#carly nugent
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JOMP BPC - Aug 2nd - Currently Reading
my first pick for August (and for Booklr Reads Australian) is Sugar by Carly Nugent, which is about a teenage girl living with diabetes. I hope I like it because there’s a severe lack of chronic illness rep in Australian YA and I’d love to have something to recommend!
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boycalledric · 4 months
Nike “Until We All Win" from Elastic on Vimeo.
Client: Nike
Agency: W+K PORTLAND Global Creative Directors: Alberto Ponte, Ryan O’Rourke Creative Directors: Chris Groom, Antony Goldstein Copywriter: Darcie Burrell Art Director: Patty Orlando Head of Production: Matt Hunnicutt Senior Producer: Molly Tait Tanen Producer: Katie McCain Creative Management: John Radaza Studio Designer: Deb Lee
Retoucher: Fraizer Goodbody Strategic Planning: Andy Lindblade, Nathan Goldberg Media/Comms Planning: Reme DeBisschop, Ryan Craven, Justin Bradly Account Team: Chris Willingham, Vanessa Miller, Anna Boteva, Carly Williamson Senior Business Affairs Manager: Alicia Willett Broadcast Traffic: Tim Bell, Maggie Harasyn ____________________________________________________________________________­­­­­­­
VFX VFX Studio: a52
 VFX Supervisor: Andy Rafael Barrios 
2D VFX Artist(s): Andy Rafael Barrios, Dan Ellis, Gabe Sanchez 
Roto Artists: Tiffany Germann 
Producer: Michael Steinmann Production Coordinator: Andrew Rosenberger 
Executive Producers: Patrick Nugent & Kim Christensen 
Managing Director: Jennifer Sofio Hall
Design Studio: Elastic Creative Director: Angus Wall, Lisa Bolan Designers: Kaya Thomas, Pete Sickbert-Bennett, Charles Khoury Animators: Charles Khoury, Julia Wright, Peter Murphy, Steven Do, Mark Feldman, Earl Burnley Producer: Michael Steinmann Producer: Michael Ross Head of Production: Kate Berry Executive Producer: Luke Colson Managing Director: Jennifer Sofio Hall ____________________________________________________________________________
EDITORIAL Editorial Company: Exile Editor: Katie Turinski, Steve Nelson Post Producer: Vietan Nguyen, Melissa Tanzer Executive Post Producer: Sasha Hirschfeld ____________________________________________________________________________
COLOR Company: a52 Colorist: Paul Yacono Color Producer: Jenny Bright ____________________________________________________________________________
MUSIC Artist: Oneohtrix Point Never Song: Boring Angel Sound Designer: Noah Woodburn ____________________________________________________________________________
MIX Audio Post Studio: Eleven Sound Audio Mixer: Jeff Payne Audio Assistant: Andrew Smith Executive Producer: Melissa Elston Producer: Maddee Bonniot
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watusichris · 1 year
DEVO, Los Angeles Reader, Oct. 20, 1978
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Take it from a fairly recent refugee, there are some basic problems with the American Midwest. “Morning Devotions” heralds the TV sign-offs around 1:30 a.m.
You have to drive 10 miles in the middle of the night to pick up a six-pack at the nearest Stop-n-Go. The jukeboxes in the local saloons feature Carly Simon, Dan Hill and college fight songs. The women have thighs like telephone poles, butts like half-empty potato sacks and think that down jackets and air-force parkas are high fashion. Mostly, the Midwest just stinks. Literally. The air is perfumed by the belched exhalations of a million factories stoking the Dispoz-a-Culture. In Chicago, you strangle on bitter lungfuls of “ozone alert” air. In Gary, the sky shines orange with the filings of the local steel mills. And in Akron, you can smell the essence of the Rubber City’s tire factories standing in the atmosphere like a hundred wheelies.
Post industrial depression in the Midwest breed a certain kind of teenager and a certain kind of rock ‘n’ roll. Midwestern kids escape into rock with a sort of fervent desperation bred by the mind-dulling landscape. A Midwestern rock show is a combination concert, party and fire-fight. Anyone who has ever witnessed a show at Chicago’s Aragon, Cleveland’s Agora or Detroit’s Cobo Hall knows what I mean. It’s not surprising that Vietnam writer Michael Herr, in a recent issue of Crawdaddy magazine, used nothing but combat metaphors to describe a Ted Nugent show in Detroit.
Aggressive rockers demand aggressive music, and Midwestern rock has an impressive history. Midwestern punk-pop of the early and mid-sixties bred such bands as the Cryan’ Shames, the Buckinghams and the imoortal Shadows of Knight (of “Gloria” fame), who barnstormed their way through teen rock clubs with funny names like the Sugar Shack and the Wild Goose. In the late sixties, which had already spawned the classic soul music of the decade, gave birth to the heavy metal Motor City Madness of such groups as the MC5 and the Stooges. The impact of Midwestern rock is being felt in the commercial rock of the late seventies. Such current hot sellers as Bob Seger, Ted Nugent and REO Speedwagon have all been around for 10 years, hauling ass and equipment from Cedar Rapids to Urbana to East Lansing, playing 200-plugs gigs a year, thrilling hordes of drunk, luded-out kids with a uniquely plains-derived brand of no-nonsense thunderrock.
Although balls-out rock still reigns supreme in the heartlands, there is growing evidence that the seventies are breeding a potent new strain of mutant rock. Strange noises have begun to emanate from, of all place, Ohio, where an insular group of young intellectuals anr cok ‘n’ rollers are making music that could change the face of popular music in the eighties. The industrial centers of Cleveland and (more important) Akron have brought forth a small nucleus of crazed rockers influenced by such diverse sources as Captain Beefheart, musique concrete, and the Stooges.
Two bands stand out in Cleveland: the frantic, nihilistic agressorockers the Dead Boys, who seem intent on one-upping the death-enamored shenanigans of Iggy and the Stooges; and Pere Ubu, perhaps the most intense and radical band in America today, who combine gnarled vocals, synthesized blips and roars, and twisted saxophones into a frightening vision of the void. Pere Ubu’s first album The Modern Dance (Blank Records 001) and Datapanik in the Year Zero (Radar English import RDR 1) are unreservedly recommended to those with a taste for music played on the outside. The Dead Boys’ two records are uneven, but may be appreciated by lovers of the loud and stooped in rock ‘n’ roll.
But Akron is where the action is, it appears. Stiff Records recent sampler The Akron Compilation (Stiff import Get 3) demonstrates the energy and diversity present in the Rubber City. Influences range from Brenda Lee to Jeff Beck to Frank Zappa. We should thank Stiff for putting together these homegrown singles for posterity; if it weren’t for The Akron Compilation, interesting limited editions by such unusual talents as Jane Aire and the Belvederes, Rachel Sweet, Tin Huey, the Bizarros and the Rubber City Rebels would vanish without a bubble on the surface. That would be a pity, because the album is full of unusual songs, enticing hooks, contorted rhythms and odd vocals that advertise the true flowering of Middle American strangeness.
Oddly enough, the most esoteric, forbidding and demonic of all Akron bands is the same band that has attracted the most attention and garnered the greatest popularity. This is, of course, the De-evolution Band, better known as DEVO.
DEVO excited the cognoscenti last spring with their astounding first single “Jocko Homo” b/w “Mongoloid.” The single, home-made on the band’s own Boojie Boy label, laid out their entire concept, a kind of flip side of Darwin that dictates the reverse evolution of mankind back to apedom. “God mad man, but a monkey supplied the glue,” DEVO sang, implying that the glue is rapidly becoming the essence. In this world, DEVO said, a mongoloid can wear a suit, hold down a job, and nobody will give a good goddamn.
DEVO’s rather rarified ideology could have been boring, were it not powered by a rock ‘n’ roll rhythm full of exhilaration and humor. The descending chords and synthesized blurps of “Jocko Homo” offered up a band that, while they seemed deadly serious about their message, imbued it with a sense of warped humor.
The group’s second self-recorded release, “Satisfaction,” may prove to be a major recording of the seventies. In the Rolling Stones’ original version of that rock classic, Mick Jagger’s tough, pitiless voice belied his sung “I can’t get no satisfaction.” We all knew he was getting all the satisfaction he could handle; it was the audience of the song that identified with the message.
In DEVO’s “Satisfaction,” the disjointed rhythmic pulse and Mark Mothersbaugh’s quirky vocals turn Jagger’s hymn of self-reliance into a psalm of modern defeat. The group turns an archetype of macho-rock posing into a real expression of tension and impotence, leavened, as always, with a parodic twist. DEVO has remained silent for practically a year, straitjacketed by some confused record company dealings. The group finally burst out into the open recently, with television appearances, the release of their first album (Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are DEVO!, Warner Bros. BSK 3239), and two evenings of shows at Hollywood’s Starwood last week.
Are We Not Men is a quintessential piece of seventies rock, full of angst, self-doubt, terror and distaste. It isn’t perfect: The production (by technocrat Brian Eno) is a little too thin at times, and one song, “Shrivel Up,” fails because of its simple-minded lyric and stiff musical construction, but it is an auspicious debut that gives a perfect delineation of the DEVO world. Like many of the new breed of Midwestern bands, DEVO are post-industrial reactionaries. They sing about the inadequacy of the much-vaunted orgasm (“I think I missed the whole-a-hole-a-hole,” they croon in “Sloppy”), the futility of religion (“OK, relax, and assume the position,” Mark Mothersbaugh screeches in “Praying Hands”), the inexorability of death (their “Come Back Jonee” is a play on the teenage death song syndrome of the fifties and sixties), and the replacement of romance with sexual frustration and aberration (the topic of “Uncontrollable Urge” and “Gut Feeling”).
Grim stuff, you might say, but DEVO animates their themes with Mark Mothersbaugh’s hilarious vocals and shrieks, cartoony capering rhythms and jittery, humorous playing. DEVO’s ape’s-eye view of manking comes a cross on record, but it is in concert that the forcefulness and originality of their concept may be fully perceived. Visually, DEVO are the complete embodiment of their themes. As they point out in their official bio, the band members are “almost uniform in height and weight.” The front line is made up of two sets of brothers – Jerry and Bob Casale and Mark and Bob Mothersbaugh.
