#carlisle cullen x virgin!reader
Um, if you’re taking Twilight requests, what about Edward lying about being a virgin and having never loved anyone before Bella? A past vampire lover shows up out of the blue and is upset that Edward has moved on? Maybe they separated because she didn’t want to do the vegetarian diet? But then she changed her mind because she was lonely and missed Edward. So she shows up asking the Cullens to let her join and teach her the diet in the hopes she and Edward can get back together. Carlisle can’t turn her away (maybe he turned her after Edward) and so she stays but it’s awkward for everyone. So you have this love triangle with the ex, Edward, and Bella. But Bella also still has her thing with Jacob lol. So it’s kind of a love square. And Bella feels insecure about this new woman showing up and it puts a strain on the relationship with Edward and the Cullens.
I just find it hard to believe Edward didn’t have an interest in anyone at all in 80+ years after being turned. It would really suck being the only single in a house of couples.
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Pairing(s): Edward Cullen x Vampire!Reader, Edward Cullen x Bella Swan, Jacob Black x Bella Swan
Warnings: love square, mentions of blood (human and animal), hurt feelings, cheating?, longing, both bella and edward are sexually frustrated lol, past relationships mentioned, might be a two parter 🤷🏽‍♀️
Words: 2761
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He can't help but think of her when the smell of jasmine filled the air. Bringing him back to a moment in time that he saved specifically to reminisce on when Edward found himself alone. He could practically feel the gentle breeze tousle his bronze hair. Her laugh ringing in his ears as clear as church bells. The only thing that ruined the memory was recalling the smear of red on her smiling face. Red of human blood.
Pulling himself out of his revery, Edward realizes that he'd been sitting at the piano for a possible hour, staring off as he dissociated. He hadn't thought of her in a while.
Must have to do with Bella's new perfume. It reminds him of-
The pinging of his phone has him sharply inhaling, abruptly remembering the physical world he's almost rudely thrown out of his own mind.
Bella's name shows up on his screen. That's right, he's supposed to be picking her up for a date in five minutes.
Edward scratches his head, pondering how long he'd exactly been there.
Quickly dashing to his keys, Edward is out the door in seconds. Dwelling in the past served him no purpose. His life was finally starting to move forward.
Well, there were a few halts along the way. Mainly one that went by the name of Jacob Black. A massive thorn in his side.
Damn it all that Bella even reciprocated the mongrel's feelings, despite her protesting. No doubt Bella loved Edward, that still didn't mean she didn't love Jacob too.
Perhaps that was why he was thinking so much about her as of late.
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The lights in your hotel room are all turned off. Didn't matter if they were on. Your vision was clear either way as they watched the subtle movement of shadows cast by what little light streamed in through the blinds.
Your dinner lay still on the bed next to you. Nutrients drained from it. Usually you tried not to make a mess when you ate. If you had enough time in the day (also if your prey was easy on the eyes) you'd work on a way not to kill them. Only take a bit of their blood then dash off while they slept. Nothing too gruesome, though they probably question the healing slit on their wrist when they awoke the next morning.
Tonight, unfortunately, took a different tone. An atypical type of desperation filled you to the brim, screaming at you to consume every part of the man who you had your teeth sunk in. You wanted to rip him to shreds and actually eat the meat that clung to his bones. It terrified even you.
You sigh and finally withdrew yourself to the bathroom. There was work to be done. The blood on your face dried a long time ago.
What were you even doing with your immortal life?
Day in, day out, everything felt the same. Especially the gaping loneliness you'd been feeling.
In your beginning days of immortality, you'd quite enjoyed it. You discovered all sorts of new things you could do with your powerful new body. And you liked discovering them with Edward.
Back then it was just the four of you for the longest time: you, Edward, Carlisle and shortly after Esme. Then you and Edward went off together on your own for a couple of years.
You wished you and Edward had never strayed from Carlisle. At the end of it, you realized that you didn't want to go back. You wanted to feast on human blood and not shy away your power.
Young and dumb, that's what you thought of your past self now. Decades later and you were now seeing the repercussions of your actions come to light.
