. Carl took it and shook it a little and the picture came out.
"Look at us, Y/N!" Carl laughed as he looked at the picture with admiration. Y/N took the picture and saw both their faces close to each other, causing his face turn red.
"I'll keep this, dibs." Y/N laughed as Carl did the same. "Not fair."
Y/N let his tears flow as he remembered the memory he'll never forget, but what's the use of it now?
He put back the things as he closed the book and throwed it to the nightstand. He cuddled up to his pillow and cried more.
"Should have stayed back."
First one-shot!
Thank you for reading!
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rinnyyyyyyyyy · 8 months
jealous, jealous boy.
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hotel -montell fish
jealous, carl who doesn't show hes jealous until he's fucking into you, making sure you forget everything about that other man/woman.
jealous, carl who will ask you if you think they could fuck you better than he can, as he makes you cum on him.
jealous, carl who will leave marks on your neck and shoulders, so they'll know you belong to someone that sure as hell isn't them.
jealous, carl who won't let you cover your mouth to muffle your pretty little moans and whimpers. depending on where you are of course.
jealous, carl who praises you for being so, very good for him while he's fucking you from behind, making you moan his name over and over.
jealous, carl who will ask you if you enjoyed all that attention you were receiving from another person that isn't him while he fucks you so good from behind, while pulling your hair.
jealous, carl who gives you the best head of your life, only to edge you and make you cry for him as a punishment for letting someone hit on you and not turning them down.
jealous, carl who will make you have multiple orgasms with those long, skinny fingers of his only to make you beg him for his cock instead of his fingers. <3
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grimespial · 3 months
Too Sweet
Carl Grimes x Shane's Son Male reader
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slightly aged up just for plot reasons
You did not have a good relationship with your dad.
He was practically two different people in public and private. In private you were mostly ignored, but if you weren't, then you were just a disappointment.
All because of Carl and Lori Grimes.
Nothing you could do would make him proud, he would throw you away in the blink of an eye if it meant taking Rick's place.
You and Carl used to get along, but you couldnt help but push him away, atleast it could be played off with you being older and teen moods.
Rick tried to include you, he was more of a dad to you than Shane, talking, playing, sports, just spending time but it just hurt.
So when the apocalypse starts, it's not a suprise you just happen to be left.
You somehow made your way to a farm, hoping it would be abandoned, but of course it wasn't and a woman on a horse came at you.
That's how you ended up joining the Greene family. It was hard. You actually got cared for, you practically were adopted
But then a boy was shot and Hershel had to help, and of course the people you honestly never wanted to see again had to show up.
Rick almost choked you with the hug he gave, Shane wasn't back yet, still out with Otis. The man who was teaching you to hunt with a gun because a knife won't always work.
Your dad came back, alone. You were already Maggie and Beth's brother, but Otis was like an older brother. And now he's gone.
When Carl woke up, Rick with all good intent, told him you were here. You would think it was magic how quickly he healed enough to go looking for you.
He was so insistent. Didn't matter how much you walked away, or replied rudely, he would just follow you everywhere.
For Carl, it was worth getting shot, because now you're back! He missed how you two hung out and when everything went down he didn't think he would ever see you again.
Everything was horrible with Shane, his whole group didn't even know you existed, even worse when they thought Shane was Carl's dad at the very beginning.
The Greene family were on edge around Shane, sometimes even getting hostile if he started crossing the line against their brother and son.
Rick had to step in and tell Shane to leave you alone until they found Sophia, because Hershel warned him they'd get kicked out if it continued.
Your relationship progressed without you or Carl noticing, but everyone else did.
Carl included you in everything, and included himself in anything you did.
It was hard to get over the jealousy, but with Shane gone and how Carl seemed so happy to spend time with you, like you were the greatest thing in the world, it was easier to heal.
Maggie was having the time of her life teasing you, hypocritical considering her and Glenn can't leave eachother alone.
What pushed you two to date was when Lori died. Daryl asked you to look after Carl, so you did. Spending time in his cell, getting him outside for some fresh air, just talking to him.
When he wanted some private time, you cared for Judith instead. Hershel joked that neither you or Beth should think about having a baby antime soon.
Maggie, humorous as always, told him there was no worry on your side unless Carl could get pregnant.
It was later when Carl came out of his cell, you were still looking after Judith while Beth made milk and Glenn helped Maggie make some food.
That night, you stayed up with Carl. He was struggling to sleep lately, so you stayed up until he fell asleep. This night he just started crying.
So you just hugged him. Nobody spoke. The only sound was Carl hiccuping and breathing while you wrapped your arm around his shoulder.
When Carl quieted down, he turned to see you, but you were already looking at him. And you were close.
It was easier to push away any feelings before, there was no time to think over feelings, more important things were happening.
But here you were face to face and before you knew it Carl kissed you.
Carl is practically your owner and you're the guard dog. Stubborn is your middle name, but one whisper of your name from Carl and you listen.
He never gets over the butterflies or blushing, you hold his hand and he's practically burning and trying to hold his smile back.
You constantly were protecting him. There was technically no need, he could take care of himself perfectly fine, but you insisted on it.
Sometimes it got annoying to him and he'd snap, Rick would end up explaining that you just care for him and dont want him to get hurt.
It's free entertainment for the adults watching you two go through a relationship.
You both sneak away from the group to make out, but when youre on the road its harder and Carl really doesn't want to make out in front of anyone, especially his dad.
You do end up breaking that rule one day, you were with Michonne after the prison fell, and when you found him you both just ran to eachother.
Cuddles are mandatory.
You have to be watched when eating, because you will just give Carl your food if it means he's healthier, Carl was not happy when he found this out.
