#virigin reader
megamindsecretlair · 10 months
The King and I, Part 1
Pairing: King Ghezo x Virgin!Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. This is more background than anything, so mentions of violence, violence against women, brief mentions of rape, torture, murder, slave trade, and suicidal ideation. Hopefully this will be 3 parts, will lead to smut! Ya heathens, I know what you here for LOL. And you all deserve forehead kisses.
Summary: Raised to be perfect, your father has had it with your disobedience. He marches you to the palace and throws you at the King's feet. You'd rather die than be another person's property. But the King surprises you in many ways.
Word Count: 3,533k
A/N: Couldn't get this idea out of my brain and it definitely doesn't follow the canon in the movie. AH well, LOL. I love it and that's all that matters. Hopefully, my brain continues to cooperate. Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Masterlist | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Taglist: @planetblaque @browngirldominion
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Before you had a chance to be a little girl, you were coveted for your looks. How pretty you were. How nice your hair was. Paraded out in front of many odd, adult people who looked at you with strange things in their eyes. Things you were too young to understand.
As you got older, it only got worse. You were expected to sit there like a doll and let people talk over you or around you, as if you were no more than grass beneath their feet. Wind in their hair. Something always there and easily ignored.
So you made the decision to be seen. You gave opinions when they weren’t wanted. You stayed in other people’s business. You resisted and rebelled. It was nice while it lasted.
Your father made sure to curb you of such habits. But somehow, the punishments never took like they were supposed to. You continued to speak. To use the gifts the gods gave you. If they did not want you to speak, they should have taken your tongue.
At his end, your father gave up his pursuit of a wealthy match for you. “If you will not listen to me, I will give you to someone you have no choice but to obey!” Spittle flew from your father’s mouth.
As you were marched to the palace, that was the one thing you focused on. Your father was a proud man. Perhaps you had gone a step too far if he was letting spit fly from his mouth with abandon. This was the least of your concern, true, but being cast off on the newly appointed King Ghezo was too big to face head on.
People in the village watched as you were marched there, your father’s grip on your arm near bruising. His thick fingers were wrapped around your upper arm. He set a brutal pace and walked forward whether you were able to keep up or not. You stared at the people. You made them look at you.
You didn’t expect them to do anything to help you. No one ever lifted a finger to help little girls. You were many years an adult by now, but to everyone, you were still so young. Young in the ways of the world. But growing up, weren’t you taught the ways of the world? 
The powerful were in charge with no one to challenge them otherwise. While everyone else was sheep, forced to do their bidding. 
Your feet tripped over rocks in the dirt road. Your father continued marching. The palace gates were not far now. Dread started to inch its way to your heart. You had never seen the King, but you heard how your parents whispered about him. How he was both similar and different from his father and brother.
His father had been a cruel man, living in ways that your people hadn’t lived before. Surely, his son would be no different. When you learned that you were going to be given to the new king, you pictured how ugly he must be. How cruel. 
Your father was handing you over like a piece of meat. Handing his daughter over as if he had no hand in birthing you, raising you, guiding, and protecting you. Now you were nothing to him. You looked at him as he jostled you down the street. His eyes were set forward, a frown on his face.
Did he not feel anything at all? All these years you had been in his care and there wasn’t an ounce of feeling in him.
“Did you ever love me?” You asked. You were out of breath and it was said softly. Perhaps he didn’t hear you. You hoped. You didn’t really want to hear his answer. Hear that despite everything else, he did not share that love for you as you did for him all these years.
“You are an insolent child. I will make more of you. I will instill in them obedience where you had none,” he spat. 
You refused to cry. You had an idea that he didn’t truly love you. Sometimes he’d look at you with such…hate. As if you were a stubborn stain he could not remove. You thought it was because of your looks. Because it was all anyone could talk about. But even when it was just you and your mother, he would still look at you as if he could cast you out with a single look.
At the palace gates, the guards halted your father. The red doors were large, stretching high above you. Anyone who went in, never came back out. You heard whispered words about why the King would need so many women. There was talk of him eating flesh. If he sold it, was there a big stretch to eating it? 
You’d die before you got eaten. As your father argued with the guards, telling how he had a disobedient child that the King could do whatever he wanted with, you made the second biggest decision of your life. You will die before harm befell you. In whatever form that was. 
If the King forced himself on you, you’d kill him and take yourself with him. If he tried to put you in a stew, you’d make him watch as you bled all over his fancy robes. The guards finally opened the gates enough for you to peek through.
Women were engaged in combat. Your mouth dropped open at how fierce they looked. You were not allowed to look upon the Agojie when they returned from their battles beyond the walls of the kingdom. But now you dared not to look away. 
Your father pushed you forward. One of the guards caught you and you turned your head to your father. This was the most satisfied you had ever seen him. He hoped that the King did something awful to you. He was counting on it.
You straightened up behind the walls of the palace. You looked your father in the eyes and you smiled. You spat on the ground at his feet, that smile still on your face. His smile faltered, rage contorting his features. You turned your back on him and walked into the lion’s lair.
The guards handed you off one by one until a young guard escorted you to the front of the palace. In the training yard, men and women walked around with heads held high. It had never been your intention to become Agojie, but perhaps the mad King will let you once he found out how unsuitable for a wife you were. 
The thought of killing anyone made you ill, but it would be better than to be bound to someone who could have you killed with one word. 
The guard took you to the door that led to the inner palace. An Agojie met you there, a tall woman with beautiful features and sharp nails. She looked you up and down and conversed with the guard. You didn’t pay attention. You were marching to your death, what did the particulars matter? 
The woman took possession of you, leading you into the inner palace where it was women only. Everywhere you looked, there were Dahomey women walking freely. They laughed! They trained, they ran, and hugged each other without abandon. There were a few women from other tribes there, but…this sight robbed you of clear thought.
“You will catch flies if you leave your mouth open like that,” the Agojie said. 
The Agojie stalked forward, a hand on the hilt of her weapon. You briefly wondered how you could steal one unnoticed. You searched around you. There were weapons everywhere but there were so many Agojie, you doubted you’d be able to capture one. 
“What’s your name?” You asked.
“Nanisca,” the warrior said. “You’d do well to listen to whatever the King wants.” 
You didn’t need to be reminded of the King’s cruelty. It was all your father taunted you with for days as he made his decision to hand you over. You followed Nanisca to the palace proper. There, a man dressed in bright purple robes greeted you. He was bald with lots of jewelry hanging from his nose, ears, and around his neck. He looked you up and down and then rolled his eyes towards Nanisca.
“I suppose we will have this to look forward to from now on,” he said.
“As long as our King breathes air,” Nanisca said. She left you there with the man. 
“Come,” he said. You followed him, though dread made your steps wooden and your limbs frozen. You were too deep to escape now. But escape to where? Outside the kingdom, you ran the risk of slavers. Rapists. Murderous thugs who would know where you came from and kill you just for being born in the wrong tribe.
The palace was nice, almost peaceful. There was the clank of weapons outside. Grunts and sounds from the Agojie as they practiced. The palace was big but also felt empty. As if there weren’t a lot of people there.
The King must be fat then. Perhaps he ate all the servants and would-be brides. The bald man led you through to a chamber with many chairs. On a raised dais, there was a large throne and a smaller one beside. 
“Wait here,” the man said. He twirled and disappeared down the hall. You took a step forward, looking at the displayed riches and art work. If a king was cruel, did he know anything about art? Or beauty? 
“Is this necessary?” You heard mumbling and turned towards the door, ready to face the King head on. To see what kind of monster your parents have subjected you to. 
A young man walked in, with thick curled hair and light facial hair. He wore robes of gold, his robe split open revealing a well defined chest. He stood in the doorway and gazed at you as you did him.
He certainly didn’t look monstrous. You knew that evil things often came in the prettiest packages, but he was beautiful. Strong. Solid. 
He was still your new jailor, you mustn’t forget. So you stood there and looked him in the eye. You were not a victim and you will not be treated as such. 
“What is your name?” He asked. He pressed into the room further, looking you up and down with desire in his eyes. Your parents taught you well. How to spot it in others. 
You told him your name and he repeated it. As if to savor it around his tongue. He walked closer until he was within reach. Up close, he was even more handsome. You had to fight yourself from getting distracted by his looks. He was still cruel. You remembered all the horrible stories about his brother. He couldn’t be any different.
“So your father has given you away to me.” 
It wasn’t a question, but you answered anyway. “He has, my King,” you said.
“Do you wish to be given away?” He asked.
You gasped and looked at him. You looked to the bald man for help but he was turned away from the two of you. You looked back towards King Ghezo. It was the first time anyone had asked what you wished. For it to come from a king who should not care what you wanted…you weren’t sure what to do with the information.
“N-No,” you said.
King Ghezo nodded. “I wish I could make it easier for you. But you are too beautiful to be Agojie and if I turn you from this palace, you will have nowhere to go.” He reached for your hand and you snatched it from him. He smiled patiently as he held out his hand to you.
He was only pretending to be nice. A stupid, hopeful part of you had thought he wasn’t like the stories. He was worse. Still, he was correct. If he turned you away, you had nowhere to go. Once you had been here, everyone would assume the King used you and not deemed you worthy. Cast you out like a whore. You would be forced to sell your body. 
You took his hand. He gripped it lightly and smiled. He kissed the back of your hand. “Welcome, my Queen,” he said.
The next few days were a blur. King Ghezo’s first wife saw to your preparation for the wedding. The eunuch from earlier saw to your lessons, what was expected of you. No different than what your father had wanted from you. To be on your best behavior and only speak when spoken to. 
You hadn’t seen the King since then, but you caught glimpses every now and then. You were given your own quarters and servant, someone to tend to your needs. It was odd to have someone help bathe you, but the King preferred cleanliness to all else. He was vain on top of a liar.
The feast arrived in no time and you were painted up like a doll. At the wedding, you stood there as expected. If you had smiled any harder, it would have split your face in two. You had stood there like a goat on the pasture, ready to be bought and chopped up. King Ghezo studied you, encircled you, and found you acceptable. You had been tense, near trembling. You hated every second of it.
But now you are married. You sat beside King Ghezo at the high table, while he joked and laughed with his advisors. His other wife sat on your side, quiet and dull. You pitied her. The fight had left her long ago. You were still young. There was still time for you. While everyone smiled and laughed and enjoyed the feast, you hid a knife up your sleeve. It wasn’t that sharp, but it’d do the trick when the King tried to climb in your bed tonight.
You smiled in his face and feigned an innocent routine. You waited for the casual cruelty. When he would hiss for you to shut up, eat more, eat less, sit up straight. It never came. He only gave you brief glances, each always polite. A smile on those plump lips. You couldn’t shake your resolve though. Tonight, you’d be free. Whether free in death or free in life was entirely up to him. 
That night, you lay in your bed. There was a door there that led to a small balcony overlooking the rest of the kingdom. It was mostly the trees in the forest, but they were tall and mighty and more than the view you got back home. You did not spare your father a thought, but you thought of your mother. It had not been her choice to marry such a cruel man. 
It had not been your choice to marry a cruel man either. However, you felt as if you had a child, you would have moved the heavens and the earth to protect it. To not let what happened to you, happen to your own daughter. You supposed that dream was gone now. You’d either die tonight and never have a kid, or face the wrath of the kingdom and bear one without your permission. Somehow death seemed kinder. 
You did not want to die. But how could you live within these walls? With that monster? Admittedly, you did not hear any screams late in the night. His first wife seemed unbothered. Untouched. She had borne him his first son, so perhaps he left her alone. And perhaps goats flew over the moon. 
Men were only interested in one thing from a woman. And it was not her brain. 
A soft knock tore you from your musings. You tensed up, sliding your hand beneath your pillow to wrap around the handle of the knife. Maybe if you pretended to be sleep, he’d come back another night.
The door pushed open, soft feet padded inside, and the door closed again. You lay on your side, turned towards the open balcony. If you screamed, would no one come to your aid? 
“Are you awake?” King Ghezo’s soft voice reached you. You didn’t answer. Your breaths were stalled in your chest. Your hand cramped from holding the knife too hard. 
The King poked at your shoulder before making you roll over. “I know you are not…”
You sat up and had the knife at his throat in one fell swoop. The King’s eyes widened, but he looked at you, not the knife.
“Will you kill me, my Queen?” He asked. 
You pressed the knife into his skin, hard enough to know you meant business but careful not to break the skin. You were already committing treason, but somehow, it was important not to mar the king. 
He stared at you. Those deep brown eyes set in such a handsome face. You looked for the cruel man you heard about. Where was he? You could harm a cruel man. They deserved it tenfold. Why wasn’t he making this easy on you?
“I don’t want to,” you finally admitted. “I have to.”
What did he mean, why? “Aren’t you angry?” 
“Angry at a scared woman who has no one on her side? No,” he said. He was so calm, so patient. This was at odds with everything you built up about him in your head.
“Don’t pity me,” you said. You pushed the knife in deeper. 
He leaned away and held his hands up. “I do not pity you. I will not pretend to know your life. But I can promise that you’re safe here,” he said.
You scoffed. “I’m not safe anywhere,” you said. You pressed your lips together. That hadn’t been what you meant to say. You meant to throw it back on him, that he could not promise safety when he dealt in the slave trade. When he looked at his people and only saw money from white devils. 
His eyes softened and he slowly smiled. “No man intact can enter this palace. Beyond that, we are protected by the fiercest warriors in the world. Beyond them, there is a first legion still to defend this palace from enemies. Here in the heart of it, you are the safest you’ve ever been.” 
“But who will keep me safe from you?” 
King Ghezo leaned forward, making you choose between cutting him or retreating. You eased up on the pressure. “You can do a finer job protecting yourself than most women can,” he said.
You stared at him. Your arm began to shake from holding the knife for so long. You couldn’t do it. You couldn’t kill him. You were weak and would never be accepted as an Agojie. You would never fare well beyond these walls. 
You dropped the knife on the bed and held out your wrists. “I’m ready for my punishment, my King,” you said.
King Ghezo let out a long breath. You noticed now that he wore a deep, royal purple that highlighted his rich, dark skin. He wore minimal jewelry. He was just that magnificent on his own. Especially when the candle light flickered across his features.
“I’ve threatened the King. I am ready for whatever punishment you hand out,” you said.
The King ignored the knife on the bed between you. It was within his right to take it and kill you. Or take it as evidence of your deceit. He could brand it for all to see as he threw you out of the palace. 
He did none of those things. He reached out his hand slowly and enclosed yours in his. You stared at your hands in comparison to his. He watched you as he brought your hands to his lips and placed a small kiss there.
“Plot how next you’ll kill me. If I have not convinced you of my intentions, of my character by then, you may carry through,” he said.
“What? No, no!” You said. You pulled your hands back but he held on. He pulled you closer until your hands were pressed against his warm, smooth chest. 
“Keep the knife, my Queen. This will be interesting between us,” he said.
This was surely a trap. A way for him to play and toy with you while he tightened the noose about your neck. Or gathered wood to burn you alive. Or for the Agojie to sharpen their swords to take your head with it.
“My King…”
“One day, I wish for you to call me your love,” he said. “But I will earn it or die trying.” A cocky grin spread across his face. It transformed him from a king to a man. A man who you were married to, sitting on your bed, with intentions involving you. 
He placed one more kiss on your hands and then retreated from the room. He never gave you his back, but he did smile and bow. Then he was gone from your room. A chill from outside caressed your bare skin and you shivered.
Was the king truly mad? Or were you? And why did he make you want to find out which?
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Masterlist | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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fics-lovebot · 11 months
jujutsu kaisen fic recs
main masterlist
· · ♡ · · tysm to the amazing creative minds of the writers for giving me sevaral moments of joy reading your creations
i´ll be constantly updating this list so make sure to check it out often for new recs ;)))
pls remember to reblog if you like any of my recs❤️
disclaimer: if you came back looking for that one fire fic and you can´t find it, it´s bc it doesn't exist anymore :( so i deleted it
LAST UPDATED: 08/08/2024
virgin!yuuji - ( @chaiiskindagross ) smut, sub!yuuji, "virigin! yuuji whines and whimpers so much, and did i mention sometimes he overstimulates himself to the point of crying?" I´M SSSOOOLLDD SDLFJSDFJHSD love it
In denial - ( @rosesaints ) smut, sub!yuuta, "he doesn’t believe that it’s real until you’re actually sinking down onto his cock" period.
until i found you - ( @shisnhou ) fluff, ASLDJHJSDKAH I LOVED THISSSSS, so so cute omg
poly / multiple versions
gojo and geto are rich besties and they coax you into a poly relationship - ( @ramonathinks ) smut
you slap their ass - ( @gojoux ) reaction. gojo, geto, sukuna, nanami, choso, toji, megumi, itadori, yuta
slut him out - ( @satoruhour ) gojo, geto, nanami and toji version. y'know what,,,idek what to say about thi- IT´S NASTY FILTHY JUST PORN, reader is a whOre (not my words), read at your own risk bc i was SHOOk
bimbo bunny - ( @merakidoll ) smut, choso, toji and nanami version, the vISUALs I GOT FROM THE NANAMI ONE LAWDDDD
break up - ( @yanderenightmare ) angst, bullying, toxicity, I KNOWW this is sukuna
wap - ( @tonycries ) smut, going in raw for the first time. i caNNOT EVEN BEGIN TO DESCRIBE HOW GOOD THIS IS JUST PLEASEEE GO READ IT
sending them an embarrasing pic of themselves - ( @csmtmra ) text, crack, TOGE NEEDS TO CHILL LMAO
warm heart pastry - ( @cckaisen ) text, fluff, crack, first of all,,, i love yuji, second of all satoru REALLY needs help, and third of all WHY IS INUMAKI ALWAYS ON SOME SHIT??? lmaooooo
oops! - ( @gumiiiiezzzz ) text, crack, fluff, the 1st and 2nd year boys accidentally confess they like you (fellow student). THIS IS SO FUUNNAYSFJFSDF i love it, inumaki again on sum weird shi
dont scare me - ( @sweetsugarine ) text, crack, fluff, in which you text “we need to talk”. "you do understand that i have the power to annihilate all human life and torch this world, yes?" LMAOOO sukuna need some milk , this is too good
5K notes · View notes
myladysapphire · 3 months
The Dragon and the Wolf (II)
You had been betrothed to Cregan stark at the start of the war. He was the noble and honourable stark that he was he supported your mother claim without restraint. So much so your mother saw it fit to betroth the two of you. So when disaster strikes and you and your younger brother are the only two survivors, you a shipped of north in your grief, leaving only Cregan to heal your wounds.
word count: 3,384
CW: MDI, 18+, SMUT, loss of viriginity, p in v, oral (f reciving), fluff, slight angst, depression, dependancy. not proofread!
Cregan Strak x Veleryon(strong)!reader
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part | next part
(smut between the dividers by @zaldritzosrose)
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“I have to go to kings landing” you started as you walked into Cregan’s’ solar. It had been a week since the letter announcing your younger brother Viserys return, and you had not stopped asking to go.
“And you shall” Cregan spoke, looking up from his papers, “but after we are wed”
You were set to marry in a matter of days. You understood the need to be wed before leaving and yet waiting to see your brother after believing he was dead was pure torture.
You were desperate to see him, all you wanted was to hug him once more and tell him how sorry you were.
But duty came first.
The lords of the north were growing angsty with how long it was taking for you and Cregan to marry.
The alliance between your houses was sure to benefit the north, and until you were married, said agreements and benefits had yet to happen. And with the winter approaching the lords were growing antsy.
“of course,” you looked down, nervously playing with your fingers. “I am just eager to see my brothers and with the journey set to take a month-“
“I understand, I do, but my hands are tied” he interrupted, looking at you with understanding, “I promise, the day after our wedding we will leave”
“perhaps we could take Silverwing?” you asked hopeful, the journey would take around a day, if they rode fast, at the most three days.
“i- im not-“
“I promise its safe, and you have ridden Silverwing before.” He had, on your first visit to Winterfell. He had been hesitant then too, but you had somehow manged to drag him onto Silverwing and flown around the north for hours.
“aye, but this would be different” he said rubbing the back of his neck, “your brother has sent a letter…requesting me to become hand of the king”
you smiled “so we would be staying?”
“yes…this also means I will be having to take a large number of my household, and… though Sara shall act as the lady of Winterfell in my stead, once you are with child you will…have to return…without me, and take over the ruling of Winterfell until I am released as hand”
you were at a loss for words, this past moon you had felt lighter, the days of rotting in your bed, finding no reason to get up, having no energy to eat.
The empty hollowness you had felt for months on end has been filled, all with the help of Cregan. And now to find out that the second you got pregnant you would be shipped of and most likely never be able to return to your brothers.
You knew that there should always be a stark in Winterfell, and that their children would rule it one day, but you did not want to live in Winterfell without him.
You relied on him, in a near unhealthy way. You were often with him, in the library, or in his solar. You had already taken on the duties as Lady of Winterfell. You had liked having responsibilities, found you were good at it. But the main part of it that you liked, was that it was all with him. The friendship you once had had returned, though with trepidation as you had a first still felt empty.
You still felt the loss of your twin. Your other half. Without him you feared you would always feel incomplete, and yet Cregan had somehow manged to fill the void the death of your twin, of Luke and Joffrey.
You felt like you could so easily love him, but now.  Now a part of you resented putting this off for so long, only to know discover that you time with Cregan may be a few months or stolen moments every year.
Your mind went back to last week.
You had spent the day in each other’s company, sat in his solar as he answered letters, and you had read.
The comfort you had found with him was like no other, sitting in each other’s company. Not talking for hours and yet you felt content.
And now to learn that you may not feel the presence of him for moons on end, perhaps even years.
“I would like to stay with you, stay in kings landing” you spoke in determination, “I will not become the wife of an absent husband”
“I would not be-“
“you would sent me a thousand leagues away! So yes that makes you an absent husband!” you shook your head “I-I understand how important being hand is, how much Egg looks up to you, and I will not ask you to refuse the offer but…but I need you.” you said tearily, “without you I will…I will only find that hollowness I felt for moons, the sadness will return without you to…to comfort me, to hold me and cherish me. I cannot be alone, I may rely on you a little too much, but I cannot bear to…” you were crying now, you knew in some sense it was manipulating, but everything you had said was true. The sadness would return, he offered you the perfect reasons for you to find a purpose, a reason to wake up in the morning.
A part of you hated that you relied on another for a purpose, but all the things that once filled you with joy, with purpose, now filled you with sadness and hate.
And now, Cregan had been the thing you found some sense of joy in, and you were excited to marry him, but now part of you dreaded it, not wanting to part from him.
He stood up from his desk moving around to you and pulling you into a hug.
Cregan was a very affection person, always holding your hand or pulling you into a hug away from prying eyes.
“Cregan” you mumbled into his chest, as he stroked your hair.
“i will not send you away if you truly do not want to, but…I know the pain kings landing gives you and I do not want to ask you to spend years in the place of your torment” he said, pulling back from you slight to hold your face, “but… the babe must be born and raised here”
“I know, and I love that you do not wish for me to live in the place of such pain for me, but before… before the-the war…I loved the red keep and…I love my brothers enough to stay there” you mumbled, “If you promise not to stay the hand forever then I shall go to Winterfell if I fall pregnant during your time as hand, but i- I do not wish to be apart form you for too long”
He smiled as you said that, “how about we talk about this when the times comes, hmm?” you smiled, reaching up to place a small kiss on his cheek.
You nodded your head, stepping back from him. “i-I hope you know that I do…that I” you were stumbling over your words unsure of what to say to him. You had somehow over the course of the past moon, returned to your shy nervous self, blushing in his presence, and stumbling over your words.
“yes?” he asked smiling curiously.
“I… I feel a lot better lately, and it is thanks to you…I truly care for you and I think that I might…” you looked down nervously, unsure of if you should tell him your feelings.
“I can tell” he said before you could finish your sentence “you seem to much happier, the light in your eyes has returned and i…I want you to know that I feel the same” he blushed, “I look forward to marry you, and I hope you do also”
You nodded smiling, as you stepped back and you both continued going about your own duties, enjoying the solace of each others company.
The day of the wedding had finally come. The lords of the north had all gathered at Winterfell. The halls now full of bustling bodies, the maids running about nonstop to fulfil all their duties.
You and Cregan had been forced to spend the last day and night apart, with the north believing it to be bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other the day before the wedding.
You had instead spent the day with Sara.
“I had hoped my sisters would make it” you said sadly as she laced up your dress.
“we still have time, they may yet arrive” she said, trying to build your spirits.
Your grandsire Corlys had arrived the day before, fulfilling his long-term promise to walk you down the aisle.
You had always been close to your grandsire, with him always saying how similar to his wife you had looked.
“granddaughter” you heard him say as he had entered the room, smiling as he saw the sea horses embroidered on your dress.
“grandsire” you smiled in greeting, moving over to kiss his cheek. “do you have any news on Balea or Rhaena?” you asked hopeful.
He smiled slyly, before moving aside and allowing Balea and Rhaena to walk into the room.
“you’re here!” you had said in disbelief..
“of course, we wouldn’t miss your wedding” Baele spoke pulling you into a hug.
They had both been married themselves recently, Baela to Alyn, Corlys newly appointed heir, and Rhaena to Corwyn Corbray.
“are your husbands here?”
“yes, there both with Cregan I believe,” Rhaena said, moving to take over from Sara as she finished lacing up your dress.
“you look beautiful, sister” Balea said, smiling kindly. “Are you nervous?”
“should I be?” you asked nervously.
“do you care for him?”
You looked over at sara, as she gave you a teasing smile. She knew of your feelings for Cregan, and it seemed from that look alone your sisters to know knew.
“then you have nothing to worry about”
“what of the…”you looked over at Corlys to see his looking slightly uncomfortable, “the night” you whispered.
“you have been betrothed for years and you have never…?”
“no!” the question shocked you, your mother had always been insistent on you waiting for marriage, saying she didn’t want you to make the same choice she had.
“never even kissed?” Sara asked shocked.
You shook you head.
“no! I’ve only ever kissed….” You wouldn’t say his name, it hurt to much. The betrayal you had felt, how you had almost given him everything. Though you were glad you never had with Aemond, for you loved Cregan. At least you think you do. “ahh” Balea almost flinched.
“it hurts the first time, but after…it can be very nice” Sara spoke, whispering.
“and Cregan is a good man, he likes you…perhaps even loves you. He will be gentle” she said, though grimacing slightly at talking about her brother in such a way.
Corlys coughed awkwardly, moving to interrupt their whispered conversation.  “it is almost time” he said, softly moving towards you.
“we better hurry up then” you said, motioning for Sara to start your hair.
Balea, Rhaena and sara had all left once you were fully ready. Leaving you and Corlsys alone.
“you are a vision” he said, as you took his arm. You started to walk through the halls of Winterfell.
you wore a dress as white as snow. With a full skirt and long flowy sleeves covered in a lace pattern.
You wore you hair down, bar tow braids at the top your head that joined at the back. Though your hair was hidden behind a lace veil, lace that matched your sleeves. Your face was covered, though it wouldn’t be for long, as you soon approached the gods woods.
“who comes before the old gods this day?” asked the northern lord officiating the wedding, as you entered the gods woods.
“y/n, of house Veleryon, She comes to beg the blessing of the Gods. Who comes to claim her?”
“Creagan, of house stark, lord of Winterfell and Warden of the north. Who gives her?”
“Corlsy, of house Veleryon, lord of the tides and of Driftmark, her grandsire.”
“princess Y/n, do you take this man?”
“I take this man”
“lord Cregan, do you take this woman”
“I take this woman”
“Then I pronounce you man and wife, before the old gods and the new”
You smiled at him, before reaching up and taking his lips in yours. The kiss was short and short, but caused you both to blush as cheers resounded throughout the wedding guests.
“I believe it is time for a feast!” Cregan announced as the lords and ladies cheered in response.
The feast was grand, though much different from the ones you had grown up with. It was loud and bawdy, with the lords all drunk and even singing northern tunes.
You and Cregan had kept to yourself, eating your food and talking between one another.
You had been enjoying yourself, enjoying the first few hours of marital bliss.
And then the bedding was called.
You had forgotten about the tradition.
The bride and groom escorted to their chamber. The groom by the woman, there clothes pulled of them, the bride escorted by the men, often groped and fully naked by the time they reached their chambers.
Feared courses through you as lord Bolton declared it time for a bedding.
“there will be no bedding!” Cregan boomed, as the men started to approach you.
The room seemed to flinch as the anger in his tone, “my wife will be touched by no one bar me! Anyone who lays a hand on her against her will, will have it cut off!”
You looked at him with shock, it was, grateful he was doing the right thing and saving you from a night of groping.
He reached his hand out to you as he guided you to your now shared chambers alone.
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She had never been in Cregan’s chambers before, they were large. Though not as big as her chambers had been on Dragonstone. The room was mostly bare, having been mostly packed up for their journey tomorrow. It was warm, much warmer than her room in the tower had been. With a blazing fire, and dozens of blankets. The walls were filled with tapestries and the floor with rugs. Not a single wall or part of the floor was bare, allowing the room to be encased in more warmth.
“wife” Cregan spoke, capturing your attention. He moved towards you, his eyes heated as he gazed at you.
“Husband” you breathed back as he now stood before you.
He reached up to caress your face, his lips nearing yours. You shared a breath, before you both pounced.
Your lips modelled together in a heated, passionate kiss. He pushed you on the bed, your body bouncing from impact, he quickly moved over you, connecting your lips once more as he started to take of his and your clothes, never once breaking the kiss.
“gods” he moaned at the sight of your bare tits. He kissed your lips quickly before moving down to your breasts and roughly taking them into his mouth.
You moaned as he licked and sucked at your tits. He alternated between the two, savouring in your moans and whimpers.
Your gripped his hair, tugging softly at each flick of his tongue.
“you lick that?” he asked teasingly, as he let go of your nipple with a pop.
You nodded your head, whimpering slightly at him stopping.
He chuckled, “good” he said before, moving off the bed and resting on his knees “then you’ll love this” he said, as he slid the rest of your dress of you, and buried himself between your thighs.
He teasingly licked your folds, causing you to whimper.
Your gripped his hair, grinding your thighs into his face, trying to get him to lick you more.
He chuckled at your actions, before moving to grip your thighs and pull them towards his face. He buried his tongue inside of you, savouring your taste as he moved to lick your clit.
“Cregan!” you moaned as you pulled on his hair. 
The pleasure was nothing like you had experienced before. It was overwhelming, filling your senses as he continued to lick at your clit, and slowly bring his fingers to your entrance.
He groaned as his fingers entered your, relishing in the tightness of your cunt. Gods” he moaned against your clit.
He continued to lap at your slit, tasting you as if you were his last meal.
You felt your peak fast approaching, your hands gripping and tugging his hair harder, your legs wrapping around his head in away you were sure would choke him.
“Cregan!” you screamed as your peak finally hit you.
He continued his actions, riding out your peak before finally moving himself from between your thighs.
He wiped his mouth on the bed before diving back in to kiss you.
He slowly moved you to the centre of the bed, his cock positioning itself between your thigs.
“can i?” he breathed against your lips.
“yes.” You moaned as he entered you.
You felt a wave of discomfort as he stretched you out, a slight burn at the sheer size of his cock.
He slowly rocked his hips into yours, allowing you time to adjust, before you reached up and pulled him into another kiss, motioning him to speed up.
He started thrusting into you at a faster pace. Your legs wrapping around his hips and his pace became faster and faster.
He groaned into your neck, as your cunt tightened around him.
Your second peak fast approaching.
“I’m going to cum” he moaned into you, as your cunt fluttered around his cock, your second peak taking.
Your hands scratched his back as you peaked, before collapsing backwards, as he started building up to his own peak.