You missed having a mate to travel the world with. Someone to turn to late at night to keep you company. You miss Edward's gentle caresses that coaxed your attention his way.
The blood of humans wasn't worth it anymore.
Losing track of how many years it had been since you checked your private PO box, you honestly weren't anticipating anything. The only one who knew about it was Carlisle. He'd begged for some form of contact information before you split from his coven. Fatherly responsibility was the root of it. His second vampiric creation.
A part of you is delighted to find two slim envelopes collecting dust. The first one was dated over a decade ago. They'd been in Alaska apparently and met other vegetarian vampires. Most recent one only several weeks old. In this one he gave you an exact address in Washington.
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You stare at Carlisle's hand writing. Getting choked up, you put the letters in your bag. It was quite the journey you had ahead of you to get to Forks.
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In the blink of an eye, Edward leaps away from Bella at the feel of her fingers digging into his shirt in an attempt to deepen the kiss. They'd been playing this push and pull game for some time now.
"Bella-" He sighs in exasperation and runs a hand through his tousled hair.
Bella's brows furrow in return, a pout rising on her lips as she sits back on her bed again but at a distance. She'd heard him repeat himself so many times about being careful with her. How she's so fragile compared to him. Like she didn't already know of her delicate mortal body. Just a few months ago James nearly broke every bone in her body.
"I know!" She hadn't meant to sharply snap at him. Edward was just trying to protect her like he always did. A steady exhale flares through her nose as she rests her head against the back board of her bed. He constantly left her craving more of his touch.
Like any man, Edward desired physical contact. With Bella that desire was too much. Too dangerous. The forbidden fruit that Edward must resist by any and all costs.
The first and last girl he'd taken to bed was. . .
What he could never tell Bella was that he wasn't a virgin like he had told her. After all, he had been alive for decades. Being a virgin for that long was implausible.
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He traced where the golden rays of the sun hit your skin. In the presence of light, your skin reflects like a million sparkling stars. You're trying to fix the headboard of your bed that both of you broke during your love making.
"We can just buy a new one." Edward chuckles, his fingers run up your bare spine causing you to shiver. The headboard wasn't the only thing both of you accidentally demolished. Bedsheets were torn to shreds, feathers from the pillows dusted your hair, even the mattress creaked ominously.
Your brows are creased in a small pout. "I hope this doesn't happen every time we have sex."
At your words, Edward felt something in his stomach unfurl and warm. Happy to hear that this wouldn't be the last time he got to touch you.
When you catch him staring, your frown turns up into a coy smile. "What're you looking at?"
"Obviously. But why?" You ask that like you weren't still naked as the day you were born.
He coaxes you back into his arms, little resistance from your part as you rest your head against his chest. "Because you're painfully beautiful."
Edward wasn't just buttering you up. When he said that, there was undeniable warmth and adoration that dripped from his tone. He was smitten. You'd never had any man regard you in such a way that made you feel vulnerable. You trusted Edward with your most vulnerable self.
He smirks when he reads your thoughts. Gently, he tilts your head back so that he can capture your lips.
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After you, Edward thought he'd never fall in love again. Not as intensely as he had with you.
Bella came extremely close. But because she was human, Edward was limited in how he can show his affection. Even holding her hand, Edward had to reign in his supernatural strength. The slightest amount of his real strength could break her entire hand.
Without reading her thoughts, he could feel her annoyance and frustration. She desperately wanted to take things to the next level like any healthy teenager would. Bella desired to experience the physical aspects of their relationship. Were he human or even like Jacob. . . Edward would be more than happy to let himself fall into his temptations.
That just wasn't so.
The drive back home was a silent one as Bella stared out the window. As of late her attempts to get intimate in him were becoming more and more frequent. Along with her desire for Edward to change her into a vampire. He didn't want to change her just because it would make their relationship easier. That was still a last case scenario that he kept in the back of his mind. She didn't view her humanity the way Edward and his family did. It wasn't something to carelessly throw away. None of them had a choice in the matter. All were on the brink of death when Carlisle turned them. They would not have willingly given up their mortality.