Carl loves being pampered by you but he'll pretend he doesn't, but if you can't for whatever reason it doesn't feel right.
this is based off the Carl fic i have with the same premise, i might end up putting it on ao3...
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in-act-ive · 1 year
Yo can I request the Gallagher boys (not Liam) and Mickey headcanons if U do them (all separately) with a male reader who's more domimant and taller (sorry I can't spell) in the relationship like they also have to be the big spoon or whatever reader always pulls them in to his lap or something nothing sexual
Thank you if U can't do multiple characters can U do lip or Mickey
I'm real sick of the fics where the male reader it still feminine y'know
Have a nice day sorry for the long request
I had so many ides for this the moment you asked!
Request : yes
Type : headcanon
A / N : hope this is what you wanted!! Sorry it took so long btw, I got sick really fast and couldn't write!
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Carl Gallagher
At first he's very confused by whats going on
After a few times he gets used to sitting in your lap and does it instinctively
Carl hates that you're taller in every way
He's probably a brat to you
He insists on getting stuff he can't reach even if you've offered to help
Carl is very independent and says he doesn't need your help
When he does need your help he's such a bitch about it
He does like having his scary dog privileges though to be honest
If he's about to go do shady shit he drags you along to scare anyone off who may try and fuck with him
When he's a police officer he insists on protecting you
Oh how the tables have turned
When you spoon him he definitely pulls your hands up to his chest so he can hold your hands
After a while he just lets you lay your hands wherever you'd like
He's comfy with whatever
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Lip Gallagher
He won't admit it but he kinda likes that you're taller than he is
The first time he sits in your lap he's flustered as hell but continues to flirt with you
After a few times its still a little awkward but he won't admit it
He just insists on not doing it
He uses your height to his advantage
The moment he doesn't feel like reaching something he bothers you to grab it for him
He finds it hilarious that you are too tall for the Gallagher house
He likes to tease you when you hit your head on stuff or trip on something
His love language is most definitely teasing
When you both go out he kinda acts like you're not there
When he gets into fights you have to save him half the time
When he confronts bitches of men he almost always has you standing around incase it doesn't go his way
The moment you two cuddle and you spoon him he gets kinda pissed off
He'd much rather face you
He does feel protected in your arms but won't say that
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Ian Gallagher
Ian is already the tallest Gallagher and is too tall for their house but having you around makes him jealous
He is confused when you pulled him into your lap
He's not opposed to the idea of sitting with you but he also really doesn't seem to know what to do with himself
Once he's used to it and knows a comfortable way to sit its one of his favorites
He won't admit it
He insists on getting everything himself no matter if you can reach it or not
He probably warns you before you run into a doorway cause he knows what its like
He hates PDA
Especially holding hands
Mainly because he hates feeling like the shorter guy in any relationship
Even if he is
The moment you spoon him he says something dumb
"No. No we're not doing this."
He wants to be the big spoon but you object to that idea
Finally you compromise on you both facing each other
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Mickey Milkovich
He doesn't mind your height at all
Everyone is always taller than him anyways ao your height is just something about you
He thinks its attractive but obviously wont say his feelings
The moment you pulled him into your lap he immediately was fine with it
When he sat in your lap he sat like a king on his throne
Mickey gets so used to it and does it absentmindedly
He will push you into a chair just to sit in your lap no matter how busy you may be
When you guys go out of the house he loves having his "scary dog privileges"
He knows when it comes down to a fight he'd probably kick someones ass for you though
He loves when you hold him or touch him in public
Then he knows that your his and he's yours no matter what
Plus he finds it fucking hilarious when you have to tell people to go away cause you're together
When it comes to cuddling he loves when you spoon him
Its his favorite thing ever
When you don't he makes you no questions ask
Note: This was not spell checked nor grammer checked! I apologize in advance for the mistakes
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enidette · 4 months
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warnings :: reader gets injured, kinda short… but that’s it
carl grimes x reader
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you and carl often went over the walls. be it for some time with just the two of you, no worries about being interrupted by his dad or michonne or judith. the only worry being the walker’s roaming the woods, but the two of you would rather take your chances there.
he leans his bag of, most likely expired, candy to you. his eyes don’t leave his comic and his head is on your shoulder, just enjoying being near you. ironically enough it feels calm, normal, despite the looming threat of the walking dead lingering. you take some and toss them into your mouth, letting your hand go up to take his hat off and place it on your head.
he hums when your fingers comb through his hair, head tilting up to look at you. he lets out an endeared laugh at the sight of you wearing his hat, “i wish i had a camera with me.” you tilt your head at him and giggle,
“why?” his hand comes up to your face, thumb rubbing your cheek soothingly.
“i don’t get to capture moments like these often,” he mumbles lowly, looking at your lips before giving them a small peck. you go to protest, to make him give you a proper one when a growl from behind you interrupts.
your heads turn at the noise, a small herd of maybe six walkers headed your way. you look at carl to see him shoveling your things back into the chest he had. “think we can take ‘em?”
carl stands up with a small laugh, taking his hat back. “oh yeah.” he slides his knife from his belt, charging at one and shoving the knife through it’s skull. you cringe at the gurgling noise it makes before thudding to the ground, you’ll never get used to the noises, the smells.
you run to help him, taking down one with ease. it was barely hanging on, it’s stomach was ripped apart, everything falling out that made you want to gag. a second one tries to creep behind you but fails, receiving a blade to the eye. but that’s when things get tricky.
you hear carl grunt behind you, whipping around to see him on the ground topped by a, bigger than usual, walker. you yank it off of him, falling to the ground under it’s weight. you hear a nasty crunch and don’t have time to dwell on the pain in your left arm, plunging your knife into the back of it’s head.
you use your right arm to haul the thing off of you, breathing heavily on the ground as he takes the last two easier. he rushes to your side, frantically checking you for injuries. he lifts your left arm a little too fast, eliciting a whined from you.