When these five apparent clones make their first appearance, dressed in identical suits made of prophylactic rubber and cardboard industrial shades, one immediately makes the connection between the players and their obsessions with evolution, natural selection, recombinant DNA, brain-eating apes and other conceits dealing with sciences manipulation of our genes. DEVO plays the role of what they call the “Smart Patrol” – “suburban robots who monitor reality” – and their impersonation, complete with cybernetic movements, uniforms, and assembly line-derived time signatures, make for a show that is at once terrifying, deeply ironic, funny and plenty of fun.
DEVO is an important band because it is the first to deal with modern industrial and scientific society and its discontents on such an explicit and intellectual evel. Indeed, the band’s conception may be so smart that they risk leaving a good deal of their audience behind. It is already readily apparent that a large part of the DEVO audience appreciates the group merely for their novel musical and theatrical approach. I started doubting that the crowd was getting the picture when a large part of the Starwood audience began very earnestly aping Mark Mothersbaugh’s fascist salutes during “Praying Hands.”
DEVO divides their world up into “aliens” those who have an understanding of their “otherness” – and “spuds” – the vast majority of the dull, brain-damaged and ordinary. It was clear at the Starwood last week that there was a hefty number of spuds in the audience who were digging DEVO on the same level that they might enjoy such novelty acts of the past as the Hello People or the Crazy World of Arthur Brown.
DEVO is a band that is making the transition from a cult item to the property of a mass audience. Its current set is more conservative than the shows that brought them attention last year. Although they still perform unrecorded songs such as “Mr. DNA,” “Smart Patrol” and “Wiggly World,” they seem content to stick to album material; they perform all but two songs from Are We Not Men? Their symbol of infantilism, Booji Boy, without a doubt the most powerful and suggestive figure in the DEVO universe, failed to put in an appearance at last Tuesday’s show. It sobered me to find one of America’s most revolutionary bands already acquiescing to the demands of the music industry.
These reservations notwithstanding, DEVO appears to be ready to be the first of the Midwestern New Wave to break out nationally. Whether rock audiences will respond to the sheer novelty of the DEVO look and sound or to the band’s truly perverse socio-scientific ideas, only time will tell. For now, the only thing to say about DEVO’s coming-out is that their Janitor-in-a-Drum brand of industrial-strength post-nuclear rock ‘n’ roll is the most welcome new musical genus of the year.
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alexisarchived · 2 years
Prompt 8: What is your favourite book cover ever?
I don't know if I have a favourite ever, but I definitely can name a few I love!
The Head of Zeus cover for Ashes of the Sun by Django Wexler:
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Sugar by Carly Nugent:
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The Moonstone Girls by Brooke Skipstone:
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stephanieobyrne · 5 years
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And that’s a rap on Lost in Stereo season 4! This semester I transformed from my show into an interview/hang out with women in music who inspire me. It’s been an absolute blast getting to know everyone that much better + I hope to continue it in some capacity in the future. For more info + an archive of all the shows check out stephanieobyrne.com/tunein <3
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babytoothbrain · 2 years
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August of Another Summer and I'm Unfortunately Still Me
"Live or Die", Anne Sexton// "River's Mouth", @julykings// August Painting, Vasko Taškovski// "High Bridge Park", Carlie Hoffman// "The Women", Kim Addonizio// "The Terrible", Charlotte Eriksson// "Felicity", Mary Oliver// August, Ivan Kolisnyk// "On the Death of Summer and Baptismal Promises", @peoplehood// Alida Nugent//
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thestageyshelf · 2 years
SOLD 🎭 The Wizard Of Oz @ London Palladium 2011 (#154)
Title: The Wizard Of Oz
Venue: London Palladium
Year: 2011
with programme slip for Tom Kanavan as Zeke/Lion
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Condition: Good condition
Author: Music by Harold Arlen. Lyrics by E.Y. Harburg. Additional Lyrics and Music by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber
Director: Jeremy Sans
Choreographer: Arlene Phillips
Cast: Kate Coysten, Stephen Scott, Edward Baker-Duly, Paul Keating, David Ganly, Danielle Hope, Marianne Benedict, Michael Crawford, Emily Tierney, Zeph, David Birch, Stephen Scott, Edward Hayes-Neary, Florence Andrews, Adam Bracegirdle, Ashley Day, AC Garcia, Emily Goodenough, Ryan Gover, Lizzii Hills, Emma Housley, Tom Kanavan, Carly Meyers, Terel Nugent, Adam Salter, Rachel Spurrell, Carrie Sutton, Jay Webb, Liam Wrate, Matthew Barrow, Rebecca Howell, Luke Johnson, Ceili O'Connor, Richard Roe, Oliver Roll, Anna Woodside
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mattprivettwrites · 4 years
The best songs of the 1970s
“What started out as a joke has turned into a disaster!” - Stu Nahan, Rocky IV
So my employment has me in my car a lot, which means I’m listening to the radio a lot. If I’m not listening to a podcast or baseball game through my phone I also have SiriusXM, which of course has a plethora of musical options. I gravitate to the 70s and 80s channels because, well, of course I do.
Something else about me you may or may not know is that I love ranking things. I have a Note on my phone I’m regularly accessing that is nothing but different types of rankings. 
Thus, you can imagine my excitement when the 70s on 7 station announced a listener-voted Top 700 Songs of the 70s countdown over Labor Day weekend. It was a fun listen. They went through it twice over the four day weekend, and I was laboring much so I heard much.
It prompted me to think: What are my top seventy songs of the 70s? Surely I wasn’t going to come up with a top 700. After all, some in that list were real stinkers. But seventy? No problem. And indeed, it wasn’t hard to come up with that many songs. The hard part was narrowing it down. And once I did, there were still so many songs on my list I had enough for more lists, so I expanded it to 140, then 210, and... well...
I’m about to give you the authoritative list of the 350 best songs of the 1970s. I originally put out a Top 70 list on Facebook a few weeks ago. Much that of that list remains the same, with a few changes. But now there is much more. I’ve divided these into five “volumes” of seventy songs. They are my picks, but I welcome your feedback, because what’s a good set of rankings without debate and discussion.
Vol. 1 (1–70)
Chicago - “25 or 6 to 4”
Billy Joel - “Scenes from an Italian Restaurant”
The Doobie Brothers - “What a Fool Believes”
Queen - “Bohemian Rhapsody”
Boston - “More Than a Feeling”
Elton John & Kiki Dee - “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart”
Gerry Rafferty - “Baker Street”
ABBA - “Waterloo”
Don McLean - “American Pie”
The Eagles - “Take It to the Limit”
Fleetwood Mac - “The Chain”
Lynyrd Skynyrd - “Free Bird”
Billy Joel - “Until the Night”
Looking Glass - “Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl)”
Stevie Wonder - “Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I’m Yours”
Elton John - “Philadelphia Freedom”
The Bee Gees - “Stayin’ Alive”
The Knack - “My Sharona”
Derek & The Dominos - “Layla”
Chicago - “Just You ’N’ Me”
The Emotions - “Best of My Love”
Jefferson Starship - “Miracles”
Aerosmith - “Dream On”
Joe Cocker - “You Are So Beautiful”
The Who - “Won’t Get Fooled Again”
Carly Simon - “You’re So Vain”
Electric Light Orchestra - “Livin’ Thing”
The Rolling Stones - “Beast of Burden”
Queen - “We Will Rock You / We Are the Champions”
Billy Joel - “My Life”
Journey - “Lights”
Toto - “Hold the Line”
Michael Jackson - “Don’t Stop ’til You Get Enough”
Pilot - “Magic”
Bruce Springsteen - “Born to Run”
Led Zeppelin - “Stairway to Heaven”
Styx - “Babe”
Stevie Wonder - “Sir Duke”
Orleans - “Still the One”
Samantha Sang - “Emotion”
Foreigner - “Feels Like the First Time”
ABBA - “Dancing Queen”
The Four Seasons - “December, 1963 (Oh What a Night)”
Marvin Gaye - “Trouble Man”
The Spinners - “Rubberband Man”
Kansas - “Carry On Wayward Son”
The Jackson 5 - “I Want You Back”
Chicago - “If You Leave Me Now”
Bill Withers - “Ain’t No Sunshine”
Earth, Wind, & Fire - “Shining Star”
Olivia Newton-John & John Travolta - “You’re the One That I Want”
Yvonne Ellman - “If I Can’t Have You”
Fleetwood Mac - “Don’t Stop”
Billy Joel - “Just the Way You Are”
The Eagles - “I Can’t Tell You Why”
Free - “All Right Now”
Kenny Rogers - “The Gambler”
The Bee Gees - “Night Fever”
Player - “Baby Come Back”
The Ides of March - “Vehicle”
David Bowie - “Starman”
The Five Stairsteps - “O-O-H Child”
Carole King - “I Feel the Earth Move”
Elton John - “My Father’s Gun”
Jefferson Starship - “Jane”
Stevie Wonder - “Higher Ground”
Electric Light Orchestra - “Mr. Blue Sky”
Seals & Croft - “Summer Breeze”
The Temptations - “Papa Was a Rollin’ Stone”
Chicago - “Old Days”
Vol. 2 (71–140)
The Who - “Baba O’Riley”
The Eagles - “Hotel California”
Billy Joel - “Prelude/Angry Young Man”
Aerosmith - “Walk This Way”
The Four Seasons - “Who Loves You”
Gerry Rafferty - “Right Down the Line”
Chicago - “Make Me Smile”
The Bee Gees - “Too Much Heaven”
Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band - “Old Time Rock and Roll”
Elton John - “Your Song”
Earth, Wind, & Fire - “September”
Queen - “Somebody to Love”
Paul McCartney & Wings - “Live and Let Die”
The Village People - “Y.M.C.A.”