Edward tried multiple times to convey this to Bella. It would go in one ear and out the other. Normally Edward didn't mind stubborn women. You were as stubborn as a bull during arguments. The two of you literally butting heads to get your point across. Those arguments never mattered in the end. There'd only been one argument that truly tore the two of you apart. Your very last argument.
Getting within a five mile radius of the Cullen house, Edward nearly slams the brakes of the car when he listens to the minds of those in the house. One whom he couldn't quite believe he was hearing.
Bella felt the swerving of the car. She glances at Edward with concern. "A-Are you okay?"
His grip tightened on the wheel, the flimsy material bends under his fingers.
He was hearing YOUR thoughts.
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Esme refused to let you out of her hug.
Helplessly, you glance around the room; your gaze landing on a smiling Carlisle.
"Welcome home." His smile is heard in his words.
Finally Esme pulls back, her hands flying to your face to turn it this way and that. "Have you been eating enough? Oh look at your clothes. Alice, can you get her some new clothes?" You notice how her face flinches with nervousness when her gold eyes meet your red ones.
"I'm fine, Esme." You giggle and lower her hands away from your face to give them a reassuring squeeze.
"Clearly. Look at her eyes. She's been feeding on human blood." Rosalie needlessly points out. Yeah, you didn't really miss her. You had no idea what her mate saw in her besides the pretty face. Emmett was a bear of a man with the personality of a stuffed animal. You hadn't yet met Alice, Jasper or Emmett. When you left it was only Carlisle, Edward, Esme, Rosalie and you.
"I know that'll have to change if I want to live here again." You murmur defensively. "I'm ready now. Human blood isn't worth being alone anymore."
Esme's smile beams and once again she smothers you in a bear hug.
"Esme, give her some space. We don't want to scare her off." Carlisle pats his wife on her shoulder. Even Carlisle couldn't stop smiling. He'd sent that letter so long ago that he doubted you'd even read it.
"By the way. . . Where's Edward?" You curiously ask. Everyone appeared to be home except the one face you really wanted to see.
Instantly the room goes deadly silent.
Carlisle grimaces and glances at his wife who was equally unsure of how to tell you. "There's something you need to know."
Your eyebrow quirks up. "Oh?"
He couldn't continue. The door swings open. No one had heard the sound of Edward's car entering the driveway or heard his hurried steps up the porch.
When the two of you lock eyes, the rigidness of his frame slackens and his honey eyes glisten with that same fondness he'd always had for you. He breathes out your name like it's a sacred phrase. You were even more beautiful to him standing there than the day he'd lost you.
You feel it to. That instant pull of your heart as it attempts to escape from your chest to jump at Edward. Your entire body vibrates with the intense urge to be close to him.
You would have run to him. Had it not been for the human girl at his side.
The rose tint your world had taken on faded in that moment to reveal the drabness of this brunette that stuck to his side. Her own brown eyes wavering in your presence.
Now highly conscious of Bella's existence next to him, Edward hastily makes introductions. "Um, Bella, this is (y/n). (y/n), this is. . . Bella."
Alice groans. "Way to go Ed."
"What's going on?" Timidly asked Bella who was still staring at you. She didn't like the way you and Edward had stared at one another like star-crossed lovers come together again. Bella hated how he'd said your name with such veneration. For so long Bella possessed Edward's sole attention. She was loathe to relinquish any of it.
Jasper and Emmett averted their eyes from the train wreck that was occurring.
Being blunt as usual, Rosalie steps in. "They used to date too."
Bella's eyes widen and with an expression of betrayal flicks to Edward. "Date?"
"Well, probably more than simple dating from the sounds that would come out of their room." Rosalie's tone was that of boredom. This was old news to her but new news to Bella. News that shattered her perception of everything around her.
"Rosalie!" Edward snaps at her.
She rolls her eyes. "Everyone was taking way too damn long in saying anything. What? Doesn't Bella deserve to know?" Rosalie looks at you while pointing a finger between Edward and Bella. "They're dating now."