“shit, it hurts? were you bit? we need to amputate it,” carl breaths heavily as his words fall from his lips with panic. he starts ripping fabric from his shirt when your hand comes up to stop him.
“slow your roll, cowboy. i’m not bit, i think i broke my arm pretty bad though.” carl sighs and let’s his hands fall, giving you a short, humorless laugh.
“you better not be,” he huffs, lifting you up bridal style. “i’ll do everything in my power to keep you safe. i’d risk it all for you.”
“how romantic,” you laugh and wrap your right arm around his back, “and i broke my arm, not my legs!”
carl shushes you, “let me be a good boyfriend, hm?”
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thatonelovingwalker · 11 months
Carl Grimes x GN reader
///TW: none💗///
Summary: you see Carl with Judith and wonder if he would want a child of his own.
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Walking along the sidewalk lining your neighborhood, you heard the cooing of a baby. You immediately recognized it as Judith. Carl always walked Judith at this time, and you had just recently started walking with them.
You and Carl have been together for about three months now, and Judith has become really close to you.
Her noises got louder as you rounded the corner, and saw that she was patiently waiting for you in her stroller.
“Judith! Good morning,” you told her, letting her grasp at your hands.
You looked up to Carl and saw him looking at you as if he was seeing you for the first time. As if he saw Christmas lights brightening before him, rapping him in warmth and the feeling of safety.
“Good morning, Carl,” you told him, walking around to give him a peck. He returned it gratefully, taking ahold of your hand.
“Ready?” Was all Carl asked, making you nod.
The three of you started walking, listening to the silence that surrounded you both.
It was quiet for about fifteen minutes, and that was when Judith started to fuss.
“Nap time, Judy?” Carl asked her, circling around to pick her up.
Carl gently cradled Judith in his arms, rocking back and forth on his heels. He was whispering to her, trying to calm her down, and all you could do was watch.
He was so good with kids, especially Judith. Whenever he was with any of the younger members, he treated them as if they were his blood. As if they were his own children. It made you yearn for a normal world. One where it wouldn’t be a life or death decision.
But you knew that if it were to ever happen, whether it’s with you or another, he would be absolutely perfect.
“You’d make a great dad,”
Carl turned to you, shock all over his face. He didn’t look upset, but he looked distracted.
And you that was when you realized you said it out loud. You didn’t mean it to slip. It just happened.
Even with his surprised features, he still looked even more fatherly with Judith calming in his arms. His hat and eye patch displayed experience, ones that he had learned from. The gun strapped to his leg showed he was capable. You knew he would be everything you ever needed. Everything any child needed.
“You’d make a great father…” you said a little bit more softly. You stayed where you were.
You saw his breathing pattern change. It was the one thing you could catch before he muttered, “Let me go put Judith down,” before turning away from you.
He left you with a sense of regret. Why did you say that?
You found yourself sitting on the couch, listening to Carl shush Judith to sleep a few rooms down. You had no idea if he knew you were there, but you waited, hoping you didn’t ruin things.
When Carl expressed what happened with his mother, Lori, and how he had to put her down for the sake of Judith, your heart broke.
Maybe mentioning anything to do with a baby was a bad idea.
You no longer heard Carl. His whispers or humming. Just footsteps. Heavy footsteps. You didn’t dare watch him, no matter how much you were dying to.
You felt the couch shift with his weight, and you knew he sat closer to you on purpose.
“You really think so?”
You could barely hear him, but you understood completely what he meant. You turned to face him, and was met with his pleading eyes. He looked so vulnerable in this moment, you just wanted to smother him with cuddles and hold him.
“I do.”
“Well, I think you’d make a great (mother/father), y/n. You’d be amazing,” Carl grasped your hand with one of his heart stopping smiles.
“Doubtful,” you said, trying to be playful. Carl picked up on it.
All he said in return was, “How about we try and see?”
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scentedpepper · 3 months
Missing | TWD
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Summary: The group reverberates with a somberness upon your potential death
Content Warnings: Mention of Major Character Deaths from previous seasons, S5 and below spoilers
Not too sure how I feel about this one
Could be read as GN for the most part (he/him used a few times, 'Father' used once, 'Brother' used once)
Was originally supposed to be centered around Daryl and Rick, but somewhere along the writing process, I devlled into just about every other member of the group
Ya'll know how many last names I had to look up for these tags
7 days.
Seven days of them searching for their found family member who went out to investigate and never came back.
Glenn thought for sure that maybe with all the shit they have been through, the apocalypse must have treated you a little kinder.
That was assuming you were already dead.
Which Rick, in all his glory, continued to remind everyone that until there is evidence, there are just as many possibilities as there are stars in the sky.
He thought it was a strange fit, all doom and gloom, it wasn't like Glenn to carry around the carcasses of such negative presumptions about his loved ones, but nonetheless, he had just the same.
An ever present reminder as the fire was stoked by Glenn's constant fidgets, his spaced-out breaths being released with the baggage of endless possibilities.
"Glenn's gonna lose it when he sees this one. "
Is what Daryl said to Rick on the night of day 5, your shirt clenched in hand, approaching the church with footsteps so heavy you could mistake them for Walkers.
The worst part, Rick thought, was how he had found it, which further fueled the possibility that couldn't help but arise.
A decaying Walker's den where there was a mass majority of bodies wearing clothes; Not Walker corpses.
Hopeless and without explanation Rick approached camp with a grim expression that took root in his features.