His thrusts became hard and fast as he finally reached his own peak, his seed filling you as he rode out his orgasm.
“gods” he moaned, collapsing on the bed, pulling you in and holding you to him.
he kissed your shoulder, stroking your hair as you both slipped off into sleep, though you both got little sleep that night.
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The next day you were awoken to maids barging in and readying the remained of Cregan’s belongings. It was dawn, and you were both tired from the nights events.
 The maids had dressed you both quickly, pushing your breakfast on the table and urging you both to eat.
Cregan laughed at your bewildered face as they all rushed you both.
“we were meant to leave a dawn” he chuckled, as your maid tugged your hair, attempting to braid it, as you ate.
“then why weren’t we woken earlier?”
He sent you a look, showing exactly why they hadn’t.
“oh…must we leave so soon?” you said as you food was taken of the table before you had even finished.
“you insisted we did.”
“I-“ you looked at his smug face as your tea was taken out of your hand mid sip. “I take it back, I miss the bed!”
“you can rest in carriage” he said, as he reached for your hand.
You made your way to the courtyard, the household lined up to say their farewells, though most were accompanying you.
Balea, Rhaena, stood by the carriage, both looking as tired as you felt.
“it is far too early for this” Rhaena groaned as you approached the carriage.
Balea laughed “I cant imagine how you feel” she said, talking at you, “how much sleep did you get last night?” she teased.
You laughed “shut up!”
Sara approached you, her eyes teary, “I’ll miss you” she said pulling you into a hug.
“and I, you” you kissed her check, pulling back.
“we are leaving Winterfell in capable hands” she heard Cregan say, announcing Sara as his regent.
“don’t be gone for too long” she whispered “I was not made to rule the north” she joked, pulling away from you as you were all motioned to enter the carriage.  
Cregan walked up to the carriage window, pulling you into a kiss.
“I shall join you soon” he promised, before mounting his horse and leading the procession to kings landing.
next part
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wegc · 9 months
Okay but the 🎀 anon ask has just started giving me dirty thoughts in my mind because I'm all about needy and obsessive chan.
So what if the second time they have sex and she's clinging onto him, her body trembling under his and he just loses it?
'You're my babygirl now, fucking mine'
ok first of all my brain exploded when you followed me and sent this ask because wow tmi i stalk ur blog every month, i think about your posts for DAYS.
but AHHH YES i knew you would be a needy and obsessive chan enthusiast because even without his perversion tendencies, chan is very clingy and loves intensely :( maybe a little too much!!!
in 🎀 anons original ask, i believe the reader was a virigin so not only does the debauched image of you mewling and writhing underneath him like he’s always imagined drive him up the wall, but the thought of being your first (and your only, chan will make sure of it) puts him at extreme risk of absolutely ruining you.
cue possessive chan whose need to claim you as his, to be your protector, to have you look and think about no one else but him invokes something primal inside his depraved mind. don’t be surprised if he suddenly observes that you’re too close for his comfort with someone else and decides to fuck you stupid that night!!!
you’re all his now and you should only need him and depend on him, right?? he can take care of you best and he’ll prove it to you!!!
the BABYGIRL part UGH i swear everyone cringes the fuck out at the pet name until it comes to channie and the stupid fucking photo on his phone. it drives me CRAZY especially him repeating it in lives and him outing his daddy kink!!! i think about it at least once a day.
542 notes · View notes
Part III of Mafia!Minho, bitches. Saddle up. A/N: I know this isn't SKZ!Pack, but it's been in the works for a looooong time and I wanted you to have it. <3
Tags: SKZ, Stray Kids, Mafia!Minho, Lee Minho, Lee Know, Minho, Y/N, FemReader, SKZ x you, SKZ x reader, Minho x you, Minho x reader, Mafia AU, Part III, Skz imagines, Skz reactions, SKZ scenarios, Fluff, Angst
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Light Smut
Warnings: Mafia Shit-guns, death, illegal dealings, daddy issues and misogyny, allusions to sexual assault and rape, loss of viriginity, blood. Mentions of previous pregnancy loss, miscarriage, current pregnancy. Breeding Kink, kinda? You'll see. Minho's just REALLY in to pregnant reader. 😂
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"He's dead."
His blunt, cold words ricochet around the inside of your head, like a round fired too hastily from a gun, sloppy and dangerous, wounding everything they touch.
There's no way. There's no fucking way.
You say as much.
"That can't be true-"
His face contorts in anger, and he leans down to pinch your chin in a vicious grip that makes you wince, yanking your head back to meet his gaze, hot and pinning.
"It is true. Would you like to see the pictures, girl? The reports from Lim? His blood splattered across the wall?"
You sink to the floor.
Not JinYoung. Not your brother. Fuck, it can't be-
He straightens, releasing his iron grip on you and straightening his suit, glaring down at you with little more than cold disdain in his dark, narrowed eyes.
"He's dead, and you're worthless." He growls out, stuffing his hands into his pockets and considering you with something akin to disgust twisting his features.
Hot tears fill your eyes, and your fists clench in your lap, twisting the fabric of your dress.
You bite your bottom lip hard enough to taste blood, and will yourself not to let a tear fall for him to see.
He scoffs, reaching down once more to take your chin in pinching fingers, making you whimper.
His eyes darken at the sound, as if he's a predator that has sensed weakness in his prey.
"You're worthless to me until you're wed." He hisses out, teeth clenched, muscle in his cheek bulging. "Remember that. You are nothing without a man in this world, girl, nothing."
He releases you without another word or look in your direction, whirling on his heel and stalking down the hallway, slamming the door to his office, probably already on the phone yelling at some poor inferior for killing his son.
You let your chin drop to your chest, and squeeze your eyes shut as you take several harsh, shuddering breaths, clenching and unclenching your fists.
It was his fault JinYoung was dead. His fault you were now all alone.
There was nothing you could do about it, not realistically, but you hated him for it all the same.
"You're thinking too much again."
You jump slightly at the sound of Minho's voice, still husky with sleep, his fingers finding the warmth of your bare skin beneath the blankets.
You sigh, wanting to be irritated at his perception when it comes to you, but can't quite manage, not when his fingers are tickling your sides.
"How did you know?"
"Mm." Minho hums beneath his breath, pushing himself up behind where you lie propped on your elbow in the big bed, staring out the window at the slowly rising sun.
His fingers trace up the curling lines of the snake that wraps your spine.
"I know everything about you, princess." He replies in a murmur, fingers still slowly ticking their way up your spine. You hear a slight smile enter his voice. "Well, that, and your thoughts are so loud currently that I feel like you're speaking audibly."
You give another sigh, this one conceding, and feel Minho brush a light kiss across the family crest that marks your shoulder.
"It's going to be okay, princess. I promise you."
You feel panic well into your throat at the surety behind his words.
"It wasn't okay before." You blurt out without really considering, hand tracing down beneath the blankets without thought to rest on the small swell of your belly.
It's normal not to feel any movement yet, you know that, and yet-
Minho's soothing, firm voice sounds in your ear, his warm breath brushing across your cheek, grounding you.
"That was before. This is now."
The surety is still there beneath his words-strong and constant-and yet, the acidic taste of panic is still slowly filling your mouth, making it hard to breathe.
"Princess." Minho says in a low tone, taking not of the rapid rise and fall of your chest. "Look at me."
His hand snakes around the front of your throat, and he gently squeezes with his fingers, angling your head back until you're staring up at him, his gaze serious and dark.
You drink him in like you're parched and he's the only water source-the soft curve of his lips, the upper fuller than the lower, the tan sheen of his skin, the sharp angles of his face, the dark wave to his tousled hair, the black ink trailing across his upper chest and arms, teasing at his throat, the pink, fading scars littered across his otherwise flawless flesh.
Minho is the only thing in this moment that's keeping you sane, and you hold onto that thread with a desperate fervency that frightens even yourself.
The corner of his mouth curves slightly as he stares at you, one hand around your throat to keep you in place, the other slipping beneath the blankets to cover your own where it rests on your bare belly.
You glance down, and the sight of his inked fingers covering your own calm the hammering of your heart.
"It's going to be okay." Minho repeats softly, firmly. "Whatever happens, princess, we're going to be okay."
You stare up at him and force a shuddering breath from your lungs, your fingers intertwining with his own.
"Okay." You whisper back with finality, because whatever happens, with Minho here, you're going to be okay.
You pause, hand splayed on the cool, carved wood of the door, and glance behind you to where Minho stands, several feet back, lingering in the mouth of the darkened hallway.
"You're not coming in?" You question softly, hesitantly, sudden butterflies swarming in your stomach.
Minho arches a brow, leaning against the wall, his expression unreadable.
"Do you want me to go with you?" He queries back, voice low and neutral.
You hear the quiet chatter of men's voices from beyond the door, the clink of glasses, and a shudder of fear goes down your spine at the thought of facing them alone.
"I don't know-" You stutter out, staring at him, trying to get a read through your suddenly mounting panic. "I just thought I need-"
You don't finish the sentence, the words dying in your throat, and Minho's expression shifts slightly, his eyes darkening, his lips pulling into a serious line.
"Princess." He steps toward you, reaching out, and his fingers creep beneath your chin, tilting your head back to meet his gaze.
His features soften slightly, and he takes in a slow breath.
"I will always stand beside you, I will always be here whenever you want me, but let me make one thing very clear-you do not need me."
You stare up at him, words thick on your tongue, and the corner of his mouth quirks into the hint of an amused curve.
He lets a finger stroke along your chin, his voice dropping slightly even as his eyes grow fiery.
"You do not need me-or any other man-to make you powerful. You are powerful entirely on your own, and it is a beautiful sight to behold."
You take in a shuddering, sharp inhale, his fervent words settling into your bones, and let your fingers slide beneath the cuffs of the expensive suit he wears, tracing the ink you know is hidden there.
Minho smiles. "Who do you think runs the criminal world, darling? It's not the men. We're the face, yes, but behind every great man is an even greater woman."
He tilts your chin once more, and you let your head fall against the door behind you, staring up at him openly now.
He reaches out, and brushes a stray hair from your forehead with gentle fingers.
His skin is warm, and you lean into his touch, as he presses his lips to the flesh just below your ear, brushing a kiss there as he utters beneath his breath, for only you to hear, "Women mask lethality behind femininity, and it is their greatest weapon. You are not powerless, princess, no, far from it. You do not need anyone, because you are the queen."
He presses another kiss against your throat, right above your fluttering pulse, and pulls back.
You stare at him for another moment, and then straighten the gown you wear.
"You're right. I have the power here."
A smirk flickers across Minho's lips, his eyes heating with admiration as he watches you.
He jerks his chin toward the door and the voices beyond.
"Yeah, you fucking do. Remind them who's the queen. Give them hell, princess."
"Yeong-ah." Changbin whines, stamping his foot impatiently where he stands beside the island, a dramatic pout on his face. "You're taking too long!"
Yeong-Ja giggles at his antics, glancing up from pulling on her second shoe. "I'm almost done, Uncle Binnie!"
You hide your smile behind a sip of coffee, as Chan appears, tossing the car keys to Changbin-who catches them easily- before crouching down to finish helping Yeong-Ja with her shoe.
"Thanks, Uncle Channie!" Yeong-Ja beams, bouncing to her feet beside him, as Chan grins and straightens, patting her head.
"You're welcome, Yeong-ah." He straightens the bow in her hair, before he glances to Changbin, already standing in the door way, keys in his hand. "Now, let's get going huh? Your mom and dad have a very important appointment today, and we have puppies to see."
"Okay, Uncle Channie!" Your daughter's face lights up at Chan's words, as she slips her hand into his, her tiny fingers curling around his own, dark with black ink, reminiscent to Minho's.
It never ceases to amaze you how gentle and loving all these big mafia men are with your daughter.
"Oh, fuck me." Minho grumbles beneath his breath at Chan's statement, brow furrowed in a sour expression, as he leans against the counter beside you and takes a long gulp of his own coffee.
You hide another grin behind the rim of your cup.
Chan glances up at Minho's muttered curse, ever sharp, ever alert, and gives your husband a crooked grin, brow arched.
"What do you say, boss? What color of puppy do you want? Brown or Black?"
Minho levels the other man with a glare, as Yeong-Ja bounces excitedly beside him.
"I could not care less, Christopher."
Changbin grins broadly from the doorway, enjoying the little goading match from afar.
"Ah, c'mon. Don't you want a matching set?" He motions with a jerk of his head toward Suwon, currently sleeping under the large kitchen table. The black Doberman barely raises his head at the commotion.
Minho takes another drink from his coffee.
"The only matching set I want is you and Chan's heads on sticks."
"Sorry, boss!" Changbin calls, ignoring Minho's dark threat entirely, a grin slipping across his lips as he twirls the jangling keys around his finger, turning toward the door. "Can't hear you. Gotta go."
"Okay, on that note-" Chan clears his throat, coughing over a chuckle, as he herds your daughter toward the door. "-let's get going."
"Bye mommy, bye daddy!" Yeong-Ja calls over her shoulder with a little wave, before she disappears, dwarfed between the two large men.
Changbin throws one last amused, knowing look over his shoulder in Minho's direction, giving a cheeky little wave, before they all leave from sight.
"Fuck." Minho swears vehemently beneath his breath and promptly moves around the counter to dump the rest of his coffee down the sink.
"He's going to ask to see her again, you know."
Minho glances up from his phone to meet your gaze from across the backseat of the car, his expression darkening slightly at your words, and the open worry etched across your face.
He tucks his phone back into the pocket of his suit coat, and slides across the seat to sit beside you, hand coming down to rest on your own.
"And my answer will be the same as it always is." He replies back in a hushed, but dangerously serious, tone, his fingers squeezing your own. "When he comes to see her as his granddaughter, and not just as an heir to a massive criminal empire, then he can meet her."
You take in a shaky breath and glance out the window.
The roads are becoming familiar, you're close to your father's estate.
Minho's cool fingers tilt your chin back to him, making you meet his gaze. The corner of his lip curls into the hint of a smile.
"You do not reside on your knees for him any longer. He has no power left to lord over you."
You take in another breath, and will the butterflies to soothe in your belly.
You give Minho a small, shaky smile, and squeeze his hand. The metal of his rings are cold, grounding, against your palm.
"I know."
"If anything-" Minho glances past you as you pull into the long drive, your father's opulent mansion rising quickly in the distance.
He gives you a smirk and an arch of his brow as you turn into the gate.
"-now that you have myself and all my resources at your disposal, he should be absolutely terrified of you."
The car comes to a stop, and Minho slides out, straightening his jacket and offering you his hand.
You take in another steadying breath, holding onto his arm as you walk toward the entrance of your childhood home.
The door swings open as you approach, and your father appears, stepping onto the top step of the staircase, watching the two of you with a penetrating gaze.
You resist the urge to shudder under that look you know so well.
Minho pulls you up the stairs with him, his steps confident, and you try to borrow some of his courage, stiffening your back and shoulders as your father steps to meet you both, a fake, overly large smile sliding into place across his pale, thin lips.
Of course he would greet you personally, no butler was good enough for Lee Minho, not when you were trying to keep up appearances.
"Ah, there he is, my son-in-law, man of the hour." Your father extends a hand, and Minho shakes it, though you can see by the slight tic of the muscle in his jaw that he doesn't enjoy the contact.
To his credit, your husband does a hell of a good job putting on a front, his slight smile in your father's direction much more believable than the man's who raised you.
"Boss Park. A pleasure, as always."
Your father doesn't even glance in your direction, motioning for Minho to follow him into the cooled, dimly lit air of the front entrance hall.
You can hear a record playing from somewhere farther within the mansion, probably your father's office.
"Now." Your father waves away an approaching maid, and she scurries to grab an empty tray, headed for the kitchen. He turns, that same sickly smile on his face, and rubs his hands together gleefully. "Shall we get straight to business then?"
"You know I don't enjoy small talk." Minho inclines his head to your father, who takes that as a yes to his previous question.
"Of course." He motions for Minho to move down the hallway, his arm extended. "I'll have Maria bring us refreshments in the parlor. Shall we?"
Minho's hand moves to the small of your back, warm through the thin material of the dress you wear, coaxing you forward with him as he moves to step past your father.
You're thankful for the support, you worry the trembling of your legs will give you away.
"Ah, ah, ah." Your father holds out his arm, stopping your forward motion, and for the first time since you arrived, his eyes flit to you, the corners of his lips curling up into something akin to a disgusted sneer. "You know the rules of my household, daughter. Women are not allowed in business meetings. You can wait here. Catch up with that little maid and the old household cook you were so fond of growing up."
You swallow, your mouth suddenly dry, and something triumphant flashes across your father's dark gaze.
He knows that the cook you were 'so fond of growing up' was executed-shot in the garden while you were made to watch-on his order.
Can't have your daughter getting too close to the help now, can you? Not when secrets could be spilled, reputations dirtied.
Minho is talking, his voice fuzzy through your panicked memories, and you blink, focusing in on what he's saying, staring your father down with a serious, almost deadly, expression.
"I'm sorry, Boss Park, but when your daughter married me, she became my wife, and where I go, my wife goes. Those are my household rules. You understand."
Your father's lips part as his gaze flicks to you once more, as if he's thinking about disagreeing with Minho, but the flash of threat in Minho's dark eyes must convince him otherwise, because he plasters a strained smile onto his face and laughs, throwing his hands out.
"Of course. My apologies. Right this way then."
Minho glances at you, giving you a small reassuring smile, before he squeezes your hand, and you fall into step behind your father.
"Try to relax, (Y/N)."
Your doctor gives you a kind smile, the ultrasound wand posed and ready above your bare belly, the screen tilted toward the bed.
You swallow hard and nod, trying to focus on relaxing the tense muscles of your entire body one by one.
Minho squeezes your fingers where he crouches beside the bed, keeping up the pressure until you glance at him, your bottom lip sucked between your teeth as you worry it incessantly.
He reaches out to free the raw skin from your hold.
"Breathe, baby." He admonishes quietly, inked fingers stroking your knuckles in a reassuring pattern.
"Ready?" Your doctor asks, glancing between the two of you, lowering the wand slowly as she waits for your go ahead.
You stare at the blank, dark screen behind her, and try not to vomit.
"I'm scared." You admit to Minho in a whisper, hand tightening around his own, your breath coming slightly erratically now.
Minho pushes himself to his feet without a word, releasing his hold on your hand, and you almost reach out to grab for him again, before you realize he's sliding behind you on the bed, tugging you back against the warmth of his chest, his arms going around your shoulders protectively as he tucks your head beneath his chin.
"What did I tell you before, princess?"
You swallow again, gaze darting to your waiting doctor, and the screen beyond her shoulder.
"That it's going to be okay."
"Mm. Good girl." Minho hums a sound of approval in his throat, and you feel his lips brush across your forehead. "And it's going to be."
You take in a shuddering breath, and then give a little, jerky nod.
Minho's fingers find your own once more, and you feel him lift his chin from your head, glancing at the doctor.
She must see what she needs to in his gaze, because with a nod of her own, she finally touches the ultrasound wand to your belly.
Your body tenses at the contact as she begins to move the wand around slowly, her gaze laser focused on the screen.
Minho reaches his hand around to the front of your throat, his fingers finding purchase beneath your chin, and you don't resist him as he tips your head back, guiding you to meet his gaze.
"Just look at me, baby. Deep breath."
You force your chest in and out-once, twice-and Minho gives a nod of approval, leaning down to kiss your forehead once more.
"Good girl."
There is quiet, you don't know how long it's been since the doctor started her exam, and you feel your stomach twist, bile burning your throat, the longer the oppressive silence drags on.
Fuck, shouldn't you have heard something by now?
What if-
"Ah, there we go." The doctor murmurs, almost to herself, and suddenly, the sound of a heartbeat-fast and fluttering, like a hummingbirds wings, echoing the frantic pace of your own-fills the room.
Minho grins down at you, and you see the relief flash across his eyes as the heartbeat continues, strong and steady. "See? Nothing to worry about."
Your body sags with relief, and you glance at the screen beyond the doctor's shoulder-no longer dark-a shimmering, spiking line flickering constantly across the monitor in perfect time with the rapid heartbeat.
"Baby sounds perfect." Your doctor continues, smiling up at the two of you, as she moves the wand around and the heartbeat heightens a little. "Right on track."
"Oh my god." You breathe out, putting a trembling hand up to your mouth, sudden hot tears filling your eyes. "Fuck."
Minho laughs a little, leaning over to press a lingering kiss to the crown of your head, his arms squeezing you protectively.
His next exhale comes out more than a little shaky.
"Fuck indeed, baby. Fuck indeed."
There is blood.
Blood smearing the inside of your legs, blood pounding hard in your ears, blooding staining the disgusting cock of the man looming over you, leering.
You glance to the door where your father had disappeared, giving his men free reign over you, some sort of lesson, and you know, deep down, that there is blood on his hands too.
But unlike the crimson marking you and the man creeping in, it's not the visible kind.
There is blood.
Dripping down between your fingers, coating your palms in slick red, so thick and so ingrained that even the running water is not enough to wash it away, not completely.
You scrub frantically at your hands, but the crimson only seems to multiply, filling the cracks and seeping into the edges of your vision.
You are hyperventilating, your chest heaving, tears streaming down your cheeks, and without your bidding, your gaze slides back to the man on the floor.
Lying in a quickly congealing pool of blood and slaughter, your bucket and rag left hastily beside his blown out head.
The rag is already wet and sopping with blood, even after only one quick stroke across the cement.
You lean over the sink and vomit.
There is blood.
You can feel it, pooling beneath your hips, but you're too scared to look beneath the covers, too sure of what you'll find, your heart already shattering in your chest.
You feel sick to your stomach, and the cramping is worsening.
Rolling to your side, you curl your body into the safety of the fetal position, and try to drown out the low murmur of the doctor's voice from the other side of the room.
Screwing your eyes shut, you keep it all inside, and scream with rage where no one will hear.
There is blood.
Flecked across the tawny skin of his cheekbones, spattering the front of his white dress shirt, his prized shoes, congealing and blending with the dark ink that flows across his knuckles until they are almost one.
He steps toward you, and you run to him without a second thought, terrified enough that the breath in your lungs refuses to leave, not until you've got your hands on him and made sure he's all right.
Your bodies collide, and Minho holds you up as a sob tears from between your lips.
You reach up and put your palms on either side of his face, the crimson splatters, sprinkled across his nose like morbid freckles, accentuating the gold flecks that flash in the dark recesses of his eyes.
Minho's lips twist into the hint of a smile.
"It's not mine, princess. Don't worry."
You feel your lungs collapse, your chest caving, and you throw your arms around him violently, never willing to let him leave your grasp again, at least for tonight.
There is blood.
You step around the puddle on the floor with nothing more than a disinterested glance, your sneakers squeaking on the concrete.
Behind you, Felix makes a muffled sound of disgust in the back of his throat.
"God, they really need to clean up down here."
You glance over your shoulder at him, as he steps around the bloody puddle on the floor with an open look of horror on his face, a grin breaking free from your lips.
You wait for him to catch up to you, and link your arm in his as you continue down the long hallway.
"C'mon, Lixie. I think it's charming."
He gives you an arch of his brow, and you laugh a little.
The interoggation rooms built beneath the mansion serve a purprose-regardless of how dark-and honestly, you're grateful Minho had thought of them.
It's a way to keep the men you hold dear close enough that you know they're not in danger while they do their jobs.
Plus, hearing the screams when you come down here can be therapeutic in a way.
"Besides-" You reach the end of the hall and stop in front of the door there, glancing over at the man beside you as you reach for the knob. "I guarantee, when they come down here, cleaning is the last thing on Changbin and Chan's minds."
Felix rolls his eyes. "Savages."
You grin once more, and roll the door knob in your hand, pushing the door inward easily.
"It's why we love them."
You step into the room, Felix close on your heels, and as the door shuts behind you, your eyes flicker around the small chamber, taking everything in.
Chan is standing against the far wall beside Changbin, muttering something to him rapidly in a low voice.
There's a wall of instruments on the north side, anything from clamps to syringes, all used to get enemies talking.
And in the center of the room, a hunched form of a struggling man, bound to a chair, face covered with a sack.
You can just make out the muffled swears coming from beneath the rough fabric.
You take a step into the light that beams down on the man, encircling him in the gloom, and Chan and Changbin push up from the wall as one, their chatter ceasing immediately.
Changbin grins at you dangerously, as Chan rolls his head from side to side, waiting for your instructions.
Felix, silent as a ghost, leans against the door behind you, watching.
You tilt your head toward the man.
"Show me his face."
"Gladly." Changbin's teeth gleam sharply, as he leans forward and rips the cover roughly off the man's head.
The man looks around, disoriented, his long, gray hair wild, eyes wide and white with fear, the gag held between his teeth stained with spittle.
You feel a spark of fear light in your stomach at the sight of his face-older now, lined, but still recognizable-but force it back down with a long breath, stepping closer calmly, until the man's frantically roving eyes land on you.
"Take off his gag."
Chan steps up silently now, untying the gag at the back of the man's head, and as soon as it's loose enough, the man spits it out, licking his dry, chapped lips, as he glances between you and the men surrounding him with fury in his eyes.
"What the fuck is this? Who do you think you are? I could have you thrown to the bottom of a lake so no one would find your bodies, you know-"
You tsk your tongue in disapproval, and the man halts his tirade, his eyes narrowing, his weaselly features sharp.
"Empty threats." You sigh, stepping toward him, cocking your head as you study him.
He's shrunk after all these years, his skin almost paper thin, his hair greasy.
The eyes are the same though.
Hungry, predatory, evil.
His lips lift into the start of a snarl, revealing yellowing teeth.
"I don't know who you think you are, you bitch, but I assure you-"
Changbin's hand tangles into the man's stringy hair, yanking his head back roughly, shutting him up.
"Shut the fuck up, old man. Watch your tongue." He growls, glaring down at the man, his eyes blurring with tears as Changbin tugs once more on his hair painfully hard. "Or else I'll make sure that what she does to you will feel like mercy when I'm done with you."
He shoves the man's head forward, and he sputters, trying to catch his breath, his chest heaving, spittle flying from his lips.
Chan steps around the chair and holds out a knife toward you, his brow arched.
You take it without hesitation, and play with the razor sharp tip for a moment, ticking it off your fingertips as you study the man, lost in thought.
He glares up at you, his eyes full of hatred.
You almost laugh.
Oh trust me, not as much hatred as I hold toward you, Wu Chen.
You sigh, a long suffering sound, and address the man sitting, still now, before you.
"Do you recognize me, Mr. Wu?"
His dark eyes flash with something full of anger, but no recognition crosses his murderous gaze.
"Why should I?"
You cluck your tongue in annoyance, glancing up from the gleaming knife held in your hands.
"You took something from me once."
A brief flash of confusion swirls with the fury, and then his jaw clenches, his features going hard.
He gives a humorless laugh.
"I've taken things from a lot of people." His eyes glint with the predator, his tongue darting out to wet his lips as he lets his gaze fall down the length of your body. "Quite a few of them delicious, mouthy little cunts such as yourself."
He's trying to unnerve you.
It's not working.
You've given him enough fear for one lifetime already.
No more.
You step forward, and lean over him, your hand going on the back of the chair, the knife held alert between the two of you, dangerously close to his jugular.
His eyes flick down to the steel, and you don't miss the way his throat bobs with a swallow.
"You took something. Long ago. Took something from someone who couldn't fight back. Something that was never yours to begin with. Do you remember what that was, Mr. Wu?"
Your voice is quiet, steady, but venomous and deadly as a viper waiting to strike.
His eyes meet yours, and when it's clear he's not going to respond, you sigh, sliding the knife up the column of his throat slowly, watching as the crimson appears in the shallow cut you leave behind.
He flinches, but remains quiet.
"A girl." You continue, voice dropping to nothing more than a deadly murmur.
Something like recognition flashes in the dark of his eyes, and suddenly, the man sitting bound before you looks a hell of a lot more nervous than he did before.
You let a small smirk flick the corner of your lips, as you lean back, taking the knife away from his throat.
"She wasn't strong enough to fight you back then. But she is now."
You lift your chin at Chan, and he steps around in front of your prisoner, leaning over to rip open the closure of his suit pants.
"What, what are you doing?" He splutters, immediately writhing in the chair once more, as Chan proceeds to easily tear his pants open, baring thin, scarred legs to the cold air of the room.
Changbin steps up as Chan finishes and goes around the chair, back to his side, holding the man still with firm hands on his shoulders as you approach once more.
You lean over, and easily shred the boxers he wears with one quick flick of your wrist that holds the knife.
The man before you screams and struggles, as his shrunken, shriveled cock springs free for all to see.
"Mm." You hum in your throat thoughtfully, staring at the man and his member with consideration. "It's a lot smaller than I remembered."
Changbin leans over the man's shoulder to get a look and grins, his eyes glinting.
You glance back to your prisoner, and a smirk curves your lips as he cries out in terror, fighting against his bonds and the hold of Changbin's hands.
You step closer and hold up the knife for him to see, the metal glinting in the overhead light.
"No, no, please-" He flails, begging pathetically, but you ignore him, angling the knife expertly as you close in.
The smirk doesn't leave your lips, as you arch a brow and stare down at the writhing, pathetic excuse of a man before you.
Your voice is steady when you speak, rising above the sound of his pleas.
"You took something precious from me, Mr. Wu. Now it's time for me to take something from you."
You hear Minho before you see him.
The door to the bedroom sounds, and the room is immediately filled with curses and general angry lamentations as he struggles to get through the crack he's made in the door without letting the dogs on the other side in with him.
You can hear him yelling all the way from the ensuite bathroom.
"Get back, you hairy fuckers!-Jesus-Suwon, don't do that, you damned beast!-fuck-and you! Fucking bane of my existence!-ow-Give me back my fucking shoe and go find a ball, you damned fucking demon hound!"
The door finally slams, and you hear rapid paws head down the hall on the other side, Suwon and the new puppy, probably in search of Yeong-Ja.
Minho appears then in the doorway of the bathroom, looking frazzled, a lone dress shoe held in his hand, his lips smashed into a thin line of rage.
You try to hide your smile, glancing at him over your shoulder, as you continue to ready to get in the already running shower.
"Have a bit of a struggle, Boss Lee?" You query innocently, eyes wide as you regard him, like you haven't just heard everything that occurred.
He swears under his breath and tosses the chewed shoe into the trash, reaching up to swipe a hand through his disheveled hair with an agitated rake of his fingers.
"Fucking dogs. That fucking puppy is even worse than Suwon was."
You grin now, turning toward him, and his eyes trail down your naked body, catching on the prevalent bump that now takes up your midsection.
"Baby, Bohoja will learn, just like Suwon did. You won't be stuck with ruined shoes forever."
"Mmm." Minho hums something like distracted agreement under his breath, his eyes still on you, as if he's lost his train of thought and is no longer thinking about the hellhounds that roam the halls. "He had better. Or I'll have Chan's head on a stick." He takes a step toward you. "But that's not what I came to talk about."
You arch a brow, playing innocent for awhile longer.
"Oh? What did you come to talk about then, husband?"
His eyes darken predatorially at the lilting tease to your voice, a challenge, and he growls, closing the space between you, his hand going up to grip your chin.
Your bare chest brushes his through the material of the dress shirt he wears, and you can already feel his arousal, long and rock hard against your leg.
It makes you want to shiver, even though the steamy bathroom is more than a little warm.
His eyes trace up your body once more, and then flick to your face, catching on your cheekbone, before he reaches up with his free hand to brush something on your skin.
You lean into his touch, brushing your lips over the inked skin of his knuckles.
"You have blood on your face, princess."
You arch a brow. "Does that turn you on?"