James Taylor - “Fire and Rain”
Led Zeppelin - “Whole Lotta Love”
The Spinners - “Could It Be I’m Falling in Love”
Three Dog Night - “Joy to the World”
Jim Croce - “I Got a Name”
Billy Joel - “Stiletto”
The Jackson 5 - “ABC”
Styx - “Come Sail Away”
Dobie Gray - “Drift Away”
Ozark Mountain Daredevils - “Jackie Blue”
Stevie Wonder - “I Wish”
Credence Clearwater Revival - “Up Around the Bend”
The Hollies - “Long Cool Woman (In a Black Dress)”
Daryl Hall & John Oates - “Rich Girl”
Elton John - “Saturday Night’s Alright (For Fighting)”
KISS - “Rock and Roll All Nite”
Fleetwood Mac - “Go Your Own Way”
Carl Douglas - “Kung Fu Fighting”
Steve Miller Band - “Jet Airliner”
Chicago - “Saturday in the Park”
Led Zeppelin - “Immigrant Song”
The Beatles - “Let It Be”
Three Dog Night - “An Old Fashioned Love Song”
Bad Company - “Can’t Get Enough”
Grand Funk Railroad - “We’re an American Band”
The Bee Gees - “More Than a Woman”
The Charlie Daniels Band - “The Devil Went Down to Georgia”
The Doobie Brothers - “Listen to the Music” 
Black Sabbath - “Iron Man”
Chic - “Good Times”
Billy Joel - “Movin’ Out (Anthony’s Song)”
Harry Chapin - “Cat’s in the Cradle”
The Bay City Rollers - “Saturday Night”
Elton John - Bennie and the Jets”
K.C. & The Sunshine Band - “That’s the Way (I Like It)”
Lynyrd Skynyrd - “Sweet Home Alabama”
Carole King - “It’s Too Late”
The O’Jays - “Love Train”
Billy Joel - “Piano Man”
Foreigner - “Double Vision”
Chicago - “Feelin’ Stronger Every Day”
Peaches & Herb - “Reunited”
Deep Purple - “Smoke on the Water”
Wild Cherry - “Play That Funky Music”
Marvin Gaye - “I Want You”
Orleans - “Dance With Me”
Earth, Wind, & Fire - “After the Love Has Gone”
Van Halen - “Ain’t Talkin’ Bout Love”
Paul McCartney & Wings - “My Love”
Little River Band - “Lonesome Loser”
Stevie Wonder - “Isn’t She Lovely?”
Steely Dan - “Reelin’ in the Years”
Cheap Trick - “Surrender”
The Sugarhill Gang - “Rapper’s Delight”
Maxine Nightingale - “Right Back Where We Started From”
The Who - “Who Are You”
Vol. 3 (141–210)
Gloria Gaynor - “I Will Survive”
Led Zeppelin - “Kashmir”
Chicago - “Baby, What a Big Surprise”
Sister Sledge - “We Are Family”
Jackson Browne - “Running on Empty”
Olivia Newton John - “Hopelessly Devoted to You”
Vicki Sue Robinson - “Turn the Beat Around”
Billy Joel - “Big Shot”
Starland Vocal Band - “Afternoon Delight”
Rupert Holmes - “Escape (The Piña Colada Song)”
Queen - “Don’t Stop Me Now”
Andrea True Connection - “More More More”
The Guess Who - “American Woman”
The Doobie Brothers - “Black Water”
Paul McCartney & Wings - “Band on the Run”
Stevie Wonder - “Superstition”
Elton John - “Someone Saved My Life Tonight”
James Taylor - “Your Smiling Face”
The Rolling Stones - “Miss You”
Chicago - “Beginnings”
Bachman-Turner Overdrive - “Let It Ride”
Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band - “We’ve Got Tonight”
Styx - “Lady”
Three Dog Night - “Mama Told Me (Not to Come)”
Journey - “Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin’”
Foreigner - “Cold As Ice”
10cc - “I’m Not in Love”
Credence Clearwater Revival - “Have You Ever Seen the Rain”
K.C. & The Sunshine Band - “Get Down Tonight”
Billy Joel - “Summer Highland Falls”
The Delfonics - “Didn’t I (Blow Your Mind This Time)”
Electric Light Orchestra - “Don’t Bring Me Down”
The Bee Gees - “How Deep Is Your Love”
Ike & Tina Turner - “Proud Mary”
Elton John - “Levon”
The Doobie Brothers - “Long Train Runnin’”
Seals & Croft - “Diamond Girl”
Redbone - “Come and Get Your Love”
Kenny Loggins - “This Is It”
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band - “Blinded By the Light”
Roberta Flack - “Killing Me Softly With His Song”
Paul McCartney & Wings - “With a Little Luck”
The Bellamy Brothers - “Let Your Love Flow”
The Carpenters - “Superstar”
Blue Oyster Cult - “(Don’t Fear) The Reaper”
Stevie Wonder - “You Are the Sunshine of My Life”
Eddie Money - “Baby Hold On”
Ted Nugent - “Cat Scratch Fever”
The Eagles - “Best of My Love”
The Four Tops - “Ain’t No Woman (Like the One I’ve Got)”
Chicago - “Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?
Chairmen of the Board - “Give Me Just a Little More Time”
The Cars - “Just What I Needed”
Queen - “You’re My Best Friend”
Thelma Houston - “Don’t Leave Me This Way”
Heart - “Barracuda”
Isaac Hayes - “Theme from Shaft”
Daryl Hall & John Oates - “She’s Gone”
Rod Stewart - “You’re in My Heart (The Final Acclaim)”
Billy Joel - “She’s Got a Way”
The Hues Corporation - “Rock the Boat”
Steve Miller Band - “Fly Like an Eagle”
Thin Lizzy - “Jailbreak”
Supertramp - “Give a Little Bit”
Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes - “If You Don’t Know Me By Now”
America - “Sister Golden Hair”
Pure Prairie League - “Amie”
The Temptations - “Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me)”
Prince - “I Wanna Be Your Lover”
Van Halen - “Eruption / You Really Got Me”
Vol. 4 (211–280)
Led Zeppelin - “When the Levee Breaks”
The Clash - “London Calling”
Chicago - “(I’ve Been) Searchin’ So Long”
KISS - “Detroit Rock City”
Bobby Womack - “Across 110th Street”
Bad Company - “Feel Like Makin’ Love”
Billy Joel - “I’ve Loved These Days”
Jim Croce - “Bad, Bad Leroy Brown”
Aerosmith - “Sweet Emotion”
Ace - “How Long”
James Taylor - “How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)”
The Chi-Lites - “Oh Girl”
Frank Mills - “Music Box Dancer”
Amii Stewart - “Knock on Wood”
ABBA - “Take a Chance on Me”
Grand Funk Railroad - “Some Kind of Wonderful”
Elton John - “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds”
Fleetwood Mac - “Dreams”
The Sweet - “Fox on the Run”
Herb Alpert - “Rise”
The Eagles - “The Long Run”
K.C. & The Sunshine Band - “Boogie Shoes”
Marvin Gaye - “What’s Going On”
Todd Rundgren - “Hello, It’s Me”
Black Sabbath - “Paranoid”
Paul McCartney - “Maybe I’m Amazed”
The Rolling Stones - “It’s Only Rock and Roll (But I Like It)”
Boston - “Don’t Look Back”
Billy Joel - “Streetlife Serenader”
Journey - “Wheel in the Sky”
Poco - “Crazy Love”
Blondie - “Heart of Glass”
James Gang - “Funk #49”
Kansas - “Dust in the Wind”
Kenny Loggins & Stevie Nicks - “Whenever I Call You ‘Friend’”
Steely Dan - “Do It Again”
Natalie Cole “This Will Be (An Everlasting Love)”
Billy Preston - “Outa-Space”
Boz Skaggs - “Lido Shuffle”
Leo Sayer - “You Make Me Feel Like Dancing”
Alicia Bridges - “I Love the Nightlife (Disco ‘Round)”
10cc - “The Things We Do For Love”
America - “Ventura Highway”
Smokey Robinson & The Miracles - “Tears of a Clown”
Donna Summer - “Hot Stuff”
Edgar Winter Group - “Free Ride”
Chicago - “Wishing You Were Here”
The Jackson 5 - “The Love You Save”
Carly Simon - “Nobody Does It Better”
Parliament - “Flashlight”
T. Rex - “Bang a Gong (Get It On)”
Ohio Players - “Love Rollercoaster”
Chuck Mangione - “Feels So Good”
Jackson Browne - “Doctor My Eyes”
The Eagles - “Take It Easy”
The Ramones - “Blitzkrieg Bop”
Seals & Croft - “Get Closer”
Queen - “Killer Queen”
Carol Douglas - “Doctor’s Orders”
Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band - “Her Strut”
Billy Joel - “Vienna”
Average White Band - “Pick Up the Pieces”
James Taylor - “Handy Man”
Thin Lizzy - “The Boys Are Back in Town”
Walter Murphy - “A Fifth of Beethoven”
Three Dog Night - “Shambala”
The Three Degrees - “When Will I See You Again”
Jim Croce - “You Don’t Mess Around With Jim”
The Commodores - “Machine Gun”
Led Zeppelin - “The Song Remains the Same”
Vol. 5 (281–350)
Bachman-Turner Overdrive - “You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet”
Billy Joel - “Miami 2017 (I’ve Seen The Lights Go Out On Broadway)”
Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band - “Still the Same”
Al Green - “Let’s Stay Together”
ABBA - “S.O.S.”
