#carla ander
nostalgicninjas · 9 months
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Elite Dynamics: Guzman Nunier Osuna & Marina Nunier Osuna
You want me to tell you what Marina was like? Marina was light. Marina was . . . one of those people you meet on a Monday and . . . you want to look in the face because you know her smile will brighten your day.
Mencia reminds me of my sister. She was smart, rebellious, very passionate. . . and she was also special.
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Caught In The Middle - Valerio Montesinos x Muñoz!Reader
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Gif not mine. Credits to the rightful owner.
Fandom: Elite
Pairing and other characters mentioned: Valerio Montesinos x Reader, Ander Munoz x Reader, Guzman Nunier, Lu Montesinos, Samuel Garcia, Carla Roson, Cayetana Grajera, Omar Shanaa
Summary: You are Ander's twin sister and have recently started dating Valerio. However, Ander doesn't approve of your relationship, and when an incident takes place during a party, he warns Valerio to stay away from you. {Requested}
Word count: 1781
Trigger warning: alcohol and substance abuse, attempted sa, violence, cursing
A/N: I'm noticing a lack of Elite fanfiction here on Tumblr, which I'm not very happy about. Please, feel free to send in requests, my loves.
“Out of all the boys in Las Encinas, you really had to sleep with this degenerate,” your brother’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. “Excuse me?” you questioned in disbelief. Normally, Ander would keep his opinions to himself- it wasn’t like him to intervene with your personal life- but it wasn’t like you to keep things from him either.
Ander took a deep breath. “When were you going to tell me?” he asked. You frowned, unsure of how you should respond. “Tell you what?” you replied, trying to buy yourself more time to think of an excuse.
Your twin rolled his eyes. “About you and Valerio. I had to find out from Omar, for God’s sake!”
You felt the blood on your face painting your cheeks red. It was obvious you couldn’t hide the truth from your brother any longer. “Look, cariño, I’m sorry,” you said softly. “I didn’t mean to keep it from you. I just didn’t know how to tell you.”
Ander’s expression softened. “Y/N, you’re my twin sister. You know you can always confide in me, right?”
“I know how much you dislike him,” you murmured. Ander picked up on the fact you avoided eye contact, and took a seat next to you on your bed. His wrapped his arm around your shoulder carefully, and pulled you closer to him.
“I don’t dislike Valerio,” he sighed, “I just don’t think he’s good for you.”
Ander had a valid point. Valerio had a reputation for being a troublemaker, and his involvement with drugs and partying was well-known around the school. Despite all that, you couldn’t help the way you felt about him.
“I understand what you’re saying, cariño,” you said, “but I just hope you can accept my choise.”
Ander took a deep breath before responding. “I will always support you, Y/N, no matter what. Just, promise me one thing.”
There was a moment of silence before he continued, during which you felt your heart pounding on your chest. “Promise me you’ll be careful, and that you’ll come to me if you ever need anything.”
You felt a wave of graditute wash over you as you hugged your brother tightly. “Thank you, Ander,” you breathed. “I promise.”
As you swallowed the sixth vodka shot, you felt like your soul was elevating heavenwards. The sweet taste of gummy bears mixed with alcohol burned your throat and made you feel euphoric- like the world was still there, but for the moment, it didn't have you by the throat.
“You’re breathtaking tonight, Y/N,” Valerio whispered, his lips brushing over your exposed collarbone. You giggled and tittled your head slightly to the side, placing a soft kiss on his neck. “I could say the same thing,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
As the alcohol continued to flow through your veins, you started to feel lightheaded. The room around you spun in dizzying circles, and you struggled to keep your balance. Valerio noticed your unsteady movements and reached out to steady you, his hand gripping your arm tightly.
“Y/N, you okay?” he questioned. Even though you couldn’t hear his voice clearly enough, you could see the concern etching on his face. You tried to nod, but the room spun even faster, and you felt like you might be sick.
“I don’t feel so good,” you mumbled, your words slurring together. Valerio’s grip on your arm tightened, and he led you to a nearby couch, sitting you down carefully.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he reassured you, kissing you softly on the forehead. “I’ll go get you some water.” And with that, he disappeared into the crowd.
A few moments went by, and your dizziness only got worse.
Suddenly, you felt a hand on your thigh, and you looked up to see a stranger leering at you. You tried to push him away, but your limbs felt heavy and uncooperative.
“Come with me, sweetheart,” he slurred, his breath hot and stale against your face. You tried to scream, but no sound came out, and the darkness swallowed you whole.
It didn’t take long for Valerio to return to the crowded living room, clutching a bottle of water in his hand. He searched for you in the sea of faces, and when he realized you were nowhere to be seen, he felt his heart skip a beat. As panic set in, he scanned the room once again. He spotted Samuel and Guzman chatting in a corner, and quickly approached them.