Minho's eyes flash dark, dangerous, and his lip curls up to reveal a flash of his teeth, his voice a husky growl in the back of his throat.
You smirk, and he stares at you for another moment, hunger clear in his eyes, and you think maybe he'll give in and take you right here, against the bathroom counter, but instead, he sighs, and lets his free hand tangle into your hair, tilting your head back so your gaze meets his.
"You found him then."
It's a statement, not a question.
You nod. "Yes."
Minho's brow arches, and the corner of his mouth lifts into the start of a smirk.
You sigh, pulling from his grasp as you step away, turning back when you reach the waiting shower.
Minho hasn't moved, watching your every move.
Eyes locked on his, you step backward into the flowing water, and it immediately coats your skin in hot rivulets, making everything slick.
You arch a brow, watching the predatory look come back into Minho's eyes as the water wets your skin, pooling in streams down between your breasts, your thighs.
You cock your head, as if considering, and then say without preamble, "And I cut off his pathetic excuse for a dick. I gave it to cook. She's going to make a fancy pate out of it and feed it to the dogs."
Minho breathes out, you see it in the way his chest rises and falls and then he's striding to the open air shower, ripping his tie off as he comes, stepping into the stream of water in the rest of his clothing without a second thought.
He takes your chin in a bruising grip with one hand, and snakes his other hand down between your thighs.
Your breath hitches as he touches the wetness there, just for him.
"God, you're so fucking beautiful, princess." He grits out, tilting your head back so that he can look into your eyes while he finger fucks you.
"So you tell me." You try to give him a teasing smile, but the expression is lost as your mouth parts and a gasp escapes your lips when he curls his fingers.
"No, I mean-" He backs you against the wall with his body, the water drenching the shirt he wears, you can see his tan skin and the ink across his chest through the wet material, and lets his gaze travel appreciatively down your length once more. "-you're always fucking beautiful, but god-"
He groans gutturally , leaning into you, mouth open against your own, as he hits a spot that has you gripping onto him, keening audibly.
"-there's something so incredibly fucking sexy about you when you're pregnant."
His words send a thrill of heat straight to your core.
"Take this off." You practically beg, pawing uselessly at his shirt, and he pulls his hand away from you to undo the buttons, tugging it open impatiently, as you reach down to free him of his pants.
You're eager for him to take you, to claim you, but instead of immediately finding purchase inside you, Minho drops to his knees in front of you, and runs his hands reverently over your swollen belly, glancing up at you through the streams of water.
His hair is dark, dripping, and you bury your fingers into it.
"I put this here. You, carrying my kid, princess-" He takes in a deep breath, his fingers still caressing your skin. "Fuck, now everyone knows who you belong to. Everyone knows you're mine."
You stare down at him, this man on his knees for you, this man who has given you everything-and you smile.
"I don't think there was ever any doubt about who I belonged to, Lee Minho. It's always been you."
Minho surges to his feet and covers your mouth with his own, your tongues tangling instantly, your body melting into his, his fingers finding you once again right where he left off, making you jolt against him and gasp in pleasure.
"What do you want?" He asks, voice husky, gravely, against your lips.
"You." You breathe back, hand already trailing down between your two bodies to find him. Your fingers close around him, and Minho shudders. "All of you. Always."
"You have all of me, princess. Always." He repeats in a hoarse voice, before he sheathes himself fully inside of you without warning, making you both cry out.
And you know he means it.
"Ow." You huff beneath your breath, shifting on the chaise, as Yeong-Ja looks up from playing with the puppy on the floor in front of the fire.
"What's wrong, mommy?"
You give her a smile that's more like a grimace as the baby kicks you strongly again, foot sinking up under your ribs.
"Baby brother is just kicking me, that's all, baby. I'm okay."
Yeong-Ja immediately turns back to Bohoja, teasing him with a rope toy.
"'Baby brother'?" Minho queries, leaving his desk and sliding in beside you on the sofa, his arm going around you as he pulls you close.
You smile, glancing up at him. "Just a feeling."
Another kick, another curse under your breath.
"Fuck. Minho. Tell your son to behave please."
Minho chuckles, burying his nose in your hair and breathing you in, his hand sliding down to rest on the apex of your stomach.
"Sorry, princess. You know how we Lee men are."
The baby kicks again against his palm, and Minho curves his fingers along the curvature of your belly, as if holding the unborn baby close from the outside.
You sigh, and snuggle back into him.
He presses a kiss to your forehead.
"Well-" You acquiesce, stifling a yawn as you lean your head on his shoulder, and watch Yeong-Ja playing happily with the puppy, Suwon dozing near by. "-I'd better get used to it then, because I wouldn't have them any other way."
You feel the warmth of Minho's breath as he buries his face once more in your hair, holding you close.
"I love you, princess. And the murderous little creature currently growing in your womb."
You grin and kiss his chest through the thin material of his dress shirt.
"I love you too, Boss Lee."
There is so much love.
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elllisaaa · 2 months
Hii, if you don’t mind I have two requests 🤍
Fluff mixed with angst: reader is in a relationship with jay, but she sometimes feels like he neglects her a bit because of his friendship with jungwon (she feels like she’s third wheeling in her own relationship)
Smut/angst/comfort: soft dom taking readers virginity (she’s really shy and also insecure about her body but he finds her extremely attractive and wants to show it)
I love soft dom jay
hii anonie ! thank you so much for sending me these requests ! i only wrote the first one because i'm not comfortable writing about reader being a virigin, i'm sorry. i hope you'll like this nonetheless, take care !
JAY has been very clear with you since you started this Relationship : he loves you a lot, and that means he's always going to put you first and spoil you. and honestly, he's doing a very good job at making you feel good about yourself. everyday when you send him a pic of your outfit, he praises you. he's here for you when you need to, and don't ever think about paying anything when you go out together.
that's why you feel a little guilty right now. you shouldn't be bothered by jay's friendship with jungwon, right ? it doesn't feel okay to make a comment about it, but you still feel bad sometimes. whenever jungwon comes by your apartment, or that the three of you hang out together, it's almost like you're third wheeling in your own relationship.
jay always wants you to communicate about your feelings, but this time, you don't want to. you know that it's only going to hurt him, and you want him to be happy. you don't want to become the kind of girlfriend who stops her boyfriend from going out with his friends. jay is treating you like a princess, like a queen everyday, and you want to treat him like a prince, like a king too.
but you can't help the way your heart aches every time he leaves you alone to go out with jungwon, or when the other boy comes over only for the both of them to play video games for hours and barely acknowledge your presence. that's why you're currently trying to distract yourself from the fact that jay spent his only day off of the week with his friend by baking some cupcakes - because it takes a lot of time, and you need to be completely focused when you're decorating them, thus making it the best activity to take off your mind from the invading thoughts."
"i'm home, love." you welcome your boyfriend as he enters the kitchen. you're putting the last final touch to your batch of cupcakes with a proud smile on your face. "you made cupcakes ? they're really pretty, darling." jay kisses you on the cheek as wraps his arms around you. and you should feel good and comforted in his embrace, as always, but today it's impossible. so you quickly detach yourself from him, trying to make it look as natural as possible by starting to do the dishes.
jay frowned as you put distance between you and him. you're always so cuddly and touchy, especially when you haven't seen him all day. something might have happen to you while he was with jungwon, and anyway, something is definitely off. "is there something wrong, y/n ?" - "not at all. why are you asking me that ?" you try to stay focused on the dishes, but you can feel tears pricking your eyes. and jay is too observant for his own good sometimes, so he immediately notices. he tenderly grabs your hand, forcing you to let go of the plates you were washing. his fingers intertwined with yours, his soft gaze diving into your glistening eyes. "love, i can see that you're not doing well. you know that you can talk to me. what's going on ?"
you don't want to cry, but you can't stop the tears from rolling down your cheeks as you think about the afternoon you spent alone, baking, while jay was away. you just wanted him with you today, and he wasn't there. jay is quick to hold you close against him, his fingers running through your hair as he murmurs reassuring words in hopes it would soothe you. once you're a little more calm, he cups your face, his thumbs brushing against your soft skin and wiping your tears away. "what's going on, darling ?" - "it's stupid, forget it." - "it's not stupid if it makes you cry. please, tell me."
you avoid his eyes for a few seconds, taking a deep breath. "it's just… i waited all week for your day off and i thought we would spend it together. but then you went to hang out with jungwon, and sometimes i feel like you love to spend time with him more than with me. and i don't want to seem too jealous or possessive, and i don't want you to stop seeing him but… but sometimes i wish you would spend a little more time with me instead, or that you would pay attention to me when he's coming over. i don't know, i just feel a little left out sometimes."
jay feels a pang in his chest at your words. how can he make his sweet, perfect girlfriend feel this bad ? he feels like an idiot too, for not having noticed that sooner. he claims to be boyfriend material, but this is definitely something that is not. "i'm sorry, love. i'm so sorry. i didn't know you felt like that." - "i'm good at hiding it, and i didn't want you to feel trapped or anything." you can see jay's eyes shining as he presses his forehead against yours. "you could never make me feel like that, never. i'm happy to be with you, and i love to spend time with you more than with anyone else. i know that i've been spending a lot of time with jungwon lately, but i didn't notice how much, and i'm sorry if i made you feel like i didn't care about you. that's not true, love, i hope you know that." you nod with a small smile. of course, you know that he does, he shows you everyday how grateful he is to be by your side.
"i'm glad you told me, and i promise i'm going to be more careful now, yeah ? i never want you to feel like that again. if i do, you can slap me." you chuckle at his words, and jay can't help the smile growing on his face too. "i'm serious, love. you're my number one priority, and that's not gonna change. i love you." - "thank you, baby. you know that i love you too." - "i know." you smile at each other, and when jay leans down to peck your lips, you reciprocate. it's hard to kiss when you're both smiling like fools in love, but it makes you feel safe. and you know that whenever you need him, jay will be there, he'll always be there.
123 notes · View notes
kaeddehara · 2 years
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+. NOTES — this is a slightly longer than anticipated drabble about your perverted classmate albedo who’s top of his class. he’s been eyeing you for some time and unnoticed by him, you might share those same feelings for him…!
+. WARNINGS — nsfw + mdni + blowjob + virgin bedo + college au + voyerism + exhibitionism + slight hair pulling + shy!virigin!bedo x dominate!experienced!reader !
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albedo had a similar routine of study sessions he held for those who asked for help from him. it was few, but in those times, he enjoyed it. often being so quiet and kept to himself, getting to not only talk to others but it being about something he really enjoys? it brings out the absolute best in him! that’s not to say when he found out you wanted to have a study session with him, he practically stuttered over his words and face turned red. having such a cute girl like you wanting to spend time with him was making albedo hot in the face. even if it was just studying. you seemed so sweet, gentle even with a calming energy that matched his own. even then, albedo has little to no experience talking with girls. he often found his eyes wandering and heart pumping so fast he couldn’t hear anything except it. how pathetic he was, overthinking every little detail even though all you probably wanted was some quick studying in.
you said a little louder to get his attention. he’s been spacing out for some time now and it was starting to worry you. his eyes finally darting everywhere as he regains his focus.
“i-i’m um—“
he stutters over his words which you found adorable.
trying your best to hold back a smirk as you give him a small smile.
“my apologies, start over again with what you were saying”.
so sweet of him.
though, it was a good cover up for how he really was. you’d follow where his pretty blue eyes wandered and sometimes could even make out a faint outline of his bulge in his pants. how cute. he could barley keep it together around you. you started over from where you were as albedo continued your study session. he was surprisingly a good instructor when he got into topics he enjoyed. his otherwise quiet and cold demeanor was soon pushed away. but before you could get too distracted, you asked him a question while he began to pack things up.
“why not let me treat you! it’s well deserved after all”
albedo scratched the side of his face in thought. he didn’t know the next time he’d have a chance like this but what if you weren’t even into him at all? he mentally sighed as he knew he shouldn’t even be thinking of asking you of anything. if anything, you probably just felt bad for him right?
“there’s no need please, im more than happy just to help you with class work”
you sighed a little at his response but also wanted to smile at how respectful he came off.
“how about…i help you out with something else?”
“something else?”
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“someone’s gonna see, someone’s gonna- ah-!”
albedo covered his mouth as quickly as he let that pathetic whine out. taking a good look around to make sure no one else was there to witness what was going down. how could you get both of you in such a risky situation? you only continued on your reward for albedo as you tugged at his waist band. he pushed up his glasses up as he tried to regain some control of the situation. your pretty hands teasing their way along albedos rather warm skin. his eyes shut at your touch, being so nervous and going solely based off his bodies reactions.
it felt so foreign yet so heavenly for albedo it was hard to contain any sort of composure. finally pulling down his pants enough to release him, he felt the cold air touch his hot to the touch skin. seething slightly at the feeling, albedo lowly groaned, a hand soon coming to cover his mouth and avoid any unwanted attention or getting caught. letting his cock release from the constriction of his pants as his aching hard cock bobbed under its own weight. from someone of albedos stature, it was a pretty impressive size. such a pretty color and shape too. the soft outline of his v-line tempted you go hard to continue teasing but thought it best to get down to it straight away to save him the build up.
always having a feeling these kinda boys were hiding something. the thickness made you drool at the thought of how nice he would feel stretching you out, but that would have to be saved for another time <3. this only urging yourself to wrap your fingers around him and gently pump his aching cock up and down in rhythmic motions. you looked up to albedo, watching his pretty features become distorted with this overwhelming pleasure.
“f-fuck that feels good”
he couldn’t even hold back his own thoughts anymore. best part was, you hadn’t even gotten to the actual reward.
“you can’t deny me now can you bedo?” you teasingly joked with him as he shifted his hips in his seat to look more natural.
“hah..i guess..”
you giggled at his attempt to keep a cool face and quiet voice even though his heart was racing. as you continued stroking him, you’d watched him become more relaxed, taking this as a sign to move on. you moved your face closer to his swelled tip before looking up to him once more. feeling your breath on his skin was such a heavenly feeling in itself. still keeping that eye contact, you began to give his neglected tip gentle licks and kisses. as you did so you pulled back for a moment to ask albedo a question.
“have you ever gotten a blowjob albedo?” already knowing the answer but still wanting to hear what he had to say.
you could tell he was embarrassed and you loved hearing that in his voice. smiling, you let your spit begin to drip down one of his many thick, pulsing veins as you once again stroked his now slicked cock. the lewd sounds of albedos cock being pumped while you continued to kiss and lick his tip were already getting you needy.
“guess i’ll be your first then hm?” albedos cheeks where flushed along with his mouth being slightly parted. he looked so pretty all messy for you. he nodded awkwardly but that didn’t last for long as you soon took albedo inside your tight, hot mouth. albedos back practically arched at the feeling. as his hand, out of some sort of instinct, made its way to your hair. you looked up to him while stilling him inside your mouth. he’s so fucking cute you can’t wait to show him what else you can make him feel. starting to bob your head gently up and down albedo still had to get used to the feeling of your mouth.
he’d seen this in porn he’s watched many times before but never would he have imagined it feeling so damn good. his pretty blue eyes becoming half lidded because of the immense pleasure. focusing on your mouth, you moved your hands up to rest of his thigh.
taking glances up to see if albedo was enjoying his first ever blowjob and yet, you could tell he was still so stressed and worried about getting caught. even while knowing there was no one else in the library at that time. squeezing at his thigh and rubbing your thumb into the soft flesh to help him relax and soothe his beating heart. he did appreciate it even while he couldn’t help his body.
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“i-i’m so sorry i meant to warn you but-“
albedo cut himself off short when he saw you swallow his cum and lick your lips after. being so in awe of how sensual you were, his pretty class mate licking up his cum in the library after a study session sounded nothing more than a dream after all. putting your hands on his thighs again, you gave him a small smile.
“nothing to be sorry about bedo, you taste nice anyway”
his face was distorted with some sort of rather shocked yet pleased feeling. he pushed up his glasses awkwardly but so cutely after receiving something you’re sure will cloud his mind for weeks. so in awe of how nice you were towards someone like him.
“let’s do this again sometime bedo, next time we can take it to my dorm”
“may i ask— why did you do this for me?”
you smiled gently at his question.
“to thank you for helping me out, it’s only fair right?”
albedo thought about your response momentarily before you leaned in closer to his body.
“also, because i think you’re cute silly”
leaving a small kiss on his thigh, he tensed up but never once denied you of anything. having albedo wrapped around your finger was such an easy task that had been earned <3.
albedo was still twitching slightly from his orgasm, especially his sensitive little thighs, so you took his silence as a compliment. who knew treating that cute, nerdy boy would be such a reward.
“see you next study session yeah?”
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toxycodone · 2 months
upcoming fics
in no particular order
Inspection : Laios Touden x Reader (pt. 1 + pt. 2)
content: lots of teasing, reader implied to have monster features/genitals, laios being a total weirdo
You volunteer to let Laios get a better look at what's going on in between your thighs. Purely for the sake of science, of course. After his pretty relentless teasing, you plan to enact revenge of your own.
Under Wraps : Chilchuck Tims x Reader, Senshi x Reader (pt. 1 + pt. 2)
content: risky/"public" sex, voyeurism, unprofessional workplace shenanigans
Chilchuck has always been a man known for his professionalism and avoidance of inter-party romances. You decide to test his limits in regards to this, which leads to some impromptu means of releasing this pent up sexual tension. Turns out you two weren't as sneaky as you thought, though.
*Untitled Ideas*
Lycion x Reader
content: breeding bench, monsterfucking (lycion in his werewolf form), knotting, exhibitionism, pheromones
Strapped for cash, you decide to pick up an unconventional job in the underground fight club: offering yourself as the prize for whatever werecreature wins the evening's tournament. When a particularly strapping wolfman comes to claim his prize, right in front of the audience, you're not sure if you are regretting this decision or reveling in it.
Laios x Reader
content: slowwwww asf burn, learning about sex (no one is implied to be a virigin but Laios is just unskilled), arranged marriage, laios is just a nerd who doesn't get all these political arrangement things and like. yeah. demisexual laios canon to me.
You've been more than aware of your stance as a political bargaining chip, so when you're offered to be married off to the king of Melini, it comes as no surprise to you. You're intent on giving him heir immediately, as it is your duty as his spouse...but that task proves more difficult than figured due to the King's inability to get it up.
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megamindsecretlair · 11 months
Let Me Hold You
Pairing: Tyrone x Virgin!Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. PWP, virginity loss, shy reader, cursing, PIV, oral (fem receiving), dirty talk, praise kink, possession kink if you squint, Soft Tyrone, all consensual. Mentions of religion, God, and Christian-leaning faith. Sorry if I miss any!
Summary: Ask: ...the reader is a virgin church girl, who, finds herself entangled in a predicament when her parents forbid her to be with the charismatic Tyrone. Despite this, the reader has a genuine friendship with him. They have crushes on each other but do not know how to tell each other.
Word Count: 5,803
A/N: Welp. This healed and broke some things in me! LOL. This was a wonderful ask from @notapradagurl7. I'm SO sorry this took forever to get out, I felt so bad. I hope this was worth the wait. Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Taglist: @planetblaque @dayjlovesromance @sevikasblackgf @melaninpov @amyhennessyhouse @henneseyhoe @honeyoriginalz @justheretostan @black-fairy3 @superhoeva @jarfulloftears @hereformiles @montysstuffs @westside-rot @blackerthings @blowmymbackout @euphoric05 @miyuhpapayuh @nicolexnight @8ttached @judymfmoody @wakandas-vibranium @soft-persephone @justabovewater20 @mcotton0928 @soapjay @heyauntieeee @theyscreamsannii @mybonafidefeelings @eggnox @honeytoffee @thadelightfulone @tranquilfandomer @kindofaintrovert @l-auteuse @browngirldominion @sunkissedebony97 @lovedlover @issahyland
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“And we don’t want you hanging out with that - that boy!” Your father paced the living room floor, his loafers kicking up the delicate fibers. 
“What?” You shrieked. Already, fear spiked into your heart. The thought of not seeing Tyrone? It was inconceivable. You looked toward your mother who perched on the end of the plump chair, proper as you please. She kept her eyes on your father. You wouldn’t get any help from her.
“I’m an adult, you can’t ban me from seeing my friends,” you protested. Did he really think he was serious? 
“It’s not appropriate for you to spend time with someone like him. If you’re to entertain anyone, there are plenty of nice young men at the church.” 
“Malcolm just returned from college to be an engineer. I always knew that boy was smart,” your mother chirped in. 
Your eyes darted between your parents. You half expected aliens to burst from their necks. These people were foreign to you. Unique in their united anger for Tyrone, a boy you’ve known your entire life. 
“Judge not lest ye be judged,” you quoted. Your mother scoffed and glared at you as if you said you wanted to shake your ass for Satan’s minions. Your father stopped his pacing and gawked at you. Like you were the foreign one. A daughter he didn’t recognize. 
“No daughter of mine will hang around someone like that boy. Peddling that poison to people in this community,” your father said. 
“That boy has been nothing but nice to us. A boy you watched grow up. A boy you assume is doing dirt,” you countered. What episode of the Twilight Zone was this? 
“I have eyes,” your father said. “And I see what’s going on. All the people running in and out of his house, his mother’s house I might add, and bumping that music…”
“I still live at home. Are you going to judge me for that too?” You asked. Your father pressed his lips together. 
“It’s different for women,” your mother said as if it were a fact. 
You tuned your parents out as they tried to tell you the difference between young men and young women. You didn’t have the heart to listen anymore. Your blood roared in your ears and you stared off into space, trying to calm down. 
You stood up suddenly. You needed to be anywhere but here. Looking into their judgemental faces. You made one mistake. Funny how they didn’t take into consideration all of the times you were a “good girl”. How you minded your Ps and Qs your entire life. Never did anything bad. Never wanted to do anything bad.
And now, they wanted to effectively place you under house arrest. Only leaving for school or church. This was not the stone ages. You couldn’t sit here under this oppressive weight. Constantly holding yourself to a higher standard. 
What higher standard? Did God really think that oppressing women was the ticket into Heaven? Placing all of these restrictions was the ultimate symbol of propriety? What happened to love thy neighbor? 
Your parents called after you, but you kept moving. You’d never defied them. You always deferred to them. They had experiences you didn’t and just wanted you to have a good life. Bullshit. They wanted a little doll to dress up and tote around town. 
At the door, you slipped into your flats and left the house. No purse, no phone, no keys. It felt…invigorating. That type of freedom was intoxicating. Your parents’ indignant shouts followed you out of the house but they didn’t come to the door. 
You took that opportunity to head down the block towards Tyrone’s house. You hoped he was home. You hadn’t had a chance to check your phone before your parents ambushed you.
His house looked dark for once. There were no cars bunched up in front of the house or thumping music coming from the front door. You ran up the steps and knocked on the metal door.
The cold air caught up to you, edging past the heat of your anger. It could only warm you up so far. There were no sounds coming from the house so you knocked again. It was still earlyish but you didn’t want to be loud and disrespect his mom. 
“Yeah,” Tyrone called out sleepily. You suppressed a smile. Just hearing his voice instantly calmed you down.
You heard a series of locks and bolts being undone. Tyrone swung the door open. He called out your name and looked behind you. 
“What’s up? We were s’posed to meet?” He asked.
“Can I come in?” You asked.
“Always,” he said. He moved out of the way and let you enter his darkened house. You took in the space and got a chilling sense of loneliness here. You didn’t know why. Tyrone closed the door and locked it.
“I was sleep. Come on,” he said. He took your hand and led you to his room. Inside, the sudden light gave you a tiny ache in your eyes and you rubbed them. Tyrone sat on his bed, leaning one leg up onto the mattress. 
You remained standing, suddenly shy. You hated feeling unsettled wherever you went. Even in the company of your friends, you paid attention to everything you said. Were you being weird? Were you not talking enough? It was all incredibly awkward whenever you tried to join the conversation and people had already moved on to the next topic. 
“What’s up?” Tyrone asked.
You sighed and recounted everything that happened with your parents. You paced his small but comfy room, poking at random objects on his desk or hanging on his wall. He had wrinkled Lakers posters torn in one corner. You picked at it as you spoke, not wanting to look him in the face while you spoke and ranted and raved about your judgy, overbearing parents. 
Tyrone was a great listener. He never interrupted you, he kept his comments to a minimum, and when you were brave enough to look at him, he’d nod for you to continue. So you did. You told him everything, even the part about your parents judging him for his side hustle. 
“They don’t want you to see me anymore because of that?” He asked. 
You nodded and sat on the bed next to him. “I told them they’re nuts. They can’t ban me from seeing you, I’m not sixteen,” you said.
“You were pretty cute when you were sixteen,” he said.
“Shut up! I’m trying to be serious here!” You pushed his shoulder. He moved as if you were strong, but you knew that he let you. Tyrone had always been an immovable force. He moved through life like it owed him money and he was coming to collect. He had a surety about himself that kept you up all night thinking of him. 
Your hand lingered on his bare arms, taking in his large biceps. His navy tank top hung just so, highlighting his broad smooth chest. He wore his signature black basketball shorts and you quickly removed your hand. You should not be having these thoughts about your best friend. 
“I’m serious too!” He said and chuckled. He quickly sobered up and glanced at you. “I’d miss you if I couldn’t see you.” 
You smiled slowly. “You’d only miss the chips I bring you,” you said. 
“Naw, I’d miss you. I’d have to stage a breakout or something,” he said. 
You laughed, picturing hopping into Tyrone’s getaway car just to drive a few houses down. Bonnie and Clyde ya’ll were not. 
You bumped his shoulder with yours. “There’s nothing that can keep us apart,” you said. You stuck out your pinkie finger. Tyrone looked at it and laughed, shaking his head and licking his lips. 
“Really?” He asked.
“Yeah, so you know I’m serious,” you said. You pushed your hand into his chest to urge him to do it with you. He shook his head again and wrapped his pinkie around yours. 
“So what you gonna do since they dropped the hammer?” Tyrone asked. 
“I don’t know,” you said. You tucked your legs under you, holding down your dress so no one got a free show. You played with the hem. “I wish they’d see me as an individual instead of an extension of their dead hopes and dreams.” 
“I feel that. You’re just gonna have to prove that you grown now,” he said with a shrug. 
“There’s nothing I can do. They’ll only see me as a goody two shoes who’s always ready with a smile. Like, I don’t have feelings or something? I’d have to rob a bank or have…” You trailed off as the intrusive thought came to you. 
You became very interested in your dress as you played with the rolled hem. “Have what?” Tyrone prompted.
You hummed and shrugged. “Lost my train of thought. Point is, I’m tired of living and dying by their own expectations,” you said. 
The thought didn’t leave you though. In fact, the more you turned it around in your head, the hotter it got in the room. Your imagination ran away from you, providing images of a naked Tyrone standing over you. Bending you over. Calling you dirty names. You shifted on the bed as the images became a little too vibrant.
You usually indulged in your fantasies late at night, safe and comfortable in your head where no one would know except you. It was harmless to be as nasty as you wanted, getting yourself worked up and needy but ultimately not doing anything about it. Could you imagine trying to order a sex toy and have it sent to the house? Trying to hide the buzz buzz as you got yourself off? It was either the towel on the pillow or your own fingers but once you felt awkward, it was hard to get back into the mood. 
“So don’t live by their expectations. What do you wanna do?” He asked. 
You glanced at him. He treated it as seriously as possible and that only made your heart melt. He was the bestest friend you could have hoped for, growing up together. But would you always be someone he grew up with? Forced to talk about his conquests over and over and wishing it were you? 
You licked your lips and faced him. You sat up straight and looked him in the eyes. Your heart thundered in your chest. You felt the steady beat all over, thumping in your arms and in your head. Now or never. 
“What would you say to a crazy idea?” You asked. 
Tyrone shifted to allow you more room on the bed. “What kind of crazy idea?” He asked slowly. 
You smiled at the mistrust in his voice. You were kind of known for some out of pocket schemes. It was not your fault that Mrs. Edwards came home early that one time. How were you supposed to know? 
You lost a bit of your nerve, looking down at your fingers. You gripped your dress hard, your fingers pressing the thin fabric. “What would you say if I asked you to take my virginity?” 
You risked a glance at him. He was frozen solid, gaping at you. After a moment, he blew out a breath. “Wait, what?” 
“I am tired of doing what people expect of me. Nothing is ever good enough and I never get anything out of the deal. I want something for myself. I want to have sex. I want to have sex with you,” you said. 
He tilted his head so you forged on, explaining why you wanted to have sex. “And I know it might be a little weird considering we’re friends but I’m pretty sure you’re not seeing someone right now? Right? Because I’d rather it be with someone I trust, at least the first time…” You rambled. You were rambling and you couldn’t make yourself stop. You heard the words. You said the words. But you couldn’t find a way to disconnect your brain from your mouth. “And you’re totally free to say no. Like, we can totally forget I asked.” 
After you crawled into a cave or yeeted yourself off of a cliff, surely you could be around Tyrone and not think of this stupid situation. 
You opened your mouth to ramble more because he was just sitting there, but he captured your lips with his. His hands cupped your jaw and pulled you into it, moving your lips against his. Your hands gripped his, but not to push him away. You held him there and kissed him back. Tyrone ran the tip of his tongue to trace around your lips. You gasped and he pulled away, pressing his forehead against yours.
“You have no fuckin’ clue how long I been wanting to do that,” he said, his voice hoarse. 
“Wait, what?” You asked. Your head was pleasantly fuzzy. Like you were full of fluffy clouds. “You’ve been wanting to kiss me?”
“Every time I see you. You got kissable lips,” he said. He made his point by kissing you again, humming low in his throat. He pulled away and ran his thumb across your lips. Each pass of his lips on yours or his calloused fingers on you only made your head fuzzier. You squeezed your thighs together, feeling yourself get more and more worked up.
“Why didn’t you ever say? Especially after ninth grade!” There was once upon a time where you two had danced at the high school you attended. You had found a dark-ish corner away from the chaperones and told Tyrone that you’d never been kissed. He had laid one on you, probably not well now that you thought about it, but it had been so precious to you. He ended it by saying, “Now you have”, and walked away. 
The memory was always bittersweet. But hell, it was still your first kiss. 
“I was a dumb ass kid. I didn’t know how to tell you I liked you more than a friend,” he said. 
Warmth spread from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. This lonely torch you’d been holding for Tyrone wasn’t one sided. You looked into his molten brown eyes and smiled, not knowing how to properly process this new information.
In fact, it blew you away that you were here at this moment. Who knew your holier-than-thou parents were good for something? 
“And now?” You asked.
Tyrone removed his hands from your face and you missed them instantly. He grabbed one of your hands, pulling it across his lap so that you could cup him. You gasped at the sheer size of him. Despite common myths, you have seen a dick before. But you’d never touched one. Held one. Sucked on one. 
Your mouth went dry at the thought. You wanted to suck him, but what if you were bad at it? Your lip rolled in between your teeth and you bit down, wondering the mechanics of it all. 
“Well, you did ask me for something huge. Are you sure?” He asked. His voice held a strange, raspy quality to it. You flicked your eyes back to him and he was breathing a little faster. Oh shit, he really did like you. How the hell did you miss it? 
“I’m very sure,” you said. You pressed your hand in more, stroking him over his basketball shorts. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then, he opened them and grinned at you. 
“I’ll do it. But I want you to promise me that you’ll tell me if you don’t like something or if you want to stop, okay?” 
You nodded. “I promise. I’m a big girl, I can use my words,” you said. Your hands still moved over him and you must’ve been doing something right because his breaths left him in quick bursts. He rubbed his face and gripped his jaw, eyes tightly shut. 
“Okay, okay,” he said. He stilled your hand on him and moved it off. “Okay, okay. Virgin. Have you done anything? Gotten eaten out?” He asked.