"Yeah, I kinda got that." You glare at the blonde who was unaffected by the daggers thrown at her. Really, you were angry with the human girl. A human with the man you'd called your mate for so long. Jealousy licks the walls of your stomach like white hot flames.
Edward stands in front of Bella. "You're the one who left me." He whispers but everyone can hear it.
Bristling, you turn your back on the two and back to your adoptive father. "Where did you say my room was?"
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"You told me you never had sex before!!" Bella can't help the shaky quality of her voice. Anger and hurt overwhelmed her. Tears bubble along her lower lashes. She keeps as far away from Edward as possible. "What else haven't you told me? O-Or lied to me about?"
"And you still love her! No! Don't try to deny it. I heard you say her name when you first saw her. Everyone did Edward!" Maybe that was the worst part of it. That Edward still held a flame for you. She had so many questions. How long was it after their separation did Edward meet Bella? Why weren't they still together? Clearly you were staying if you'd asked Carlisle where your room was. For how long?
Did you intend to take Edward from her? Would you hurt her?
"I shouldn't have lied to you. I'm sorry, Bella." And he was. Edward never thought you'd come back to him after all those years apart. Boy he was royally fucked though.
Because he was still in love with you. That much was evident. The knowledge of you being just down the hall was driving him crazy. Something deep inside of him was begging to be with you.
Meanwhile on your end of the hallway, you're doing the best you can to not break everything in your room. He was right. Damnit he was right. You were the one to leave. Unable to accommodate to the vegetarian lifestyle. You gave up Edward for the high that human blood offered you. It would be unfair to expect Edward to pine for you. You should've taken into thought that maybe he'd moved on.
The backs of your eyes burned with the urge to cry. Unable to produce tears, all you can do is wrap yourself in blankets and let the dark swallow you whole.
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zmxchs · 2 years
I hope this is ok to ask for! Basically it's your first time with Carlisle! (Can be human or new vampire I don't mind!) It is your first time with everything even kissing, hickeys, org*sm etc. You are super nervous and Carlisle is the consent king. Hes super gentle and walks you through everything. Can add things like pinning against the wall 😉
First Time
Pairing: SoftDom!Carlisle x Inexperience!Reader
Warnings: virgin reader, soft sex fingering, praising, etc
Request: Yes. ^^Above in ask^^ @lillybearblog
Note**Has been re-written bc there has been claims that i copied another blog even though i did not**
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You and Carlisle have been seeing each other for a little while now, you were inexperienced in everything when it came to a intimate relationship.
Yes, you have had one or two relationships now and then but none that got that far.
You were layed on Carlisle chest just basking in the quietness of the house. All of Carlisle's adopted children were out doing their own things, which doesnt happen often.
"Carlisle" you say breaking the silence. He hums in response.
"I think I am ready." You say looking up to him. He looks at you eye brow raised.
"Are you sure doll?" he asked slightly concerned, yet held a wanting for it as well. He couldn't deny that he thinks about intimate moments with you quite often. He always wants to ravish you, but he always stops himself, never wanted to make you feel uncomfrotable.
You sit up, sliding onto his lap, leading Carlisle to have to stiffle a groan. You were always able to turn him on, without even meaning it. With a slightly confident face nodding you head "Yes I'm sure."
Your gaze switches between his pretty brown eyes and his plush pink lips, the sudden need to taste again was surprising more intense in the situation. Carlisle, who always seems to know anything thats going on your mind, tilts your head up before and closes the distance between you, his lips capturing yours in a soft kiss.
You tasted like grapefruit and white wine. He tasted like blood and lemon. To taste that when it came to you two tasted amazing.
You feel like your head is spinning, your whole body stiffening from above, of course this kiss was different than the others you shared. All of a sudden your mind catches up with you and the thought of inexperience flooding your mind and so you quickly pull away from his soft touch, even though it's the last thing you wanted too do.
Kissing him was always something you loved but this time it also made you nervous
Carlisle seems concerned, looking up at you with his eyebrows slightly curved, questioning if your intents have changed, just by reading your actions. Of course if they had changed he would not contine, but would have to go take a cold shower.