And when Daryl had handed the shirt to Glenn after he feverishly chanted let me see it, let me see it, over and over, Daryl observed the way his hand shook when he snatched it and how the same hand came up to rub his face after he confirmed in his own mind that, without a doubt, it was yours.
Maggie had to take the shirt from his hands and when she felt the dirt and grime ragged against her skin, she almost burst at the seams, Rick knew by the strain in her brows and the way her hands turned into fists at her side.
She was the first person Rick had questioned upon your missing presence, wanting to know who you had walked out with last night and who stayed behind, wanting to pinpoint possible places you might be, or routes you could've taken.
Her response was ridden with anxious adrenaline, her lips chewed raw in worry, bouncing on her toes before stomping off and pulling everyone together to go looking for you.
There was no conversation within the group but a mutual agreement.
Naturally, the first person they looked to for some account of wrongdoing was Gabriel.
You had always been so intuitive, like you were the one who could read minds not him.
The others felt so comforted by you, Gabriel assumed.
He was only too accustomed to the fact that everyone saw the good in you, the positive, and while that brought him a modicum of solace, there were times where he couldn't help but wallow in envy.
A man of God and yet, it was you who they looked to, as if you were Christ himself.
As if you were his light.
Gabriel couldn't understand this fascination.
When he had confronted you about it, rather presumptuously, Gabriel was too quick to gauge the situation and allow his ego to speak for him. Said confrontation also happened to occur right before Maggie and Sasha who shared pointed looks with each other as they watched the scene unfold before them.
You were quick on your toes, always had been. Back on the farm, when Shane had been more akin to a wild boar, you were always the first to confront him. Always calm, or whenever you spoke you at least had the appearance of it, always matter of fact. Even when your voice raised or when anger was seething through you, it seemed like everyone just stopped, and listened.
It was one of your redeeming traits, sharp tongue laced with facts that wouldn't hesitate to point out things that were missing, contradictions, positions and beliefs.
It left some satisfaction amongst the ton when Gabriel pushed out of Judith's designated room, nearly knocking Carl off his feet as the door came with his exit.
A flustered look had replaced him, no doubt having felt the embarrassment, as if he had been burning inside.
After a beat, he had apologized under his breath and carried himself in haste towards you.
Unfortunately, this incident occurred the last night anyone had seen you.
When everyone had risen that morning, one by one coming off the floors of the church and stirring awake those who remained sleeping, you were the only one who hadn't stirred. Because your body wasn't even of prescence.
Almost immediately, everybody went on an emotional and mental frenzy.
Even when the conversation with Gabriel didn't bode well for him. He refuted, if a little pathetically, that you weren't very friendly towards him.
Upon hearing of what had happened just hours before they woke, Daryl seemed to retreat back to the deepest of his old roots.
Begrudgingly, Rick knew this was what they called "fight or flight."
Luckily for everyone involved, Daryl never moved unless there was something to fight for. The man had gained some sort of control over the years of personal development but like a dog, he'd jumped on Gabriel the second tensions rose.
There was a knife pressed against Gabriel's throat when Drayl pushed him into the nearest wall and the preacher did nothing but pray to himself and accept his fate.
Minuets later of interrogation and threatening, Michonne and Tara intervenned, though Daryl seemed none too eager to back off the smaller man, not until he was physically being dragged back and Rick telling him to get a hold of himself.
"He's lucky I didn't slit his fuckin' throat! It was him!" Because back in the day, with Merle at his side, he would've and to hell with anyone who said differently.
Rick saw Carol's lips part to say something, as did Abraham, but nothing came out. That was because Rick cut them off by clearing his throat loudly, hands rising in demand to appease the tension in the church.
"We are going to look for him. It's no secret that we're standing on a ticking time bomb. " He was blunt and direct, his head turning sharply towards everyone and waiting a beat before he continued. "Everybody gets paired off. No one leaves each other's sides. And yes, Daryl, that includes Gabriel. “
His gaze softened upon the archer as he came around to see the anger and frustration but most of all, the pain in his eyes. He wanted to assure him, they were going to find you. But he couldn't find the words to, as his own fingertips surged with doubt and as the rest of the days proceeded, his whole body seemed to become encapsulated by it.
They all began out at once, weapons gathered, determination and grievance fused into them as they exited the church in pairs. The only 2 persons staying behind being Judith and Abraham.
Before the front doors fell, Rick sought out Gabriel, his fingers ghosting over the knob as his stomach tied in knots.
"If you so much as touch a hair on her head, " he was referring to Michonne who'd gotten the unlucky job of catering to Gabriel, "I swear it'll be the last thing you do. " He watched Gabriel swallow a lump in his throat in response. "And if I find out you had an inkling of any wrongdoing, God won't be able to save you. "
It wasn't an empty threat and the conviction in his tone let Gabriel know.
It wasn't just Daryl that was shaken by the fear of your abduction or death, there wasn't a moment where Rick could stop to inhale without thinking about you. How tightly you had embraced him 2 nights prior, when he'd confided that maybe he wasn't suited for this leader job anymore, that he didn't know where you all would go, or if you'd even make it past these religious grounds before succumbing to hunger.
There was warmth radiating off you like a furnace and he couldn't shake the soothing way your fingertips gilded against his forearm as you told him that things would fall into place in time, no matter how difficult it got.
But Daryl was a damn firecracker, this way of his to emote through hostility and intimidation was a way for him to cope with the potential loss of his brother.
You were not Shane.
There's so much Rick could rationalize before he no longer had the will to counter how much he wished you were there now to quell the savagery within his best friend.
Carl couldn't care less at this point, as the rage within him seemed to blaze each step closer to the forest. It burned at his eyes, tearing his hands into fists that felt as if their own knuckles may shatter within the grasp.