You sighed and shook your head. “Yeah, I just snuck them up to my room while my dad was busy in the kitchen,” you said.
Tyrone chuckled. “Okay, smart ass. Give me a minute. I’m like…I don’t wanna just jump on you even though I want to,” he said. He stood up and rubbed his hands together, jumping in place. 
You giggled. “I thought I was supposed to be the nervous one,” you said. And you were! Your nerves were shot. Your hands trembled thinking of what the hell you were about to get into. You had fantasized it so many times, wondering who it would be. Sometimes wishing it were Tyrone. And while you didn’t think it would be all glitzy like they do in the movies, you did think you’d be married. Or at least in a steady relationship.
As you looked at Tyrone though, you were glad it was with someone you were comfortable with. Someone who took your usual anxiety from 100% to about 65%. 
Tyrone smirked. “If you knew the thoughts I be having about you…you might run out that door,” he said. “I’m trying to do this right.” 
You reached out and grabbed his hand. “Don’t treat me like some glass doll,” you said. You titled your head and stared him down. “You forgetting I know all your nasty little secrets?” 
Tyrone chuckled and squeezed your hand. “Shut up. That’s different. I ain’t care about them, but I do care about you. Don’t ever treat this shit as casual,” he said. 
You sucked your teeth. “Not you too. I promise, I’m not going around opening my legs for any man that wants it,” you said. You were about to go on a tirade about how it was your body and your rules. Tyrone shut you up with another kiss, tugging on your bottom lip. 
“The thought of anyone else in between your legs makes me angry,” he whispered against your lips.
He nodded and continued to kiss you, sliding his hands up and down your arms. His warm, big hands chased away any lingering chill from outside. He slowly knelt so that he wasn’t bending at an awkward angle. 
His knees sank to the floor and he nestled himself in between your thighs. His hands continued to travel down, squeezing your hips, your outer thighs. Your hands held on to his shoulders, kneading and massaging his back. He moaned into your mouth and a delicious tingle went up your spine. 
“Mhm, so don’t say that shit no more,” he said. 
“You can’t expect…”
His hands crept closer to your pussy and you ended your sentence on a squeak. Heat rose up your neck and cheek. “Relax,” he said. You took a few deep breaths, nodding, but you were as stiff as a board. Tyrone stopped moving his hand and kept it on your thigh.
“You gotta relax. And let me do this for you,” he said. His thumb pressed into your thigh and your body caved in. He somehow zeroed in on a knot and his thumb worked it out. “Oh fuck,” you said. 
“Mhm, you’ll feel better in a minute. But you gotta relax for me,” he said.
Sure, as if you could snap your fingers and relax. Wouldn’t you know it, anxiety was a light switch you could flick on and off at your leisure. Tyrone must’ve seen your thoughts play across your face, because he chuckled. 
“Do you have any fuckin’ idea how sexy you are?” He asked.
“What?” You asked. The question caught you off guard. You knew you were gorgeous, you knew you were working with some thick thighs and a pretty tummy. But sexy? Somehow, you missed the memo about sex appeal. You swore that guys could see “virgin” stamped across your forehead.
“Mhm. Whenever you walk out the house in one of these dresses, I just keep picturing how you look underneath. If that pussy nice and pink and wet.” His voice went deeper, harsher, bringing with it dark, carnal promises.
Your thighs tingled. Your hands shook. You bit your bottom lip to keep from moaning like a ho. Tyrone kissed your jaw, then moved up to your ear. “You nice and wet for me? You want me to play with it right?” He asked.
“Yes, yes, play with it,” you said.
Tyrone moved his hand up. Your thighs were burning hot from where they rested against each other. Tyrone nudged you to open your legs. He hummed while he kissed along your ear. “I wonder if you taste as good you feel.”
You dropped your head against him. “You can’t be saying shit like that,” you said.
“Look at you, with your little potty mouth,” he said.
“Shut up, Tyrone!” 
He only laughed and finally, blessedly, reached your core. He played with the edges of your panties, seeing the way you squirmed and moaned. He slipped his finger past the material and cursed under his breath.
“Damn, all of that for me? How you gon’ run home to Daddy with panties this soaked?” Tyrone asked.
You stuttered out a response. How were you supposed to form a coherent sentence when his fingers were on you? His fingers glided in between your slick folds, pushing past your pussy lips, and tracing the outside of your clit.
Your eyes bugged out of your head. Your mouth dropped in a tiny little ‘o’ and Tyrone’s eyes narrowed as he took in your expression. He kissed you once, too quickly for your taste, and smirked at you.
“You gotta stop being so damn cute,” he said. “Makes me want to do all kinds of nasty shit to you.” 
You moaned, picturing those disgusting things. His thumb rubbed over your clit and you scrunched up your face in pleasure. 
How was it that this felt infinitely different and better than when you did it to yourself? He knew exactly what to do, taking cues from your moans and grunts and pretty gasps. You sent up a prayer, thankful that this was with someone experienced. Then again, God probably wasn’t listening right about now.
Tyrone traced slow circles on your clit. You looked through your lashes at his smug face. He knew he was driving you wild. You hissed and jerked when he got to a particularly sensitive spot. “Shh, shh, breathe,” he said. 
He held your gaze as you took in deep breaths. Your belly flipped and tightened, the beginning stirrings of something naughty making its way to the surface. Your gaze traveled down. Tyrone’s hand was completely under your dress. It was somehow hotter that you couldn’t see what he was doing to you.
“Oh god, oh god, oh god,” You moaned.
“Mhm, pray to him for mercy. Because you ain’t gettin’ that shit from me,” Tyrone’s raspy voice was like its own arrow of desire. Your thighs shook. Your feet dangled over the side of the bed. Your toes curled. 
“Tyrone, please,” you said. You gripped his shoulders. His smooth brown skin shone with its own light. 
“Let me take these panties off,” Tyrone said.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you said. 
Tyrone stopped rubbing your clit. “No,” you growled. What the hell was he doing? You were so close! Your belly still felt tight, overripe like at any moment you would burst. 
Tyrone chuckled and lifted your dress. The fabric drew across your thighs like scorching fire. You hissed. You were on a precipice and any movement would hurt or hinder. You didn’t want to find out which. 
Tyrone pushed your dress up to your hips. Then, he grabbed the top of your panties and moved it down. He held you as you lifted up and slipped them off your ass. He smiled. “Never thought I’d get to see you like this,” he said.  
“I’m glad it’s you,” you said and smiled.
“I’m glad it’s you,” he said. “Remember to breathe for me.”
He kept your gaze as he pushed your legs over his shoulders. He grabbed your hips and pulled you forward until your ass was half hanging off of the bed. You cried out and he kissed your thighs until you calmed down.
Your heart beat in your pussy. The throb throb throb drove you mad. You were needy. You needed something more, anything more. 
Tyrone blew a breath across your wet pussy and you cried out, jerking your hips. Tyrone only locked his arms around you, curling his biceps around your thigh. “Oh fuck,” you moaned. 
Tyrone flattened his tongue and licked you from your pussy to your clit and back down again. A choppy moan left you. Your back bowed off of the bed. Your hands gripped the front of your dress. It wasn’t enough to hold so you moved your hands down to grip the bunched up hem. 
He ran his nose through your folds. He inhaled. “Smell so fuckin’ good, got damn,” he said. “Pretty ass pussy.”
He then drew his tongue in a slow circle around your clit. Locked as you were, he didn’t leave room for movement. You barely wiggled. Squirmed underneath his sinful tongue. With each new circle, he moved in closer. He tongued you closer to your clit and you whined and moaned and cried.
Your belly tightened once more. A cresting inferno built and built, radiating waves of heat throughout your body. 
Somehow, this too was more potent coming from him. Your body jerked out of your control, twitching every which way, as he created magic around your clit. He slurped up your juices. Slurped it loudly and greedily. He tongued it all down, getting his juicy lips wet with your essence.
You spoke in tongues, muttering and chirping. Tyrone’s tongue moved downwards, rimming your entrance and pushing his tongue inside.
“Oh god. Oh fuck. Tyrone, Tyrone,” you moaned. Your hands flexed. You searched for Tyrone’s head, his neat cornrows were going to get messed up tonight. You palmed him anyway, pushing his head into your pussy and started to gyrate on his mouth. 
“Mhm, mhm,” he encouraged. “That’s my good girl.”
You came with a loud yell. You could barely breathe. The sounds and words were dragged out of you. A hidden instinct buried in your DNA to say something, to help ride this awe-inducing wave. A flood of pleasure moved through you. 
Tyrone held you down through it all. His biceps flexed with your movements back and forth. He still ate you out, flicking his tongue around your nub. 
“F-f-f-.” Fuck it, you couldn’t say it. 
You flopped onto the bed, spent. You moaned as you twitched and calmed down. Tyrone leaned up. You looked at him. His face was slick across his jaw. A spit chain drooped. He licked his big lips and moaned.
“Ready for this dick?” He asked.
You sniffled and nodded. “Please. Please, I'm so ready,” said.
“You don't’ need a break?” He asked.
“Hell naw. Please,” you said. 
He nodded and placed a wet kiss on your thigh. He cleaned off his face on his tank top. He stood up. He grabbed your hands and pulled you into a sitting position. You put your chin on his stomach and looked up at him. 
He sighed and rolled his neck. “What I tell you about lookin’ so cute?” He asked. 
“I can’t help being cute,” you said. 
“Lyin’ ass. Yes, you can,” he said.
You sucked your teeth. “How am I supposed to do that?” 
“Ion know. Burp or something,” he said.
You giggled and hugged him around his middle. You grabbed a handful of his ass and squeezed. 
“You really have no idea,” he whispered. You grinned. 
He stepped back and pulled off his shorts. His dick bobbed twice, standing at attention. He was definitely thick and long and perfect. Your shyness tried to budge back in. Your heartbeat sped up thinking of that getting inside of you. 
He twisted and leaned over. You admired his body as his muscles bunched. He was solid, stocky. A thick man with amazing thighs and ass. Cool air blew across your pussy and you bit your lip. Fuck. 
He grabbed a condom. Watching him was its own brand of sensual torture. His fingers moved deftly to open the package. He rolled on the condom, pulling the latex over the length of him. He pinched the top. 
He stalked closer, running his eyes over you. “Let me take this dress off,” he said.
You smiled and nodded. He helped you pull it off. Your bra went next. “You’re so damn sexy,” he said. 
He palmed your breasts, rubbing and pushing them together. He leaned down and brought your nipples into his mouth. He moved between your boobs, suckling and placing that warm mouth around the peaks. 
Your legs jerked up. You wrapped them around his waist. His shirt got trapped beneath your legs. He pulled it out and the shirt draped across his chest. His dick brushed against you and you cried out. He was so close to giving you what you needed. Your nails dug into his sides. He ignored you. He played with your nipples until you were a bumbling, squirming mess. 
“T-T-Tyrone,” your teeth chattered.
“Mhm, I know. Ready for me?” He asked.
“Yessss,” you moaned. 
“Sure?” He asked. He rubbed his dick through your arousal. You soaked him instantly. There was so much on you. The cool air hit across it on your skin. You knew exactly how much of a mess you made. It made you hornier. How did you go through life without this? Without this feeling?
Without this obsession running in your veins. This deep-seated need. This lustful shot of adrenaline threatening to burn your skin off. 
Tyrone’s hand wrapped around your hip. His other hand guided his dick towards your entrance. He pushed in and you gasped. He slipped in thanks to how wet you were. But fuck! He filled you completely. 
“Breathe,” he commanded. He stopped and moved his shirt out of the way. “You gotta breathe.”
You nodded. He helped you take deep breaths. “That’s right. Be a good girl for me. Good girls get dick,” he cooed. 
That should piss you off. But you wanted to be a good girl for him. You wanted to listen and get praised some more. 
Your breathing evened out. Tyrone leaned down and kissed you. As he kissed you, he pushed in. Your hand flew to his chest, pushing at him. Fuck. It kind of hurt, but it was a good hurt? You could tolerate him pushing in. You clenched around him and he hissed. 
He sank inch by inch into you. He cursed the whole time. “Fuck, feel too good. Feel too good,” he muttered. “Gripping the shit out of me.”
The praise made you moan and you clenched around him. A drop of his sweat fell onto your chest. Your own sweat slick skin pebbled in the cool air. 
Tyrone moved out and then pushed back in. The slide in would hurt briefly but then morph into pleasure as you felt him move inside of you. He was deep, stretching you out. Molding your pussy to the curve of his dick. 
He began to speed up. He flipped his shirt up and held it in his mouth. He moaned. “Can still smell you,” he said, though his voice was muffled. 
Both hands held onto your waist. He moaned as he sank deeper, you welcoming him better. “You okay?” He asked.
“Yuh,” you nodded. 
“Yu-uh,” you moaned. He was doing nothing more vigorous than moving back and forth, but he felt amazing. He filled you up. He hit that deep seat of emptiness inside of you. A place you hadn’t been able to get to on your own.
The feeling brought tears to your eyes. He twisted and brought you down on his dick a little faster. “Ohmygod,” you cried. He reached a spot that made you explode all over him. 
You cursed the heavens, you cursed hell. You cursed the world in between. You felt large. Humongous. You felt like you could grab the world with both hands. Power and pleasure suffused you. You moaned out loud, heedless of anyone who could hear. 
“Oh fuck, so tight,” Tyrone hips jerked. His fingers dug into your hips. The pressure made you moan. He jerked and thrusted one more time, going as far as he was able, and you felt him pulse inside of you.
You imagined him filling you up with his cum. You moaned as the thought made your pussy throb. Tyrone twitched and panted on top of you. He left you slowly, sliding out in a way that wouldn’t hurt you.
You missed him immediately. He wiped his sweat on his shirt and took off the condom. He tied it and threw it in a nearby trashcan. 
“Are you okay?” He asked.
You flopped onto the bed. Looked up at the popcorn ceiling. Were there words to describe how okay you were? How fantastic you felt? “So good,” you murmured. 
And you did feel really good. You expected to feel shame after having sex. You’d avoided it for so long, you started to feel like a freak for still being a virgin at your big age. But you didn’t. You were mostly sore. You were going to feel this in the morning and right now, you couldn’t care less. 
Tyrone left for a moment and you just focused on your breathing. On trying to recapture that euphoric feeling of that orgasm. Chasing after it like the wayward string of a balloon. 
He returned and placed a warm cloth against your pussy. You hissed at the unexpected sensation. He cooed at you while he cleaned you up. You smiled at him. “You didn’t have to,” you said.
“Yeah, I did. I was raised to clean up after myself,” he said.
You rolled your eyes. He left once more, getting rid of the washcloth. He took off his shirt and hopped into bed with you, pulling you chest to chest. He rubbed your back and looked into your eyes.
“You’re so cute,” he said.
“You are,” you said. You bumped his nose. 
“How you really feelin’?” He asked.
“Honestly? I feel really good. Sore, but tired.” 
“Would you want to do it again?” He asked.
“Hell yes! Are you kidding? There’s so much I want to try,” you said.
Tyrone laughed, shaking his head. He pecked you on the lips. He moaned and then pressed in for longer, licking your bottom lip and rolling it between his teeth. 
“Mm, does that mean I can get back in that pretty pussy?” He asked.
You caressed his cheek. Running your thumb across his supple skin. “That’s exactly what that means.”
Psst, there's more! The Secret Tyrone Files
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
what do you think about virigin reader x rhysand ? everytime i read a fic the reader is always so experienced😭 do you think you wanna write one for the virgin girlies 👀 only if u want to ofc!! 💋
Be My First (SMUT)
Rhysand x reader
Warnings: smut
Sitting on the bed Rhys kneeled above you, straddling you as he cradled the back of your head. You smiled against his lips as Rhys moaned into your mouth. You ran your hands up his arms gripping his biceps.
Rhys lays you down gently, kissing down your jaw to your neck. Your make outs were usually heated but never like this. You knew where this was heading and you want to have sex with Rhys, you’re just nervous that you won’t be any good. Or that he’d judge you for being a virgin.
It’s not like it was a big deal. You just hadn’t found the right person yet. You felt like you had with Rhys. He’s the perfect gentleman, always making sure everything he does is ok with you when it comes to physical contact.
As your thoughts continued Rhys felt you lax under him. Not in a way that told him to keep going but to stop. He shifts to meet your distant gaze and cups your face in his hands.
“Y/n? Are you alright? Did you want to stop?” He rushes out. You tilt your head blinking at him. “What? No, I’m fine I was just thinking is all.”
Rhys gives you a concerned look. You could tell he was confused by your distant tone. Sitting up you wrap your arms around his shoulders. “I have to tell you something. But I don’t want it to change what we’re doing tonight.”
Rhys leans away to look at you again, looking even more confused. “Darling what is it? You can tell me anything you know that.” You nod a little giving him a small smile. “I know, but I just don’t want things to be awkward.”
“It won’t be, I promise.” Taking a deep breath you hold his hands. “I’ve never…I’m a virgin. But, I really want to with you. I just don’t want you to be disappointed and not want me anymore.” You felt like you were word vomiting.
Rhys’ lips broken into a wide grin. “Are you making fun of me?” You said, feigning sadness. “You’re making fun of me I knew it I’m just-“ Rhys cut you off with a kiss. He rested his forehead against yours. “I’m not making fun of you. I’m just happy that you trust me. That you’d be honest with me and tell me how you feel. Let me make you feel good darling, it would be my honor.”
You bit your lip looking up at him through your lashes. “Show me Rhys,” you whispered in a seductive tone, “make me feel good.” Rhys looked like he was about to pass out. He nodded slowly, attaching his lips to yours again.
You pull Rhys down as you lean back against the pillows. Your hands tug at the hem of his shirt which he pulls off immediately. Breaking apart he starts to pull your dress up. “Can I take this off?” “Fuck yes.” He lets out a breathy laugh ripping it from your body.
Rhys’ breath catches in his throat, looking down at you only clad in a skimpy pair of underwear. “You can touch me Rhys.” You breathe out. His fingers ghost over your breasts down your curves and then traces the band of your panties.
Your hips jerk up at the touch of his fingers. He smirks down at you, “You want me to take these off?” He purrs. You let out a shaky breath and nod. Rhys kisses down your stomach to your still covered pussy. He could feel the wet spot forming from your arousal.
Rhys takes the band in his teeth and pulls your panties down your legs, tossing them aside. He spreads your legs and starts kissing your inner thighs. “What do you want first, darling? My mouth or my fingers?” Before you can give an answer he drags his canines across your skin nipping close to where you need him most.
“Fuck-your mouth Rhys. Please need your mouth.” You whine out. “Relax baby I got you. You ready?” You nod letting out a small uh-huh. Rhys starts slow, placing careful licks on your clit as your hips twitch at the new feeling.
Your moans spur him on and he runs his tongue through your wet folds, teasing your entrance making you moan. “More Rhys, please!” Rhys hums against your push and pulls one of your thighs over his shoulder. He dips his tongue in and out of you, flattening it and licking up to your clit.
You arch your back grinding your face into him moving your hips back and forth. “That’s it darling,” he groans in your mind, “keep riding my face just like that. My perfect angel.” Rhys continues eating you out bringing his thumb to rub circles on your clit.
You feel an unfamiliar tightening sensation in your stomach and feel your walls clench around Rhys’ tongue. “Go ahead darling. Come on my tongue, I got you.” You fist Rhys’ hair pulling him closer to you. You moan so loud you’re sure all of Velaris can hear how well their High Lord is pleasuring you.
You come harder than you’ve ever made yourself. You scream Rhys’ name over and over like a prayer. Rhys laps up your release, placing kitten licks on your clit.
Your legs shake a little once he pulls away licking his lips making sure he got all of you. Rhys rubs up and down your legs to calm you down. You stare up at him with half lidded eyes. “Fuck.” A light laugh leaves Rhys’ lips. “Rhys that was amazing.”
He leaves a soft kiss on your cheek, smoothing back your hair. “You were perfect.” “Yeah?” “Yes darling, you taste divine. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you. So fucking sweet.” He whispered in your ear. A stupid smile breaks out on your lips.
You turn your head to catch his lips. As you deepen the kiss you taste yourself on him and moan. Your hands find their way to his dark hair again tugging at the short strands.
You wrap a leg around his waist pulling him into you. Grinding on his clothed crotch you feel his cock harden and Rhys moans into the kiss whispering swears against your lips. Breaking apart you start begging for his cock.
“Need more Rhys. Need you inside me, please.” You whine. He sits up, undoing his belt and pulling his pants off. “Of course angel anything you want.”
Your eyes land on his considerable size. It excited and scared you at the same time. You knew it would hurt but you were silently hoping it wouldn’t last long. Rhys must’ve heard your thoughts because he cups your face, running his thumb over the apple of your cheek.
“It’s going to hurt at first. Relax and the pain will go away after I promise, angel.” “Ok,” you nod. “And if you want to stop or if anything hurts you tell me right away. Your comfort comes first.” You pull him in for a sweet kiss. “Thank you, baby. I’m ready.”
Rhys climbs over you placing his forearms by your head so his fingers can lightly run through your hair. He places kiss down your neck while teasing your folds with the head of his cock. When he slowly started to sink into you it felt weird, but good.
“Can I keep going.” You nod, your eyes fluttering shut. Rhys pushed in more and more until he was buried inside you. You let out a his at the pain from the stretch of him. You gripped at his shoulders letting out steady breaths.
When the pain started ebbing away you told him it was ok to move. His thrusts were slow and deep, melting the pain into pleasure. You were so sensitive, you could feel all of him.
Rhys started thrusting into you faster, angling his hips so his cock hit a part of you that made you see stars. “Fuck angel, you feel so good wrapped around me. So perfect, you take me so well.” His praise made you feel amazing. Your pussy getting slicker with each thrust.
“Rhys, shit. Feels so good, so good.” The rest of your words turned into an incoherent mess. You couldn’t think straight. All you knew was that your orgasm was approaching and you didn’t want Rhys to stop fucking you.
After a few more thrusts you were coming around Rhys. Your head going fuzzy as Rhys chased after his own high. His thrusts were sloppy but still felt incredible. His moaning became louder until his release was painting your walls.
Rhys dropped his head in the crook of your neck, panting and stroking your head. Your chest was rising and falling slowly as you calmed down. You couldn’t think straight never mind speak.
Lifting your arms off the bed you started tracing Rhys’ spine letting out a satisfied hum. Rhys picked up his head to look at your face. You give him a tired smile. Rhys pecked your forehead and pulled you against his chest, moving to a sitting position.
“How do you feel angel?” “Perfect.” He hugs you tighter. Rhys moves you to hold you bridal style and slides off the bed. You let out a questioning whine. “I’m cleaning you up, darling. This is part of it so let me take care of you.”
tags: @wrotethestars @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane @aroseinvelaris @twsssmlmaa
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chaibewriting · 2 years
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HANDS OFF! ft. street rat! shota aizawa (aladdin au) x feisty! noble! dom! fem! afab! reader
-> NOTES: street rat! shota aizawa pickpockets the wrong noblewoman and pays the price in more ways than one. i wrote this without much thought or brain meats so im sorry if its not my best work 🙇🏾
-> WARNINGS: hypnosis, dubcon, gagging, unprotected sex, virigin aizawa (bc i said so), dry humping, unedited and unbeta read cause i’m lazy
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THE human body needed a few basic things in order to survive, even at the bare minimal, one of those necessities happened to be food. And unfortunately, mainly due to his lack of social ranking in the hierarchy, a young scoundrel by the name of Shota was forced to heavily rely on his abilities to get his next meal. And no, they’re not any kind of special ability— unless you consider pickpocketing and pawning to be something special, then fuck just call him Superman.
Interrupted from his thoughts, the shaggy dark-haired man pressed a hand onto his stomach, grunting at the rumble that was embarrassingly loud. A few passerbys in the streets had walked past him with rather weary looks, shuffling away from him while clinging onto their belongings. He barely spared them a glance, knowing that there was a much more interesting target just up ahead.
This woman was wearing something custom made, something he’d never seen before, which brought him to the justified assumption that she was rich. And if he played his cards correctly, he could swipe a couple things from her that he could pawn off and have enough to not only feed himself for the next couple of nights but also enough to buy some food for the stray cats he’s ‘adopted’ that he often finds lingering around in alleys. He had plenty of experience with pickpocketing, it didn’t matter who his target was he always landed his mark and got away without a scratch.
So… how exactly did he end up in this predicament?
That was his first mistake.
Shota had picked up the speed of his stride, soon closing in on you from behind without trying to look too suspicious, making it seem as if he was simply trying to pass you to get to his next destination as quickly as possible. It should have been easy. It was always easy for him, but you apparently decided to rip the rug from right under his feet, catching him redhanded when he attempted to dig his hand into your pocket after brushing past you. You grabbed onto his wrist and pulled it up towards the sky, eyeing your wallet that was encased between his fingers. The lazy street rat was stunned, staring at you in shock and a tad bit of fear of what was going to happen next. He had been doing quite a decent job at evading the authorities but if he were to be turned in right now they would no doubt execute him. He had to get away, but how were you so fucking strong?
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“My, my, my… Who do we have here? I think I’ve seen you before… On the wanted posters in the little nooks and crannies I go to get my liquor.” You hummed, continuing to grasp his wrist without budging, even with him constantly trying to pry your hand away or jerk back. “Listen, lady, I’ll give you your damn wallet back, just let me go already.” Shota hissed, suddenly feeling you squeeze at his wrist while narrowing your eyes at him, causing him to unconsciously shudder under your harsh and calculated gaze. “I don’t think so. You caught me at the perfect time, i’ve been looking for a young little thing like you for me to release my frustration. Perhaps we should speak more privately, hm?” You offer, though you give no room for arguments or even agreement as you’re suddenly tugging him towards a nearby alley. The people on the street have taken notice of the two of you but shrugged it off, figuring that you were probably just going to teach the scoundrel a much needed lesson, which you technically were.
Shoving the youngster up against the wall after releasing his wrist, a hum came from your throat as you caged him in, leaving no room for him to slip away from you. He was forced to feel your body press up against his, causing his face to redden ever so slightly as he glanced at you, attempting to intimidate you even though he was the one being intimidated.
Leaning back slightly, you reached into one of your dress pockets and pulled out a solid gold pocket watch that was worth a pretty penny or two. Immediately, his eyes left from your face and went to the pocket watch that was enough to keep him fed for months on end, maybe even years.
That was his second mistake.
“Watch the watch, and repeat after me, darling.” You demanded, though your voice was laced in honey and danger, unfortunately for Shota he was unable to break his gaze from the swinging watch and slowly felt himself slipping into some kind of unconscious yet /conscious/ state, causing him to fully let down his guard as he listened to the words that came from your glossed lips.
“‘I am now Lady Y/N’s property. I give all my rights to her. I was made to please her and only her.”
His mouth moved without his permission as he parroted the words back to her, causing a triumphant grin to spread across her lips. “That’s enough. What’s your name, boy?”
“Aizawa Shota.”
After performing some basic-level hypnosis on the unsuspecting street rat, getting him back to your place was as easy as leading a dog on a leash. You never expected that it would be so easy to get him to follow after you, most would have put up more of a fight, but now he was just following you around like a lovesick puppy.
Once you’d entered your home, you instructed him to take off his shoes and leave them at the door, doing the same for yourself before venturing further into the house.
Afterwards, you promptly led him to your bedroom, beckoning him with a finger to continue following behind you, which he did. As soon as he entered the bedroom behind you, you pointed towards the luxurious-looking bed and spoke.
“Sit, and wait, Shota.”
He did just that, watching you with those same loveisck puppy eyes that followed after you every step of the way, waiting for your next command. Simultaneously, you shrugged off your coat and placed it onto a nearby table, humming a random tune you’d heard in a tavern some nights ago, thinking through what you wanted to do next. You were interested in trying out your usual approach, wondering how he’d look starfishing and gagged.
Slipping into your closet, you found the medium-sized chest that sat on the floor and pulled it out, opening it up to remove a few specially made silk wraps from inside of it. With your new findings, you turned towards the bed where Shota still sat, he was awake, but he held no hint of emotion in his face, still heavily under the influence of your hypnosis which seemed to please you quite a bit.
“Stand up and strip for me.”
With ease, the unfortunate prey you’d sunk your claws into stood onto his feet and began to remove his tattered clothing (you’d have to burn those later), your eager eyes taking note of every inch of his exposed body. Even though he looked a bit malnourished and lanky, no doubt from not eating an adequate amount of food each day, he didn’t exactly look fragile. So, that meant you wouldn’t have to worry about breaking him just yet. You eyed the excessive amount of body hair that he had spread all over his body, it wasn’t unwelcome of course, you did enjoy the look of a rugged man crumbling at your feet, after all.
Walking towards him, you placed hand onto his chest and pushed him back onto the bed, watching in interest as his flaccid cock slapped back against his stomach with the sudden movement. You were eager to toy with him and you couldn’t do that if he was still mindlessly under your control, however, you still had to remain in control of him. And you always had the perfect solution. Balling the silk wraps up until you got the perfect sphere of fabric, you instructed him to open his mouth, shoving the fabric into it as soon as his lips parted. You heard him instinctively gag around it and grinned afterwards. Now, here was where the real fun began. With a hum, you snapped you fingers and watched as the cloudy mist in his dark eyes began to clear up. He looked around in confusion for a moment before his gaze landed on you and where you stood, over him at the very edge of the bed. And then he spoke. Or tried to at least.
“Whah eer wuu zoo…” He tried, mumbling against the silk in his mouth, after hearing himself struggle to speak his brows furrowed and he began reaching to take the foreign fabric from his mouth. You stopped him, clicking your tongue in dissatisfaction. “Oh no no, Shota. Don’t you remember what we discussed in the alley? You’re my property now, and you can’t just go around making decisions on your own, darling. You’ll keep that in your mouth until I say so.”
You sighed afterwards and began to undo your blouse, already eyeing his body with glee and interest. “Now, if you’re good and help me release my stress from this week… maybe I’ll take the gag out. Think you can do that for me? Ah, actually, I know you can.” You purred, a small smile revealing itself on your face as you peeled off your blouse and slid your skirt off as well, stepping out of it so that you were left in only your undergarments.
With slightly desperate movements and the speed of a huntress in heat, you crawled on top of Shota, watching as his eyes widened in surprise and his face burned crimson. This caused a thought to come to mind as you planted yourself right on his cock, sandwiching it between your clothed cunt and his own hollowing belly.
“Oh dear… Are you a virgin, Shota?”
The blush on his face only increased tenfold at your question and he quickly shook his head, attempting to dissuade you from such a suggestion. It didn’t matter to you anyways, but it would have been all the more entertaining if he was.
Getting Shota hard was not a difficult feat, especially not with you constantly rutting against his cock at a steady pace, effectively making your own pool of arousal start to drench your panties, mingling with the beads of precum that dribbled from his tip and landed onto his stomach. The sounds of his sweet muffled moans had urged you to move faster and rougher with your movements, the friction on resulting in your own moans as well. After you’d done your job, you rolled off of him, making him whine in need for you as you laid onto your back and stretched out your limbs, laughing at him.
“Don’t get all pissy now, I’ve done my job so its only fair that you do yours now.” You mused, laying comfortably on your back while pushing your bra up over your breast, letting them fall free from the contraption. “C’mon and put it in, I know you’re a good boy, aren’t you? Show me how good you are.” You urged, shifting around a bit to slide your underwear down until they were tossed away, exposing your soaked core and throbbing notch of nerves.