"Im nervous Carl." You whimber out
"Shh, darling. It's okay.I promise. Im here to help you through everything" he says again running his thumb over your cheek until the fear in your slowly goes away.
You nod your head telling him he can contuine.
He flips you over gently so he is hovering over you. He tilts you head again for better access before he slowly closes the gap between your lips, kissing you just as gently as before, waiting for you to catch up on his movements.
You rest your on the bed not knowing were to put them while he snakes an arm around your waist to pull you closer, making you melt in his arms.
You soon realize how to move your lips against his to avoid clashing teeth and the kiss grow a bit hungrier. You find yourseld pressing yourself against his frame more prominently, begging for more stimulation.
He breaks the kiss and then he buries his face in the crook of your neck, leading kisses down your burning skin probaly leaving brusies. The new sensation making you body shiver and smalls moans leaving your mouth.
"Look at you, darling. So eager for my touch," he murmurs, before he sinks his teeth into your shoulder, biting you gently, making you whine out his name his fangs in you making the pleasure so much more intense, which only turns him more.
He keeps peppering your skin with kisses and nibbles, turning you into a puddle in his arms, your head tilted back to allow him more access as your fingers tug on his dark hair, spurring him on.
You feel the heavy warmth of arousal pool in your panties, filling your mind with the same want that's been tormenting you for a while, the need to let him have your way with you.
"Baby, please," you whimper arching your back into him, making him let out a soft grunt.
You can feel his erection rub against your thigh, a sign that he wants you, needs you, just as much as you need him.
"What do you want, baby?" He murmurs against the shell of your ear before sucking a soft mark right underneath it, forcing you to hold back a whine.
"Y-you. I want you, Carl," you let out, cupping both of his cheeks to bring his lips to yours, the taste of him on your tongue getting way too addictive.
He grunts against you, your actions surprising him, but he soon catches up with you, his hand running to the back of your thigh so he can hike it up, wrapping it around his waist, allowing him access to your dripping core. He immediately starts rocking his hips against yours, making you break the kiss with a moan as your head falls against his shoulder.
"Does it feel good, darling?" He asks and all you're able to do is nod, the delicious friction of his clothed cock against your sensitive clit turning you into a hot mess.
"Schatz please" you whine softly, grasping on his shoulders, bunching up his white shirt in your hands as if that could save you.
"Please what darling" he groans out
"M-more," you whisper, knowing that even though this feels amazing, it's not enough to make you cum.
He dreamed so much of having you like this, his to ruin, his to break and now he has you and it's better than he ever anticipated. He didn't know it would be so easy to get you so cock-drunk even before the real thing happened but here he is, with you on the palm of his hand, begging him for more. And that's exactly what he's about to give you.
"What exactly do you want, darling?" He asks, pulling your head from his shoulder gently to force you to look at him.
Your pupils are blown out, your lower lip puffy from how hard you've been biting on it, your body fluttering with every roll of his cock against your tender pussy, the sight alone making him groan out your name, his cock twitching in his pants.
"I- I want- f-fingers," you sigh out in defeat, sinking your nails into his back as you buckle your hips into his.
"Anything for you, my good girl," he murmurs, planting a kiss to your temple before he lets your head fall forward to rest on his shoulder again.
You whine at the small praise, delighted to be called his, which makes Carlisle smile softly as he sucks another mark to your exposed shoulder.
He slowly runs his fingers over your side and down over your tummy to the hem of your cute pink panties, tugging on the waistband and letting it hit your skin, making you whimper.
You're so fucking wet that he fails to suppress the groan that leaves him as he runs his digits over your slippery folds, making your breath hitch in your throat, your lower belly clenching.
"Baby, please," you whine and he tuts at you, pressing a kiss to the mark he left on your shoulder.
"Don't worry, baby," he mumbles, sliding his fingers between your folds, making you gasp.
He spreads your slick all the way to your puffy clit, pressing two fingers against it and he starts drawing lazy circles that make your eyes roll back into your skull as a whimper of his name leaves your lips. You struggle to to keep your legs spread wide on the bed, you were already sinking into the bed.