Rosita had to stop him.
"What?" He initially sneered at her, pushing out of her grip and continuing to stomp forward until he could feel her nipping at his heels.
"Carl, now is not the time to get some kind of revenge, alright? We'll find the fucker, but getting ourselves killed is not going to help. "
Eventually, she got him to sit down and collect himself which consisted of roughly pacing and rubbing his face with his palms in attempt to scrub the hostility right out of him. He wanted to scream, to fucking yell the earth apart because this wasn't fair, none of this was. He was fueled by Daryl's rage.
Carl found it somewhat easier to sit there and allow his teeth to sink into his knuckles while he suppressed tears.
Eugene and Tara had wandered the farthest the fastest, the church began to slowly disappear the deeper they strayed into the density of the trees until there was no distinguishable church at all, or street or houses for that matter.
They were silent the entire way, like speaking would somehow shatter the chances of finding you, safe, sound and alive.
So then when Tara did speak, Eugene nearly jumped.
He halted immediately, his body turning as he looked every which way as if you may suddenly appear behind a tree.
"We should turn around and just make our way back. " She whispered.
That was her biggest concern, because with the route they had taken, any further into the unknown, she knew there were no way to familiarize themselves with where they were.
"Rick said to keep searching til sun down and that's just what I intend to do. " There was an anger in his expression and an agony to his voice that confirmed his intentions were anything but logical.
"Eugene. "
And again his body suddenly felt like it wasn't his, or maybe his bones weren't aligned and he was a puppet, a stranger, someone entirely else.
"Eugene, we won't get anywhere trying to force out this search. Please. The sun is already setting, it's near impossible to see 10 feet ahead and even if we were to press further in the dark, they're-"
She didn't need to finish her sentence to know what she wanted to say, the image was still clear in her mind as if she had just watched the last interaction you'd had with her and Rosita. The absolute dejection you allowed her to see in your eyes, the hesitation and restraint you had felt in giving your hugs. She took one and wrapped herself around you and you didn't dare do more than reciprocate the tightness, afraid to hurt her. As if.
After some minuets, Eugene came to and they turned back.
When they got to the church, Abraham was pacing back and forth, doing circles around the confinements of the holy sanctuary with Judith in his arms.
"Where's Gabriel?" Eugene spoke cautiously, realizing the weight in his voice when he did so.
"He's locked in his office. Said to leave him to rot or somethin'. Not a bad idea, the bastards a fuckin killer. "
Abraham was just as convinced as Daryl. No one asked to elaborate because they somehow knew the moment he did, he'd lose his shit. Like a bomb that's set to a timer, ticking away until it explodes into your ears.
"Find anything?" He asked as Tara slid down the wall she had been leaning against since they returned and brought her legs to her chest. Eugene shook his head at him which made the soldier nod back bitterly.
By day two, Michonne decided to conduct a one man search party for the nights. When the moon came out, she snuck off to the woods and scouted the area she had previously searched, for any evidence that may have been missed on the 1st visitation. Which would prove to cause strife amongst the group when Carl found her out four days later.
"What are you doing?" He challenged harshly as he forced himself into the dark brush behind her with Michonne's body jolting at the abrupt arrival of company.
"Are you crazy?”
The boy wasn't the only person who she'd receive these questions from, Tyrese had found himself wandering her way as well.
"Why would you come out here on your own? Have you lost it?" He griped under his breath, tone laced with disapproval as if the woods had just come to eat them alive.
"Well, what are you doing out here?" She retorted back in a whisper yell with a forceful gesture to the man who was just as armed, just as ready as her.
Her efforts were fruitless, though, and no response was heard, which left her walking the same way she came.
Rick wasn't happy about it.
At first, when Carl appeared through the door in the night, he thought his son was the culprit of the secret night searches, but soon realized what has transpired when he saw Michonne making her way inside.
"Everyone is on edge, alright? Everyone is doing exactly what is expected of them, they have been looking and looking and Michonne, it's about time you pulled your head from your ass and sat down for the night. " Rick had said 5 minuets after they'd settled in the privacy of Judiths room. Their voices were lowered considerably so as not to wake the others, but Rick's tone wasn't anything less than a demand.
"So we should just sit around?" She had, then, the urge to spit at him and remind him that you could be dead in the next second. Gone. Poof.
"We are not–" Rick's voice began to rise in octaves but he took a moment to lower the volume. "We are *not* just sitting around. "
There was an enervation in Rick's stance that Michonne could feel pricking her heart strings. He looked exhausted, absolutely strained.
"He could– he could be in trouble. " Michonne attempted to keep her voice leveled as she looked around in disdain, her lip trembling and Rick saw this, that she could not come to accept the way things were."I can't bury him." She hissed as a tear streamed down her face.
Rick knew exactly the terror Michonne felt in the pit of her gut and he knew that she was seeing the vision of a funeral and everyone in a heavy sweat of depression and rage. A few dead bodies surrounding the fire pit in the woods while everyone circled around you and Daryl cried.
He had already envisioned it all, envisioned the way Glenn would crack at your loss. While Maggie was reduced to hiccups and broken speeches, she had somehow found the strength to collapse to the floor and refuse help.
Bobs face would fall, for once, it would fall and Sasha wouldn't be able to handle the breath leaving her body, clutching Tyrese, who looked just as devastated, to her to bring her solace.
Carol would gasp but it wouldn't matter because no one would hear her over Daryl's sobs, no one would see the way her lips pulled down at the corners and the lines in her face would tighten.
Rick didn't like to think about how he might react. He imagined it be something similar to crazed. But beyond that, he didn't want to picture it.
