#carlos may or may not be behind the camera
lilghostiequinni · 2 days
Not the Only One
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Main Masterlist Lestappen Masterlist
Pairing: Norris!female oc (Lea) x Max Verstappen x Charles Leclerc
Warnings: Fluffy,
Summary: She comes to Formula One as a photographer. Well, kind of. She's something else but a photographer nonetheless, but for three teams, she takes photos.
Requested: NO / yes (Saturday Poll)
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The better part of all 10 teams was gathered in one of the many conferencing rooms in the F1 headquarters; every team had its own little section.
"Alright, well, we have a new member joining, she is a photographer to all teams, partially and three teams full time," Stefano says to the group of teams in the room as he walks in, a woman following behind.
"She is already assigned to one team of her choice. The other two will be determined via her terms," Stefano says, moving to the side for the woman to come forward.
"This is Lea, Lea Norris. She will also be taking team photos and the grid photo for this year's beginning," Stefano says, pointing to the woman as he does.
"Hello, I'm Lea. The team of my choosing was McLaren. I brought it up to Stefano about how to determine the other two teams I will be working for, and that is a charity race for what ever charity you choose. Any questions?" Lea asks the grid, and a few hands go up.
Lea pointed to Alex Albon, "How are you related to Lando? He never mentions you."
"Well, I'm his twin sister, his more successful little twin sister," Lea walks over to Lando and wraps her arms around his neck, and he holds her arms with his hands.
Carlos raises his hand next, "I would like to point out that I knew of you, just not what you do?"
Lea smiles, and Lando shakes his head, "She co-owns Quadrant with me because she can do the behind-the-scenes better than I can. She also owns her own clothing brand, Leona & Odan, also owning the multi-million dollar company Leletics, the company that makes many parts of the liveries and other things. Let's not forget her athletic ability," Lando says; he does an eye roll at the end but still has a smile.
"That is all true. I own the fashion company Leona & Odan, along with the company Leletics, which is also a design company not just for livery parts and 'stuff.' I also co-own Quadrant with my brother, but I am never on camera because I don't want to. I am also athletic. I do ballet and a few other sports myself. I am terrible at golf, though," Lea says, letting go of her brother to walk back to the front of the room.
She stands at the front of the room, watching the drivers.
"Why are you doing this?" Comes from the Mercedes team.
"Because I need a change of pace. I do what I love every day, but there is only so much I can do about my hobbies, such as photography. Also, I may have punched one of the chairmen to Leletics because he was there for a few years and still thought I was an assistant and not the CEO. He tried to do something that shouldn't be done, and I may have punched him a little too hard," Lea says with a fake smile on her face.
"Someone tried to touch you! Was it that asshole Brason?" Lando demands in big brother mode.
"It's fine, Lando, later, please," Lea begs her brother; Lando clenches his jaw but backs down.
For the next hour, she answers all the questions on what she is to do before she gets a question from one Max Verstappen, "So, what are we to do for this race?"
"The race is to determine what other two teams I'll technically work for, and for charity, the two teams to win will get to give 1 million dollars to a charity of their choosing. McLaren will also be competing because they don't want them left out, but they won't get anything if they win; a charity of their choice will still get a million dollars, and the charities of the rest of the teams will still get half a million dollars, each." Lea says before she continues. "Listen, I know it sounds bad because you don't even know what I can do, but I just want to give back, and I... I don't really know how to explain myself to you. I just want to do what got me started, talking pictures of racing."
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It was basically a mock race in Silverstone; liveries were provided to each team, so everyone was on the same playing field as the racers; there was a single level of qualifying and a single free practice to get familiar with the car.
In the last laps of the race, it was pretty clear that the two other teams would be Red Bull and Ferrari, but Mercedes was still in the running for the third team, attempting to over take Ferrari.
But in the end, it was Ferrari that just barely beat Mecades as Carlos passed Hamilton.
Later that day, Formula One announced the addition of a three-team photographer, and the day after, McLaren, Red Bull, and Ferrari announced themselves as the three teams for the newest photographer
Lea proved herself, too, to all the teams, not just the three that had become her job, that she was capable of taking the necessary photographs in the sport of Formula One.
It was no surprise to her brother, though, when she showed up at Woking with a helmet for her brother, one he sort of forgot about. Just barely remembered a helmet design he told her for the 2024 season, so she designed it but did not tell him she designed it, giving it to him before testing as a surprise.
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A/N: So, Lestappen won, but I will check later when the poll ends and post a thing about which two get one shot in a week. There will also be a part two posted in Week 3, it will take place in Maimi, Imola, and Monaco of the current season. This didn't have much Lestappen content, but in the next one it will.
Tags: If you want to be added to the lists or a single list, let me know
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verstappensrealwife · 25 days
"Because he likes you!" - Lando Norris x Reader
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angst, smut, fluff.
approx. 2800 words
warnings: slow burn?, sex, tiny hint of carlos sainz jr x reader, ofc sex. Reader “rewarding” Lando for winning!
lando norris masterlist - here. f1 masterlist - here.
From the earliest memories of childhood, Lando Norris was a constant presence—a thorn in your side, a tormentor, a source of frustration. He revelled in teasing, in taunting, in making your life just a little bit harder. Your parents' dismissive explanation, "It's because he likes you," grated against your nerves, a feeble attempt to rationalize the torment. You did not like Lando Norris. Not at all. Not even the littlest bit. Not at all.
But hate was a strong word.
In your teenage years, Lando's torment took on a different form. The physical assaults of hair pulling and tripping you onto your face may have ceased, but the verbal jabs and the mocking laughter persisted, carving deeper wounds into your already fragile heart. It was as if he revelled in your discomfort, delighting in every opportunity to belittle and humiliate you, all under the guise of adolescent affection—a twisted notion that your parents foolishly labelled as "liking you."
Your family received the coveted invitation to his Formula One debut in Australia—an event that filled you with a conflicting mix of emotions. The pits pulsed with an electric energy, a cacophony of roaring engines and frenetic activity, cameras capturing every moment of the spectacle.
AUSTRALIA, 2019 With the guest pass draped around your neck, you navigated the bustling pits, your younger brother trailing behind you, wide-eyed with excitement. His adoration for Lando bordered on obsession, his youthful enthusiasm a stark contrast to the simmering resentment that burned within you.
You finally located the Orange garage, the vibrant hue catching your eye amidst the bustling chaos of the pits. With determination in your step, you made your way over, anticipation building with each stride. But as you reached out to tap the shoulder of the figure clad in orange- he was not the man you thought he was.
"Lando— Oh, hi, not Lando,"
The man before you exuded an undeniable charm, his smile lighting up his features and drawing you in despite yourself. There was an aura of confidence about him, a magnetic presence that commanded attention and left you momentarily breathless.
"Hello," he replied, his voice smooth and warm, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "I could be Lando for you," he flirted, his words tinged with playful intent.
"Would rather you not, he's not my type," you quipped.
But before you could dwell on the awkwardness of the moment, your younger brother, who had been tugging on your hand impatiently, finally spoke up, his excitement palpable. "HI CARLOS!"
"Hi, little man." He looked down- not even noticing the young boy when you approached. "Is he...?"
"Not mine! Brother." You cleared up.
He smiled softly before turning his attention back to entertaining the 5-year-old, leaving you to absorb Lando's sudden presence with a mixture of surprise and nonchalance.
"Didn't think my biggest hater would come," Lando remarked, his hand landing on your shoulder with a familiarity that made you bristle.
"I'm not here for you," you replied with a smile, gesturing towards Carlos who stood nearby, engrossed in conversation with your brother.
"Him? Why?" Lando's skepticism was palpable.
"Well, just look at him—those eyes, that accent, not to mention those muscles," you teased, unable to resist the opportunity to indulge in some light-hearted banter.
"Okay, okay, I'll stop you right there," Lando interjected, rolling his eyes in mock exasperation. "He's not that hot," he insisted, though his tone betrayed a hint of uncertainty.
You chuckled in response. "Oh, believe me, he is," you insisted, your gaze lingering on Carlos as he interacted with your brother. "I would," you added casually, shrugging off Lando's incredulity.
"You would?" Lando's brow furrowed with genuine curiosity. "What would you do?"
Ignoring his question, you watched as your brother returned, proudly displaying Carlos' autograph adorning his shirt. "Bye, Carlos," you called out, offering a warm smile and a nearly imperceptible lip bite, to which Carlos responded in kind. Then, without sparing Lando another glance, you turned and walked away, leaving his unanswered question hanging in the air.
"WHAT WOULD YOU DO?!" his voice echoed after you, but you were already lost in the crowd, your thoughts drifting back to the captivating Spaniard you had just left behind.
After the race, as Lando jogged over to his and your families, the tension from the race began to dissipate, replaced by a mix of relief and begrudging acknowledgment. You couldn't deny his skill on the track, but that didn't mean you had to like him.
When he approached, surrounded by congratulations and well-wishes, you offered a lukewarm response, the bare minimum required to acknowledge his achievement. "Well, I mean I'm glad you didn't die?" you quipped, injecting just enough sarcasm to deflect any further attention.
Lando nodded in your direction, his own smile tempered by your evident lack of enthusiasm. You responded with a tight-lipped smile of your own, a silent reminder that while you might share the same space, any camaraderie between you remained strictly superficial.
As Lando finished the race at Silverstone, notching an 11th place, you couldn't resist a playful jab at his performance. "Maybe one day you can get points!" you teased, your tone dripping with faux enthusiasm.
Lando's comeback was quick, his words laced with sarcasm, "Maybe one day you can stop being such a virgin." You burst into laughter, thoroughly amused by his attempt at banter, though he seemed puzzled by your reaction. His confusion only deepened when he followed your gaze to Carlos, who was nearby.
"Oh my god! Him?" Lando exclaimed, catching on to your playful insinuation.
Lando's playful challenge caught you off guard, his smirk daring you to match his boldness. "So if I DNF, you'll sleep with me?!" he quipped, his tone teasing but tinged with a hint of curiosity.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes, suppressing a laugh at his audacity. "Pfft! You do that plenty! Win first maybe?" you retorted, firing back with equal parts sass and amusement. The banter between you continued, each remark a playful exchange that danced on the line between rivalry and camaraderie, reminding you both that despite any differences, there was still room for light-hearted teasing and mutual respect.
But you still didn't like him.
MIAMI, 2024
What a mistake! Because here you were, in the Miami heat, watching Lando beat Max by 5 seconds.
Honestly, you had forgotten that deal long ago.
Lando had not. He had thought about it at every close call of winning, every podium, every late night...
You were scared for him, you didn't like him- you just didn't want to see him fail... You don't like him...
When he passed the finish line he was shouting into his radio, thanking alot of people before you heard your own name.
"...and Y/N, I hope you remember Silverstone 2019!"
People looked at you for answers but you had none.
Until he got out the car, sweaty, tired, hot– warm! Because of the heat...You didn't think he was hot.
That was when you had the answer.
Gosh... Long day ahead.
As he practically flew out of the car, his eagerness palpable, he landed amidst a bustling crowd, his body unexpectedly colliding with yours. The force of the impact nearly sent you stumbling, but before you could fully register what had happened, his arms encircled you in a tight embrace. In that moment, amidst the chaos of the surroundings, there was a brief interlude of serenity as you found solace in his warmth.
But the tranquillity was short-lived. His whispered words shattered the fragile bubble of peace, leaving you reeling in disbelief. "Gonna fuck you so good tonight," he murmured, the unexpectedness of his crude remark contrasting sharply with the tender embrace moments before.
A mixture of emotions surged within you, a turbulent storm of confusion, disgust, and an unsettling flicker of attraction. It was a disorienting mixture, leaving you struggling to make sense of the conflicting feelings swirling within.
When he finally released you, his touch lingered, his hands reluctant to part from your waist. His gaze held yours for a fleeting moment, a silent exchange of unspoken words passing between you, before he abruptly moved on to greet the next person in the crowd. Left standing there, you couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease that had settled over you like a heavy fog.
Hours later, as you walked briskly towards the hotel, he trailed behind you, his presence an unsettling reminder of the encounter earlier. Unsure whether to match your pace or maintain a discreet distance, he hovered awkwardly, his uncertainty palpable in the air between you.
"This feels creepy, Lando," you remarked, casting a sidelong glance at him. "Just catch up with me; you look like a stalker."
"It's not creepy!" he protested, his cheeks flushing crimson with embarrassment. "We're heading to the same room... for the same... things."
You raised an eyebrow, amusement flickering in your eyes. "Things," you echoed with a wry chuckle. "You can say sex, Lando."
His blush deepened, a sheepish grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "Sex... with you. Wow."
"I... I thought the crush I had on you since I was, like, born, was pretty obvious," he confessed, his hand gently resting on the small of your back, a tentative gesture of intimacy.
The admission hung heavy in the air, an unspoken confession of long-held desires and hidden emotions. Caught off guard, you stumbled over your words, struggling to process the revelation.
You halted in your tracks, the weight of his words sinking in. "Huh."
"Yeah..." he murmured, his gaze softening as he met your eyes. "Well, Repunzel was right—mothers do know best."
A bittersweet smile tugged at your lips as you resumed walking, his hand still lingering at your back. "It wasn't Repunzel; it was Mother Gothel," you corrected, a playful glint in your eyes. "And yeah—I'm a Repunzel fan, so what?"
His laughter echoed in the night air, a shared moment of levity amidst the weight of the conversation. "Shut up," he teased, gently nudging you as you walked side by side.
"Make me," you shot back, a playful challenge laced with a hint of something deeper—an unspoken invitation to explore the tangled emotions that lingered between you.
His laughter danced in the night air, a melody that seemed to weave around the unspoken tension between you. As his gaze met yours, there was a flicker of something more profound, a silent invitation lingering in the air.
A playful grin tugged at his lips as he leaned in closer, the warmth of his breath sending a shiver down your spine. "Challenge accepted," he murmured, his voice low and husky with anticipation.
In that moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you suspended in a timeless embrace. His fingers traced a delicate path along your jawline, igniting a trail of sparks that seemed to dance beneath your skin.
With a gentle tug, he drew you closer, his lips brushing against yours in a tender caress. It was a delicate dance of longing and desire, a silent symphony of unspoken emotions finally finding their voice in the touch of his lips against yours.
As the kiss deepened, the world around you melted away, leaving only the sensation of his arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer with each passing moment. In that fleeting instant, there was no room for doubt or hesitation, only the overwhelming rush of love and longing that seemed to bind your souls together as one.
And as you finally pulled away, breathless and exhilarated, there was a silent understanding that lingered between you— upstairs. Now.
The kiss continued unabated, an unrelenting torrent of passion that seemed to consume every ounce of your being. With each step towards his room, his touch ignited a fire within you, sending waves of desire coursing through your veins.