Many things came into play, a mix of hormones and hypnosis caused the pick pocketer to quickly sit up, gag still in his mouth, and get between your legs, mot even trying to hide his eager as he stared at your inviting entrance, his angry tip getting even angrier. With interest and clear amusement, you watched him closely as he grabbed the base of his cock and began to line himself up with your entrance, prodding at your folds with the tip, almost as if he was uncertain about where he was supposed to put it. It was almost cute, but you were getting a tad bit impatient, hooking your legs around his hips to bring him forcibly towards you, making him sink into you with ease and with little to no resistance.
While your moans were a bit more restrained and shaky, his moans were still muffled but were exceptionally whinier. He had fallen forward but quickly caught himself before he could crash on top of you, holding himself up by pressing his hands in the bed on either sides of your body. You’d pulled him closer until he completely bottomed out, his balls flush against your ass as he was fully inside you, kissing your cervix with his bulbous tip. You could have sworn you felt him throbbing inside of you. You probably did.
Shota, on the other hand, was on the verge of trembling and crying from pleasure, the sudden warmth and wetness closing around him and effectively trapping him in place, his eyes closed as his face only doubled with heat. He was sure he was going to cum if he moved even an inch. This felt even better than fucking his fist. A man could become addicted to this.
Simultaneously, you enjoyed the feeling of fullness but were waiting for him to move, watching him intently. When he made no effort or showed no signs of movement, you huffed, unhooking your legs from his hips and grunting at him. “What are you waiting for? The sun to set? Hurry up and move already, I’m growing impa- oh!” You were cut off by the feeling of him pulling out and slamming back into you, which was soon followed by a series of amateur jabs at your womb, repeatedly filling you with his thick veiny cock over and over again, the bird’s nest of his pubes consistently brushing over your clit with him bottoming out each and every time.
Even if he was an amateur with his thrusts, his dick was big enough to hit some delicious spots inside of your gummy walls that made you a bit delirious. You weren’t the only one, however, with the way he was still groaning and muttering praises that made no sense thanks to the gag in his mouth. As he fucked into you like an obedient and needy whore, you rubbed at your clit in rough circular motions, a string of curses leaving your lips as you enjoyed every second of the snap of his needy hips.
“Veels zooo gooo…” He complimented, though you didn’t know what he was saying exactly as he continued his speedy pace, the bed singing and creaking from the intensity of his assault on your drooling pussy.
This continued for a tad bit longer, as long as he could manage at least, before he mewled aloud, leaning over to bury his face into the crook of your neck. “Mm hmm gmm…!” Suddenly, you felt heat shoot up into your awaiting walls that had been milking him since the moment you forced him to sink his cock in you, painting you sloppily with white. He’d slammed all the way into you to release his seed in you, not letting a drop escape as he laid out on top of you in exhaustion, forcing you to stop rubbing your clit.
You allowed him a second to collect himself, feeling the cold sweat on his body sink into yours as he remained laying on top of you, still buried inside of you. Lightly, you patted his back in an affectionate manner and spoke up. “We’re not done yet darling, I still haven’t cum yet.” That, made him stiffen up, and you almost felt his cock harden again inside of you like the command was enough to spur him on for another round.
“ineeding…. foooo… ooo.” Was the last thing he tiredly panted through the gag before he lifted his hips just a tad bit, burying his knees into the bed before he began lazily pounding into you yet again, the harsh slap of skin on skin being heard well into the night.
Well… he’d never be pickpocketing again, that’s for sure.
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carmenberzattosgf · 3 months
The WIP list!
Hehe hey guys. I wanted to let you know about the ideas I’m planning for my full length one shots ( aka things that aren’t asks). These will be probably pretty long, and I’m mostly doing this so yall will hold me accountable for writing bc lord knows I need to be forced to actually get crap done
Let me begin ✨
-Hostess Reader
Summary: fresh out of college reader lands a hostess position at the bear. Workplace tension ensues. ( this will have an age gap bc I’m a whore)
-Unexperienced/virigin California Carmy x experienced reader
Summary: Carmy has just left Chicago to pursue cooking in California at the French laundry, and just so happens to move into the apartment right across from reader. Let’s just say reader teaches Carmy a thing or two.
-Culinary student reader x instructor Carmy
Summary: Reader has just started culinary school at the Culinary Institute of America. Her instructor, Carmy, catches her eye, but she brushes it off. Just an unprofessional, silly crush at school. Besides, he could never feel the same way… right?
-Live in private chef Carmy x reader
Summary: Reader’s parents are loaded, and hire a new private chef. Reader comes home for college for the summer not expecting the chef her mom mentioned to be so cute and her age.
-Nanny reader x single dad Carmy
summary: Carmy comes to terms that he needs to hire a nanny after the last babysitter quit due to “unreasonable” working hours. Slowly he begins to fall for the nanny that takes care of his daughter.
( honestly playing around with the idea of Mikey leaving a kid behind to Carmy, and not the single dad Carmy trope. Someone started writing that on here though but they never finished it so idk. I don’t wanna overstep!)
-Artist Carmy x model reader
Summary: Carmy ends up going to art school instead of culinary school. Reader ends up being a nude model for one of his classes.
That’s the list! I’ll update if anything changes or I get any new ideas! I have no idea which one of these I’ll write first. It’s just going to be whichever one I’m vibing with when I sit down with my laptop.
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sniigura-archive · 2 months
okay so i like just got back from my trip (i forgot to check tumblr and had 99+ notifs so i've been checking them today..) and i had this thought because i was leading at a camp!! so imagine adam is really highly regarded in his church and everyone knows he's sera and chuck's son and he's been apart of helping in the church for ages and he ends up going on like a camp away with his church where he's leading a bunch of kids and teaching them and they all look up to him and want to be him but then like late at night him and reader are hooking up behind the cabins or somewhere secluded where they wont be found and he just has such a moral dilemma because surely this one thing doesn't make him bad? right? i don't know if reader would be unphased or she would feel the same way.. like she could just be helping out for like experience or cause she's getting paid or she could also be leading like adam and they are both internally freaking out about getting caught and about how wrong this is like does this make them terrible people? how can these kids look up to them if they are contradicting themselves on the daily? i kind of just thought it was a weird concept because i love adam and him contradicting himself on his religion.. was thinking about writing it cause i have been so bored after getting home.. like i generally don't know what to do with myself anymore..
omg thag must have been so cool!! i’m supposed to do like an exchange semester in an english speaking country and i have been thinking of like doing summer camp in america but. i am deathly scared of the usa so it’s on the back burner
RELIGIOUS GUILT ADAMMNM 😭😭😭 i think it’d be very sexy if reader had like a seduction position in this. reader is doing this for the money + some extra credit she gets for working with children
so she’s very much teasing adam. bending down in front of him, her buttons pop open only when adam is around, her white shirt getting wet and see through, licking her popsicle Like That while looking into his eyes. nothing is better than teasing a repressed church boy. so what if they end up between the trees in the middle of the night?
adam is hissing at reader and calling her harlot and temptress. wants nothing more than to fuck some decency into her. when he wakes up the next day in his bed he’s having a crisis
blushing virgin adam who loses his mind when he sees your bra strap. the camp counsellor go swimming and you’re a bit isolated from the group with adam. you flash him your tits to mess with him more and the poor guy can’t leave the water for the next 30 minutes. he insists on swimming some more rounds alone so he can sleep better later (yeah as if) and you stay back a bit to gather your things and then you bend over while you’re on the shore and adam in the water, you push your bathing suit panties to the side to give adam a nice view of your pussy. when you hear him choke and splutter on the lake water you cover yourself again while laughing at him
adam wants nothing more than to fuck you. it’s embarrassing how he has to pump his dick to the thought and memory of you every night. but he also holds himself back simply because he knows how wrong it is. you’re like the devil with the way you keep tempting him
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kierewrites · 1 year
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Gojo x Reader x Kakashi
Art: @ maru_shikak on Twitter
Mood Song: shameless
Summary: The week you had been dreaming of since you were a little girl was finally here, but after two new faces made an unexpected appearance, your week went far from how you had always visioned it.
Warnings: 18+, spanking, brat taming, praise/degrading, threesome, double creampie, overstimulation, f!receiving, m!receiving, virigin reader, corruption, implied age gap (reader in early 20s, gojo/kakashi in late 20s), MHA/Naruto/JJK universes, an extremely out of place and mildly confusing happy ending because i can't physically write bad endings (ಥ﹏ಥ)
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Fingertips grazed along the wooden doors, nails tapping against the dark surface just begging to push onwards into the room that awaited you.
The week you had been dreaming of since you were a little girl was finally here. Mentor Week.
During the final year at your academy, a group of state of the art mentors across all fields of combat would come and take on one student to train for a week. If the week of training went well and all exams are passed, the student has the opportunity to become a full fledged sidekick for their mentors.
The opportunity was a dream for most students, especially because it allowed them to bypass years of internships and work studies that would allow them to jumpstart their sidekick career. Not many students passed the training each year, but you weren’t most students.
Combat work has been in your family for generations. Each member of your family owned their own agency, or was their own independent master within many fields of combat. In addition, your family had been blessed with different types of elemental control of water.
It wasn’t unusual for families to have a traditional power that’s been passed down for generations, but to have such control over a foundational element made your family rare, amongst many. Specifically, you were rare amongst many. 
For the first time in nearly five decades, you had gained the ability to fully control the element of water. Many members of your family only had partial control, whether it be certain types or temperatures of water, but you had universal power over it. From the very first day you developed the power, your mother made sure you knew of its importance.
“You’re very special my love,” Your mother spoke to you, your wide glossy eyes staring at her after you had witnessed just a small glimpse of what your power had to offer.
You were just swimming in the spring behind your home, all of your cousins playing an intense game of tag with their own versions of their powers. In the midst of your fun, you noticed your little brother slip on one of the stones, and his head was aiming right for a sharp rock below.
Almost like second nature, you swung your arms up in an attempt to catch him. But instead of feeling his skin on yours, you almost felt his presence in your arms. Like you knew you caught him, but not in the way you planned. When you peaked your eyes open, you gasped upon seeing your brother surely being held upright, but it was a stream of water that caught him.
Everyone seemed caught up in the moment, especially your cousins. You remember your aunties and uncles all crowding around in amazement at what you had done, but all you could remember was how confused you were. You didn’t really do anything, but in so many ways you did.
“Our family has been waiting for generations for an heir to take on the full power of our element,” Your mother spoke with a proud smile, “I knew from the moment you opened your eyes my special Y/n, it was going to be you.”
You remembered how your family celebrated all night, and even the week after crowds of people you didn’t recognize came to celebrate your new gift. From that day forward, training became your new obsession. Your new purpose. The chant they repeated to you over and over would ring in your head, until you made it to this moment.
“You are the chosen one.”
You weren’t sure if you whispered those words to yourself, or to the door standing tall before you, but it was all you needed to hear before you bravely pushed the doors open to start this new path of success.
Every bit of confidence faltered when you noticed a lack of presence in the room. It seems no mentors had shown up yet, and only a few students sat at the vacant desks.
“I’m only ten minutes early…” You muttered to yourself, glancing down at your phone to confirm your observation. It didn’t seem very professional for both students and mentors to be late, but your worries were silenced when a familiar voice piped up from the front of the room.
“Y/n! You’re here!”
A smile crept upon your lips when you heard your friend’s voice, every bit of anxiety rushing out of your body as she waved you over to the empty seat beside her.
Akira had been with you from day one. Both of your families had been good friends since your father and her uncle had started an agency together. Her family’s powers had gifts to control the nature around them, Akira’s particular gift being that she could control the growth of shrubbery around her.
Though you knew your gift was much more powerful than hers, you never thought much of it. The rare gifts of your family never went to your head, and you always saw your opponents as equals. Beyond the fact that you were family friends, Akira’s personality contrasted yours in the most perfect of ways.
While you had a more determined yet anxious personality, she had a more upbeat and relaxed personality. She understood the pressure your gift put you under, and the high expectations your family set on your shoulders. As much as you tried to keep a relaxed, confident composure around others, Akira always saw through the facade.
Instead of being the thorn in your side, she was the fresh field of flowers that allowed you to genuinely unwind and appreciate the world around you. You had both been inseparable since the day you met, and you hoped that’s what your future held as well.
“There’s Y/n, confident as ever.” Akira said with a grin, jabbing at your side which resulted in a grunt like chuckle before you sat in the seat beside her, returning the grin.
“And there’s my radiant flower, my good luck charm as always.”
Akira giggled at your words before letting out a sigh, “Kinda weird none of the mentors have shown up, right?”
Her words made the nerves begin to swell up again. So you weren’t the only one who noticed.
“Definitely, maybe it’s some sort of test?”
“Maybe, I’m sure it’s nothing we can’t handle.” Akira said, her grin returning as she tugged you into her side and held you close.
A satisfied sigh escaped your lips as you relaxed yourself into her hold. Everything was going to be just fine.
“Well don’t you two look awfully cheerful down there.”
The grating voice of your classmate from the desks above you made your skin crawl, your jaw immediately jutting out in annoyance as you swung your head back to see an all too familiar smirk.
“I’m surprised you even made it here dork, thought you’d chicken out.”
The boy opened his mouth to speak until another voice spoke behind him, “Give Ren a chance, he said his good luck prayer last night and everything.”
Both you and Akira snorted as Ren’s smirk dropped into a pout, his head whipping to glare at Haru, his supposed best friend and roommate. The two of them entered your life in high school, already being friends from their previous school. Though not coming from prestigious families like you and Akira, they both had exceptional skills which scored them into your current academy.
“I told you not to tell anyone about that.” Ren whined, shoving his friend's shoulder as he sat down in the seat beside him.
You couldn’t help the warm smile when you heard Akira’s ceaseless giggles besides you. Ever since the four of you became friends, Akira formed the largest crush on Ren. What she saw in the goofy boy, you weren’t sure, but the two sure enjoyed each other’s company.
Of course you and Haru were aware the entire time, attempting to be wingman and woman for your two friends, but the two were as dense as they come when it came to romance.
“Don’t worry Ren, I think it’s cute.” Akira said with a wink, the action shocking you as Ren began to smile like a bumbling oaf.
Elbowing her side, you offered a grin, to which she began blushing as she jerked her head away from you.
“But Y/n…” Haru spoke, his cough to gain your attention making you look back up to him, “Ren is unfortunately right, you two do look questionably cheerful.”
His words made you raise a brow, confused to what he was insinuating. Haru took the signal to keep going.
“Don’t you feel a bit worried? With such high expectations after all.”
And there it was, Haru’s true intentions. The boy had always been curious, though you think a better word would be an instigative. You knew deep down it was to poke at that fire in you, keep you on your toes, but it still did agitate you each time he tried to test you.
“What do I have to be worried about?” You spoke defensively, lifting your chin to the roof, “I’m the chosen one; I’m going to nail this mentorship, become Mirko’s sidekick, then become the greatest hero this world has ever seen!”
While you knew you were getting ahead of yourself, you expected at least a chirp from Akira or even a sneer from the dorks sitting above you, but instead you were met with a painful silence.
Until a new voice joined in.
“A bit cocky there, are we?”
Your body whipped around to see a tall man standing before you. It was then you noticed clusters of mentors had begun entering the room. They must have all come together from another location. The sight of them caught you off guard for a moment, between the declaration and their sudden arrival, you felt your cheeks grow warm.
Worst of all, no matter how much you tried to shove the thoughts down, the man before you was strikingly handsome. You hated the way your chest tightened and your breath hitched when you noticed his sharp teeth flashed in a smug grin.
There wasn’t much you could tell about him thanks to his oversized attire, and even worse he had a strange mask shielding his eyes, so there wasn’t much to look at except the large palms that splayed across your desk, his sharp facial features, and his stark white hair. But even that was enough to get your heart racing just a bit too fast.
All you could observe is that he was much too old to be a student, so he must be a mentor. Giving him one last full body check, you decided whoever he was, you shouldn’t give him much attention. With the way your body was reacting and the attitude he was throwing at you, it would be best to get him away.
Turning your full body to him now, you crossed your arms and raised a brow up to the man.
“What’s it to you, old man?”
Whatever the white haired mentor was expecting, it wasn’t that. His mouth dropped into an O shape as he dramatically gasped, “What about me screams old? I’m one of the youngest mentors here!”
Before you could come up with a response, a chuckle was heard from behind him, followed by a new presence shuffling beside the mentor. This man was concerningly similar to the other, nearly the same height, stature, attire, and most importantly: white hair. He even had a mask, though his only covered one eye. His stunningly sharp features only made your heart beat faster, the feeling making you more frustrated by the minute.
“I’m not so sure Saturo, are those wrinkles in your smile?”
The feigned shock of the eye masked mentor was now directed to the other, his mouth open surely ready to make a quip back until you spoke with an unimpressed expression on your face.
“You’re not exempt eyepatch, your hair is as white as his.”
Now both men before you looked at you with shocked expressions, though it was more satisfying from the one eyed man since you could see his eye widen in surprise.
You weren’t sure where the sudden attitude came from. You weren’t normally this blunt with strangers, especially mentors of all people, but for some reason it felt well deserved. Men never usually got you this way, hot and bothered probably the best way to put it, but the last thing you needed right now was a distraction. It didn’t matter anyways, in a few short minutes you would never see these stooges again.
Akira gave you a nervous glance, noticing your change in demeanor while the man with the double eye mask bursted into laughter at the sight of his colleague’s face.
The one eyed man’s expression suddenly grew just a bit dark as he placed a palm on your desk and leaned his face closer to you, most likely an attempt to appear intimidating.
“Don’t you think you should show your superiors a bit more respect, hm?”
There it was, that racing of your heart again. It was beating so fast you thought it was going to come up your throat, you hated it. Despised it. You needed to get these two far away from you as soon as possible.
As if your body was moving on autopilot, you leaned up to the man practically touching noses, returning the same intimidating stare.
“Oh, but you’re not my superiors, are you?” You spoke, coy grin on your face as you leaned back in your chair and let out a sigh, “I don’t know who you dorks are, but I’m going to be mentoring with Mirko and Mei Mei. The likes of you two don’t concern me.”
The sound of your name being harshly whispered caused you to slightly turn your head to Akira, though you kept your defensive posture to the two men as you listened to her whisper.
“Y/n! These two are-”
“I don’t care who they are, Akira,” You spoke confidently, offering her a warm smile before turning back to the men who were now staring at you with unreadable expressions, “They’re only distractions in my effort to become the top hero.”
Your final words clearly got to the two men, the one eyed man kissing his teeth as the other let out a chuckle. Regardless, you didn’t care.
You worked your ass off to sit in this very room. Years of blood sweat and tears have led you to this moment, and you’re not going to let two newbie mentors throw you off your game.
Sure enough, both mentors left without a word, just as you expected. They were only here to tease you, most likely because they knew of you and your family.
A small part of you would be lying if you said you weren’t intimidated by their expressionless faces. If it had been literally any other situation, you would have pressed further, but you really needed to get focused. There were many others who wanted your mentor group, and you weren’t about to let them beat you to it.
“Damn girl, you got balls!” Ren spoke, you could hear the grin in his voice. For once, the boy made you smile as you looked back to see him and Haru looking at you in shock.
“No, she's got a fried brain.” Haru growled, his voice making you blink as you looked to him with concerned eyes, “Clearly you didn’t do your research.”
His accusation had your blood boiling. You spent months analyzing every aspect of this process, including hearing stories from your own mother. There was nothing about this experience that you didn't know about.
“That’s what I was trying to tell you Y/n,” Akira said, her worried voice making you drop your head to her, “That was Satoru Gojo and Kakashi Hatake.”
Though the names sounded vaguely familiar, the look of worry on Akira’s face made your heart drop.
“They’re like the top ranking combatants in their respective fields; Gojo is a special grade sorcerer, and Hatake is a high ranking jonin.” Akira explained, the more she spoke the worse you felt, “They just joined the mentorship program this year, but they’re already the most desirable group of mentors to work with because of their renowned status.”
You felt your blood run cold, the scene that just played out running through your head like a horror movie as you slowly turned to face the two men that were now standing amongst the other mentors.
Luckily their eyes weren’t on you, but you still felt an eerie presence just glancing in their direction. Of all people to pick a fight with… why did they even come to you in the first place?
“Holy shit, I’m an idiot.” You muttered, face as white as a ghost as you buried your face in your hands. The three of your friends looked at you sympathetically, knowing there wasn’t much to be done now that the ordeal was over.
“I..It’s okay Y/n, you didn’t know…” Akira said, rubbing your shoulder gently.
“Yeah Akira is right, besides you don’t want to work with them anyways! Just pray you don’t cross paths with them again when you’re a big shot hero.” Ren snorted, though the more he spoke the more the three of you glared at him.
You hadn’t even thought of that, and of course you told them who your ideal mentor group was. What if they go to them and explain what a terrible student you are?
“Y/n, get out of your head.” Haru spoke sternly, his voice snapping you out of your thoughts as you looked up to his surprisingly sincere eyes, “It was clear those two were messing with you, probably because of your family name. You’re going to get the mentors you want, so don’t sweat it, okay?”
Just as he finished, he held his hand out down to you and offered a kind smile. Biting your lip, you nodded and offered a confident grin of your own as you clapped your hand against his own.
Turning back around, you let out a shaky but at least relieved sigh. Haru was right, one minuscule conversation wasn’t going to throw off the trajectory of all your hard work. They probably were just trying to get you worked up, which clearly worked, but it’s in the past now. This was all behind you.
But little did you know, this was only the beginning.
“She’s looking at us.”
The two men stood amongst the mentors, pretending to converse amongst them, though they were doing quite the opposite.
“I’m aware, I can sense her too.” Kakashi spoke calmly, Gojo frowning at his short response.
“For once I’m not trying to flex my superior skills, I’m just addressing the elephant in the room.”
Kakashi offered a lazy glare to Gojo until he noticed the sourcer bluntly looking in your direction.
“Are you straight up staring at her now?”
“What? She’s cute when she gets all flustered. Could sense her little heart beating a mile a minute the more she talked with us,” Gojo simply grinned, his expression making Kakashi grow curious, “Besides, pretty sure sunshine next to her just explained who we are.”
The sourcer nodded his head, Kakashi following his gaze to see you burying your head in your hands as your friend rubbed your shoulder.
“Glad to see the girl has some shame.” Kakashi sighed, a small grin playing at his lips as Gojo looked to him, “I expected the daughter of the L/n clan to have some spunk, but she’s just a borderline brat.”
“Agreed.” Gojo hums, tapping his index finger atop his chin before looking back to Kakashi, “I think we should do something about that.”
Kakashi’s eyes widened at this, his head whipping to Gojo giving him a knowing look.
The sorcerer simply laughed, placing his hands behind his head and letting out a sigh.
“C’mon you saw how flustered she got when she was getting all fiesty,” Gojo argued, toothy grin in sight, “You can’t look me in the eye and say this wouldn’t go the way we want it to.”
Kakashi let out a sigh, rubbing his fingers against his forehead, “Look I’m not openly disagreeing with you, but she’s here for a reason. We can’t interfere with her training, lord knows what her family would do to us if they found out.”
“Please her family would kiss our feet if she found out we trained her. Who better than the most powerful people in this room to train their beloved prodigy.”
The ninja gave Gojo an unimpressed look, though his cheeks were flushed as he was in deep thought. Admittedly, the minute your file came across his desk he was immediately intrigued.
Many people in the industry would be an idiot if they hadn’t heard of you, let alone your clan. Most students of the core elemental families were well known amongst the higher ups, likely because of their destined success.
Though there were many students out there that rivaled your strength, you stuck out the most to him. Ironically, coming from the peaceful element of water, you had a fire within you. Even family heads admitted at gatherings that you were difficult to deal with, as you were a stubborn unstoppable force when it came to your desires.
Your beauty was also a prominent trait when your name was mentioned. If rumors were true, you have yet to go on a single date with anyone. Every romantic offer had been shut down in an effort to focus on becoming the top hero.
Surely such standards were a result of your family’s high expectations, but for your obstinate personality to be so well known amongst the community, it only made him more curious about you. More excited.
“I know you read her file Bruce Lee,” Gojo continued, like the devil on his shoulder as he continued to speak, “Heard she’s never had a teacher she couldn’t outperform. Probably why she has that attitude of hers, rightfully deserved I suppose.”
Kakashi grit his teeth at the name, but a surge of excitement shot up his spine as Gojo continued to speak. He did remember reading that in your file. Honestly in a way, he couldn’t blame you. Both Gojo and Kakashi knew how it felt to be at the top of every class, even at such a young age. It’s hard not to develop an ego.
But even then, his sympathy couldn’t extend past the desire to test you. Push you to your limits until you are forced to…
“Are you really going to let her win?”
The ninja finally let out a defeated sigh, turning to the sorcerer as he raised a brow.
“What are you suggesting Satoru?”
Gojo’s grin grew wider at his defeat, “Look I’m not saying we force her into anything, I’m not a monster.”
Kakashi’s unimpressed eyes remained on Gojo as he continued.
“I’m just saying we show her that she’s not the only prodigy out there, give her some good training… and if she happens to fall head over heels in love with our charming charisma and good looks in the process then…”
“Stopping you there Satoru. As much as I would love to give her a good lesson, she already said she wants to partner up with Mirko and Mei Mei. What makes you think she’s going to choose us now?”
Gojo simply chuckled all too confidently, the sound unnerving Kakashi as he raised a brow.
“You leave that to me my friend. So what do you say, are you in?”
“Welcome Class of 2022 to this year’s annual Mentorship Week. We are pleased to see so many familiar faces make it into the program.” Your school head spoke, a practiced smile on her face as she looked out at the many students, “This week will be challenging for all of you, but it will give you the opportunity to train hard and potentially earn a job with two of these many fine mentors.”
Her words have excitement bubbling throughout your entire body. After catching a glimpse of Mirko and Mei Mei sitting together, you couldn’t help the small grin on your face as you shifted in your seat. Mei Mei, as always, looked so elegant and maybe even a bit arrogant as she looked amongst the crowd with a smirk on her face. Ironically, many people didn’t like her for her “gold digging” career within the industry, but you couldn’t care less. A badass is a badass.
Then there was Mirko, a greek god in the form of a hybrid human. Her legs alone were about the width of your entire body. She looked even bigger in person, and her eyes held authority. Overall she exuded power.
You wanted to be exactly like them.
“Those are your girls!” Akira whispered, your head nodding to her excitedly as the school head continued to speak.
“Now I know in previous years, the students would pick their desired mentor group in order of student ranking.” Your school head explained, her eyes falling on you as she smiled warmly, “Which in that case would mean Y/n L/n would be first to pick.”
Suddenly all the excitement bursted inside you, a proud smile on your lips as you felt most eyes on you now. Just as you were about to stand and declare your desired group, you were cut off by the school head.
“But,” The principal spoke, a bit of amusement in her eyes as she noticed you awkwardly sit back in your seat, “We’ve decided to change things around this year.”
A sudden hush of whispers was heard around the room, confusion amongst everyone at the sudden change. The mentorship program had been like this for years. Your mother and her mother and her mother all told you how they went first to pick their own group.
Even with the hushed whispers, you simply heard static. Your head began to swirl as you wondered what could possibly be changing this year. Were they going to let the lowest ranking student go first out of fairness? Then you would get the worst mentors here!
You could kiss your dream of becoming a premature sidekick down the toilet.
“Due to requests on behalf of our esteemed mentors, we have decided henceforth that the mentors will now be choosing their desired student to train.”
Suddenly you froze, your body going rigid as you processed her words. This didn’t make sense, it wasn’t supposed to happen like this.
“What?” You exclaimed, now fully standing up from your seat. Luckily, the murmurs of students grew louder, everyone in the room seeming to be in disbelief of the announcement.
Your skin began to crawl more when you saw two smirks directed towards you from the stage.
Those bastards.
“Calm down, calm down!” Your school head declared, her expression growing annoyed before she turned her attention to you, “The mentors unanimously agreed that it would be best for them to choose their own mentors, that way they could ensure you would be a perfect fit as their sidekick if you do manage to pass all of the exams. They all have read your charts, so they know you better than you know them.”
You knew it. They were just doing this because they knew of your family. They were toying with you.
“Mrs. Ikeda, respectfully, this is outrageous!” You cried, nails scratching at the table angrily as you grit your teeth, “I think I speak for everyone in this room when I say this is not what we trained and studied so hard for, you can’t just change the system after everything we’ve done!”
Luckily a few students seemed to agree with you, though you assumed it was most of the lower ranking ones since they now had less of a chance of getting their desired mentors. But regardless, any support was helpful.
The moment you felt the school head’s cold eyes on your form, you felt like you could shrink into your seat. You were angry, but you also hated disappointing your superiors.
“Miss Y/n, this decision is final and if it’s not satisfactory to you or anyone else in this room, then you can up and leave. Do I make myself clear?”
Your mouth was fully dropped in surprise, not even believing what was happening. It felt like a dream, no, a nightmare.
Swallowing thickly, you nodded while quietly mumbling a yes as you sat back down in your chair with a blank expression on your face.
“Very well. Now does anyone else have any questions before I continue?”
Much to no one’s surprise, the room fell silent.
You felt all eyes on you, especially from your friends around you, but you simply lowered yourself further in your seat, hoping eventually you would just slide under the desk and disappear forever.
“Splendid. Well without further ado, our mentors will now begin choosing their desired student. Once your name is called, please come to the front of the room and follow your mentors to your designated training grounds.”
The school head’s instructions were drowned out in your own overwhelming thoughts. You still just couldn’t believe this was happening. You planned this day out for years, practicing every little word and move you would make. Now everything was crumbling before your very eyes.
All you could do was pray another group of mentors would pick you before the two white haired men that were surely behind this mess.
“Hmmm, we have decided to mentor Y/n L/n!” An enthusiastic voice spoke into the microphone, the words snapping you from your thoughts as you looked up to your genuine worst nightmare coming to life.
Sure enough before you stood Satoru Gojo and Kakashi Hatake, their smug expressions already on you as Gojo pointed to your desk, signaling you as their choice.
A snort from upon stage made you raise a brow, noticing it came from Mei Mei. This was definitely all a planned game to them. A sick, twisted game.
“Hey L/n, remember when I told you to just pray you don’t cross paths with Satoru and Kakashi again?” Ren whispered to you, your body not even turning back to face him, “Yeah well… just forget I said anything. Good luck!”
Not even Ren’s idiotic words could phase you at this point, even when you heard a smack and a small ‘ow’ which was most likely Haru smacking him.
All you could do was sit frozen in shock, your body almost refusing to accept such a cruel fate.
“Don’t be shy now Miss Y/n, we won’t bite.” Gojo spoke cheekily, his grin making you feel bile build up in your throat. You think you were going to pass out.
The sudden squeeze of your hand seemed to mildly snap you from your trance, your head glancing to see Akira’s worried eyes on you.
“You have to go up Y/n,” Akira said with a sad, yet hopeful smile, “I know it seems bad, but you’ll make the most of it. I believe in you.”
Her words made you feel a small warmth of something, anything. You couldn’t help but appreciate it.
Offering her a pathetic smile, you let out a sigh before standing up and walking down the stairs to the stage before you. You refused to look at the two mentors that stood to the right of you, choosing to focus your attention on your school head who was smiling down at you.
“That was quite the outburst Y/n, very uncharacteristic of you,” She spoke, grabbing your hand and squeezing it reassuringly, “You should consider yourself lucky, these are the highest ranking mentors on this stage. Make the most of it.”
She finished her last words with a wink, your body shivering as you forced the most genuine smile you could before turning to face your new mentors for the next week.
Gojo had a shit eating grin on his face. Even through the damn mask you could tell Kakashi had a likewise grin as they looked you up and down like a piece of meat.
“Cmon Y/n, let’s take you to where we’ll be training this next week!” Gojo said with feigned excitement, offering a hand for you to take to surely lead you out of the room.
Once your back was fully turned to the school head you shot him a glare before walking past his extended hand and out the stadium doors.