The Cars - “Let’s Go”
Ted Nugent - “Stranglehold”
Elton John - “Rocket Man (I Think It’s Going To Be A Long Long Time)”
Styx - “Renegade”
Eddie Rabbitt - “Every Which Way But Loose”
Alice Cooper - “No More Mr. Nice Guy”
Daryl Hall & John Oates - “Sara Smile”
Chicago - “Lowdown”
Love Unlimited Orchestra - “Love’s Theme”
Rod Stewart - “Maggie May”
Paul Simon - “Slip, Slidin’ Away”
Robert Palmer - “Bad Case of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor)”
MFSB - “The Sound of Philadelphia”
Ambrosia - “How Much I Feel”
Electric Light Orchestra - “Evil Woman”
Bruce Springsteen - “Thunder Road”
ZZ Top - “La Grange”
Gino Vannelli - “I Just Wanna Stop”
Gilbert O’Sullivan - “Alone Again (Naturally)”
Fleetwood Mac - “Say You Love Me”
The Doobie Brothers - “Rockin’ Down the Highway”
Golden Earring - “Radar Love”
Ram Jam - “Black Betty”
The Eagles - “One of These Nights”
Meco - “Star Wars Theme/Cantina Band”
Billy Joel - “Honesty”
The Bee Gees - “Tragedy”
Queen - “Stone Cold Crazy”
Chic - “Everybody Dance”
Bread - “Everything I Own”
Olivia Newton John - “A Little More Love”
The Trammps - “Disco Inferno”
Neil Sedaka - “Laughter in the Rain”
Marvin Gaye - “Got to Give It Up”
B.J. Thomas - “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head”
The Village People - “In the Navy”
King Harvest - “Dancing in the Moonlight”
Ohio Players - “Fire”
Nicolette Larson - “Lotta Love”
Main Ingredient - “Everybody Plays the Fool”
Barry White - “Can’t Get Enough of Your Love, Babe”
The Kinks - “Everybody’s A Star”
Michael Jackson - “Ben”
Elton John - “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road”
Dionne Warwick & The Spinners - “Then Came You”
Nazareth - “Love Hurts”
Eric Carmen - “All By Myself”
Foreigner - “Hot Blooded”
Bobby Caldwell - “What You Won’t Do For Love”
Foghat - “Slow Ride”
Andy Kim - “Rock Me Gently”
Cheryl Lynn - “Got to Be Real”
Captain & Tennille - “Love Will Keep Us Together”
The Miracles - “Love Machine”
Blondie - “One Way or Another”
Elvin Bishop - “Fooled Around and Fell in Love”
Leo Sayer - “When I Need You”
Little River Band - “Reminiscing”
Hudson Brothers - “So You Are A Star”
Exile - “Kiss You All Over”
Mountain - “Mississippi Queen”
Heat Wave - “Groove Line”
Sugarloaf - “Don’t Call Us (We’ll Call You)”
Hot Butter - “Popcorn”
ABBA - “Mamma Mia”
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imacrowcawcaw · 4 years
Playlist Shuffle - "Classic Rock"
Rules: Put your favorite playlist on shuffle, write down the name of the playlist and list the first 25 songs that come on - NO SKIPPING ALLOWED
My Classic Rock (that's like 80% classic rock lol) playlist is the one I arguably listen to the most, so here!
Centerfold - The J. Geils Band
Addicted to Love (Live in Europe) - Tina Turner
Strange Kind of Woman - Deep Purple
Rag Doll - Aerosmith
Trampled Underfoot - Led Zeppelin
The Stroke - Billy Squire
I Believe in a Thing Called Love - The Darkness
Wango Tango - Ted Nugent
Got My Mind Set On You - George Harrison
Me and Bobby McGee - Janis Joplin
Time Gone By - Izzy Stradlin and the Juju Hounds
You're So Vain - Carly Simon
Angie - The Rolling Stones
Jailbreak - AC/DC
Come Sail Away - Styx
The Crunge - Led Zeppelin
Ride A White Swan - T. Rex
I Want You To Want Me (Live in Nippon) - Cheap Trick
Twist and Shout - The Beatles
War Pigs - CAKE
Legs - ZZ Top
Black Water - The Doobie Brothers
Jeepster - T. Rex
Cry Baby - Janis Joplin
These Dreams - Heart
Well, if anyone needs a rock playlist, I think this is a pretty good one lol. Thank you for the tag @myownparadise96 !!! I tag @satans-helper @satingrass-maidensfair @ryetheruler @prettyboyhavoc1974 @comingbackfrompurgatory @bigthighsandstupidguys @shes-outta-sight @mountainofthesunn @therealswanqueen @liandra2428 @aliveandwell730
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nsula · 6 years
Dean’s List Fall 2018
NATCHITOCHES –  One thousand two hundred sixty students were named to the Fall 2018 Dean’s List at Northwestern State University. Students on the list earned a grade point average of between 3.5 and 3.99. Those named to the Dean’s List by hometown are as follows.
 Aberdeen Proving Grd, Maryland -- Adrian Borel
 Addis -- William Seaman
 Alexandria – Iris Barrera, Marquita Benjamin, Morgan Bryant, Katylyn Cox, Ashley Day, Qurshea Decoste, Destiny Dotson, Selena Elmore, KelVina Ford, Daryn Freeman, Maeghan George, Khloe Jasper, Leslie Katz, Taylar Lee, Kelli Leone, ShaKiyla Lindsey, Jimmie Magee, Madalyn Mayer, Lauren McLeod, Olivia Mosley, Lashanda Moss, Kellie Pebbles, Ragan Richey, Imani Ricks, Sydney Roseman, Kaitlin Roshto, Caleb Ross, Shakera Shorts, Kizzy Slaughter, Avery Tharp, Alexander Trotter, Hailey Urena, Alysha Walker, Christopher Warren, William Welch, Aalyiah Williams;
 Anacoco – Alan Cosio, Danielle Egan, Elizabeth Guy, Andrea Halladay, Madeleine Hensley, Karington Johnson, Kelen Kay, Jason Ortiz, Clarissa Owens, Brooke Phillips, Amanda Sorg, Erica Wade, Emily Williams;
 Angers, France – Sophie Podevin;
 Angola – Ursula Poarch;
 Arlington, Texas -- Samantha Bell, Devin Gipson, Charles Rogers;
Arnaudville –Bailey Dautreuil;
Athens – Ryan Carroway;
Atlanta – Jonathan Friis, Alexis Hanson, Peyton Howell,
Aurora, Colorado – William McCullough;
Austin, Texas – Skylar Besch, Ysmina Smith;
Avondale – James Brown, Mikala Clark;
Ball – Stephen Carpenter, Lauren Nugent, Vanessa Toney;
Barksdale AFB – Victoria Charles, Jeanine Matthews;
Bastrop – Anna Akins, Alisha Bolton, Haleigh Irby, Chadwick Jones, Haleigh Vollmar;
Baton Rouge – Merodac Beraki, Randy Blackwell, Rosa Campbell, Joshua Cheatwood, Peyton Clark, Emmanuel Dunn, Bryn Edmonston, Maisyn Guillory, Kelly Guillot, Melvin Hudson Misterie Jarrell, DJacqulyn Johnson, Elizebeth Ledet, Bethany Lee, Sarah Lovern, Madalyn Mullins, Mary Pourciau, Colleen Reese, Ethan Smith, Reagan Smith, Haley Sylvester, Sarah Talbot, Jessica Joseph;
Bayside, Nova Scotia – April Trowbrige;
Baytown, Texas – Norma Trejo;
Belcher – Jessica Herbert;
Belle Chasse – Hayley Barbazon, Alexander Melcer, Jade Talazac, Natalie Wilson, Annie Wright;
Belle Rose – Thomas Daigle;
Belmont – Jayce Gentry;
Bentley – Stephanie Hayes;
Benton – Haley Crosby, Holly Crosby, Jessica Gates, Joshua Johnson, Kara Knippers, Abigail Lauterbach, Hannah Schott, Daniel Scott, Ted Scott, Jadyn Sepulvado, Torea Taylor, Audrey Trujillo, Kimberly Umphries, Jackson Mathews;
 Berwick – Brittany Vidos;
Bossier City – Christian Baker, Clayton Brown, Amber Engel, Sydney Gootee, Sydney Shannon, Austin Averitt, Alexandra Borrmann, Courtney Brooks, Abigail Castillo, Emily Cheatham, Lacy Chism, Caitlin Cover, Ri’Kaela England, Kelly Flores, Matthew Flynn, Kelsey Gallman, Candace Guillory, Rebecca Hickson, Jodi Hill, Anqumesha Jeter, Elizabeth Jones, Abigail Kent, Tina Kile, Marci King, Rebecca Markle, Arielle Martignetti, Claire McMillan, Brittany Morris, Kennedy Parson, Brittani Phillips, Khayla Pugh, Litzy Rivera, Kassidy Robideaux, Andrew Robinson, Rheagan Rowland, Jeffrey Ruiz, Elisha Scott, Hope Spaw, Brittany Spence, Tori Spraggins, Terrence Stewart, Susan Stone, Savannah Swaim, Benjamin Tanner, Avery Tibbets, Kortney Toellner, Jirneicia Ward, Courtney Wilson, Dominique Wineglass, Jennifer Woods, Nour Zeidan, Andrea Holley, Ashley Bennett, Ashanti Hill, Brittney Malmay,
Boyce – Bo Bowers, Sarah Hill, Amanda Land, Hannah Miller, Wyatt Miller, Miranda Perry, Ashley Smith, Jessie Turner;
Breaux Bridge – Blythe Duvall, Shayla James, Ashtin Mouton, Tyler Thibodeaux;
Brookeland, Texas – Morgan Horn, Paige West;
Brusly – Emma Wallace;
Buda, Texas – Kathryn Wristen;
Bullard, Texas – Brandon Duecker;
Bunkie – Brett Baker, Izola Williams, Kearia Wilson;
Burleson, Texas – Eric Neeley;
Bush – Saige Tassin;
Callisburg, Texas – Maycy English;
Calvin – Chris Price;
Campti – Destiny Potts, Stoney Slaughter, Alexis Smith;
Canton – Tiffany Cayson;
Carencro – Malik Babin, Destiny Kennerson, Jasmin Thibodeaux;
Cartagena, Colombia – Edwin Castro Frias, Jose Colon-Marrugo, Valeria Correa Meza, Victor Lopez Ramos, Romulo Osorio Herrera, Cristian Paez Geney, Daniel Racero Rocha;