“Guys, have you seen Y/N?” he asked with a slightly shaken voice.
Guzman and Samuel exhanged a puzzled glance. “No, we haven’t seen her. Why?” Samuel replied. Valerio felt his heart sinking to his stomach, and his eyes darted the room for familiar faces one more time. He didn’t bother replying to Samuel before rushing to Lu and Carla.
“Lu, have you seen Y/N? I can’t find her anywhere.”
Lu shook her head. “No, sorry. We've been dancing together for the past hour.”
Valerio’s concern slowly evolved into fear. His mind conjured up horrifying scenarios, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that he had failed to protect you.
“Val, what’s going on?” Lu questioned, visibly concerned.
Valerio took a deep breath, trying to compose himself before explaining the situation. “It’s all my fault,” he murmured, the words weighing heavy on his chest.
“What’s going on?” asked Guzman, arriving at the scene along with Samuel, drawn in by the commotion.
“We can’t find Y/N,” Carla spoke up. The sense of urgency in her voice was palpable.
Guzman’s expression remained stoic as he tried to assess the situation. “Have you tried calling her?” he asked Valerio.
“I did just now. It’s going straight to voicemail,” Lu interjected.
Guzman's mind raced as he tried to piece together what had happened. "Vale. Where's Ander and Omar?" he questioned, his tone serious and firm. “They went to get some drinks, they should be back any minute now.”
“We have to split up and search for her. She must be somewhere in the house,” Carla said, taking charge of the situation. “I’m texting Ander to check the pool and the back yard. Me and Lu will go see if her car is still in the driveway, and you guys head upstairs.”
The group nodded in agreement, and quickly dispersed to search for any signs of you.
Guilt washed over Valerio in waves, threatening to drown him as he imagined the worst. He mentally cursed himself for ever letting you out of his sight, for not being more careful, for not protecting you like he should have.
“Cayetana, have you seen Y/N?” Samuel asked, desperation creeping into his voice. “Si, I saw her and Gabriel going to the attic. She seemed a bit disoriented,” the blonde replied, taking a sip of her drink.
“What? Why didn't you say something earlier?" Guzman snapped, his anger rising at the thought of you being in danger.
"I didn't think anything of it," Cayetana replied defensively, sensing the tension in the air.
“Puta madre!”
Without another word, the three of them raced up to the attic, their hearts pounding in their chests. As they opened the door, they saw you huddled in the corner, shaking with fear. And there, hovering above you, was Gabriel, a sinister smile on his face.
"Ugh, merda. I was just starting to have some fun with your girlfriend."
Guzman and Samuel stepped forward, flanking Valerio on either side as they faced off against Gabriel. Valerio's eyes flashed with anger as he noticed your bruised arms and bloodied shirt. "What the fuck did you do to her, cabron?" he growled, his voice low and menacing.
“I didn’t-” Gabriel didn’t get a chance to reply, as Guzman’s chuckles met with his mouth. “You are gonna pay for this, joder!” he screamed. Gabriel’s feet stumbled, as he held his arms up in defense. “I swear, I didn’t do anything. I was just messing around.”
“Just messing around?” Valerio growled, feeling his blood boiling. “Valerio, por favor,” Samuel whispered, grabbing him before he had the chance to hit him as well. “She needs you.”
Meanwhile, you were still curled up in the corner, shaking violently. You tried resisting the urge to throw up, but the mix of alcohol and the metal taste of blood in your mouth weren’t much help. You cried out, in a desperate attemp to capture someone’s attention, but nobody seemed to had heard you.
You were well aware that Valerio and Guzman would never let Gabriel get away with this. The sounds of fists hitting flesh, the screams of your friends, and the shattering of glass all seemed to blend together into one sickening cacophony. Your heart was racing, and you felt like you were going to pass out any moment.
“Guzman, Valerio, eso es suficiente!” Lu screamed, hurriedly entering the attic. Carla, Ander, Omar and Cayetana followed close behind.
Ander and Carla wasted no time rushing next to you. “Y/N, what happened?” Carla asked. Her voice was slow and steady, but you could tell she was struggling to keep her composure.
You took a deep breath. The air, however, didn’t reach the bottom of your lungs. You felt like you were suffocating.
“Call an ambulance, now!” Ander demanded. And, for the second time tonight, darkness swallowed you.
“I don’t want you near my sister ever again. You've been nothing but trouble lately, and I don't want her getting caught in the middle of it."
Valerio took a final drag out of his cigarette. "What are you talking about? Tonight wasn’t my fault- I didn’t do anything wrong."
"Maybe not intentionally," Ander replied firmly, "but you've been a bad influence on her."
Valerio sighed. “I guess I don’t have much of a choice, do I? At the end of the day, you never liked me.”