And what about his son? Carl who hadn't even fully grown yet. Rick couldn't stomach the thought, the sheer utter torment he'd experience watching his sons body begin to wither. He didn't want to know.
You'd been there while he was unconscious in that hospital bed, through every storm, everything, by his side. You were a father to Carl as much as he was and you'd been nothing short of a supporting role to Rick. There's been times when you just drove the both of them off in the car, taking trips to lakes and nearby parks, anywhere that offered a semblance of normalcy.
You'd scout the places out days before, cleaned the place free of Walker's and set up a picnic on the cool greens of grass or tables. Even once or twice when the fire burned out at night or if Carl's blood started to burn so hot, you'd give them a midnight rendezvous, all three of you climbing up a tree or anything that fit the current circumstances in which the group resided.
Rick had to run a hand through his hair and all he could do was grab Michonne by her shoulders, look her forcefully in the eyes and say:
"We are going to find him. And anyone who gets in the way of that will pay. "
Because he wasn't going to accept anything else.
Which is why he didn't stop Tyrese or Daryl or anybody who wanted a chunk out of Gabriel the morning of day eight when he suggested that they move on.
He even went as far as leaving the church entirely, not caring to put aside personal feelings, not caring how he may look. His expression was sour and drained and at this rate, the only thing he cared about was finding you.
He would have no problem burying his tomahawk right into the preachers skull.
Daryl kept watch most of the nights, refusing rest for the past week because every time he tried, he felt as if it were a ploy. He became distressed each time he was reminded you weren't going to walk in and slumber on the floor next to him or Carol. You weren't anywhere.
It pissed Daryl off beyond belief to know there was an actual possibility that you weren't breathing anymore, weren't thinking, feeling.
His anger had to be one of the few things driving him into the same track less search the next day as he pushed through the forest ahead of Rick.
Things were starting to feel all too familiar and he thought he might find you in a barn just the same as Sofia. But you didn't pop out the doors in any walkers veil, you weren't bloodied nor torn apart. There were no traces of anyone or anything in those forests.
You simply disappeared.
And it left them in another night of quiet.
Spoons scraping agaisnt cans, the faint sound of chewing. A tiny droplet of rain hitting a window pane or two.
That was all.
No one spoke, yet they all sat around a room cramped with anxious bodies.
Sasha's leg brushed against her guns outline, her boots rubbed together, her tongue flicked at her teeth and she felt as if her thoughts were vibrating the inside of her skull, riling her from the depths. There was an eerily absence of anything positive, because at this point no one was expecting good news.
Gabriel's execution was more or less inevitable as each of the nights rolled by. There'd be the lingering aura of danger and anticipation due to the preachers remaining presence. But no one ever mentioned it, let alone had the will to.
It was hard to digest the concept of your loss because not a single one of them wanted to bury you, the group preferred to be broken and you had become like an integral part of what bound them.
Food was beginning to dwindle down the line of low and low to nonexistent.
And as they sat there, in silence, there was collective knowing resonating around them that this would be the last night they spent in the church.
Not that anyone dared to speak it, not even Rick, who gazed afar into the burning light of a candle and contemplated.
Carol noticed first, maybe it was her nose, fine tuned for the scent of trouble and like a dog trailing a rabbit, she jumped up with a clatter and darted towards the front door.
But she didn't even get halfway across the church, with Rick trailing closely behind her, along with the others who were all clammering to their feet, when the doors burst open on their own, the cool whip of wind entering the room as the room itself seemed to rise up in temperature.
There, with a trail of blood drops, a scarily dehydrated and filthy body fell into her arms.
It was you.
And the sigh of relief felt as if you breathed the air back into everyones lungs. It reanimated the whole church.
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Carl Gallagher x male reader
Carl flirts with him every chance he gets. But one day the reader flirts back and he freezes up.
When the Tables Turned
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Pairing : Carl Gallagher x M Reader Tags: Flirting, Fluff. Word count : 777 Y/n: Your name  L/n: your last name
It was a typical day in the Gallagher household, a chaotic symphony of mismatched sounds and messy lives. The sun barely peeked through the dirty windows, illuminating the clutter and the occasional flying object that signified a Gallagher squabble. Y/N had been a part of this chaotic world for a while now, friends with Ian, and somehow having found a home amidst the uproar that was the Gallagher family.
Carl Gallagher was a force of nature. He was wild and unpredictable, a spark of energy in the house, always seeking thrills and pushing boundaries. Known for his charming grin and confident swagger, he had made it a habit to flirt with Y/N at every possible moment—joking about their compatibility, bragging about his latest escapades, or simply teasing them with playful banter.
"Hey, Y/N," Carl shouted from across the room one evening, his eyes bright and mischievous. "If you need a partner in crime, you know where to find me. I mean, who wouldn’t want to commit a little friendly arson with me?"
Y/N rolled his eyes, a smile creeping onto his  face. "Sorry, Carl, I have morals. Jury might be out on you, though."
"Oh, come on! I’d only set the house on fire a little bit. Just a tiny blaze. I promise I won’t let you get burned!" he shot back, a twinkle in his eyes, making it hard for Y/N to resist the playful banter.
This was their routine—playful exchanges followed by Carl's relentless charm. It was endearing, in a way. But this time, Y/N felt a wave of courage wash over them. There was something exhilarating about the banter, and maybe they could turn the tables just once.
Days went by, and with each passing moment, Carl continued to flirt with him, seeming to revel in the way he teased back. They knew he liked the attention, and they couldn't help but play along for fun. But ever since Y/N started flirting back, Carl’s confidence began to chip away bit by bit.
One evening, as the chaos in the Gallagher house reached a new level Y/N found Carl alone in the kitchen, raiding the fridge.