Cartagena Bolivar, Colombia – Alejandro Dager Carrasquilla, Luis Osorio Betancourt, Saily Romero Marrugo, Valeria Perez Espinosa, Veronica Perez Espinosa, Ramon Sarruf Monroyl
Carthage, Illinois – Nicole Clark;
Castor – Kaycee Collinsworth;
Center, Texas – Chelsea Henderson;
Central – Christian Chustz;
Chalmette – Dylan Fuselier, Sara Mendoza;
Cheneyville – Fontana Mitchell;
Clayton – Glendalyn Boothe, Ruben Smith;
Cleburne, Texas – Patrick Murr;
Clifton – Toni Smith;
Clinton, Mississippi – Adam Moncure;
Cloutierville – Alexia Gistarb;
Colfax – Camren Bell, Alison Churchman, Mikayla Richardson, Evan White;
College Station, Texas – Jasmyn Hunter;
Columbia – Tyler Duchesne, Jackson McCann;
Converse – Zachary Faircloth, Nicolas Farmer, Ashley Forgues Brock, Skyler Laroux, Elaina Richardson, Noah Sepulvado, Ashley Sims;
Coppell, Texas – Jada Freeman;
Cottonport – Rayne Canoe, Zachary Gauthier, Justin Tigner;
Coushatta – Kori Allen, La’Zaria Clark, Elizabeth Cummins, Dillon Foshee, Jason Gross, Ashley Guye, Tawanda Johnson, Sidney Jones, Emily King, Jeremy Lawson, William Lee, Aaron Murray, Allison Pearah, Jon Russell, Amey Sepulvado, Carmie Williams, Caroline Wren;
Covington – Kayla Keys, Andrea Mier, Cathleen Oviedo, Etienne Blanchat;
Crowley – Alyssa Huval;
Cumberland, Maryland ­– Rebekah Apple;
Cypress, Texas – Alexis Gomez;
Dallas, Texas – Nadia Carney, Natalie Robledo;
Darrow – Micheal Douglas;
DeKalb, Texas – Jaquan Jackson;
DeQuincy – Austin Nichols, Hayden Robertson;
DeRidder – Carson Brown, Maygin Chesson, Alphonse Engram Ashleigh Fedderman, Bambi Hardesty, Michael Keeper, Dustin Lauderback, Kyla Lockhart, Kimberly Nolen, Don Prater, Hayley Richard, Shynikia Roberson, Mikalyn Russell, Lauren Taylor, Ebony Terry;
Deer Park, Texas – Patrick McDonald, Blake Stephenson;
Denham Springs – Caitlyn Cutrer, Caitlin Griffin Halle Mahfouz, Jonathan Rodriguez, Stephanie Ryals, Amy Thomas, Emily Williams;
Denton, Texas – Ian Edwards;
Derry – Hannah Antee;
Des Allemands – Dilaney Deroche;
Destrehan – Patrick Juneau, Kiera Robinson;
Deville – Kealee Anderson, Hailey Bolton, Alexis Dennis, Kayla Dewilde, Candice Dryden, Amy Henderson, Karlee Littleton, Marlee Paulk, Vivian Vallery;
Dike, Texas ­– Brynn Offut;
Dodson – Kierstyn Cyrus, Nolan Griffin, Lydia McGaha, Brittany Walker;
Donaldsonville ­– Natalie Landry, Madeline Sotile;
Doyle – Mackensie Ulrich;
Dry Creek – Kayla Mandelin;
Dry Prong – Jacob Boydstun, Sarah Desselle, Christy Gough, Alisabeth Lockhart;
Duson – Autumn Ritter, Lane Royer;
Duvall, Washington – Jason Smigelski;
Effie – Jaydan Perkins;
Elizabeth – Clyde Hurst;
Elm Grove – Gabrielle Smith;
Elmer – Jerrica Beebe, Mikayla Deloach, Halston Rachal, Joseph Rachal;
Enon Valley, Pennsylvania – Jennifer Smiley;
Eros – Alecia Smith;
Ethel – Abby Guillory;
Eunice – Carli Esters, Tammy Richard, Emily Deshotel;
Evans – Lakin Smith;
Evergreen – Shelby Riche;
Farmerville – Jalissa Loyd;
Ferriday – Shanequa Tyler, Dalenesha Wimley;
Fisher – Hayden Courtney;
Flatwoods – Jasmine George;
Florien – Gabrielle Bryant, Ashley Carter, Travis Cook, Faith Hopkins, McKenzie Kuhlow, Megan Lampkin, Noah Parker, Emma Ray, Ashley Ross, Elizabeth Squillini, Shari Wilson;
Forest Hill – Andrianne Dore, Rachel Humphries, Claudia Marie, Charli Stanley;
Forest Park, Illinois – Kimberly Murray;
Forney, Texas – Kaymi Wheeler;
Fort Polk – Laura Cerqueira, Amanda Dhondt, Jasmine Dyer, Clarrissa Lancour, Jennifer Lara Hager, Andrea Marquez, Clare Masa, Blaise Nkengafac, Madison Popp, Lindsay Romero, Shiela May Tabonares, Whitney Tipton, Christian Wood;
Fort Riley, Kansas – Breanna Bryan;
Fort Sill, Oklahoma – Iryana Burrus;
Fort Worth, Texas – Charles Gregory Meade;
Franklin – Chaqaire Jenkins, Cheyenne Smith;
Franklinton – Brian Geragthy, Aron Stephens;
Freeland, Washington – Paul Aune;
Fresno, Texas – Terres Anderson;
Frierson – John Rachal, Valerie Smith;
Frisco, Texas – Adam Trupp;
Gardena, California – Cole Llorens;
Geismar – Kristi Contreary;
Georgetown – Laura White;
Gibsland – Tyler Sneed;
Glenmora – Kristopher Devore, Precious Goins, Abbie Johnson, Megan Johnson, Nellie Johnson, Savannah Thompson, Tiara Baker;
Gloster – Kylee Causey, Jennifer Simmons, Johnette Whorton;
Goldonna – Alexander Guillory;
Gonzales – Addison Adams, Ryan Gremillion, Victoria Gardner, Legand Lilly, Corey Payne, Jamien Sampson, Zoe Tapp, Jaci Templet, Trencia Washington;
Gorman, Texas – Kourtney Seaton;
Gramercy – Amber Theisges;
Grand Cane – Nathan Graham, Emily Miller, Matthew Raybon;
Gray – Cassie Becnel, Tevyn Johnson;
Greenwell Springs – Katherine Bryant, Katherine Langlois;
Gretna – Chloe Johnson, Jasmine Myles, Trinity Velazquez;
Gueydan – Hannah Sedatol;
Gulfport, Mississippi – Tamara Benton;
Gun Barrel City, Texas – Colton Banghart;
Hahnville – Catelyn Errington;
Hammond – Andrea Hidalgo, Kaylon Willoughby, William Woodworth;
Harlingen, Texas – Frances Knight;
Harvey – Tajalai Evans, Christiana Johnson, Alexis Taylor;
Hattiesburg, Mississippi – Mary Mitchell;
Haughton – Matthew Bailey, Benny Broadway, Arneshia Brooks, Katelynn Edwards, Shelby Grubbs, Kobe Jackson, Kylee Jackson, Daniel Langen, Sarah Ledford, Nicklaus Lowery, Angie Nguyen, Jamie Phillips, Makenzie Rains, Licentra Randolph, Kaylee Swart, Valerie Taylor, Zoey Thomas, Logan Turner, Lomia Watkins, Larissa Wells, Hunter Woods;
Haynesville – Eriel Fields, Sabrina Sowell, Allyssa Dodds;
Heflin – Rachael Vickers;
Henderson, Texas – Andrew Blackmon, Christina Marie Colley;
Henderson – Asha Cormier;
Hessmer – Kaitlynn Burke, Laney Jeansonne;
Hineston – Richard Clark, Madison Morrison, Karlie Taylor;
Homer – Francene Ferguson, Shannon Rhodes;
Honolulu, Hawaii – Melissa Baker, Hans Andersen Tan;
Hornbeck – Sarah Ceballos, Jerry Hughes, Jr., Carrie Wilson;
Hosston – Alaysia Fredieu;
Houma – Kelsey Chauvin, Anna Gautreaux, Zoe Hebert, Dylan LeBlanc, Venessa McKinley, Sara Rebstock, Kyle Siddle;
Houston, Texas – Bruce Beth, Brittany Davis, Oai Lee Huynhl
Hutto, Texas – Tommi Long;
Ida – Madison Campbell;
Independence – Chloe Whiddon;
Iota – Morgan Gotte, Katie Latiola;
Iowa – Marvette Williams;
Jamestown – Kylie Knotts;
Jeanerette – Brandy Jackson;
Jefferson – Matthew Broekman, Codi Vernace, Amanda Wilburn;
Jena – Tiara Brown, Candace Decker, Jessi McNeely, Dena Ray;
Jennings – Emily Benoit, Destany Brown, Phillip Gotte, KaTierra Lewis;
Jonesboro – Natalee Gray, Tia Moore;
Jonesville – Rachel Eichmann, Kayla Robertson, Kameron Stevenson, James White;
Kalaupapa, Hawaii – Kamamalu Nishihira-Asuncion;
Keatchie – Brittany Miller, Amber Nash, Sarah Plaisance;
Keithville – McKenzie Knotts, Shleby Loftin, Cara Lorensen, Dominique Jackson, Jerry Parks, Deja White;
Kemp, Texas – Katelynn Messer
Kenner – Gennyfer Pena;
Kerens, Texas – Brandon Brumbelow, Diego Maldonado;
Killeen, Texas – William Hooper, Nathalohn Nanai;
Kinder – Teralyn Plumber, Stewart Wheeler;
Kingwood, Texas – Alexandria Bailey;
Konarskie, Poland – Elzbieta Iwaniuk;
Labadieville – Jacelynn LeBlanc, Logan Simoneaux;
Lacombe – Casey Casler;
Lafayette – Taylor Aucoin, Bailey Begnaud, Natalye Bradley, Javian Bush, Amari Carmouche, Joshua Delaughter, Shaniya Fuselier, Ashley Guidry, Adele Hebert, Bryce Hernandez, Julia Laperouse, Collin Monaghan, Joshua Monaghan, Sarah Palmintier, Christina Poole, Jordan Redd, Madison Weathers, Ireland Williams;
Lake Arthur – Nicole Andrews, Tuesdi Stipek, Hannah Worley;
Lake Charles – Rebekah Nicholas, Emily Roller, Isaiah Roy;
Lake Wales, Florida – LaRon James;
Lakeside, California – Amanda Lee;
LaPlace – Melvin Bates, Jalen Haydel, Jacob St. Pierre;
Larose – Nicholas Hebert;
Las Vegas, Nevada – Caitlin Schweighart;
Lavon, Texas – Berenice Bretado, Matthew Howeth;
League City, Texas – Kennedi Carter, Mary Gilbert, Emily Ornelas, Lacee Savage, Christopher Zirkle;
Leander – Karissa Boswell;
Leavenworth, Kansas – Anuhea Iyo;
Lecompte – Logan Cheek, Allison Williams;