In the confined space of the elevator, his hands roamed freely, exploring every curve and contour of your body with an insatiable hunger. The air crackled with electricity as his touch lingered on the curve of your ass, his fingers tracing patterns of longing and desire against your skin.
The journey to his room was a blur of messy kisses and frantic touches, the urgency of his desire palpable in every brush of his lips against yours. His cock strained against the confines of his jeans, a silent plea for release that echoed the longing pulsing through your veins.
As he fumbled with the keycard, his impatience was palpable, his focus solely on the tantalizing promise of what awaited behind closed doors. The moment the door swung open, you were both consumed by a primal need that eclipsed all rational thought.
With a forceful push, you tumbled onto the bed, the weight of his body pressing against yours as the door slammed shut behind you. In that moment, there was no room for hesitation or restraint, only the raw intensity of two souls drawn together in a frenzied embrace.
"Was that Lando?" George asked, with popcorn and a bottle of water in his hands, looking over at Alex who held the same.
"What the fuck-"
His movements were urgent, desperate, as he sought to satisfy the burning desire that raged within him. He had barely been able to put the condom on with how shaky his hands were.
With each thrust of his hips, there was a raw intensity that bordered on reckless abandon, the rhythm erratic and frenzied. The sound of skin against skin filled the air, punctuated by the rhythm of your ragged breaths and the soft, breathy moans that escaped his lips.
His forehead was damp with sweat, pressed against yours with an almost possessive fervor. The heat of his breath mingled with yours, creating a heady cocktail of desire that hung thick in the air between you.
Every touch was electric, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through your veins. His hands roamed your body with a fevered urgency, leaving a trail of fire in their wake as he traced every curve and contour with a hunger that bordered on obsession.
In that moment, there was no room for restraint or inhibition, only the primal need to be one with you, to lose himself entirely in the depths of your passion. And as he surrendered to the intoxicating frenzy of desire, he found himself consumed by a blissful oblivion, lost in the heady rush of ecstasy that washed over him like a tidal wave.
You were a mess, a writhing wreck, unable to keep still as he pushed his entire cock into you. In and out, hitting the perfect spot every time. Each thrust earning another lewd moan from you. He was so proud he could make you feel so so good. But he couldn't keep going any longer after you came on his cock, the feeling making him so overwhelmed he couldn't keep it together as he came.
Not able to keep himself up anymore, he fell ontop of you.
"Ouch!" You giggle as he rolled off, beside you. You lay there, breathless and trembling, your body still pulsating with the aftershocks of pleasure as he collapsed beside you. His weight pressed against your side, a comforting presence amidst the disarray of tangled sheets and scattered clothing.
"So, how was that..." he ventured, his voice barely above a whisper, laced with a hint of uncertainty.
You turned to him, a playful smirk dancing on your lips as you met his gaze. "Surprisingly good," you admitted, a playful glint in your eyes.
"Surprising?!" he exclaimed, his brows furrowing in mock offense. "What, do I not seem like I'd be good?"
You couldn't help but laugh at his incredulous expression, reaching out to playfully tousle his hair. "Oh, you were good," you assured him, your voice laced with affection. "More than good, actually."
His lips curved into a satisfied smile, a sense of pride flickering in his eyes. "Well, I aim to please," he quipped, his tone light and playful. "Does this mean you'll go on a real date with me?"
"Maybe win again and we'll see!" You joked, making him playfully smack your leg. "Joking.. I suppose I can," You shrug.
"You won't regret it, I promise," he vowed, his tone earnest and sincere.
He led you to a charming café nestled in the heart of Miami a few days later, the bustling streets alive with the vibrant energy of the city. As you settled into a cozy corner booth, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the tantalizing scent of pastries, creating a welcoming ambiance that enveloped you in its warmth.
"So, you and Carlos..." he began, a playful smirk dancing on his lips as he leaned in closer.
Your brow furrowed in confusion at the sudden topic of conversation. "What about him?" you questioned, the curiosity evident in your voice. "If it's about 2019, we didn't actually do anything," you clarified with a casual shrug. "Did go on a few dates though, but he met another girl he liked," you added, your tone nonchalant and unaffected.
The playful smirk on his lips faltered slightly, replaced by a look of genuine surprise. "You didn't even— You didn't even sleep with him," he whispered, his voice carrying a hint of disbelief that drew the attention of a few nearby patrons.
Your smile remained unwavering as you shook your head. "Nope," you confirmed.
"I guess its because 'I liked you' or whatever..."
Okay so maybe you did like Lando Norris... Just a little- maybe a lot.
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dumbseee · 11 months
bro code. pt.2
part two of this
part 3.
carlos sainz jr x reader.
fc: bruna marquezine.
note: thanks for the support it means so much to me! and english is still not my first language so this may contain mistakes krkrkr
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liked by bellahadid, georginagio, carlossainz55 and 1 889 009 others.
y/n: your girl is single and ready to mingle.
fan1: girl what about carlos?
georginagio: stunning!
fan2: who was the man in your ig story?
fan3: omg the girl just got out of a seven years old relationship, LEAVE HER ALONE!!
fan4: y/n is her own person, she don’t need a man
liked by y/n.
carlossainz55: que guapa!
liked by y/n.
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"so you asked him to be your fake boyfriend?" bella asked, trying her best not to laugh at your face. you rolled your eyes and threw a pillow at her. "yes, i did. and he was okay with it." you answered but added something else when you saw the look she was giving you. "okay, maybe i had to convince him a little bit and bribe him with a movie date but he said yes!" bella laughed. "he’s so in love with you, of course he said yes." you frowned. "no he’s not. i’ve known carlos forever, we’re just friends." you said, trying to convince your friend but she already stopped listening to you.
you met carlos through neymar, they weren’t close friends, only acquaintances, but you immediately clicked with the spaniard. he was funny, trustworthy, kind and charming. you liked him a lot, but only as a friend, right? you thought that this fake dating stunt would help you a lot because neymar didn’t know how to take no as an answer and kept harassing you. you explained the situation to carlos and he immediately said yes, kinda pissed off at your ex’s behaviour after what he put you through. the plan was simple, soft launch the relationship since the fans were already shipping the both of you, go on a few public dates and do this for a few months, so neymar would finally leave you alone.
simple right? well…
y/n just posted a story!
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caption: guess who ☺️
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liked by y/n, charles_leclerc, landonorris and 969 000 others.
carlossainz55: this account is going to be a y/n fanpage starting from now.
y/n: carlos clearly lied when i asked him if he knew what soft launch was BUT you’re cute so i’m not mad, amor
fan4: i know neymar is fuming rn
fan5: omgg congrats
fan6: carlos is such a cutie omg
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"what’s wrong, mi cielo?" carlos asked you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. you were lost in your thoughts so you shivered at his touch. you smiled at him, "it’s nothing, just tired."
you were both sitting in carlos’s car, after having dinner together in some fancy restaurant carlos wanted to take you to. neymar was constantly calling you and sending you text messages, which you ignored but it was slowly taking a toll on you. he destroyed everything you both built in seven years, he destroyed your hopes for marriage and love, he basically destroyed you. and he still had the nerves to cling onto you like he was the victim.
"amor, you look pale, you sure you okay?" carlos asked again and you just looked at him while he stroked your cheek softly, you leaned against his touch and closed your eyes. "your hands are soft." you mumbled, slowly falling asleep. you heard him chuckle and remove his hand which made you complain. "kiss me." you immediately opened your eyes and looked at him. but when you noticed some paparazzis in the corner of your eye, you remembered that all of this was fake. he was being affectionate because cameras were filming you. you didn’t know why but you were nervous to kiss carlos. you’ve never been that close and he looked so… confident all the time. you were scared to mess it up. it’s fake, it’s all fake, don’t forget that.
carlos pulled you closer to him, and slowly kissed your lips, your cheeks were burning hot and you didn’t know what to do next. suddenly you were back in high school when you had your first kiss with your crush. after a few seconds, the two of you broke the kiss but stayed close to each other. eye to eye, carlos smiled at you and looked at your lips once again. "kiss me again." he said, in a murmur. "what? but they-" carlos cut you. "shut up and fucking kiss me."
the second kiss was more passionate, you never felt anything like it in your whole life. no one had ever kissed you the way carlos had. your hands were sweaty and you could feel a million of butterflies blooming in your stomach. that’s when you realised; you were doomed.
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liked by f1lover, smoothoperator55, ferraribaby and 58 007 others.
f1news: BREAKING! We just received pictures of Carlos Sainz Jr and Y/N L/N kissing in the spaniard’s car. What a cute couple!
fan2: what in the booktok is that
fan3: the hand placements…
fan4: idk if i want to be y/n or carlos tbh
fan5: my fav couple
fan6: pls don’t ever breakup
tag list: @ru-kru @slytherheign @iamahallucinationnn @leclerc16s
2K notes · View notes
angsthology · 5 months
he’s spicy and she’s subtly scary
chilli-pepper; (n.) carlos sainz infamously nicknamed chilli by fans meets the kangaroo (who’s a kicker) of the grid. and they’re “in love” too, btw.
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“hey, baby.”
the spaniard turned around with a smile at the sound of her familiar voice.
“hi, sweetheart.” he greeted, arm immediately stretching out to grab her. luckily for him, she wasn’t in demand to be anywhere at the time so she let him drag her to his side.
she interviewer couldn’t help but laugh and comment at the interaction, “so, what is this? something special between you two?” she chuckled.
carlos didn’t waste a breath to give his answer, “yes. we are in love,” he turns to look at the alfa romeo driver wrapped in his arm with a smile. “isn’t that right, cariño?”
the girl in his arm only had a smile on her face, she didn’t say anything, giving him only a shook of her head.
still adorning the same smile, she quickly slipped out of the ferrari driver’s arm and walked away to wherever she was going in the first place.
the spaniard feigned offense at her departure, with a hand over his chest he yelled over the crowd’s noise—that had may or may not screamed the moment carlos had wrapped his arm around roo, not to mention when he said that they’re ‘in love’. that drove them crazy—“isn’t that right, baby? oh you’re being so mean walking away from me like that.” turning back to the camera with an overexaggerated frown, “she likes to pretend she’s playing hard to get.”
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she didn’t know how he did it, but carlos somehow always knew when it was her walking behind him during an interview. every. single. time. he’s foiled her plans of mischief every single time.
but by luck, this time it was so crowded he failed to detect walking behind him (she assumed that was why). she was not about to waste this chance.
just as she was close enough to him, she moved her foot swiftly under him to kick his left foot out and throwing him out of balance—a startled yelp was heard coming from him—with just enough time to try and run away from him.
he may not have detected her before but when he knows she’s there he’s always faster than his own ferrari to catch her.
he pulled her to his right, arm hanging around her shoulders, “gotcha! you know if you wanted my attention you could’ve just asked, cariño.” he smiled smugly.
she let out a—very—long exasperated sigh.
out of nowhere, she suddenly pointed somewhere on the far left, her hand stretching out in front of carlos’ face in the process, “hey, what’s that right there?”
falling for it, he turns his head to wherever she was pointing to find nothing but a sea of fans and reporters. only then he felt her fingertips on his jaw pulling his head to turn and face her again.
both still exhausted post-race and glowing from the sweat, the fans that had gathered around and was lucky enough to have seen the interaction screamed. the two culprits couldn’t help but burst out in laughter the moment their eyes met, both pulling away from being squished together and crouched away from each other with their backs to one another, laughing (while just finally regaining their breaths, might i add).
the girl being the first to regain composure—most of it anyway—pat his back that was facing her, congratulating him on his podium through her smile.
just as she left and was out of earshot, the spaniard walked back to his interviewer with a smile still etched on his face, “if you didn’t know, that was my lover.”
what he didn’t know was her friend was walking pass behind him just as he said that—hearing the entire thing.
the german smacked the back of the culprit’s head to mess up his cap.
the ferrari driver was about to complain until he turn to be met with the strongest pair of blue eyes he knew, taking back his nag at the sight of his co-worker then ending up with both of them laughing it off.
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roo was catatonic — and not in the way she is when she’s come face to face with jenson button, no. her face was permanently shaped into one of shocked; one that of a teenage girl in a chick flick that screams ‘the audacity!’
of course, she’s had her fair share of disrespectful reporters and comments from crowds here and there but the man in front of her shoving his microphone her way has really done it. he’s rendered her speechless.
and if she was being honest, a part of her wanted to just burst out laughing at just how disrespectful the words that came out of his mouth had been. but oh man, —what?!
with her processing shock, the girl failed to notice someone had walked up next to her and now currently berating said interviewer.
“and your mother and your little sisters and your little nieces and your—”
blinking once then twice, she looked from the hand that has a grip on her shoulder softly and went up to the face seeing carlos pointing angrily at the reporter listing all the women he will be disappointing in his (the reporter’s) life.
the former only stopped when she grabbed his attention by tapping his left shoulder—though one look was done for him before he went back to continuing on scolding the man with the microphone.
she sighs at his relentlessness and took it upon herself to push him the other way, giving the reporter one last look before turning away with an eye roll.
he was still complaining against her hold, explaining he’s not done with that man yet but he didn’t fight her nonetheless.
when they were finally away from all the cameras, he finally takes a look at her. he swallows the remaining insults he had for the reporter, “you okay?”
she smiles, “i am. i was just…” she trailed off when the words got lost.
“i know.” he finished her thought.
“yeah.” she looked at him again, her smile coming back softly, “thank you.”
“always.” he then continues, “you have every right to be here, never forget that.”
“i won’t.”
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te1enoviyuh 🎵 Far East Movement, The Cataracs, DEV • Like A G6
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liked by mickschumacher, selvnika, and 6,625,625 others
tagged: carlossainz55
te1enoviyuh happy birthday carl
see all 1,725 comments.
buttoncunt girl today is NAWT his birthday tf 😭😭
fiftyfivetexts isnt his birthday not for another few months...
fiveoschnoopy HIS CONTACT NAME
carlossainz55 😍😍😍
te1enoviyuh carlossainz55 under your own fucking picture?
dunphyrrari dear god this is day something of asking for whatever they have
kimch1raikkonen did you just hard launch him
liked by te1enoviyuh
porschaires theyre everything to me ur honor
maeclaren girls wake up chillipepper content js dropped
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didnt know how to end this lmfao | taglist; @treehouse-mouse @disneyprincemuke @yansbolobao @leilanixx @judespoision @vellicora @bborra @woozarts crossed out means i cant tag u
587 notes · View notes
heliads · 1 year
Hello <3 I was wondering if maybe you could write a charles leclerc fic?? Reader could be in charge of social media and fans start to realise that charles flirts with whoever is behind the camera? Sorry if its too vague, but I love your writing and had to send something in
i cheered audibly when i saw this, please let me write more f1 fics
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When you were just getting started with your career, someone once asked you if you’d ever consider running a social media campaign for something cute, like a zoo or rescue company. You answered them with a firm no; everyone knows animals never work on camera the way you want them to, and you didn’t want that sort of stress in your life. 