You knew they were behind you, once the heavy doors slammed shut you were met with the silence of the hallway, so it was easy to hear their heavy footsteps behind you.
“Aren’t you so excited for these gramps to be showing you the ropes?” A coy voice spoke from behind you, “Hope you’ll be patient with us.”
Both men smirked when they received no response, only silence and the sight of your fingers digging moons into your palms.
“C’mon, don’t ignore your mentors. Do you want to hurt our feelings? Us geezers are sensitive, you know.” Gojo chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement as you huffed while quickening your pace.
Oh you were going to be loads of fun.
Luckily the training grounds weren’t too far away, the doors appearing before you sooner than expected. All you wanted to do was walk in, examine the area, then get the hell home so you could make up a game plan on how to survive this nightmare of a week.
Turning on your heel, you slammed your hands into the doors, speeding through them until you bumped into a firm chest. The sudden intrusion made you squeak in surprise, immediately hating the cute noise you made until you noticed Kakashi standing in front of you.
It was then you noticed how tall he was, nearly an entire foot above you causing you to look up at him with such proximity. Even you couldn’t help but stare in shock, wondering how he went from behind you to directly in front of you in the blink of an eye. You could tell he was smiling when his eyes crinkled into a strangely warm expression.
“First things first, we need to work on those manners of yours. From now on, you will address us both as sir. Got it?”
His demand made your blood boil, so much so that you’re sure your face was turning red as you felt your fists clench at your sides. You hated that your anger was mixed with more, a new emotion that rarely got the best of you. Avoiding his gaze, you quickly shoved past him only to run into another firm chest, a growl now escaping your lips to see the smug sourcer now before you.
“That wasn’t a suggestion dear.”
Gritting your teeth, you shoved Gojo just a few inches away from you before turning your back to both of them. Your hands began to tremble with anger, embarrassment… really there was nothing you weren’t feeling right now.
“You’re both not officially my mentors until tomorrow, so I don’t have to call you shit.” You growled, suddenly whipping around to face them before pointing out to the large field you were in.
“In fact, I think we can just cut this tour short. This is clearly the field we’ll be training in and those are the rooms we’ll be staying in. All crystal clear.”
The minute your rant is over you finally open your eyes to see their reactions, only to see smug expressions still glued to their faces over your little outburst. Letting out another huff of annoyance, you offered a sarcastic wave and began storming towards the doors.
A surge of frustration coursed through your veins when you felt a hand grab your shoulder to stop you, but you simply looked back with one dark eye to whichever one of the idiots dared to touch you.
“Let. Go.”
Once you met the gaze of Kakashi, you knew he was just trying to test his limits, but right now you weren’t in the mood. You just needed to get out of there, and fast. Luckily once he seemed to get a good reading of your expression, he let go of you without another word and you stormed out of the training grounds.
Just before the door could slam, Gojo shouted something about how he couldn’t wait to get started with training tomorrow, but you drowned it all out as you stormed off the school property.
The moment the field door slammed shut, Gojo began howling with laughter, taking off his mask so he could properly rub his eyes.
“Oh she’s worse than I thought, that girl may give us a run for our money.”
Kakashi grinned to his friend, folding his arms as he pulled his own mask down, “She’s strong, has a pretty intense fucking stare too. Guess all the rumors about her are true.”
Gojo nodded, stretching out his arms and neck a bit before letting out a content sigh.
“Just the challenge we were looking for, right?”
Kakashi nodded, excitement surging through his veins at the new challenge ahead.
“I can’t wait to break that pretty little thing.”
A chill raced down your back as a case of rendezvous occurred when you noticed your fingertips similarly grazing against the wood doors before you. The only difference is your nails weren’t tapping against the dark surface in excitement this time, rather a nervous dread.
Unlike yesterday, your worst nightmare was waiting on the other side of that door. A nightmare that you were going to have to deal with for an entire week.
If it weren’t for the loving pep talk your mom gave you last night, you would’ve probably thrown all of your hard work away and tried again next year.
“Sweetheart, don’t you think you’re being a bit irrational?” Your mother spoke, watching as you paced around your room in a fit of emotions.
“Mom, they stripped away years of meticulous planning and hard work from me! What if they just torment me all week and I get no real training?” You cried, eyes wide before you looked down, the world beginning to shake as you felt nauseous, “Then I’ll have to wait two more years just to be a sidekick, and I may never reach the number one spot-”
The feeling of cold water splashing in your face snapped you out of your thoughts, a shriek escaping your mouth until you saw your mother sternly looking at you.
“Now that’s enough Y/n!” Your mother shouted, your angered expression falling as you felt nearly all the pent up heat in your body disappear, “Better?”
Letting out a shaky sigh you nodded, with the flick of your wrist all the water that drenched your hair and skin was removed and placed back in the cup your mother was holding.
“Now I’m sorry Y/n, but hearing you spiral over a bunch of silly mentors had me worried. This isn’t the determined little girl I know.” She spoke, moving to sit on your bed as she patted the spot next to her hinting for you to sit.
“The Y/n I know would be laughing at such a challenge. Seeing the positive in the negative,” Your mother spoke calmly, smiling when you sat beside her and leaned on her shoulder, “After all, our family element is the element of change, is it not?”
A small smile itched at the corner of your lips as you nodded, lifting your head up to look at her as she continued speaking, “Now you go show those boys that you’re a L/n and that they messed with the wrong girl, got it?”
Nodding once again, you felt a surge of energy flow through you. It was reluctant, but it was there, and that’s what mattered.
Gripping onto your overnight bag, you swallowed thickly as that reluctance loomed over your shoulders once again. All you could do was remember your mothers words and persevere, like you always did.
Inhaling sharply, you let all your nerves out in a heavy sigh as you shoved the door open with a confident smile.
A smile that soon formed into a gasp as a familiar sorcerer stood before you, leaning against the entrance with a grin as his masked eyes looked down to you.
“Staring at a door for five minutes is awfully strange, don’t you think?”
You opened your mouth to speak before your eyes widened in surprise. He could probably sense you standing in front of the door this entire time, you must’ve looked like an idiot.
Feeling your face grow warm, you quickly fixed your surprised posture as you shot him a small glare, “Spying on your student is awfully strange, don’t you think?”
Gojo let out a hearty laugh as you spun his words against him, following you as you walked deeper into the stadium, placing your bags down by the resting area.
“Still didn’t answer his question dear.” A new voice spoke, your head slightly looking back to see Kakashi in your peripheral.
His soft pet name made you shiver, just slightly. Rolling your head in annoyance, you tugged at your sports bra to shift it back into place while keeping your back to them.
“I was just mentally preparing myself for the shit show of a week I’m about to endure,” You spoke nonchalantly, not letting their wits get the better of you, “All because I pissed off some industry hotshots.”
You heard one of them snort at this, but you didn’t seem to care who as you spun on your heel and gave them a confident look, “But I don’t really care. Nobody is going to throw me off my course of becoming number one. Not even you two.”
Shockingly enough, you were met with silence as they nodded, though their faces showed anything but acceptance.
“Okay,” Kakashi simply spoke, almost in defeat, which had you feeling optimistic until he stood closer to you with focused eyes, “Ego and manners, those will be our two lessons for today.”
Your brows furrowed at this as his words had you stiffen in shock, but you didn’t let your anger get the better of you again. Instead you stood firm in your place as you kept eye contact with him.
The response seemed to humor them both, Kakashi clearly grinning under his mask as he looked you up and down.
“Seeing as we are officially your mentors as of today, you will refer to us both as sir, is that clear?”
Once again the nickname made your cheeks flush, it shouldn’t but it did. Maybe if it were anyone else asking you, it wouldn’t be such a big deal. Still they tried to get on your nerves. It was going to take everything in you to hold back today, let alone this week. But if you wanted to learn anything, you were going to have to regretfully comply.
Gritting your teeth, you averted your eyes before nodding.
A gasp escaped your lips when you felt firm fingers grab your chin, turning your gaze towards the masked sorcerer who smiled down at you, “Use your words, darling.”
Now you knew your cheeks were blushing profusely, the entirety of the situation making your body grow warm as you swallowed thickly.
“Yes sir.”
Even as you grit the last part out, both men seemed to smile in acceptance as they took a few steps back and let you air out a bit.
“Very good.” Kakashi muttered, the phrase making your face grow hotter. He didn’t miss the way your body shivered unpromptedly from his words of praise. 
The sight made Kakashi grin, his eyes glancing to his sneering partner before he looked back down to you as you tightened your laces in an attempt to hide your face from them. Even with your stubbornness, it appeared your body always betrayed your better interests.
That was going to make this so much more fun.
Much to your demise, the week didn’t get much better as the days passed.
The two made you endure a number of training trials, testing both your levels of power and endurance. Each trial you seemed to pass without a doubt, but your two mentors didn’t make it easy as they kept testing your patience.
Any time you forgot to add “sir” to a sentence, they would question you or act like you weren’t talking to them. Or if you did something clearly impressive, they would add each comment of feedback with some sort of pet name or endearing phrase that made your skin grow hot.
You could no longer ignore how they were purposely trying to distract you, nor how your body was reacting in confusing ways. Anytime you felt annoyed, your body would betray you as your heart would beat faster and your face would flush.
You’ve dealt with jerks in the past, but never had they gotten a rise out of you like these two. A small part of you knew what they were doing, but you kept trying to deny it.
By about halfway through the week you were just about at your limit.
“How many more times are you going to make me prove my strength before I can finally fight one of you?” You huffed, breathing ragged as you finished another round of water lift conditioning.
Gojo chuckled down to you as Kakashi cleaned up the field. You felt exhaustion run through your body, your knees shaking a bit before you gave in and knelt down, giving an annoyed glance to the sourcer who bent down beside you.
“Sweetheart, I don’t think you should fight us if this has you so exhausted.” Gojo cooed, brushing loose strands of hair from your eyes, “Think we’d break ya.”
Letting out a groan you rolled your head back as your eyes followed, offering a pout, “I’m only exhausted because you guys are purposely giving me grueling tasks, it’s like you’re trying to drain my energy.”
Gojo simply smiled down to you
“I’ve been training with my power my entire life, and it’s something I can do with or without the two of you,” You explained honestly as you picked your water bottle up and gave it a sip, “What I need to be learning is how to fight, especially with two mentors that come from different combatant backgrounds.”
“Listen, your academy head wasn’t exaggerating when she told you we have far beyond exceptional backgrounds,” Gojo spoke with a refreshing bit of sincerity in his tone, “It’s going to take you far more than a week of training to keep up with us one on one.”
Frowning, you sat up a bit and looked the sourcer in what you think were his eyes.
“You underestimate me sir, both of you.” You spoke sternly, Gojo blinking in surprise as you willingly used his honorific, “I demand that you let me take you on, I can handle it.”
“You can handle it, hm?” A coy voice spoke beside you, the sudden proximity making you gasp as Kakashi seemed to just appear before you, “You seem so sure of yourself princess.”
Once again, another gushy name that had your heart beating just a bit faster, you wished they would stop that. He claimed it was because you’re basically the princess of your clan, but you knew better. You knew exactly what they were doing.
“Plus, I don’t think I heard you say please. Not even once.” Gojo spoke, grin now on his face that had you groaning as you stood up.
“It’s not my job to say please, this isn’t an etiquette school. You're my mentors in combat training.” You huffed, folding your arms.
“And as your mentors, we can do whatever we want with you, and train you however we see fit. Do you understand?” Kakashi spoke sternly, your angry eyes now focused on him as he looked down to you, “Now I think we need to go back to the basics of proper manners-”
His final words had your eyes widening. For the first time, genuine rage coursed through your veins at the thought of having to backtrack your training. They could toy with you all they wanted, but they weren’t about to slow down your training just to prove a point.
“No.” You growled, loud and stern as your fists clenched at your sides.
The silence that echoed around the training grounds had your blood run cold. You had never told them no before, but at this point you didn’t care. You couldn’t just stand around and waste your time with two mentors who were only trying to get a rise out of you.
“No?” Gojo questioned cooly, your hairs rising as you could hear him standing up straight behind you.
“No.” You confirmed, glaring up to Kakashi now, “I don’t need either of your help, you claim I have an attitude, but you two are always dripping with arrogance. If you’re not going to give me real training, then I’m no longer wasting my time with you assholes. I’m done.”
Without giving them much time to react, you began to storm off. Not even giving a spare glance, you snatched up your bag, not caring that half your belongings were back in your room.
“Y/n, come back!” Kakashi shouted, and you could hear the anger dripping in his voice but you didn’t care.
Continuing to walk, you nearly made it to the doors until Kakashi used his body flicker technique to shift directly in front of you. The sight nearly makes you gasp as his singular eye looks down at you furiously.
“I said, come back.” Kakashi growled.
“Or what?” You snarled back, returning just as angry of a glare. You knew you were playing with fire, but you didn’t really care anymore. Call it recklessness, or even curiosity, you were just done playing nice.
Much to your surprise, your rebuttal had Kakashi seemingly shocked. His eyes widened a bit and his only response was silence. Looking him up and down, you noticed a bit of hesitancy in his posture, the sight making you smirk as you looked back into his eyes and stood on your toes to move close.
“What are you going to do, sir, hurt me?”
For once it was your turn to taunt him. Days of tension let out in a sentence as you smugly watched him struggle to react. You would be lying if you thought it wasn’t mildly refreshing.
Without so much as breathing, Kakashi snatched your bag from your hand and slammed it against the wall, the sound making you jump as it slid down to the ground. Before you could look back in his direction he used his flickering technique to disappear, his body returning beside Gojo as you spun around with wide eyes.
“Fine. Tomorrow, eight am sharp, you will face Gojo and myself in hand to hand combat. Understood?”
The coolness of his tone made you shiver, almost instinctively you felt every hair on your body raise as he spoke. Attempting to keep a strong demeanor, you just nodded, giving a quiet ‘yes sir’ before grabbing your bag and walking off to your room.
Gojo watched the scene with a whistle, a smug grin plastered on his face as Kakashi turned to him with hooded eyes.
“You win Satoru.” Kakashi hissed, the words even taking Gojo aback as he saw the intensity in the ninja’s expression. 
“Tomorrow is the day we break her, and we’re not holding back.”
Anxiety riddled through your body the following morning.
It was a confusing feeling. You finally got what you wanted, but you also felt like you were set back by days of progress. The uneasy feeling began the moment you returned to your room after Kakashi’s outburst.
You wanted so badly to feel excited that you finally won, that you were finally going to start one on one combat with them tomorrow. But deep down you knew you didn’t truly win.
Instead of hearing chattering voices while you got dressed in your training attire, you were met with silence from the moment you rose to your alarm.
The eerie tranquility somehow got louder as you entered the shared kitchen, the small area devoid of any life like it usually was this time in the morning. Normally you would be ecstatic to be met with much needed solitude, but you couldn’t help the shiver that crawled up your spine when you realized this was most likely a punishment for your behavior yesterday.
Two sides of you argued in your mind as you opened the steel fridge to grab a bowl of overnight oats you had prepared for the week. While you didn’t want to regret your words and actions from the day before, you also wondered if you had taken it too far.
Honestly, they weren’t the worst mentors in the world. Up until this point they taught you how to maximize the endurance of your power, which was something you didn’t realize you struggled with till now.
With that said, the cheeky quips and smug expressions they provided during the training was a nightmare. You knew you weren’t one to normally mouth off to your superiors. As much as you hated to admit it, you were a teacher's pet.
Popping open the lid, you shoved a spoonful of the cold oats into your mouth as you furrowed your brows in thought. Maybe this is why you felt so torn the entire time… or perhaps why you felt so uneasy now? Your past proved that you hate to disappoint your superiors, but in the same sentence did you even respect them as your superiors?
Or is it because you felt something more when you were around them.
The very thought had you choking on the yogurt, your eyes beginning to water as you took a quick sip from a nearby glass before pausing over the marble counter.
What on earth were you thinking? Is this what had you acting out this entire week? Admittedly, you never had these… feelings around other people. The tight chest, quick heart beat, burning skin, or even the shiver that went up your spine anytime they praised your work.
It had to just be nerves… right?
Not the powerful presence they exuded, or the painfully handsome expressions they wore anytime they teased you, or the deep silky praises they awarded you every time you did something good.
You nearly jumped at your own reaction to your thoughts, your spoon slamming in the steel sink as you felt your cheeks grow so hot it felt like your head was going to explode.
“Get a damn grip Y/n…” You whispered harshly to yourself, quickly bottoming out the cold glass of water beside you before shaking your head.
There is no reason why you should feel anything other than confidence right now. Yesterday you stood your ground, and because of that they’re finally respecting your wishes. They can be angry all they want, but that doesn’t matter.
What matters is you proving your strength, acing this exam, and becoming the number one hero.
Inhaling sharply, you gave yourself a confident nod before cleaning out your bowl and heading out to the training grounds. Just as you expected, Gojo and Kakashi were already on the field conversing quietly to each other.
Maybe you really did yell some sense into them. Not only were they up and out before you, but they were dressed in actual training gear rather than their usual fancy uniforms.
Kakashi had a multitude of weapons on his uniform, many that struck your curiosity as you examined the many sharp metals. Gojo on the other hand, seemed to have nothing but himself. The sight made you a bit nervous, wondering what kind of power the sorcerer held.
Trying to reel back your curiosity, you prepared yourself for the onslaught of sly comments as you walked over to them and set your training bag down. Raising a brow, you glanced up to see that none of them had turned to you or even acknowledged your presence.
They halted their conversation, so they surely were aware of your arrival. Were they still mad?
“Um… good morning?” You spoke, though it was more a question as the two continued to gaze around the field as if mapping something out.
When you were met with more silence your brows furrowed, dread filling your body.
You hated the feeling, you shouldn’t feel any guilt over what happened yesterday, but you couldn’t help it. The thought of disappointing anyone above you made you feel sick.
Letting out a huff, you rolled your neck out a bit as you began to stretch before moving directly in front of them.
“Hello? Did you hear me?”
Kakashi refused to look down at you, his one dull gray eye holding no emotion as he examined the field some more, as if it were far more important than his only student before him. Meanwhile, Gojo had his head turned away from you.
“Oh come on, are you guys serious?” You groaned, placing your hands on your hips as your lips fell into a pout, “You can seriously be mad about yester-”
“Shut up.”
The words shot spikes of heat to your core, every part of your body seeming to be confused on how to react. In an instant your body froze as the deep voice rumbled the command without mercy.
Your eyes quickly shot over to striking blue ones, the sight almost making your knees buckle. Gojo had his mask off, his messy white hair surrounding his head but not daring to distract from his practically glowing eyes.
They were so bright and beautiful, yet so dark and almost cold. You couldn’t help the full body shiver as he looked at you like you were nothing, a mere obstacle.
You could barely hear your own thoughts as your body reacted. Palms twitching as your heart was beating so fast you swore the two of them could hear it. Surely your face was a deep scarlet red, but it didn’t seem to phase either of them. No snarky comment, or smug grin. Just cold indifference.
Gritting your teeth, you clenched your fists as you stubbornly kept your eyes locked with Gojo’s. Not like you had a choice, you almost thought you wouldn’t be able to look away.
“You can’t just talk to me like that.”
Just like that he was standing before you, your chests colliding as he looked down to you with a darkened expression.
“I can, and I will.” Gojo spoke coolly, his eyes narrowing before he stepped past you and beside Kakashi, “Now let’s get started.”
Now your chest was beating out of control, you had to grip your shirt as the two were out of sight just to get control of your breathing. What the hell was going on? Why were they acting like this? Why were you reacting like this?
Whipping your head around, you noticed them both walking onto the field together as they began to stretch as if preparing.
“Wait…” You mumbled, quickly trotting after them as you looked up to them with wide eyes, “I’m fighting you both at the same time?!”
Kakashi looked down at you, gaze expressionless, “You’re the chosen one, are you not? Time to prove it.”
Again, Kakashi’s sharp tone sent a wave of excitement through your body. All you could do was blink rapidly, not believing what you were hearing as the two stood like you were a mere helpless bunny before them. All you could do with the insanity was laugh, though it held no spite as you continued to laugh from the overwhelming nerves filling your system.
You had no idea what was going on. Why they both were giving you the cold shoulder, why you felt like your legs were going to give out at any second as your chest beat so loudly it’s all you could hear. So you just continued to laugh.
“Fine.” You mumbled as you turned around and walked further from them.
“Fine!” You exclaimed louder, turning around with a now crazed yet determined expression on your face, “I’ve been dying to shut you two up this entire week, be my guest!”
Expecting some sort of snarky response, you felt your face warm with what you assumed was embarrassment when you were met with silence, the two not even flinching as you entered a defensive position.
You had to be smart about this. Even throughout this week’s training, you still had no idea what their skills or powers entailed, and they knew that. Clearly the game wasn’t over, if anything it had just begun. Whatever rude act they were putting on was clearly to get a rise out of you, to distract you.
Yeah, that’s all it was. And you didn’t care at all, not in the slightest. This was all a test, and you were going to win.
Though your eyes stilled on Gojo, your first target is Kakashi.
Even if you were to go after Gojo, Kakashi clearly has long range weapons that he could strike you with while you were distracted. You needed to separate those from him quickly.
Surrounding the field were drains of water, the same ones you utilized during your training this week. They most likely opened them up so you could use the element during your weekly training and final exam.
Lifting one arm, you allowed a stream to come to you and wrap around your upper body like a new set of arms. Not wasting time, you ran full speed ahead towards Gojo with your arms behind you so he couldn’t predict your next move.
A tick of anger rang in your head when you noticed neither of them making any big advances to defend themselves. Clearly they assumed they were much better than you, but you were here to prove them wrong.
Deciding to test their skills, you threw a simple punch to Gojo, a stream of water following your fist with an aim for his chest. You knew he would counter easily, but what you didn’t expect was for him to evaporate into thin air.
Your eyes widened as he disappeared, looking around the field only to find him completely vanished. You glanced to Kakashi with wide eyes, but he simply looked down at you with that same indifferent stare. Although if you squinted, you would see a hint of amusement in his eyes.
“The hell…” You mumbled, looking around as you retracted the water back to your arms, only for the hair on your arms to rise when you felt a warm breath tickle against your ear.
“Lookin for someone?”
A gasp escaped your lips as your entire body shivered, cheeks growing warm as you grit your teeth, wasting no time to investigate before swining your arm around in hopes to hit him with the bone of your wrist, only to feel more agitated as you collided with nothing but air.
“Show yourself!” You growled, fists clenching as you looked to the skies to see if he was above you.
Without another word you felt a palm make contact with your spine, and though the hit itself wasn’t powerful, the strong gust of air that followed was as you were knocked forward and down to your knees.
A pained gasp left your lips as you felt your lungs seize up from the force of the wind, but your body couldn’t recover much before a large foot dug into your back and forced you on the ground.
For a minute you swore you blacked out, your head ringing as all you could feel were the spiky locks of turf that smushed against your cheek. Spite alone may have been the only thing to snap you back to reality as you heard a hearty laugh from above you.
“I figured the Chosen One would’ve lasted a bit longer, don’t you think?” Gojo sneered, Kakashi tutting his lips in response as Gojo bent down closer to you with his foot still digging into your back.
“Maybe I should go a bit slower, don’t want to overwhelm that little brain of hers. Make her go dumb.” Gojo continued as his firm hand gripped your chin, forcing you to painfully look up to Gojo even in your awkward position, “Or would you like that?”
Frustrated pants escaped your lips as you felt more heat delve to your core, your body squirming in his hold as your mind raced with his insinuations. He surely didn’t mean what he was implying right? He was just trying to get in your head. Luckily, your plan was still on track.
Gritting your teeth, you trying to jerk up beneath his hold as you looked at him through the corner of your eye, “Don’t underestimate me.”
For the first time today Gojo just barely smiled, though it had a malicious intent as he narrowed his eyes at you.
“And why shouldn’t I?”
“Because you arrogant assholes fell for my trap.” You said with a grin, and as if music to your ears you heard curses spill from the ninja behind you.
Both you and Gojo glanced up to see Kakashi struggling to move as ice encased his legs and was spreading up his chest.
“I wouldn’t touch those weapons if I were you sir.” You spoke, making sure to spit the final honorific, “They are nearing the temperature of dry ice, which is about… well you boys are smart. I’ll let you figure that one out.”
The ninja watched as the metal weapons on his belt turned a bright white color, the cool temperature of the water encasing them making it hiss and pop.
“As for you…” You spoke, grinning as the sourcer above you looked down to you with wide blue eyes, “I honestly don’t know your power, but I have a feeling it has to do with those brilliant blue orbs of yours.”
Since you knew the man was fast, you needed to react fast. The only plan you had was working so far, so you needed to take advantage of it. Especially since their little plan of distracting you was working.
Swirling your tongue around your mouth, you spit onto the grass before your fingers rose from your sides and flicked the liquid into the man’s eyes before you.
Either it made direct contact, or close enough because Gojo immediately stumbled backwards as his hands moved to his eyes, colorful words escaping his lips. As much as you wanted to point and laugh, you had to fight the nerve as you saw Kakashi quickly remove his vest and belt filled with the freezing weapons. 
You definitely couldn’t underestimate him, but he would at least be an easier challenge without all of those sharp weapons at hand.
“That was clever Y/n.” Kakashi spoke coolly, his genuine praise making your heart skip a beat. Quickly pushing the feeling down, you nodded before sprinting towards the ninja, refraining from lifting any water until you could identify his fighting style.
Throwing a simple punch, your eyes widened when he similarly teleported away. Like Gojo his speed was unmatched, but you knew his teleportation wasn’t as mysterious as Gojo’s. He had to go from point A to point B, unlike the sourcer’s technique.
Spinning around you just barely ducked in time as a quick punch was thrown at your face. Without time to think, his leg swiped beneath you causing you to fall straight on your back. Once again you barely rolled away before his foot stomped against your face.
“Shit.” You hissed, rocking your lower half up and wrapping your legs around his arm before tugging him down with all your weight forcing you to roll back up on your knees as you knelt on top of him.
“Too rough for you sweetheart?” Kakashi spoke with a grin, your eyes widening as the pet name returned even in his compromising position, “You seemed like the type to enjoy it.”
Immediately your eyes were batting in surprise, that same stupidly painful feeling coiling in your stomach. Before you could open your mouth, you heard a low chuckle at your side before a knee collided with the side of your body with such force it evoked bile to spill from your lips as you flew off of Kakashi and crashed on your side, not without a few bumps on the ground.
The pain was unlike anything you had ever felt, your body aching as you used your lower arm to raise yourself up weakly in between coughs. But even with that pain, it wasn’t enough to silence the overwhelming pleasure that was building up inside of you. The excitement and heat coursing through your veins nearly made you sick.
Even in your weakened state, you knew they were going easy on you. They both were far too quick to be dragging the fight along for this long.
It’s almost like they were seeing just how much you could take. But why?
“Good girls don’t spit on their masters.” Gojo growled, the bold name making your knees lock as it took you by surprise, your wide eyes looking up only to lock with his own. There was almost a crazed look in his eye, one of them looking a bit bloodshot most likely from your attack, while his lips were blown into a wide grin.
“Looks like I should’ve spit more.” You snarled back, immediately regretting your words as he rushed to you in nearly an instant. 
Making a last minute call, you immediately dropped down to your back again, allowing Gojo to jump over you rather than into you before you raised your arms up and allowed the drain water to surround Gojo’s head before your fists clenched.
Suddenly the water froze, causing him to fall frozen head first against the ground.
“That.. should buy me some time.” You coughed out, though you couldn’t feel relief just yet as you heard quick footsteps towards you.
After going hand to hand with Kakashi, you knew close range fighting would be an automatic loss with him. You needed to keep him as far away as possible.
Lifting your arms once more, you let out a shout as you used up more power than normal to lift a large stream of water above you. While your plan was to fully crash it down on the ninja in hopes of washing him out, your movements hesitated when you saw him lift up his mask.
Even from far away, the glowing red eye that shined beside his dull gray one was bright enough to send shock through your body. Soon after, his hands began to form into rapid signs, the movements so quick you couldn’t even make each one out.
Furrowing your brows, you launched your hands down anyway before you got the chance to see what his hand signs were actually doing. Bending over, you placed your hands on your knees as you allowed yourself to take a few deep breaths from the overexertion of power used.
Just a small sliver of hope filled your chest until you heard the sound of water freezing up fill your ears. Looking up, your eyes widened as your stream of water crashed into a near identical stream of water before freezing into a large sculpture like glacier of ice.
Running around the large ice structure, you blinked in confusion as Kakashi came from the source. His red eye followed your every movement, wide and focused, while somehow his regular gray one seemed amused.
“Why don’t you try again?” Kakashi taunted, not making any movements.
Growing agitated, you lifted your arms up, but quicker this time and sent a smaller, sharper stream of water directly for his chest. Only as it was supposed to make contact with him, an identical stream headed towards you and made contact with your chest, causing you to stumble back with a grunt.
“How the… how the hell are you doing that?” You shouted, fists clenching as your water danced around Kakashi almost as if he were in control of it.
Admittedly, you went into this fight not knowing the full extent of their power, but you knew for a fact he had no elemental control of water. This had to be some other strange power.
Ready to shoot another stream of water, you felt your arm loosen at the lack of presence of the element. Blinking you looked around and attempted to lift the water up again, only to find no movement.
“You won’t always have water in your battles, princess.” Gojo purred from behind you, his sudden voice shocking you again as you felt his hand wrap around your throat.
“We emptied the water drains halfway today, wanted to see how skilled you are without that little power of yours,” Kakashi spoke, your eyes widening as he somehow appeared from behind you.
Though he didn’t seem threatened by you, his mask was still raised as his gray and red eye narrowed on you, “Seeing as you kept your distance from us the entire fight, electing to use water as your main defense, I’m going to declare this fight over.”
Furrowing your brows you attempted to lunge at him, only for you to be reminded of the strong hand around your neck, Gojo only squeezing tighter as you attempted to get away.
“This fight isn’t over!” You shouted, though it came out more as a choked gasp as you clawed at the palm squeezing you.
Kakashi glanced back at the man behind you, nodding his head before you felt Gojo’s hand let you go. Sure not to waste a second, you lunged at Kakashi only for him to teleport behind you in seconds.
Both of your wrists were grabbed in one of his palms before he kicked the backs of your knees forcing you to the ground with your face back into the turf once more.
“This fight is over.” Gojo confirmed, pulling his mask from his pocket and tying it over his eyes.
Suddenly you saw red, anger seeping through your blood as you began to kick and squirm beneath Kakashi’s tight hold.
“No! Get over here, I’m not finished!”
Suddenly Kakashi’s elbow dug into your spine, his grip on your wrists growing tighter, “Submit, Y/n.”
Gritting your teeth, you continued to jerk around until you felt his knee dig into your crotch. Eyes widening you let out a gasp, your cheeks flushing at the compromising position. Each jerk you made only made your bundle of nerves shoot tingles throughout your entire body.
Shivering you felt yourself grow weaker as you tried your best to lift your upper half, only to feel cold hands harshly grip your cheeks, Gojo’s half masked eyes looking down to you.
You hated this. You hated every second of it. You hated how it wasn’t the pain aching through your body that made you want to quit, it was the aching pleasure that was shooting through every part of you. From the start to the end of this fight, you knew you were at a loss. Your mind too scrambled to even focus.
Feeling Gojo’s fingers squeeze tighter around your cheeks, you finally let out a defeated exhale as you relaxed in their hold.
“Fine, I give up.”
Finally they released you, your body going limp on the grass before you weekly moved to your knees, your face refusing to look up at them as your nails dug into the grass. All you could think about is how empty you felt when their bodies moved away from you. You hated it. Hated this feeling. Hated all of it.