Leesville – Dakota Abrams, Kimberly Alwell, Summer Atkins, Kaitlyn Bailey, Hannah Baker, Marilyn Brooks, Rachal Brown, Kaylee Busby, Victoria Carbaugh, Jessica Clare, Angie Culbert, Baylor Dillon, Raegan Dotson, Brandon Fredieu, Miranda Fulks, Ashley Garcia, Sean Grady, Morgan Hall, Britney Harvey, Kimberly Henley, Haley Hood, Kelly Kealaula, Zachary Keeton, Lane Koury, Samatha LaMonte, Daniella Lowry, Karl Marzahl, Kylie McAllister, Amy McKellar, Kelly Mitchell, Emily Moore, Taylor Newman, Joseph Orchi, Kaitlyn Pajinag, Victoria Perkins, Elizabeth Rios, Amber Rose, Chloe Rouleau, Destiny Sanders, David Santos, Erin Schwartz, Riley Shackelford, Brandy Sherman, Joseph Slaughter, Claire Smyth, Heather Snell, Alicia Stanford, Collin Strickland, Sydni Striedel, Matthew Ward, Marissa Weldon, Mikayla Zills;
Lena – Lashae’ Lucas, Courtland Smith;
Lettsworth – Meilyn Woods;
Lindale, Texas – Eden Cook;
Little Elm, Texas – Jasmine Ealy, Daniel Larin, Brian Lenox, Kaitlyn McCullogh;
Livingston – Chase Crane;
Logansport – Kendoyle Cox, Megan Holmes, Maci Martin, Charles McClintock;
Longview, Texas – Hannah Dunn;
Lonoke, Arkansas – Rachel Terry;
Loranger – Cambree Bailey, Jessi Dominique;
Luling – Macie Barrios, Nathan Roth;
Lumberton, Texas – Joshua Terry;
Mabank, Texas – Dustin Huffman;
Madisonville – Sarahjane Ladut, Bailey Perrilloux;
Magnolia, Texas – Kyle Moore;
Mamou – Melissa Soileau;
Mandeville – Maci Burt, Mya Holmes, Sheridan Smith, Jalen Willis;
Mansfield – Canessia Johnson, Samantha Powell;
Mansura – Beau Barbry, Magen Hegger;
Many – Chelsa Arthur, Victoria Barnhill, Rachel Bensinger, Toby Bruce, Maegan Burkett, Hannah Chanler, Patrick Colston, Sarah Cross, Timothy Early, Tiarra Frazier, Brittney Garcie, Emily Holcomb, Mayci Lewis, Jenifer Meadows, Athena Mitchell, Kasey Moore, Seth Ozsoy, Chelsea Parrie, Andrew Penfield, Heather Trichel, Krisha Williams, Tyler Colston, Sheridan Gowen;
Marble Falls, Texas – Sarah Lewis;
Maringouin – Laura Scronce;
Marksville – Olivia Johnson, Shelby Lemoine, Madeleine Morrow, Tanner Nugent, Mackenzie Stanley;
Marrero – Tara Brown, Jade Duthu, Dorothy Gioia;
Marshall, Missouri – KaNeeshia Gay;
Marshall, Texas – Sydney Swilley, Abigail Upton;
Marthaville – Dylan Daniels, Mallory Powell, Hannah Sattler, Frank Lester;
Maurice – Jenna-Clair Courville, Adele Vincent, Elise Vincent;
Meraux – Sophie Stechmann;
Merryville – Aric Johnson;
Metairie – Kathryn Bancroft, Anna Birbiglia, Taylor Crawford, Cameron Duhe, Mary Gaffney, Ellie Mandel, Andrew Pitari;
Midlothian, Texas – Rachel Fowler;
Midlothian, Illinois – Daniel Hlad;
Minden – Roxy Easley, Abby Greene, Peyton Gray, Fisher McLemore, Kirsten Sibley, Amber Slater, Asata Sylvas, Edoard Talamayan, Madison Tanner, Jordan Young;
Minneapolis, Minnesota – Jenna Carlson;
Missouri City, Texas – Cayla Jones;
Monroe – William Adcock, Allie Ellerbe, Jaronda Griffin, Parron Jones, Skylar Sorrell, Jarviar Wade, Brittany Wilson;
Montegut – Megan Pellegrin;
Montgomery – Morgan Bartlett, Morgan McManus, Erikk Sluss, Hannah Vercher, Michael Waxley;
Moreauville – Austin Dismer, Nicholas Jackson;
Morrow – Quaniqua Joseph;
Murcia, Colombia – Cristina Gonzalez Corchon;
Natchez – Jackson Carroll, Jacorrian Davis, Courtney Sarpy, Morgan Slaugher, Patricia Wise;
Natchez, Mississippi – Victoria Bradford;
Natchitoches – Adedayo Adeniji, Jordan Alex, Tyler Anderson, James Armstrong, Aaron Averett, Brock Barrios, Gracie Bennett, Gavin Bergeron, Ciara Blade, Keaton Booker, Charles Bouchie, Shenita Braxton, Taylor Burch, Deasia Burrell, Ladiamond Burrell, Morgan Burris, Ebone Burton, Kezia Butler, Savannah Bynog, John Byone, Maria Carmona-Ruiz, Kiondra Clark, Lane Clevenger, Kaia Collins, Leanna Coy, Whitney Crooks, Kenneth Darcy, Kara Davis, Kelsy Davis, Sean Day, Leah Deford, Trenton Downs, Ashley Dranguet, Peyton Ebarb, Virginia Falgoust, Daniela Forero Salcedo, Hannah Forsythe, Eric Fredieu, Katlynn French, Luis Gallo Quintero, Abbie Gandy, Jeffrey Goff, Samuel Greene, Julian Guerrero Acevedo, Laura Guzman Rodriguez, Brianca Hall, Valentina Herazo Alvarez, John Howell, Jared Hulsey, Emily Johnson, Zachary Johnson, Abagael Kinney, Lyndon Knueppel, Karlee Laurence, Carlomagno Leon Jimenez, Maya Levo, Alba Maloff, Brooklyn Martin, Paula Martinez Marrugo, LiZhang Matuschka, Tyler McCain, Michael McClung, Kristin McQuillin, Jasmine Milsap, Sarah Moody, Coy Morgan, Matthew Nelson, Jorgia Nevers, Kevin Nutt, Kiara Padilla, Griffiana Paige, Kenneth Penrod, Chaka Palm, Kevin Price, Shalondria Rainey, LaKendria Remo, Alejandro Restrepo Cardozo, Kierstin Richter, William Rogers, Maria Rushing, Chandler Sarpy, Gabrielle Scarborough, Natalle Sers, Anise Settle, Anna Sibley, Jonathan Simmons, Patrick Sprung, Josie Stamey, Nicholas Swank, Carosha Taylor, Samuel Taylor, Harrison Thomas, Enonedria Thompson, Margaret Thompson, Caitlyn Tobin, Austin Townsend, Ricardo Ventura, Eva Venzant, Lauren Vienne, Ryan Wade, Daniel Whatley, Thomas Wiggins, Sherri Williams, Rylee Wyer, Naoko Yoshida,
Navasota, Texas – Shelton Eppler;
New Braunfels, Texas – Charli Fouts;
New Iberia – Tara Bonvillain, Kyrsten Freyou, Jacob Gary, Jeannette Hardy, Nicole Moore, Madison Romero, Alexis Trosclair;
New Llano – Laura Cowell, Sylvia Milerski, Dennis Stein, Collar Wilson;
New Orleans – Faith Burke, RyShaneka Kirsh, Trevor Morgan, Gloria Smyly, Rishard Winford;
Noble – Savannah Anderson, Landen Funderburk, Joshua Ray;
Nolensville, Tennessee – Joseph Tappel;
Norfolk, Virginia – Samantha Broughton;
North Richland Hills, Texas – Cody Germany;
North York, Ontario – Alexander Comanita;
Oakdale – Clayton Ashworth, Staci Brown, Kirstin Richard;
Olla – Morgan Barbo, Cierra Evans, Tanner Terrell;
Opelousas – Jordan Brisco, Kenya Gradnigo, Amy Levier, Sheridan Mayo, Kayla Pitre;
Paincourtville – Hannah Brister;
Panama City, Florida – Adam Normand;
Paradis – Kaitlyn Dunn, Kallie Lutz;
Pearland, Texas – Clent Jones;
Pineville – Victoria Bordelon, Raegan Brocato, Kaitlyn Burns, Taylor Campbell, Caitlin Crawford, Deanna Daniel, Katlin Ernst, Victoria Gambino, Brooke Gongre, Kaitlyn Jackson, Landon King, Laura Lachney, Carlee Lake, Jeffery Lepage, Emily Litton, James Perry, Cinnamon Player, Hannah Pusateri, Diane Richey, Rachel Rudd, Amaria Sapp, Jordan Sensat, Micah St. Andre, Reygan Taylor, Jaclyn Whatley, Rodney Williams;
Plain Dealing – Nicholas Cason;
Plano, Texas – Asher Van Meter;
Plaucheville – Matthew Armand;
Pleasant Hill – Makenzi Patrick, Yasmine Maxie;
Pollock – Tanner Brazil, Erika Clark, Dalton Kopp, Samantha Wilber,
Pollok, Texas – Katelyn Boles;
Ponchatoula – Kaitlyn Hawkins;
Port Allen – Kennedy Cullen, Evan Daigle, Samantha Moses;
Port Barre – Lauren Deville, Skylar Guidroz, Kirsten Sonnier;
Prairieville – Donesha Blount, Lauren Breaux, Claire Credeur, Chloe Lambert, Kyle Munson, Ellise Vice, Derek Walle, Brady Wilson;
Princeton – Micah Larkins, Alyssia Mobley, Katelyn Nattin, Ariell Shield;
Provencal – Rachel Head, Christopher Jennings, Samantha Toro;
Puyallup, Washington – Aine Oh;
Quitman – Cassie Tucker;
Raceland – Paige Parks, DQuincy McGuire;
Rayne – Bailey Beard, Bishop Breaux;
Rayville – Emily Rawls, Terry Rogers, Leslie Sharbono;
Reno, Nevada – Olivia Marazzo, Sydney Oren;
Richardson, Texas – Riley Cantrell, Lauren-Ashley Clarke;
Ringgold – Joseph Hays, Terreny Langford, Lauren Nelson, Olivia Prado, Aileecia Tipton, Darrion Sims, Caleb Vining, Tyler Weathers;
River Ridge – Alexander Thibodeau, Taylor Young;
Robeline – Chad Berly, Jonathan Chism, Hunter DuBois, Alecia Eddleman, Kelsey Elkins, Hannah Hennigan, Richard McCollum, Morgan Neugent, Ember O’Bannon, Megan Palmer, Lillian Rachal, Tyler Tousek, Jeffrey Watley;
Rosepine – Emilee Johnson;
Rosharon, Texas – Whitney Washington;
Ruston – Irene Hild, Lara Schales, Jamesha Woods;
Saint Amant – Kylie Nix;
Saint Bernard – Emily Snyder;
Saint Francisville – Robert Burke, Claire Leming, Ryan Reed;
Saint Gervais la Foret, France – Marcelline Poitevin;
Saint Martinville – Chaselyn Lewis;
Saline – Isabella Jones, Malayna Poche;
San Antonio, Texas – Hayden Brown, Paris Finkbeiner, Kelli Gamble;
San Pedro Sula, Cortes, Colombia – Jose Bustillo Aguero, Cesia Corrales, Bella Trimino Gutierrez;