You think the universe must be laughing at you, because funnily enough, what you’re doing right now is exactly like herding cats, but you don’t even get adorable animals for your troubles. No, the Formula One media circus is a nightmare, but it’s a well televised nightmare, and that means your job as head of social media for the Scuderia Ferrari F1 team entails a great deal more metaphorical manhandling of the drivers than you’d ever envisioned.
It’s not even metaphorical all the time, the manhandling. Sometimes it’s just you sending out a great deal of mass emails when someone says something they probably shouldn’t or the Ferrari TikTok page is going through a content drought, but sometimes it’s more. Sometimes it’s like today, when you’re forcing the two drivers to go through yet another competition so the YouTube channel can get another push of subscribers.
You’ve done a lot of careful research over the months that you’ve been here, all dedicated to finding out just what sells the best, so to speak. As of late, you’ve learned that the viewers at home really like competitions and challenge videos. Apparently seeing two men who are obviously great friends go head to head over something as pointless as music trivia or Ping Pong is the pinnacle of motorsport content.
It’s not like you’re complaining. More views means a better paycheck for you at the end of the year. The fans like what you’re producing, and Ferrari likes the fans. It all works out in the end, and who are you to deny the Tifosi their favorite entertainment?
Of course, if you were to actually tell the two red-suited drivers that you refer to them as content and entertainment in the private recesses of your own mind, they probably wouldn’t be too happy. That’s why you keep that to yourself. Besides, they’re your friends. Charles and Carlos may make a lot of problems in your life, but who doesn’t? You’re not exactly perfect either. 
You don’t have to be perfect, though, you just have to come up with good ideas and let the boys be funny on their own. Charles said he liked that best about you, actually, that you let them do their own thing most of the time. The previous social media managers had tried to get them to fit this specific picture of what a Ferrari driver should be, but you never did that. You just wanted them to be them. 
You’re perfectly willing to brush that off as a compliment to a coworker, though. In truth, you’re working constantly to paint these two in the best possible light. It gets stressful sometimes, constantly wracking your brain to make each video work, each post take off. You are affecting how millions of people see Charles and Carlos. Hell, you’re practically filtering their legacy all by yourself. 
It’s not a task you take lightly, to say the least. Maybe that’s why Ferrari is content to keep you around. This is a job that you’d like to extend as long as you can. Just like Charles has worked with overly pushy social media handlers, you’ve worked with total diva clients. Neither of the Ferrari drivers are like that in the slightest, which you appreciate more than anything. 
That isn’t to say that they only ever make your life easy. Right now, for instance, you’ve been begging them to focus for the better part of ten minutes. It’s like working with elementary schoolers. You put anything in front of them and they’re totally distracted before you’ve so much as told them what they’re supposed to be doing. 
Today’s video of choice is a long-anticipated cooking video. Charles versus Carlos, the drivers have been given a mystery basket of ingredients à la Chopped. They’ll have half an hour to come up with a dish of choice, and if the time crunch weren’t enough to stress them out, you’ll be judging their culinary creations when time is called. It’s the perfect setup for a hit video, so if all goes well, you’ll see this on the trending page soon enough. 
That is, if you manage to survive this encounter long enough to post the results. By the time you manage to wrangle the drivers’ attention back to you, Charles has attempted to learn the contents of the bag through interpretive dance and hand gestures with the cameramen and Carlos has accidentally turned his stove on thrice. The third time the fires clicked on, he almost set a napkin ablaze. Both drivers are red faced from trying not to break into mad laughter again. 
You clap your hands once. “Alright, are we finally ready to get started?”
Carlos nudges Charles in the side. “Look, she’s disappointed in you already and she hasn’t even tasted your cooking. This means I am going to win by a lot.”
Charles scoffs, but you swear his barely suppressed smile drops in a second when Carlos mentions your disappointment. “Y/N would never be disappointed in me,” he protests, “I am her favorite, obviously.”
He turns to you, raising his hands in your direction as if asking you to prove his point. You shake your head. “I don’t have favorites, Charles. That would not promote a fun workplace environment.”
“Of course,” Charles nods sagely. “If you had a favorite, though, it would be me.”
Carlos snickers, and in an effort to keep their focus with you before you lose them again, you clear your throat and read out the rules of the cooking contest. The drivers say their dutiful bits about how they’re each going to win this by a landslide, and then time begins and they’re off to the culinary races. 
The covers on the baskets go flying. Charles holds up each object in turn, announcing them in tones of increasing panic. “Butter. Flour. Eggs. Green olives? Three strawberries? A box of spaghetti? Pepperoni?”
“You forgot the chocolate and red onion,” Carlos points out helpfully. 
Charles tosses his teammate a withering glare, then turns the full force of his vexation back to you. “Y/N, you are trying to kill me.”
“Charles,” you say, “we talked about that.”
Charles’ brow furrows as he tries to remember what you mean. It hits him as last and he groans, slapping a hand to his forehead in mock desolation. You’ve noticed that Charles has been mentioning you by name a lot in videos, leading to general confusion among fans. As you’ve reminded him many times before, you’re not supposed to be the focus, he is, so he needs to stop bringing you up all the time. Viewers don’t care about who’s filming the content, after all, just who’s in front of the camera. It’s a tip handed down directly from your boss to you.
Charles still grins at you even as he continues unpacking his ingredients. “I can’t help it, you know that. You’re too good, I want to mention you all the time.”
You scoff. “Good at what? Keeping you in line?”
“Everything,” he says, and raises his eyebrows suggestively. 
You roll your eyes and tell him to focus, but even this instruction doesn’t last long. Barely five minutes later, Charles is bringing up the fact that he’s going to totally win this thing because cooking is, like, a love language, right? And he’s the best at love, he declares, winking conspicuously in your direction. Carlos launches an oven mitt at his head and mutters something that the microphones don’t pick up, something that conveniently has the same number of syllables as stop flirting. 
Charles is steadily making jokes the entire duration of the video, actually, and usually you wouldn’t mind this but they’re all spoken with the intention of getting you to laugh. Not the camera, as he’s been told to do before. You. 
You do your best to keep it off your mind. Both drivers have gotten better about opening up on camera since they started, and this is probably just Charles trying something new in an effort to improve his on-screen personality. After all, it can be hard to direct all your charisma towards a camera, why not aim all your smiles at the person filming instead?
The contest ends soon enough. You end up awarding Charles with the win, mainly due to the fact that Carlos’ hand accidentally slipped as he was attempting to strain his pasta and he ended up losing all of his spaghetti down the sink. His plate consisted of sauce and decorative strawberry slices, which, although tasty, did not contain several key ingredients and resulted in an automatic disqualification. 
Despite the rather shaky grounds on which his cooking victory stands, from the way Charles is acting, you’d think he’d won the WDC. He’s beaming at you, talking about how he’d called this from the very start and was proud that you liked his stuff the best. He even offers to wash the dishes, which is very un-driverlike. 
The video ends up a success by all accounts. Even days later, it’s still trending in Tifosi circles, and the view counts are way higher than expected. Curious as to why, you decide to do the unthinkable and check the comments section of the cooking video.
What you find is– unexpected, to say the least. Usually, comments on any post, whether it be Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube, will range from fans lamenting race outcomes to people mentioning their favorite driver to random spam accounts offering thousands of dollars to the lucky person to message them first.
On this video, though? Most all of the comments are about you. This makes no sense, because not only were you on camera for about one minute, you didn’t do anything other than give instructions and judge food. Antonio Giovinazzi did the same job on a video last year, and no one cared at all. Antonio’s actually well-known in the world of motorsports, so why is it that you, someone who largely operates behind the scenes, would be the cause of so much fuss?
Curious, you start scrolling in depth, but find yourself more confused with every reply you see.
He’s totally flirting with her, right?
Is anyone else seeing the fact that Charles is freaking out over trying to impress this girl?
His face when she declared him the winner… I can’t even with him!!
Charles trying to protect Y/N by refusing to let Carlos salvage his sink pasta– they’re dating, right???
You find yourself laughing over it. This can’t be real. Surely nobody in the world actually thinks that Charles Leclerc– F1 driver, Ferrari superhero, Il Predestinato and supporter of all Tifosi hopes and dreams, multi-millionaire– would ever have a crush on you. It’s absurd. It’s so absurd that you find yourself racing to the office of another one of your friends in social media to get her opinion on it.
Your friend looks up at you, startled, when you burst into her office. “Has someone died?”
“No,” you gasp out, “worse.”
Her eyebrows raise. “One of the drivers had a scandal? We can fix this. Get me B-roll of them volunteering or something. We can turn this around in no time.”
“No,” you say weakly, “the Internet thinks I’m dating Charles Leclerc.”
Your friend freezes in her seat, finger still hovering over the call icon on Fred Vasseur’s contact in her phone, then slowly sinks back again. “Well, yeah, I can see why.”
You gape at her. “What?”
Your friend spreads her hands. “He follows you around everywhere you go. He’s always asking about you, you know. I kind of thought you two had a thing as well, it’s not just the Tifosi.”
You break out into somewhat crazed laughter. “Charles? You think Charles likes me? No, that’s ridiculous.”
Your friend, however, looks less skeptical of this news. “Is it really? I mean, he spent the entirety of shooting just cracking stupid jokes so he could make you laugh. You should have seen the way he stared at you whenever you so much as smiled. Man was transfixed.”
You shoot her a disbelieving look. “No– transfixed? Are you kidding? He wasn’t transfixed. He wanted to win a contest because he’s a racing driver and they like to be the best at everything. I’ll tell you what it was, he was trying to win me over so I’d decide the competition in favor of his cooking.”
Your friend chuckles. “You really are oblivious, aren’t you?”
You take a careful seat opposite her desk. “You’d better explain to me what you mean by that right now, or I swear, I’ll make you brainstorm TikTok ideas for the next month.”
Your friend shudders. “Anything but that, please. Those trends are so bad. Anyway, look, Charles has been obsessed with you since, like, the day you joined. I remember introducing you that day, actually, he was practically stammering over his words. Imagine that, someone who’s always so controlled with what he says whenever he talks to the press, and he can’t even say his name properly because a pretty girl is smiling at him.”
This whole situation feels insane. “Maybe you’re remembering it wrong or something. He wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t like me like that.”
“Wouldn’t he?” Your friend asks slowly, and, well, it makes you think.
It makes you think about all of the videos you’ve shot with him, every discussion after a press conference. How taking candids for the Instagram of Charles always takes ten times longer than it should because he never looks at the camera, only at you. How you greeted him earlier this year at the first race of the season and he said what he missed most of all over winter break was you. How he wasn’t even kidding when he said it, just smiling, smiling like he’d never meant something more in his life.
“Oh my God,” you breathe, “Charles likes me.”
Your friend slaps her hand on the desk, startling you. “See? This is exactly what I’m talking about.”
“What do I do, then?” You ask.
Your friend looks like she’s about to scream. “You tell him how you feel, obviously!”
“I do?” You repeat haltingly.
“You do,” she says, “And he’s right across the hall now. Go talk.”
She all but pushes you out of her office, and then you’re alone in the corridor with Charles, who has just spotted you and is heading your way with the brightest grin you’ve ever seen.
“Y/N!” He says, clearly pleased, “It’s so good to see you. I didn’t think our paths would cross until the next race.”
“Yeah?” You eke out, “Me neither, actually. Strange how things happen like that.”
Strange like friends with overly aggressive relationship advice. You’re certain that if you turned around now, you’d see her peering through the window in her door like some kind of stalker.
Charles nods. “I’m glad to see you, though. Did you notice that the last video did really well? I think that means you have to come around more often. You know, it’s what the fans want.”
“Speaking of the fans,” you say, “I happened to read through the comments and a lot of them seemed to think that you were flirting with me.”
You swear you can see Charles’ confidence fall in a flash. “What?” He protests a little too quickly, “that’s crazy. That’s, uh, really crazy.”
You nod. “That’s what I thought, but, on the off chance that you were flirting, I wouldn’t mind it.”
A small spark of hope forms in his eyes. “You wouldn’t?”
“I wouldn’t,” you decide at last, “because I like you too. If you like me, that is, and it wasn’t too crazy of me to say that.”
He’s laughing now, and you– well, you really do like him, you do, and something about seeing the skin at the corners of his eyes crinkle up when he smiles makes you think at last about how long you have liked him, all the ways you realized you loved him but never admitted it to yourself.
“Alright,” he says, “Maybe it wasn’t too crazy after all.”
A pause, then:  “This does mean that you’ll be coming around more often, right?”
You smile. “Yes, Charles, I think it does.”
f1 tag list: @j-brielmalfoy
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vivwritesfics · 7 months
English Love Affair
It started on a weekend in may. She was looking for attention and needed intervention. Felt somebody looking at her. It was Max Verstappen
18+ only!!
Warnings: smut, pwp, size kink (I suppose), BJ, wrap your monkey before you get spunky
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It started on a weekend in May. It was the Monaco Grand Prix and Y/N Norris was there with her brother. She loved walking through the Paddock on the Sunday, race day, seeing all of the people her brother had considered friends since his karting days.
Celebrities crowded around the garages, several around McLaren and several around the Red Bull garage. Even with all of the celebrities around, including the drivers themselves, Y/N could still find all of the attention she wanted from one man.
Max Emilian Verstappen. Whenever Y/N felt eyes on the back of her head, she knew it was him. She knew he was the one watching her. When he was supposed to be listening to Christian or somebody else on the team.
She could feel it now, the eyes on the back of her head. At the Monaco Grand Prix, Y/N was dressed in a pair of white trousers, with black boots and a white top, made to look like a corset. Max was watching her as she walked through the Paddock, looking for her big brother and his teammate.
If he wasn't surrounded by cameras and people, Max would have been drooling. He would have looked like one of those cartoons that had hearts popping out of his eyes, a mallet hitting the top of his head.
It was a race that had Max not winning by at least twenty full seconds. He was distracted, Christian decided. Nobody knew what had distracted him, but his focus definitely wasn't on the race.
That night they were all out at a bar, and then at a club. At first, Y/N and Max stood on opposite ends of the club. She was with her brother and Carlos, until they abandoned her, following girls into the bathroom.
So, she went over to the bar. It was only when the barman was serving her a drink when she realised who she was standing next to. Max Verstappen, the current world champion. "Cheers," said Y/N and held up her glass.
With a look in her direction, Max lifted his own glass and tapped it against hers.
The night progressed on in this fashion. They drank, tapped their glasses together and drank some more. With every drink they moved closer and closer to each other until they were beside each other, Max's arms slung over her shoulders.
One more drink after that and she had a hesitant hand on his chest. Max's arm moved from around her shoulders to around her back, holding them close. He ordered the both of them a shot of tequila and then they were kissing.
Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him. Eyes shut, his tongue down her throat, body pulled flush against him. Her fingers moved through his once immaculate hair, pushing the strands out of place.