“Hey, Carl,” Y/N called, leaning against the door frame with an easy smile. “Looking for something to eat? Or just trying to find another excuse to flirt with me?”
Carl’s head snapped up, caught off guard. His signature smirk faltered for a fraction of a moment. “You know, I was just—uh, checking for snacks. Ever heard of a balanced diet? You can’t have fun on an empty stomach, right?”
Y/N stepped closer, determination bubbling in his chest. “Well, maybe if I promised to keep you fueled, you'd consider taking me to a party sometime. You know, you and I could be the hottest couple that place has ever seen.”
Carl opened his mouth to reply, but words failed him. For the first time, the boy who could charm anyone stumbled over his own tongue. He blinked, his expression flitting between surprise and disbelief. “Wait, what?”
“The hottest couple? You know, it’s a compliment. Imagine the chaos we could wreak together! And I’m sure I could keep you out of trouble. Or, at least, help you look good while getting into it,” Y/N winked, fully feeling the thrill over the boldness of his flirtation.
Carl’s cheeks flushed, and for a moment he forgot how to breathe. The confident, swagger-filled boy who normally thrived under pressure felt like a fish out of water. “Yeah, um…” he stammered, running a hand through his hair, which only added to his charm. “I… I’m down for that. I mean, yeah, party. Sounds cool.”
His usual bravado had vanished, replaced by a bashfulness that sent a strange exhilaration through Y/N’s veins. He enjoyed seeing this side of him — the boy who was invincible suddenly looked almost... vulnerable.
With the atmosphere thick between them, Y/N laughed, stepping a little closer. “So you’ll bring the chaos, and I’ll bring the snacks? Sounds like a plan.”
Carl regained his composure, a soft grin breaking across his face, the glimmer of his usual charm returning in an instant. “Deal. But just remember, if anyone gets burned, it’s not my fault.”
“I'll hold you to that,” Y/N teased, knowing he had somehow shifted the balance of their playful repartee.
With a smirk and a playful shove, he  turned to leave, leaving Carl stammering a little longer in the kitchen, a smile spread across his face as the warmth of the moment sank in.
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ghost-wysteria · 2 years
Y/n: There are over seven goddamn trillion nerves in the human body and somehow SOME people manage to get on every single fucking one of them.
Ron:...why did you look at me..
Carl: you know why ron..
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lilhoeforevanpeters · 11 months
Helping Hand
Carl Grimes x Reader (gender not specified)
Summary: after a long day, you just want to help your boyfriend relax
Warnings: graphic descriptions of sexual activities, Oral (M! receiving), moaning, I'm pretty sure that's it
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You gently knock on his bedroom window, sitting on the flat tiled roof. Carl approaches his window with a slight smile on his face when he sees you. He opens the window and pulls you into his bedroom, kissing your neck softly as he wraps his arms around your waist.
"Hey you," you whisper in his ear as he hugs you and leans down to kiss your neck, and you can feel him smile against it
"Hey. I missed you," He mumbles into your hair, his voice a little hoarse. His arms are around you, creating little to no space between you as he clings onto you. You kiss his cheek gently under his scar.
"You okay?" You ask softly, taking his face into your hands, caressing his scarred cheek. Carl seems withdrawn as he slightly nods his head, not wanting to let go of you.
You can tell your boyfriend just needs a little bit of rest and comfort right now- he needs to be taken care of, and who better to do that than you?
"Carl... honey... come on, sit down, let me take care of you..." You caress his cheek as he sits down on the edge of his bed.
You stand in between his legs and your hands move down to the belt on his jeans, your eyes looking up at his face for approval to continue. He nods and allows you to unbuckle his belt, gently sliding his jeans off, giving you enough room to move aside his underwear.
You lower yourself onto your knees as he sits onto the bed, taking his firm erection in your hand, pumping it lightly before swirling your tongue around the tip- collecting his salty pre-cum.
"Shit, Y/N," Carl moans out quietly, throwing his head back slightly as you continue moving, bringing your lips and mouth up and down his veiny cock. The plush walls of your warm mouth sucking him off arousing him further, making his hips bucking slightly and his fingers entangled in your hair. You're really making a mess out of him.
Carl's dick twitches in your mouth, your hand wrapped around the shaft of his cock, jerking him off as your other hand moves up to cup his balls. With your head bobbing up and down on his hard member, he lets out a shuddering moan, before his impending climax crashes over him- his hot, pearly white release filling your mouth, running down your throat as you swallow his cum.
Carl caresses the side of your face, his mouth slightly agape from his previous orgasam, beads of sweat lining his forehead. He smiles tiredly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"Thank you, sweetie... I needed that..." He whispers softly, pulling you into a hug. Right now, all Carl wanted was to just go to be able to rest stress free with his lover.
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edmetalqueer · 2 years
*!*!* Trans Boyfriend *!*!*
Pair: Carl Gallagher x Trans!Reader.
Genre: Fluff HCS.
Request: How would Carl Gallagher act with an trans bf? thanks :)
WARNINGS; Swearing.
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When finding out he was extremely confused, he thought you identified as a chick first, but then he slowly understood.
He will have tons of questions, he will ask how it felt getting top surgery. (if you had top surgery)
He would of course still love you and respect you.
He will stay up nights reading about trans men and how to be a good boyfriend to a trans partner.
He will ask Ian for tips since Ian dated a trans man in the past. (Trevor my beloved<33)
He tried to write a love letter to you as a sign of how much he supports you, some words were misspelled but he tried.
When you two are in public, he will put on a proud face and hold your hand while walking.
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A/N - Sorry this was short, i ran out of ideas.
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oddnry-silent · 1 year
rlly need requests rn :'<
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rinnyyyyyyyyy · 8 months
so tell me you love me.