Saratoga, Arkansas – Christie Sain;
Scott – Hannah Durgin, Taylor Joseph;
Scurry, Texas – Rebecca Blackshear;
Shantow City, China – Zhixin Lin;
Shongaloo – Kayla Mouser;
Shreveport – DayJah Alexander, Maria Awwad, Shakendra Bailey, Erin Batts, Antanae Baylock, JiKeeriya-Jontay Bowden, Rakeisha Brown, Anquaneshia Burnham, Kaylan Campbell, Neeley Caudle, Kesherion Collins, Hannah Crnkovic, Kendall Crosby, April Daniels, Joslyn Davis, Destiny Deal, Kevin Denks, Kimberly Dennis, Kaitlyn Doyal, Chenara Dredden, Laura Mary-Katherine Duhon, Shalanda Duncan, Reagan Escude, Chloe Farrar, Jenna Fielder, Sterlin Foster, Jamie French, Tyler Gardner, JaSae Gatlin, Rayvin Gaudet, Evan Gibson, Karina Goodnight, Lauren Gore, Ashleigh Grace, Anna Green, Elaina Guerrero, Matthew Haltom, Jennifer Hardey, Regyne Hardy, Kelsey Harlow, Madison Harper, Kimberly Housley, Shleby Hunter, Madyson Istre, Jazzmine Jackson, Caitlin Johnson, Carly Johnson, Christopher Johnson, Jada Johnson, Zachary Johnson, William Mahoney, Caitlyn Malloy, LaTonya Martin, Aysia Mills, Acquiria Mitchell, Dylan Molenhour, Shanautica Montgomery, Kelly Moody, Kendall Murray, Aaron Navarre, Hannah Nicholls, Olivia Noonan, Annabelle Parker, Soleil Paterson, Mary Murray, Michael Phelps, Hayden Pilcher, Laura Pritchard, Bailey Rech, Nahjee Reid, Mallori Sanders, Kendall Sanford, Angelica Satcher, Yuriana Sauseda, Katherine Sawyer, Lawson Scott, Cynthia Shahriar, Shermaine Shorter, Mary Sibley, Ciara Sipes, Richard Sloan, Jessica Sowers, Lindsey Sullivan, Jordan Taylor, Joyce Taylor, Rodnisha Terry, Anne Tibbit, Chloe Vance, Kayla Waller, Lajayda Williams, Suzanne Williams, Kristy Wilson, Jonathan Zavalydriga;
Simmesport – Olivia Draper, Taylor Myers;
Simpson – David Marquis, Christina Snider;
Singer – Emily Smith;
Slidell – Rikki Ayers, Brittany Brooks, Jacqueline Coleman, Shakera Dixon, Jordan Garcia, Thomas Garner, Claire Harvey, William Jensen, Tristan Johnson, Allyssa Marshall, Isabel Melhado, Kha Nguyen, John Norvel, Theresa Sharp, Raina Woods;
Spain – Judit Castillo Gargallo;
Spring, Texas – Victoria Harris;
St. Francisville – Emeria Jones;
St. Martinville – Cassandra Zenon;
Starks – Sara Hyatt, Melina Royer;
Stonewall – Carolyn Davlin, Emmy Hinds, Tobert Mcallen, Hunter Tuck, Jonathan Perot, Hunter Tuck;
Sulphur – Andrina Ferguson, Madeline Fortenberry, Derek Henry, Helen-Lois Mancil, Trevor Molitor, Elisabeth Perez, Makenzie Simon, Justin Sittig, Andrew Stephens, Shelby Sullivan, Sonya Wren;
Sunset – Deandra Eaglin, Sonia Vidrine;
Talihina, Oklahoma – Heidi Couch;
Taylor, Texas – Jake English;
Texarkana, Texas – Sydney Cowgill, Cody Hambly, Jasmine Neal;
Texarkana, Arkansas – Monique Walker, Kenneth Williams;
Thibodaux – Beth Olin, Cierra Winch;
Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania – Brianna Morosco;
Trout – Harley Lisenby, Kalee McGuffee;
Tupelo, Mississippi – Bailey Griffin;
Vidalia – Charles Johnson, Brittany Kennedy;
Ville Platte – Regan Hazelton;
Vinton – Shae Cramer, Kelsie Rayon, Madison Zaunbrecher;
Vivian – Jaylon Berry, Hannah Campbell, Chase Lewis;
Warrenton, Virginia – Melissa Martinez;
Washington – Madelyn Dupont, Ambrieanna Lazard;
Waskom, Texas – Mary Alexander, Blakely Canfield;
Waynesboro, Mississippi – David Hodo;
Welsh – Edna Hofmann, Daniel Menard;
West, Texas – Nathan Nors;
West Monroe – Abigail Beck, Brandy Chapman, Alexandra Clack, Kirstin Elrod, Brianna Fife, Evelyn Maguire, Cassandra Phillips, Candyce Steele, Melissa Taylor, Syroi Webb, Christopher Wynn;
Westwego – Tja’h Edwards;
Wills Point, Texas – Rebekah Clark;
Winnfield – Jermesia Anderson, Taylor Burnett, Mia County, Ashlyn Duck, Rhonda Duff, Jourdan Fitzgerald, Hunter Johnson, Kayla Jones, Caitlyn Martin, Tenisha Phillips, Avonna Wilson;
Winnsboro – Samantha Browning, Hunter Cooper, Darrel Doyle, A’Lexus Johnson;
Winter Springs, Florida – Justin Garretson;
Youngsville – Blair Fontenot, Charli Fontenot, Brette Reaux, Isabelle Vivien;
Zachary – Lydia Johnson, Chasity Matthews, Demetriona Goudeau;
Zwolle – Kierstyn Cartinez, Hillary Charles, Michantwana Lacey, Courtney McDaniel, Holly Laroux, Konner Parrie, Treveon Perrty, Marcelina Remedies;
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nightcoremoon · 6 years
Metalheads are boring
Let me preface this.
I like System of a Down, Tool, Motorhead, Marilyn Manson, White Zombie, Rage Against the Machine, Black Label Society, Killswitch Engage, Mudvayne, Slipknot, Sepultura, In This Moment, All That Remains, Avenged Sevenfold, Lacuna Coil, Ill Niño, Godsmack, Disturbed, Stone Sour, Five Finger Death Punch, Bullet for my Valentine, Drowning Pool, Ozzy Osbourne, Babymetal, Motionless in White, Bring Me the Horizon, Beartooth, Pierce the Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, I Prevail, Memphis May Fire, Chunk! No Captain Chunk, Pop Evil, Linkin Park, Celldweller, Stabbing Westward, Static X, Rammstein, From Ashes to New, KoRn, Thousand Foot Krutch, Drist, The Deftones, Disturbed, Soulfly, Nonpoint, Taproot, Blind Guardian, Within Temptation, Apocalyptica, Trans Siberian Orchestra, Iron Maiden, Anthrax, Megadeth, Metallica, Pantera, Machine Head, Trivium, Atreyu, Amon Amarth, Opeth, Arch Enemy, Carnifex, and a handful of other bands.
When I was a child, I listened to the music of my parents and guardians. My dad liked The Beastie Boys, Rage Against the Machine, NWA, Megadeth, Black Label Society, Alice In Chains, Faith No More. My mom liked The Beastie Boys, Godsmack, Joan Osborne, Disturbed, Santana, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Avenged Sevenfold, Steve Miller Band. My stepdad liked Days of the New, Black Sabbath, Pantera, KoRn, Metallica. My stepmom liked Static X and what my dad liked. My uncle liked Eminem, Machine Head, Five Finger Death Punch. My grandma liked The Beatles, Boston, Ted Nugent, Bob Dylan. My grandpa liked Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, Peter Gabriel, jazz bassists. Another set of grandparents liked Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, Garth Brooks, Reba McEntire, The Dixie Chicks.
Going into middle school I exclusively listened to mainstream rock radio. Metal, grunge, metal, 90s pop punk, and metal. Nirvana, Green Day, Bullet for my Valentine, The Offspring, Avenged Sevenfold, 3 Days Grace, Metallica, Slipknot, Breaking Benjamin... second tier emo bullshit and basic metal. I was just shy of BVB, MCR, FOB, and P!atD days, because I only bordered on alternative.
Going into high school I was only into metal. Melodic death metal and metalcore were my genre. I had no need for anything else because "pop is shit, country is dumb, rap is just about sex and money and weed, and there is literally nothing else in the world except for classical". I had an appreciation for classical, I was in band. I just loved music, and metal was simply the most musical genre I had access to.
And then I started to expand my horizons.
Long story short, I now listen to pop (Ke$ha, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, Carly Rae Jensen, Avril Lavigne, Shakira, Gwen Stefani, Tegan & Sarah, P!nk, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, and of course fucking BEYONCÉ), hip hop, blues, jazz, funk, soul, r&b, bluegrass, rap, reggae, indie, folk, electro swing, a dozen different kinds of electronic music, various piano ballads and orchestral pieces. Basically the entire spectrum of listenable music aside from... vaporwave, idk what else there is. But a bunch of stuff that metalheads typically reject.
"Wow, you listen to pop? What are you, fucking gay? I only listen to REAL music like Slayer and Morbid Angel and Cannibal Corpse and Death and Lamb of God and *unreadable sludge that says something like 'toxic abortion' or 'sludge genocide' or 'poison heretic' or 'cthulu fucker' or 'factory of conformity' or 'paranoia phobia' or 'suicidal harvester' or 'darkness captor' or 'bitch farm' or 'murderbaby' or 'fetal annihilator' or 'anal cunt'* and Analcunt! Not shitty terrible pop music! I'm not a sheep! AND IM NOT GAY!"