But you hated even more the familiar words Kakashi cooed to you yesterday. The same words that sent spikes of heat to your chest.
“Good girl.”
Mania flooded your head as you sat on the toilet lid, head buried in your hands. Your brain was running a mile a minute, and somehow the fight you just terribly lost was the last thing on your mind.
No, what was on your mind was them. Both of them.
First they gave you the cold shoulder, then they practically toyed with you the entire fight. Did they know that their actions were getting to you? Did they see the attraction in your eyes the first day you laid eyes on them, and now they were just taking advantage of it.
Gritting your teeth, you jumped up from the lid and slammed your palm on the marble counter of the bathroom as your breathing grew heavy.
Now that you’re really thinking about it, some of their touches were a bit… promiscuous. Just Kakashi’s knee digging into your core today when he had you pinned down, that wasn’t a training tactic was it?
Or the way he said, “Good girl”.
Those velvety words ringing in your ears made your breath hitch as you quickly turned the cold water knob from the sink and began cupping the cool liquid in your hands, splashing it across your face.
This was ridiculous, all of it. Clearly you were letting your emotions get the better of you, again. No wonder they didn’t take you seriously, you were like a schoolgirl with crushes. It would be ridiculous to assume they were trying to make advances towards you.
They were simply two smug, and apparently skilled, mentors that were trying to annoy you. Yeah… most likely because of your family and status. That’s all… that’s all it is…
“Good girl.”
The words practically echoed so loudly through your head again, you thought the white haired ninja was in the room with you. A squeak left your lips as you jolted your head to the door, only to see it had been closed the entire time.
“Shit… get a grip Y/n…” You muttered to yourself, using your power to remove the droplets of water dripping off your face and dumping it in the sink.
Not wanting to listen to your thoughts any longer, you storm out of the bathroom, hoping to come up with a plan to confront your two mentors while cooking some well deserved dinner.
The minute you turned the corner, your eyes widened to see the two men already in the kitchen. A silver pan was bubbling on the stove while they leaned against the tall marble counter, their eyes falling on you with those same indifferent expressions they wore during the fight.
Those same expressions that nearly drove you crazy. If this was going to distract you from your training, then you needed to address it now.
“Look,” You shouted, though you hated how your voice cracked as you kept your eyes glued to the floor, “I don’t know why you guys are so upset with me right now, but you have no right to be! I’ve been the one working my ass off all week trying to do my best, but you two have made it impossible!”
Though you kept your eyes trained on the floor, the teachers looked to each other with knowing expressions as their lips began to quiver upwards.
“Clearly I underestimated you guys, I’ll admit that. But I refuse to take any blame for being the bad guy here, you have no reason to be mad at me!”
The minute you uttered the final word, you thought you would drown in the silence. Your eyes still trained to the floor as you felt your fists begin to tremble at your sides. Since when did they have this much control over you?
From the start you made it clear that they meant nothing to you, hell you didn’t even have respect for them till your fight today. So how could they get you so worked up, while somehow doing nothing at all?
You felt tears rimming at your lashes as more silence filled your ears, about to open your mouth again until Kakashi finally spoke up.
“Who said we were mad at you?”
Blinking, you whipped your head up as you furrowed your brows. A blush rose to your cheeks when you saw both men looking at you with a hint of amusement in their expressions.
“W..Well I… You guys were…”
Gojo’s slow movements had your words pause as he grabbed your cheek and looked down to you, a facade of pity in his eyes.
“Sweetheart you’re a bit tense, what’s on your mind?”
His touch, as always, sent waves of heat to your core. His words almost made you quiver away as you bit down the whimper that was threatening to escape your lips.
“None of your damn business.” You warbled out stubbornly, quickly smacking his hand away in an effort to get further from him as you made your move to walk around him.
Without even a second step, his hand gripped your forearm tightly, forcing you to spin around as he pulled his mask down, those cold blue eyes now searching yours once again.
“I thought you said you submit?” Gojo questioned simply, 
Freezing, you felt your blood run cold. You weren’t sure if it was the cool air from the kitchen or the words he spoke, but you felt goosebumps run along your skin as you whipped your head to him. An unreadable expression on his face.
“I meant I submit to losing the fight, not to…”
“To what?”
The persistent question took the air straight from your lungs, your body quivering in his hold as you backed up until you collided with a firm chest, your head whipping around to see Kakashi looking down to you, both of his mismatched eyes searching your own.
“What is it that you refuse to submit to Y/n?” Kakashi spoke, voice as smooth as satin as his hand moved to your jawline, forcing you to look up at him from over your shoulder.
Between his warm hands and a new pair of large ones grabbing your waist tightly, you thought you were going to pass out.
“Tell us what you want princess.” Gojo’s voice hummed, his timber tone making you shiver as you turned your head back to him. The name alone made your legs turn into jelly as your brows furrowed together, eyes widely searching anywhere on his face to avoid those inquisitive blue eyes.
“I… I want…” Your words struggled to escape your lips, your mind scrambled as your senses exploded with every touch. Kakashi gripping your shoulders and tugging you against his chest, Gojo’s fingers digging into the fat of your hips.
Gojo and Kakashi gave each other knowing looks as they watched you fall apart, ghosts of a smirk on each of their lips as they watched the brilliant plan unfold so beautifully. 
“What? Use your words darling.” Kakashi spoke into your neck. You could tell his lips were just ghost above your skin when you felt his hot breath dance against your neck.
There was nothing you could do anymore. It’s like the last string of sanity snapped within you as a drawn out whine escaped your lips, your glossy eyes looking up to Gojo with need.
Gojo felt his heart race at the sight. It wasn’t the first time you had looked at him with such want, but this time it wasn’t shielded by walls and walls of mental blockage. Now it was just raw, naked desperation.
Much to both of their surprise, you launched yourself at Gojo, practically climbing onto him as you smashed your lips against his own. The groan that Gojo let out was primal, your lips feeling just as soft as he imagined.
As much as he wanted to shove his tongue down your throat till he couldn’t breath, they both still needed your verbal confirmation. It wasn’t negotiable.
Pulling away, your lips followed after his own with a pout until you felt Gojo’s cold hands harshly grip your cheeks, forcing your lips to puff out.
“Kakashi told you to use your fucking words, what do you want?”
Gojo adored the way your eyes widened a bit, your plumped up lips pursing as you clearly didn’t want to say it out loud. But that only inspired the sourcer even more.
“Need you, need you both. Want you both s’bad. Just please.” You whined, fingers digging into his shoulders as you squeezed your eyes shut, most likely in embarrassment.
Gojo and Kakashi knew the moment was inevitable, but they didn’t quite expect you to be so pliant. So needy.
Smirking, Gojo gave Kakashi a nod and fully lifted you in his arms, letting your legs wrap around his torso as he smashed his lips back against yours. Kakashi swiftly shut off the stove top before following after the two of you as Gojo walked down the hall.
None of this you noticed of course, not when Gojo was nipping at your lips in an attempt to pry those pretty lips open for his impatient tongue. One particular bite had you gasping, your lips allowing entry for his tongue to wrap around your own.
Somehow his kiss alone was drawing mewls from your throat as you gripped onto his shirt like a lifeline, your face growing red with emotion and lack of breath.
Gojo picked up on this and released your lips for a few seconds, letting you pant as he sneered down to you.
“About time you gave in, could sense your slutty little desperation all week.”
His words sent heat to your chest as your head shot up to look at him with bewildered eyes, “Y..You… You knew about that?”
A new hand grabbing your chin and pulling your face over Gojo’s shoulder made you gasp, Kakashi smugly looking at your adorable shock.
“Of course we did, we just needed to wait for that thick resolve of yours to break.” The ninja spoke, his words making your cheeks grow shades darker until you felt yourself being dropped on the ground. 
It was then you realized you must have been in their room, two queen size beds inhabiting the space. Just as you were about to climb on one of them, you felt a pair of strong arms tug you back by your waist. 
“Nah ah ah, you didn’t just think we would forget about all of your disobedience this week. Did you?” Kakashi spoke almost gently as you watched Gojo head for the edge of the bed. 
“D..Disobedience?” You muttered, mind too hazy to conceptualize what was happening as you noticed Gojo begin to unbutton cuffs of his sleeve as he rolled them up.
“Oh save us the trouble darling, we haven’t even fucked that pretty little head stupid yet,” Kakashi sneered, his hand digging into the small of your back as he led you to the bed.
“Five times this week you went against our orders.” Kakashi continued, enjoying your silence as he sat beside Gojo and began unbuttoning his own sleeve, “And since we’re old geezers, we thought of a very special… old fashioned, punishment.”
Your lashes fluttered at these words, your cheeks growing hot as you stood before the two men, watching them surely prepare for whatever “punishment” they had in mind.
“Punishment?” You questioned again, lip slightly quivering as you furrowed your brows, “Was kicking my ass on the field not enough-”
“Six.” Gojo growled, though his teeth were bared in a devilish grin as his palms flexed in his lap.
“Six?” You questioned once again, growing more agitated till your eyes widened in realization, “Wait hey! That doesn’t count! I’m literally just asking a question-”
“Seven.” Kakashi chuckled, the two exchanging a glance before he looked back at you clearly amused, “Take your clothes off, but leave your undergarments on.”
Your mouth fell in shock, ready to argue back until you realized it would only prolong whatever punishment they were preparing. Feeling your cheeks blush, you turned slightly away from them as you began to pull your shirt over your head until Gojo clicked his tongue.
“Nah ah ah sweet girl, face us.”
Whipping your head back, you felt like you could pass out of embarrassment as they both eyed you like predators toying with their prey, “B..But…”
The look on Gojo’s face was almost animalistic, his eyes trained on your own as if daring you to utter another word. Kakashi’s expression was more laid back, but excitement was evident in his features.
Though your lip instinctively fell out in a pout, you slowly took your shirt and shorts off, kicking them to the side before wrapping an arm around your torso.
“Lay over our knees.” Kakashi instructed calmly, his large palm smacking on both his and Gojo’s thighs. Dots began to connect as you felt a dry string of saliva slide down your throat, your toes padding against the hardwood until you stood before the two.
Though hesitant, you crawled on their laps, your head ready to rest on Gojo’s outer thigh until you felt cool fingers grip your chin and force you to look up in an uncomfortable position.
“Now because you disobeyed us eight times, and there’s two of us here, you will receive sixteen spanks. Alright?” Kakashi explained, almost as if it were just another training session.
You opened your mouth to rebuttal, but Gojo’s grip on your jaw tightened forcing you to look up to his crazed eyes, “You will count each smack, and if you fail to do so, we restart.”
A whimper drew from your lips as you nodded your head, Gojo nodding over to Kakashi who let out a sigh. The feeling of his warm palm rubbing your ass cheek made you hum quietly, your hips shaking at the feeling until a harsh smack landed on your right cheek.
Shock mixed with pleasure and pain surged through your veins as a shriek escaped your lips, your body jolting forwards as you twitched at the feeling. Your eyes squeezed shut as you clenched at Gojo’s pants, but you didn’t get much time to recover as you heard his smug voice speak.
“Maybe she really is just stupid.” Gojo spoke simply, your eyes widening up to him to see his cold gaze on you, “Can you even count to ten, chosen one?”
The name made your cheeks flush in embarrassment, head shaking as your lips began to quiver.
“N..No! One.. One!”
“Sorry sweetheart, doesn’t count.” Kakashi spoke in feigned compassion before landing another harsh smack on your ass. Though you shrieked in surprise once again, your lips quickly moved.
“Atta girl.” Gojo spoke, eyes sparkling in excitement before his own hand landed on your other cheek. His palm was quicker, but stung more as you cried out, tears brimming at your lashes as you squeezed them shut.
Not expecting another tug, a whimper broke from your lips as Gojo growled down to you and jerked your head up in a nearly impossible position, “Don’t you dare fucking look away, eyes on me or we restart again.”
Pinching your lips together, you nodded quickly as tears streamed down your face. You think you heard Kakashi chuckle and mutter something about “being nicer”, but not much could be heard with the ringing in your ears as another smack landed on your cheek.
Somehow you had made it till the end, your eyes struggling to stay open as crystalline tears flooded from your wet lashes, your cunt similar in texture as it clenched around nothing with each unforgiving slap.
“See, knew you were a good girl.” Kakashi cooed, his warm palm rubbing at your swollen cheeks as they both admired the harsh red marks blistering on your smooth skin.
Suddenly your head was being gently pulled back by your hair as your eyes lazily fell on Gojo who was grinning down to you, “Speak for yourself, I don’t think we got all that attitude out yet.”
Your brows weakly furrowed in offense to his words, but you didn’t have much time to process before you were being lifted up and placed at the back end of the bed, your head resting against the pillows.
“Let’s at least give her a small break, she’s doing good so far.” Kakashi spoke, crawling onto the right side of you as he leaned down and placed slow kisses on your lips. Unlike Gojo, his kiss was more controlled but deep. He didn’t need to do anything at all for your mouth to submissively open and let him explore. 
A whimper escaped your lips, your mind appreciating the small break as your arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer.
“See, you’re such a sweet girl. Why were you giving us such a hard time this week?” Kakashi purred, his lidded eyes focused on your flushed face as he continued to trace warm slow kisses down your neck, “Must’ve been hard trying to fight what your little pussy has been craving all this time, hm?”
All you could do was mewl at his words, the feeling of his lips nearing just above your breast practically making you dizzy. It wasn’t until you felt a thick finger rub against your clothed core that you felt your eyes shoot open, embarrassingly alert.
“Think the slut was doing it on purpose so we would punish her,” Gojo sneered, your eyes widened as you noticed his body was hovering over your lower half, “Her cunt is already sopping wet.”
Even Kakashi’s eyes widened at this before he looked up to you with a smirk that matched Gojo’s own mischievous one, “Oh? Did you enjoy getting spanked for being a naughty girl?”
The feeling of both of their eyes was too much, you wanted to bury your face in your hands but you already knew they would just hold them down. Just as you were about to open your mouth to say something, anything, your words were cut off with a moan as Gojo stroked his thumb against your clothed cunt again, your back arching up with the sound.
“Someone is sensitive.” Kakashi hummed in amusement.
“Has nobody ever touched you before, princess?” Gojo questioned with a sneer, the question rhetorical as he thought knew the answer, he was just trying to get you even more worked up at this point.
“N..No…” You muttered, eyes watering once again in embarrassment as both men looked at you with wide eyes. Their expressions molded into genuine shock, then to something downright carnal as they searched your face, almost as if trying to detect if you were lying.
“You’ve never been touched before Y/n?” Kakashi asked, his tone deathly serious as he sat up a bit and looked down at you.
Furrowing your brows at their reaction, you slowly shook your head no, too nervous to speak. Admittedly, you have always been too busy to have partners, let alone sexual partners. It’s not that you didn’t have thoughts, or that you hadn’t acted on them sometimes, but you just never had that strong of attraction to pursue someone while focusing on your training.
“Have you ever touched yourself?” Gojo questioned, tone just as curious though a hint of excitement as he looked up at you from below your legs.
The familiar heat rushed to your cheeks as you felt their possessive eyes on you, not sure whether to feel embarrassed or excited. 
“Fuck.” Kakashi groaned, his head buried in his hand now as you felt Gojo clench both of your thighs.
“You ever make yourself cum pretty girl?” Gojo questioned, though his eyes were now on your fluttering cunt as he stared at it with hunger.
“I..I don’t really know.” You whispered, genuine in response with your lack of experience.
Gojo’s eyes were practically glazed over as Kakashi grunted at your words, his fingers now playing with the clips of your bra as he struggled to remove it.
“So fuckin easy.” Gojo muttered, his fingers now working to remove your underwear. You lifted your hips up a bit to help him, but he decided to snap the thin fabric in half instead.
Just the smell of you had his eyes rolling back, your pussy already glistening in juices as it clenched around the cold air suddenly hitting it.
Without much of a warning, Gojo plunged one of his fingers in you, and the sight of your face nearly made him cum on the spot. You practically saw stars at the sudden intrusion, his finger feeling like nothing you’ve ever felt before as your back arched up into nothing.
“Bigger than your pathetic little fingers, ain’t it?” Gojo snickered, his finger pulling out slightly before jamming back inside, “Poor baby couldn’t even get herself off, no wonder you’ve been such a needy little slut. You needed us.”
Even if you wanted to reply, your breath was entirely stolen from you as you felt a warm tongue swirl around your tit, the sudden stimulation making you gasp as you gripped at the sheets beside you.
“Pretty fucking tits.” Kakashi groaned, his other hand palming your free tit as he sucked on the other.
Gojo chuckled at this, now at two fingers as he scissors them in your tight cunt. The feeling practically has you screaming, your eyes squeezed shut as pleasure began to build inside you.
“Pretty pussy too,” Gojo hums, his fingers pulling out slowly making you mewl as he lowered to his elbows, “Bet it tastes just as sweet as her.”
Before your brain could process what he said, a sharp moan was pulled from your lips as his tongue licked a slow stripe up your dripping cunt. The groan Gojo made was sinful as his grip on your thighs tightened enough to leave bruises.
“G..Gojo!” You cried, his name the only thing you could mutter as you felt him lap at your juices quicker now, almost desperately while ignoring the effect it had on you.
“Feel good baby?” Kakashi hummed, a pleased grin on his face as his lips moved to your other tit, though his eyes remained on your adorable scrunched up expression.
“Yes! Oh yes.” You cried, your fingers moving to grip at his hair, tugging anytime Gojo sucked a bit too hard on your clit.
“Can feel you clenching needy girl, you feel that?” Gojo cooed, pulling away from your twitching pussy as he replaced his mouth with his fingers, using two to enter while his thumb rubbed at your clit.
“Mhm, feel it Gojo feel it!” You all but cried as your body twitched in his hold, “Need it, please! Need!”
Gojo smirked at your words, his thumb moving quicker as he saw your eyes glaze over in pleasure. With the way your cunt clenched around his fingers, and your body trembled in his hold, it was only a matter of time before…
Suddenly the sharp coil in your stomach ached until it vanished, your pussy met with the cold air of the room as you felt Gojo’s fingers disappear.
Your eyes shot open as you looked down to Gojo, his eyes staring in what looked like pride at your aching cunt before they looked up to you with mischief.
“Gojo… I didn’t… you didn’t- mmph!”
Without letting you finish your warbled sentence, the sourcer shoved his fingers in your mouth, the taste of your juices on his finger making you moan as your eyes fluttered shut and you swirled your tongue around his fingers.
“That wasn’t very nice.” Kakashi commented, though a smirk was evident on his lips as Gojo kept his eyes on you.
“I… I didn’t cum!” You struggled to whine, as Gojo kept his fingers in your mouth while Gojo smirked down to you with feigned pity in his eyes.
“Why.. What are you doing? I..I’m almost there, please!” You cried, tears spilling from your lashes as you looked up to him with desperation.
“Need to be more patient baby, we went over this on day one.” Gojo cooed, his fingers dipping deeper into your mouth until they practically touched the back of your throat, making you gag.
Though you struggled to keep your eyes open, you couldn’t fight the frustration and anger that built up inside. You had never felt that level of pleasure in your entire life. It was like all your senses were crying in unison, begging to be released and he just stopped.
Had they not already punished you? Were they just going to toy with you the whole time?
Furrowing your brows, you bit down on Gojo’s fingers, resulting in him snatching them out of your mouth as they both looked at you with shock in their eyes.
“No!” You growled, eyes clearly frustrated as your legs tried to rub together, needing any type of friction.
Both men stared at you for a few seconds, bewilderment written all over their expressions before they looked to each other almost as if deciding what to do with you.
“I think we need to wipe that word from your vocabulary darling.” Kakashi hissed, eyes slowly glaring down to you until you both jumped at the sound of a loud clap.
“No no!” Gojo spoke, his voice laced with excitement that made goosebumps rise along your skin as he looked to you with a deranged look in his eye, “We’ll give the princess what she wants!”
Everything about this felt like a trap. So much so that even Kakashi seemed confused. As much as you wanted to think you had finally convinced Gojo to take you seriously, a small part of you knew better.
Not allowing you much time to think on it, a shriek left your lips as Gojo grabbed you by the waist and snatched your hips up until your lower half was resting against his chest.
Without much of a warning, two of his fingers dipped into you and set a brutal pace, the sudden intrusion making you gasp as you gripped at the sheets.
Unlike last time, your high came much quicker as his thumb rubbed aggressively against your clit. Within seconds you felt that tight coil swirl into your stomach until it snapped just as quick as it came, a scream escaping your lips as you felt your eyes roll into the back of your head.
Suddenly everything just felt nice. Euphoria, you supposed one would call it. Your body slumped against his chest as a lazy smile formed on your lips, your eyes looking over to see Kakashi already looking down to you with a strangely sympathetic look in his eye.
And just like that, you felt Gojo’s fingers enter you again. The feeling made you jolt up as you looked up to see Gojo’s eyes fixed on your cunt.
“W..Wait! That’s too much Gojo, not ready-” 
“Shut up brat.” Gojo snarled, his cool blue eyes glaring down at your own making your lips pinch together as you looked up to him with wide eyes.
Just like before, you felt that tight feeling in your stomach expand until it let go, your body convulsing in his arms as you screamed out and gripped onto Kakashi for any type of stability.
“A..Alright, no more…” You whimpered, body still twitching until you felt a tongue lick up your cunt, your body shooting up as you looked up to Gojo with bewildered eyes.
“Is this not what you wanted?” Kakashi hummed from beside you, his fingers sliding along your jaw to lean your face towards him, “You should feel lucky he’s even entertaining your request after you so rudely disobeyed him.”
Kakashi’s words slowly turned to mush as you felt your face grow lifeless in his hands. All you felt was that tight build up of pleasure building in your stomach, the same one you’ve felt nearly five times now before it was let out.
Tears streamed down your face as you cried and screamed, whimpers and pleads for Gojo to stop babbling from your throat as you struggled to stay focused.
“Still don’t have any fucking manners?” Gojo snapped, his fingers gripping your cheeks and snatching your head up to meet his eyes, “You practically begged to cum like a bratty little slut a few minutes ago, can’t even say thank you to me?”
Both men knew you could barely speak, your eyes lidded as pathetic pants blew from your lips.
“Tha..Thank y..you…” You whimpered, hands wrapping around Gojo’s wrist desperately as you gave him pleading glossy eyes, “T..Thank G..Gojo, s..so good!”
The two looked at you as you sobbed in Gojo’s hold, your pathetic cries going straight to their cocks as they watched you fall apart so easily for them.
“Look at you being so polite,” Kakashi hummed with a smile, his hand brushing all of the stray hairs from your face while his thumb wiped at some drool spilling from your mouth, “All fucked out from just his fingers, hm?”
Between your aching cunt and their condescending tones, you felt yourself begin to sob as you clenched on to both of their arms. 
“Awe, we made her cry, we’re such bad teachers.” Kakashi cooed, voice dripping in sarcasm as he lifted you up from your awkward position and held you against his chest.
Gojo chuckled, wiping your juices from his lips as he smirked down to you, massaging circles into your legs, “Knew we could tame our bratty little student into submission, just had to get a little rough. Yeah?”
“Good think we’re patient teachers, right?” Kakashi spoke from behind you, his lips trailing up your neck as he moved them close to your ear, “We’re good teachers, aren’t we Y/n?”
All you could do was nod lazily as you whined with each touch against your skin, your body shivering as Kakashi’s warm breath danced across your skin.
“Y..Yes sir.” You whimpered, struggling to shift in his lap as you turned to face him, your fingers fidgeting with the buttons of Kakashi’s shirt clearly uncoordinated, “Want this off.”
The formal nickname took them both by surprise, each little mannerism of your new fucked out state making their pants even tighter as they watched you turn into their desperate little slut for them.
“How could I deny such a polite request?” Kakashi spoke with a smirk, his arms lifting you up and placing you in Gojo’s lap as he began to unbutton his shirt. Leaning your head back, you placed sloppy kisses on Gojo’s neck as you tugged at his shirt.
“Yours too.”
Gojo groaned at your needy voice, the pathetic kisses were leaving across his skin making him want to slam you against the mattress and fuck you stupid.
Kakashi seemed to notice the somewhat feral look in Gojo’s eyes as he tossed his shirt at the sourcer’s face, snatching you from his arms and laying you against the pillows.
“You think I’m going to let you fuck her first after you had all that fun tormenting her?” Kakashi sneered, enjoying the way Gojo’s eye twitched as he tore his shirt from his face and threw it on the floor.
“Fine, I’ll just fill up her other side.” Gojo snapped, beginning to unbutton his pants until Kakashi clicked his tongue.
“Like hell are you touching her ass you damned sadist, it’s her first time. That’s too much”
Gojo rolled his eyes and crawled off the edge of the bed, “Wasn’t talking about her ass dipshit.”
Their arguing came to a halt when a needy moan drew from your lips, your body lifting as you crawled onto all fours, “Need one of you inside me, please.”
Kakasi groaned at this, wordlessly moving behind you as he pressed your upper half down into the mattress.
“Gonna take it slow, alright princess?” Kakashi spoke with a refreshing seriousness in his tone.
Inhaling deeply, you nodded and mumbled a yes as you gripped onto the sheets beneath you. Much to your surprise, you felt a pair of hands grip your own. Looking up you saw Gojo with a genuine smile on his face as he knelt down beside the bed.
Offering a small smile of your own, your breath suddenly hitched as the head of Kakashi’s cock slid against the lips of your pussy. Just as promised, you felt the large mass enter your cunt slowly. This was on another level compared to Gojo’s fingers, and though he went slow, it still felt overwhelming as a breathless cry escaped your lips.
“Doing so good sweet girl,” Gojo hummed, allowing you to dig your nails into his hands as Kakashi bottomed out.
“Fuck, you’re so damn tight princess.” Kakashi groaned, his eyes squeezing shut as he gripped at your swollen ass to keep himself from ravaging you completely.
After a few seconds, you felt the uncomfortness start to fade, the feeling growing stable as you wiggled your hips a bit, a motion that didn’t go unnoticed by the two men.
“How’re you feelin?” Gojo questioned, squeezing your hand as you looked up to him.
“G..Good, you can move Kashi.” You whimpered, looking back to him with glossy eyes.
The sight made Kakashi crumble, not able to hold back anymore as he slid his cock nearly out of your pussy before slamming back in, the feeling made a shriek escape your lips that slowly turned into a mewl as you buried your face in the sheets below you.
After a few solid thrusts, Kakashi took cues from Gojo before setting a brutal pace. Though he was definitely monitoring your pained sounds, he ultimately let go as your pornographic moans filled the air.
This was unlike anything you had felt before, you felt so full. Like his cock was hitting every part of your body. This was Euphoric.
The feeling of a cool palm gripping your face made you whimper as you noticed Gojo now standing before you, his large cock in his palm.
“You ever suck a dick before, sweetheart?”
Swallowing thickly, you shook your head no in between moans as your head jerked forward between Kakashi’s rough thrusts.
“Don’t worry, that’s what teachers are for, yeah?” Gojo spoke with a grin, wasting no time to line his cock up with your lips, “Why don’t you show me what you got?”
Wanting nothing more than to please him, you immediately grabbed his cock and began licking at the tip. You would be lying if you said you weren’t nervous to suck him off, afraid you would bite down, but the groan that left his lips suddenly filled you with confidence.
Lifting his cock up, you licked a longer stripe along the bottom of his cock, all while looking up to him with wide obedient eyes. The sight made Gojo growl as he wrapped his hand around your hair and gripped it tight.
“Alright now baby, since you’re so confident how about I take the lead?”
Without much of a warning, Gojo shoved his cock deep into your throat, the tip definitely hitting the back wall as you immediately gagged, tears running down your face.
“Fuck, she just clenched around me.” Kakashi groaned, his hands cupping mounds of your ash as he continued to pound into your backside.
“Yeah? You like when I fuck your face you naughty little slut?” Gojo cooed, smirk on his face as he began to thrust into your mouth.
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you gripped onto his thighs and struggled to keep up. Soon enough his salty precum filled your mouth, but it began to be too much to handle. Tapping his thigh, he tugged his cock from your mouth, giving you a second to breath as you let out struggled mewls from Kakashi’s relentless thrusts.
“T..Too big Gojo, can barely fit.” You whimpered, looking up to him with pathetic eyes that made his smirk grow wider.
“Awe sweetheart, don’t worry I’ll make it fit.” Gojo sneered, giving his cock a few rubs before lining it back up with your mouth, “Besides, it’s going in that pretty pussy next, so you better prepare.”
His words made your eyes widen, but you didn’t have much time before Gojo shoved his cock back in your mouth. Both men set brutal paces inside of you, the feeling making you cry and moan as salty tears began to fall over the dried ones.
“She’s squeezing again, shit.” Kakashi growled, his thrusts growing sloppy as he kept a bruising hold on your hips.
Kakashi’s thrusts became impossibly deeper, each pound making you moan around Gojo’s cock as he shoved his deeper down your throat.
“God your slutty little mouth is perfect,” Gojo groaned, his own thrusts growing sloppy before he lifted your head up by your hair, “Gonna blow my load down your throat, don’t you fucking spill a drop.”
Though it wasn’t evident, you attempted to nod as you moaned around his cock, the feeling of your vibrating throat setting him off as he cummed deep into your throat. The feeling immediately had you choking, Gojo quickly removing his cock to allow you to swallow.
The feeling of his thick cum in your throat made you gag at first, struggling to swallow it all as a few drops spilled from your lips. But before Gojo could threaten you once more, you quickly wiped up any droplets of cum on your hand and began to lick it up, looking at him with those same wide eyes as before.
“Fuck you’re perfect.” Gojo growled, bending down to snatch your face up and smash his lips against your own. You quickly accepted, opening your mouth up to let him shove his tongue down your throat, both of you tasting each other on your lips.
“Where do you want me to cum Y/n?” Kakashi groaned from behind you, his thrusts growing slower and less calculated as he felt you clench impossibly tighter around him.
“Inside.” You mewled, the word making both men pause as they looked down to you with serious eyes.
“Y/n we can’t-”
“I’m on the pill!” You cried, your own climax coming to a halt as Kakashi slowed his movements, “Please I’m on the pill, need you to cum inside my pussy sir. Want to cum with you! Just move, please.”
Just when they thought it couldn’t get better. Gojo felt his cock spring back to life at your words, his eyes looking dangerously to Kakashi who’s own eyes darkened at your words.
Without wasting any more time, Kakashi grabbed you by the neck and lifted you up against his chest as he thrusted brutally into your dripping pussy.
“What a naughty little thing you are, wanting me to fill you with my seed,” Kakashi snarled, keeping a tight hold on your neck, “You gonna cum too princess?”
“Mhmmmhm.” You moaned, back arching as your mouth fell agape with each rough thrust.
Squeezing your neck impossibly tighter, Kakashi growled as he sent his final rough thrusts up, “Then fucking cum brat.”
His words sent chills up your spine as you felt yourself come undone. You weren’t sure what was sending you over the edge, your own climax or the feeling of Kakashi’s cum shooting deep into your womb. You felt overwhelmingly full as you cried out Kakashi’s name over and over again in praises, the man beneath you groaning your name himself as he thrusted every drip of his release into you.
“Shit.” Kakashi muttered, lifting you up off his cock and letting you sink into his lap as you moaned at the empty feeling, “Such a good girl for me.”
You mewled at the praise, your arms gripping his own that were wrapped around you as you trembled from your high, barely able to even process how you were still awake.
“Sweetheart, you look tired.” Gojo cooed, your eyes falling on him as he palmed his cock a few times before getting back on the bed and lifting you from Kakashi’s lap onto your back against the pillows, “Or are you just so fucked out from having your slutty little holes filled?”