Suddenly they were out of the club, rushing back to Max's apartment. When they had to stop at the crossings, she had him pulled close, kissing him some more until a car beeped for them to move.
Once they had made it into the apartment, Max wasted no time in throwing off her top. He pushed the door shut behind him and led her to his bedroom.
The lights went on when Max dragged Y/N into the bedroom. He had his hands on her hips as he sat down in front of her, onto the end of the bed.
Y/N Norris was in front of him. Max had been thinking about this moment ever since she and Lando began walking around the Paddock. He thought about it late at night, when the lights were out and he was alone in his bed. When he was in the shower, lip pulled between his teeth as he tossed himself off.
Max kissed his way down her chest, past her bra and down to her trousers. His lips were hot, setting fire to her skin. His grip was bruising, addicting and Y/N couldn't get enough.
But Max did let go of her. He took off his own shirt and threw it onto the floor bedside the bed. But then his grip returned to her. Max pulled her closer, sitting her on his lap. There was a clashing of tongue and teeth as they kissed.
He moved his hands from his hips and down to her ass. As he did, Y/N's lips moved from his to neck. "Holy shit," Max groaned when he felt her teeth against his skin, nibbling and sucking.
His hands squeezed.
She let out a gasp, pulling away from his neck. Max moved slowly, slipping his hands inside of her jeans. "Bold," she mumbled and reached down for the front of his jeans. She popped the button and pulled down the zipper, leaving his jeans open.
Max laid back. He pulled Y/N up on top of him, reconnecting their lips. Her knees were on either side of him, hips pressed against his.
His hands travelled up her back, unhooking the latch on her bra. He let it fall away from her chest and threw it onto the floor.
There was a damn near hour of foreplay before they got to the real deal. Max was a thoroughman who liked to do a thorough job. The only time he was quick was in the car.
He worked on covering her with hickies as Y/N shimmied out of her trousers. She dropped them to the floor and climbed back on top of him.
She had to pull him to his feet as he sucked dark bruises into her neck. His jeans were getting in the way and Y/N was sick of it.
With them both in their underwear, Y/N laid back on the white sheets. She used her finger to beckon Max closer and he climbed on top of her, closing the gap once again.
"Can I?" She whispered as her hands found the waistband of his briefs.
Max nodded his head and Y/N tugged. She pulled down his briefs, exposing himself fully to her.
What they revealed was... kind of astonishing. The most noticeable thing was his sheer size. There was a moment where all Y/N could do was stare, a moment that nearly had Max putting his briefs back on.
She reached out and touched it. Max let out a whine as he hands wrapped around it and pumped. Once, twice. "Please," he whined, his knees hitting the edge of his bed.
Y/N got to work. She kept her fingers wrapped around his cock as she moved her hand up and down. When she'd had enough and her arm began growing tired, she leaned down, taking as much of it as she could into her mouth.
It was a pretty site. That was all that was running through Max's head as he watched. Y/N Norris, in nothing but her underwear, on her hands and knees in front of him as she sucked his dick.
Now, Y/N knew when she first saw the monster it was going to be a challenge. It took her a moment to muster the courage before she put her lips on his tip and sucked. Her movement were slow, adjusting to the length. Tears stung her eyes as she pushed herself further.
We all know Max Verstappen isn't a very patient man. He placed his hand on the back of her head, gripped her hair and pushed.
Max took over the situation. Drool dribbled out of Y/Ns mouth as she let Max fuck her mouth. She moaned and whined, gripping Max's hips to keep her upright.
He slowed his thrusts before pulling Y/N from him cock with a pop. "I want you," he whispered and pushed her back, laying her down on the sheets.
There was a moment of anxiety that rushed through her. She was about to sleep with the current world champion.
Max spread her legs and pulled down her underwear. He took a moment to look at her, all of her, naked and spread before him. He had never seen something this beautiful before. "Look at you," he whispered, pushing his tip between her folds. "So lovely."
"Please, Max. I need you!" She cried.
Slowly, he pushed his way through her folds until he was fully sheathed inside of her.
Holding him close, Y/N let out a cry. Her nails dug into his shoulder as he remained still, pushed all the way inside of her. "Are you okay?" Max asked through a whisper.
With her eyes squeezed shut, Y/N nodded her head. "You're so big, Maxie."
Slowly, Max moved his hips. He listened to her body, snapping his hips against hers when her moans grew louder. "Oh holy shit," she cried, eyes shut as she threw her head back.
The bed creaked as his thrusts grew louder and and more erratic. The sound of skin slapping together filled the apartment. "My god, Max, holy shit, holy shit!"
Max leaned down to kiss her. Wrapping her arms around him, Y/N held him close.
Before long, Max's thrusts were growing sloppy and erratic. He let his head rest on her shoulders. His mouth hung open as he gave two more trusts, finishing.
Max panted as he pulled out of her. He wasted no time in moving down her body, fingers prodding at her hole. He pushed past his own mess, trusting his fingers in and out of her. She quivered as he did so, body shaking under him.
Finally she came on his fingers. Her chest rose and fell as Max pulled away from her.
He'd just slept with Lando's little sister. What had he done?
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Steps Towards - Carlos Sainz
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<word count - 3007> |part 1 - Scheming|
You didn't say anything else, and neither of you made the effort to move. Both of you were comfortable, and moving would probably result in awkwardness, and you wanted to avoid that as much as humanly possible. 
After a few more minutes, his hands still gently playing with your hair, Carlos spoke. "I should probably start getting ready," he said, moving his hands away. 
"Yeah, I probably should too," you said, knowing you'd have to be watching the practise sessions for the day. "Y'know, to get ready, we actually have to get up," Carlos teased, nudging you. 
"Oh yeah, sorry," you mumbled, moving away from him and sitting on the edge of the bed. You were trying to hide the blush of embarrassment that was flushed on your cheeks. You heard the bathroom door close behind him, and you took a minute to compose yourself. 
Were you really just going to move on and pretend that didn't happen? Maybe that was for the best. It would affect your professional relationship, and that was the last thing either of you needed. 
But, you loved every second you spent near him. And last night, even if you only knew about an hour or two of it, made your heart flutter in ways you didn't imagine was possible. He just had this thing about him, but you couldn't act on it. He was your job, not your future. 
Caught up in your thoughts, you didn't even notice Carlos exiting the bathroom. "Y/N?" he said, but you didn't hear him. "Hey, you alright?" He asked, as he appeared in front of you. He was ready for practise, Ferrari apparel clad. 
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," you weakly smiled at him, trying not to look at him in fear of never being able to look away. You had kept your cool since Carlos had started driving at Ferrari, so you could keep it up for now. 
"The bathrooms yours," he told you, towel drying his hair as he walked back around to his side of the bed, perching on the edge. "Thanks," you said, collecting your clothes for the day and going inside. 
It didn't take long for you to get ready, and when you left the bathroom, you saw Carlos getting his jacket on. "I'm going downstairs for breakfast with Charles before we leave for the track, you coming?" 
"Thanks, but I have some online meetings to do before practise," you said, getting your laptop out and setting it down on the dressing table so you could sit properly. "What are you going to do for breakfast?" he asked, leaning against the wall. 
"I'll probably just wait until lunch, I don't have any time to grab anything now," you explained, sitting down on the chair. "Call room service, I've got it covered," he said. You never normally got room service since the hotels that you were booked were normally quite fancy. And expensive. 
"You sure?" you asked as he opened the door to the room to reveal Charles, just standing there. "Yeah, of course, get whatever you want," he said, waving you goodbye. Shortly after, there was another knock on the door. "Come in!" you called, thinking it was Carlos since he had left his key or something.
"Cleaning service," the old lady said, pushing her cart into the room. 
"Yes please," you smiled at her as she got to work. She stripped the beds down and cleaned up the glasses of water on the tables. When she was done, the bed had been made and the whole room looked camera ready. 
"Have a nice day," she said as she approached the door to leave.
"Hey, wait a second," you called out to her, and she stopped in the doorway. You scrambled to find your purse, and when you did, you plucked a few notes out of it. "Here, thanks for this," you said, and she happily beamed at you. 
"Thank you very much," she said, tucking the notes into her pocket and wheeling the cart away and down the hall. You had around fifteen minutes until your meeting, so you picked up the phone and ordered yourself a stack of pancakes. 
They arrived within ten, so you had to eat them as quick as you possibly could. You may not have finished them, but you certainly would after the first meeting when you got a break. Your laptop started chiming, and you accepted the call as the faces of your co-workers appeared in boxes on the screen.
Meanwhile, Charles and Carlos were sat downstairs, scanning through the menu to see what they wanted. "So, how did it go?" Charles asked, a cocky grin spreading across his face. 
"How did what go?" Carlos shrugged having already decided that he wasn't going to give Charles anything. "You sharing a room with Y/N," he said, kicking Carlos' shin under the table. "Nothing happened, as I'm sure you'll be disappointed to hear," 
"Come on, nothing? Nothing happened?" Charles asked, desperate for a bit of gossip. He had been urging Carlos to ask you out for a few years now, and he finally thought his planning skills had paid off perfectly. Well, they had, but he didn't have to know about that for now. 
"No, nothing happened," Carlos said, sipping at the water from his glass. A part of him felt smug knowing that you had slept in the same bed and woken up, entangled in each others arms and he wasn't letting it slip. 
Charles just looked at him, a dejected expression painted on his face. "I don't know what you were expecting," Carlos smirked, absolutely reveling in Charles' disappointment. 
"Well it's a good job we still have a few nights, and I'm not planning on letting you back in the room any time soon," Charles said, thinking he still had the upper hand in the situation. Carlos had a feeling that this was how it was going to be for the weekend, and he had to admit that he was looking forward to it. 
"That's fine," Carlos said, not letting any sort of emotion show on his face.
"Oh I'm sure it is. I noticed the rooms only have one bed, don't think I let that slip my mind," Charles said, thinking he had finally cracked the code. "Pillow walls are a wonderous thing, Charles," Carlos smiled, watching as Charles slowly started to get irritated.
"Just ask her out already please. Then I won't have to do these kinds of things to you," Charles pouted, sighing. "I work with her, I am not going to ask her out."
"That's a bullshit excuse and you know it," Charles scoffed.
"Oh yeah? Why do you say that?" 
"Because you wouldn't care about any of that if you really liked her," Charles explained, smiling at the waiter who brought them their breakfast. "Maybe I don't like her as much as you think I do," Carlos said.
"Carlos, you look at her like she's the only person in the room and the look on your face when you see her is like a lovesick teenager. You're crazy for her, and everyone can see it," Charles said, tucking into his avocado on toast.
"Can they?" Carlos winced, knowing Charles had him on that one. When he looked at you, he never wanted to tear his eyes away. "You hardly try to keep it a secret. Everyone knows. Well, everyone except her," Charles said. 
"And that is how it's going to stay," Carlos said, as if it were an instruction that had to be obeyed. "Are you really that blind? She's got it bad for you, Carlos," Charles said as if it were a commonly known fact. "No, she doesn't,"
"Wait until you hear what I'm about to tell you then. I heard Y/N talking to Maria from the marketing team in the garage last weekend. They were giving their opinions on the drivers, and Maria asked about you. Y/N said, 'I can't say anything, I pretty much work for him'," Charles started explaining, the excitement in his voice was evident. 
"And I'm not surprised she said that, it was perfectly reasonable answer," Carlos tutted, continuing with his breakfast. "But you haven't let me get to the good bit yet. Maria pressed on a bit, since we all know you like her. Then Y/N said, 'He's lovely, he's cute. What more could I want?'" Charles giggled. 
Carlos tried not to let his happiness show on his face. "Charles you're acting like a teenager, it's not a big deal," Carlos said, dismissing his words.
"Not a big deal? I have just proved to you that she likes you back and you are telling me it's not a big deal? Sometimes I wonder about you, Carlos, I really do," Charles shook his head, wondering why his friend was so quick to dismiss the words he had wanted to hear all along. You liked him back.
But surely you didn't? You only said that because Maria had pushed for it, right? "Charles, Y/N and me is never going to happen," Carlos said, but it sounded more like he was trying to convince himself of that over it being something he truly believed. 
"But it can, you just need to take a chance. So what if it's awkward after? At least you tried. But I have a feeling it would be far from awkward, though," Charles said. Carlos stayed silent, his head and heart fighting for control. His heart told him to take the leap, but his head held his limbs still, not letting him soar off the edge.
"I'll think about it," he mumbled. Thankfully, the conversation moved on from you, and onto what they were feeling for this weekend. Just as they were finishing their breakfast, Carlos dropped some of his down his shirt. 
"Oh shit," Carlos sighed, setting his knife and fork down. 
"Mate really?" Charles laughed, passing him some napkins to try and wipe the stain away. As expected, it just made it worse. "Do you have any other shirts?"
"Yeah, but they're back in the room. How long do we have until we leave?" Carlos asked, still trying to wipe the stain away. "We've got like, five minutes," Charles chuckled. 
"Y/N should still be in the room, I'll call her," Carlos said, finding your number in his phone and dialling it. You were still in a meeting, but you weren't going to miss the call. "Sorry, I have to take this. I'll be quick," you said, standing from the chair and putting the call on mute. 
"Carlos, what's up?" you said.
"Could you bring me down another shirt? I may or may not have spilt my breakfast on it. I have a few spare hung up in the wardrobe," he explained.
"Yeah, I'll be down as soon as I can," you said, putting the phone down and springing into action. You went to the wardrobe and found one of his Ferrari polos hanging there, just like he said they would be. You took one and swiped the room key off the table and ran down the hall and down the stairs. 
You needed to make it quick so that you could be back to the meeting as soon as possible. Your eyes darted around the cafe downstairs when you reached it, but you couldn't spot any scarlet anywhere. 
Instead, you turned around and headed to the foyer. In the distance, you spotted the two drivers sat in some chairs as they waited. "Carlos!" You called out, rushing over to him. "Here," you said, handing him the shirt. "Thank you, you're a lifesaver!" he smiled, standing to take it off you.
"Are your meetings done yet?" he asked.
"Not yet, I'm still in one. I've just put myself on mute so I can come down here," you told him with a smile. "Oh sorry, I didn't know. I'll see you at the track later, yeah?" he asked.
"Yeah, but I won't see you before practise, so good luck. You too, Charles," you smiled, looking over at the man from Monaco. "Don't get into any PR disasters while I'm gone!" You called back to him with a laugh as you went to skip up the stairs again. 
"You can't convince me she doesn't like you," Charles said, standing from his chair, "I'll meet you outside, the car should be here any minute," he continued, walking out of the glass doors to the outside entrance. "Yeah, alright," 
You went back to your room, but the meeting was almost over. You hadn't missed anything important, just the timings of some of the interviews they would be doing next week. Those were the kinds of things that were put on the post-meeting emails anyway. 