I'm just like. You can like both. You dumb fucks.
If you can't appreciate Beyoncé in between hearing death metal songs, you're just wrong. No style of music is superior to any other kind. You're not better than everybody else because you think you're the only person in the world who knows who Goatwhore and Behemoth are.
I love metal.
But goddamn do I hate metal fans.
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JOMP BPC - November 15th - Disabled Character
I loved reading this Australian YA about a girl with type 1 diabetes and depression earlier this year. an emotional, fascinating book
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sarahburness · 6 years
Are You Wasting Your Time?
“Life is what happens while we’re busy worrying about everything we need to change or accomplish. Slow down, get mindful, and try to enjoy the moment. This moment is your life.” ~Lori Deschene
I was on my way to work. At the time I worked at a bar. It was a Thursday night and my shift started at 8:50 PM. I was running late. I was in a hurry. It happened a block away from my job.
The green light changed and the world stopped. The next thing I remembered I was waking up in an ambulance. The paramedics asked me if I knew what had happened. They asked me if I knew where I was, but everything was a blank.
I don’t remember how it happened. I don’t remember much of anything to this day. Just that I was driving to work, and next thing I knew there was a woman at my driver side window telling me she was calling for help and an ambulance would be there shortly.
I was hysterical. I had no clue what was going on. Why was she calling an ambulance? What happened? Was someone hurt? Reality was split. Some part of me was in the car while the other was eons away. I blacked out.
A police officer came while I was in the hospital. He said I had been hit in the passenger side of my car by a Chrysler Town & Country minivan. There were four eighteen-year-old boys inside. They were all okay.
I started to remember the accident a few days after it happened. I remembered being slumped over in the passenger seat bleeding and crying.
At that time I didn’t realize I was hurt, I didn’t even know what had happened. All I remembered were the thoughts going through my head. Not if I would be paralyzed or seriously injured. Not if I would get the chance to go to college in the fall. All I could think was “I’m going to be late for work.”
At that moment, instead of thinking about the things I cared about, all of my obligations plagued me all at once.
That experience got me thinking, why was it that the first thing on my mind was work, weekend obligations, and chores? Why would my subconscious draw my attention to these things? Why was my boss, of all people, the first person I called? Were my life and my family less important than my job?
I did a lot of thinking about that night in the next few months that followed. It was the scariest moment of my life. Not because I could have been badly injured or worse, but because it was the first time I realized my priorities were all wrong. The things I stressed and worried about didn’t really matter in the scheme of things.
It’s been five years since the accident, but in those years I’ve realized a few things:
1. Everything is temporary, whether pain or pleasure.
My eighteen-year-old brain started to realize this after the car accident but didn’t fully grasp it until later five years later. At the time, totaling my car, sustaining the mild but painful injuries, and having to still be an adult and go to work and family events, seemed like the worst thing in the world. I didn’t want to do any of it. At times through college I experienced a similar kind of grief when life just seemed to pile up and crush me under the weight of responsibility.
Even when the world feels like it will stop, it doesn’t. Life goes on. You figure out a way to move on with it, and the pain it eventually falls away.
2. Always be grateful.
Be grateful even when it feels like you have nothing to be grateful for. Be the most grateful when times are hard because it reminds you how lucky you are when things are good. Learning to accept what life gives you and how to love the journey takes practice, patience, and a thankful heart.
For a while after the accident I went through life feeling really angry. I was mad that I didn’t have my car. I wanted to sue the boys that hit me. It took time but I realized what happened to me wasn’t the end of the world. I had all my limbs and I had the rest of my life to look forward to.
3. If we waste our time stressing about the little things we will always be stressed.
Once coming to the conclusion that all things are temporary it’s easier to let go of the little things because you know that they aren’t worth getting stressed about. Give yourself the five-year rule. If it won’t matter five years from now (and most things won’t matter five weeks from now), don’t let yourself get too worked up about it.
4. We all get the same amount of time each day, and it’s up to us how we spend it.
I had this teacher in high school, Mr. Fails, who stressed the fact that we all get the same amount of seconds in a day, and it is up to us to use that time wisely. We let our priorities dictate our use of time, but are our priorities in order? Do we use our time to improve? To learn as much as we can and continue to grow?
I wasn’t in the frame of mind to do that yet, and I wouldn’t be for the next few years. The more twists and turns my life took and the more I saw people change without growing, the more I thought about the constraints time can have.
I decided that the most important thing I can do with my seconds is what makes me happy, which is seeing myself learn and grow, through writing, through life’s challenges, and through life’s blessings.
When is the last time you did something that made you happy? I don’t mean temporality happy; I don’t mean that summer vacation you went on that was exciting for a second. I mean the kind of happiness that lingers, that you can think about and still smile, the kind of happiness that you get from great love, or doing something you never thought possible.
Too often we base our happiness on tangible objects—houses, cars, clothes, and stupid things that give us a quick buzz of instant gratification. The kind of things that will only give you joy for a blip of time in the scheme of things.
Real happiness comes from using our time in a way that feels authentic and meaningful to us. For some, that might mean making major life changes, But this also can mean spending more time with the people we live, or enjoying the little things that we might deprioritize when we’re focused on work and our goals.
Life doesn’t guarantee much, but it does guarantee that there will be 86,400 seconds in a day. You don’t have a right to those seconds and I can’t guarantee that you will get them, but, with you or without you, they will tick by.
When you are going into your dead-end job every day, when you are in an unhappy relationship that is going nowhere, and when you are spending your time unsatisfied with the life you’ve created, I want you to remember that you have 86,400 seconds every day, and it’s your choice how you use them. Are you wasting your time?
If you are, because you think you have it to waste, or you think that the seconds aren’t as important as the hours and days, if you are constantly telling yourself that you will do it tomorrow, remember this: in the time it took you to read this article…
Someone died in a car accident, someone else was abducted, someone just committed suicide, someone was shot, someone was married, someone had a baby, someone was reunited with a loved one, someone was wrongfully convicted, someone was bullied, someone is crying, someone beat cancer, someone died of cancer, someone cheated on their wife, and someone found hope.
All that and more has happened while you sat there and read this. There are bad things happening in this world, and there are beautiful things happening in this world. You never know what’s coming, so why waste the little time you may have?
Find what makes you happy and do it! Don’t wait for the right moment; it may never come. Don’t make up excuses because there is always a way. You might not be able to make major changes instantly, but you can make tiny shifts in your daily life and take tiny steps toward the life you want to create.
Too many people waste their precious time worrying about what might be, could have been, and will never happen. Be the kind of person that spends their time loving, living, and letting go of what is unimportant.
About Carly Nugent
Carly started She Is So Lucky to inspire women to believe that they can have, do, and be whatever they want and motivate them to achieve their goals. Through articles on health and wellness, positive vibes, and beauty tips, she gives them the tools they need to spark their passion and achieve greatness! You can find her on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook.
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The post Are You Wasting Your Time? appeared first on Tiny Buddha.
from Tiny Buddha https://tinybuddha.com/blog/are-you-wasting-your-time/
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poettier · 6 years
Nike “Until We All Win" from Elastic on Vimeo.
Client: Nike
Agency: W+K PORTLAND Global Creative Directors: Alberto Ponte, Ryan O’Rourke Creative Directors: Chris Groom, Antony Goldstein Copywriter: Darcie Burrell Art Director: Patty Orlando Head of Production: Matt Hunnicutt Senior Producer: Molly Tait Tanen Producer: Katie McCain Creative Management: John Radaza Studio Designer: Deb Lee
Retoucher: Fraizer Goodbody Strategic Planning: Andy Lindblade, Nathan Goldberg Media/Comms Planning: Reme DeBisschop, Ryan Craven, Justin Bradly Account Team: Chris Willingham, Vanessa Miller, Anna Boteva, Carly Williamson Senior Business Affairs Manager: Alicia Willett Broadcast Traffic: Tim Bell, Maggie Harasyn ____________________________________________________________________________­­­­­­­
VFX VFX Studio: a52
 VFX Supervisor: Andy Rafael Barrios 
2D VFX Artist(s): Andy Rafael Barrios, Dan Ellis, Gabe Sanchez 
Roto Artists: Tiffany Germann 
Producer: Michael Steinmann Production Coordinator: Andrew Rosenberger 
Executive Producers: Patrick Nugent & Kim Christensen 
Managing Director: Jennifer Sofio Hall
Design Studio: Elastic Creative Director: Angus Wall, Lisa Bolan Designers: Kaya Thomas, Pete Sickbert-Bennett, Charles Khoury Animators: Charles Khoury, Julia Wright, Peter Murphy, Steven Do, Mark Feldman, Earl Burnley Producer: Michael Steinmann Producer: Michael Ross Head of Production: Kate Berry Executive Producer: Luke Colson Managing Director: Jennifer Sofio Hall ____________________________________________________________________________
EDITORIAL Editorial Company: Exile Editor: Katie Turinski, Steve Nelson Post Producer: Vietan Nguyen, Melissa Tanzer Executive Post Producer: Sasha Hirschfeld ____________________________________________________________________________
COLOR Company: a52 Colorist: Paul Yacono Color Producer: Jenny Bright ____________________________________________________________________________
MUSIC Artist: Oneohtrix Point Never Song: Boring Angel Sound Designer: Noah Woodburn ____________________________________________________________________________
MIX Audio Post Studio: Eleven Sound Audio Mixer: Jeff Payne Audio Assistant: Andrew Smith Executive Producer: Melissa Elston Producer: Maddee Bonniot
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JOMP BPC - July 22nd - Colours
just a stack of some colourful spines 🌈
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it’s Booklr Reads Australian Eve!
I’ve just gone and raided my library’s ebook catalogue to borrow all the books I wanna read 😂 I found most of my TBR but I’m so annoyed that one of the books was there last week but isn’t there now
anyway, I thought I’d take a quick moment to ask: what book are you starting the challenge with? 👀
I haven’t completely nailed down my decision but it’s probably going to be either Sugar by Carly Nugent or Inkflower by Suzy Zail ☺️
I’m so excited to start the challenge with you all! and if this is the first you’re seeing of it, it’s never too late to join! (unless you’re reading this on September 1st lol) grab an Aussie book and get reading! 
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