"You like that, baby?" He asks, picking up a bit quicker pace that turns your body into mush.
You moan, nodding your head softly as you claw on his shoulders, the knot in your abdomen slowly tightening as a promise of an orgasm that sends shivers of excitement through your entire body.
"I- I- Carl," you whine, slowly rolling your hips against him to chase the building pleasure, making him chuckle.
His sweet girl is all cock drunk on already
"What, darling? Are you gonna cum?" He asks, quickening his movements, making your head fall back, your lips parting in bliss as you still cling to him for dear life.
"In-inside. I wanna- wanna feel y-you," you manage to put together, your voice breathy and high as your body trembles with pleasure.
He slides his fingers from your swollen clit to your wet hole, not hesitating a second before he pushes one finger inside. He curls it against your warm walls, while he keeps rolling your clit underneath his thumb. His fingers are so much thicker than yours, making you already feel full as your pussy clenches on him.
"Fuck," He breaths out, panting at how much he's trying to stop himself from rubbing his cock against your thigh but you're so freaking soft and warm and tight, making him painfully hard.
Arching your back as he strokes especially good spot inside of you, making you moan. He groans, attaching his lips to the crook of your neck to add more marks to those that already paint your skin. You whimper, thrusting your hips against his hand, making him grunt.
He slips another finger inside of you, stretching you out, making you whine, your pussy griping him, eliciting a curse from his lips.
“That’s it, baby,” he mumbles as he starts thrusting his digits in and out of you, making your thighs tremble, your toes curling as the pleasure in your lower belly growing, ready to burst.
“I- I’m close, schatz” you whisper, arching your back into him as he keeps abusing that sweet spot deep inside you that makes you see stars.
“Cum for me, darling” He asks, his heavy hot breath dancing over your collarbone and you nod with a hum, sinking your fingers into his soft hair.
All it takes are a few more strokes and you’re coming on his fingers, your pussy clamping down on him as you ride out your high, head leaned back and lips parted as you chant his name. He watches you with adoration.
He only stops once you whimper in over-sensitivity, pushing his hand away softly and so he takes his fingers out of you before bringing them to his mouth and licking them clean, all while keeping an eye contact with you, your eyes widening at his actions.
“So sweet, baby,” he hums in appreciation, giving you a bright smile before leaning closer to kiss you softly.
You’re still on cloud nine. You reciprocate the kiss gently, still clinging to him for support even as he leads himself out of you sore and used cunt.
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the-dawn-star · 2 years
Twilight Characters x Virgin!Reader
Reader x Aro/Carlisle/Emmett/Demetri 
A/N: In all honesty I love stories where one part is a virgin it’s the right amount of fluff for me personally. So here is some headcanons. Hope you all are doing well and you like this too.  
+not proof read, 700ish words. 
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I think he loves the fact that he will be the first one who touches you in a more intimate way. It's just makes you two first time more special, than it would have already been.  
Aro’s ability, being able to reads peoples every thought with a touch, always makes it so he won’t cross any boundaries. 
 And god, he would blame himself for making you uncomfy, no matter how much you say that he hasn’t done anything. It would take so much time for even just kissing you.  
When you told him that you were ready he was ready to take you to the bedroom right that second but held himself back, after all he wants to make the experince special for the both of you.  
When your first time together would happen, be ready for the best aftercare ever. So many kisses, hugs and treats afterwards. 
Plus, Aro will bathe you, and he won’t let you even think if he is doing okay. (Aro is beaming with happiness inside, but for you he tries to cover it the best that he can, and he kind of failing it...)  
Overall, 10/10, I mean he is god know how old so he has picked up so tricks over his life.  
I think Carlisle has no opinion in either way. Nothing can change his feelings for you, the feeling that he loves you.  
When you told him that you were ready, he would do anything but jump to the bed with you immediately.  
You saying that you are ready isn’t enough for him, Carlisle needs to know what are your likes and dislikes before even thinking the possibility of being intimate.  
So, you two end up having a long conversation about what you had done with yourself and what you were the most open to. He just wants you to feel comfortable with him.  