You didn't have anything else to do, so you thought you might as well head to the track. Collecting all of your stuff, you called a cab and it drive you to the track. By the time you had gotten there, Charles and Carlos were already in their cars, ready for the first practise. 
You watched through the practise and stayed in the Ferrari motorhome, since it was a nice space to get some more work done. You didn't have anything to do, so you started scheduling interviews for in a few races time. 
"Hey," you heard, and the couch next to you sunk under someone's weight. Turning to the side, you spotted Carlos, who was still in his race suit. "Hey, nice work out there," you smiled, closing your laptop and giving your full attention to him.
"Thanks, and thank you for earlier. I didn't mean to pull you out of your meeting or anything," he said. "Don't worry about it, it was a boring meeting anyway," you laughed, looking as a smile formed on his face.
"Can I get you dinner or something? As a sorry and a thank you," he asked. This was kind of him taking a chance, because he thought he'd be able to gauge how you felt by your reaction. "Carlos, you got me breakfast, that is more than enough. And don't be sorry, it was the perfect excuse to stretch my legs," you smiled. 
Your heart was beating a million miles a minute right now, and you could barely think straight. Surely it was just him being nice, but maybe it wasn't. Just maybe it wasn't. "But that was before I distracted you from your meeting. Come on, it'll be fun," he said in a sing-song tone, nudging you. 
"Yeah, alright. How does Sunday night sound?" you asked, smiling. You were trying not to kick your legs about and squeal out of pure joy. "Perfect, I'll pick you up from our hotel room at seven?" he asked, standing back up as his engineer approached him. 
"I'll see you there," you laughed, watching as he waved and walked away. 
"Someone's looking cheerful," the voice of Maria said from next to you. She had taken the spot Carlos was just sat in. "Just having a good day," you said, not wanting to tell her anything. Maria could be a bit of a gossip, and word around the garage spread like wildfire. You didn't want people thinking this was more than it was, and you didn't want your job to be put in jeopardy. 
"You sure that doesn't have anything to do with a certain Spanish snack?" she giggled. Maria knew you both liked each other, and she was trying to play matchmaker like Charles. Only she didn't lock people out of hotel rooms to accomplish that. 
"No, simply a good day," you straight up lied, before getting up and heading over to the cafeteria to grab a snack, leaving Maria to speculate. 
Carlos was stood in the back of the garage, finishing up with telling his engineer about how the car was feeling and the things he wanted to change for the next practise. Just as he had been left alone, Charles appeared beside him. 
"Hey mate, a few of us are going for drinks on Sunday night, you wanna come?" Charles asked, leaning on the wall next to him. "Sorry, I've already made plans," he said, desperately not wanting to tell him what he was actually doing. 
"With who? You don't have any other friends," Charles teased, causing Carlos to scoff at him. 
"I do have friends, you just don't know them,"
"Then who are you going out with?" Charles pressed.
"A friend," Carlos kept his answer short. He didn't want Charles to tease him if he told him he was taking you out to dinner. "A lady friend or just a friend friend?" he winked.
"Just a friend friend," Carlos said, hoping he wouldn't see through his lies and leave the subject all together. "What are they called? Have I met them?" Charles asked. 
However, Carlos was side-tracked by spotting you out of the corner of his eye. His gaze was trained on you as you walked through the garage and out the other side. He just loved the way you moved and how you walked as if you hadn't a care in the world. 
"Oh my god you did it, didn't you?" Charles asked with a huge, beaming smile on his face. 
"Did what?" Carlos said as if he were oblivious to the fact he had just gotten completely side tracked by you. "The person who you're going out with just walked past, didn't they?"
"Yeah, they did," Carlos grinned, looking down at his feet to try and hide his excitement. Charles patted him on the back, "Took you long enough! Where are you taking her?"
"I don't know yet, I only asked her half an hour ago. It was just to say thank you and sorry for pulling her out of her meeting, " he grinned, keeping his voice down so that no one around them could hear. "Keep telling yourself that, and I'm still not letting you in the room," Charles said. 
"I know you aren't, I know," Carlos shook his head. He hadn't even thought about the fact that you'd be sharing a room for the rest of the weekend. The rest of the weekend. 
A/N - I was never intending this to have multiple parts, but here we are! There will definitely be a couple more parts, rest assured.
Tag List! @omgsuperstarg @arisainz @avengersheart @styles-sunflower @tagteamedbitch
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leclerqueensainz · 28 days
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Pairing: Carlos Sainz Jr. X Louise Evans ( OC)
Synopsis: Carlos Sainz is a scoundrel. That's what all the women he's slept with — and the list is not short — always say after having their hearts destroyed by the Spanish heartthrob. Carlos Sainz Jr. is the worst scoundrel of all time. But worse than being a scoundrel is liking to be a scoundrel. But even the worst scoundrel can have his heart tamed. And when Louise, Carlos' best friend, asks him to give her a baby, Sainz finds himself caught up in a frenzy.
Long dormant feelings resurface, and Carlos realizes that winning the world drivers' championship won't be his only challenge.
WARNING: THIS IS A +18 STORY and contains: Sex scenes and explicit sexual language, reproduction kink, swearing and a few other things that I may or may not be forgetting.
Carlos Sainz is a scoundrel. That's what all the women he's slept with - and the list is not short - always say after having their hearts destroyed by the Spanish heartthrob. Carlos Sainz Jr. is the worst scoundrel of all time. But worse than being a scoundrel is liking to be a scoundrel. Don't get me wrong, Carlos cannot be considered a bad guy in general; he is just a millionaire playboy who can't keep it in his pants when it comes to a beautiful woman. However, in his defense, he has always been a thoughtful lover during sex. He cares not only about receiving pleasure but also about extracting it from his "victims." He doesn't mind spending hours and hours pleasuring a wet pussy, or fulfilling a strange fetish so that his nighttime company can reach the highest peak of pleasure. In Carlos's mind, if his partner is screaming or crying for more, then it's worth it. However, being the cause of the greatest sexual delight for women also ends up contributing to his reputation as a womanizer, dog, scoundrel, heartbreaker, etc. So, it's no wonder that he is taken aback by his best friend Louise's request.
However, being the cause of the greatest sexual delight for women also ends up contributing to his reputation as a womanizer, dog, scoundrel, heartbreaker, etc. So, it's no wonder that he is taken aback by the request of his best friend Louise. — You want me to what?! — He asks, stunned. — I want you to impregnate me. — She says, biting her lips and staring at him with dark Bambi-like eyes. Carlos breathes astonished, unsure of how to respond. He looks around the living room of Louise's apartment, searching for any sign of a hidden camera. Dios! This must be a joke. Carlos is aware that his best friend hasn't been doing well in terms of mental health. But now it's like she's completely gone mad. Louise is Carlos's oldest friend. They met when Carlos joined Toro Rosso in 2015, while Louise had just started interning in the communications department at Mercedes. They would constantly bump into each other in the paddock, with her always behind Lewis and Nico, and Carlos trying his best to prove his talent in his rookie year in the category. During that time, it was just looks and nods as a greeting between the two, but a few months later, the first signs of flirting from the driver began. Always a compliment about what Louise was wearing, or about how her work was impeccable, even though he wasn't exactly sure what the girl did. However, Louise always rejected Carlos and said she was there not to flirt with playboy drivers but to seize the incredible opportunity that could greatly boost her professional career. And that was the rule she stuck to firmly until Sainz gave up and they both got closer to being two rookies who needed someone to trust. As the season progressed, what was initially just pleasant company for each other progressed into a solid friendship, and soon enough, the two were inseparable, of course, except when they were focused on their respective jobs.
This brings us to this moment, with Carlos staring at his best friend as if she had grown two heads on her shoulders. Carlos is neither dumb nor blind; it's obvious that he finds Louise attractive, and only he and God know how much he has fantasized about taking this woman to bed. But giving her a child - as tempting and sinful as the thought of hearing her moan and be filled with his seed underneath him may be the hottest thing he has ever imagined - is certainly the peak of madness. — Have you smoked Lando's weed again? — Carlos asks, as that is the only explanation that comes to his mind. — No! I am completely sober, well, aside from a few glasses of wine. But I only had them to gather the courage I needed to ask you. — She says plainly, leaving Carlos even more terrified. Standing up, Carlos took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose with one hand while the other rested on his hip. Louise, watching from the sofa where her friend had been sitting just minutes before, tries her best not to laugh at the situation. In Louise's mind, what she is asking for is quite simple. She is 27 years old, turning 28 in a few months. Throughout all these years of her existence, it seemed like something very serious was influencing her love life, as none of her relationships lasted longer than a year. Even Carlos had had longer relationships, with a fling here and there, but still, longer ones. Louise has always dreamed of having her own family, and the maximum time she has given herself to have children is by the age of 30. However, over the years, she realized that the only man who remains in her life after getting to know her is Carlos.
So when she finally broke up with her twentieth boyfriend, Roy, who was a nice guy but seemed more excited about plants than about her in lingerie, she decided to skip all the hassle of finding the perfect guy and instead continue her lineage with the help of her best friend. Of course, if he's willing to go along with this madness.
Louise isn't ugly she's very aware of it, with the amount of compliments she gets when she walks in the paddock or notifications from strangers and acquaintances in her social media DMs, she can't deny it. However, even though she's highly coveted, she hasn't found any man good enough to procreate with. She wants her children to have good genes, and that's not asking for too much.
She also knows Carlos isn't the most honorable guy in the world; God knows she's judged her friend as a gigolo dozens of times, but she loves Carlos. And he has great genes.
Carlos is handsome, very handsome, actually, a spectacle of a man. With thick, dark hair like a Disney prince, large eyes deep brown, a long nose, full lips, and of course, a perfect body. Carlos Sainz Jr. is truly a hottie. Does he have a questionable character? Yes! But he's still a hottie.
However, beyond the beauty the man possesses, what pleases Louise the most about Sainz is his dedication to everything he considers important, and that majestically includes their friendship. Louise would trust her life to Carlos with her eyes closed.
Carlos has always treated her very well, even after all the rejections she had given him during the beginning of their friendship.
He has always been kind, and attentive, and moved heaven and earth for her to have everything she needs, whenever she needs it. Does she want raspberry ice cream that's specifically sold in a city thousands of kilometers away from where they are? Don't worry, Carlos's assistant can take a jet and go get it for her; after all, it's not like Tina has anything more important to do than fetch ice cream from the middle of nowhere. All good.
Or when Louise has a sudden breakup with a guy she really liked, Carlos doesn't mind staying up all night listening to her cry on an endless call, even if it's been a tough day of racing and his body is begging for a good night's sleep. No, Carlos would stay with her. He would listen to her speak ill of Roy, Ben, Jude, Lorenzo, Michael, or any other bastard who had hurt her best friend's heart.
To outsiders, Carlos Sainz was a heartless womanizer. But to Louise, he's the nicest and kindest man she's ever met. And secretly, that might have also contributed to none of her relationships going anywhere.
Roy would never send an assistant flying miles away just for her to get a damn ice cream. To be fair, Roy didn't have an assistant, let alone a jet, but there have been times when he refused to go to a bakery around the corner from her apartment to buy the sweet bread she was craving. They fought, she told him to leave, and an hour later, an exhausted Carlos with tousled hair showed up at her door carrying a suitcase and a box of bread in every flavor for her.
And it's no surprise to anyone that Ben wouldn't stay up all night to hear her talk about a silly series or movie she watched during one of her long trips. After all, Ben is a very busy lawyer who doesn't have time for nonsense, only to sleep with the 19-year-old secretary who had started working at his firm. A curse, a middle finger, and three hours later, Carlos shows up with a bottle of wine and the hoodie he knows she loves and watches all the movies and series she wants.
None of these jerks would be good enough to do these things for Louise, only Carlos. Carlos is a womanizer of women and a great pilot for the world, but for Louise is the only person who really matters.
It turns out there will always be comparisons. No matter how many people she dates or tries to create her story with, no man or woman will ever be like Carlos. What they have is something unique and special, which goes beyond the barrier of friendship or even a romantic relationship. They were simply born to be.
For all these reasons and many more, she had made up her mind. Carlos Sainz Vázquez de Castro Cenamor Rincón Rebollo Virto Moreno de Aranda Don Per Urrielagoiria Pérez del Pulgar Jr. will be the father of her future child. Well, that's if he accepts and the way the Spaniard is looking at her, she might need a few more things to convince him.
— Carlos, please! - She says, pouting, which for a woman of almost 30 is ridiculous, but every effort will be worth it.
— Dios, Louise! No!— he says, running his hands through his hair in an exasperated way. - -You can't just ask me to put a baby inside you just because you're in a crisis!
Carlos throws himself back on the sofa next to her.
— This isn't a crisis! — He looks at her with an arched eyebrow. — Yes, it may be a crisis, but Carlos, I'm going to be 30!
— Yes! In two years, Louise! — He grabs her shoulders. - You're still young and you're a sensible woman, I mean, at least you used to be. — Louise digs her nails into Carlos' bare thigh, making him cry out in pain.
— I'm still sensible, Sainz! And that's exactly why I want you to get me pregnant! — Louise shouts, getting up from her seat on the sofa and standing in front of the pilot.
Even though Carlos is fighting hard, he's still a man and his flesh is weak. He evaluates every inch of his body covered only by a T-shirt, which he happened to know very well because it was his Real Madrid shirt.
— Come on, Cabron! Don't tell me you don't find me attractive. Do you know how many people would love to put a baby in me? — She asks and leans in close to his ear. — It's been eight years of you wanting to have sex with me, Carlitos. And today I'm begging you to throw me on that bed, or that sofa, or whatever the hell place you want. I want you to take off my clothes and fuck me until I have a part of you growing inside me. - Her lips lightly touch his lobe.
Carlos swallows dryly, the images of him bending his best friend over in every corner of the house, making her moan as he thrusts inside her without stopping until every drop of his cum drips into her... Oh! Dios!
Louise realizes that her goal of seduction is working with the way Carlos tenses up underneath her.
— Come on, Carlos... — A kiss below his ear — We could do this so well... - Another kiss on the jaw. — Imagine a mini part of both of us running around... - She licks his neck.
Carlos closes his eyes and lets himself imagine the scene. A mini him, or a mini Louise running around everywhere. He takes her or him to the paddock to watch him or her race a Formula 1 car. He allows himself to be even more daring and imagines not only the child already born, but also Louise pregnant with her second child, wearing a loose summer dress, with a big round belly and...
Carlos gasps and involuntarily tilts his head to the side so that Louise has more access to his skin. One of her hands moves slowly up his firm, dark-haired thigh. The sharp nail slowly scratched the sensitive skin, so close to his cock. Just a few more centimeters and...
— You don't even have to be his father if you don't want to. I can take care of everything, he won't even need to know you're the father and...
And then came the bucket of cold water. Of course, it's only because she wants a baby. Carlos feels a bit stupid for letting himself believe for a moment that the idea of making a family with him was what Louise wanted. She doesn't want a family with Carlos, of course not. She just wants him to be the father of her child.