Whimpering at his words, you felt your eyes widen a bit when you felt his cock begin to rub against your dripping cunt.
“Either way, we can’t have that. I told you I was filling you up next princess.” Gojo spoke with a grin, watching as Kakashi chuckled and lifted your upper half up to sit beneath you.
Looking up to Kakashi with glossy eyes, he simply rubbed his thumb along your cheek before shrugging, “It’s only fair darling.”
“That’s right, it’s only fair.” Gojo agreed, pushing the head of his cock in you making your back arch up as you whimpered slightly, “Plus I think you like when we’re rough with you, don’t ya?”
Their words couldn’t distract from the feeling of Gojo’s thick cock slowly dragging deeper into your walls, your moans growing louder as you gripped at the sheets beside you.
“I think she does, she squeezed around me when I choked her.” Kakashi sneered, his hand moving to wrap around your throat making you gasp as Gojo choked on a groan.
“Fuck she did squeeze, you’re a little masochist aren’t you slut?” Gojo growled, his fingers digging into your already bruised hips as he began to speed up his pace.
Both the feeling of Gojo’s cock beginning to pound into you and Kakashi squeezing tight around your neck made you see stars, your moans becoming less stable as they bounced around in the air needily.
“S..So full!” You cried, fingers digging into the sheets beneath you as both men chuckled condescendingly at you.
“Yeah, and you’ll fucking take it brat.” Gojo spoke, setting a relentless pace, much rougher than Kakashi’s.
The sight of you coming undone from his cock alone had Gojo nearly on the verge of climax. Taking one of his free hands, he slapped one of your ass cheeks before palming it roughly, the action making you clench around him as you shrieked out making the sourcer groan.
Kakashi’s hand squeezed at your throat, making you mewl in between pants as you looked up to him with half lidded eyes, “Open that pretty mouth up princess.”
Immediately you opened your mouth, your tongue sticking out obediently as you looked up to Kakashi with expectant eyes. The sight made Kakashi’s cock grow hard beneath you again as he groaned.
“Shit, you’re so fucked out and obedient. Fucking perfect.” Kakashi growled, holding your jaw open before lowering his head and spitting in your mouth. You hastily swallowed and opened your mouth up for proof, making both men groan at your compliance.
“You like being treated like a damn slutty toy?” Gojo sneered, watching as you wordlessly moaned with each thrust as he pressed his hand against your womb, “Your mentor’s cocks making that pretty head of yours dumb?”
Though you heard his questions, you couldn’t register a response, not like this. All you could do was nod and moan in between sobs as you felt Kakashi begin to grope at your chest.
“So adorable, can you beg your mentor to let you cum?” Gojo cooed, leaning over you now as he gripped your face, “You know I don’t like when you don’t use your manners.”
Your eyes widened at this, your hands beginning to claw at his shoulders as you held him close, “P..Please Gojo! Need you to let me cum! Wanna cum on your cock so bad so you can fill me up!”
Both men moaned at your words, Gojo’s grip on your chin getting harsher as he began to speed up his thrusts.
“Yeah, you want my cum so bad, slut? I’m gonna fill you to the damn brim. My cum will be all the way in that stupid head of yours.” Gojo growled, aggressively poking at your head as his other finger began to swirl around your clit.
It was all too much. Between his words, Kakashi’s warm hands groping along your body, and Gojo’s rough thrusts mixed with his thumb abusing your clit, you finally let go.
This time you really did see stars, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you began to squirt all along Gojo’s chest. Soon after Gojo sent one final thrust into your pussy until you felt his hot cum shoot inside of you.
“O..Oh G..Gojo!” You cried, body convulsing in both of their arms as you sobbed and moaned from both of your climaxes.
Gojo shouted profanities as he thrusted his seed into you a few times before pulling out, watching both his and Kakashi’s seed drip out of your abused cunt.
“Such a good girl Y/n, you did so good.” Kakashi mumbled into your ear, placing warm kisses along the side of your face as you laid limp in his arms.
Gojo hummed in agreement, his thumb shoving any cum that began to drip from you back into your twitching pussy, the feeling making you mewl as you grew sensitive.
“Took our cocks so well sweetheart,” Gojo spoke with an uncharacteristic warmness to his voice as he brushed some hair from your face.
Both men chuckled when all you could do was babble their names, your arms weakly attempting to bring them close to you.
“Shit, she really did go stupid from our cocks.” Kakashi hummed, moving out from beneath you to allow Gojo to wrap his arms around you.
The two surely exchanged more words above you, but the feeling of their now warm hands rubbing against your skin was all you needed to begin to drift off into a heavy sleep.
Everything felt sore.
Everything felt, more than it needed to. It’s like your senses were awakened for the first time again as your eyes began to flutter open to the warm light flooding the bedroom.
You acknowledged how cozy and clean you felt, contrasting to how filthy you were the night before. 
Shifting in the soft sheets hugging your body, you tugged them up only to see the marks and bruises that littered your skin. Your eyes widened as memories of the night before began to flood your mind, a deep dread entering your head as you shivered.
It was then you remembered who’s room you were in. Sitting up quickly, you looked around only to find the room was empty besides you.
Suddenly you felt your eyes begin to water, embarrassment filling your chest as you realized exactly what must be happening. This was all a trick from the start. The two knew of your family and your status, and they were trying to tear down everything you worked so hard to build.
They teased and toyed with you all week until you snapped and gave in, and now they’ve used you and completed their mission. Now your entire career as a hero was over.
Your watery eyes turned into full sobs as you gripped at the sheets beneath you. You had never felt more mortified, more embarrassed, in your life. You hated that a small part of you was excited to wake up to the feeling of both of them beside you. Holding you close, keeping you safe. For once allowing you to let your guard down.
Wiping at your tears, you felt yourself bury your face into the sheets until you heard the door burst open, a wide eyed Kakashi standing at the doorway as he looked to you.
“Y/n, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
Your sobs came to a halt as you saw the ninja look you up and down in concern.
The way you whimpered out his name, almost confused, broke his heart. Quickly he walked to the bed and sat beside you, wiping some tears from your eyes as he held your face.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?” Kakashi whispered gently, careful not to get too close to you in such a fragile state.
Your eyes searched his face for any maliciousness. You tried so hard to find any cloud of doubt or hesitation in his expression, but all you saw was genuine concern. Concern that made you lower your walls once again.
“I thought…” You muttered, that aching feeling in your throat building up again as you hiccuped on a sob, “Thought you both left me here.”
Kakashi’s eyes widened at your words, everything piecing together. Quickly he dove beneath the covers and scooped you up in his arms, holding you close as you began to sob again.
“Shit I’m an idiot Y/n, I’m so sorry we made you think that,” Kakashi hummed, guilt tearing through his chest as he felt you tremble in his arms.
The last thing they wanted to do was overwhelm you. Last night once you fell asleep, they both began to realize just how intense they were with you. Though you consented to the activities, it still left a rotten feeling in their chests. So after cleaning you up, they carried you to Kakashi’s clean bed and held you while you slept, deciding they would give you space in the morning.
Kakashi now realized how that may have looked from your perspective, waking up alone. 
“We just didn’t want to overwhelm you sweetheart,” Kakashi reassured calmly, combing his fingers through your hair as he began to rub soothing circles along your back.
You felt your sobs begin to slow until you heard a gentle knock at the door.
“Is our crybaby awake?”
Both Gojo’s voice and the smell of cooked toast made your head perk up, your eyes wide towards him until you processed his words. Furrowing your brows, you stuck your tongue out before resting your head on Kakashi’s chest again.
“Thought you both left me, asshole.”
The sourcer’s eyes widened at this, his blue eyes glancing to Kakashi’s who had a similar guilt written in his expression.
“Do Kakashi and I strike you as the type of men to hit and run?” Gojo spoke in feigned shock, hoping his humor would help lighten the mood, but your cold glare matched with Kakashi’s unimpressed eyes made him realize that was not the case.
Clicking his tongue, Gojo rolled his eyes as he rubbed a lazy hand through his hair and dropped the plate of breakfast he made for you on the nearby dresser before shifting in the bed on the other side of you, “Oh come here you little brat.”
Surprisingly, your body naturally curled into his side as well. You felt warm as his hand began to massage your thigh, his chin resting atop your head.
“Like I was trying to say before,” Kakashi spoke gently, squeezing your hand to grab your attention, “We just didn’t want to overwhelm you. I know you consented to last night but… we still feel like we went a bit too far with everything.”
Now it was your turn to feel guilt pool in your stomach. It never occurred to you that the two of them would care enough to be concerned with your feelings, enough to think you needed space.
“You.. you didn’t go too far at all…” You mumbled, your cheeks growing warm as you avoided your eyes, “I enjoyed last night.”
Both men chuckled at this, Gojo squeezing your thigh as he kissed the side of your forehead, “Trust me, we know that much.”
A giggle escaped your lips as you shoved his hand away and sat up a bit to look at them both.
“But I mean it, I know I was being a jerk this whole week… but I was just.. confused.. I guess? The second I saw you two I felt something, and I had never had that feeling before. I guess I was just nervous it would distract me from my mentorship studies, so I got a bit aggressive hoping I would scare you away.”
When you paused and glanced up, you were surprised to see them both looking at you. Genuinely listening to you.
“And though it did technically distract me, it wasn’t something you forced on me.”
Both men’s eyes softened at this, the two of them sharing glances.
“Well on the topic of that, we wanted to let you know that you passed.”
Kakashi’s words made your eyes widen, your chest filling with excitement before a weird sense of dread as you furrowed your brows and shook your head.
“No.. No, I can't accept that. I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but I refuse to sleep my way into passing. There are too many people out there who worked hard to earn that.”
Gojo rolled his eyes before flicking your forehead, the action making you squeak as you glared up to his amused eyes.
“You didn’t pass because you slept with us dork, you passed because your skills far exceeded all of the preliminaries on day one. We knew you were going to pass before we even took you on.”
Blinking, you tilted your head a bit before narrowing your eyes in thought.
“So… Then what was the point in me even doing all of this? Shouldn’t the school head have just pulled me out?” You questioned.
“Technically yes, but because we joined the committee of mentors this year, your school head thought it would be a good idea to have us mentor you.” Kakashi explained.
Suddenly it was all making sense. Normally something like your outburst would have received a genuine response from your principal, so for her to yell at you made no sense. She normally at least would have pulled you aside to check on you, now you know why she didn’t.
“So then, why did you convince her to change the rules to make the mentors pick the applicants this year?” You asked, leaning back in the bed now as you thought about it.
“Oh that was just to piss you off.” Gojo spoke with a grin, his eyes sparkling in delight as you shot up with annoyance in your eyes.
“Are you kidding me? You really are assholes!”
“Hey, you’re the one that called us old.” Kakashi defended, though there was a playful grin on his lips as he watched you get flustered.
Folding your arms you jerked your body up so you could avoid both of their eyes as you pouted your lips out, “Yeah because you both were insanely attractive and my immediate defense mechanism is to insult attractive people because I have no idea how to flirt.”
The two men chuckled at your little outburst, Kakashi pulling your back against his chest once again as Gojo began to massage your legs.
“We realized that cute thing, between my six eyes and his ninja skills, we could pick up on your nerves,” Gojo hummed, clearly amused as he pinched your thigh, “But we weren’t one hundred percent sure, so that’s why we tormented you all week. Needed your stubborn ass to admit it.”
Though you were still still annoyed with their methods, you finally understood everything that happened. In a weird way, you felt better that you weren’t delusional this entire week. Your bathroom breakdowns and overanalyzing every little thing they did wasn’t completely insane.
Letting out a sigh, you leaned further into Kakashi’s back before closing your eyes, not wanting to see their faces as you asked the next dreaded question that was looming in the air.
“So… what now?”
Gojo and Kakashi looked at each other, they were almost hoping they would be the ones to ask you that same question first, but now that it was out there, they had to respond.
“Well.. you have two options,” Kakashi spoke, his hand rubbing gently up and down your forearm as he continued, “Regardless, you’ve passed your exam. You can either continue to work as our sidekick, or we can arrange for Mirko and Mei Mei to take you on since they were your original choice.”
The sound of your dream mentors made your head perk up, your eyes looking to Gojo in disbelief before you shot your head back to Kakashi.
Kakashi nodded, offering a warm smile as Gojo squeezed your leg in confirmation.
If the version of you before this week was asked this question, you would take Mirko and Mei Mei’s offer in a heartbeat. After all, they had been your dream mentors for years.
But then this week happened, and now you’re an entirely changed person.
Now you’ve met two of the strongest fighters you’ve ever come across, and they were the first teachers ever to kick you on your ass, literally. Plus deep down, you knew you would never be able to fight the feelings that were dangerously swirling in your stomach.
You weren’t sure how it would end, or even if you were making the right decision, but all you could think about were your mother’s words from the pep talk she gave you before starting this new experience.
“After all, our family element is the element of change, is it not?”
Swallowing, you felt a smile curve at the tip of your lip as you looked up to them.
“I think… I think I want you two to be my official mentors.” You spoke, smile widening as you noticed the genuine shock in their face, “Though I do want some real training mixed in with this arrangement…” Gojo snorted at your words as Kakashi grinned behind you as you continued.
“...I do think that your skills are unparalleled to anything I’ve faced before. Just the fight we had yesterday proved I have so much more to learn. If my goal really is to become number one, than I think it’s best to stay with you guys.”
The excitement in the sourcer’s eyes shocked you as he lifted you in his arms and began pressing kisses along your skin, Kakashi following in his own calmer celebration as he squeezed your hand.
A shriek of giggles escaped your lips as you tried to shove the two men off you before you coughed to catch their attention, “But,”
Gojo and Kakashi froze, their eyes on you as you smiled coyly up to them,
“I still need a personal meet and greet with Mirko and Mei Mei because they’re practically my idols, and I’m going to need some breakfast like… now.”
Kakashi rolled his eyes at your words, Gojo simply lifting you up in his arms as the two made their way to the kitchen.
Maybe you made the wrong decision, maybe you didn’t. All you knew is that for once in your life, you felt genuinely happy.
And that’s all that matters, right?
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dr0wning-in-hell · 1 year
First Times a Charm- Steve Harrington
Summary: Y/N and Steve had been together for quite some time now, their one year anniversary coming up soon on their calendars. The ++farthest they’ve gone is a heated make-out session, but today Y/N wants to take this farther.
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: SMUT!! 18+, virign!reader, penetrative sex, teasing, fingering, oral, maybe a slight innocent!reader?, handjobs,
Pairing/Characters: Virigin!Reader x Steve Harrington
Prompt: kinktober prompt list #1- First Time
A/N: this was literally supposed to be written and published last kinktober but it never happened lmao, so enjoy it now.
new masterlist| prompt list| buy me a ko-fi :)
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Was this really a good idea? You only lose your virginity once, shouldn’t she be more worried about it than she is? Maybe it’s the adrenaline rushing through her veins, but either way it’s too late to turn back now.
Y/N had gotten dressed up in a cute little outfit she had planning all day. She pulled at the bottom of the skirt as she rang Steve’s doorbell, anxiously awaiting him to answer the door. Just as she was about to turn and bolt back to her car, Steve emerged on the other side with a smile gracing his face. 
“Hey, glad you could come over tonight.” Steve said as he stepped to the side to let his girlfriend in. His eyes wondered her body, taking in every inch of what he could see. He wouldn’t admit it to a single soul, but he dreamed of what his girlfriend looked like underneath all her cute outfits. What color her matching panties and bra were, if she had any hidden tattoos or piercings, the thoughts were truly endless.
Y/N walked in sheepishly, blushing as she walked past him and into the entry way to take off her shoes. Even though she had been over to his place thousands of times it still racked her nerves every time she stepped through the doorway. The couple walked to the lounging room where the TV was set up with one of the newer movies that just came into Family Video. He had her favorite snacks and drinks splayed out on the table, it was perfect- and innocent. Steve was clueless too the things that Y/N had planned for the night and she was just hoping that he’d want to go through with them.
“Are you okay, babe? You seem even more nervous than usual.” Steve pointed out as he sat down on the couch and pulled her down next to him. She nodded slowly which didn’t at all convince Steve that she was okay, but he didn’t want to push it too much. 
Y/N adjusted herself on the couch and leaned into Steve’s side, trying to calm her breathing down a little bit. She was extremely nervous, she had no idea how she was going to start everything, but it had to start eventually. Steve started the movie and the two began to relax as the starting credits rolled on. 
It was fine in the beginning, the two were cuddling, making comments about the movie, but then came the unannounced sex scene. Y/N felt her boyfriend shift a little next to her, causing her to catch his eyes in an awkward glance. He cleared his throat and looked back to the screen in hopes of lightening the sexual tension, but to no avail. Y/N was still staring at him, her eyes just barely glancing at the screen to see the way the man was ravishing his lover’s body.
She wanted that.
No. She needed that. 
Steve turned his head as he felt her eyes burning into the side of his face. When he went to ask her what was wrong, he was cut off by Y/N connecting their lips in a very needy kiss. Steve wasn’t complaining, though he was caught off guard, he liked seeing his girlfriend like this. As he pressed himself back against her lips, Y/N took the opportunity to move herself onto his lap, her legs on either side of his own. Ever so carefully did she lower her ass against her crotch, immediately feeling his growing bulge in his pants.
There was a small grunt against her lips, the sound coming from the boy underneath her. She pulled away, worried she did something wrong. “Are you okay?” She asked softly, slightly panting as she tried to regain her breathe.
Steve nodded a bit, his hands falling to her hips, the pads of his fingers feeling a bit of the soft flesh that was exposed under her shirt. “Mhm,” he hummed, smiling a bit, “I just- what’s gotten into you? Not that I’m complaining, I’m just curious.” 
Y/N couldn’t help but blush as she glanced down to try and ignore his gaze. “I- uhm, I just- I think I’m ready to have sex now.” She stuttered out the sentence in bits and pieces but eventually got the words out of her mouth. She watched Steve’s eyes widen a bit as she said this.
“Are you sure? You’re positive?” He sat up a bit now, his bulge now pressed firmly against her clothed cunt. Holding back a small moan, she nodded her head. Steve wasted no time in moving her off of him and dragging her upstairs to his room. Once he had her pulled into the room and the door was shut he had her pinned against the wood, his lips crashing back down onto her plump lips.
The kiss was heated and passionate, both of them putting all their emotions into it. In the midst of the kiss Y/N reached down and pulled off Steve’s shirt, her fingers grazing the now exposed skin. Steve’s skin rippled under her touch, a small groan escaping his lips as he felt the small touches. After a moment of catching their breathe, Y/N reached down and began to pull her own shirt off and tossed it along side her boyfriend’s.
Steve’s eyes were directly glued to her chest as he watched her breasts move with every breathe she took. Y/N wanted to shy away out of instinct but Steve held her hands in his, pulling her ever so close so that their chests were touching.
“You’re fucking gorgeous.” He mumbled, his forehead pressed against hers as he started to move them back towards the bed. As they moved he took this time to skillfully remove her bra, one hand hooking around her back to pull the clasps apart and discard of the piece. When he looked down at her chest once more he was surprised to see a tattoo in the middle of her chest, sitting perfectly between her tits. He reached up silently as he dragged a finger across the piece of art, his eyes never leaving the sight in front of him. “This is hot as fuck, when did you get this done?” He looked up at his girlfriend, only to see her looking away bashfully.
“I- um, remember my friend Joe? She said it’d look hot and that you’d like because her boyfriend loves hers, so she did my tattoo at her studio.” Y/N babbled about the tattoo out of nervousness, but once she finally looked up and locked eyes with Steve, all that nervous tension in her body seemed to fly away. 
Steve only hummed as he began leaving a trail of kisses from her neck, down her naval, then her stomach, and along her hips until he was eye level with where she was wanting to feel him the most. Her breathe had picked up a bit, her teeth digging into her lip as she awaited his next move. “May I?” Y/N’s head moved faster than her mouth as her let out a squeak of a ‘yes’ and watched her boyfriend  gently pull down her skirt, now leaving her only in her panties. 
Y/N was wearing a light pink, laced panty that hugged her perfectly that had Steve palming himself over his pants that he hadn’t even thought about taking off yet. Steve stood up abruptly and began to shake his pants off in a rush, nearly tripping over his own feet as he kicked the jeans to the side. Y/N laughed softly at her boyfriends actions, but was quickly interrupted as he laid her back onto the bed, her hips and below laying off the bed. 
“Gonna make you feel so good, I promise.” He went back down to her aching cunt and watched as a damp spot appeared before his eyes. He chuckled as he realized how turned on his lover was, and he couldn’t wait to see what else he could pull out of her. “Gotta prep you first, okay? Don’t want you to hurt.” Y/N nodded and watched as he moved his thumb over her covered clit, pressing down lightly on it at first to see what reaction he’d get out of her.
Y/N’s body jolted forward, hips involuntarily bucking upwards at the sensation Steve had just created. He smirked, clearly pleased with what just happened. He continued rubbing small circled against her clit, pressing down harshly every once in a while. Y/N let out a small whimper, eyes squeezing shut at this new feeling. 
“Never been touched like this, have you?” Steve asked curiously. Y/N nodded, her eyes never meeting his. “Use your words baby, can’t have you just nodding all night long, I wanna hear your pretty voice.”
“I- I’ve never been touched like this before.” She choked out, embarrassment flooding her body. 
“Not even on your own?” Steve wondered aloud as he watched the damp spot on the front of her panties grow. 
Shaking her head she huffed out, “No, never. Didn’t know what I was doing.” Hearing her say these words out loud just made her cheeks flush.
Steve smirked up at his girlfriend as he slowly dragged her adorable pink panties down her legs. “Guess I’ll have to teach you then, won’t I?” Steve didn’t wait for an answer, he just dove right into the drenched cunt in front of him. Y/N let out a loud gasp, her hands flying to tangle themselves in Steve’s curls. Now this was a whole new sensation, one she was surprised to be enjoying. When Y/N looked down to watch Steve run his tongue along her slit and then latch itself onto her swollen clit, she was not expecting to be locking eyes with him and never letting go.
His tongue moved softly yet quickly against her pussy, her juices flowing down his chin as he tried to bury himself deeper into her core. He watched with amusement as Y/N began to lose herself in the pleasure, letting him do whatever he pleased to her aching cunt. Thinking that she had enough teasing, the boy moved his index finger to the opening of his girlfriends sopping hole, watching as it opened and closed around absolutely nothing. Ever so slowly did he begin to push his index fingers past her velvety walls, relishing in the feeling of her just sucking him in so easily. It made his mind wonder to what she was going to feel like around his cock.
Y/N whined, her hips rotating on their own as she tried to gain any sort of friction. “Stevie, please,” Her voice was soft as she panted for him, “ I need more.” Hearing her beg for him to continue was enough for him to begin pumping his index finger steadily into her pussy. the squelching noises only becoming louder as she grew even more wet. After a few minutes of getting her used to one finger, Steve added his middle finger to the mix and began to curl his fingers against her sweet spot with every thrust.
“Fuck,” The whimper left her lips so softly yet it sounded so lewd, so sinful. “Feels- feels so good, Stevie.” Y/N’s eyes were glossed over, tears of pleasure threatening to spill out any second. Her walls clamped down around Steve’s fingers as he tried to retract them, chuckling at how her greedy cunt just kept sucking him back in. “I feel... weird.” Y/N said warningly.
Steve looked up at his girl and instantly knew what she meant. She must’ve been super inexperienced or just down right unknowledgeable on all of this. “It’s okay baby, that just means you’re gonna cum soon. Don’t hold back, just let it happen.” Steve encouraged her as he continue on with his actions, making sure to really press against that soft, spongey spot inside her to get her to orgasm even faster.
Y/N couldn’t hold back the scream of pleasure that came out of her as she came, her legs clamping around Steve’s hand and successfully keeping him there as she ground down on his digits, riding out her high on her own terms. She whimpered as the feeling came to an end, her hips spasming just a bit as she slowly relaxed back into the bed.
Steve was in awe of what just happened. He just gave his girlfriend her first orgasm, probably ever. He did that to her, and it was a sight only he will ever get to witness. As he carefully pulled his fingers from her sore hole, his mouth fell agape as he looked at just how much cum came out of her. It’s more than he had ever seen any girl release as it totally coated his fingers.
“Fuck, baby.” He looked up at the girl in front of him, a smile of pride gliding across his face. “You came so much just from my fingers alone, I can’t wait to see how you cum around my cock.” Steve raised his cum coated fingers to his lips and stuck them in his mouth, sucking them clean of her juices and then pulling them away with a lewd ‘popping’ sound. 
As Steve stood up from the ground, Y/N could see his bulge through his boxer briefs. She sat up, reaching forward without saying a word and pulling the material down his legs. Steve was sweating as he watched Y/N eye his length, taking in every inch of him before she wrapped her hands around him and began pumping his cock slowly. Steve let out a gasp, his knees threating to buckle out from underneath him. Y/N kept eye contact with him the whole time, never letting either one of them break away from each other. 
“Not gonna last long if you keep that up, princess.” Princess. The pet name made Y/N tug a little harsher on accident. Steve hissed in pleasure, one of his hands coming down to grab her wrist to try and stop her movements. Instead of stopping she only continued, moving her hands faster and squeezing a little hard every few pumps. “Fuck- gonna cum, princess stop.” Without question she stopped, pulling her hands back into her lap with a wicked grin on her face.
“Just wanted to return the favor.” Her voice was teasing, like she wanted to push the limits. Steve only chuckled as he moved her to the middle of the bed and placed himself between her legs.
“Trust me, you can return the favor later. Right now is all about you.” He reached behind her head to grab a pillow and positioned it under her hips to make her more comfortable. “You’re sure you still want to go through with this?” He was worried she was doing this for him, not for herself. He wanted this to be the perfect first experience for her.
“Steve, I love you and want to do this.” She said reassuringly, “Now are you going to fuck me or not?” Steve chuckled at his girlfriend’s eagerness and nodded, getting the perfect position as he lined himself up at her entrance. He reached down and intertwined their fingers, giving her a gentle squeeze before he began to push into her cunt.
Y/N let out a gasp at the intrusion. She knew this wasn’t going to be any easy push and would take a moment to get used to, but right now she had to remind herself to relax or else this was not going to go over well. She took in a few deep breathes as she waited for her body to adjust to Steve’s size, his length and girth made her feel like she was being ripped in two. Thankfully Steve knew this wasn’t going to be easy, so he paused and held his place while he waited for the go ahead from his girlfriend.
After a moment of adjusting she nodded and told him to go, that she was fine and could handle it. Steve’s thrusts started out slow and steady, not wanting to push all the way in just yet in case he hurt her. He watched her facial expressions closely, his chest filling with a sort of pride as he her eyes rolled back in pleasure and eyebrows scrunched together every time he hit a sensitive spot inside her. 
“Want- want you to go deeper, please.” Y/N begged softly, her hands squeezing Steve’s as she rocked her body back and forth, try to feel even more of him. 
Steve gave her a warry look, “You sure?” Was all he asked before Y/N was nodding her head furiously and she felt him pressing himself all the way inside her tight walls. The pressure of him sitting in her lower belly had her moaning louder than before, her chest heaving as she clamped down onto his cock. “Gotta stop clenching around me, baby, wanna make this last for you.”
Y/N could only let out a whimper as she slipped one of her hands down her belly and rested it right on top of where she could feel Steve. He was deep inside her, nestled right under her belly. Steve smirked as he followed her hand and gently pressed down, causing her to squirm under him. “Is this how deep I am, princess? Can you feel me all the way up here?” YN nodded slowly, trying not to lose her own self-control and move as she pleased. Steve pressed down gently, sending electric shocks throughout Y/N’s body.
“Please, Stevie, please move.” Steve did as asked and began moving again, this time thrusting his hips faster and angling himself upwards by raising Y/N’s own hips with his hands. Y/N began to feel the coil in her stomach again, but this time it seemed more intense, almost like she was gonna piss herself. Her moans grew louder as she began to near her second climax of the night, her body tightening up on her as a response. 
Steve was getting close as well, with the way Y/N kept clamping down on his cock and somehow sucking him even further into her cunt, he wasn’t going to last much longer. He tried to keep up the pace so that Y/N could cum before him, so to try and help her along he pressed one of his thumbs against her clit and rubbed it in tight figure eights. The overstimulation to her clit had Y/N cumming in seconds without any warning. 
That pissing feeling? That was her orgasm alright, her cunt squirting out her pretty juices and covering Steve’s lower half in her slick. Her moans sounded pornographic, something straight out of an adult movie he’d watch by himself. She tried to catch her breathe, her chest heaving as her brain tried to come up with some sort of idea of what she just did.
Watching his girlfriend unravel for the second time tonight had Steve cumming in her cunt, their juices mixing together as he painted her insides white. Steve pulled out halfway and pumped the rest of his cum onto her stomach and chest, marveling at the sight of her painted in his cum.
The two sat in a comfortable silence as they regained their composure, smiling to each other once they were able to pull themselves together. Steve leaned down to her forehead and placed a gentle kiss to the skin before getting up to get a clean rag from the bathroom. When he came back to the room he was still grinning from ear to ear.
“You did so good for me princess, even squirted for me.” He hummed happily. “I’m gonna have to get you to do that every time now.”
Y/N chuckled and watched as he cleaned her up with the rag, making sure to be even more careful around her sore pussy. “Is that what I did? I thought I was gonna pee.” 
Steve raised an eyebrow as he finished cleaning her up, “Oh baby, I have so much to teach you, don’t I?”
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 1 year
Harry and Ginny are tired of being scrutinized by the press, so with their brothers they think of something to distract them.
"Merlin fuck!"
Ron Weasley was enjoying a pleasant Saturday morning at his apartment he shared with Hermione, reading the comics section of the Daily Prophet when his kitchen was infiltrated by his next eldest brother apparating into his space unprompted.
"Have you seen this?" George asked, throwing another copy of the Daily Prophet on the counter.
"Obviously not," Ron replied, shaking his own paper, "I was just getting starting reading the Calvin and Goblins comic strip."
"Not that," George said, snatching the paper from Ron's hands, turning it to the front page, "This!"
Ron peered down at the front page of the Daily Prophet, his sisters face staring back at him.
"Ginny Weasley missed two goals at her latest game against the Cannons. Is she pregnant?" Ron spluttered out. "What? Just because Taylor Trentenwhiler finally saves a few goals suddenly my sister is pregnant?"
George shrugged, "Taylor Trentenwhiler is known for saving his viriginity not saving any goals."
"Shut up."
"You know I don't physically know how to."
Ron ignored him and kept reading the article. "Do to the fact that Ginny's famous boyfriend, the Boy-Who-Lived himself, has been out of town on a auror mission for the last month, the question is who is the father. Oh you have to be kidding me!"
George grabbed a piece of bacon off of Ron's plate, "It's getting out of hand at this point isn't it."
Ron nodded, thinking back to the rumor that Ginny had joined a lesbian sex cult last month when she went on a Harpies weekend vacation.
"We need to do something about this," Ron said.
"Do we ask her permission or her forgiveness?" George asked.
"We pray for her forgiveness," Ron said, definitely.
Weasleys Wild Weekend
George and Ronald Weasley were out walking around Diagon Alley in matching T-shirts that on the front said, "The Search for Ginny Weasley's Baby Dady" and on the back probably said something extremelly funny, but before the photographers at the Daily Prophet could get a clear image of the font on the back, Ginny Weasly herself showed up to Diagon Alley cursing her own brothers. Boogers flew around their nose and attacked anyone who got close enough to read the back of their shirt. Is Ginny Weasley mad that her brothers are also insisting she is pregnant even though she isn't, or was this a pregnancy hormonal rage? Us readers will know in about 9 months
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