Ander watched as Valerio walked down the hospital corridor, feeling hurt and confused. He had never meant to cause any harm to you, and he couldn’t deny that he felt a deep sense of loss now that he couldn't be near you anymore. He knew that Ander was only looking out for his sister, and he respected that. Maybe someday, you could all be friends again, but for now, he would have to stay away.
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carladuquette · 3 months
I warned y’all abt the nostalgia 😂 @dhyanshiva said Bring it on, and here we are lol. Elite had many extremely shippable characters and whatever you can say abt the writing, they did GREAT w the chemistry casting. I mean, more than one of these couples ended up together irl for a while. But this is abt the characters, not the actors! Choose wisely
Every vote matters! Literally. I don’t have that many followers and the fandom is small, so yours might be the only vote for your fav ship 🤣
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mytvjunk · 1 year
Elite has been renewed for Season 8 at Netflix with original cast member Mina el Hammani set to return as Nadia.
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bluboi-365 · 1 year
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Elite (2018 - ) created by Carlos Montero & Darío Madrona
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glitxhy-b0yy · 10 months
I posted a Dead Island 2 as vines video on YouTube, so anyone who wanted DI2 as vines should go check it out 👀👀 It does have spoilers for the game tho so you'll want to wait until you've finished the game (if you haven't already) before playing it! Also reccomend knowing most if not all of the NPCs since it's there's a *lot* of vines as the NPCs :]
Also here, take a picture of Michael for your travels
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munchiezxx · 2 years
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friendship delegation ‼️‼️ fun day off where definitely nobody is arguing ‼️‼️
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bonobochick · 2 years
Elite S5 and S6 thoughts... 💭
Guznadia remains my top #Elite ship after watching Elite S5 + S6 recently.  (Je refuse regarder S4 avec Guzman mais sans Nadia plus on m'a dit que c'était ennuyeux). I also missed Ander. Meh on Omar cause I could never forget & forgive how he disrespected Nadia re: Malik with no remorse. Meh on Samu. Yes on Rebe. Yes on Patrick. Hmmm on Ari. Eh on Mencia. 
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After watching Elite 5 + Elite 6 recently, I'm digging Patrick/Ivan & Ari/Nico. Not a shipper (yet?) of either pairing but they're the most interesting of those 2 seasons. 
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I like Didac & Rocio (We need Elite to give Rocio a man who doesn't hate Black women as trash ass Bilal does 😤). Isa is ok. 
I honestly was uninterested by most of S5 that didn’t revolve around Ari/Ivan/Patrick/Cruz so I started skipping over things not part of that 4some by the end of ep 3.
Cruz's death in Elite S6 hit harder after I went back and finally watched Elite S5 Ari/Ivan/Patrick/Cruz storyline. Cruz was messy AF for getting involved with the boy his son is in love with but he did try to rectify things (tho Cruz slipped up in S6 by kissing Patrick ). It was a horrible to watch his death. 
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shujubeelamoglia · 2 years
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Season 6
Behind the Scenes
Coming to Netflix November 18th
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lunar-l-ust · 7 months
So I watched the first 3 seasons of elite , loved Omander and samucarla ( especially if we add in rebe ?? ) BUT I watched one episode of season 4 and got the tingles of "I don't like where this is going " ? It's actually interesting how omander seem to love eachother so much but they're kinda bad for eachother...anyway , I'm trying to say I would watch ELITE grown up first gen ...like time-skip but fix-it without cheating nonsense ? I'll take the murders if I must TT~TT
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smuganya · 2 years
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i would love for someone that’s never seen elite to tell me which of these actors they think is supposed to be her twin and which is supposed to be her love interest
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nostalgicninjas · 9 months
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Elite Dynamics: Carla Rosón Caleruega & Ander Muñoz
Listen, if you need anything, anything at all . . . I mean, I’m not going to shave my hair off for moral support, but if you need anything else . . .
Thank you.
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carladuquette · 9 months
It's the most wonderful time of the year// Ch. 5
Another entry (a fluffy one!) in this Elite holiday series. The whole gang ends up at Ander's for Christmas after various family disasters.
"Hey." Guzman sounded… stressed? That almost never happened, unless it was about- "Marina! Are you trying to get run over? Fucking hell!"
Ander heard a car honk. Then Guzman was back on the phone. "Sorry. I realize this weird, but do you think we could come over? Marina and my parents were fighting, it kind of… escalated and I figured the best thing would be to get her out of there." 
"Let me check with my mom." Ander headed back toward the kitchen when something occurred to him. "Wait, are you already on your way?"
There was a beat, then: "We're almost there."
Happy birthday here, too, @lyl-26 🥳
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boomgers-poster · 2 years
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Élite · Temporada 6
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helianthus21 · 4 months
everyone in elite (tv) who simply left was so right
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Ander Herrera with Isabel, Daniela and Carla celebrating the Copa del Rey 2024 title 🏆⚽
photo: Ander Herrera via Instagram
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