Carlos quickly gets up and throws Louise onto the sofa. His mind was racing and a bizarre burning in his chest.
— What the fuck, Louise! You've really lost your mind! — He paces back and forth frantically.
— Carlos, what's the matter? - She gets up from the sofa too. — I thought you wanted me to be happy!
Carlos stops for a moment, his mouth tasting bitterly of anger. How dare Louise say that? Carlos has already made it more than obvious that he would do anything to make her happy. He would give up almost everything he owned for her, even set fire to Madrid if necessary!
He really thought that this was something that wouldn't even cross her mind. But this? Just being the cock that will empty inside her so that she can have a fucking baby — all babies forgive him - and then wanting him to act as if she were nothing to him, that's too much. Out of the question.
— If you want to play the black widow, Louise, you should know better than to think I'm the wrong guy for it. - He says, grabbing his jacket and turning towards the door without looking at her. — I don't care what anyone says about me. I'm everything women say and then some, but even so, I'm not an idiot who shirks my responsibilities. I expected more from you.
He opens the door and leaves.
Standing in the middle of the living room, Louise looks at the door her best friend has just left. She's confused, but above all, sorry.
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andavs · 1 year
Drinking Preferences in 9-1-1
Quick note: All of this is free from paid product placement because the show doesn’t have the characters interact with/drink real alcohol brands. They only use real brands for set dressing when they aren’t the focus and wouldn’t really be recognizable unless you already know that bottle/label.
So Maddie and Chimney have Grand Marnier and Monopolowa vodka (real brands) sitting out on a bar cart but the one bottle anyone interacts with is the fake brand of Glencallan scotch. The bar Chimney worked at was fully stocked with real brands of vodka (Deep Eddy, Stolichnaya, Tito's, Absolut) but no one actually touches them.
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The fake prop brands fall into two categories: totally fake and generic, and lookalikes.
The totally fake brands are things like Glencallan scotch (a mashup of Glenlivet and Macallan) or the piscos behind the bar in Peru. Buck has Meichtry Draft beer in his fridge, which is a common prop beer that other shows use too, and a lot of characters in the show drink the generic Genuine beer.
The lookalikes are things like the beer Buck serves Connor that's called Cerveza Extra but it's written in a similar font to Corona Extra so to the passing glance, it’s recognizable to most people as a real brand they’re familiar with. When Buck and Hen are doing shots, the tequila is Carlos Medina Especial, made to look like Jose Cuervo. (Judging from the bottle shape and back label, Buck and Taylor were also doing shots of a different fake Jose Cuervo.)
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Because they aren’t restrained by product placement, the show can give the characters their own drinking preferences instead of having them all drink the same brand with the clearly visible label conveniently turned towards the camera.
And because I was watching anyway, I kept track of how many times each character drinks what. (Scenes that show them drinking and what they're drinking, not counting up every drink they've had.)
So as of 6x12:
Beer: 15 | Wine: 9 | Spirits: 4 | Cocktails: 0
Chimney seems to prefer beer, and he also drinks wine with Maddie pretty often. His go-to spirit appears to be tequila, but he also had scotch while his dad was visiting.
When he’s hanging out, he has a beer or two.
When he's misery-drinking, he has more than two, like when Albert first showed up or when he felt responsible for letting Shannon die.
When shit’s going down that he's not directly involved in, like when the Buckleys were coming or when Karen thought Hen was cheating again, he goes for tequila. It's a fake Don Julio called Señor Suertes.
But when things were really wrong, when Maddie first left and he was falling apart trying to figure out what happened to her, there was no evidence of him drinking at all. The entire apartment was covered in baby stuff.
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Beer: 2 | Wine: 18 | Spirits: 0 | Cocktails: 0
Maddie almost exclusively drinks wine, and in their new house, she and Chimney have a small, full wine rack on the counter.
She first drinks a beer after dispatch was taken hostage, when both Chim and Buck are also having beer but Josh is having wine. She seems to have another beer at May's graduation party, but everyone's drinks are in plastic cups and look more like juice than their usual prop beverages.
She stops drinking through all of s4 (pregnant) and doesn't seem to have another drink until the balcony with Buck at the end of s5.
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Beer: 2 | Wine: 26 | Spirits: 4 | Cocktails: 3
Athena drinks the most out of the main characters.
She usually drinks wine, but she'll also go for something stronger, usually when she's out at a bar. She often has a glass of wine with dinner, and seems to favor having one after a rough day. After she slapped Harry, she drank a neat whiskey at home. She's added whiskey to her coffee twice.
But like Chimney, when she's spiraling and obsessively cleaning the entire house after realizing Hudson was in there touching their belongings, she was totally sober.
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Beer: 0 | Wine: 0 | Spirits: 3 | Cocktails: 0 | Club Soda: 2
Obviously Bobby doesn't drink, but when he was struggling with relapsing in Starting Over, he was holding the same prop Glencallan scotch that Chim has. When he did relapse in Worst Day Ever, he was drinking a fake Jack Daniels. In Point of Origin, he was drinking a generic vodka.
(Interesting that he chose a 35 year scotch, which is not cheap, when he previously drank Jack, which is about $25.)
When he's out with people who are drinking, he usually goes for club soda or water.
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(The same scotch being used for Bobby, Chim, and Buck could be intentional, but this is also a common fake scotch brand used all over the place, so it could just be that they had it on hand.)
Beer: 9 | Wine: 11 | Spirits: 1 | Cocktails: 1
Hen is mostly seen drinking beer or wine; beer when she's out at a bar, and usually wine when she's at home or at Athena's. Hen and Karen have a full wine rack in their kitchen (added after s4), but clearly neither one of them will turn down tequila (I like to think it’s Chim’s influence).
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Beer: 13 | Wine: 5 | Spirits: 1 | Cocktails: 0
Eddie generally sticks to beer. He's also the one we see drink the least out of everyone who does drink, but Maddie's only one scene ahead of him.
We've seen him drink wine a few times (always red) and he also had a cognac or brandy at dinner with Shannon (judging by the type of glass). But when he's most comfortable and relaxed, having a drink with Buck or the team, he's drinking beer.
We don't see him drinking after a rough day unless he's talking things through with Buck over a beer. If he keeps anything beyond beer in his home, it’s kept out of sight. There was no visible alcohol in his house in Texas either.
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Beer: 12 | Wine: 11 | Spirits: 6 | Cocktails: 2
Buck is pretty evenly split between beer and wine.
He worked as a bartender, but he doesn’t seem to have much interest in alcohol beyond having a drink with other people. This makes me think he wanted to bartend for the social aspect of it, not because he particularly cares about spirits or making cocktails.
Buck also doesn't seem to care about the quality of what he drinks. Chimney's go-to bottle is about $40-50, while Buck's doing shots of bottom shelf tequila with Taylor and Hen, and drinking a full pint glass of watery margarita with Lucy. (This man should stop drinking tequila.)
The first time the Buckleys all have dinner together, Phillip has scotch and Buck has wine, but the second and third times, Buck opts for scotch with his dad. These are the only times we've seen him drink scotch, so I assume he did because his dad did.
The only time we've seen Buck drink alone was while he was depressed after the blood clot, as there were a few empty beer bottles scattered around his kitchen when Eddie showed up, and he was sitting with an empty beer bottle when Eddie and Chris came by after the tsunami.
He has a small wine rack on the kitchen counter that has a few bottles in it, and occasionally there's a wine bottle grouped with the olive oil/other cooking bottles.
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Random Observations:
Buck and Eddie didn't have a beer together on screen until 3x9, the Kitchen Scene.
Athena frequently drinks wine at Bobby's apartment in s2. They keep alcohol in their home (out of sight) and he has no problem pouring wine for others.
I'm pretty sure that the only time we saw Buck drink in all of s1 was (trying) to have a glass of wine on his date with Abby.
Hen and Athena almost always drink wine at each other's houses. I think they only had beers once.
Anyway, I think prop alcohol is really interesting and I have a passion for label design, and this is what I've chosen to do with that. Hopefully I didn't miss too much.
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zoomguanyu · 7 months
Ranking the Las Vegas Driver Lineup Show by how well the drivers BSed
I finally watched some of the Vegas pre show, particularly where the drivers were shown, and decided to rank them on how well the drivers pretended they cared.
These are all my opinion by the way and all screenshots were taken off shitty mobile YouTube. So enjoy the low quality attempt here.
10. Williams Racing
These two had a delayed start to their waving, and when they do start, they look like they can’t give a shit. Logan tries to keep some enthusiasm going by continuously waving while Alex stops, realizes he should try and match Logan’s energy, then changes his mind and stops waving. Absolutely hilarious.
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9. Aston Martin
These two appeared on screen with their hands on their hips and the energy of a disappointed dads and kept that energy with half effort waves. Fernando didn’t even bother to smile which only adds to it, and Lance has the expression of “please help me.”
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8. McLaren
Oscar looks like he’s half lost up there and Lando didn’t raise his hand any higher than his shoulders after the camera swung towards him. Like Aston Martin, they don’t hide that they don’t want to be there.
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7. AlphaTauri
Yuki started waving then saw Daniel clapping and switched to clapping. Unbeknownst to him, Daniel changed to waving at the same time. Peak comedy.
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6. Alfa Romeo
Guanyu began with the royalty wave by not moving his hand, only doing so when he saw Valtteri waving. Valtteri did go the extra effort to throw in both his hands as well as give a thumbs up.
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5. Ferrari
These two were pretty good at their enthusiasm. Charles never stopped waving and Carlos made an effort to acknowledge the crowd all around them.
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4. Red Bull
Checo played into it better than Max but both look a little dead inside. However they never stopped waving and they both turned together to acknowledge the crowd behind.
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3. Mercedes
They may have not taken their eyes off the crowd in front of them, but they were the best at playing into the show with a smile that could fool the average person. Double points for starting their wave in sync.
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2. Haas
The Haas boys know what classy looks like. Neither are over the top and they acknowledged the whole crowd together. They also got the furthest camera angle so it’s hard to see their expressions in full.
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1. Alpine
These two waved and turned nearly in sync. They may not have the biggest smiles, but they were the most coordinated with their enthusiasm and looked like they cared.
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birdclowns · 1 month
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happy wednesday! have you had your torture fix recently? 🔪
thank u for the tags @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @heartstringsduet
@im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @paperstorm @carlos-tk 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 I hope to fuck those tags work I haven't done this is in Forever
“He doesn't have manners, does he?” Denton asks from behind the camera, as if Carlos is actually in the room with them to answer. His voice is mocking as he continues to talk, directed towards TK, “Not gonna tell the detective how much you love him? Or beg like a dog for him to come and save you? Don't act like you're having too much fun honeybee, because he may just decide you aren't worth the energy to save.”
“He knows I love him,” TK says sharply, and Carlos removes his gaze from the gruesome mess of red that paints husband's torso, to his face. He’s looking into the camera once more, a snarl on his face replacing the despondency that was coloring it, life seemingly brought back at the thought of Carlos not knowing TK loves him. He prods the knife still clutched in his left hand in the direction of Denton, an unconscious threat. “And he will save me. That's a promise I know he'll keep, you sadistic freak.”
Pride ignites within Carlos at the thought of TK never giving up hope, for endlessly trusting that Carlos will find him. “It is a promise,” he murmurs, lips barely moving as he's transfixed on the screen, “I'll find you baby.” He will – this tape will be scrubbed, and there will be clues, and Carlos will find his husband.
The pride is extinguished, a bucket of ice water thrown directly into each of Carlos’ nerves at the sudden terror on TK’s face. His eyes are wide, complexion pale, even in the low hue of the single hanging light source, and he mouths silent words, lips trembling. The knife is brought back down to his side, hanging limply in his hand, the weapon forgotten. The camera rapidly zooms in shakily, Denton stalking closer to TK as he takes a step back, leg catching on Frankie’s strapped thighs, trapping himself.
“I'm sorry, sir,” Carlos barely hears, the words meek, the knife clattering as TK lets it go, leaning into Frankie's conscious, but bound form. The cop's legs twitch within their bindings, eyes narrowed as TK's hand braces on his right thigh. “I'm so sorry.”
open tag aaaaaand —
@mooshkat @thebumblecee @reyesstrand @welcometololaland
@inkweedandlizards @bonheur-cafe @sanjuwrites @louis-ii-reyes-strand
@alrightbuckaroo @lightningboltreader @herefortarlos @thisbuildinghasfeelings
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breakavleheaven · 11 months
Authors note:
This is a series I’m writing called revival. It will be my first ever fic I’ve written so please be easy on me. I think most parts will be inspired by a tswift song🫶🏻 part one is loosely based on the song gorgeous. I hope you enjoy 😊
There will be a few time jumps in this series, nothing too major. Probably a few continuity errors eg. how long carlos and Celine have been together vs what team he was with during those years.
Parings: Carlos Saniz x oc , eventual Lando Norris x oc
Angst, slow burn, Bad/inappropriate language, slight age gap Carlos is 5 years older than oc. Asshole!Carlos. Mentions of cheating. Sexual themes. Google translated Spanish. Scuderia Ferrari.
Maybe a few grammar mistakes.
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Pt 1. Gorgeous
What. The. Fuck.
Celine's mind was racing as she couldn't help but think that the past five years had just been flushed down the drain. Her time wasted, and the years she and Carlos had spent together building their lives were over. Struggling to control her silent sobs in the club bathroom, the scene she had just witnessed kept replaying on a loop in her head.
Minutes ago, she had seen Carlos making out with another woman in the back of a dark Vegas club. The woman was straddling him, her hands running through Carlos' signature dark and flawless hair. His hands were roaming her backside, gripping her ass. It was then that Celine caught a glimpse of the ring that adorned his right pointer finger. It was unmistakably clear that it was the one she had bought him for their five-year anniversary that past spring.
They should be celebrating Carlos' first-place podium finish and securing Ferrari's second place in the constructor's championship. But instead, she saw him entangled with another woman, and her heart was shattered.
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2 hours earlier- 2023 Las Vegas Grand Prix
As Celine sat in the Ferrari garage, she couldn't control her nerves, watching her boyfriend drive at insane speeds down the last Vegas strip for the past hour and a half. Four laps to go, and Carlos was in second place, a few hundredths of a second behind Max. She was oblivious to the camera that was focused on her as she listened intently to her boyfriend's radio.
His engineer's voice came through the radio system. "Carlos, you are .100 of a second behind Verstappen. Keep pushing, we can do this. Norris is .200 behind."
"You do not need to tell me, I have eyes. You will mess up my concentration."
Celine rolled her eyes and let out a slight laugh. Yeah, Ferrari's strategy hasn't always had the best track record, but they have been on top of it this year.
"We are now on the second-last lap of the first Las Vegas Grand Prix, and it has been an exciting one. Verstappen is in the lead, but the Spanish driver Sainz is right behind him and shows no sign of letting up." The excited voice of Martin Bundel rang through the F1 broadcast.