After your first time be ready to be babied like no other, Carlisle will clean you before you can lift a finger and you end up cuddling the rest of the night.  
10/10, he is so caring and nice that I might cry. (And will change your world... do what you will with that.)  
100% will tease you about you being virgin. (But of course, will stop if you ask.)  
Be ready for light ass slaps, (sorry I don’t make the rules that’s just a fact). 
Your relationship is full of make out sessions and once or twice one of you had to pull away making sure that your boundaries weren’t being crossed. Crossing your line is the last thing that Emmett would want to do.  
But once the time for your first time comes, God you are in for it (in a good way ofc). You have fun, and he turns even the awkward moments into intimate and normal.  
Aftercare is full of food and cuddling, talking about whatever comes to mind.  
Score is 9/10, Emmett makes you so comfortable and trust my words it will be fun.  
Demetri is scary similar to Emmett (in all honesty I think the two of them would get along really well). 
He will make fun of you (nicely) but is ready to kill anyone who says something about your non-existent intimate life. He had beat up some of the lower guards once or twice when they spoke out of line. 
And when he gets the go-ahead from you, he isn’t keeping his hands off of you, even if you two aren’t going all the way yet.  
Demetri just wants to be close with you and will let you know his wants.  
Aftercare is a mostly nice relaxing on the bed, and when you get yourselves to shower you somehow end up going another round. But after all that he will kiss every inch of your body and will massage all the painful spots off of your body.  
At the end Demetri makes it fun and light with all the intimacy in the world. 9/10.  
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thebadboyfanclub · 4 years
Sir, This Is McDonald's (Emmett Cullen x Reader)
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Having Emmett was like having a toddler in a big muscular body, so imagine how Carlisle and Esme felt when Emmett found out his mate was Bella’s childhood friend who came to visit her once, who in one (y/n) could be described as absolute chaos. (Y/n) was already a college student which means she runs on caffeine, has 3 am bursts of energy cause again... she had coffee at 10pm and blasts music around the cullen house cause she knows they don’t sleep so they can’t complain.
Edward had given up on reading her thoughts cause firstly they mostly did not make any sense but mostly because she is thinking a lot of explicit stuff about Emmett, so Jasper also did not like just feeling her Lust while she is just having dinner.
“(y/n) we’ve been over this, don’t call me that”
“Were you or were you not a confederate soldier?”
“Yes but-”
“So you are racist, that’s not the point, You took Emmett’s leather jacket? I steal that jacket?”
“I did not steal it and it’s literally right there”
Jasper pointed to it and (y/n) just looked at it and then took it from the couch. Everyone was pretty used to her overpowering pretty much everyone when it comes to energy so this was just a normal day.
“wow, creative”
“Talk to me when you apologize to the black community for being a bigot”
She yelled back. Jasper and (y/n) had a love/hate relationship, they would bully each other but let someone talk badly and they are coming for them viciously, so them going back and forth was an everyday ritual.
“So where are we going?”
She asked coming closer to Emmett, Edward which was accompanied by Bella who still struggled to understand how their friendship still stayed strong through out the years, were sitting on the couch since Bella wanted to prep a bit more the upcoming test.
“(Y/n) this jacket is a bit too big for you”
Edward said knowing damn well he was going to get dragged. She did not even look at him,but he could hear her loud “oooooooooook” that she thought, she just opened her mouth and as she fixed her ponytail
“Ok what do you successfully? Other than being a 1000 year old virgin and child of God”
Bella had once asked her if Emmett and (y/n) had gone all the way which made her go into a laughing fit and call edward “virgin boy” as a cute nickname. Emmett though found it hilarious so he just gave her a high five as they both laughed on Edward’s face who did not look pleased.
“(Y/n) i really like your shoes”
Bella said trying to get over the second hand embarrassment of being called on not having sex while her friend was and bella quotes “getting railed” and everyone had the misfortune of hearing.
“Thank you, I just got them on sale”
“My baby always looks good”
Emmett was about to kiss when (y/n) moved her head back and looked at him straight on the face.