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wicked games - the weekend.
you and Carl get high, go into the woods and end up making out, one thing leads to another.
!tw - getting high, public sex & almost getting caught.
carl is 18 and so is reader.
..you were with Daryl, in the woods fucking around, scavenging..."the hells that?" you say, pointing at what looked like a house, you start walking towards it..until daryl grabs your shoulder and tells you to wait before getting in front of you with his crossbow ready to shoot at whatever. you get in side safely, and start rummaging through shit, until, you find some weed, you put it in your pocket. you didn't care wether Daryl saw or not, it's not like he would try to stop you. he knew you were a teenager and would still find one way or another to get your hands on it. "you find anything?" you ask, "....nah, nothin' good here..you?." ..you debated wether you should tell him what you found. "..nah. nothing good over here, either." .you two started walking back to Alexandria.
you were excited to finally be back, you missed your boyfriend, carl. and you genuinely couldn't wait to show him what you found in the woods, you were walking to his house. but on the way you seen his dad, "hey, rick, carl home?", rick looks at you "yeah. he should be there, you gonna go by?".."yeah.. I am" he nods and walks off, you get there and open the door, you start to head up to his room, you open the door and throw the pot on his bed.."you got paper, pookie?" you hear him laugh a bit at that. "well I do have some pretty thin paper? would that work?" he looks at you while holding some pretty thin paper "maybe, Its been awhile since I've done this. we could also use a can, all we need is a lighter but I got one." taking the paper and somehow managing to roll it.
"we should go to the woods, your dad could get here any minute, you know? besides, the house would start smelling." you look at him while licking the joint to make it stick together. "..yeah, sure. my dad would probably kill me if he found out we smoked inside anyway." you hum in response of that. you always thought rick would be more chill about that kinda stuff, considering you ARE in a zombie apocalypse. but once you started dating carl, that changed.
you two were in the woods sitting against a tree smoking away in silence. until carl breaks it. "you used to do this?" he said hitting the joint. "yeah, I used to take daryls cigarettes, until he found out." you laugh a little. "hey, carl." you say, "yeah?", you start to lean in him not noticing because of how high out of his mind he was, until you were right in front of him, both of your noses touching. you leaned in completely until your lips were touching, pulling you onto his lap, he kissed you. after a few seconds you pull back and say, "its still burning. give it here." you take it and turn it off. it hadn't even been a second after you turned it off, and he had you under him, pinned, legs entangled. his knee on top of your crotch area, you grunted when you felt his knee there. "carl!-" you moaned out, not meaning to. he laughed a little "what's wrong..? you were kissing all on me not too long ago." he said, pushing his knee down on him and leaning down to plant small kisses up and down on his neck, his hand running up the other males thigh and side. you'd be lying if you said you didn't like it when he got like this.
after a few minutes of making out and taking off each others pants off you hear something..or was it someone?. carl stops and grabs his knife from his pants next to him not knowing who it was.
until he saw michonne. he threw the knife to the floor with his pants, and got on top of you again. "..wh-" "michonne, don't worry about it. she didn't see us." he grabbed both of your hands and pinned them above your head with one of his hands, giving you a kiss.
"you ready, pretty boy?" as he spoke he was pulling down the waistband of your boxers waiting for you to reply. you gave him a simple nod, but he wanted to hear you. "use your words. I want to hear you." when he said that you took a deep breath. "yeah..im ready." when you said that he took your boxers off, and immediately pushed his middle finger in and started moving it in a circle motion. "Carl!- fuck!" you were whimpering out his name over and over just because of his finger. it made you feel unbelievably pathetic and desperate for his cock to be inside of you. "look at you..you look so pretty like this, baby." after he said that he pushed in a second finger and started stretching you out in a scissoring motion, truthfully, it hurts like a bitch, but it felt so good just because it was him. if it was anyone else you'd hate it.
after he finished stretching you out, he puts his thumb to your chin and taps it, "open, honey." so you do. and when you do he puts his ring and middle finger in, gently rubbing against the males tongue with his fingers. once he got enough spit on his fingers he put some on the males entrance while pulling his own boxers down with the other hand. releasing his hard cock. once he put some on your hole he put what was remaining on his tip and on the rest of him.
once he put the tip in he leaned down so he could kiss you, distracting you from the sting of his cock entering you. once he was halfway in he pulled away from you causing your moans to be louder. tears were starting to form in your eyes, from the sting. once he realized this he keeps going but speeds the process up a little.
"you're gonna be okay, it just hurts now but it'll feel better eventually, okay? just like the other times." he says wiping away any tears you had while you grasp onto leafs and sticks next to you. once he's fully in he looks at you for any sign that it's okay to move, "I'll start moving once you want me to, sound good?", you cant even bring your self to reply, considering what was inside of you at the moment. but once you felt like it was alright to move, you nodded. "you can.. you can start."
once he starts moving he starts off slow and gentle. him being settled on top your body, his hands at the side of your thighs, kissing and biting your collarbone. your hands scratching and clawing at his back, while your a moaning and whimpering mess. "cum with me, okay? be my good boy and cum with me." he says with little grunts here and there.
the slow and gentle pace didn't last long, he started being faster and rougher with you, your hands still scratching up his back because he's fucking into you so good that you can't think straight, you can't even make a sentence. all you can do is moan his name and be a perfect little stuttering mess for him.
as soon as you feel that familiar knot and uncomfortable feeling your back arches, and you grab onto his hair as if you're trying to tell him something, but it seems that's what it took to make him go over the edge. almost as soon as he came inside of you, you came on his stomach.
on your way back to Alexandria, you see Rick. waiting for you at the gates.
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