Celine's sweaty hands gripped together in front of her like a prayer, her Ferrari red nails digging into her skin, and her bottom lip she was biting so hard blood was bound to start flowing out.
"Last lap, and Sainz is still not letting up. He has an opportunity to pass coming up at the next corner. Will he go for it?"
She inhaled deeply.
Celine threw off her headphones and jumped up out of her seat.
"The Ferrari has done it! Carlos Sainz has won the first-ever Las Vegas Grand Prix and secured Ferrari's second place in the Constructors' Championship. That's P1 for Sainz, P2 for Verstappen, and P3 for Norris." Crofty shouted excitedly.
As she made her way to the barrier of parc fermé, tears started flowing. She was so proud after all the years he had struggled. He may have only just won a race and landed Ferrari that second place in the Constructors' Championship, but he had fought hard, and overtaking Max, especially on the last lap, was no easy task.
Carlos, like all the other drivers, was too many points behind Max to be awarded the world champion at the next race in Abu Dhabi, but regardless, she couldn't help but beam at what her boyfriend had accomplished.
As he pulled up, she was pushing her way to the front of the barrier to greet him, with most of the engineers moving out of her way. He spotted her right away and ran over, placing a longing kiss on her lips and said, "Eso fue para ti. Te amaré por siempre." (That was for you. I love you forever.) She beamed at him. "You are amazing, my love," she replied. He then greeted and thanked his team for all their work.
When Lando hopped out of his car, he approached Carlos and gave him a pat on the back, and the two congratulated each other. Lando went to where his family and team were to thank them, and his eyes quickly scanned the crowd before spotting Celine. She could have sworn his grin became a little wider. He then approached her and reached over to give her a hug. "Congrats, Lando. You had a great race!" she said with a smile. You consider Lando a close friend, ever since he and Carlos were teammates at McLaren. The two of you were slightly closer in age than yourself and Carlos, and you formed a quick friendship. You still stayed friends even as Carlos moved to Ferrari.
The podium celebrations were chaotic, to say the least, with the three men completely soaking each other in champagne.
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Bringing herself back to reality, she quickly realized she needed to get a grip. Carlos didn't know she had just witnessed his infidelity. One thing she knew for sure was cheating was inexcusable, and she was not interested in continuing their relationship, no matter how many years were being thrown away.
She took a few minutes to gather herself and took some deep breaths, rinsed her face with cool water from the tap, and removed any of her ruined makeup. She found her mascara, concealer, and lipstick in her bag and quickly reapplied them.
Celine looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. You wouldn't be able to guess she was bawling her eyes out a few minutes before. She straightened out her tight black dress that hugged her body perfectly and knew she looked hot. She came to a decision—for the time being, she was going to pretend that she had witnessed nothing. Just because he ruined her didn't mean she was going to ruin this night for anyone else here. She wasn't selfish. She was going to get drunk, have a good time, and avoid Carlos to the best of her ability until she could deal with him.
She finally stepped out of the bathroom and made her way back into the crowded area of the club. Carlos quickly spotted her and came to her side. She wanted to push him away, but she resisted the temptation.
"Amor, where have you been? You had me worried for a bit," he said. Mentally, she rolled her eyes, but she looked up at him through her long eyelashes with the best fake grin and said, "I went to the bathroom but realized I needed a bit of air, so I stepped out for a few minutes with Alexandra," knowing the elegant brunette girlfriend of his teammate would have her back. He smiled gently at her before asking if she was alright, to which she responded she was just getting too hot inside the crowded club. She told him she was going to grab a drink at the bar, which he nodded to and placed a kiss on her forehead. She walked away, and then wiped her forehead when she knew he wouldn't be watching.
She got to the bar and quickly ordered a shot of tequila and a double vodka soda. The curly-haired man next to her asked to add another tequila to that, then turned to face her with a grin. She saw the fresh glass of whiskey in his hands, slightly swirling around in his glass with the ice hitting the side of the glass with a slight clink, she realized it was Lando.
“Wow, tequila shots alone?" she smirked. "When in Vegas," she replied with a wink. Lando let out a low chuckle. "You look beautiful tonight, Celine," he complimented. "Thank you, Lando. You clean up pretty nice yourself.”
She temporarily got lost in her thoughts as she realized Carlos hadn't even complimented her tonight. The sound of glasses being placed on the counter pulled her from her thoughts. Lando was quick to place a few bills on the counter to cover both drinks.
"You don't have to do that," she told the Brit. He just smiled at her and shook his head. "If anything, I should be buying you a drink, Mr. P3," he rolled his eyes. "A thank you would be fine, Celine," she smirked. "Thank you, Lando," she said sweetly as the pair raised their shot glasses and clinked them together. She brought the glass to her mouth, tipped it back, swallowed quickly, and then licked her lips. Lando's eyes flickered down to her lips. She pretended not to notice. She had always found Lando attractive. Anyone with eyes would say the same thing. He had this frat boy vibe that was working for him. But she was in a relationship, so she had never really thought about it. Or rather, she had been in a relationship up until 30 minutes ago. She gave Lando a smile before thanking him again for the drinks, grabbing her vodka soda, and walking off to find Alex.
Lando knew he was in trouble, even from the first time Carlos brought Celine to the McLaren garage. He had harbored a small crush on the woman for years, but since she was his ex-teammate's & friend's girlfriend, he pushed those feelings away and pretended he didn't feel that way. He had mastered it so well he thought he could have won an Oscar.
She looked so gorgeous today, majorly so. It physically pained him. Even at the race when he saw her at the barricade, his stomach flipped. Oh, how he wished she was there to cheer him on. He shouldn't even be thinking about her like this. He really shouldn't have been flirting with her at the bar, and he certainly shouldn't have bought her those drinks either. But he couldn't resist. That short black dress she was wearing did nothing to help his thoughts. It hugged her curves in all the right places, showcasing her cleavage and sculpted butt. Not to mention when she licked her lips, he couldn't help but let his mind wander. He would love to taste her lips and pull her bottom lip between his teeth, then she would let out a small moan—He groaned and shook his head. No, no way, nope. He couldn't be thinking about Carlos' girlfriend like that. This was making him miserable.
Part 2 part 3
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mediumtires · 1 year
i can’t get over the intimacy of sharing a 17 hour flight.
have you ever been on a long haul flight? you get comfortable. and i mean. real comfortable. these men live in hotel rooms and cars and airplanes for the better part of the year. they know how to travel comfortably.
it’s sweatpants and slippers and audiobooks. christian and toto probably slept in close proximity of each other. do you know how vulnerable that makes a person? sworn enemy two rows in front to the left and christian nodding off with airpods in and a neck pillow? are you joking?
toto with an eyemask on and christian makes fun of him for it and toto scrambles to explain “i got my eyes lasered last week OK”. christian keeps chuckling for two hours straight as an excuse to keep looking over at his archenemy with the dark tousled hair. literally watches him sleep.
and fred. just literally in the middle of the aisle doing squats and engaging absolutely anyone in conversation because he’s bored. poor stewards have to squeeze past him every time christian calls them over.
meals. they’ll be eating together, at the same time. it’s such a weirdly intimate thing to eat on a flight, you can’t tell me it’s not. toto with a napkin tucked into his collar, christian rolling his eyes at him. fred already stuffing his face because standing up has him starving also he’s bored.
and. according to my main man carlos, the one way to fight australian jet lag is to stay awake the whole flight. we’ve all heard it, we’ve all seen it, he kept us updated. i can’t see these three old men staying awake for the whole thing but there will certainly be awake time. there will be work getting done (everyone but fred let’s be real), there will be books and music, maybe toto watches a movie and christian annoys him until he turns on the subtitles so he can watch along from behind. then he makes fun of toto’s choice of movie (i’m thinking top gun) for the rest of the flight. maybe toto meditates and christian can’t believe his eyes. in between toto will get up to get the blood flowing and he’ll do his squats right next to christian’s seat. i am convinced he has a night time routine and he WILL be doing it on the plane. he’ll offer christian his snacks.
and this is all fun and games ok but ABOVE ALL. they must have been talking.
and this is what has me insane because christian is SUCH a pr guy. like he is such a sucker for having cameras around and playing it up as this big respected team boss when in reality he’s just a big ass softie whenever there’s no one around to judge him. and he had to built this image of himself. he was the youngest tp, no f1 experience when he started and also - may i remind everyone - he’s short. tiny. he had to puff out his chest and bark at everything and everyone but he had to be charming about it too and this is literally how he learned to play the media so well. he is the king of pr. he knows how important image and perception are. BUT. i so very strongly believe he drops the act when he’s sure no cameras are around and that’s why he’s so well liked in the paddock. considering the portrayal of him in the media, i would keep a twenty feet distance to that man at all times but people aren’t are they? he’s well liked.
cameras off, he’s a nice guy. funny. probably very knowledgable about the sport, likes to give advice and help smaller teams. not necessarily merc. but basically everyone else. he can hold a conversation without making stupid comments all the time. and that’s what he and toto do too! the media and everything 2021 has made them into something aggressive and founded in hate and disrespect but actually, they were friendly with each other long before 2021 and they managed to be adults about the whole thing (so surprising tbh). THEY ARE STILL FRIENDS. and so they are okay with things like sharing long haul flights and sleeping in each others proximity etc etc etc even when christian makes a throwaway comment about it after like “oh toto was there too, got his eyes lasered or sumin idk i didn’t really ask”
BRO YOU HAD 17 HOURS ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME YOU DIDNT SPEAK TO TOTO ONCE THE ENTIRE TIME. try again. he asked about his eyes and then went on to complain about his tummy ache and THEN he probably filled toto in on geri’s race horses and they shared stories about having to build lego cars on christmas day with their sons who are literally the same age, all of it over some shitty airplane lasagne.
you can’t fool me christian horner you can’t
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vickwrites · 2 years
Carlos' crash is stuck in my head.. so maybe, if it inspires your muse.. You used to work with Carlos at McLaren, but when he left for Ferrari, he asked you to come.. but you couldn't leave behind the McLaren fam..
So now you're working with Danny Ric, but it isn't quite the same. Or perhaps you're only now realising you may have had feelings.
You watch his crash at the Japan GP and Daniel and Lando try and get you to relax and stop worrying.. but nothing quite fixes things like seeing 'mr gorgeous hair' in person post crash.
Missing you - Carlos Sainz
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Author’s note: Did I do this a day later? Yes, I'm sorry 
You used to work in Mclaren as Carlos's engineer. You were inseparable and probably spent more time together than Carlos and Lando. So needless to say it was a disaster when he announced he was moving to Ferrari. He did everything he could to get you to Ferrari with him but you couldn't leave Mclaren behind, they were who gave you the opportunity to travel the world and you couldn't just leave them. Much to Carlos's disappointment he still understood where you were coming from.
Now that Carlos was in Ferrari you started working with Daniel. Yeah, you had a really good friendship but nothing like with Carlos. Work wasn't as fun as with Carlos, and hanging out with him now felt different. What hurts the most was not wanting to ruin your friendship with each other just because you had feelings for him. You tried to push your feelings toward Carlos off but they would always be there.
Today was the Japan GP, and it was raining. Nothing out of the ordinary for F1 this year. "Radio check Daniel" The race was starting, rain and all. "Radio check, It's raining really hard." Really hard was an understatement but they weren't delaying the race.
It had started well, until the first corner. Carlos's car slid off the track and into the wall, all while you were giving Daniel race instructions. He noticed the change in your voice, "He's gonna be okay don't worry." He would say over and over to you on the radio while they were getting him out of the car. You were so laser-focused on trying not to mess up Daniel's race that you hadn't even noticed Carlos behind you on the pit wall. "Stop biting your nails you'll regret it later." You could recognize that accent anywhere.
You jumped out of your seat and into his arms, "Don't fucking do that again, you almost gave me a heart attack." you softly hit his chest "And why the fuck does your hair look perfect it's not fair."
He chuckled at you, "I have to look good for you, what if you say no to me asking if I could kiss you." You were actually so glad cameras had caught that moment for you to rewatch over and over, how the man of your dreams finally kissed you.
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vivwritesfics · 7 months
Keep On Rolling - MV1
Chapter Seven
Summary: Lando's best friend having feelings for anyone on the grid? Impossible, right? She worked with them, sharing her friendship with the grid with the world via the FormulaY/N youtube channel.
After film a video including... spicy water (alcohol), everything changes between her and a certain world champion. Good thing she hasn't had a crush on him since his F1 debut, right?
1.6K words
My friends are getting into relationships and I'm running around my hometown trying to find stroopwafels - who's the real winner here?
Series Masterlist
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With all of the drivers in the UK, Y/N had a couple of videos up her sleeve. She had the Q and A video, already filmed, the race day vlog, which she was waiting to film. And then she had something planned for the one, the only, Carlos Sainz.
Lando and Cameraman James helped her to carry the bags of food up to Carlos' hotel room. It was all signature British foods. Jaffa cakes, Terry's chocolate orange, bourbons and custard creams. Everything Y/N and Lando consumed in plenty throughout their childhood.
The idea for the video was simple. They (being Y/N and Lando) were going to be forcing the Spanish Ferrari driver to try their favourite childhood snacks.
"Thanks for letting us do this," she said to Carlos as he let her into his hotel room.
Carlos shook his head. "No, no, I'm excited," he said as Y/N began to empty out her carrier bag. The chocolate and biscuits fell onto Carlos' bed as she emptied out the bag.
"Lan, you picked your ultimate?" She asked as she sat Carlos down. Some of the food was on his lap, the rest waiting to be placed on hers and Landos. In front of them, James was setting up the camera. He flipped the viewfinder, so that Y/N could see and confirm she liked the placement.
Lando picked up the box of shortbread and took his seat, leaving a space for Y/N.
She began emptying the rest of the food onto his lap and took her seat between the two drivers. The box of Jaffa cakes sat in her lap, her ultimate.
What’s an ultimate, you may be wondering? An ultimate was something Y/N and/or any of her cohosts chose to be their favourite of all time. The ultimate was something the guest would try last. In most occasions, they had a story behind them. Y/N’s ultimate was Jaffa cakes because her grandmother used to give her juice and a Jaffa cake on the times she’d pick her up from school instead of her parents.
“Ready?” James called. When Y/N gave a thumbs up, he counted down from three and the video began.
The British crowd was like no other, Y/N realised as she walked through the paddock. For Silverstone, Y/N watched from the hospitality suites. The year before she’d decided to sit with the crowd, and had come out mobbed. The race hadn’t even started and Lando and Charles were already coming to save her.
Now, she didn’t sit with the crowd in Silverstone. Most other Grand Prix, the grandstands were fine for her. In Silverstone, she wouldn’t risk it.
Before the race, she sat with Lando and Oscar as they ate. She had an orange in front of her, one she was struggling to peel. “Any predictions for today?” Asked Oscar.