“Sir, this is Mcdonalds”
Emmett was very affectionate, he loved (y/n) more than himself so he loved to shower her with hugs and kisses, which means (y/n)’s favorite thing was to tease him, even when she loved it herself. Emmett pouted at her and she just wrapped her arms around him, even when she was shorter than him she still could pretty much hang herself on him
“I’m kidding, come on you know I love you”
“We all know that”
Edward felt particularly brave today, he hadn’t seen her for a week since she had to go for some college stuff but now he was prepared for all the arguments she wanted to start. What he did not expect was (y/n) having the same mood as he did.
“Oh eddy boy, are you on your period today? don’t worry i’ll make sure to bring you pads and ice cream when we come back”
“you are so thoughtful (y/n)”
“I know I know, you know I was thinking of running for president, I mean Donald Trump did it so can I”
“Who will be Vice president?”
“Probably Carlisle”
“Heyyyyy what about me?”
“Emmett I love you but we need someone with brain cells”
That made Jasper burst into laughter.(Y/n) did not have eyes for another man, she adored the ground Emmett walked but her love language was teasing him, specifically about some epiphanies about how fairies exist and what type of drugs Santa was probably on to get through a full night of going to put gifts.
“wait a minute cause i thought we agreed on the idea that aliens exist”
“Yes, but not on the idea that aliens go on earth for vacation and disguise themselves as humans”
“who tells us they can’t shape shift?”
“Man you will need more than Carlisle to survive, you must share two brain cells”
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mean-vampyre · 4 years
my ranking of the twilight renaissance content
*god tier*
stephenie is racist
giving the wolf pack the love they deserved
twilight is in fact gay and it belongs to the lesbians
bella is chaotic and being dumb is the source of her power
being a slut for leah and seth clearwater having good and happy lives
team jacob/edward is replaced by team give bella a vampire gf
simping for rosalie
recognizing that the saga soundtrack is the nectar of the gods
piracy ;)
*great tier*
emmett and bella share one brain cell
catherine hardwicke and the blue filter of twilight finally being recognizes as the true queens of the saga
redemption for teen girls who were hated for being teens and girls in the 2000s
esme + pegging
"yeah the dialogue was pretty stupid but that's because they were very stupid and that's nice"
reimagining what twilight could have been if stephenie wasn't a coward
snails, effervescent and fanon Edward is emo king
breaking down was a fever dream
that scene of bella depressed on new moon is /chef kiss/ for depressed people
bella and edward are wlw and mlm solidarity
*good tier*
jacob form new moon deserved better and smeyer is no longer allowed to even think about him
bella's only fault was being too horny
resume rejected from fanon
carlisle is a dilf, but charlie is a dilth (dad i would like to have)
the khaki skirt
virgin boy edward memes
emmet highkey exposing the cullens with his shenanigans
the cullens cannot act like very normal teens and everyone in forks just ignores the weird family
the italian food meme
robert pattinson being everyone’s crush again not because he is hot but because he is unhinged and weird
stanning queen rosalie bullying edward
bella’s empty mind meme
*meh tier*
alice and jasper being straight
esme and carlisle being straight
seriously discussing plot holes
esme's mom energy
the witcher ft twilight
serious twilight fanfiction is back on the menu
breath of the wild posts in the twilight tag
seriously reimaging twilight
*shit tier*
the volturi are suddenly interesting (and hot???? for some people)
trying to justify jasper's racist origin story and being horny for his cowboy costume
anyone (but specially volturi/jasper) x reader romantic drabbles
twilight recast with generic netflix teen actors
thirsting after michael sheen ft the good omens fandom
"X as you mate/imprinting on you" headcanons
twilight having a fandom on tiktok (i’m sorry i’m old and tiktok’s appeal is beyond my understanding)
*******bonus: things i would like to see in the future
victoria’s potential if smeyer wasn’t a misogynistic that made her be defined by the men around her
jessica and angela are def also wlw and girlfriends
rebecca and rachel black?????? where are they???????
ok but the pre-renaissance content of edyth x bella, like,,,, we can have that back
bring back vidding; i know some of you have skills
in conclusion: more lesbians.
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