Not only did Y/N not sit with the fans in Silverstone, but she also didn’t film. Silverstone was the only race where she didn’t do a race day vlog. To Y/N, with Silverstone being the only race she could watch live as a kid, doing a race day vlog, pulling any attention away from Silverstone felt wrong.
“Max winning, Fernando second and Lewis third,” Y/N said after a moment of consideration. “Or Lewis second. I think the home crowd would like that.”
Lando let out a squeak and swallowed the food in his mouth. “Excuse me,” he said and poked Y/N in the side. “This is my home crowd too!” He whined like a child.
“Win seven World Drivers Championships and then speak to me,” Y/N replied, sticking her tongue out at him.
Oscar rolled his eyes. He’d only been Lando’s teammate for a couple of months, but he had already gotten used to their antics. It was almost like Y/N was the third member of their team, the third musketeer.
Lando turned in his seat, turning his whole body to Y/N with his back to Oscar. “You remember what Silverstone means?”
“Of course I know what Silverstone means.”
Silverstone had a lot of rituals for the both of them. Y/N not filming, not sitting with the fans, all of her British themed video that she did with other drivers (with the help of Lando). Last year, she was allowed to look after Roscoe for the day, which became Y/N’s favourite thing to film in Silverstone. She’d meant to ask Lewis about doing it again this year, but, with what was (or wasn’t) going on with Max, Y/N was a little bit distracted.
“I get top three you have to buy me… something,” Lando said to her.
This was another one of the Silverstone traditions. Even when Lando was in F3, they’d done it.
Y/N held out her hand, which Lando grabbed. “You finish outside of the top three, I want…” She thought on it. She could literally have anything she wanted. Last year, she’d gotten Lando to drive her around in the Fiat Jolly. But now it was gone. The bastard had sold it (and Y/N wasn’t ready to forgive him for it). “I want you to take me through the McDonalds Drive Thru.”
It was an odd request, sure. This was something she used to do all of the time with Lando, before he was in Formula One.
Lando lifted their hands, like he was going to start shaking them. But not yet. He just kept them raised. “Okay. If I finish in the top three you need to get me a Dominos.”
It was another thing the two used to do together. Get a Dominos pizza together and watch movies until the early hours of the morning when they were fifteen. They’d watched Rush together as they ate Dominos, laying on Y/N’s living room sofa.
“Deal,” she said and they shook hands.
Once that was done with, Lando sat back.
“Any plans for after the race?” Asked Y/N as she looked over at the Australian.
Oscar shrugged his shoulders. “Take the girlfriend out to dinner, going home for a bit,” he answered her. “You two are going out dancing?” He guessed, eyebrows quirking up.
The Brits looked at each other. “We could,” Y/N said to him, dragging out the last word. “Or, we could go and get that McDonalds.”
“I hope you mean Domino’s.”
“I think we all know I don’t.”
Checking the time on her watch, Y/N abandoned her half-peeled orange and stood up. “If I don’t see you guys before the race, good luck,” she said and kissed Oscar’s cheek. Oscar went bright red as he looked over at Lando. He knew it was all a joke, just to piss Lando off, but it still made him blush. She muttered an apology and sped off, out of the McLaren hospitality unit.
Y/N walked away from the McLaren hospitality unit and down through the paddock, heading towards Ferrari. She had a lot of asking around to do before somebody finally pointed her towards Charles’ drivers room.
She knocked before she pushed her way in. “Woah, woah, woah!” Charles shouted as he quickly pulled up his fireproofs. “Relax,” Y/N muttered as she pushed the door shut behind her and sat on his sofa. “Nothing I haven’t seen before.”
Yes, Y/N had seen Charles without clothes on before. It was completely innocent, before Lando had moved to Monaco. They’d gone out after the Grand Prix and Y/N had ended up back at his to crash on his sofa.
In the middle of the night Y/N had reached a subscriber milestone. She couldn’t much remember what it was (due to the alcohol consumed that night), but she remembered bursting into Charles’ bedroom to show him. He’d been getting changed at the time, his girlfriend at that time waiting in the bed.
“What do you want?” He asked, sitting on the sofa beside, placing his arm behind her head.
“Well I did come to wish you good luck, but don’t worry about it,” she muttered and began picking at her nails.
Charles looked at her from under his Ferrari cap. “Have you been home yet?”
She nodded her head and pulled out her phone. “Want to see my cat pictures?”
You’ve got to feel sorry for Charles Leclerc. He sat there, looking through Y/N’s cat pictures until he had to get into the car. While Ferrari got everything ready, Y/N made her way back to the McLaren Hospitality suite.
It was kind of odd, watching a race without filming a race day vlog. She needed something to do with her hands while she waited for the formation lap to start.
Lando was lining up second on the grid and Y/N couldn’t be prouder of him. She had a feeling she’d be shelving out for Domino’s pizza before the night was up.
Spoiler alert, Lando was on the podium. Y/N was down there with Zac Brown and the rest of the McLaren team. She filmed Lando as he stood on the podium and sprayed the champagne on Max and Lewis.
That night, Y/N was back at Lando’s, pizzas in front of them as they watched a movie. “Genuinely, Lan, I’m so proud of you,” she said as they swapped slices of pizza.
“I’m just glad I didn’t have to take you to McDonalds,” he muttered as they ate. Lando sat there, legs stretched out, leaning against the bed. Y/N was behind him, sat on the bed with her legs folded beneath her.
Things were quiet as they watched the movie. They didn’t need to speak, just enjoying each other’s company.
Halfway through her pizza, Y/N shut her pizza box and placed it on the side. She scooted up the bed, leaning against the pillows. Lando was still sitting on the floor, making his way through the pizza.
“Are you coming away with me during summer break?” He asked, eating everything but the crusts of his pizza.
“Is this your way of inviting me with you?”
Pushing his pizza box away, Lando joined her on the bed. “Be honest, what’re you going to do if you don’t come with me?”
Y/N shrugged her shoulders. She’d spent every summer break since 2019 following the drivers to oh so sunny countries or spending time on their Yachts. Summer break shows Y/N a life of luxury she couldn’t afford otherwise. “Maybe I’ll go home for a bit. Spend some time with the family. Maybe I’ll go with someone else.”
“Who?” Lando asked through a scoff.
Again, she shrugged. “Maybe I’ll go somewhere with Danny or Charles or Max.”
“You want to spend summer break with Max?”
“Or Danny, or Charles, or anyone else,” she replied, staring at him. “Why do you keep focusing on Max?”
“I’m not focusing on Max,” Lando replied as he rolled his eyes.
Y/N quickly turned to him. “Yes! Yes, Lan, yes you do,” she said, staring down at him. “Is this because of those pictures and articles from a month ago?”
“No, Y/N. I’m just trying to look after you, okay?”
“Lando.” Her voice was edged with warning. The McLaren driver just looked up at her. “Lando, what did you do?”
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hockeyshmockey · 2 years
Carlos Sainz- Regrets
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summary: after meddling to get his sister and former team mate together, Lando may have regrets (4+1)
warnings: none, just grumpy lando
wc: 1.6k
It was two weeks after Imola, and Lando found himself banging on Carlos’ hotel door in Spain. The two had plans to grab lunch, and after waiting in the lobby for ten minutes, Lando had decided to go make sure the Spainard was awake. 
As soon as the door opened, Lando pushed inside. “Mate, c’mon. I’m hungry!”
Lando failed to notice Carlos’ rumpled state, and made his way to plop on the couch in the room. 
“Nope, no excuses, lets go,” Lando crosses his arms and glared at Carlos until he made his way to his suitcase with a sigh. The younger brunette looked around the room in boredom, his attention quickly caught by the white heeled boots in the corner.  
“Carlos,” Lando glared at the shoes. “Did you have a lady friend over?” Lando had been disappointed to hear no great stories from his matchmaking attempt in Imola. Both Natalia and Carlos had just mentioned the dinner, and that it was nice, but nothing else. So knowing his sister liked Carlos, Lando was feeling a bit offended on her behalf that Carlos was with other women. 
“Lando,” Carlos came out of his room with shorts and a polo on. “It is not what it looks like.”
“What do you mean?” Lando stood up and looked around. “You have a girl, that’s great. Have you told-”
Lando cut himself off when he caught sight of a white bedazzled jean jacket hanging on a chair. It was customized with McLaren colors, and Lando’s own number. He knew it vividly, considering he had bought it for his older sister for Christmas. 
“Oh my god!” Lando squealed. “It’s Natalia?”
Carlos looked at the younger man nervously as he shook his head. “It is.”
“So she’s here this weekend?” Lando asked incredulously. “We live together, how did she keep that from me?”
“Nat?” Lando yelled out as he let himself into her house with the key she had given him when he had lived with her during quarantine. He made his way into the kitchen, stopping short when he saw the figure at the dining table with his sister, both on laptops.
“Hello muppet!” Carlos grinned brightly from the table, Natalia looking up as well.  
“Hey Lan, what’s up,” she stood up, walking over to hug him lightly before heading to the kitchen island. “Want a sandwich? We made some for lunch.”
“What is he doing here?” Lando narrowed his eyes at Carlos, who just kept smiling. 
“What do you mean?” Natalia asked as she brought out a plate to put the extra sandwich on. “Here, do you want something to drink too?”
Lando sat at the island, turning over his shoulder when he heard Carlos’ laughing. “Why are you laughing?”
“It just makes me laugh,” Carlos stood up and brought his plate over to put in the dishwasher. “She turns into a big sister as soon as you get here.”
“Oi!” Natalia swatted at the Spainard with her dish towel, scowling as he laughed and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Don’t pout,” Carlos placed a kiss to her forehead, the couple ignoring Lando’s scoff from where he was munching on his sandwich.
“Alright, that’s P5 Lando, P5. Nice drive mate,” Willam called down the radio to the younger man. “We have Leclerc P1, Verstappen P2, Sainz P3 and Russel P4.”
“Nice mate,” Lando grinned, running his car through the cool down lap. “Good job everyone.”
By the time Lando got out of his car, he could hear the anthem playing for Charles, and the Ferrari team screaming along. As the car pulled to a stop, Lando took out the wheel and heaved himself out of the car, giving the mechanics some back slaps before making his way over his press officer, Melania. 
“Ok, let’s get some interviews in before they come in off the podium,” the young woman grinned, leading him to the media pen. Lando made his way through a few typical interviews before he made his way to the Sky Sports team. 
“Lando,” Natalie grinned at him behind the camera. “How are you feeling after that drive?” Lando spent a few moments talking about the way the car drove that day, how he was hoping to improve, and more. 
“Now, getting away from the car,” Natalie’s eyes twinkled with mischief. “We noticed you were joined by your family this weekend. How was that?”
Lando tried not quirk a brown in surprise but answered her. “Yes, my mum and sister joined this weekend. It’s always great to have them here with me, fuels me a little.”
“Of course,” she nodded. “We did see your sister over at Parc Ferme a little bit ago. Let’s look at a quick video.” Lando looked at the phone in the woman’s hand which was showing the two Ferraris and their drivers exiting the cars. 
Charles and Carlos headed for the line of Ferrari workers, accepting hugs. Lando tried to keep a straight face when he recognized the beaming face looking out in a sea of red, Carlos making his way to his sister. 
Natalia reached out to the Spainard, smacking his helmet softly as Carlos reached up to remove his helmet and baclava. When he did, the video zoomed in as Carlos reached over to cup her cheek and swooped down to kiss her. 
Lando looked back to Natalie, trying to keep a straight face. “So,” Natalie smirked. “Carlos seems to have a new partner.”
“Seems so,” Lando’s eyes darted around before he began to laugh. Melanie cut in quickly, ending his time with Skysports. 
“That was one way for them to go public,” Lando giggled as he walked to the garage, beaming as he came across Carlos. “Good drive mate,” he gave the man a hug. “Could’ve warned me about smacking one on my sister.”
“I can’t believe Oliver has gotten married,” Lando muttered to Luisa as the couple watched Oliver and Savannah talking with their family outside of the church. 
The two were joined quickly by Natalia and Carlos. “You feeling like it’s your turn next,” Lando joked with the older couple, wrapping his arm around Luisa. 
“It will be,” Carlos looked down at Natalia with a soft smile, the girl blushing as she giggled. 
“We’ll see,” Natalia commented, quickly turning her attention to their mother who joined the four of them. 
Soon after, the wedding was at the reception stage. The Norris’ family and friends had spent time eating, drinking and dancing, and the night was finally beginning to wind down. Lando took his own seat, sipping on his last drink as he watched the last few groups on the dance floor dissolve as a slow song came on.
He smiled when he saw Savannah and Oliver stay out, his brother and his sister in law completely wrapped up as the swayed to the Etta James song playing. His parents were out there too. He was glad Luisa’s feet were killing her or he knew he would be there too. 
In the corner of the dance floor, his eyes softened at the sight of his sister and his friend in their own world. “They’re really good together,” he murmured to Luisa, the brunette snuggling into his side. 
“He’s a good man. He will take care of her,” his girlfriend commented. The couple continued to watch the older pair, in both of their minds thinking of the perfect match they had come to be. 
+ 1
“Is this thing on?” Lando tapped on the mic, the group laughing as he grinned, taking a sip of his drink. “I wanted to say thank you guys all for being here. I think a few years ago, it was a bit of a dream that I would be standing here. But deep down, I knew it would happen.”
Natalia leaned her chin against her hand, watching her little brother with a soft smile. A hand snaked around her waist, pulling her body closer to his. 
Lando turned to Natalia and Carlos, the three sharing smiles. “A few years ago, I came to the startling conclusion that Carlos and Nat had feelings for each other. And after some elaborate planning, I was able to get them on a date, and the rest is history.”
“Was it really elaborate?” Carlos whispered in Natalia’s ear, the two giggling as Lando faux glared. 
“Carlos, you and I became best mates basically the minute we met,” Lando grinned. “We spent years as team mates, and then we spent years as competitors. But at the end of the day, I always knew you had my back, and I always knew you would treat Natalia the way she deserved.”
Natalia awed as both Carlos and Lando’s eyes turned glassy. “Nat, even when I didn’t want it, you always looked out for me. Mom was running after 5 kids, and you were always there to lead our little group. Growing up I thought you were overbearing,” here the crowd laughed as Lando shrugged. 
“She knows, we used to fight about it,” he grinned at a laughing Natalia. “But Nat, you were truly my best friend. You were the first person I went to when I messed up, or when I had a bad idea, or did something exciting. And nothing could make me happier to be standing here today.”
Lando smiled softly at this sight in front of him. His sister in a beautiful white silk dress, leaning into Carlos’ side, the man himself in a sleek black tux. “The moment you two went out for the first time, I could have called we would be sitting here today.” 
Carlos and Natalia laughed as Lando raised his glass. “So here’s to my sister, and my now official brother. To many years of love, and happiness, and plenty of more racing.”
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